Giant white pyramid in China. Pyramids in China - a mystery for tourists

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", we could not help but draw attention to the mysterious pyramids of China, which, although they are of great interest to many researchers, have still not been studied. It is believed that the reason for this may be both the reluctance of the Chinese authorities to allow researchers there and the one-sided, biased view of many scientists and archaeologists on the artifacts of the distant past. Well, as it is written in the AllatRa book: “On the creaky cart of a purely materialistic worldview, you will not get far in real science. All the same, sooner or later, a real scientist will get to such scientific horizons where the existing supports on which the entire chain of human inferences rests will become unusable.”

We invite you to plunge into the information that is available on the Internet today. Perhaps, by putting together the facts, we will be able to put together another interesting picture.

Let us first present well-known data about history of the discovery of the Chinese pyramids, the full reliability of which can hardly be verified. But still…

In 1945, one of the giant pyramids was seen by American military pilot James Gaussman while flying over the Kin-Lin-Xiang Mountains near the city of Xi'an in Central China. He was amazed by its size and the fact that it was made of white shiny material (we do not comment on this information, everything can be, as they say). According to Internet sources, Gaussman took a photo of this structure that surprised him, but subsequently this photo disappeared from the archives.

- In the 1960s, the Chinese pyramids also came to the attention of New Zealand aviator Bruce Cathy. During the same period, the diaries of two Australian traders, Schroeder and Meman, who visited Chenseea in the early 20th century, were found. According to other sources, it was Bruce Katie who in 1963 found the diary and article of Fred Mayer Schroeder, written in 1912. Schroeder was a trader originally from Australia, but lived in China and led caravans from the Great Wall of China inland. The diaries of Schroeder, who was interested in esotericism, mention Chinese pyramids, which a spiritual guru from Mongolia named Bogdykhan told him about. He said that there are seven large pyramids in China and they are located near ancient capital Xi'an Fu (modern Xi'an). As Schroder later wrote in his diary: “We approached them from the East and saw that in the northern group there were three giants, and the remaining pyramids successively decreased in size until the smallest in the south. They stretched six or eight miles across the plain, towering over cultivated land and villages. They were under the noses of people and remained completely unknown to the Western world."

A few more facts from Schroder's diary indicate the following: the large pyramid was about 300 meters high (which is almost twice the height of the Cheops pyramid), and at the base about 500 meters (again, approximately twice the height of the Cheops pyramid); Schroder also mentioned that the four sides of the pyramid were oriented strictly along the cardinal points and the sides of the pyramids had their own color according to the cardinal points - black, green-blue, red and white. Some sources claim that different colour sides of the pyramid draws an analogy with the knowledge and traditions of the Mayan Indians about the cardinal directions. According to them, the sky has four sides and four corners, where each corner has its own color. The northern corner is black, the eastern corner is red, the southern corner is blue and the western corner is white. The pyramid also had a flat top, which was covered with yellow earth. Surely, we will not answer the question of how reliable the data on various colors sides of the pyramid from Schroeder's diary, but I think it is appropriate and educational in in this case give an excerpt from the AllatRa book, where there is a mention of knowledge about the Four Essences in the human energy structure and their color characteristics according to the cardinal directions in China:

“Rigden: Absolutely right. There are references to four Essences with a center - the Soul - in Asia, in particular, in ancient Chinese mythology. Such a collective concept as “Wu di” refers to five mythological characters, each of which in turn has its own assistants. This term was used by the ancient Chinese to designate "abstract spirits of the five elements." "Wu Di" is mentioned in old book“Zhou Li” (“Zhou Book of Rites”). Various ancient philosophical authors deciphered the concept of “Wu di” in their own way: some wrote that these were “five deities”, some wrote that they were “five emperors”, others wrote that they were “five great ones”. In any case, this concept was equated to the symbol of the five directions (four cardinal directions and the center).

These symbols were so important in the ritual tradition of ancient China that their images were found almost everywhere: on emblems, on banners, in art, and in architecture (including on grave bas-reliefs). Moreover, they were located in a special order associated with one or another ritual. For example, banners, each of which was marked with one of the symbols of the “five directions”, were carried by troops during the march. in a certain order. In front, as a symbol of the Forward Essence, they carried a banner with the image of Zhu-nyao (“red bird”) - a symbol of the south, which was considered by the Chinese to be an honorable side of the world. At the back, as a symbol of the Back Essence, they carried a banner with the image of Xuan-wu (a turtle entwined with a snake) - a symbol of the north. On the left, as a symbol of the Left Essence, they carried a banner with the image of Qing-long (“green dragon”) - a symbol of the east. On the right, as a symbol of the Right Essence, they carried a banner with the image of Bai-hu (“white tiger”) - a symbol of the West. But knowledgeable person it is enough to look at the characteristics of these collective concepts to understand what we are really talking about, taking into account the peculiarities of the worldview of a given people” (p. 263).

“This majestic spectacle took my breath away,” wrote Schroder. “We drove around the pyramids in search of the entrance, but found nothing.” When Schroder asked the guru about the age of the pyramids, he said that they were much more than five thousand years old. When Schroder asked why he thought so, Bogdykhan replied: “In our oldest books, written five thousand years ago, these pyramids are mentioned as ancient, built under the ancient emperors, who said that they came from the Sons of Heaven, who descended to earth on their fiery metal dragons."

Bruce Katie became so interested in this topic that he collected all the information available at that time and made sketches of 16 pyramids that are located near the city of Xi'an.

In 1974, China reported the discovery of a terracotta army in the necropolis of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, which is located two kilometers from the pyramid.

In 1966, an archaeological expedition was allowed to visit the pyramids for the first time. But archaeologists did not have time to complete their work, according to sources, since the “cultural revolution” took place in the country under the leadership of Mao Zedong. At the same time, the library in the province of Shensi, which Buddhist monks had collected over several thousand years, was also destroyed. Along with it, the researchers say, perhaps the only written evidence that mentions the builders of these pyramids perished.

