Ready-made business plan for a cleaning company. How to start a cleaning company from scratch

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The top two questions you need to answer when starting a cleaning business are: “What will my cleaners be like?” and “How to find clients?”. It depends on who will work for you and who will order, whether your business will “take off” or “not take off”. Everything else is secondary.

Since the commercial real estate cleaning market (offices, retail premises) has long been occupied by large players, bet on residential cleaning. There are higher requirements for the quality of the work performed, which means that you will need more qualified staff. However, there is a strong opinion that cleaning comes down to “waving a rag”, and everyone can do it. Therefore, there will be hundreds of responses to any of your advertisements for the search for cleaners, but the proportion of people who are ready to work to high quality standards will be minimal. Recruitment, training, knowledge testing - all this will take you a lot of time.

Out of hundreds of responses, there will be, at best, 1-2 worthy candidates.

Investment size

The amount of investment varies depending on whether you want to open a business in a big city or a small city.

In any case, it consists of several mandatory points:

Room rental. A room of about 50 m2 will be enough, maybe even less. The main thing is to separate the warehouse from the office part and ensure good ventilation of the premises. The option of renting an apartment is possible, but undesirable, because the cleaners will constantly come and go, and the landlord will not like it. It is best to take an inexpensive free-use premises somewhere away from the red line or in a large office center. The location of the building does not matter. Office rent will cost you 10-20 thousand rubles per month.

Procurement of chemicals and equipment. If a client orders house cleaning, he expects a specialist to do it better than himself. Do not use household products (and even more so personal funds of the client), purchase professional equipment and chemicals. Floors, glass, plumbing, kitchen appliances - all this is washed with different chemicals, so take a wide range of chemicals for all types of dirt that you are going to work with. The minimum initial cost is 10,000 rubles, if you are not going to provide additional services, for example, dry cleaning of upholstered furniture.

Remember that the main marketing of your business is well-done cleanups.

Step-by-step instruction

First of all, select a room and, if necessary, make repairs in it.

Purchase furniture, office equipment and install them.

Procure all necessary equipment and chemicals.

As mentioned earlier, the location of your office does not matter. The main thing is to choose the format of your interaction with the cleaners. If, for example, they will go to orders on public transport, look for a place near stops. If by private transport or taxi - the location will not be so important.

The documents

To open your cleaning business, you must first decide on the legal form. IP would be the best option. As for the taxation system, the best option would be UTII (provision of household services). If UTII is not valid in your region, then choose the simplified tax system (6% of income).

When registering with the tax office, indicate code 74.70.1 OKVED (“Cleaning and cleaning of residential and industrial premises and equipment”) and OKPD-2 (“Other cleaning and cleaning services not included in the selected groups”).

The activities of cleaning companies are not subject to licensing, but GOST R 51870-2014 "Professional cleaning services - cleaning services" is mandatory. Carefully study this document - it contains all the standards for the provision of these services.

In addition, each cleaner must have a medical book. The list of analyzes is similar to the list for household workers (for example, a beauty salon).

Opening checklist

Is it profitable to open

According to our calculations, a company cleaning residential premises even in a small city (from 50 thousand people) in six months of its work can reach a stable profit of about 70,000 rubles. In a millionaire, this number will reach 250 thousand per month after the same six months of work. But this is possible only under the condition of competent recruitment and promotion of the enterprise.

And cleaning seems to be the most interesting option for you, here are a few things that you need to understand and where to start your business.

When it comes to organizing your own business, cleaning can be divided into different areas, the simplest is working with residential buildings, and serious business involves residential buildings and commercial organizations.

And when we talk about the cleaning business, let me tell you, it's not that easy. General cleaning of an apartment requires a lot of hard work, patience and the desire to become a successful entrepreneur. However, if you are willing to work hard, here are some tips to start your own cleaning, dry cleaning and laundry business.

Develop your skills

There are certain qualities and skills that you need to build on to start a small cleaning business.

Physical training A: First things first, since cleaning is a physically active job, you need to be in good physical shape. Work on your stamina and prepare your body for the long, vigorous activities that cleaning will require of you.

