Do-it-yourself garden beds in the country: examples of simple and beautiful beds. Do-it-yourself beautiful garden beds in the country: photo, device and options Simple beds on the site

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Competent arrangement of the beds in the country is one of the most important conditions for obtaining a rich harvest. Many novice gardeners believe that any growing conditions are suitable for plants, there would be land and water. In fact, many cultures require a personal touch. Their growth and development is influenced by many factors: the illumination of the site, the composition of the soil, and even the shape of the beds. Therefore, the arrangement of the garden in the country should be properly planned in advance.

First of all, you need to decide exactly what crops you will plant on your site. And only then, for each of them, make the most suitable bed.

Fertile and beautiful beds in the country give joy to both the eyes and the stomach. They can be of different shapes and heights. The main thing is, of course, the soil. In modern gardening, there is two different ways of cultivating the land:

  • Traditional - constant regulation of the state of the soil by a person, deep loosening and digging, excessive fertilization.
  • Environmental - minimal human intervention in natural changes in the state of the soil.

The traditional way there are two significant drawbacks. First, it requires a lot of work. Endless weeding, digging, processing with various chemicals - all this takes a lot of time and effort. Secondly, this method is traumatic for the soil, because it does not have time to fully recover between digging procedures. As a result, even with regular use of fertilizers, the yield on such beds is much more scarce than it could be.

The ecological approach is based primarily on the ability of the earth to heal itself, as opposed to the traditional one. To do this, she just needs not to interfere. Instead of deep digging, you can simply loosen superficially, and replace constant weeding with regular mulching. With this approach, the soil structure develops in the most natural way with the help of various insects and microorganisms. In such organic beds, which are also called smart beds, the plants receive all the necessary substances without the use of special fertilizers and give a rich harvest. Currently, it is the ecological approach that is most popular.

Smart beds for high yields

To create smart beds with your own hands, you need quite a bit of time and effort. This should be done in several stages.

Tired of working hunched over in your garden? We will tell you a few simple ways to make beds that will greatly facilitate your summer resident's work. Think about what problems you face in your garden in the first place, and find the solution that will help you.

How to make beds in the country: warm beds step by step instructions

If after each weeding you get the feeling that only a three-ton press can straighten you, then this idea is for you. Comfortable high beds require a certain investment of funds and effort at the initial stage. The first step is to assemble a box that will hold the soil. If you are planning a long bed, then every meter you need to install a stiffener from a wooden plank inside the box so that the side walls do not crack under the weight of the soil.

It is advisable to make a bottom of a metal mesh for the formwork (it is sold in hardware stores). This net will protect your plantings from attacks from moles and mole rats.

The bottom of the bed and the space between the beds can be covered with cardboard to prevent weeds from growing. In our case, we installed the beds on an area covered with agrofibre.

We put old branches, tops and other organic waste at the bottom of the bed. Then we fill our beds with organic fertilizers and soil, and the seedlings can be planted.

We have got such beautiful warm beds.

A little advice. If your garden is regularly ruined by cats, arranging a toilet in it, then here is a sure way to drive them away from the beds. Place a net on top - cats will not like it, and plants will not interfere in any way.

As you can see, it takes a little work to make beautiful beds. But the advantages of such beds are very significant, because they are easier to process.

And they will serve you for many years if you approach them responsibly and carefully do all the work.

Bumpers can be made from a wide variety of materials.

Some gardeners even lay them out of bricks. So to speak, for centuries!

And here is an example of a bed arranged in old pallets. The pallet boards cover the row spacing, preventing weeds from growing and giving the garden a neat look.

How easy it is to make good beds in the country

But if all these ideas seem complicated to you, and the costs of their implementation are excessive, then this is perhaps the easiest way to facilitate your gardening work. Use agrofiber. It prevents weeds from growing by blocking light from reaching the soil and also helps to retain moisture by preventing the sun from drying out the soil. First, spread the agrofibre on your garden bed, and then use a knife to make cuts, and plant the seedlings in these cuts.

This is especially convenient when growing strawberries, as agrofibre prevents the tendrils from growing to the ground.

How to make vertical beds yourself

If you need to place your garden in a minimal area, then vertical beds are exactly what you need. With a vertical approach, plants are not planted in open ground, but in containers located above the ground in several tiers. Vertical beds can be made both from ready-made modules for vertical gardening, and from scrap materials.

For example, for a vertical bed of wooden boxes, you will need to sheathe the inside of the boxes with foil using a stapler and then fill them with soil. At the bottom of the box, holes must be made in the film so that water does not stagnate. Excess water will flow to the lower tier.

Vertical beds are easy to maintain, but care must be taken to ensure proper watering. there is little soil in such beds and it dries up quickly. The most popular solution is the drip irrigation system - a small pipe with holes is laid along the entire garden bed, from which water comes.

In this case, the structural part of the vertical garden can be made even from improvised means.

There are many unexpected options for vertical beds when plastic bottles are used. For example, holes are made in the cap of each bottle and only the upper and middle rows of the garden bed are watered, water comes to the lower ones from the holes in the bottle caps.

Vertical beds are made of old pipes:

We showed you several ways to make your garden beds more convenient and we hope that you will like at least one of them. Each of these techniques has its own application, and it is not at all necessary to use them all at the same time.

Make beautiful comfortable beds for yourself, because you can greatly facilitate your work and save your strength and health!

Before every gardener, with the arrival of spring, the question arises of how to equip the beds so that crops have all the conditions for development and fruiting. In addition, the correct location of the beds makes it much easier to care for them.

Recently, high beds made with a frame made of boards are gaining popularity. However, not everyone has the opportunity to build them due to the lack or lack of wood material. Do not despair, because there are still many ways to make garden beds without using boards.

