Pisces male horoscope. Pisces born in the year of the rooster

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In the year of the fiery Rooster, Pisces will be most passionate about their love relationships and family. The horoscope indicates that if representatives of the Water element are happy at home, then everything will work out for them in other areas. For those who want to succeed in business, it is important during this period to take a wait-and-see attitude and think more before taking action. Pisces should study the horoscope for 2017 as carefully as possible in order to understand what mistakes they should not make in this year. Pisces' desire to get everything at once can play a cruel joke on them, so they need to learn to control their desires.

“An interesting fact is that in 2017, representatives of the water element will be more sociable and friendly than ever. Such activity will allow Pisces to make useful contacts in 2017 and expand their social circle. However, the horoscope recommends during this period not to forget about old, trusted friends, since only faithful comrades will always lend a helping hand in difficult times. The stars indicate to Pisces that they should not rush to be frank with their loved one and tell him unnecessary details from their life. The other half may not appreciate such sincerity, which will only worsen communication between the couple.”


Pisces in 2017 will be quite vulnerable and emotional, which will interfere with their personal life. The horoscope for 2017 recommends that Pisces women of this sign try to calmly respond to criticism addressed to them and not enter into conflict unnecessarily. The heavenly bodies recommend that married ladies try to find peace in the arms of their loved one. Having studied the horoscope, a woman will understand how she needs to behave in work situations. If representatives of the element of Water listen to their intuition more often, they will succeed in their careers. For some, excellent prospects will open up to change their field of activity and discover something new.

Tigers can count on a proposal and further wedding celebrations in 2017. In the workplace, Tiger women will have to defend their interests more than once and fight for the truth. The snake, according to the horoscope, has come to learn to take responsibility for its decisions. In 2017, the fiery Rooster will test the strength of the Snake woman’s nerves, but she will cope. In his personal life, the Snake will face the dilemma of fighting for love or giving his chosen one to his rival.

Strengthen your financial position The Rat will succeed only if it stops being wasteful with money and starts saving money for useful acquisitions. If a Rat woman finds a hobby she likes, she will feel much more energetic. Free advice from the horoscope indicates that the Dog will literally disappear at work in 2017, however, such work will be rewarded. The horoscope warns that the Dog should trust his innermost secrets to his friends less, as there is a high chance of betrayal. Expects a rooster in its year financial success and promotion career ladder.

The annual horoscope warns the Pig woman not to give up on her plans even when it gets hard. If the Pig can cope with the intrigues of his colleagues and the dissatisfaction of his superiors, he will definitely succeed in 2017. Having listened to free advice from the stars, the Goat will understand that during this period she will have to make every effort to strengthen her relationship and save it from breaking. By paying maximum attention to their nutrition and going in for sports, Pisces will be able to correct shortcomings in their figure and will feel more confident. Excellent prospects for development will open up for the Horse, the main thing is not to miss the opportunity!

The Ox woman will not have to make any effort in 2017 special effort to build love relationship. Singles will finally build personal happiness, and family women will be able to establish trusting contact with your spouse. In 2017, the Dragon does not need to agree to a wedding ceremony, since, according to the horoscope, it will be more useful to check his feelings for now. The horoscope recommends that the Rabbit woman try to pay off her debts as quickly as possible, because this is how she will be able to find peace of mind. In 2017, the Monkey will need to understand who is a friend and who is an enemy and be more careful in letting people into his life.


The loving nature of Pisces men in 2017 can play both a good and a cruel joke on them. At the beginning of spring, bachelors will be able to have a love affair with a pretty girl, which in the future can develop into something new. But family signs will want variety, which they may begin to look for in the arms of someone other than their spouse. The horoscope recommends that Pisces be careful, as there is a high chance of getting burned. After reading the horoscope for 2017 Pisces, a man will understand how to behave in the workplace. If in the middle of the year Pisces manages to conclude a profitable deal, then their business will go uphill.

