Hibiscus fiori grande care at home. Hibiscus indoor care at home

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To decorate apartments, residential buildings, office premises, as well as in landscape design, the hibiscus plant, or Chinese rose, or Chinese rose is often used. It's hard not to notice this gorgeous shrub with huge beautiful flowers.

The plant belongs to the Malvaceae family. Rosean can grow as a tree shrub, tree or herbaceous plant.

Its habitat is southern China and India, but the shrub has taken root well in tropical and subtropical countries. In Korea, its flower is recognized as national, and its image is minted on Malaysian coins.

The name of the tree consists of two parts. The first part characterizes the flower, which looks like a large rose, the second – the country of growth.

Chinese hibiscus

The leaves of the Chinese rose are carved, glossy, leathery, dark green in color. The flower is large, growing up to 16 cm in diameter. Many varieties of Chinese hibiscus have been developed with flowers in red, white, yellow, orange and pink colors. By appearance they are divided into regular and terry.

The Chinese rose lives for about 30 years. In its natural habitat it can reach a height of 3 m.

Street Chinese rose

Hibiscus adapts to growing both indoors and outdoors. Young shoots of hibiscus are used for cooking, and tea is brewed from its buds. Rosean is also grown for medicinal purposes.

Chinese rose propagation

How to propagate hibiscus at home? The Chinese rose tree can be propagated in two ways: cuttings and growing from seeds.

The most preferred method of propagating hibiscus is cuttings. It is the simplest and least labor-intensive, and the seedling always inherits all the characteristics of the mother plant.

Attention! A tree obtained by propagation by cuttings will bloom within a year.


Rosen branches, which remain after pruning the bush, or a specially cut cutting with the apical part of the shoot, are used as planting material. The prepared parts of the branches must have two or more internodes.

Cutting cuttings of Chinese rose

There are two methods for rooting:

  1. Place the cut parts of the shoots in a jar of water. After the roots appear, the seedlings need to be transplanted into a pot with prepared soil.
  2. You can root the cuttings directly in the soil. The soil should be loose and light. You can use sand. The cuttings are stuck into the soil. In order to maintain optimal conditions for rooting for the cuttings, cover the top of the planting with a plastic bag or glass jar to create a mini-greenhouse. Periodically remove the jar and ventilate the plantings. This will remove condensation and prevent the occurrence of fungal diseases of seedlings.

The room temperature must be maintained within +22-25°C.

Within 1-2 months after planting, the cuttings grow roots and can be transplanted to a permanent place.

Growing from seeds

The tree can reproduce by seeds. With this breeding option, the shrub will bloom no earlier than in three years.

How to grow Chinese hibiscus from seeds at home? This option is more labor-intensive compared to cuttings. You can get the seeds yourself or purchase them at the store.

The procedure for growing hibiscus is as follows:

  1. The seeds are pre-soaked in warm water for several hours. For planting, those located at the bottom of the container are used. Empty seeds that have floated to the surface are not suitable for planting. It is advisable to add a growth stimulator to a container of water. It is also recommended to disinfect them after this in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  2. Place the seeds on a damp cloth to germinate. Cover them with a damp cloth on top. When sprouting, the rags must be constantly moistened so that they do not dry out.

Hibiscus seeds

  1. After the sprouts appear, the seeds must be carefully planted in a prepared glass with soil. As a substrate, you can mix peat and sand in equal parts. Planting is done either in pre-moistened soil, or after planting the soil is moistened with a spray bottle.
  2. Plantings need to be covered with glass or polyethylene to obtain an improvised mini-greenhouse.
  3. Daily care consists of ventilating the greenhouse, spraying the substrate with water and maintaining the temperature at least 25°C.
  4. After the seedlings have a third leaf, they need to be picked and planted in separate small containers.

Picking Chinese rose seedlings

In their first flower pots, young Chinese roses will continue to grow until they are transplanted into larger containers.

Caring for seedlings and saplings

When seedlings and seedlings are planted in individual containers, they need to be cared for in the same way as adult plants.

With proper care, the growth rate of young plants is quite high. To form a beautiful lush crown, the tops of the shoots are periodically pinched.

Young seedlings require annual transplants. To do this, select a pot slightly larger in diameter than the previous one. At the bottom, a drainage layer must be created, consisting of small pieces of brick or expanded clay.

It is better to replant the plant using the transshipment method. With this transplantation option, the risk of injury to the hibiscus roots is virtually eliminated.

Empty spaces in the pot are filled with prepared soil. For the plant, you can use the soil substrate in which citrus fruits are grown. Before planting, add a little sand to it. You can prepare the soil yourself. To do this, mix turf and leaf soil in equal parts and add 1/3 of humus, sand and charcoal.

Formation of indoor hibiscus

The Chinese rose must be pruned. Pruning is necessary to form a beautiful crown of the plant, thin it out and stimulate the flowering of the tree.

Before you start forming a plant, you need to decide on the type of future hibiscus. It is usually grown as a standard tree or as a bush.

Standard Chinese rose

When should you start growing hibiscus from scratch? In young Chinese roses, formation begins when the seedling has reached a height of 13-15 cm.

If a plant is formed in the form of a standard tree, then the central shoot is pinched. This stimulates the growth of lateral processes. Since a young plant has a thin trunk, when forming a tree it is best to tie the trunk to some kind of support, for example, a wooden stick.