In 1994, Hartwig Hausdorff (in some sources he is a German explorer and traveler, in others he is the head of one of the travel companies) visited the Valley of the Pyramids together with researchers Julia Zimmerman, Peter Krass and took photographs of six pyramids and described them (three pyramids in the area Xi'an Airport and three in the area of ​​the town of Mao Lin). In 1996, they continued their research, and as a result, in one of the areas near the city of Shensi province, they counted about 30 pyramids, which are located separately and in groups of three or more. Most of the pyramids in the valley are about 60 m-70 m high. One of them, according to Hausdorff, is very similar to the Pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacan (Mexico).

This begs the question: who and why specifically allowed these researchers to take photographs in places closed to tourists, and why Hausdorff subsequently did not publish any of these photographs. Other sources claim that they were unable to find the huge white pyramid that Gausman allegedly photographed. Hausdorff later published the book The White Pyramid. The book isn't very specific, but it was the first book about the pyramids. Hausdorff believed that their origin was extraterrestrial, focusing on the works of Blavatsky, who wrote about pyramids located in the four corners of the world, having precise mathematical calculations and astronomical landmarks. In general, since the publication of Hausdorff’s book, stories about the White Pyramid have become overgrown with rumors, both in the press and on the Internet. Probably because not many people have visited the valley of the Chinese pyramids over a fairly long period of time. It is known that in the center of Shaanxi province, 120 km from the city of Xi'an, there is a White Pyramid. Its coordinates are 34 degrees north latitude and 108 degrees east longitude.

In 2000, the Chinese authorities finally made public information about the existence of the pyramids. Some of them have open access, such as the Maoling Mound, the mausoleum of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the Qian Ling Mausoleum and the Yasen Park pyramid.

The Chinese authorities never opened access to the remaining pyramids, including the Great White Pyramid, for an unknown reason.

Also, the Russian traveler Maxim Yakovenko tried to find out more about the pyramids. He visited the Library of the US Congress and there he discovered the story of the American pilot Gausman who took the photo. They say that in China there is still no official detailed map valleys of the pyramids. And for his research, Yakovenko used images from space. He wrote that official science attributes the pyramids to the imperial tombs of the Qin dynasty 221-207. BC, Western Han 206 BC - 07 AD, Eastern Han 25-220 AD, Jin 265-419 AD and Tang Dynasty 618 - 907. AD and tries to attribute them to the tombs of emperors and their associates of the listed dynasties. If we take, for example, the pyramid and the most famous today “tomb” of Emperor Qin Shi Huangdi, who left behind the great Terracotta Army 60 km away. from Xian, then, by and large, except for the descriptions of the historian and poet Sima Qian (whose exact years of life are still a matter of debate), who described the emperor’s tomb itself, there are no more sources that would say that the pyramid is precisely a tomb. Here is Yakovenko’s quote on this matter: “The most interesting thing is that the historian Sima Qian lived a century after the death of Qin Shi Huangdi and wrote a biography of the emperor, based on unknown sources. Perhaps Sima Qian wrote based on some source from the times of Qin Shi Huangdi? Thus, there is no written evidence that the huge pyramidal structure was the tomb of Qin Shi Huang Di 2200 years ago. Research around the pyramid has been going on for more than 40 years; thousands of figurines, gold and silver items have been found, but not a single evidence of the emperor’s tomb. Excavations are prohibited on the pyramid itself.”

On July 2, 2007, Chinese archaeologists summed up their five-year study of the Qin Shi Huang mound, for the study of which they used sensory techniques (radars and remote data collection devices). It was discovered that inside the huge hill there is a structure in the form of a huge (about 30 meters) nine-step pyramid. Scientists do not indicate what this pyramid is made of. Excavations of the unique structures have not officially begun, although Archeology scientists from the Chinese Academy of Sciences claim that the pyramid is unique and unlike other open tombs of Chinese emperors. Some of the researchers suggested that this pyramid is the corridor along which the soul of Qin Huangdi went to heaven after death.

Territorial boundaries of the location of the pyramids.

Pyramids surround the city of Xi'an on all sides, moreover, they are even within the city. In the northern outskirts of the neighboring city of Xian, Sanyang, there is a huge valley of pyramids. Stretching from east to west for 50 km, the valley resembles Milky Way. It is about her that the world knows most, thanks to Hausdorff.

As researchers write, northwest of Xi'an and Sanyang there is another valley of pyramids that are more interesting, ancient, tall and completely unknown to the world. This is where the legendary White Pyramid is located. 70 km northeast of Xi'an is another area of ​​unexplored pyramids.

“The common characteristic of all pyramids is the material from which they are built - loess. In the designated valleys, the soil is sedimentary, homogeneous, loamy-sandy, fawn-colored rock, otherwise known as loess. Loess consists of approximately 30% clay, as well as limestone particles; it is a fairly durable material; looks very much like clay rock, which is why it is often called clay. All pyramids are divided into those strictly oriented to the four cardinal directions, and into pyramids with a slight deviation to the northwest towards Greenland. Why are some oriented this way and others differently? big question, the answer to which has yet to be found.” (M. Yakovenko)

As they say, the answer has long been found. It is enough to refer to the study (Uvarov, 2008), which shows that 10.5 thousand years BC. The North Pole was located precisely near Greenland. Consequently, all pyramids with this northern orientation were built in the Upper Paleolithic, and not later.

We found this Classification of Pyramids on the Internet.

By type of base:

Most pyramids are square at their base, but there are rectangular ones, more reminiscent of cone-shaped artificial hills of a pyramidal shape, but since their parallel sides are equal, we will classify them as a special type of pyramid. There are also pyramids that stand on large, but not high (up to 3 meters) square mounds and platforms, which are poorly visible on satellite images, but are clearly visible on the ground.

By type of pommel:

The pyramid with a truncated apex is the most common form. Structures reaching a height of 40-50 meters have an upper platform of impressive dimensions of 50x50 meters. They all resemble Mexican pyramids, and if we turn to geometry, they represent a geometric figure - a prism. There are also pyramids with a relatively sharp top, similar to the Egyptian ones, but there are few of them and most of them do not reach a height of 40 meters. But there is also a third type of peaks - sunken, forming a spherical depression of ideal outlines, which excludes the possibility of subsidence and failure of the clay. In the valleys of the pyramids around Xi'an and Sanyang, as far as is known, there is only one such pyramid 17-20 meters high.