The Tiger man needs to try to devote more time to his other half and say pleasant words to her, since his beloved will need confirmation of love. Those Tigers who have been dating a girl for a long time should decide on a wedding celebration in 2017. Excellent financial prospects will open up for the Snake if it changes its type of activity. In a new place, the Snake man will be able to not only earn money, but also enjoy his activities. Big changes await the Snake in his personal life, so you need to be on your guard.

The Rat will be able to achieve personal happiness in 2017. The horoscope for the year for Pisces indicates that bachelors will meet their beloved right on the street or in a public place, and family men Rats will enjoy harmony in a couple. The Rooster man should not expect to receive the desired benefits from the stars for free, since in 2017 all benefits will be given to him “with blood and sweat.” In 2017, the Dog will have excellent prospects for moving to another city or even country. If the Dog man listens more often to practical advice partner, it will improve your financial situation and advance at work.

In 2017, the Pig man will have to actively resolve current issues in a love relationship. The horoscope warns the Pig that the other half will need the help and support of a loved one, so you need to be ready to provide it. If representatives of the stronger sex, born in the year of the Goat, try to be less lazy and pay attention to their self-development, they will ultimately receive the desired results. In their personal lives, single Pisces men will have excellent prospects, and at a wedding celebration with friends or right on the street, they will meet their future chosen one. The horoscope indicates that the Horse will expect many bright and interesting events in 2017 (visiting other countries, buying a car or even a new house).

You should not count on the fact that the Ox will be able to get what he wants absolutely free of charge in the form of a promotion up the career ladder, since 2017 is not his year! In the new year, the Dragon will have to take responsibility for the family and try to keep it afloat financially. The horoscope warns the lonely Rabbit that he will not be able to find a loved one during this period, so for now it is better to focus on his career. In 2017, the Monkey should spend less time with friends and more often pay attention to his personal life (his wife or finding a girlfriend).

Advice from astrologer Pavel Globa will also help you spend 2017 in harmony with yourself. He points out that in 2017 Pisces need to beware of envious people and not allow strangers close to their family. Globa recommends not trying to test the strength of a friend or your love relationship, as there is a high probability that the test will fail. The astrologer warns Pisces to stop hoping for luck and make every effort to realize their dreams. The horoscope for 2017 from Pavel Globa will become a reliable adviser on what to do in various situations.

Free advice from Globa warns Tiger that trouble awaits him in his personal life. Unreasonable jealousy on the part of the Tiger can destroy fragile feelings. The horoscope from Globa warns that the Snake needs to try in 2017 to quarrel less with colleagues and do more work. At the beginning of summer, the Snake will have an exciting trip abroad. If Pisces invites his soulmate to play in the wedding celebration, then his loved one will not mind, so it’s time to take a risk.

Astrologer Globa advises the Rat to find reliable allies at work, since outside help will not be superfluous. If in 2017 the Rat takes up a hobby that suits her, she will finally feel the desired satisfaction and peace of mind. The horoscope from Tamara Globa warns the Rooster to try “not to mess things up” in his year and stop quarreling with loved ones. Having listened to free recommendations from Globa, the Rooster will understand that rearranging the house or making repairs will benefit his relationship, since home comfort everyone will be happy. In the new year, it is important for the Goat to try to understand what she wants from her love union, and try to adjust your communication with your loved one.

According to Globa, the time has come for the dog to pay maximum attention to his work, and not to intrigues in the workplace. Astrologer Globa believes that the Dog’s sexuality will allow her to surprise her partner or find a soul mate if this sign is alone. The horoscope from Globa believes that the Pig should pay attention to his health in 2017 (namely, treat his back and thyroid gland). If the Horse can overcome his bad habits in the coming year and starts getting enough sleep, then he will feel great all year.

According to Globa, the time has come for the Dragon to stop getting into debt and try to stabilize its financial situation. If the Bull listens to advice from Globa and does not rush into the wedding celebration, he will understand that the person next to him is not his destiny. According to Globa, it is important for the monkey to listen to his intuition when running a business and carefully think through where he invests his funds. Globa warns the Rabbit to be careful with his desires, as his plans will begin to come true.