If a bush is formed, then several buds located below are left on the central trunk, the rest of it is cut off. The branches of the future bush will grow from them. After about 3 months, the grown shoots are also pruned.

When forming a rose, dry and damaged shoots are cut out, as well as branches that grow inside the crown or parallel to the main ones.

The cut is made at an angle of 45° using ordinary scissors. When choosing a cutting location, pay attention to the position of the bud or leaf over which the cut is made. They should be located on the outside of the branch. In this case, shoot growth will be directed away from the crown.

It is advisable to prune the flower in February and autumn. In summer, pruning is not recommended, as this may delay the flowering of the bush.

With proper pruning, the tree can be grown into a bonsai.

Caring for an adult tree

Caring for a Chinese rose tree at home is simple. It includes timely watering, pruning, fertilizing and creating conditions for wintering.

Watering mode

Between February and October, the plant is watered abundantly. Watering is carried out when the top layer of soil has dried. The water is taken warm and settled. After watering, the excess water that ends up in the pan is drained.

For the plant during the growing season, air humidity should be maintained at 70%. Therefore, if the summer is hot, then foliar watering or spraying is carried out.

Top dressing

During the growing season, for normal development of the plant, the bush needs to be fertilized. It is best to purchase ready-made mineral compositions intended for flowering plants. When choosing fertilizers, preference is given to those that contain a small percentage of phosphorus.

Mineral fertilizers should be alternated with organic matter. An infusion of chicken manure (concentration 1:20) or cow manure (concentration 1:12) is used as organic fertilizer.

Attention! You cannot fertilize newly transplanted plants.

Plants must be fertilized on wet soil. If the soil is dry, you can burn the leaves.

Usually the bush is fertilized once every 2-3 weeks.

During the flowering period

Hibiscus blooms over 3 seasons - beginning in spring and ending in autumn. Some specimens can throw out buds even in winter.

A blossoming flower stays on the branch for no more than 1-2 days, then falls off, but a new bud blooms to replace it.

Chinese rose flower

To obtain sufficient lighting, hibiscus is installed near windows oriented to the southeast or southwest. When installed on a southern windowsill, the flower is protected from direct sunlight.

During this period, the temperature is maintained at +18-20°C.

From spring to autumn, the plant can be placed in the garden or on the balcony. The main requirement when choosing a location is diffused light, protection from wind and drafts.

During the rest period

In winter, the plant should rest. To do this, the room temperature is reduced, the frequency and volume of watering is reduced. To determine the need for watering, loosen the soil in the pot with a stick to a depth of several centimeters. If it is dry, then watering is carried out; if only the thin top layer is dry, then watering is not carried out.

Daylight hours are maintained for 6-8 hours. If there is a lack of natural light, additional artificial lighting is provided. You can use a phytolamp specifically for these purposes.

The optimal temperature for wintering the plant is +15-18°C.

Attention! The air temperature cannot be lowered below +10°C. At low temperatures the plant dies.

Also at this time the flower does not need frequent feeding. Fertilize the bush no more than once a month with phosphorus-potassium compounds, or do not fertilize at all.

If the air in the room is very dry, then spray the Chinese rose with warm soft water.

Preparing for winter

In autumn, hibiscus leaves may fall off. In this case, the bare stems are cut off. The shoots are cut off and small shoots (a few centimeters) are left.

Also, gradually reduce watering so that in winter the reduction in the amount of water is not drastic.

By autumn, nitrogen-containing additives are eliminated so as not to provoke active shoot growth. At this time, it is recommended to feed the Chinese rose with a potassium-phosphorus composition. Fertilize no more than once a month.

Why doesn't the Chinese rose bloom?

Flower growers often wonder what to do when hibiscus does not bloom. Many people claim that they take proper care of the plant, including watering, fertilizing, and temperature conditions.

One of the reasons why hibiscus does not bloom is that the tree does not have enough light. The Chinese rose blooms only when it receives sufficient light. In this case, you need to take the flower pot out to the balcony or garden. You can try moving it to a south windowsill.

Also, another answer to the question of why the Chinese rose does not bloom is untimely pruning. The fact is that flower shoots can only be young. It is on them that the buds are laid. Therefore, in order to force the hibiscus to form new buds, after flowering you need to remove the dried flower along with part of the shoot.

Attention! Chinese roses may not bloom if the plant is not provided with a normal winter. This may be due to increased ambient temperatures during this period, which negatively affects the formation of buds.

Another reason is to transplant the tree into a very large pot. Flowering plants form buds only when their root system fills the entire volume of the pot.

The bush may throw out buds, but they do not open and soon dry out and fall off. This may be due to lack of moisture, nutrients or low temperature. Also, due to lack of moisture and nutrients, the leaves will turn yellow.

Yellowed hibiscus leaf

If there are flowers, but in small quantities, and the bush mainly grows green mass, it means that the plant receives nitrogen fertilizers in excess. It could also be due to insufficient lighting.

The Chinese rose is a plant that will organically fit into the interior of any home or decorate a garden plot.

An attractive plant called hibiscus is already familiar to many gardeners. The tropical plant is usually represented by shrubs or trees, but there are species of annual and perennial herbs. Often grown in greenhouses or at home to decorate a space.