Communication skills: To start your own business, a very important skill that you will need everywhere is communication. You have to speak, speak well to convince people to invest in your business, find new customers, keep old customers satisfied so that they come back to you again, good communication skills will be required at every turn.

Accounting Skills A: Some basic financial and accounting skills are a must in order to grow a business day in and day out. Today you can find courses where professional cleaners are trained. Thus, you can attend such courses to improve your own perspectives. If you feel like you have all the necessary skills, the next steps come into play.

Organize your finances

Any kind of business does not give immediate profit. It will take up to several months before you can benefit from the project. Thus, if you are organizing a small business on your own, in order to get into a secure position, you must have enough funds to support the business for at least six months. It's a good idea to keep your full-time job at first and run the business part-time so you don't have to worry about financial independence.

Enter your business name and account

Give your business a professional, high-profile name. This name will identify your business, therefore, it is not a sin to spend a few days thinking about it. Make sure that you complete all legal formalities regarding the business and city authorities. Open an account for your business at a local bank. You can consider a business loan from a bank.

Take care of your inventory

The next step will be the purchase of detergents and professional cleaning equipment. Visit a few hardware stores and get help from the best quality cleaners for the best results. Today, natural, pleasant-smelling cleaning products that are devoid of harsh chemicals are popular.

Thus, you can organize a "non-chemical" business and use this feature of your business to compete. You should also prepare business cards and a separate business phone line. Also, be sure to include the company in your yellow pages ads.

Insure and license your business

Insurance and licensing promise you a successful business. Cleaning is a type of service that is subject to scrutiny by a potential buyer, especially if you are in the commercial cleaning industry. The license and insurance will dispel the client's suspicions about an outsider in the home or office, thereby contributing to the development of the business.

Getting the first few customers can be a daunting task for any business. Cleaning is no exception, business advertising plays a crucial role. For residential cleaning, flyers and advertising poles become a suitable medium for advertising in the surrounding area. However, if you want to get commercial clients, you will need local newspaper ads and your own website. Meet contact persons at different offices, inform them about your business, leave a business card, these are all good ways to find new clients.

Provide Services

The cleaning business, especially in the residential market, can grow by leaps and bounds if you rely on word of mouth advertising. As the business grows, you may want to consider hiring people to do work on behalf of your company. Offer discounts or some free services to stand out from the competition, such as cleaning parking lots, etc. This is one of the many ways to make your business stand out.

Make decisions about what can energize your business, keep an eye on what your competitors are doing and compare them to yours. They should never offer more than you, at least not initially. Although your concessions should not become too large, as you must cover your costs. Owning your own business, without a doubt, promises flexible working hours at your own pace. The income can be quite high, especially if you continue to develop and strive for customer satisfaction.

Evgeny Smirnov

# Business ideas

A cleaning company is a promising business in many Russian cities. The competition in this niche is currently quite weak.

Cleaning is a promising direction for creating your own business. In Europe, the business of cleaning apartments and commercial premises has existed for many years, is considered highly profitable, and the niche is almost overcrowded. As for the domestic market, the first cleaning companies appeared here at the end of the last century, and the direction itself has just begun to develop actively.

The cleaning company is engaged in cleaning of premises both inside and outside, regardless of their purpose. In simple terms, the activities of cleaning companies is a set of measures aimed at ensuring cleanliness in the premises.

In recent years, this type of service has become increasingly in demand due to the increased demand for professional cleaning, as well as the problems that companies have to face when creating their own services.

Main advantages

The cleaning business has the following advantages:

  • The market is in the stage of active growth, the niche is not filled, so there is an opportunity for the development of new companies. Despite this, cleaning services have long been familiar to domestic consumers and are in demand among them.
  • The main client base are legal entities seeking to cooperate on an ongoing basis.
  • The low level of competition and minimal investment greatly simplifies the process of entering the market.

As already noted, you can start with a small investment. Key costs include funds for equipment, which can also be borrowed or leased, and staffing.

How to start a cleaning business

In order to open your own cleaning company, you need to issue permits, purchase or rent equipment, and hire qualified professionals.

Close attention will have to be paid to employee training, because the main difference between a cleaning company and ordinary cleaning is high professionalism and the use of specialized equipment. You need to make sure that you have highly qualified specialists working for you who can cope with the tasks assigned to them.