The 2017 horoscope recommends Pisces to stop saving and start spending on their significant other for the benefit of their love relationships. Those born in the year of the Snake, Pig, Rooster and Rabbit should renovate and equip the house. The stars advise Pisces to stop counting on free benefits from heavenly bodies and start working harder. The following people will be able to improve their financial well-being in this way: Dog, Rat, Tiger and Dragon.

Pisces will be able to spend 2017 as productively as possible in terms of money if they pay attention to the following nuances:

  • They will save up money if they plan to celebrate a wedding ceremony or buy expensive equipment for the house. The stars indicate that 2017 will be the most favorable year for a wedding celebration for those born in the year: Snake, Dog, Rooster, Pig and Goat;
  • They will change jobs and get a promising position. Financial well-being and success in this case awaits: Pig, Rat, Tiger and Bull;
  • They will try to diversify their love relationships and go on vacation to another country. Free advice from the horoscope warns that it will be possible to find a soul mate and build a strong love tandem while traveling (for Dog, Rooster, Tiger, Snake and Rabbit);
  • They will deposit the money in the bank, thereby improving their financial situation. With the accumulated funds, Pisces can go on a trip abroad or even have a wedding celebration.

Free predictions from the horoscope for the new year 2017, the zodiac sign Pisces must be studied carefully in order to avoid mistakes. The stars strongly advise against opening a business together with friends or a significant other for those born in the year of the Pig, Rat, Goat and Rabbit. If these four decide to conduct a common business with a loved one, they risk aggravating their love union.

Specialization: Astrology, Parapsychology
Education: Professional

Articles written

In 2017, the sign of Pisces will experience an unprecedented rise in energy and vitality. This push is necessary for representatives of the zodiac sign to begin to change their lives for the better. In the new year, Pisces will have enough strength to receive additional education, and master new job or hobby, and to make many new acquaintances. However, be careful: your strength may be wasted and you will have to carefully return yourself to the mainstream of self-development over and over again. In the year of the Fire Rooster, Pisces will have to pay attention to those aspects of their life that draw energy from them, otherwise they risk simply “burning out.” The patron of the year provides you with the opportunity to get away from painful relationships and start new business and improve your health by getting rid of unnecessary stress.

It is better to devote the first ten days of the year to healthy rest. Get a good night's sleep, walk a lot, avoid excess food and alcohol, and think about giving up bad habits. In a word, try not to overload your beginning of the year with anything unnecessary, gain strength for positive changes. Already in the first half of spring, you will feel an urgent need to find new contacts with people. Look for good acquaintances in good places: visit museums, exhibitions, theaters. This way you can attract people not only with the ease of your communication, but also with your extensive knowledge in various fields.

The oracle says that summer is good time to change your appearance. Dare to change your hairstyle and wardrobe, visit beauty salons and cosmetologists - your new and old friends will certainly appreciate your efforts and shower you with numerous compliments. The main thing is not to fall for sweet flattery and remember why you keep yourself in shape. The main thing for you should be own health and self-confidence.

In the fall, try to realize your personal potential in business success. Keep old promises, pay off debts. Maintain interest in various fields by reading literature and communicating with people - do not bury yourself in work. It is best to plan your vacation for the last ten days of autumn or the beginning of winter. The Oracle recommends going to warm countries and gaining pleasant impressions. However, be careful with exotic cuisine: there is a high risk of getting food poisoning.

Finance and profession

Pisces can read the horoscope for 2017 without fear. Everything related to your career is stable and secure. Work and business do not promise to reveal any sudden difficulties. That is why the Pisces sign can safely take everything into its own hands: you can increase labor efficiency, try new work methods, and generally increase productivity in the workplace. The efforts of this zodiac sign will not go unnoticed by management, but by those who have own business, the effort will bring in enough money to justify itself.