Description and types of plants

Hibiscus belongs to the Malvaceae family. It grows in the tropics and subtropics of the Old and New Worlds. Hibiscus includes up to 240 species, which differ in shape, appearance of leaves and color of flowers. Typically the plants reach 2–3 m in height and are characterized by large, beautiful flowers 5–30 cm in diameter. Fruits with fibrous or fluffy seeds are presented in small capsules, divided into 5 leaves.

The most common types of hibiscus:

  • Syrian. This species is also called the “Syrian rose”. Its homeland is China. The tree-like shrub reaches 5–6 meters in height. The length of the bright green ovate leaves is 9–10 cm. Large flowers in white, pink or purple shades are simple and double. Their diameter is 10–12 cm.
  • Trifoliate. The native land of this plant is North and Central America. Annual hibiscus is characterized by a straight, branched stem with tripartite, petiolate leaves. It usually grows up to 70–80 cm. The flowers are cream or yellowish in color with a red center and tend to open for several hours from morning to noon.
  • Chinese. The most common indoor type. The dark green oval leaves have serrated edges. Chinese hibiscus usually has bright red flowers, but varieties are available in yellow, white, orange and pink. Flowers open for two days. Flowering lasts from May to September.
  • Bolotny. This hibiscus is often grown to decorate hedges. The bright flowers have medicinal properties. With proper care, you can achieve year-round flowering of the plant.
  • Terry. The evergreen species is distinguished by large white flowers that last no more than a day. Bright green leaves add beauty to the plant. Terry hibiscus needs good light and abundant watering.
  • Cosmatofruitous. Herbaceous hibiscus requires open ground in the southern regions. The large flowers have a burgundy spot on the throat and foliage similar to that of a sunflower. They bloom for no more than one day when half-opened.
  • Volatile. This species is sometimes called the "crazy rose." The flowers really do resemble roses. From the beginning to the end of flowering, the hibiscus gradually changes its color from white to crimson.
  • Edible. The annual plant reaches a height of 2.5 m. The flowers are pink, orange or yellow. The taste of the fruit is reminiscent of eggplant or asparagus.
  • Hybrid. Numerous varieties are obtained by crossing red, swamp and holly hibiscus. Hybrids are distinguished by high frost resistance, abundant and long flowering, and ease of care.

On their plots, summer residents usually grow Syrian, or garden, hibiscus. The street variety is grown as a standard tree or shrub that does not exceed one and a half meters in height. In latitudes with a warm climate, the plant does not require complex care, but in harsh temperatures you will have to take good care of creating favorable conditions for the growth and development of hibiscus.

Garden hibiscus blooms from July to October. Flowers can be of different shades. In Russia they take root only frost-resistant varieties, which tolerate organized winter dormancy very well. Protecting the roots from the cold involves mulching the soil with dry leaves or grass and creating a shelter for the plant. With the onset of spring, old branches are removed and new shoots are pinched to form a crown.

Planting in open ground

To plant seedlings, it is necessary to choose a permanent place, because hibiscus can grow for two decades. You need to choose a well-lit place. It is desirable that there are no drafts or wind in this area. The soil must be fertile and permeable. By the way, hibiscus can be grown next to roses, with which they get along well.

The size of the hole for the seedling depends on its root system. The hole is made 2 times larger than the earthen ball with roots. The bottom of the pit is treated with a thick drainage layer of broken brick, a ten-centimeter layer of sand, a 15-cm layer of compost and a second layer of sand. For sprinkling, soil mixed with sand and peat is used. The seedling is lowered into the recess so that the root collar is partially underground. The hole is filled with prepared soil.

Then hilling is carried out, with the help of which a recess is formed with the plant at the bottom. The plant is watered abundantly and the soil is allowed to dry completely, after which the excavation is filled with soil and leveled with the surface of the site.

If hibiscus is planted in the autumn, the ground around the plant needs to be mulched and necessarily tied with spruce branches.

Care and cultivation of hibiscus

To grow a beautiful and healthy tree in your garden, you need to know simple rules on how to care for hibiscus.

When young shoots appear, old ones should be removed immediately. Dried branches should be disposed of in a timely manner. Be sure to monitor the plant so that it is not too dense. The soil is loosened and weeds are removed regularly.

In the summer season, hibiscus is necessary feed with fertilizers and containing nitrogen and phosphorus, every two weeks. Before hibernation, the plant is fertilized with fertilizers containing potassium.

As already mentioned, hibiscus flowers live for about a day and then fade. With proper care and cultivation, you can enjoy beautiful flowers for a long time, of which many appear one after another, which is why the withering of old specimens seems imperceptible. But we must not forget to remove faded flowers in time.

Water hibiscus regularly, but only after the top layer of soil has completely dried. During dry periods, daily watering is necessary.

If there is a need to replant tree-like bushes, then it should be done in early spring before flowering begins. For herbaceous varieties, rhizomes can be separated. Transplanted plants are watered abundantly and cared for as usual.

Rest period

Fallen leaves in autumn are used to mulch the ground where hibiscus grow:

  • If you plan to overwinter a garden plant outdoors, then in November a frame with stretched spunbond, lutrasil or agrotex is built for it. If the region where the plants are grown is characterized by very cold winters, then the bush or tree is covered with three-layer spruce branches, which saves not only from the frost itself, but also from overheating of the plant.
  • Some people prefer not to risk the harsh winter climate and dig up garden hibiscus bushes to move them into temporary containers or pots in which they overwinter until spring in a cool place.

