A ready-made script for a guy who turns 20. Scenario for the anniversary of a girl (young woman) “A star named ....”

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anniversary script young man 20 years

Hello adult life...
20th Anniversary Scenario for a man.


20 years old is already quite a mature age. Especially for guys. Some have already completed their military service, others are on the way to obtaining a diploma higher education. But they have one thing in common: this is past youth and the beginning of a new, adult life.

Today we celebrate two decades,
Today is (name)’s anniversary,
And for this we all congratulate him,
And we make it all more fun,
And so that we can all start feasting,
Everyone will have to call him!

(the Jubilee is called in chorus, at the command of the presenter)
(The hero of the day enters)
Here he is, our hero of the day,
Blinds us all like a lantern,
With its strength, beauty,
Courage and kindness!
He gets compliments today
And all our applause!

(to applause, the hero of the day takes his place behind festive table)
Now a toast would be nice for us too,
We wish you enough money so as not to spend it,
We wish to always rule our lives,
And may you have as many friends as you can’t even imagine!
Congratulations! Hooray!

(musical break, meal)
And now I want to surprise you,
And reward with a souvenir!
I'll give you balloons,
You eat each one and read your little note!

(The presenter brings a large bunch balloons, in each of them, before inflating, you need to put a small note. In each you need to write one name, where there will be simply the inscription: “Happy Holidays!” that is, without a gift, but where - a calendar, pen, towel, keychain, photo frame, etc., that means with a gift. Guests choose a ball, pop it and read it. Some are left with a surprise, others are not.)
The lottery was held
The balloons all burst
And again we came to congratulations,
Now we drink to
So that you (name) find your soul mate!
For love, for the future family!

Now I want to hold a competition
So that you remember all the basics of childhood!
The competition is called: “When I was little!” Everyone is welcome to participate, but an even number of people is required. We divide into two teams. In front of each team, at a distance of 4-5 meters, there is a chair on which pacifiers are laid out (pacifier candy canes must be purchased in the store, most of them are available), and next to it lies on the floor the children's designer, two bandages are also issued for each knee. Task: in turn, each person from the team ties protective bandages to their knees and crawls on their knees (like a little one) to a chair. Then he unwraps the candy pacifier, puts it in his mouth, takes 1 piece from the construction set and places it at the base of the house. Then he returns to the team, hands over the bandages, and so on one by one. At the leader's sign, the game stops. And whoever built the tallest house will be the winner. Prize: with parting words to create a family, the presenter gives real pacifiers as a souvenir for future children and participants.

That's how we had fun
As if we were frolicking in childhood,
And now back to the table, to the wine!
Now everyone who has gathered here
They say congratulations to us encore!
(all those present take turns congratulating the hero of the day and giving him gifts)

(musical break, meal)
Many were already here in the army,
And I hope we haven't forgotten anything,
Today you will all shoot,
And for this, receive a gift!
The competition is called: “Holiday Shooting Range!” Everyone is welcome to participate. Iron beer cans are placed on the table, each with a note attached: where is the gift, where is the riddle, where to sing a ditty, where to dance, and where to say the best compliment to the hero of the day. Whoever knocks down what gets it.

And again there will be a feast on the mountain,
Let's celebrate 20 years with interest,
We all drink to our parents,
Today we salute them!

Friends, I ask for your forgiveness,
But I'll leave this room
I set the mood for you all,
I told you all my words,
Now let's go without me,
Well, the last toast:
“For the hero of the day, everything to the bottom!”

(music, meal)

Decor: The venue is surrounded by oddly shaped cacti.

An incendiary melody sounds.
While performing dance steps, a presenter in a Mexican costume appears in front of the guests.

Leading. Dear guests!

As you know, in Spanish any male is called a “macho”.

But... if, having heard the word “macho”, you imagined Dmitry Nagaev or Antonio Banderas, then your thoughts are also moving in the right direction.

A macho is a man of success, someone whom women love and men admire. Macho is a symbol of success in any type of activity: career, success with women, achievements in sports. A macho man is simply doomed to success!

Why is our hero of the day not macho?

To prove this, you first need to change his suit. Well, friends, let's get started!
Hiding my face from the sun in the shade,
Wear a sombrero in front of us.

The birthday boy is given a sombrero, which he immediately tries on.

So that I can look like a macho,
Put a scarf around your neck.

The birthday boy is tied with a bright neckerchief.

The problem is now solved
Do you agree? This is macho!
All the evidence is there,
And washing them is our obligation!

Leading. And now... Take this, our macho
Not coconut, not kharcho soup,
A musical instrument
So that we can play on it at the moment,
On this damn bandura
Song of Mexico, in kind.