The main mission of the cleaning company is to make the place where people stay not only clean, but also safe.

franchise business

One of the ways to organize a cleaning business for apartments and premises is to buy a franchise. This greatly simplifies the process of creating a company and allows you to get full support from the franchisor: development scheme, advertising strategies and plans.

What is it and why is opening a franchise cleaning agency considered the best option for aspiring entrepreneurs?

  1. Opportunity to use the experience of the franchisor. He already knows where the biggest problems can arise and how to deal with them. The entrepreneur gets the opportunity to contact the franchisee for information support, and not solve problems by trial and error.
  2. Launch scheme. Any franchise includes information on how to start a business, step-by-step development and features of organizing work in a new branch.
  3. Discounts or special conditions for the purchase of equipment (provided that the franchisor is its manufacturer).
  4. The ability to use an already promoted site as an advertising platform for your own company.
  5. Profitability. Any franchise usually includes an approximate payback time of the company, which makes it possible to evaluate all prospects and opportunities.

When choosing a franchise, be sure to pay attention to the ratio of the size of the lump-sum fee and what the franchisor offers. For example, if a step-by-step development strategy is not offered, then there is no sense in such a franchise. Even the possibility of using a corporate identity will not help if a person does not understand how this field of activity works and does not receive help from the head office.

Each company independently forms the cost of the franchise, taking into account many factors: brand popularity, how much effort the main office spends on partner training, etc.

A ready-made business is easier to develop if there are no competitors under the same brand in a given city or district. Therefore, you should make sure that the central office will not sell the right to establish a cleaning company near you in the near future. Otherwise, part of the effort will be spent on competing with a company that follows the same strategy as you.

Business from scratch

Before you open a cleaning company from scratch, you need to carefully study this area of ​​​​activity, develop a step-by-step development strategy, and only then proceed to action. This will save money on opening, as well as roughly estimate how quickly the investment will pay off and in which direction you need to move.

What you need to know before starting a cleaning company

The peculiarity is that it can be organized with a minimum of funds and effort. To do this, it is enough to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC, purchase a set of equipment for work, find customers and you can proceed. As the clientele expands, you can hire additional employees, buy equipment, etc.

You should also take into account the features of the work. Cleaning is usually carried out on holidays or weekends, especially when it comes to large companies. The schedule usually has to be drawn up individually, adjusting to the needs and wishes of each client.

Where is the best place to start a cleaning company?

Of course, entering the markets of large metropolitan areas, where dozens of companies that have proven themselves already operate, is difficult and unpromising. It is best to choose areas and cities where the level of competition is not too high, and the number of customers will allow you to build the necessary customer base for payback and profitability.

How to choose a target audience

To select the target audience, you need to decide which customers you plan to cooperate with. Interaction with legal entities is simpler than with individuals. The reason is that large companies are well aware of the importance of professional cleaning, the quality of which largely determines the image and prestige of the company.

But ordinary people rarely hire a cleaning company. This is due to the peculiarities of the mentality: our people are not used to being served by servants. Even with the availability of funds, it is difficult for most compatriots to come to terms with the presence of another person in the apartment.

Accordingly, all novice businessmen who decide to create a cleaning company should focus on mid-level organizations, as well as large commercial structures.

Business registration

To open a cleaning company, you do not need to obtain any special permits from government agencies. It is enough to register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC, after which you can start your activity.

What form of ownership to choose

Initially, you need to decide on the legal form of the cleaning company - LLC or IP? From the point of view of the law, there are no restrictions, but the nuances of each form should be taken into account.

Individual entrepreneur Limited Liability Company
Minimum tax and more freedom. The need to submit reports to the tax and 13% tax.
Responsible with all his property even after the closure of the IP. Only the founders of an LLC are liable for obligations within the framework of their authorized capital.
Lack of accounting. Since 2013, all companies must maintain and submit accounting records, regardless of the chosen form of taxation.
If there are no employees, then you do not need to file reports for them. It is necessary to submit ERSV and 4-FSS every quarter.
Registration of entrepreneurs is carried out at the place of residence. Registration of the company is carried out at the location of the main office. For activities in other cities, you need to register branches.
It is difficult to get loans and investments. Investments and loans are more accessible.