Plant pruning

Pruning a bush or tree is done to decorate the foliage or crown. Growing an attractively designed tree will require a lot of time and patience.

In young plants, a well-developed trunk is left, the remaining branches are pruned to two or three buds. Subsequent pruning of older specimens is done at the end of each winter. The side branches are shortened to 1-2 buds, and the trunk to 5-6 buds. And when the trunk grows to the required size, then it is already possible to form the crown of a hibiscus tree from well-developed shoots.

Hygienic pruning of the plant takes place in early spring with the removal of old, diseased or underdeveloped shoots. The remaining branches are shortened by a third to stimulate the growth of new buds.

Reproduction methods

Hibiscus is propagated by cuttings or seeds.

Seed method

Sowing of seeds takes place in January. Hibiscus seeds are treated for 30 minutes in a solution of potassium permanganate, and then 24 hours in a solution of Epin. Prepared sterile containers are filled with a mixture of peat and sand and seeds are planted in them. The containers are covered with film or glass and placed in a warm room with a temperature of +24–26 degrees. Containers should be regularly ventilated, removed from condensation and moistened. With the appearance of the first leaves, the seedlings dive into different pots.

If there is a lack of light, additional lighting can be provided using artificial lighting. Seedlings are planted in May. Garden hibiscus also reproduces by self-sowing.


In this way, the plant is propagated in the summer. Cuttings are cut with 2-3 internodes. A growth stimulator is applied to the lower cuts. Then they are planted in a peat substrate in a greenhouse with additional heating from below. Growing cuttings lasts a whole month.

For developed hibiscus, prepare a mixture of leaf and turf soil, peat and sand. The cuttings are transplanted into new containers with soil prepared for them. Grown shoots pinch to stimulate branching. Then the formed bushes are planted in open ground. With proper care, the plant can bloom in the first year after planting.

Disease and pest control

Hibiscus has a high degree of resistance to disease, but with typical mistakes in care and cultivation, the plant can become diseased or be invaded by insect pests.

Signs of hibiscus disease:

  • Yellowing of leaves. Deformation of the leaves may be due to chlorosis or injury to the roots that occurred during transplantation. To treat the root system, it is necessary to apply a few drops of Kornevin or Zircon, which are added with watering or spraying the plant. In case of chlorosis, you should add fertilizers with nitrogen and iron, which are not enough in the substrate. Sometimes the leaves turn yellow due to lack of moisture. In this case, you need to water the bushes and trees more often and more.
  • No flowering. Under favorable climatic conditions, a plant may not bloom if it lacks boron or phosphorus. Slow shoot growth indicates a lack of nitrogen. It is necessary to timely and definitely apply the necessary fertilizers to the soil so that trees and bushes grow and bloom.
  • Leaf fall. In the autumn this is the norm, but in the summer months this sign indicates improper watering, which is done insufficiently or in excess. In such a situation, the degree of soil moisture should be adjusted.

To get rid of thrips, spider mites, aphids and whiteflies, hibiscus is treated with insecticides once every 7-10 days. Another good neighbor for the plant will be lavender, which will repel these pests from the tree being grown.

Revered in the Pacific Islands, Hibiscus has received many names, and one of them is Chinese rose. It is this variety of Hibiscus that has taken root in the homes of modern people. Unpretentious in care, bright, bewitching Hibiscus attracts the attention of the most sophisticated viewer. It is especially good during the flowering period. Do you want to have a small tree in your home, decorated with unusual roses? Indoor Hibiscus will help make your dreams come true.

Short description

Homemade Hibiscus (Chinese rose) is an unpretentious flower. It is a tree (shrub) plant and belongs to the large Malvaceae family. Known to the general public since the middle of the last century. Originally used for propagation in botanical gardens.

It has a wide range of growth in the wild. Takes ancestral roots in the land of the rising sun. It is found in the lands of the Old and New Worlds with tropical and subtropical climates. In the wild, Hibiscus reaches its maximum size and can grow to a height of more than 3.5 meters (in a house it can grow to the ceiling). It has wonderful decorative characteristics for home use. Botanists count more than 15 species and varieties of Hibiscus. No more than 5 varieties are suitable for home keeping.

In the east, hibiscus is considered a cult plant. The Chinese attribute to it miraculous properties, such as: attracting goodness to the home, protection from dark energy, purification of the spirit. According to Feng Shui philosophy, blooming hibiscus has the power to attract financial well-being to the owner.

Care and maintenance of indoor hibiscus

Before you can grow a luxurious and blooming hibiscus, you need to be patient. Many years will pass before the small flower turns into a marvelous flowering tree with bright green leaves. Hibiscus grows slowly but surely.

By observing the necessary conditions for keeping Hibiscus, you are guaranteed to get an evergreen flowering plant in your home. A tropical plant, the magnificent Hibiscus loves good watering, bright lighting and high humidity. Let's study his needs and wishes in more detail.


During the growth period, the Hibiscus plant needs abundant and high-quality watering. This question is especially relevant in the summer. There are no clear standards for watering it. It is best to focus on the top layer of soil. A layer of soil that is too dry serves as a signal that it is time to water the flower.