By number of steps:

Chinese pyramids are also divided into stepped and non-step pyramids. Staged ones, in turn, are divided into multi-stage and single-stage. The steps of the pyramid are terraces reaching a height of 1 - 2 meters. For what purpose they were erected is unknown, especially in those cases when the steps reach the middle of the pyramid, then are absent and appear only at the very top. The pyramids with terraces and platforms at the top are strongly reminiscent of the Mexican Pyramids of the Sun and Moon in Mexico.

Antipodean pyramid. 40 km. from Xi'an there is a very unusual pyramid resembling a quarry. However, being directly on the ground with satellite images, it becomes clear that this is a mirror image of the pyramid. One gets the impression that the pyramid was turned over, dug into the ground, and then pulled out. It turns out that the “mirror image” is the antipode of the pyramid.

Mixed pyramids. TO mixed type include almost all small pyramids up to 10 meters in height. Among them there are cone-shaped structures with steps on only one or two sides. Since the number of small pyramids can number in the hundreds, it is a matter for future research to study them.

There is one more type of pyramid, but it does not fit any of the presented classifications, since it characterizes only one White Pyramid.

JUAN DI. Ancient legends about the builders of the pyramids.

According to the legends and ancient traditions of China that have come down to our times, the construction of the pyramids took place in those times when the emperors ruled, who descended from the Sons of Heaven, who descended to earth on their fiery metal dragons.

The legendary one and several of his assistants are considered one of the Sons of Heaven. He is highly revered in China and considered the founder of the Chinese nation. He ruled, according to official information, from 2692 to 2592. BC.

Here are some interesting, in our opinion, facts about Huang Di, which we will not undertake to comment on yet:

  • According to Wikipedia, the name Huang Di is usually translated as Yellow Emperor. But the hieroglyph Di can mean not only the word Emperor, but also the words “spirit” or “deity”. The "Juan" part of the name also carries deep symbolism. Traditionally, the yellow color is associated with the characteristic yellowish tint of the waters of the Yellow River.
  • According to legend, Huang Di flew to Earth from stars Xiu-ayu-Yuan, in other sources - stars Regulus (constellation Leo). The Yellow Emperor traveled around the Universe on fire dragon. Moreover, “ one day the Chen-Huang Dragon covers myriads of miles, the person who sits on it reaches the age of two thousand years.”

Dragon figurine in the Xi'an Museum.

  • The legend tells about the Sons of Heaven - wise and kind creatures who appeared on the territory of the “Celestial Empire” long before the formation of states in the Yellow River valley. Huang Di and his “team”, consisting of five companions and one companion, descended from heaven to earth in a chariot (it turns out there were seven Sons of Heaven). The arrival of the entire “Huang Di team” was accompanied by “the radiance of the great lightning that encircled the star Tsei in the constellation of the Bucket” (Ursa Major).
  • Huang Di's activities were aimed at helping people. He brought knowledge from a variety of fields - astronomy, mathematics, construction, medicine. For example, his assistants compiled accurate astronomical maps - observation maps of the movement of celestial bodies, a map of constellations, and compiled the first calendar. They also taught people how to make boats, harnesses, wells, musical instruments, build defensive structures. They observed the sky with the help of 12 Huangdi mirrors (plates), which were used to track the Moon, and these mirrors were cast on the Lake of Mirrors and polished there. Tales and legends note that “... when the rays of the sun fell on the mirror, all the images and signs of it reverse side appeared clearly on the shadow cast by the mirror.”
  • Huang Di had a wonderful tripod 4 meters high, which was difficult for the curious to look into. “Hundreds of spirits, monsters and animals filled it inside,” the tripod “bubbled,” “depicted a dragon flying in the clouds,” spewed flames from its tail and was “the likeness of the Great One,” that is, the Tao-engine of the Universe. The “Dragon Tripod” was oriented towards the star from which the emperor arrived; from time to time he took Huang Di and his entire team somewhere. This apparatus “knew the past and present,” it determined favorable and unfavorable signs, it could “rest and go,” “become light and heavy.” The device appeared “from the country where the sun is born, in one day it covered myriads of miles, and the person who sat on it reached the age of two thousand years.” The speed of the “dragon” influenced the course of Time.
  • Huang Di is also credited with writings, including several fundamental medical treatise. The most famous: “Huang Di Neijing” and the poem “Yinfujing”, especially revered in Taoism.
  • Tales, legends and chronicles tell that the Son of Heaven was surrounded by monsters and monsters who were submissive to him.
  • Huang Di took the “immortality pill” and flew to his star. According to another version: When Huang Di realized that he was not destined to rule forever and the time had come to go to heaven, he threw a big feast. In the midst of the fun, a huge dragon with golden scales flew in. Huang Di realized that this was a messenger from the Heavenly Palace calling him to return to heaven along with the deities, of which there were more than seventy. They rose into the clouds and sat on the back of the dragon. Rulers of small kingdoms and simple people wanted to follow them. Pushing and crushing each other, they grabbed the dragon's mustache. But there were so many people that the rope could not stand it, it broke and everyone, clutching each other in despair, fell to the ground. So Huang Di set off on his great Path - Tao, to heaven. Very interesting legend, is not it? Especially if we assume that Huang Di is a Bodhisattva, there are 72 dimensions in the universe, and getting into spiritual world impossible if you have not renounced your ego and everything that binds you to this material world.
  • All emperors since ancient times held celebrations and made sacrifices in honor of Heaven and the Sons of Heaven on the day of the winter solstice. And per day summer solstice held festive ceremonies in the Earth Temple.
  • Huangdi supposedly arrived from the constellation Leo and after a hundred years of reign departed back... However, according to ancient records, “The gods once promised to return...”.

We were interested in the fact that the AllatRa book also contains information about Huang Di, again in the context of knowledge about the pyramidal energy structure of man and his Essences. And this once again confirms the fact that the popularity of the pyramidal design of ancient buildings around the world is far from accidental. Not to mention the true purpose of these majestic structures.

