Hot milk with propolis. Propolis with milk - beneficial properties and therapeutic effects

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A mixture of propolis with milk is a therapeutic and prophylactic agent, the use of which helps strengthen the immune system and restore health. The drink fights diseases of the digestive system, skin, endocrine glands, respiratory organs, musculoskeletal system and other ailments.

Composition and beneficial properties of propolis with milk

In the spring, as soon as aspen, birch, poplar, alder and other trees open their buds, bees begin to collect substances from them that have adhesive properties. Under the influence of enzymes secreted by insects, bioactive compounds are converted into a valuable product - propolis (use).

The bonds were found to contain:

  • waxes;
  • pollen;
  • natural antibiotics;
  • organic acids;
  • proteins (albumin);
  • alcohols;
  • Sahara;
  • minerals;
  • vitamins;
  • oils;
  • resins and other useful compounds.

It is difficult to treat with pure propolis. It is bitter and unpleasant to the taste, burns the mucous membranes of the mouth, and the effect of black wax makes the tongue numb. Swallowing uzou is useless (solid pieces of tar in the stomach and intestines do not undergo changes and do not have a therapeutic effect), it must be absorbed. In the mouth, under the action of enzymes secreted into saliva, black wax softens and dissolves, is absorbed into the blood and only after that has a therapeutic effect.

Bee glue dissolves in ethyl alcohol without heating. Many useful substances pass into the alcohol extract. Propolis can withstand high-temperature treatment without losing its beneficial properties. An aqueous extract and propolis milk are prepared from it.

Whole milk contains fat. When heated, bee glue contains fat-soluble compounds (vitamins, oils) that are unable to take an easily digestible form in water and alcohol. Milk softens the tart taste of propolis and enhances its healing properties.

Beneficial features

The medicine helps:

  • strengthen the immune system;
  • eliminate nervousness, anxiety and insomnia;
  • get rid of fungal, bacterial and viral infections;
  • slow down and suppress the growth of cancer cells;
  • restore damaged tissues;
  • wounds heal;
  • suppress inflammatory processes;
  • replenish energy;
  • treat heart and digestive tract diseases;
  • normalize intestinal microflora;
  • remove intoxication.

Methods of using the mixture for the treatment and prevention of various diseases

Uzu is dissolved in full-fat cow's or goat's milk. There are two basic recipes for preparing a medicinal drink. One product is made with pure propolis, the other adds a pharmaceutical 20% alcohol tincture of black wax. The mixtures have a pleasant aroma and taste.

Recipe for making propolis milk

Pour 1 liter of milk into an enamel (glass, ceramic) saucepan and begin to heat. Wait until it boils, add 50 g of grated propolis, reduce the heat. The liquid is constantly stirred (so as not to burn) until the bond is completely dissolved.

Metal containers are not suitable for preparing and storing the medicine (bee glue loses some of its beneficial substances).

Within 10–15 minutes, the black wax will melt in the hot milk. Insoluble fractions will settle to the bottom. The finished product is filtered through a multi-layer gauze napkin. A film of undissolved bee glue forms on top of the mixture (after cooling). It needs to be removed.

Store the medicinal mixture in the refrigerator in a glass container for no more than 3 days. Drink 1 tablespoon three times a day. The treatment course is 10 days.

How to make a mixture of milk and alcohol tincture of propolis

Add 20–25 drops of 20% alcohol-containing tincture to 0.5 cups of hot milk. They drink right away. The medicine is taken up to 3 times a day. The greatest therapeutic effect is obtained when you drink the drug before bed.

For those who do not like milk or cannot tolerate it, it is recommended to reduce the volume of liquid to ¼ cup (at the very least, to 1 tablespoon). Milk is necessary to dissolve the components of bee glue that cannot be extracted in water and alcohol.

Application of the mixture

A mixture of milk and propolis is used to suppress inflammatory processes that occur in internal organs and on the skin. The product is used to stimulate the immune system, tissue regeneration, replenish energy, and restore performance.

Treatment of colds and respiratory diseases

A mixture of milk and propolis is used to treat acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, and lung diseases (bronchitis, pneumonia). The product helps with sore throat, pharyngitis, rhinitis, laryngitis, otitis media and other ENT diseases. It kills bacteria and viruses, fights coughs, eliminates runny nose, relieves inflammation, heals wounds (with purulent sore throat), strengthens the immune system, improves sleep and general condition.

Features of application:

  1. For adults, add 40 drops of propolis tincture to a glass of hot milk (250 ml). Drink at night.
  2. For children over 12 years old, add 10 drops of alcohol-containing tincture to the same volume of milk.
  3. For children 3–12 years old, 125 ml of milk is combined with 1–2 drops of aqueous infusion of bee glue. To improve the taste and greater therapeutic effect, add 1 tsp to the medicine. honey. Give before bedtime.

The duration of treatment is the same for adults and children - 10 days.

How to prepare a water infusion of propolis

  1. Place crushed black wax and water in a 1:2 ratio into an enamel saucepan.
  2. Place the dishes in a water bath, the temperature of which is brought to 80 0 C, and leave for 60 minutes.
  3. The solution is left to stand for 6 hours and filtered.
  4. Pour into a dark glass bottle. The aqueous extract is stored for 7 days.

An aqueous infusion is used to treat children, pregnant women, and those who cannot tolerate alcohol solutions.