For irrigation, use only “the right water”: filtered, settled, spring, melt or rain. Overwatering is dangerous for the root system. In order to optimize the watering regime, you can buy a soil moisture indicator. With such a device, the question “When to water Hibiscus?” will not arise.

The Chinese rose can withstand short-term drought, but you should not get carried away with it. Unlike succulents, it is not able to retain moisture. If for some reason the owners have not watered the Hibiscus for a long time, then it needs to be given a “tropical shower”. Thus, nourish all depleted parts of the plant with life-giving moisture.


Chinese rose (Hibiscus) grows well at temperatures from + 22 to + 28 degrees. If the temperature exceeds the norm, the flower may shed its buds. And if lower, then buds may not form at all. Hibiscus does not like drafts. Therefore, it is impossible to grow such a flower in a window with an open window. At temperatures below +8 degrees there is a risk of plant death.

.Air humidity

In its homeland, Hibiscus grows in conditions of high air humidity. To create favorable conditions in the house, the flower must be sprayed regularly, while trying to prevent water from getting on the buds and flowers.

In winter, pay special attention to air humidification. Do not place a pot of Chinese roses close to the central heating radiator. If this is not possible, then the battery should be covered with a wet towel, which is moistened as it dries.

An excellent solution would be to purchase an air humidifier. Such a device will be useful not only for the plant, but also for all family members.

Where to put a pot of Hibiscus flowers

Decoratively blooming Hibiscus loves sunlight. The south side of the apartment will suit him, provided that the flower pot does not stand on the windowsill. The slanting southern rays of the sun will fully provide him with the need for sun and warmth.

East and west are also suitable for growing it in an apartment. The north side is absolutely not suitable, or with the condition of additional lighting with special lamps that imitate the sun. In winter, when there is little sun and too dry air, Hibiscus especially needs care.

It's interesting to know

Many people complain that Hibiscus does not take root with them under any circumstances. Others, on the contrary, talk about its lush flowering and ease of care. Probably the secret of the flower lies in the energy. No matter how strange it may sound, Hibiscus does not get along with every owner. They also say that he is responsive to human speech and pleasant music. Maybe his main secret lies in these sayings?

The soil

Neutral soil, light and soft, is well suited for hibiscus. It’s good if the composition includes: turf, humus, leaf soil and coarse river sand. It's easy to prepare it yourself. Take all ingredients in equal parts and mix thoroughly. For those who are lazy, you can buy ready-made soil “for lemon and other tree-like and tropical plants.” Ordinary garden soil or black soil are contraindicated for Hibiscus.

Feeding and fertilizers

Fertilizers are additional nutrition, without which more than one house plant cannot live. Over time, the soil is depleted and the flower has nowhere to get the strength to grow and bloom. In the spring, use nitrogen-based fertilizers to feed Hibiscus, and phosphorus-based fertilizers during the flowering period. You can also use folk remedies, but carefully.

Hibiscus feeding is carried out using the root and foliar methods. During flowering, only the root method is used.

  • before applying fertilizer, water the flower generously;
  • Fertilize the flower no more than 3 times a month;
  • The best time for feeding is evening.

Hibiscus does not have a dormant period; it can bloom at any time of the year, as long as it is provided with warmth and light. Therefore, you can feed it all year round.


For the first few years, indoor hibiscus should be replanted no more than once a year. As the plant grows, the procedure should be carried out once every 2-3 years. Adults and very large specimens that have reached old age do not undergo transplantation. They just add new soil.

To understand that a flower needs replanting, you need to make sure that its root system has completely wrapped itself around the earthen ball and filled the entire space of the pot.

The best time of year to transplant Chinese roses is spring. When performing a complex transplant, the black roots should be cut off, allowing the young roots to develop.

A newly purchased Hibiscus plant is replanted a couple of weeks after adaptation. The shipping container may contain growth stimulants, which may adversely affect the further development of the plant.


It is important to remember that hibiscus flowers form only on young branches. That is why it requires annual pruning.

  • After each flowering, you need to trim the tips of the shoots, this will provoke the growth of side shoots, on which buds will appear next year;
  • It would not be a bad idea to pinch all the shoots of indoor hibiscus in early spring; pruning throughout the year does not harm the flower;
  • Remove diseased branches completely.

Hibiscus is quite loyal to pruning procedures and practically does not overdo it. Most likely this will benefit him. It is after pruning and pinching that it more actively pleases its owners with its marvelous flowers.

Flowering indoor hibiscus

Hibiscus can bloom all year round, but this requires very comfortable conditions, close to the tropics. At home, Chinese roses can be seen blooming from mid-summer to October. Its flower looks like a cup, in the center of which there are stamens collected in a tube. The color palette of Hibiscus is varied. There are pink, yellow, orange, burgundy, purple colors. Red Hibiscus is the most popular.

Hibiscus flowering has a short lifespan. With each dawn, new hibiscus buds bloom, and with sunset they wither.


At home, Hibiscus is propagated by cuttings, seeds and air layering. Three methods give positive results, but the method of propagation by cuttings is considered more convenient.