When deciding to create an LLC, it is better not to use a sample charter downloaded from the Internet, but to hire an experienced lawyer who can develop it according to your preferences and wishes. But if this is not possible, use the standard document:

Download Sample

OKVED cleaning services

When submitting documents to the tax office, you must correctly indicate the OKVED codes:

  • 70.1 - cleaning and cleaning of industrial and residential premises, equipment;
  • 70.2 - cleaning and cleaning of vehicles;
  • 70.3 - activities for carrying out disinfection, disinfestation, deratization works;
  • 00.3 - cleaning of the territory and similar activities.

Sample business plan with calculations

A sample business plan with calculations will help you understand the features of this type of activity, present the work process and payback periods. You can create a ready-made business plan for a cleaning company from scratch or use our example.

Business plan

The goal of the project is to open a cleaning company. The main source of income is payment for professional cleaning services.

Expenditure part

Registration of an enterprise costs from 1800 to 5000 rubles. You will also have to spend about 200 thousand rubles on equipment, but these costs can be reduced if you take everything on credit or leasing. It will also be possible to save on rent, since there are no special requirements for the condition of the premises: it is not the clients who will come to you, but you to them.

When compiling a list of initial expenses, wages for the first time should also be taken into account:

  • driver - 20-25 thousand rubles;
  • cleaners - 2-4 people for 18-20 thousand rubles.
Initial investment

Before launching a project, it is imperative to calculate how much money is needed for opening, taking into account the cost of equipment and machinery.

Item of expenses Price, rub
Cleaning equipment 200 000
Vehicle for transportation 300 000
Marketing 115 000
Company registration, preparation of all necessary documentation 6 000
office equipment 65 000
working capital 150 000
total amount 836 000

Thus, the initial investment for opening a cleaning company (subject to the purchase of all equipment, and not a loan) will amount to 836,000 rubles.

Monthly expenses

So, monthly expenses are determined at the level of 268,700 rubles.

Revenue part

Estimated monthly income

In order to understand what kind of profit you should count on, you need to start from the prices for certain services in this market segment. If you take into account regional rates, you get the following:

Most cleaning companies also have minimum limits on the area to be cleaned - 40–60 sq. meters. If the territory is more than 150 sq. meters, the client does not pay the transport costs.

Profitability and payback

With such calculations, the profitability of a cleaning company will be about 40%, which is a fairly high figure. Individuals will mainly pay in cash, while legal entities will pay by current account. Of course, there will be less cash receipts from individuals, so you can take the ratio of 40/60.

Suppose that a cleaning company can receive 90 orders from individuals and 20 orders from other companies per month. With a revenue of 560,000 rubles, the net profit will be 117,000 rubles. Profitability is more than 20%, and the payback period is 12 months.

Room selection

On the one hand, you don’t have to worry much about choosing a room. Clients will not come to you, and the office is only needed for registering a company, storing equipment, etc. On the other hand, the location will be important if most of the clients are located in a certain part of the city. This will save you money on transport costs.

List of required equipment

The list of necessary equipment depends primarily on the services that you plan to offer to customers. If this is a complete package, then you will need the following:

  • industrial type vacuum cleaner;
  • floor washing machine;
  • floor dryer;
  • cleaning trolley;
  • bucket on wheels;
  • various cleaning equipment;
  • household chemicals;
  • window cleaning tools;
  • steam cleaners;
  • clothing for staff.

The amount of equipment depends on the number of clients that will be served at the same time.

How to recruit staff for a cleaning agency

The quality of work largely depends on the professionalism of the staff, so close attention should be paid to its selection. Employees must have some experience. If a newcomer is hired, then it is better to temporarily assign an experienced employee to him for control and training.

The appearance of employees will also be useful, which should evoke pleasant associations of professionalism and respect. Regardless of the qualifications of the staff, they must be trained. If the business is organized by franchise, then such concerns are usually taken over by the head office.

If a cleaning company opens from scratch, then you can send staff to specialized courses. There is no point in hiring a special person for training at the initial stage: it is effective only if there is a high turnover of staff.