Use for gastritis, pancreatitis and other diseases of the digestive tract

The medicinal mixture copes with the treatment of gastritis, peptic ulcers, pancreatitis and other ailments of the digestive system. Terpene compounds, glycosides and flavonoids included in bee glue eliminate pain and inflammation that occurs in the pancreas during pancreatitis. Propolis mixed with milk suppresses the development of necrosis, the proliferation of fibrous tissue, prevents the addition of a secondary infection, and promotes the regeneration of mucous membranes.

The medicinal drink enhances the production of enzymes, improves the functioning of the liver, suppresses pathogenic microflora in the gastrointestinal tract, prevents bile from entering the gland ducts, restores metabolic processes, and promotes the removal of toxins. Inhibits the development of pancreatic necrosis and diabetes mellitus.

In addition, this tool:

  • heals erosions, prevents them from developing, accelerates scarring of ulcers;
  • improves the quality of gastric juice;
  • relieves heartburn, pain and spasms in the digestive tract;
  • resolves benign tumors;
  • prevents cancer cells from growing.

Application of the medicine:

Pancreatitis is treated comprehensively! For therapy, medications, diet and a mixture of propolis and milk are simultaneously used. Acute pancreatitis is a condition that poses a serious threat to life. Only those medications prescribed by the doctor are used in treatment!

Use for diseases of the musculoskeletal system

A mixture of milk and bee glue is used in medical practice for diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The product helps with deforming arthrosis, infectious and rheumatoid arthritis, gout, myositis, pain syndromes and other joint pathologies.

The medicinal mixture improves blood circulation in the joint area, warms, and relieves pain. It replenishes the deficiency of microelements and metabolites in lesions, eliminates mineral and protein imbalances.

Using the mixture internally, polyarthritis is treated - pathological conditions in which several joints suffer simultaneously. Prevent the occurrence of concomitant infections and inflammations.

Warmed milk (125 ml) is mixed with 30 drops of tincture. Drink 3 times a day. The mixture is completely absorbed and gives a good therapeutic effect if consumed 2 hours before meals.

For external use, a waxy film is used that appears on the surface of the mixture when propolis milk is prepared. The viscous substrate is removed and then used for applications (applied to sore joints).

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system require an integrated approach. Milk-propolis mixture is used in addition to drug therapy, physiotherapy, therapeutic exercises and massage.

Use for pathologies of the male and female genitourinary system

Propolis mixed with milk is taken for cystitis, prostatitis, adenoma, gynecological diseases, and kidney pathologies. The medicine replenishes the lack of vitamins and minerals and improves immunity.

Thanks to it, urination is normalized, inflammatory processes go away, the size of tumors decreases, and some tumors completely resolve. Men's potency is restored, and women's libido returns.

For treatment, 30 drops of black wax extract are mixed with warm milk (125–250 ml). The drink is consumed before meals. Treatment regimen: 10 days of taking the medicine, 10 days of rest, and again 10 days of using the medicinal mixture. Before treatment, you should consult a doctor.

How to treat endocrine diseases

Bee glue with milk normalizes the body's hormonal levels. Restores and stabilizes the functioning of the endocrine glands. If the functioning of the thyroid gland is impaired, drink 25–30 drops of alcohol extract diluted in milk three times a day. Treatment lasts 30 days.

For type II diabetes, the drug:

  • normalizes metabolism;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • helps the body fight inflammation;
  • allows you to stabilize body weight;
  • suppresses infections;
  • promotes regeneration of damaged tissues.

After consuming the product, blood pressure drops and the concentration of “bad” cholesterol and blood sugar decreases.

The medicine is used as follows. First day: in 1 tbsp. add a spoonful of milk and 1 drop of bee glue tincture. Then add one drop of Usa extract daily. The limit is 15 drops. Drink the solution three times a day.

After completing the course of treatment, take a break of 10–15 days. Then they resume taking the drug according to the given scheme. Full cycle - 6 months.

Treatment is unacceptable without consulting a doctor! The drug reduces glucose levels. With a sharp drop in sugar, a hypoglycemic coma can occur.

Use for skin diseases

Drinking milk and black wax treats:

  • eczema;
  • psoriasis;
  • dermatitis;
  • fungal infections;
  • burns;
  • wounds;
  • acne;
  • pustules;
  • fistulas;
  • ulcers;
  • bedsores.

It has an analgesic, wound healing, anti-inflammatory, antipruritic, regenerating effect, and prevents the development of severe complications.

For psoriasis, a mixture of milk and propolis softens the skin, suppresses inflammation, relieves skin itching, and restores damaged tissue

For psoriasis, the remedy is used from 2–3 months to 1 year (the more severe the form of the disease, the longer the course of treatment).

A mixture prepared according to basic recipes is taken internally. Daily use - single dose before bedtime. It is recommended to use the product in combination with honey - 20–30 g per day.

For external use, add olive or sea buckthorn oil to milk (proportions 1:1:1) and 2-3 drops of alcohol extract. The emulsion is applied to the affected areas of the skin. The components soften plaques, eliminate flaking, relieve itching, suppress inflammation, and promote skin regeneration.

For eczema, use 10% tincture of Usa. 120 ml of milk is mixed with 20–25 drops of alcohol extract. They are treated with drinking water for 10 days, then take a break. The full treatment cycle lasts 5–6 months. Drink at night.