From AllatRa about Huang Di:

Anastasia: Indeed, the one who established these traditions clearly knew more about the invisible world... And some familiar concepts... You said that the concept of “Wu di” was equated to the symbol of the five directions of the cardinal directions, the five deities. And the fifth ruler, the center of these four cardinal directions, four deities, is not by chance Huang Di (“yellow sovereign”)?

Rigden: Absolutely right, Huang-di or a spirit named Han-shu-nu (“swallowed the rod”). The embodiment of his spirit is the qilin unicorn - a symbol of the center.

Anastasia: Essentially, this is a prototype of the designation of the Soul - the center in the invisible structure of a person and an indication of its connection with the Front Essence (the symbol of which was the unicorn).

Rigden: Let's take a closer look at the characteristics of these characters. Huang Di means not only “yellow lord”, but also “brilliant (emitting light) sovereign.” This symbol of the center was considered in fact the supreme heavenly deity. He was depicted as having four eyes and four faces. This tradition dates back to the ancient Chinese shamans, who during sacred rituals put on a corresponding four-eyed mask. Why was the four-eyed symbol depicted? Firstly, this is due to symbol four Essences. And secondly, because when performing certain meditative techniques, a person receives the so-called comprehensive vision of the visible and invisible world: simultaneous vision of everything that happens around, and sometimes in other dimensions. Such possibilities are inaccessible to ordinary human vision in the familiar three-dimensional world. But as soon as a person changes his state of consciousness, the barriers to his inner vision are erased.

And another small, interesting, in our opinion, excerpt from AllatRa about the medical works of Huang Di:

Rigden: It happened... Chinese tradition connects the beginning of healing and medicine as a science with the name Huang Di. And this medical treatise itself, “Huang Di Nei Jing,” is translated as “The Book of Huang Di on the Inner.” Everything external, physical is born from the internal. By the way, according to legends, an associate of Huang Di named Tsang-tse (according to other versions of Fu-si) invented hieroglyphic writing, that is, sacred writing in signs. By the way, this cultural hero was also depicted on ancient bas-reliefs with four eyes as a symbol of special insight. According to legend, he was able to make signs because he penetrated into the deep meaning of the tracks of birds and animals (pp. 264-266) .

Modern researchers about the Chinese pyramids:

  • Chinese archaeologist Wang Xilene is confident in the astronomical purpose of the pyramids and that they show us an example of the amazing knowledge of the ancients in geometry and mathematics in general. Archaeologists have discovered several pyramids near the Wei Ho River north of Qian. One of them is said to be located exactly in the center Ancient China. The deviation is only a few meters.
  • Regarding the pyramids in Yasen Park. As already mentioned, there are 16 pyramids and many more small pyramids in the valley. So, from them we can distinguish two large pyramids, which have a height of 35-37 and 30 meters. These pyramids, together with another small pyramid, form a curious group: when lined up in height, they resemble the three famous Egyptian pyramids, only oriented in a different direction. In fact, the pyramids are about 4.5 times smaller than the Egyptian ones. Below in two illustrations you can compare these two groups of pyramids from different worlds.

Yasen Park (China). Pyramids in a photo from space:

Pyramids of Giza (Egypt) photographed from space:

As Maxim Yakovenko writes: “For comparison, let’s look at satellite images of three pyramids of Giza and three Yasen Parks in Xi’an. We see a proportional decrease in the size of the pyramids from the largest pyramid of Cheops to the small Menkaure in the Giza Valley and a similar situation in Yasen Park. In two cases, the pyramids are located schematically in the same way, oriented to the cardinal points, the ratio of distances between the pyramids of Egypt and Yasen Park is also striking in its similarity. This suggests that the pyramid builders had general knowledge."

The American researcher Vance Tied was also interested in Chinese pyramids. “The main thing that interested me,” writes Vance Tied, “was the geographical coordinates of the Chinese pyramids. Xi’an is located at 34 degrees north latitude. The layout of the Chinese pyramids is very reminiscent of the Egyptian one. This suggests that the same people had a hand in their construction ancient builders belonging to the same civilization. I vaguely guessed that each of the pyramids performed a special function and that there was some kind of geometric correspondence between pairs of pyramids from different parts of the world. If the Egyptian complex is located at 30 degrees north latitude, then the Chinese complex is at 34- m degree. I think that someday they will calculate many different relationships between the coordinates of the plains of Giza and Shaanxi."

But the architectural engineer Helmut Fürnrieder made the discovery that some pyramids in China were built according to the principle of the “golden ratio”. For example, white pyramid- if we divide its height of 300 m by the length of its base 485 m, we get 0.618.”

Essentially, a pyramid is a tetrahedron. In China, as mentioned above, an antipodean pyramid was found, that is, a depression in the form of a pyramid. So, we came across an assumption on the Internet that perhaps, in terms of their original structure, pyramids are not a tetrahedron, but an octahedron. We have no idea right now whether this makes any difference. But perhaps someday this fact will become clear.


Regarding the age of the pyramids, there are also constant disputes among researchers. After all, as in Egypt, the version that the pyramids are the tombs of emperors is practically unconfirmed. Many pyramids can, of course, be attributed to those that were built during the reign of dynasties. And others, according to researchers, were built much earlier. Analyzing satellite images of groups of pyramids that are located east of Xi'an, the researcher of ancient civilizations, writer Graham Hancock, already familiar to us from the article "Orion-Dragon Pendulum", made the assumption that the location of these pyramids coincides with the position of the stars of the constellation Gemini on the day of the spring equinox in 10,500 BC It is worth noting that more detailed detailed information We did not find anything from Graham Hancock regarding the Chinese pyramids.