Cutting method

  1. The shoots cut off during pruning are planted in wet sand or in a glass of water.
  2. After the formation of a small rhizome, the flower is planted in the ground, the diameter of the pot should be no more than 10 centimeters.
  3. To increase humidity and create favorable rooting conditions, the young sprout can be covered with a jar.

This method of propagation has a distinct advantage - it is that hibiscus can begin flowering already in the first year. Flowers grown from seeds will only produce flowers in the third year of life. Air layering is used only by experienced flower growers or breeders who want to develop a new variety of Chinese rose.

Seed method

The period from January to March is good for planting Chinese roses with seeds. The seeds must first be soaked for 12 hours, and after planting in the ground, covered with glass or film to create a favorable microclimate. When the young shoots have several leaves, they can be planted in separate pots. Hibiscus seeds do not have good germination; out of 20 planted seeds, only 10 “babies” can grow, not all of which will survive to triumphant flowering.


Hibiscus does not get sick in the wild. Despite the fact that he has good immunity, his main illnesses in the house are associated with improper care.

Problem Cause Solution
Buds form but do not open There is not enough moisture or fertilizing has not been done for a long time Check the soil, moisten. If necessary, feed the flower.
Leaves become limp and lifeless Lack of watering or overwatering leads to root rot. Check the soil. Water. If necessary, replant the flower.
The foliage is drying up Indoor air is too dry Add moisture. Spray regularly.
Leaves are actively falling If there are no pests on the flower, then a draft may be the obvious cause. Eliminate the cause. Move the flower to another place.
Leaves turn yellow but dry Most likely the flower is cold or is watered with chlorinated water. Protect the plant from drafts, increase the temperature, water with high-quality water. Water with copper sulfate. Unfortunately, the yellow leaves will have to be removed.
Leaves turn yellow and become limp Root system disease Root inspection and treatment will be required, as well as replanting.

Indoor hibiscus does not bloom

Most often, problems with the lack of flowering in Chinese roses are associated with an excess of nitrogen. This problem will be solved by switching to fertilizers that contain a minimum proportion of nitrogen. It is also recommended to improve lighting.

Hibiscus buds fall

If there is a sudden change in plant conditions, the buds may fall off. Check that the temperature conditions are normal for indoor hibiscus, and also feed it with phosphorus.

Remember that you cannot rearrange or even rotate a Chinese rose during flowering.

Bacterial fungal diseases of indoor hibiscus

Most often, the development of fungal diseases is facilitated by conditions characterized as cold, dark, and damp. As a treatment, it is recommended to improve the conditions of the flower, transplant the hibiscus into new soil, sorting out its roots. A wide range of fungicidal drugs are used to combat fungal and bacterial diseases.


Scale insects, spider mites and aphids can cause harm to hibiscus if the plant is not helped in a timely manner. They all feed on its juice and lay larvae. Conduct a visual inspection of the flower.

  • The spider mite shows its presence with a barely noticeable web at the base and adjacent parts of the plant. It most often appears on hibiscus growing in rooms with dry air, which means it is a signal that the plant needs to be sprayed and bathed more often.
  • The scale insect detects its presence as “moles” that feel dense to the touch. Sits on leaves and trunk.
  • Aphids come in whole colonies. It can be identified by sticky spots and limp leaves. Hides on the inside of the leaf. It affects the entire plant very quickly. Its carriers are ants.

Proven folk remedies will help you get rid of pests. A solution of laundry soap, an infusion of garlic, onion peels, fumigation with sulfur, rubbing with weak manganese. These measures are gentle and do not cause severe harm to the plant. If there are too many pests, then more aggressive control measures will be required - chemicals (Iskra, Tanrek, Aktara, Karbofos). Their use should be careful, according to the instructions.


After all the treatment procedures and getting rid of pests, the plant needs to undergo “bath procedures”.

Hibiscus pros

  • blooms beautifully;
  • relatively unpretentious;
  • does not require frequent transplantation;
  • long-lived;
  • considered a healthy plant.

Hibiscus complexity

  • requires sufficient heat and light;
  • needs proper watering;
  • requires pruning and pinching;
  • requires a lot of space in the house when growing.

Having learned to determine the wishes of Hibiscus, you can grow a real tree in your apartment, strewn with lovely flowers. Diuretic and choleretic drugs are prepared from the petals of the Chinese rose flower, healing ailments and improving well-being, and hibiscus tea, which reduces blood pressure.

Hibiscus is an incredibly beautiful flower that is grown both outdoors and at home. Of the huge number of varieties of hibiscus, only one species is suitable for growing in the house, which is called the “Chinese rose”. Caring for hibiscus at home is quite simple, but despite this, the flower will delight you with gorgeous blooms and large leaves, as you can see in the photo.

Description of the flower

This luxurious flower has an equally beautiful name - translated it means “flower for beautiful ladies.” One of the main features of hibiscus is that a fully opened bud lives no longer than one day, and then begins to fade.

However, if you provide your hibiscus with proper care at home and do everything as shown in the photo, then it will delight you with its buds throughout the year. The main thing is to provide it with favorable conditions for growth.

As for the variety of Chinese rose itself, the buds of this species are usually no more than 16 cm in diameter and have a wide variety of colors.

You can often find buds with soft pink or red petals. The leaves of this type of hibiscus have an oval shape and a serrated edge.

Home care

To properly care for hibiscus at home, you don’t need a lot of experience. The main thing is to follow the instructions and photos exactly.