How to find clients

You can promote your own cleaning business both offline and online. In most cases, a new firm receives its first orders through personal contacts and connections. It is worth trying to find potential customers through acquaintances, partners and friends.

Advertising cleaning company and services

It is better to pay close attention to regular customers. One-time orders bring a lot of profit, but instability does not end well. Regular customers can be found in office centers, shopping centers, entertainment complexes. Communication with administrators, managers, acquaintances is a proven approach that pays off.

It will be effective to use the Internet to promote your own company. This can be done through:

  • Corporate website, where all information about the company, the cost of services and features of work will be provided.
  • Contextual advertising and social networks.
  • Advertising of a cleaning company on thematic sites.

Business Development Paths

Cleaning is a process that includes many directions, so there is room for expansion. The development of a cleaning company can take place in the following ways:

  1. Exit dry-cleaner of a carpet and a carpet, upholstered furniture in house conditions.
  2. Professional cleaning.
  3. Cooperation with shopping centers, offices and shops.
  4. Washing windows, facades, etc. at a height.
  5. Organization of a carpet washing shop.

If things are successful in one city, the brand has become recognizable, then you can think about expanding. To do this, you need to register a branch in another city and carry out everything by analogy with the original version. In addition, you can offer a franchise for those who want to open a cleaning business under your brand.

How to open a cleaning company in Russia: a brief overview of the market + necessary equipment + search for personnel + initial investment + ways to advertise a business + useful tips.

Cleanliness is the key to health. A professional approach to ensuring cleanliness is the key to success in this business area.

Grandmothers-cleaners are gradually becoming a thing of the past ...

Demand, albeit "sleeping", seems to be in Russia, because how to start a cleaning company independently, more and more people are thinking. Let's deal with this today.

What you need to know before starting a cleaning company?

Firstly, it is necessary to deal with the very concept of "cleaning", which in Russia still sounds unusual and different people put different meanings into it. It's not just cleaning anymore.

Some perceive the cleaning company as the same cleaning lady who has completed certain courses and can meaningfully, but without a system and modern equipment, sweep or mop the floor. Yes, there is also a demand for such services in the lower price segment.

In 2014, the market "froze", but in 2018, according to experts, it will begin to grow again. Conclusion: to be successful tomorrow, you need to prepare for increased demand today. So, it's time to think about how to open a cleaning company.

Thus, in 2014, the Russian market for cleaning services was estimated at $200 million. Moreover, 150 of them were in Moscow and the Moscow region. Even up to 30 million - for St. Petersburg, and the rest - for other regions.

Since then, professional cleaning has also become known in the periphery, because the market has begun to slowly level off, which opens up new prospects in case of economic growth throughout Russia.

Choosing a target audience for a cleaning company

Having dealt with the region where we are going to open a cleaning company, we need to understand for which client it is worth doing it. Roughly speaking, the client can be either corporate or private. Corporate are divided into offices and premises of mass congestion of people (shopping malls, theaters, cafes, etc.).

This “cheat sheet” will help you understand which client to focus on, which shows who spends the most on cleaning in Russia:

As you can see, apartment cleaning occupies no more than 3% of the market, along with theaters and restaurants that cope with cleaning procedures on their own.

Hence the conclusion: you can open a cleaning company exclusively with a focus on a corporate client, and servicing individuals should be developed as an auxiliary area.

Having dealt with the target audience, you should estimate the range of services that you will provide. Your entire business will depend on this, since all this requires personnel, equipment and supplies.

It follows from the infographics that it is not very profitable to open a cleaning company that only cleans premises and territory - most of them combine this activity with something else.

The reason is that the Russian market is still being formed, and you can’t rely on any one segment, it’s better to take 2-3 areas and develop them in parallel.

How to open a “humble” cleaning company: a rough business plan

You can open a cleaning company if you have a well-thought-out business plan.

Therefore, we have prepared examples for you. Then we compare the performance of a small company providing dry and wet cleaning services with a large company so that all the differences are clearly visible.

So, in order to open a small cleaning company of a modest scale, which does not provide any exotic services like car fleet supervision, but only cleans the premises, you must be “in the know” yourself.