  • The pyramids of China became known outside China only in the 20th century. Why the country's authorities do not allow scientists to conduct research remains a mystery. The same pyramids into which researchers were allowed did not provide any objective evidence that the pyramids were precisely the tombs of emperors. Therefore, in essence, the version that the pyramids were created precisely by order of the Chinese emperors for burial has no evidence. But, as in other completely diversified unexplored artifacts and monumental structures, the majority of “scientists” prefer to adhere to the traditional opinion, forming a custom-made ideology for the people, and an attempt to form a different “dissenting” opinion is considered a violation of all norms and rules, and is immediately criticized , so as not to spread further and sow doubts in the minds of people.
  • Again, it is suggestive that most of the pyramids in China strictly oriented to the cardinal points(including to the Ancient North Pole from the Upper Paleolithic), have fairly strict proportions, based on what can be understood from photographs from space. It is also quite difficult to imagine, even with a wild imagination, how since those distant times these huge structures were erected only with the help simple tools and the hands of workers.
  • It would probably be completely understandable if the pyramids, for example, were located at one point on the globe, but presence of pyramids around the world proves the fact that all of them were built for a reason, but truly had some important significance not only for the civilizations of that time, but also, perhaps, for us, today’s descendants of the ancients. For modern scientists, everything happens according to a completely different principle, according to the phrase from the fable “I didn’t even notice the elephant.” That is, instead of studying more deeply the truly unique data left over from ancient civilizations, they are sure that they deliberately protect them from prying eyes. But only a blind person would not see the obvious connection between the popularity of these particular geometric structures around the world.
  • Based on the articles posted on our website earlier, such iconic buildings were often a reflection of the sky on Earth and had great importance to convey information about upcoming events for people of the future. From a modest mention online by Graham Hancock, it is possible that the pyramids of China could have the same significance. If, after all, these assumptions are true, and Chinese pyramids depict the sky 10,500 years ago on the day of the equinox, the constellation Gemini when was global catastrophe, then this is another proof that shows us " pendulum Orion - Dragon"? Does this mean that the coming global catastrophe is inevitable?
  • And again we see that almost every ancient civilization past are present some People from Heaven that come at the dawn of civilization, to help people gain knowledge about spiritual life and earthly life. What's most important is the information described in the AllatRa book is indeed confirmed. It takes on a new meaning for modern people, a truly deep and at the same time completely understandable meaning. Is not it?

Yes, Dear friends, one more fact becomes clear - the majority interesting discoveries, regarding not only the pyramids, but also other megalithic and monumental structures of the planet, occur at the level of researchers, journalists and simply lovers of antiquities, taking on the role of sensations “unconfirmed” by official science. Official science continues to wander in its “paid mirage”, accepting its own hypotheses as the absolute truth and forcing other people to believe in it. But, as we see, in the light of the Primordial Knowledge brought, new views on old secrets are appearing more and more, as well as people who are looking for and, most importantly, feeling the truth. So, everything is really in our hands.

Prepared by: Eva Kim (Russia)

In addition to the video:

What secret is hidden in the Chinese pyramids? (Video)

The Valley of the Pyramids is located in the central part of China with dozens of huge man-made structures that can outshine the glory of the Egyptian ones. On a flat plain, in the middle of carefully cultivated fields, tall - more than 60 meters - architectural structures are piled up.

As an ancient Chinese legend says, more than a hundred pyramids built in this country testify to the visit of our planet by aliens, “who roared down to Earth on iron dragons.” Three Chinese pyramids are twice the size of the Great Pyramids of Egypt, according to appearance are very reminiscent of similar structures in Central America. Communist authorities of the People's Republic of China long years hid the existence and location of the “Chinese wonders of the world.”

1912 - Australian traders Fred Mayer Schroeder and Oscar Maman, driving caravans, headed to the Chinese province of Shanxi, which has long been famous for its silk products. Along the Mongol-Chinese border, the merchants moved with the Mongol abbot of the local monastery, who said: “We will pass very old pyramids. Our oldest books, written 5,000 years ago, refer to these pyramids as ancient. There are 7 of them, and they are located near the ancient capital of China Xian Fu (this is modern Xian).”

Further in his diary, Schroeder wrote: “After several days of tiring driving, we suddenly noticed something rising on the horizon. At first glance it looked like a mountain, but as we got closer we saw that it was a structure with four regularly beveled edges and a flat top. We approached them from the east and saw that there were 3 giants in the northern group, and the remaining pyramids successively decreased in size until the smallest one in the south. They extended for 6 or 8 miles across the plain, overlooking the cultivated land and villages."

According to the Australian, the great pyramid was about 1,000 feet high (about 300 meters, almost twice the height of the Cheops pyramid) and almost 1,500 feet at the base (almost 500 meters, twice the height of the Egyptian Cheops pyramid). The four sides of the pyramid were strictly oriented to the cardinal directions and each side had a different color: black meant north, green-blue - east, red - south and white - west. The flat top of the pyramid was covered with yellow earth.

Once on the edges of the pyramid there were steps leading to the top, but now they were littered with fragments of stones that had fallen from above. The building itself, like most buildings in the Middle Kingdom, was made of adobe. Along its walls stretched huge gutters the size of mountain canyons, filled with stones. Trees and bushes grew on the slopes, smoothing out the outlines of the pyramid and giving it a resemblance to a natural object. There were several more pyramids nearby, but much smaller in size.

The traders, one of the very few Europeans lucky enough to see the pyramid complex in Shanxi, have not been heard from since that time. And Schroeder’s diary entries and article were found in 1963 by a New Zealand aviator, Captain Bruce L. Cathy, who devoted the rest of his life to searching for the mysterious pyramids and information about them. Before this, by chance, he came across photographs of the Eurasia Airlines pilot, Count Wulf Dieter Castel, who flew over Chinese territory in 1933–1936.

Once, flying over the province of Shanxi, near the city of Xi'an, the count discovered 16 pyramids, one of which was very tall and stood out among the rest with its exceptional whiteness. Castel took several photographs and, upon arriving home, tried to publish them in the newspaper. But then amazing things began to happen: as soon as the photographs got to the editorial office, they were lost for some reason, or for some unknown reason the equipment suddenly broke down, or the editor categorically refused to print the photographs.

Only in 1937 did one newspaper decide to print photographs of the mysterious Chinese pyramids, but in the alarming pre-war situation the sensation went unnoticed. Then the newspaper editor dies of a strange illness, and then, under unclear circumstances, Wulf Dieter Castel was killed in his home.