Strengthening the immune system

Alcohol or water extract of propolis mixed with milk stimulates the immune system and enhances the body's protective functions. The mixture is given to adult patients and children.

The duration of taking the mixture is 5–7 days per month. The full treatment and prophylactic course is 6 months. This is followed by a six-month break and repetition of the preventive procedure.

The standard dosage is suitable for adults: 20 drops per half glass of milk. For preventive purposes, take once a day at night. If you have a weakened immune system, drink the mixture twice a day.

For children from 3 to 12 years old, an aqueous extract of bee glue is added to the milk. For adolescents over 12 years of age, an alcohol-containing solution can be used. A single dose is 1 drop of tincture, multiplied by the age of the child (for example, 7 years - 7 drops). For prevention, the drug is given before bed, to boost immunity - twice a day.

Treatment of other pathologies

A mixture of milk and bonds helps to cope with neurotic and depressive conditions, pain in the spine, upper and lower extremities, varicose veins and thrombosis. It is drunk for cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, atherosclerosis, menopause, gingivitis, stomatitis.

The medicine eliminates alcohol and nicotine intoxication and headaches. Drinking improves blood circulation, relieves fatigue, insomnia, and suppresses candidiasis.

The drug is used to treat complex diseases when other drugs do not provide a positive therapeutic effect.

Milk with propolis prevents the growth of benign and malignant tumors. The drug resolves tumors.

Single dosage: add 50 drops of extract to 100 ml of milk. The mixture is drunk up to 5 times a day on an empty stomach.

If the product does not cause adverse reactions, the number of drops for one dose is increased to 70. The volume of milk remains the same - 100 ml.

Features of treating children with propolis with milk

As mentioned earlier, only aqueous extract of propolis is added to milk for children aged 3–12 years. After 12 years, alcohol tincture is used for treatment.

Before using the product to treat children, consult a pediatrician

A single dose for children 3–12 years old is calculated based on the child’s age: 1 drop for each year (for example, if the child is 3 years old, add 3 drops, 5 years old - 5 drops). Milk volume - 50–70 ml. The taste and medicinal properties of the mixture are improved by adding 1 tsp. honey.

Usually the medicine is given once a day before bedtime. To enhance the therapeutic effect, the drug is taken by the child no more than twice a day.

Before treatment, consult a pediatrician. It is prohibited to give preparations based on black wax to children under 3 years of age.

Contraindications and possible harm

Propolis is a strong allergen. Milk formula with the addition of bee glue should not be taken by people with hypersensitivity to black wax. Allergy sufferers, in response to taking the medicine, develop rashes, itchy skin, headache, weakness, and fever. If adverse reactions occur, treatment with the mixture is stopped.

To determine individual intolerance to propolis, a test is done. A piece of tar is secured with a plaster on the wrist. If signs of allergy do not appear within 24 hours, the mixture of milk and uzy can be taken without fear.

The medicine is not used to treat people who are lactose intolerant.

Propolis is a strong allergen; people with hypersensitivity should not take products based on it.

Do not increase the dosage or exceed the treatment course. Propolis is a powerful immunomodulator and biostimulator. With long-term treatment and exceeding the dose, the therapeutic effect of the milk formula decreases, the body becomes accustomed to the drug, and the immune system is suppressed. The body, relying on the power of the medicine, loses its protective functions. When you stop taking it, pathogens easily penetrate tissues and organs.

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In winter, the human body receives a minimum amount of vitamins and nutrients. Because of this, the immune system weakens and becomes unprotected from viruses. But propolis can cope with the vitamin problem in winter. It is an excellent remedy against a variety of bacteria and viruses, and also helps protect the immune system. Bee glue itself is not tasty, it is quite bitter and can cause a burning sensation in the mouth. But if you use propolis with milk for immunity, you can not only significantly soften its taste, but also cure colds and other diseases.

Using propolis tincture with milk

A medicine based on milk and bee product is more effective when compared with the same tincture on water. The fats found in milk absorb various components of the honey resin, thereby increasing the concentration of beneficial substances. The bee product itself contains a lot of valuable substances, which can significantly improve our health. Bee glue tincture has the following beneficial properties:

  • antiviral;
  • antibacterial;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antifungal;
  • prevents infections from entering the body;
  • heals wounds.

In addition, the tincture is used against colds and flu, because in combination with milk, the bee product can defeat almost any virus.

What does propolis and milk treat?

A healing potion made with milk allows you to cope with diseases such as:

  • ARVI, as well as respiratory diseases;
  • may facilitate the treatment of tuberculosis;
  • normalizes blood cholesterol levels;
  • treats gastritis, gastrointestinal diseases, and also helps milk with propolis for pancreatitis;
  • helps cure gallbladder diseases;
  • treats eczema and other skin diseases.

A mixture of milk and bee product helps relieve pain during menstruation and also normalizes the cycle. This medicine is recommended for use as a preventive measure, as it improves the immune system, as well as human health in general. It can help relieve fatigue after a hard day at work and normalize your mental state.

Recipes for making tinctures

There are a lot of different methods for preparing propolis, let's look at the most popular and effective of them.