Perhaps the second half of 2017 will force you to sacrifice a little time from your personal life on the business altar. You should not perceive this as a tragedy and the collapse of a relationship: most likely, you will be required to devote several weekends in the fall to improving your affairs. Soon everything will go according to plan without your additional intervention, and the sign of Pisces will again shine, surrounded by interesting acquaintances and closest friends, without being distracted by sudden force majeure circumstances.

In general, the job will bring you a stable income throughout the year. All that the Pisces sign can do to improve their situation is to improve relationships with colleagues and carefully analyze their work schedule. Building your own schedule will help you spend much less time on daily thinking and stabilize the workload during the working day. At the same time, pay attention to your current responsibilities: perhaps you didn’t notice how you took on the work of your colleague. Politely refuse to overfulfill your immediate tasks: Save your energy.

Personal life

On the personal front, everything is calm for Pisces in 2017. You should not expect serious scandals and quarrels with your other half. Small conflicts for this zodiac sign are possible in winter, but Pisces’ natural ability to resolve conflicts peacefully will reduce all disagreements to nothing.

Give your life partner pleasant surprises more often: both Pisces men and Pisces women will be able to surprise their partner with their renewed appearance. Arrange common leisure time for your household so that the whole family can be together.

Lonely Pisces in 2017 will be able to attract potential partners with their irresistible image and wide erudition. Pisces men are more likely to achieve success in love during the third decade of autumn. They are required to show a lot of attention to a new acquaintance, to be honest and open in their intentions. Do not create a deceptive image if you cannot maintain it throughout the entire relationship, otherwise you will inflict a deep heart wound on your loved one.

Pisces women also run the risk of playing socialite, creating a false image of themselves in the eyes of men. Be careful - lying has never led to healthy relationships and a happy personal life. Show sincere participation and attention to your partner, try not to scatter your attention on those men who do not seriously interest you.

Family Pisces should pay attention to raising children - in 2017, conflicts may arise with them. The situation may look as if the child is deliberately provoking you into aggression, but do not rush to throw out your emotions and punish the child. Think about what you missed in communicating with the younger generation, talk to your children more often, try to restrain yourself from rude remarks and gestures. Plan to spend time together—a hobby or a family trip can help strengthen your bond.


As already noted, in 2017 it is recommended to postpone vacation until winter. By this point, Pisces will have put all their affairs in order and will be able to have enough money to secure a trip to warm countries. By the way, it is warm countries with exotic culture that are highly recommended for visiting. The atypical climate for the Russian winter will make you quickly forget about the worries that have accumulated over the year, and the unusual way of life and aesthetics of the indigenous population will inspire Pisces to study different cultures and expanding your own knowledge about the world.

During your trip, spend more time walking and visiting local attractions. Pisces is a zodiac sign distinguished by its ability to plan flexibly, so creating your own route is not difficult for them. However, do not get carried away with local cuisine and traditional medicine: what is medicine for an Asian can turn out to be a deadly poison for a European. You might want to learn new language or study the history of the country you visited: do not stop yourself in your pursuit of self-development.

Let's sum it up

The Year of the Fire Rooster, paradoxically, has prepared exceptionally pleasant surprises for the sign of Pisces. The situation at work and in personal life does not imply any serious upheavals, and this opens up ample opportunities to improve your own life. For Pisces the most valuable advice there will be a banal “start with yourself” - and indeed, going to a cosmetologist, changing your haircut and wardrobe, expanding your own erudition will have the most favorable effect on the life situation of the representatives of the sign. The acquaintances acquired this year will bring interesting experience or profitable cooperation, getting rid of old toxic connections - reducing stress.

With a new look and updated inner world Pisces will probably want to use their potential even more effectively, or even change their sphere professional activity. There is also no need to be afraid of these impulses - Fire Rooster patronizes all changes.

The main thing is after decision taken there is no need to be afraid and retreat back, and then the new workplace or a new relationship will only bring good luck.