Here are a few points that will help you grow a beautiful flower without much effort:

  1. Watering mode. Hibiscus loves moisture, so this flower must be watered regularly. Even short breaks in watering are not allowed, as otherwise the hibiscus leaves begin to turn yellow, and in the event of a long drought, the flower may even die. Particular attention should be paid to watering hibiscus in the summer - during periods of extreme heat, the flower can be watered even a couple of times a day.
  2. Lighting. It is extremely difficult, and in most cases even impossible, to grow hibiscus without proper lighting. Experts recommend growing hibiscus on a windowsill on the sunny side of the house. If necessary, you can create additional lighting using special lamps. Artificial lighting will be especially important in winter, when there is very little sunlight. At such a time, it is almost impossible to ensure hibiscus flowering without additional lighting.
  3. Room temperature. Since hibiscus is a rather heat-loving flower, room temperature would be ideal for it - approximately +24-25 degrees. In winter, the temperature may be lower, but, in any case, it should not fall below +12 degrees, otherwise the flowers will wither and begin to shed their leaves. Excessive heat when caring for hibiscus at home will also not lead to anything good. The flower will wither and grow it as beautiful as ak in the photo, you won't succeed. Therefore, during extreme heat, ventilate the room and maintain the necessary air humidity using special devices.
  4. The soil. If you are planning to grow hibiscus, be sure to pay attention to the soil. It should be nutritious and, preferably, the acidity level should be 6. If you have already bought regular soil without fertilizers, then you can make it more nutritious yourself. To do this, add ash or peat to it. You can also mix turf, leaf, humus soil and sand to get a mixture favorable for hibiscus.
  5. Drainage. Since this flower requires abundant watering, in rare cases moisture stagnates at the bottom. Because of this, hibiscus develops various diseases, and sometimes even the roots rot. To avoid this, we recommend creating drainage at the bottom of the pot before replanting the flower. By the way, it is necessary to replant hibiscus every year.


Since initially, when planting hibiscus, we add a large amount of fertilizer to the soil, then in the future we don’t need to feed the flower too often, but we shouldn’t completely forget about fertilizers either.

Typically, fertilizing is done twice a year: in September and March. Complex mineral fertilizers are perfect for feeding. Mullein infusion will also be a good fertilizer.

To prepare it, mullein must be diluted in water based on a ratio of 1:10. During cold weather and lack of sun, flowers' need for phosphorus fertilizers sharply increases, so it is advisable to take this fact into account during September feeding.

    Do you like to plant flowers?

Hibiscus transplant

We mentioned earlier that hibiscus needs to be replanted annually. There are several reasons for this:

  1. Hibiscus grows quite quickly. Its root system is especially actively developing, so over time the flower will need a more spacious pot.
  2. The drainage needs to be changed once a year. Otherwise, over time it will become unusable and the likelihood that you will flood the plant will increase again.
  3. Perhaps during the year you will want to change something in your interior. A new stylish pot is a great opportunity to diversify the interior of your apartment.
  4. During replanting, you can further fertilize the soil by adding wood ash or special fertilizer.


If you enjoyed caring for hibiscus and want to continue growing them, then it’s time for you to start exploring options for propagating these flowers.

You can keep the new plants for yourself, give them to friends, or put them up for sale. So, there are 2 main ways of propagating hibiscus: cuttings and seeds. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Propagation using cuttings

The first thing after we have cut the cuttings is to treat the cut area with a special product. The cutting should immediately be placed in a pot filled with moistened soil. Since we will be growing a flower at home and not in a greenhouse, at the first stages the pot should be covered with a glass jar.

When the cuttings take root, they should be transplanted into a new pot filled with soil with humus. If you see that the flower cannot take root for a long time, then add a little bone meal to the soil.

In the next stages, you need to regularly pinch the lower shoots of the cuttings and do pruning. We will talk more about pruning hibiscus and caring for it at home later.

The flower needs to be replanted a second time a few months after planting the cutting. After the second replanting, the plant should be cared for in the same way as described above.

Propagation by seeds

Reproduction of hibiscus using seeds is much easier. Before planting, the seeds should be left in a wet cloth for 12 hours. At this time, we will prepare the nutritious soil and pot.

After the time has passed, we place the seeds in the prepared soil and cover the pot with glass so that the temperature in it remains at least +25 degrees. When several leaves appear on the sprouts, they can be transplanted into separate pots.

At this time, the seedlings will be actively growing, but you will only be able to see them fully grown after 3 and sometimes 4 years.

Pruning hibiscus

A little earlier we already touched on the topic of pruning. To better understand how to prune at home and further care for hibiscus, consider the photos and videos attached below.

Many people wonder why pruning at all. The answer is simple: hibiscus is a fairly large plant with a lush crown, and if you do not periodically trim its leaves, you may never see buds.

It is recommended to trim the leaves after replanting the flower or after feeding. The branches should be trimmed so that at least 15 cm of length remains from the base, otherwise you can harm the plant. It is also worth considering that after pruning, at least 2 cm should remain from the topmost leaves and buds to the cut site.

If during pruning you notice that new branches and leaves look weak and diseased, then you do not need to spare them and should also be removed.