But Katie decided to go all the way: after writing his will, the captain went by plane to Central China. From a bird's eye view, he took several photographs of the Valley of the Pyramids and suddenly discovered that all the instruments in his plane suddenly stopped working, smoke and flames appeared, after which the pilot was forced to jump with a parachute. The wounded Katie was found by local residents and taken to the police. He had to prove during numerous interrogations that he was not an English spy.

The aviation captain was expelled from China, having taken a receipt from him stating that he would never cross the borders of the Middle Kingdom again. But Katie managed to safely hide the films and, returning home, published sensational photographs. After this, he received an official letter from the Chinese government, in which the pilot was explicitly asked to forget about everything he had seen, because “there were and are no pyramids in Shanxi province...” Despite this, the fearless captain continued his research, but soon died under fire. truck wheels under rather strange circumstances.

A message from Chinese archaeologists also appeared in the world press. After a series of earthquakes, they discovered that in one of the regions of their country, on the southern shore of Lake Dongting (southwest of the city of Wuhan), due to the shift of rocks, three cone-shaped pyramids appeared on the surface. The height of the largest of them reached 300 meters, the other two were 157 meters each. Not far from the base of one of the round pyramids, scientists found a buried passage that led them into an underground labyrinth, and then into a huge hall, the walls and ceiling of which were covered with incomprehensible drawings.

The Chinese communist authorities immediately filed a refutation, and planted fast-growing plants on the slopes of the pyramids. coniferous trees and bushes, thereby giving the ancient buildings the appearance of natural hills overgrown with forest. The plants also prevented erosion of the clay walls. But the German archaeologist Hartwig Hausdorff and his colleague Peter Krass from Austria nevertheless described the Valley of the Pyramids and managed to photograph the very Great White Pyramid, which is located north of the city Hsi Kin (modern transcription - Xi'an), on the banks of the Wiho River; in close proximity to it lies the town of Peimyaotsun.

This pyramid can be called the Mother of all Chinese pyramids. Archaeologists managed to learn from local residents that once upon a time, according to legend, the top of this structure was covered with gold and marked the “middle of the world.”

The giant ancient pyramids were made from unfired clay mixed with various local additives. Moreover, many pyramids contained a certain chemical element unknown on Earth. None of the analyzes carried out was able to unravel its secret, moreover, this was hampered by the high level of radiation that “guarded” the Chinese pyramids. The ancient builders apparently had a secret when stones softened with a solution of plant extract became soft, like plasticine, and after sculpting and drying, they completely restored their properties.

1986 - photographs of Chinese pyramids again appeared in the world press, this time taken during World War II by American military pilot James Gaussman. He mentioned the Death Valley, located in Sichuan province, which he flew over before he saw the pyramids.

It is also called the Valley of Black Bamboo. People disappear there, planes crash. And only recently a very strong magnetic field was discovered in this deadly valley. Perhaps it is a special protection so that no one finds the way to the Great White Pyramid, the essence and purpose of which earthlings are unlikely to be able to unravel in the near future.

1996 October 15 ZetaTalk stated that the Chinese pyramids were built by the same aliens from the Twelfth Planet who built the pyramids in Egypt, Mexico, Guatemala and other countries.

1997 - a certain Dr. Mark Carlotto saw in photographs taken by the Viking probe in the Cydonia region on Mars, the same “man-made” pyramids, one of which was very similar to the Great White Pyramid of China. This time, the Chinese authorities promised the world community to organize an expedition to the Shanxi province, although without excavations or any research. And in Munich, Walter Hein’s book “The Face of Mars” was published, in which the author supported the idea of ​​​​the Martian origin of the Chinese pyramids.

2004, summer - researcher Chris Mayer from America visited Shanxi and visited the top of one of the pyramids, taking a number of photographs. Some of these pyramids are now in poor condition, since local peasants for many years took earth and clay from their slopes for rural needs.

Several versions of the purpose of the Chinese pyramids have been put forward: the first is that they are the tombs of emperors, dignitaries, nobles and military leaders; the second is part of the gigantic Feng Shui system.

Perhaps there is some kind of geometric correspondence between pyramids in different parts of the world. There could be a connection between the Mother of all pyramids of China and the great pyramid of Cheops, since both are based on the number 16,944. For example, the distance between the pyramids in Shanxi and the Great Pyramid of Egypt, calculated in degrees of arc magnitude, gives the number 16,944. As a result of various mathematical combinations, the number 16,944,430 invariably comes up.

Moreover, as already mentioned, all the pyramids are located in accordance with astronomical landmarks. Also, scientists could not help but notice that one of the pyramids near the city of Xi'an is surprisingly similar to the Pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacan in Mexico, and the other is similar to the famous building in the Egyptian Valley of the Kings.

But each group of pyramids as a whole contains all the harmonic relationships that give them the opportunity to resonate in unison with light, magnetic and other existing fields. It is now known that if electronic stations are built in various parts globe, geometrically corresponding to each other in phase, then it is possible to maintain a connection between two points through the globe. Perhaps these ancient structures were erected for the same purpose.

It is possible that inside the pyramids there were special devices for such communication. Or maybe this didn’t require any electronic devices, except for the pyramids themselves, which by their design made it possible to directly exchange thoughts if the priests were located in special rooms inside the pyramids. Contact could not be limited to Earth and was possible with certain conditions between different dimensions or across parsecs of space, and the globe was used as a transceiver.

So far, no one on Earth has been able to understand and decipher this complex energy network, which may have been left to us millions of years ago and is still active on a cosmic scale.

Not long ago, the Chinese government “for reasons national security" declared the area adjacent to the Great White Pyramid a closed area because a launch pad was built there for the launch of rockets that put artificial Earth satellites into orbit. And one of the leading archaeologists in China, Professor Khia Nai, believes that these pyramids are not being explored today because “this is work for future generations.”

Sklyarenko Valentina, Syadro Vladimir

When the conversation turns to pyramids, the first thing that comes to mind is Egypt. Few people know that there are pyramids in China; for many it becomes news. There is an opinion that more than a hundred elevations are the result of representatives of other worlds being on Earth.