Moving will also be a good idea in 2017. A change of scenery, the new kind from the window and the worries of arranging a new place of residence will seem like pleasant entertainment for Pisces. Their strength will be enough to resolve all moving issues without much hassle, and a stable financial situation will allow the family budget not to suffer too much from a significant purchase. In addition, the new environment and concerns about repairs will unite the Pisces family and allow some disagreements to be resolved. Give your household and yourself the freedom to experiment with the furnishings of your new home, and then it will truly become your home.

Your impressiveness and sparkle of confidence in your eyes will allow you to achieve more from people than you planned! You are struck by a new idea and are thinking about it. You consider all the pros and cons, calculate costs and revenue, choose a woman. In general, you are looking for something deeper. And you're doing it right! This tactic was suggested to you by instinct, and you have had it turned on to the maximum from the very beginning of the year. In the horoscope for 2017, Pisces men will find many unexpected turns and deep-sea stones. You are at the top of the opportunities you have been looking for for a long time, but do not be gullible in all your desires.

Love and flirtation are in your power, and under the vigilant supervision of your mind, you choose your spouse, your new lover, your friend. Shhh, don’t you want to look back and take a closer look at those who are already nearby? Having lost those with whom you already have some kind of relationship, you will not be happy with new ones. Well, maybe they will amuse you for a while, but they will soon get boring. Your impulses are connected with the fact that the Rooster requires something new and fresh from you. The Rooster wants to see new blood, ideas and solutions in you, but not in this field. If you still can’t wait to meet “this brunette,” try it, since you really can’t, but try not to tell anyone about her, and especially not to leave your previous relationship.

Finance requires new investments. Decide on a new business. It doesn’t matter what direction, but it must be desired by you, interesting to you and planned long years. The time has come to realize your passion for your business. And it doesn’t matter how old you are - take it and do it - the Rooster will support you. By autumn you will already be on horseback. And by the end of the year you will be able to make full money from your hobby. This is exactly what you were going for!

Health and sports have always been inextricably linked for you, but it’s still worth seeing a doctor. Sports will not solve the problem of lack of vitamins and possible hormonal imbalance. Take the necessary tests and begin treatment. The procedures will become effective if you do them before the summer. In winter, do not avoid vitamins and healthy foods.

Rest and diet are something that you absolutely cannot combine: a barbecue at the dacha with a huge amount of alcohol, the hubbub of friends, morning beer - forget about it until the fall. The horoscope for Pisces men for 2017 opens up their opportunities for research and discovery. You can fully rely on your gut feeling. You need proper rest, with moments when you can think about decisions in silence or just pick up a book. You will discover a spring within yourself that will help answer many questions, but you need silence. For trips, choose the forest and mountains, the beach and the sea. Passive relaxation will add to your feeling of happiness and relaxation.

The beginning of 2017 will be relatively difficult. The horoscope advises Pisces women to pay more attention to family during this period. Debts that have accumulated over a long period of time will haunt you.

Accumulated problems can drag you into depression, but you shouldn’t succumb to it. Seek help from friends, they will help you both psychologically and financially. New friends will also appear, but do not forget the saying “an old friend is better than two new ones.”

The horoscope for a woman born under the sign of Pisces advises taking care of her appearance in 2017. If possible, go to a beauty salon. And you can arrange various cosmetic procedures at home using folk remedies. Moreover, the effect from them is no worse than from professional means. People around you will definitely notice your efforts and will shower you with compliments.

Don’t forget about spiritual beauty: visit exhibitions, museums, cinema, in general various cultural events. Year of the Rooster great time to get an education.

Love horoscope

In the first half of the year for married woman Pisces will be fine in her relationship with her spouse. From time to time you will have a desire to diversify your sexual married life. This will simply agitate your union. You will be able to look at marriage with different eyes.

Unmarried Pisces girls will receive a long-awaited marriage proposal. But don’t rush headlong into the pool, think it over carefully.

For those who do not yet have a chosen one, it is worth looking around. It is possible that your destiny is very close, among your good friends.

In the second half of the year there is a possibility of an office romance. It’s worth thinking about what is more important to you – an affair on the side or your reputation and family.