If you are already an expert in this matter, then you will not need courses, otherwise you will have to spend up to 20,000 rubles on them.

After completing the courses, the first step is to officially register your business.

If you want to work as an individual entrepreneur, it’s up to you, but it is believed that real profit in the cleaning business can be obtained only if you open a cleaning company (on a simplified taxation system) with 1-2 employees besides you.

This will allow for greater flexibility in working with the state while retaining the benefits of small businesses such as lower tax rates, government grants, lower rental costs, and more.

Cleaning is good because, according to the laws of Russia, this activity does not require any certification. Before you open a cleaning company, you need to study GOST R 51870-2002.

Initial investment in a cleaning company

It all depends on the scale of your future activities and the market segment that you have chosen for yourself. In general, for a mediocre cleaning company in the LLC format, 290-350,000 rubles are enough. starting capital. For individual entrepreneurs - 70-90,000 rubles.

It is believed that in Moscow such a volume of investment pays off in 8-10 months. That is less than a year. For a full-fledged cleaning company that provides a full range of services, it will take 2-3,000,000 rubles, and the payback, if there are regular customers, will be about a year.

You need to understand that cleaning the premises as a business is too heterogeneous. Companies paired with five-star hotels receive a very serious income, but the quality of their cleaning services is the highest.

Supermarket employees have low qualifications, and average ones have average business centers. All this must be taken into account in advance, calculating the level of initial capitalization.

How to start a cleaning business in Russia?

Before opening a cleaning company, experts recommend checking the soil by talking to local entrepreneurs: do they need cleaning, what kind of cleaning do they need, how much are they willing to pay, etc.

Otherwise, you may be out of luck, because the demand is not consolidated. Such is the specificity of the cleaning business that “word of mouth” and personal acquaintances always come first here.

The most important expense item for a small cleaning company is the office, although at the initial stage you can do without it at all. The current level of technology development allows you to work in the "home office" mode, and go to the client for cleaning.

If the cleaning "office" is very small, from one person, then you can simply answer on your own mobile phone without looking up from cleaning. Opening a cleaning company in this format is the easiest. However, if you plan to enter the cleaning business for a long time, then you cannot do without an office.

The optimal office should have the following premises: the director's office (you can meet clients there), a staff room (primarily managers), a warehouse for inventory and workwear, as well as a separate room for washing machines and a tumble dryer.

Even if you do not intend to provide dry cleaning services, you will have to wash your overalls all the time, especially after each dirty cleaning, as required by GOST and common sense - who will hire a cleaner who looks like a slob herself?

Thus, for a modest office, an office area of ​​​​15-20 square meters will be enough. m. According to market participants, one should focus on premises with a price of 1,000 rubles per square meter (that is, 15-20,000 rubles per month).

You should not look for an office in the city center, you can also on the outskirts - you go to clients for cleaning, and not they to you. This means that you can sacrifice your own convenience for the sake of economy.

1) Equipment for a cleaning company

This is one of the most problematic moments at the start of a cleaning company in Russia. Some advise buying only new equipment, while others recommend limiting yourself to used equipment for a start, they say, the main thing here is the quality of personnel and consumables, and not equipment.

Choose what is closer to you, but still mops and rags must be clean, otherwise the client will be dissatisfied.

Consumables and simple Russian-made equipment are available in a wide range.

A mandatory set of equipment for a small company in Russia is as follows:

NameExpenses (approximate)
1. Flat MOP (mop)1,500 rubles
2. Professional trolley with wringer function, mesh for solutions and cleaning compounds, trash bag.

From 6,500 rubles
3. Scraper

500 rubles
4. Dry wipes

200 rubles
5. Vacuum cleaner with wet cleaning function

20,000 rubles
6. Window cleaning kit2,000-3,000 rubles
7. Optional: floor scrubber (instead of a vacuum cleaner with a wet cleaning function, replaces 1-2 employees)

70,000-500,000 rubles

Total: 31,700 rubles (excluding scrubber). When buying a cheaper vacuum cleaner, you can meet 30,000 rubles.