So, the recipe for propolis with cough milk:

  • You will need to take half a liter of milk, as well as propolis itself in the amount of 2 tbsp.
  • After this, the milk is poured into the container and all the crushed bee glue is added to it. Further. you need to mix everything thoroughly.
  • Now the composition should be put on low heat and boiled for a quarter of an hour, after which the medicine should be passed through a filter (several layers of gauze).
  • As a result, after the drug has cooled, wax forms at the top; it should be removed.
  • Next, the finished broth can be poured into a clean container and stored in the refrigerator.

And this medicine is used 1 tsp. half an hour before meals. This recipe allows you to cope with coughs, viral infections, and also helps with gastrointestinal diseases.

There is another good way to prepare cough medicine. Its recipe looks like this:

  • You will need to buy a ready-made propolis tincture in alcohol at the pharmacy.
  • Then you should take a little milk (about 0.5 cups) in which to dilute 20-25 drops of tincture.
  • If a person does not tolerate milk well, then the tincture can be diluted in 1 tbsp. or a quarter glass of milk.
  • Drink an alcoholic tincture of propolis with milk before a meal 15-20 minutes.

If a child is sick and exhibits cold symptoms, then the same recipe should be used, but prepared in different proportions. Thus, for preschool children, you should prepare 2 drops of bee glue, for about 70 grams of milk. If the child has already reached 8 years of age or more, the dosage may be slightly increased.

It is better to give milk with propolis to children immediately at the first sign of a cold. Then the result of application will be immediately noticeable. In this case, it is better to give the child to drink the prepared medicine before bedtime.

The recipes described above can help cure a cold overnight. Moreover, the method of using the drug is the same for both colds and gastrointestinal diseases. Traditional healers recommend undergoing a whole course of treatment, which lasts 10 days, after which, if necessary, the reception should be repeated, but after a break of 3 weeks. For preventive purposes, propolis should be used for 5 days, and for ulcers and gastritis, you will need to take the medicine for 10 days with breaks for 6 months.

As a rule, bee glue and milk cannot harm the body, but there are some contraindications for propolis tincture with milk, which consist of individual intolerance to the products. In order to identify allergies in advance, you should apply a piece of propolis to the skin and stick it with a band-aid. If after 24 hours there is no redness, rash or itching on the skin, you can safely treat it with a bee product.

  • 1. Useful properties
  • 2. Indications for use
  • 2.1. Strengthening the immune system
  • 2.2. Colds
  • 2.3. Gastrointestinal problems

A universal antiseptic, propolis has a lot of medicinal properties. Extracted or in its pure form, it is used externally and internally. However, it cannot always be used in the form of extracts without additional dilution. Most often, propolis tincture is combined with milk.

This healthy and tasty product is easily accepted by children and does not interfere with the diet for gastrointestinal diseases. In the practice of traditional medicine, it is rare to treat a cold, cough or throat without warm milk. In addition to propolis, you can add honey, herbal extracts or a little butter to it and then the miraculous effect is guaranteed by nature itself.

Milk softens the sharp, even burning taste of propolis and takes on its pleasant balsamic smell. Such a mixture becomes an independent medicine, the pharmacokinetics of which is based on the beneficial properties of bee glue, softened and adapted for oral administration with large amounts of milk.

Beneficial features

Propolis is recognized as a fairly strong natural antibiotic. It copes well with diseases caused by:

  • viruses;
  • bacteria;
  • fungi;
  • other pathogenic microorganisms.

It is able to stop their growth and stop their spread, in addition, it is recommended as a means of potentiating the effect of drugs.

When using propolis-based preparations, the following is also observed:

  • anesthetic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antitoxic;
  • tonic effect.

Therefore, bee glue is used for seasonal diseases that occur during the period of greatest vulnerability of the immune system:

  • colds;
  • bronchitis;
  • sore throat;
  • tonsillitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • pneumonia.

Its bacteriostatic and bactericidal effect is actively used in conservative therapy, even in the treatment of peptic ulcers.

Considering that its pharmacological properties are associated primarily with immunomodulating and bactericidal effects, its use in the treatment of pancreatitis can only have an indirect effect in the form of strengthening the immune system.

The use of traditional medicine is possible only after diagnosis and consultation with a doctor. Self-medication, uncontrolled use of potent substances, in particular propolis, without supervision by specialists can have negative consequences and cause great harm to health.

In addition to the approval of the attending physician for taking propolis, it is necessary to remember that all beekeeping products have contraindications, namely allergies. Due to its rich composition, bee glue is one of the most serious allergens. It can cause swelling, hyperemia and itching of tissues. Do not neglect tests for individual intolerance.

What are the benefits of propolis with milk?

Indications for use

The biological activity of propolis in natural conditions is used by bees to disinfect hives and preserve products of possible decomposition. Use in folk medicine is also associated with the ability to prevent the development of viruses and bacteria in the absence of contraindications.

Strengthening the immune system

Prevention of disease is the best way to treat it. Not everyone remembers this, although seasonal panic from all kinds of viruses and infections has already become a common annual occurrence.

To prevent the negative consequences of a decrease in overall tone and weakened immunity, it makes sense to turn to proven apitherapy.
The most common of them is propolis with milk. At the same time, other beekeeping products, such as honey, should not be neglected. Together they are able to patch up any gaps in the immune system.