Family horoscope

Children will need your attention more than ever. There is a possibility that your child will fall into bad company, especially if he adolescence. To prevent this from happening, you should put aside even very important matters, have a heart-to-heart talk and find a way out of the current situation.

Perhaps the child needs help to find himself, to occupy himself with something. Joint work or relaxation is an excellent means for bonding.

Your parents will ask for help, you need to go to a meeting with them.

Financial horoscope

IN financially In 2017, things will not be easy for the Pisces woman. You will have to work hard to pay off your accumulated debts. The child's problems will cause some expenses. You will feel like you will never get out of this debt hole. But don't despair.

In the second half of the year, things will slowly begin to improve. By the end of the year, the financial situation will stabilize a little. Try to spend less; you will need to think about every purchase, even the most insignificant one.

If you still manage to pay off your debts in 2017, then you should think about a profitable investment or deposit.


At work in 2017 everything will be smooth and calm. Throughout the year, minor tasks will appear that you can easily cope with. There will be attempts to burden you with work that is not part of your responsibilities.
You need to immediately let your colleagues know what you are getting wages for your own work, not someone else's. If you expect a blockage at work, then you should not immediately panic and become despondent.

You should calm down. Make a plan of tasks and begin to carry them out with a calm soul. You will soon realize that you shouldn’t have been so afraid. Your perseverance and calmness when performing work tasks will definitely be appreciated by management.

Health horoscope

Throughout the year, the Pisces woman will be subject to depression. It is worth remembering that this causes many diseases and should be suppressed at the stage of blues, and under no circumstances should it be started. There is a possibility of cardiovascular diseases.

At the first signs of illness, going to the doctor should not be put on hold. To prevent many diseases, do not forget about walks and healthy way life.

Horoscope by month

So, to summarize, the year for the Pisces woman will not be the most successful, according to astrologers. But don’t despair, you need to remember that a lot depends only on you.

In January old debt will remind you of yourself.

February will delight you with new acquaintances.

March will bring family troubles.

In April a surprise awaits you. Whether it will be pleasant or not depends only on you.

May dedicate to updating your wardrobe.

June And July favorable time for rest.

In August there will be minor health problems for you or your loved ones.

September will please you with a small cash bonus.

In October expect guests.

In November A short business trip awaits you.

December will be very troublesome.

2017 will quickly burst into the life of Pisces. Starting in January, representatives of this sign will find themselves in the center of a whirlpool of events that will change at kaleidoscopic speed. Information that seems new to you will become outdated in just a few days. But surprisingly, you will cope with the whole situation easily and even with some pleasure. You will get the most out of this rhythm, and life will sparkle with new colors.

You shouldn’t close yourself off from others when the new year comes. Try your best free time spend with friends who will always be near you. In addition, they will all begin to show extreme activity, and Pisces can only calmly go with the flow, getting involved in all the adventures that accompany it.

Incredible communication skills, as assured horoscope for 2017 for Pisces, during this period will help you make new acquaintances, as well as strengthen long-established connections. However, you should not devote all your time only to new friends, because with such success there is a risk that you will lose old acquaintances.

Not only you, but also your chosen one will be in a fever. This is a potentially dangerous moment that could result in a break in the relationship for Pisces, unless they begin to listen to the words of their other half.

The ability to cope with your feelings and emotions will help not only you, but also your loved one. He will look at your equanimity, and the degree of misunderstanding will begin to gradually decrease.

In the second half of 2017, Pisces will feel an incredible surge of love forces, which will help them establish new relationships, as well as strengthen long-established ties. Towards the end of the year you will probably find interesting person, with whom it will be pleasant to communicate and even have an affair.


Try to pay more attention to your health. Use every spare penny to strengthen your immune system, and also engage in prevention chronic diseases, If there are any.

With the advent of 2017, it is wise to take up some kind of sport - the results will not be long in coming. Astrologers warn that the genitourinary system may be a little “stupid” this year, so monitor your health and see a doctor on time.

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