On your own, you can wash your clothes at home. If you have a car, then the issue is resolved, if not, then you will have to cooperate with someone.

Many organize this business specifically for one customer - for example, a business center, where they themselves rent a small room or receive permission to store equipment in the back room with the consent of the building owner.

2) We select personnel for a cleaning company

If you are at the very start and intend to do the cleaning alone, then you may not even read this paragraph. Otherwise, you will need to hire 1-2 cleaners. Most likely, you will have to pay for the training of beginners, which will cost 4,000-25,000 rubles. Consulting services are provided by large cleaning companies.

The course includes both training in working with equipment and the basics of safety when working with toxic substances.

In addition, employees will be taught how to properly clean, according to the system, what types of cleaning are, how wet cleaning differs from dry cleaning using a vacuum cleaner or scrubber, etc.

That is, at the output you will get a full-fledged cleaner - an expert in cleaning of any type.

The work of an ordinary cleaner is considered low-skilled, therefore it is not paid very high, although the shortage of personnel in Russia makes it possible for real specialists with work experience to be expensive.

To start a business, you can focus on employees who are ready to work for 10-15 thousand rubles per month + bonuses.

You can find someone for the minimum wage, but then, most likely, the quality of cleaning will suffer, because only the same grandmothers, who are often poorly versed in technology, will go to such a salary, and they will have to work with technological and modern equipment.

To understand whether it is time for you to expand, there is a formula according to which one cleaner is able to clean an area of ​​9,000 sq. m. For 8 hours of a working day, an employee can clean about 800 square meters. m (in office centers - 500 sq. m).

By calculating the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe "mileage" of employees, you can find out if you have enough hands. If there are fewer people than required, then the quality of cleaning will suffer.

3) We are looking for clients for our cleaning company

The best option is if you have previously found a client for whom you will create your business, and only then will you scale it up by hiring new employees and purchasing additional equipment for other types of cleaning.

Market players claim that the best option for small cleaning companies is word of mouth or "presentations": go to offices and see where is the dirtiest, offer them to do the cleaning for free or at half price, subject to a review (video review) on your website or on specialized resources.

You can also leave your handouts near the entrances to business centers or malls.

Although this does not give a high conversion, it is free (until competitors rip them off). A more thorough advertising campaign will cost too much.

Many are trying to learn promotion of cleaning services in social networks but it's hard to say how effective it is.

Much more justified is contextual advertising, which is shown to the target audience: if a person is looking for a cleaning office by entering the query "cleaning Moscow", then your ad will be shown to him.

Paid ways to promote cleaning services will cost from 10,000 rubles per month.

Do not forget about fixing all the agreements with the customer in advance, down to the smallest detail. Here it is desirable to describe not only the types of cleaning, but also the fixation of property rights, so that you are not later accused of stealing personal belongings.

Therefore, prepare in advance the forms of contracts indicating the list of your services and terms. The contract is usually signed for a quarter or a year, but there are also one-time payments.

*An example of a standard contract for the provision of cleaning services

What is the payback of microcleaning business?

The price for 1 square meter of professional cleaning in Moscow starts from 50 rubles per square meter. m, although semi-professional cleaning can be found cheaper. In large business centers, the price can even be 100 rubles/sq. m and above, but you should not count on this, because such customers are served only by well-known large brands.

…First, we will have to dump, otherwise there will be no orders. So it is worth focusing on 30-40 rubles / sq. m. m.

Minimum expenses: 30,000 (cleaning equipment) + 15,000 (office) + 20,000 (personnel: 1 cleaner + outsourced accountant) + 10,000 (advertising on the network) = 75,000 rubles in the first month and 40-50 thousand rubles monthly.

Income: 50,000 (30 rubles per 1 sq. m of cleaning = 1667 - that's how many square meters you need to clean per month to pay for yourself and one assistant). This is without taxes.

If you intend to work more thoroughly and are ready to spend money on high-quality equipment (the same scrubber), rent a car, expand your staff, engage in full-fledged self-promotion, then the starting capital of 300-350,000 rubles will pay off with about 5,000 sq. m cleaning per month.

Considering the scale of business centers and retail space, this figure looks quite acceptable, but your competitors may already be working there, so it’s better to prepare to fight for a client.