The birthday boy, having received the instrument and imitating playing it, performs a song to the tune of “I am a cucaracha!

I'm a nice macho
Cheerful macho,
And today I am the coolest.
Luck is with me
I'm a cool macho
And success accompanies me!

Applause from guests.

Leading. Dear guests!
Today I would like to tell you one secret. The fact is that for 20 years in a row on the eve of the birthday, the birthday boy has had the same dream. He sees himself in a southern country located on the Atlantic coast. It is surrounded by plants that grow only in sun-dried places, many of them have thorns instead of leaves. It is here that one of the most beautiful cacti should bloom on his twentieth birthday.

Dear birthday boy!
Cacti bloom very rarely. But today, on your anniversary day, a miracle will happen. This unusual cactus will bloom before your eyes. And the guests will help him with this.

A soft toy cactus is placed on the festive table.
Guests' task: Divide into two teams and place them in the “cactus” certain number protruding needles and last resort attach a flower of your color. In this case, the main condition of the game is met: each time the team passes only one needle from hand to hand, and as soon as it is placed in the “cactus”, the first players of the teams begin to pass the next one. Whose team will be the first to place their flower on the “cactus” and read out a wish to the birthday boy?

Options for wishes

1) If the team has a flower white: “At 20, your adult life is just beginning. So let you be able to write your own happy destiny, as if on a white sheet of paper!”

2) If - lilac: “May your life at 20 years old become a real lilac paradise!”

Leading. What a wonderful anniversary
You meet among friends!
You are 20 years old today
There are no barriers to happiness in life.
Go boldly forward to your dreams,
Good luck awaits you along the way!
To become the best macho in the world,
Let's raise a glass now!

Leading. A real macho is very sexy and madly in love with the fair sex. We decided to put an end to the loneliness of our birthday boy once and for all and give him the woman of his dreams as a gift.

The sewn up graceful one is taken out Evening Dress With inflated balloons inside. Instead of a head, there is also an inflated balloon, painted to resemble the face of a lovely woman, with a wig attached to the top. The entire design imitates a beautiful female body.

Leading. Well, macho, now hold on!
Marry her today!
Her figure will drive you crazy
Besides, she is a hot person!

The birthday boy's task is to hug his woman so that she faints, that is, to burst all the balloons inside the dress with his hands.
Leading. I think that the pleasure you experienced has made you a real erotomaniac who is capable of many male victories. But... achieving the image of a sex symbol will not be so easy. Real men's stylish things are needed here.
Leading. Without a cigar, a macho is cool. It won’t be a macho, but someone else. We need to roll him a cigar. You should all help me with this! According to legend, real cohibas, i.e. huge Cuban cigars, which all macho men love so much, roll on the dark thighs of women workers in cigar factories on the outskirts of Havana. I invite couples who wish to participate in the production of Cuban cigars.

Each man in a couple, kneeling in front of his woman (she must be in trousers) receives a sheet of newspaper. At the leader’s signal, the sheet is folded diagonally and rolled along outside female legs in a huge cigar. The pair that completes the task faster and better wins. Music is playing.
A competition is being held.

The women seemed to have gone crazy
Today everyone visits often.
Apparently, their macho man is drawn here,
Shall we meet them? Of course...
Guests. Yes!
Leading. For fun, not embarrassment,
Corn has arrived.
These are the packs (shows with hands)!
Cool dudes!

Kukuruza appears and sings to the tune of O. Gazmanov’s song “Moscow”.

You gathered friends here today,
To celebrate your anniversary.
And we want to say at this hour:
“Please accept congratulations from us!”
We hasten to wish only one thing:
So that there are plenty of girls.
May you be a rich groom,
And for this he would pour us glasses!

Chorus: Come on, accept the gift!

They present a gift.

Come on, don't forget about us!
If so, don’t regret the wine,
Pour us something strong quickly!

Applause from the guests.

Leading. Dear guests! Our real macho invites you towards the blazing Mexican sunset, where hot girls, cool drinks and fiery rhythms of Mexican dances await you.


20 years old is already quite a mature age. Especially for guys. Some have already completed their military service, others are on their way to obtaining a higher education diploma. But they have one thing in common: this is past youth and the beginning of a new, adult life.

Topic: “Goodbye youth, and hello adulthood...”

The holiday can be celebrated at home, as well as in a cafe or outdoors.


Today we celebrate two decades,
Today is (name)’s anniversary,
And for this we all congratulate him,
And we make it all more fun,
And so that we can all start feasting,
Everyone will have to call him!

(the Jubilee is called in chorus, at the command of the presenter)

(The hero of the day enters)


Here he is, our hero of the day,
Blinds us all like a lantern,
With its strength, beauty,
Courage and kindness!
He gets compliments today
And all our applause!