Diseases and pests of hibiscus

Even such an unpretentious flower as hibiscus has its own diseases that arise due to improper care. Here are 4 diseases that are most common among hibiscus:

  • Non-infectious chlorosis. It occurs due to a lack of certain useful elements, as well as due to their excess. Due to a lack of potassium, magnesium and iron, hibiscus leaves dry out, become spotted and turn white, as shown in the photo. To get rid of this problem, you should take more careful care of the flower at home, and also feed the plant with fertilizers containing those substances that your hibiscus is deficient in.

  • Infectious chlorosis. Occurs when hibiscus is infected with infectious and fungal diseases, as well as when pests appear. If your hibiscus leaves wither, weak buds appear, and you also see general depression of the plant, then most likely your Chinese rose has infectious chlorosis. It can also be detected if traces of insect activity appear on the leaves and branches. Special preparations will help you rid the plant of this disease.

  • Sunburn. Occurs when the plant is exposed to the scorching sun for a long time and from an excess of light. In this case, the hibiscus develops white burns on the leaves. You can save the plant by moving it to another place where there is not such bright sun.

  • Vascular withering. Appears due to fungal diseases. When this disease appears, first the ends of the branches die, and then the entire plant. To save hibiscus from complete wilting, urgently purchase special products from flower shops and use them according to the instructions.

Even though the Chinese rose is a houseplant, it also has pests. Here are the main ones:

  • whitefly;
  • scale insects;
  • scale insects;
  • gall midge

According to signs, hibiscus brings happiness, goodness to its owner, and also absorbs black energy, thereby protecting its owner. In return for this, you just need to properly care for your hibiscus at home and protect it from disease.

Almost every house, apartment and even offices, schools, hospitals and other institutions have various indoor plants. They decorate any offices, rooms, chambers and halls, simply standing on the windowsill or on the floor, or spreading out from cabinets or special racks. They delight the eye with their blooming and green foliage, saturate the air with oxygen and subtle, delicate, fragrant aromas, save in stuffy offices not only with their freshness and vitality of nature, but even absorb electromagnetic radiation from the computer monitor in front of which the staff works for days.

A plant such as indoor hibiscus is often chosen; it is quite unpretentious, especially if its owner is just starting to deal with flowers and gaining experience in this matter.

Hibiscus will forgive sudden changes in temperature, drafts, and insufficient bright lighting, and even if they simply forget to water it a couple of times, it will not die immediately. But in order for the plant to bloom and justify its second beautiful name “Chinese rose”, it still needs proper care.

The entire diversity of the plant can be divided into three main types, which differ in the period and time of flowering. The most famous and famous types of Chinese rose include:

These species grow well at home. They are also well adapted for growing in a winter garden or greenhouse; these places are also considered good for planting them. Hibiscus is a perennial crop and will delight its owner for several years in any of these planting places.

Decorative hibiscus has two varieties:

  1. Dutch has buds of orange, yellow, white, red or pink, and the petals themselves are either corrugated or have a different color at the edges.
  2. American(Florida) has a bud color of blue, lavender, violet, lilac, purple or brown. The petals can be simple or fully or half double, of the same color or with stripes and specks.

Of all the varieties of decorative hibiscus, the most vitally adapted ones have been identified, which include: red-leaved hibiscus, mix, double, Daniel Cooper.

Its development, flowering and beauty depend on whether the hibiscus is looked after correctly or not. Home care for indoor hibiscus is recommended for the following factors:

You can prune a Chinese rose in both summer and winter, and pinch it in early spring. It is worth pruning the shoots growing parallel to the trunk and those branches that rush to grow inside the crown - such pruning will not harm the hibiscus, on the contrary, it will have more strength to grow further upward and bloom more and more flowers.

Chinese rose is propagated by two methods, cuttings and seeds.

Cuttings. For this type of propagation, it is better to take layering from a young hibiscus plant. It can be placed both in soil and in water. To propagate in water, you need to place the cuttings in a dark glass and cover with a cap to increase air humidity. After a month, you can already replant it in the ground if a root has appeared. The soil must contain peat and sphagnum moss. When planting cuttings directly into the ground, you must first remove all leaves except the top two and prepare a mixture of peat and coarse sand.

Seeds. Hibiscus seeds should be planted in peat and sand soil from January to March. Before planting the seeds, you need to soak them in Epin. After planting, cover with film or glass (a kind of greenhouse) and maintain the temperature at about 26 degrees. When growing hibiscus seeds, the greenhouse should be ventilated and the soil should be sprayed.

The first option is recommended for a novice plant grower - it is simpler and has advantages. When propagated by cuttings, firstly, the characteristics of the mother variety will be preserved. Secondly, hibiscus will bloom in the first year after planting, in contrast to seed propagation (only after 2-3 years).

Signs of inadequate care

When growing ornamental hibiscus, the following difficulties may arise. For example, non-nutritious soil, dry soil or low temperature, etc. will cause the buds to not open and eventually fall off. Common problems:

Pest and disease control

Scale insects and spider mites are the main destroyers of ornamental hibiscus; they pose a threat to it. To prevent danger, you should wipe the foliage with soapy water, and then carry out the procedure of spraying with a special Actellik solution.

It is impossible to regret choosing indoor hibiscus. This is a truly unique, elegant cultivated plant that brings aesthetics to any room, gives its natural freshness and captivates the eye.


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