When using them to improve immunity, it is necessary to prepare for a long course, it lasts 1-3 months and requires repetition twice a year, best in autumn and early spring. The effectiveness of such tools requires a systematic approach and regular use. Use for an adult involves daily intake of 5-10 ml of 10-15% alcohol tincture three times a day with a glass of milk on an empty stomach. Use in this way not only helps strengthen the body’s natural defenses, but also treats many diseases.

For children, using the same regimen, the dosage is a maximum of one drop for each year of life per dose. It is not recommended for children under three years of age to take this medication.


Timely prevention certainly works wonders. If it is not treated, a cold with all its unpleasant manifestations will not keep you waiting. Cough, fever, sore throat, runny nose, all these symptoms are easily treatable.

Drinking propolis with milk is recommended in the same way as when strengthening the immune system, however, it is better to postpone one of the methods to the time before bedtime. It is strictly not recommended to increase the dose, as this may provoke artificial intolerance. However, in severe cases, an alcohol extract is used in a higher concentration - up to 20%.

Propolis will be an excellent alternative to nasal drops, for which you need to use an aqueous extract of 1-5%, about 2-3 drops up to 3 times a day.

Gastrointestinal problems

The ability of propolis to stop the reproduction and development of pathogenic microorganisms also applies to Helicobacter pylori. It is this type of bacteria that causes peptic ulcers.

Considering the specificity of the treatment of diseases caused by Helicobacter pylori in traditional medicine, propolis with milk fits well into the recommended diet and promotes a speedy recovery: in addition to its direct effects, propolis is able to potentiate the effect of antibiotics.

Taking propolis for gastrointestinal diseases is possible only with the consent of a gastroenterologist and under his supervision.

If the possibility of treatment with traditional medicine is approved and there is no allergy, then propolis with milk can be used. In this case, it is better to start with small doses, being attentive to the slightest reaction of the body to treatment:

In this case, symptoms such as pain and sucking sensations in the stomach area disappear, in addition to nausea and heartburn.

There was experience in therapy with loading doses of propolis: 40-50 drops three times a day of alcohol tincture with a concentration of 30% in milk. The results obtained indicate the great effectiveness of this treatment. However, as a result, the appearance of artificial intolerance was observed in more than 6% of the experimental group. Therefore, increasing the concentration and increasing the single dose is not recommended.

Having a specific sharp, burning taste and strong smell, bee glue, unlike honey, always remains a medicine. A strong concentration can certainly have a greater effect, however, the consequences of taking it for the body are ambiguous, so it is necessary to adhere to the instructions, pay close attention to contraindications and carry out treatment under the supervision of specialists.

A warm, spicy cocktail of milk with propolis is a wonderful folk remedy for use against many diseases. The magic potion has a complex effect on the body: by setting the goal of getting rid of a sore throat, you will simultaneously cure, for example, chronic gastritis, which has been bothering you for many years. And at the same time, a painful boil will disappear without a trace - the healing mixture perfectly eliminates skin problems.

Healing cocktail of propolis with milk

Milk and propolis - these wonderful gifts of nature, when united, with redoubled force show all their best beneficial qualities, strengthen them and direct them for the benefit of man!


One of the most amazing products of nature is propolis, oza, and bee glue. Scientists to this day cannot formulate with complete certainty how exactly bees produce this inconspicuous-looking resinous substance. It is generally accepted that ouse is a product of fermentation by bees of sticky spring resins, which they collect from plants and flavor with pollen additives.

However, even in ancient times, people noticed and appreciated the unique properties of this truly folk remedy. It was used to sterilize wounds and surgical instruments by the ancient Incas, who, by the way, even successfully performed craniotomy! Every Roman legionnaire was required to carry a piece of propolis with him to treat wounds. And the ancient Egyptians included bee glue in the secret formulas of potions for embalming the bodies of the pharaohs.

Only the bees themselves know exactly why they need propolis. They simply would not be able to survive without this strange substance - at the same time hard and viscous, in all shades of brown. The hive uses all the properties of propolis. Protecting the life of the family and the peace of the bee house, the bond works here as

  • immunostimulant,
  • bioregenerator,
  • antiseptic,
  • antimycotic,
  • antibiotic.
  • By the way, modern pharmacology is not yet able to synthesize an effective natural antibiotic that is part of bee glue. Researchers have not yet fully decided how propolis can be used - there are still many great discoveries to be made in this industry.

    Why is it effective?

    But what is known today about the composition of this unique substance is impressive and attracts the close attention of traditional healers to it. However, the bond does not have any stable formula - whatever the bees were able to collect, they created glue from it in a very creative way.

    More than half of propolis consists of waxes and resins, which in turn contain flavonoids, fatty and aromatic acids, alcohols and esters. Impurities of pollen also add proteins and amino acids. In addition, propolis contains a huge complex of vitamins and minerals, as well as sugars, steroids, lactones, ketones, quinones...