(The hero of the day takes his place at the festive table to applause)


Now a toast would be nice for us too,
We wish you enough money so as not to spend it,
We wish to always rule our lives,
And may you have as many friends as you can’t even imagine!
Congratulations! Hooray!

(musical break, meal)


And now I want to surprise you,
And reward with a souvenir!
I'll give you balloons,
You eat each one and read your little note!

(The presenter brings a large bunch of balloons, in each of them, before inflating, you need to put a small note. In each you need to write one name, where there will be simply the inscription: “Happy Holidays!” That is, without a gift, and where - calendar, pen, towel, keychain, photo frame, etc., that means with a gift. Guests choose a balloon, pop it and read it. Some are left with a surprise, others are not.)


The lottery was held
The balloons all burst
And again we came to congratulations,
Now we drink to
So that you (name) find your soul mate!
For love, for the future family!



Now I want to hold a competition
So that you remember all the basics of childhood!


The competition is called: “When I was little!” Everyone is welcome to participate, but an even number of people is required. We divide into two teams. In front of each team, at a distance of 4-5 meters, there is a chair on which pacifiers are laid out (candy-pacifiers need to be purchased in the store, most of them are available), and next to it, on the floor, there is a children's construction set, and two bandages are also given for each knee. Task: in turn, each person from the team ties protective bandages to their knees and crawls on their knees (like a little one) to a chair. Then he unwraps the candy pacifier, puts it in his mouth, takes 1 piece from the construction set and places it at the base of the house. Then he returns to the team, hands over the bandages, and so on one by one. At the leader's sign, the game stops. And whoever built the tallest house will be the winner. Prize: with parting words for starting a family, the presenter gives real pacifiers as a souvenir, for future children, participants


That's how we had fun
As if we were frolicking in childhood,
And now back to the table, to the wine!
Now everyone who has gathered here
They say congratulations to us encore!

(all those present take turns congratulating the hero of the day and giving him gifts)

(musical break, meal)


Many were already here in the army,
And I hope we haven't forgotten anything,
Today you will all shoot,
And for this, receive a gift!


The competition is called: “Holiday Shooting Range!” Everyone is welcome to participate. Iron beer cans are placed on the table, each with a note attached: where is the gift, where is the riddle, where to sing a ditty, where to dance, and where to say the best compliment to the hero of the day. Whoever knocks down what gets it.

And again there will be a feast on the mountain,
Let's celebrate 20 years with interest,
We all drink to our parents,
Today we salute them!



Friends, I ask for your forgiveness,
But I'll leave this room
I set the mood for you all,
I told you all my words,
Now let's go without me,
Well, the last toast:
“For the hero of the day, everything to the bottom!”

If a young man’s birthday is approaching, namely 20 years, then his close people should think about how best to congratulate the birthday boy. How can you interest him? Let's start with the fact that congratulating a guy on his 20th birthday should not only be beautiful, but also quite original. Tell him that all roads are opening up for him, remind him that you will always come to his aid in overcoming any difficulties, support him in all his endeavors.

However, your congratulations to your guy on his 20th birthday is not the only nuance that is worth considering. Although it's still worth starting with. So, in more detail.

Congratulations to a guy on his 20th birthday - taking into account the psychological aspect

What should be the ideal wish from friends and relatives in the first place? Congratulations to a guy on his 20th birthday simply must be taken into account psychological aspect. Moreover, if the birthday person has certain desires, then you simply must know what exactly will please him. That is, if a young man loves club music, then organize a birthday party in a nightclub. In the midst of the fun, congratulations to a guy on his 20th birthday can be heard right from the stage. Such a holiday will definitely appeal not only to the hero of the occasion, but also to all his guests.

If the birthday person is a travel enthusiast or generally a homebody, then you should not throw a noisy party. Congratulate him on an unexpected tourist trip you organized, perhaps an ordinary picnic, or even just in a quiet home environment.

Or maybe your friend wants to spend his time with his girlfriend. Don’t interfere, step aside and simply congratulate him over the phone. Let young people be alone, because this age is already serious enough to create new family. Perhaps this day will be decisive in their future fate.

What to gift?

And what should be a present for a person on his birthday? 20 years is a slightly controversial date, so to speak. Therefore, you shouldn’t give “anything at all” and brush it off. Today, many people simply “don’t bother” presenting money. Of course, everyone always needs them, especially if a person is just starting his adult life. But still, this idea will be wonderful only if the amount turns out to be quite tidy. The birthday boy will like this gift if he has been saving money for something serious for a long time.

However, even such a present will require at least some other inexpensive thing to be added to it, purely symbolically. But based on the interests of the birthday boy. Some will appreciate a CD, some a book, and some a gym membership.