In the middle of the last century, it became known that there are pyramids in the Middle Kingdom, and they are twice as tall as those in Egypt. This became the property of humanity thanks to photographs taken from space. The passage to the pyramids is guarded by the military, and access to outsiders is prohibited. Many people have the opinion that the Chinese authorities pretended that there were simply no pyramids, and that there were hills in their place. Fact: two traders from Australia came to the Sichuan area, in the center of China they saw these mysterious pyramids ranging in height from twenty-five to one hundred meters and decided to ask the abbot from the monastery, which is located nearby, about their history. The traders learned that these pyramids of China had been standing for quite a long time. There is information about pyramids in records that are thousands of years old, and no one can say for sure how old they are. It was mentioned by the abbot that these mysterious objects appeared when China was under the reign of ancient emperors, who were confident that people did not live alone in the universe.

White pyramid in China

The pyramid called White, in the center of Shaanxi, attracts attention. The pilot from the USA was able to take photographs not only of seeing the Chinese pyramids. The height of this mysterious object is three hundred meters, which is twice the height of the famous Egyptian one. This pyramid at its base is more than five hundred meters, and its sides are directed clearly towards the four cardinal directions, and, according to the pilot, it reflects a bright white light.

In the recent past, the Chinese government declared the area adjacent to the White Pyramid inaccessible, citing that there is a launch site for rockets that launch satellites into Earth orbit.

Classification of Chinese pyramids

Researchers were able to mark where the Chinese pyramids are located on the map; information about these places is available on the World Wide Web.

Why this location is a question that has no answer to this day. Studying the location on the map of the structures, scientists agreed that every pyramid in China stands so that it faces north, south, east and west, or is slightly tilted towards Greenland .

There are pictures on the Internet that depict Chinese pyramids, the coordinates of which are determined quite accurately.

Many Chinese pyramids have a square base, but there are also rectangular ones.

Looking at the pyramids in China, the photos of which are very clear, you will notice that some of them stand on low platforms, up to three meters. One of the common forms of pyramids is without a top, it is truncated. You can find objects with and without steps. Trees and bushes grow on many objects, as if they are trying to camouflage them.

Pyramids of Chinese Yasen Park

The park called “Yasen” is located 15 km from the center of Xi’an in the south- east side. Many visitors here come to admire the pyramids in China when it’s summer. There are more than twenty objects here, but two particularly tall ones stand out.

Tourists visiting China come to this park, the valley here stretches for two thousand meters, they observe sixteen objects that are interconnected, and more than ten smaller pyramids, next to the park. It is noteworthy that the peculiarity of the pyramids in the park is their clear direction to the north, west, south and east, and the absence of tops, instead of which there are platforms. From the larger pyramids you can see a magnificent view of the smaller pyramids of China, the photos of which are always breathtaking.

The Chinese pyramids are in many ways superior to others that have ever been found on our planet. They are larger in height than the Egyptian ones, and larger in number than the Mexican ones. Chinese ancient buildings, or rather most of them, are classified objects into whose territory ordinary tourists are not allowed. In addition, it is not so easy for archaeologists from Europe to get to the Chinese pyramids, since Chinese military installations are located where they are located. Thus, China legally ensured the inviolability and security of its most valuable relics. Perhaps the Chinese have long solved the mysteries of their pyramids. That is why they protect them so much from strangers.

The most famous Chinese pyramid is the Great White

The height of the Great Pyramid of China, according to some sources, is 300 meters, which is twice the height of the Cheops pyramid. Its other neighbors are less tall, but no less interesting. Tourists are not allowed to approach the White Pyramid at all, since a secret Chinese military facility is located in close proximity to it. That is why it cannot be seen on satellites. IN Lately This structure is hidden especially carefully.

The discovery of the American pilot was the most informative, but they preferred to classify it

In 1945, a United States Air Force pilot named James Kaufman flew over China on a reconnaissance flight. Over the Qinling ridge, the engine of his plane began to malfunction. The pilot had to reduce altitude to avoid a possible crash. Flying over the valley, James saw an interesting structure, which immediately attracted his attention with its size.

Subsequently, the pilot wrote a report in which he described the pyramid:

Having flown around the hill, I reached a spacious plain. Having descended, I noticed on her territory strange building, resembling a pyramid. It seemed to me that it was made of some kind of metal alloy, which shone a little in the sun, emitting a pleasant light. On top of this structure was a smooth sheet, probably metal, resembling the color of a precious stone.

James' plane was equipped with a camera that was considered modern and quite powerful at the time. Using this device, the pilot took several photographs, which he attached to the report described above. Experts - Pentagon employees, having read the report, decided to classify it. All that was known was that the height of the pyramid reaches 300 m, and the length of its base is almost 500 meters.

By the way, the height of the Cheops pyramid does not exceed 150 meters. The length of its base, or rather one of the sides of the base, reaches only 230 meters. Previously, this particular structure was considered the largest pyramid, but now this will have to be doubted.

A trader from Australia was also lucky enough to accidentally become acquainted with the Chinese pyramids

In 1963, a certain Bruce Kagi managed to find manuscripts from an Australian nomadic trader that described the Chinese pyramids. This manuscript was compiled in 1912 and for a long time was considered lost. By the way, the author's name was Mayer Schroder.

Schroder once walked with his companion along the ancient capital of China, which is now the city of Xi'an. At a certain moment, he noticed a huge structure that looked like a mountain. Getting closer to it, the merchant noticed that it had geometrically regular edges and a flat top. After that, he came across other pyramids, the purpose of which he could not even imagine. These buildings were located “under the noses” of people, but despite this, no one knew about their existence.

The merchant noted that the sides of the pyramids are clearly oriented to the cardinal points. The oldest Chinese structures were lined with slabs made from clay or a similar material. In the past there were steps on their edges. Almost all the tops of the pyramids were flat, which made them reminiscent of similar Mexican structures.

In modern times, Chinese pyramids do not have such clear outlines, as they have been greatly influenced by time. The slopes of some buildings are overgrown with trees, which perfectly camouflages them. The sharp corners of almost all the pyramids were smoothed out, which is why they began to look more like mountains.