    All useful components and the best qualities of propolis are completely extracted into alcohol and are perfectly preserved in the form of such an extract. Alcohol tincture can be purchased at a pharmacy, or you can make it yourself. How to prepare propolis tincture yourself? It's not difficult - you will need:

  • propolis - 100 grams;
  • ethyl alcohol - 100 grams.
  • Preparation:

  • Warm the propolis a little in your hands.
  • When the bee glue softens, roll it into a thin cake and roll it into a loose roll.
  • Keep the prepared propolis in the freezer for 8 to 12 hours.
  • Grate the roll on a fine grater.
  • Pour the resulting shavings with high-quality alcohol.
  • Seal the container with the tincture and place it in a cool, dark place.
  • The mixture must be shaken vigorously every day.
  • Infusion lasts at least ten days, the optimal period is three weeks.
  • Filter thoroughly and store away from sunlight.
  • The better the propolis is crushed, the more healing the tincture; from large pieces the extract will be weak

    The alcohol for infusion can be replaced with vodka, but in this case the concentration of nutrients in the extract will be lower.

    Preparation of alcohol extract from propolis - video


    The first taste of life is milk, a unique complex of nutrients and beneficial substances. Unlike the mysterious propolis, the composition of milk is quite stable and has been studied, as they say, far and wide.

    Composition of cow's milk - table

    NutrientQuantityNorm% of the norm in 100 g% of the norm in 100 kcal100% normal
    Squirrels2.9 g76 g3.8% 7% 76 g
    Fats2.5 g60 g4.2% 7.8% 60 g
    Carbohydrates4.8 g211 g2.3% 4.3% 209 g
    Organic acids0.1 g~
    Water89 g2400 g3.7% 6.9% 2405 g
    Ash0.7 g~
    Vitamin A, RE22 mcg900 mcg2.4% 4.4% 917 g
    Retinol0.02 mg~
    beta carotene0.01 mg5 mg0.2% 0.4% 5 g
    Vitamin B1, thiamine0.04 mg1.5 mg2.7% 5% 1 g
    Vitamin B2, riboflavin0.15 mg1.8 mg8.3% 15.4% 2 g
    Vitamin B4, choline23.6 mg500 mg4.7% 8.7% 502 g
    Vitamin B5, pantothenic0.38 mg5 mg7.6% 14.1% 5 g
    Vitamin B6, pyridoxine0.05 mg2 mg2.5% 4.6% 2 g
    Vitamin B9, folates5 mcg400 mcg1.3% 2.4% 385 g
    Vitamin B12, cobalamin0.4 mcg3 mcg13.3% 24.6% 3 g
    Vitamin C, ascorbic acid1.3 mg90 mg1.4% 2.6% 93 g
    Vitamin D, calciferol0.05 mcg10 mcg0.5% 0.9% 10 g
    Vitamin H, biotin3.2 mcg50 mcg6.4% 11.9% 50 g
    Vitamin RR, NE0.8 mg20 mg4% 7.4% 20 g
    Niacin0.1 mg~
    Potassium, K146 mg2500 mg5.8% 10.7% 2517 g
    Calcium, Ca120 mg1000 mg12% 22.2% 1000 g
    Magnesium, Mg14 mg400 mg3.5% 6.5% 400 g
    Sodium, Na50 mg1300 mg3.8% 7% 1316 g
    Sera, S29 mg1000 mg2.9% 5.4% 1000 g
    Phosphorus, Ph90 mg800 mg11.3% 20.9% 796 g
    Chlorine, Cl110 mg2300 mg4.8% 8.9% 2292 g
    Aluminium, Al50 mcg~
    Iron, Fe0.1 mg18 mg0.6% 1.1% 17 g
    Yod, I9 mcg150 mcg6% 11.1% 150 g
    Cobalt, Co0.8 mcg10 mcg8% 14.8% 10 g
    Manganese, Mn0.006 mg2 mg0.3% 0.6% 2 g
    Copper, Cu12 mcg1000 mcg1.2% 2.2% 1000 g
    Molybdenum, Mo5 mcg70 mcg7.1% 13.1% 70 g
    Tin, Sn13 mcg~
    Selenium, Se2 mcg55 mcg3.6% 6.7% 56 g
    Strontium, Sr17 mcg~
    Fluorine, F20 mcg4000 mcg0.5% 0.9% 4000 g
    Chromium, Cr2 mcg50 mcg4% 7.4% 50 g
    Zinc, Zn0.4 mg12 mg3.3% 6.1% 12 g
    Digestible carbohydrates
    Mono- and disaccharides (sugars)4.8 gmax 100 g
    Sterols (sterols)
    Cholesterol8 mgmax 300 mg
    Saturated fatty acids
    Saturated fatty acids1.7 gmax 18.7 g

    Milk has been used for medicinal purposes as long as humanity has existed. And the conscious use of this most valuable natural product has been going on for a very long time - the history of domestication of the wild ancestors of cows, goats and sheep began about ten thousand years ago.

    The legendary ancient healers Hippocrates and Avicenna recommended the use of milk for treatment for everyone, especially children, and they considered the milk of goats and donkeys to be the most beneficial.

    Since ancient times, this folk remedy has been used to heal consumption and other respiratory diseases, for recovery after serious illnesses and general strengthening, stabilization of the nervous system, and treatment of many internal organs and systems. One of the most famous beneficial properties of milk is that the highly concentrated calcium it contains is easily absorbed by the human body. This also applies to other micro- and macroelements, of which there are up to fifty in milk.