The script must be lively and original

But that’s not all. It is also important to choose interesting scenario. 20 years old for a guy is an age that allows both him and his guests to have fun “to the fullest.” That is, the organization of the holiday should be ideally suited not only to the company of his immediate family, but also to his friends.

Where should I start? Of course, with a greeting. For example, all guests can stand in a column in pairs and march into the banquet hall together with gifts. This “entry” may be accompanied by comic rhymes, such as:

Who is that walking in line?

Our anniversary squad!

Happy birthday, 20 years old,

Hello to the birthday boy!

Guests are coming to the hero of the day,

Stop being sad here quickly!

Let's relax together!

Congratulations to the hero of the day!

After this, the presenter begins the ceremonial program. It is worth recalling, for example, that only people in a good mood can have all their dreams come true. Accordingly, all guests support the toastmaster. They wish the birthday boy Have a good mood and begin to create it that evening.

And then everything depends on the mood of the hero of the day and the people he invited. These can be round dances, and fun quizzes, and funny competitions, and even friendly “chants”! Guests will also appreciate traditional toasts and poetry.

Choose unusual competitions

It is best to end the anniversary with the most interesting entertainment. As a rule, such events end with dancing. You can diversify them a little. Add competitive elements to them. For example, seat all guests on chairs. Set a task for them: to dance without getting up, moving certain parts of the body. To begin with: lezginka (whole body). After - gypsy (shoulders only). Then - cancan (one legs). At the end - oriental dance (of course, hands). This competition will amuse people of all ages.

Young people will also definitely like the impromptu fairy tale. You can choose any plot. The main thing is to play it in an interesting and fun way and choose the right characters.

Do not forget to wish the youth at the end of the scenario a continuation of the positive evening dedicated to the birthday boy. Do not doubt that all those invited will definitely be charged with positive energy and incredible warmth.

Well, the culmination of the holiday is a cake for the guy’s 20th birthday. Choose what you need, and your gift will be remembered for many years!

Today there will be laughter and dancing!
And everyone will say a wish
After all, your anniversary is exactly 20,
And everyone's wishes will come true!
Find a beautiful girl
Surround with attention and affection.
Let it ring with a ringing string
Love without falsehood and without lies!

20 years! There is so much more to come! A magnificent wedding, the birth of babies... After all, youth is a wonderful time of new discoveries, joys and victories! And today, your anniversary is truly special - fabulous and bright, like the multi-colored lights of fireworks saluting in your honor! Today everyone who has gathered at the festive table will shower you with amazing wishes, because we believe that everything said today will definitely come true! Happy birthday!

We give a bright bouquet of congratulations,
Wishes in verses, compliments!
Many joyful, bright moments
And the delight of pleasant gifts!
At twenty years old this will cause a lot
Positive, stormy emotions!
Let the road lead to success,
A place in the sun will be chosen!

At twenty you are so beautiful
Fresh breath of spring...
Those who know each other, it’s not in vain
Head over heels in love with you.
Sweet, full of charm,
Kind, slim, light, smart...
And a cup full of happiness,
May God give you a full drink!

Our dear birthday boy, we congratulate you on a great anniversary - on your twentieth birthday! We wish you today and always to have a cheerful mood, sincere joy and many pleasant surprises. So you have reached the moment when everything that happens in your life will depend only on you. Become a skilled builder of your future and may good luck accompany you in everything!

Honey, your anniversary is today
Lights up a gloomy gray day!
20 years - life is just on the threshold,
Even though you have become even more mature!
But there's no need to sum it up
We must continue to dream,
And to my niece today
I want to wish you hope!

Let's go back twenty years,
Let's smile a little!
Then you were born,
Fulfilled our bright dreams.
Well, today we hasten to congratulate,
And send your wish.
Kiss you, just hug you,
Always help you!
We also wish you health,
We inspire you on the path.

You are beautiful, and the world around you is beautiful,
The sky will forever be clear, there will be a friend,
And love will come great and tender,
She will turn your life upside down,
And you will become the happiest person in the world,
And cherished dreams will come true...
Believe me, there is nothing more wonderful in life,
Expectations of happiness and good luck at 20 years old.

You are 20 today - at this hour
You excite us with your joy.
And on this wonderful day, on your anniversary,
Accept this wish quickly.
Let only happiness and success surround you,
In business there is success, in grief there is only laughter.
Health will allow you to live 100 long years,
In love, fortune and without knowing troubles.

Your day has come - you are twenty today!
And the heart triumphs and sings.
It's time for all your plans and dreams to come true,
There are so many achievements ahead!
We wish you a wonderful day right away
All the beautiful things that fate has to offer!
Let there be miracles as ordered,
And may you always be lucky in everything!


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