The merchant’s friend, who, by the way, was a monk, told him that the age of the Chinese pyramids cannot be measured with modern figures. In the oldest Chinese books, written about 5 thousand years ago, it was said that these pyramids were built by an even more ancient emperor who flew to our planet from the constellation Leo. To be more precise, one of the first pyramids was built by Emperor Huangdi, who flew from the above constellation. He allegedly ruled for a hundred years, after which he flew back.

Why do the Chinese hide their pyramids?

As mentioned earlier, there are classified military facilities near the Chinese pyramids, for example, a cosmodrome. The government has the right to hide such objects legally. The strangest thing is that some images taken with the help of satellites show a direct connection between the Chinese cosmodrome and one of the pyramids. Perhaps Chinese engineers have learned to somehow harness the energy of these buildings.

Another version is based on the fact that the above-described pyramids do not belong to the Chinese, so they will not be able to answer all the questions regarding their origin. Some myths describe that these buildings were built by ancient tribe Dinlins, who arrived from the north. Representatives of this tribe were tall, fair-haired, blue-eyed. According to the description, they are quite similar to Russians. Moreover, in old burial grounds in China, the remains of people belonging to the light race were often found. In one of the burial grounds they found a curious symbol - a circle made of ocher, inside of which there were two fish, supposedly swimming towards each other. This is an ancient Slavic symbol, which later turned into the Chinese “yin and yang”.

In the spring of 1945, American military pilot James Gausman made an emergency landing due to engine problems in a “restricted zone” in southwestern China. Looking around, he saw a grandiose structure, later called the White Pyramid!

According to him, “the pyramid glowed with a flickering light and was built of some kind of metal or some kind of stone.” The pilot immediately pointed the camera at this “miracle of nature” and took several photographs of the picture that amazed him. Unfortunately, these unique photographs disappeared in the annals of US military intelligence, but the pilot's report remained. It said: “Maneuvering among the mountains before landing, I saw directly below the plane a gigantic white pyramid, as if emerging from ancient legends and myths! It had a dazzling white top, as if crowned with a magic crystal!”

Two years later, the amazing testimony of James Gausman, greeted by historians with a considerable amount of skepticism, was confirmed by an equally authoritative eyewitness, US Air Force Colonel Maurice Sheehan, who at that time headed the Far Eastern branch of Trans World Airlines. According to a report in the New York Times on March 28, 1947, Maurice Sheehan, flying his plane over the mountains of southwestern China, saw a pyramid that “dwarfed the famous Egyptian pyramids!” The pilot was indescribably delighted at this sight. According to him, the pyramid stood at the foot of Jingling Mountain and had a height of 300 meters (!), and a base width of 450 meters! There was a smaller pyramid nearby. Both structures were located at the far end of a narrow valley in a completely inaccessible area. In the near part of the valley, Maurice Sheehan counted hundreds of human graves, and also saw a nearby village and a chain of footprints leading to it...

New details

In March 1994, an explorer of the mysteries of antiquity, Hartwig Hausdorff, a like-minded enthusiast of the idea of ​​aliens visiting the Earth in ancient times and the author of the acclaimed film “Remembrance of the Future,” Erich von Däniken, somehow made his way to the White Pyramid. Hartwig Hausdorff told reporters about his journey and showed them photographs of Chinese pyramids, including the White Pyramid, secretly taken from the “forbidden zone”. In an interview with journalists, this enthusiast accused the Chinese government of hiding the fact of the existence of this pyramid, and also stated that it was built by aliens! Hausdorff drew attention to the abundance of artificial forests on the White Pyramid. Skeptics explained them as the desire of specialists to stop soil erosion, but, according to Hausdorff, the reason was more prosaic: to disguise the signs of the artificial origin of this majestic structure from prying eyes and from too “big-eyed” satellite cameras.

Valley of the Pyramids.

On his next visit to the “forbidden zone” in October 1994, Hartwig Hausdorff spent a full 18 minutes filming the six pyramids he discovered on his first visit. Looking through the footage, the researcher said that he saw several more pyramids in the background that had not been noticed before. Moreover, in an interview with journalists, Hausdorff named a generally fantastic figure - as if he counted more than a hundred pyramids on an area of ​​2000 square kilometers!
An hour-long film about his Chinese epic, shot by a tireless researcher, was shown in the United States on the History Lessons television channel.

And again, commenting on what was happening on the screen, Hausdorff referred to the ancient chinese legends, telling about the legacy of space aliens allegedly hidden in the pyramids.”
Hausdorff spoke about the Chinese pyramids and his third trip to the “forbidden zone” in 1997 in his book “The White Pyramid.” True, in English translation it began to be called “Chinese Roswell: Contacts with UFOs on Far East from ancient times to the present day." According to experts, the inclusion in the book of the UFO phenomenon and an episode of the fall of one of these objects on Chinese territory (similar to what happened in Roswell in the USA in 1947) is most likely a tribute to Hausdorff’s commitment to the idea of ​​intervention of alien civilizations in earthly affairs.

Official opinion

The American newspaper Los Angeles Times for April 1, 1947 (let's not exaggerate the role of this issue of the newspaper in misinformation to the public) nevertheless published an amazing message, with reference to the government of the province of Shaanxi (on whose territory the mysterious pyramids were erected). The message said: “Yesterday, the Shaanxi Provincial Government released the expert opinion on the White Pyramid. According to this conclusion, the discovery of the “Second Great Pyramid,” called the White Pyramid, has “no real basis).”

Three weeks later, at a conference on problems of the ancient history of Asia, a report was made, “Reports of a giant White Pyramid require unbiased confirmation.” This came from the well-known sinologist Arthur Pope in the West, who stated that he had good reason to believe real facts“the flow of knowledge about the construction of pyramids from Western Asia to Egypt (!).” According to Pope, the White Pyramid was first green on the east side, white on the west, and black on the north. This “multi-color” design of the Chinese pyramids is confirmed by the evidence of Gartwig Hausdorff, sinologist David Childress and the famous mystic Robert Charroux, who considered the builders of the White Pyramid to be the inhabitants of Venus!
Support for supporters of the White Pyramid reality came from unexpected side: satellite photos! They show as many as 16 pyramids in the “forbidden zone”!

Secrets of the twentieth century.


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