    A jug full of benefits

    In combination with milk, propolis is absorbed much easier and faster, and its active substances are specifically transported to diseased organs and tissues. Convincing results are obtained by using the mixture for the following problems:

  • for colds and other diseases of the ENT organs (and their symptoms: cough, temperature);
  • ailments of the digestive system (gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis);
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system (arthritis and other inflammatory processes);
  • problems of the genitourinary system of women and men;
  • diabetes mellitus and other endocrine diseases;
  • for skin diseases;
  • to improve immunity;
  • to normalize nervous system disorders: insomnia, neuroses, etc.
  • Propolis with milk without alcohol

    In cases where the use of alcohol is unacceptable, it is quite possible to do without it. Have to take

  • milk - 0.5 liters;
  • crushed propolis - 1 tablespoon.
  • Preparation.

  • Bring milk to a boil; With constant stirring, pour pieces of propolis into it.
  • Reduce the heat to low and keep the mixture on it for another quarter of an hour, without stopping stirring.
  • While still hot, strain the milk through a double layer of gauze.
  • When the mixture cools, a layer of wax will float to the surface and harden - it must be carefully removed.
  • The medicine is ready; It spoils quickly, so it must be stored in the refrigerator.
  • This non-alcoholic cocktail treats colds well: relieves inflammation, fever and softens cough; helps with ailments of the gastrointestinal tract; strengthens the immune system and mobilizes the body's defenses, heals eczema, and normalizes women's cycles.

    Intake rate for propolis milk decoction: a dessert spoon three times a day before meals. For prevention, the folk remedy is drunk for a week, the treatment course takes from two to three weeks.

    All diseases are better for us - options for using a healing mixture

    The powerful anti-inflammatory and antibiotic properties of propolis milkshake have a wide range of applications. For treatment in most cases, in the absence of contraindications, a mixture of milk with an alcohol extract of bee glue is used. Its preparation is simpler than the non-alcoholic version.

    Down with inflammation, infection and insomnia!

    The most common dosage of a healing cocktail: 20 drops of propolis tincture in half a glass of warm milk - it should be drunk in small sips an hour before meals, three times a day.

    Scheme for taking propolis tincture with milk - table

    DiseasesReception scheme For colds and pulmonary diseases2–3 courses for 10 days; break - 3 weeks To enhance immunity and prevent5–7 days For gastritis and stomach ulcers5 courses of 10 days at 3-week intervals For the treatment of pancreatitisTake for 30 days, repeat the course after a 30-day break For nervous disorders and insomniaCourses for 2 weeks, break - 10 days For arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatoid joint pathologiesUp to six months in courses of 10 days with breaks of 3 weeks For prostatitisDuration of treatment - 2–3 months; gradually increase the single dosage from 20 to 40 drops per half glass of milk For painful periodsTake 4-5 days before your period

    We provide details

    For the treatment of some specific diseases, there are features of the use of folk remedies, which are important to discuss in more detail.

    For pancreatitis

    Regular intake of propolis milk heals the pancreas and gradually normalizes its functions. Two alternative treatment options are used.

    Option 1.

  • Grind the propolis into fine crumbs.
  • Pour a little propolis crumb into boiling milk (1 glass) on the tip of a knife.
  • Stir until dissolved, cool to a comfortable temperature.
  • Drink before bed, an hour and a half after dinner.
  • Option 2.

  • Prepare a regular alcohol-containing mixture: 20 drops of propolis tincture in half a glass of milk.
  • If the pancreas reacts poorly to milk, just stir a tablespoon of it in a glass of water and add some tincture.
  • Take at night, only warm.
  • Pancretitis is a serious disease, folk remedies can only play a supporting role in its treatment

    Pancreatitis takes a long time to treat, at least six months. Ten-day courses of treatment are interspersed with three-week breaks. Following a strict diet is mandatory.

    For diabetes

    Treatment of type 2 diabetes can be carried out according to the following scheme:

  • Day 1 - 1 drop of tincture per tablespoon of warm boiled milk;
  • 2nd day - 2 drops;
  • 3rd day - 3 drops;
  • 4th day - 4 drops;
  • from the 5th day until the end of treatment - 5 drops per tablespoon of milk.
  • Treatment is long-term, up to six months. The remedy is taken every morning on an empty stomach; you can have breakfast no earlier than half an hour later.

    For the treatment of eczema, boils, stomatitis

    Internal use of alcohol tincture with milk helps get rid of skin diseases - both acute and chronic. Natural medicine is taken according to the usual regimen, in courses of ten days.

    For children

    Propolis with milk is a wonderful remedy for treating the upper respiratory tract in children. Colds, sore throats, and bronchial diseases go away quickly and without complications, along with all their unpleasant symptoms: high fever, cough and runny nose. The healing cocktail is recommended from the age of two.

    The optimal dose of tincture for half a glass of milk is easy to calculate: the number of drops should correspond to the age of the child (3 years - 3 drops, 5 years - 5 drops, etc.). Make the medicine tasty so that children drink it more willingly - add a spoonful of honey to it. Remember that the temperature of the milk should not exceed 40 degrees, otherwise there will be no benefit from honey. And be sure to find out in advance whether your baby is allergic to these products.

    To protect against colds, be sure to give your child two preventive courses - in spring and autumn.

    Don't let the alcohol content in propolis tincture scare you. Its doses are so microscopic that it will definitely not harm the child.

    How to take propolis tincture correctly - video


    Do not under any circumstances diagnose yourself based on symptoms from the Internet, and especially do not prescribe medications for healing in the same way. Self-medication has never brought anyone any good. Only a qualified doctor can accurately determine what disease you suffer from, prescribe an individual treatment regimen and, in particular, advise specific dosages and timing of taking propolis with milk - if this folk remedy is indicated in your case. But consider it only as an auxiliary element of the main treatment.