The standard margin in the cleaning business is 25-35%, depending on the services provided: one-time general cleanings are expensive, but they are rarely ordered in Russia, and weekly cleanings provide a small, but regular income.

So, regular cleaning of a three-room apartment in Moscow will cost 4,000 rubles, and general cleaning after repair is almost twice as much - 7-7.5,000 rubles. In general, the average cleaning company pays off in 9 months, taking into account the crisis.

How to open a cleaning company with style?

As promised, the performance of a tiny cleaning company is comparable to an industry giant that buys its own cars right from the start, has a large staff and is ready to provide cleaning services of any complexity.

How to open such a large company in Russia? The principles are the same as before, therefore we will not repeat ourselves, but the costs are higher. Such companies are usually created to help hoteliers or companies that serve large residential complexes and shopping malls.

To open a cleaning company in this segment, the staff will be at least 12 people:

Imported equipment for wet and dry cleaning of all types to open a cleaning company of this level will also cost a pretty penny:

TOTAL COSTS: RUB 1,628,000
Equipment for cleaning
wide range of services
Name Price Qty Cost in rub.
Battery Scrubbers
for dry and wet cleaning
180 000 1 180 000
Cable scrubber for
dry and wet cleaning
34 000 5 170 000
Networked scrubber dryer for dry
and wet cleaning
105 000 2 210 000
Industrial vacuum cleaner for dry and
wet cleaning
25 000 10 250 000
polisher30 000 2 60 000
professional hair dryer
carpet drying
20 000 3 30 000
Cleaning carts and buckets
wheels for dry and wet cleaning
20 000
Cleaning equipment for dry and
wet cleaning
30 000
Detergents, household chemicals 50 000
TOTAL: RUB 1,000,000
Computers, office equipment, furniture
Name Price Qty Price
laptops- - 60 000
mini-ATS (4 tubes)- - 15 000
MFP (printer+scanner+fax)- - 15 000
Furniture (tables, chairs, sofa)- - 38 000
TOTAL: RUB 128,000
Name Price Qty Price
Car "Sobol" 2008 1 300 000
VAZ 2104 2011 1 200 000
TOTAL: RUB 500,000

Taking into account the costs of advertising, business registration, depreciation of equipment for dry and wet cleaning, etc., without which it is impossible to open a large cleaning company in Russia, the final estimate will look something like this:

Cleaning company expense itemAmount in rubles
Total:RUB 2,200,000
Registration of activities in the IFTS12 000
Purchase of equipment for dry
and wet cleaning, computers and
office equipment, office furniture,
detergents, vehicles
1 628 000
Recruitment (advertising)10 000
working capital (financing
activities until payback)
450 000
Conducting an advertising campaign100 000

Adjusted for inflation and devaluation, the purchase of equipment for dry and wet cleaning and the hiring of personnel can cost as much as 3,000,000 rubles.

With a projected payback of the project of 550,000 rubles per month, it is necessary to serve about 15-20 corporate clients (this is about 100 orders for dry and wet cleaning monthly).

This video will show you how to create a successful

a cleaning company with an income of 3,000-7,000 dollars:

Summing up the features of opening a cleaning company

Investments in a small cleaning company can be recouped in a couple of months with an average cleaning return of 35%, an average company in 8-10 months with a return of 25-30%, and in the case of a large office, a return of 20-25% is considered a big success and 12-15 months for payback.

In fact, this market is very unstable. If you are lucky enough to receive a large order for dry and wet cleaning, for example, from a large government agency, then even a large cleaning company can pay off very quickly - in just a couple of months.

But the opposite result is also possible - small orders at high costs. The most important thing is a preliminary analysis of demand in the segment and locality where you intend to work.

So find the answer to the question How to open a cleaning company? it's not that hard. It is much more difficult to correctly calculate everything in advance, analyze the “dormant” demand for dry and wet cleaning, determine the optimal advertising channels, etc.

Cleaning itself is by no means the most difficult task. But if all this is done correctly, then the result will not be long in coming: in this area, the payback is one of the fastest, therefore, in the USA and Europe it is considered one of the most attractive for investments.

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