    There are few contraindications, but they are significant. Individual intolerance to the components of the mixture is possible: indigestibility of lactose or an allergy to honey products - these options categorically exclude the use of the product.

    We should not forget that propolis tincture contains alcohol. Therefore, the healing cocktail should be used with caution and only after consultation with a doctor during pregnancy and breastfeeding. A compromise solution for pregnant women and small children may be a significant reduction in dosage, but it is still better to replace the alcohol base of the propolis extract with water or prepare propolis in milk without alcohol according to the above recipe.

    It is very important to follow the regularity of intake, rules and dosages appropriate to the disease. Propolis is a very active substance, and its overdose can do more harm than good.

    During the winter, our body receives fewer vitamins, becomes weaker and can quickly catch an infection. Fortunately, there is propolis, which will save us from health problems during the cold season. It prevents bacteria and viruses from entering the body and perfectly strengthens the immune system. By itself, this beekeeping product is extremely tasteless. Its bitterness can cause a burning sensation in the mouth and numbness of the tongue. However, a mixture of propolis with milk will soften the taste of the medicine and enhance its anti-inflammatory effect.

    Beneficial properties of propolis with milk

    Milk tincture of propolis is considered more effective than water tincture. Milk fats draw out the water- and fat-soluble components of the “honey resin,” increasing the concentration of nutrients in the finished solution. Propolis is rich in substances that are vital for bees and provide great benefits to human health. It contains amino acids important for the immune system, vitamins A, P, E, C and group B, magnesium, potassium, albumin, calcium and phosphorus. Thanks to this composition, bee glue has many medicinal properties:

    • antiviral;
    • antibacterial;
    • anti-inflammatory;
    • antifungal;
    • antioxidant;
    • provides protection of the body from the “invasion” of infections;
    • helps heal wounds;
    • saturates with energy.

    Propolis is an excellent “weapon” against colds and viruses, and in combination with milk it turns into an “atomic bomb” for pathogenic bacteria. This useful solution will help cope with the flu and respiratory diseases, as well as improve your well-being, calm your nerves and normalize sleep.

    What diseases can be cured with propolis and milk?

    Propolis tincture dissolved in milk helps cope with many diseases:

    • cure ARVI, pneumonia and bronchitis;
    • relieve symptoms of tuberculosis;
    • normalize cholesterol levels;
    • cope with gastritis, duodenitis and other inflammations of the gastrointestinal tract, without causing inflammation to become an ulcer;
    • get rid of gallbladder diseases;
    • cure eczema and other skin problems.

    The milk mixture will relieve menstrual pain and stabilize the cycle. The medicine can be used for preventive purposes, as it perfectly strengthens the immune system, improves the general condition of the body, relieves fatigue and irritability, and has a positive effect on the psyche.

    Preparation of propolis with milk

    In order to prepare a healing drink with propolis, you need to boil 500 ml of milk, add a couple of large spoons of crushed bee glue to it and mix thoroughly. The solution should be boiled over low heat for 15 minutes and filtered. When the mixture has cooled, you need to remove the hardened wax from it. Store the broth in the refrigerator and drink 1 dessert spoon 20 minutes before meals. It is used to prevent colds and helps with gastrointestinal diseases.

    There is another quick way to prepare propolis milk mixture. You just need to dilute 20-25 drops of alcohol tincture in half a glass of hot milk (about 120 ml). If the patient does not like or does not tolerate dairy products, then a quarter glass or even one tablespoon will be enough. The propolis tincture itself can be purchased in a pharmacy; its cost does not exceed 25 rubles. (bottle 25 ml).

    For preschool children, the proportions of the medicine are reduced: 2-3 drops of bee glue tincture per 50-70 ml of milk. If the baby is already 7-8 years old, then the dosage of the components can be increased. When treating a cold in a child, the effect of the drug will be noticeable immediately. The baby drinks the medicine before going to bed, and in the morning there is no trace of the first symptoms of the disease.

    Video: Treatment of colds with propolis and milk.

    Use of propolis with milk and contraindications

    Milk mixtures with propolis have a pronounced healing effect and help cope with a cold overnight. The regimen for using the medicine is the same for both colds and gastrointestinal diseases. The alcohol tincture is dissolved in hot milk and drunk before bed. It is recommended to take the drug after you have washed your face, brushed your teeth and made your bed. That is, you need to drink the mixture and immediately go to bed.

    This medicine should not be taken without breaks. With constant use, its effectiveness decreases. For the treatment of colds or pulmonary diseases, the mixture is taken until complete recovery, but no more than 10 days. After which it is recommended to take a break for at least 3 weeks. To improve immunity and prevent flu, it is enough to take the drug for 5 days. For stomach ulcers or gastritis, 10-day courses must be repeated within six months.

    Natural propolis in combination with milk is not capable of causing harm to the body. The only contraindication is individual intolerance to the components, which is easy to determine experimentally. Apply a small amount of bee glue to your hand and cover with a band-aid. If no itching or redness appears within 24 hours, then you do not have an allergy. Propolis can be taken in parallel with other medications, but it is better to maintain a two-hour interval between doses.


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