Most often, a vegetable garden is planned using the following beds:

  • standard;
  • narrow;
  • high.

Standard beds

Such beds are located at the same height as the garden, do not protrude above the soil and do not go deep into it. The location of the beds, their width and length depend only on the preferences of the gardener. The distance between the rows is usually no more than 50 cm in order to gain access to the plants for care. To mark the beds, pull a rope or use a special garden marker.

It is good to make standard beds on flat areas that are evenly illuminated by the sun.

Narrow beds

For arranging narrow beds, only a flat surface of a plot with good lighting is suitable. Their feature is a rather large row spacing (up to 1 m), while the width of the beds themselves is only 45 cm. The narrow beds rise slightly above the soil surface (by 20 cm).

In the place where it is planned to break the beds, they dig up the ground and apply fertilizers (the aisles themselves are not fertilized):

  • dolomite flour;
  • a complex of minerals.

This type of bed is also called the bed by the Mittlider method - the scientist who invented it. To increase yields in high beds, he recommended watering them regularly and applying industrial fertilizing, excluding compost and manure.

High beds (without using boards)

To equip high beds, a frame 90 cm high and 120 cm wide is pre-mounted, which will be filled with nutrient soil. The size of the tall bed may vary. The basis of the frame, in addition to the boards, are:

Stationary beds made of slate - video

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Everyone understands what the yield of plants depends on: the amount of embankment, the correct organization of fertilizers and the quality of the soil. To make it pleasant to take care of the plants, users create beautiful beds in the country with their own hands. You can find photos of interesting compositions and design solutions in today's publication. In addition, the HomeMyHome editors will tell you about some of the features of the organization of sites that many do not know about.

A good harvest will be in areas with woody curbs

If you are thinking about planting seeds or creating seedlings, you need to choose the right place and understand how to arrange the beds on the site. The quality of the crop and the health of the vegetation will depend on this. Our grandmothers also argued that all seats should be located strictly in one position: from north to south.

This method provides for a uniform supply of heat and light to future plants. In addition, in such an arrangement, the likelihood of fungus formation on the leaves and fruits is minimized.

Such a design is permissible only if the site is perfectly flat and there are no slopes on it. Such an area will not provoke stagnation of moisture after precipitation falls, so the roots of plants will not rot.




How to make a warm garden bed: the basics and nuances

They try to make warm beds with their own hands in the fall. The source of heat is organic matter, which, when rotting, releases special energy. It is she who will be useful for vegetation.


Such instances are created in a 50 cm recess. You can create them directly in the ground or pre-build a box of the appropriate size. The basis of such a bed is compost. The thickness of its installation is at least 15 cm.


With this approach, summer residents can plant plants much earlier. The presence of peat enhances the effect and the plants become resistant to replanting.

On a note! Experts believe that with the use of warm beds it is possible to achieve high quality seedlings.

How to properly make beds with drainage in the garden

Any cultivated plants need good gas exchange and high-quality removal of excess moisture. In order for these processes to occur properly, they equip the beds with drainage.


Having chosen a site for installation, a pit is dug up to a depth of 45 cm. A layer of sand (15 cm) is laid in it, organic fertilizers are poured on top, after which fertile soil is laid out. Such a foundation will help to quickly drain water in low-lying areas after precipitation, keeping the root system intact.

Features of creating beds in a greenhouse with your own hands

There are several options for materials from which you can make beds in a greenhouse. First of all, it is timber formwork. The use of stone or brick is allowed. Each of the options is good in its own way.


In this case, the row spacing can be laid out with fine crushed stone, screenings or sand. This will provide a comfortable approach to plants, get rid of excess dirt and weeds.


How to make borders for beds from different materials

When the question arises of how to fence the beds, many immediately go in search of improvised material. Such curbs can really be built from anything. An important condition is that they must withstand the pressure of wet soil. You also need to take into account that the width of the beds in the garden should be at least half a meter from the inner edge of the curb.

Plastic and metal structures

Do-it-yourself garden fences should look aesthetically pleasing. This will create a certain emphasis on. Therefore, the organization of these structures should be approached carefully. For example, plastic is a smart modern solution. Such material is absolutely harmless, it is not spoiled by pests, it is considered budgetary. It should be chosen in light shades, since this color is practically not warmed up by the sun's rays.



Metal structures are convenient, but not suitable for well-lit and dry areas. The material heats up quickly, the root system of plants lends itself to serious overheating. Rust and corrosion appear over time. This negatively affects the soil composition.

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What are their advantages, examples of creative solutions, average prices, consumer reviews, how to correctly assemble a garden bed from panels with your own hands. Read about this and much more in our review.

Interesting do-it-yourself board beds: photos of original copies

Borders for wood beds are a good and harmless option. For manufacturing, you can apply a variety of ideas. Such frames are prepared by twisting into frames using. We bring to your attention a photo of unusual options for how to make a bed of boards with your own hands.





In the future, it is important to know how to treat the boards for the beds so that they do not interfere with the growth of plants and do not succumb to the influence of moisture.

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Interesting ideas come to mind of many summer residents and owners of private houses. In the article, we will consider original photo examples and several instructions for creating such beauty.

What do-it-yourself slate beds do: photo examples

Surely there are small fragments of slate in every home. They make great cheap vegetable garden fences. If you also paint them, then they will stand out against the general background of the garden.


PHOTO: paints-facades.rf


Brick and concrete beds

Beautiful tall beds can be made from a variety of materials. Brick is also considered the most acceptable. It is much easier to work with them, they do not require special care. Often such designs are used for planting decor.


On a note! Garden plants, planted in specially designated fenced areas, can be decorated with lawn grass around. This is a very suitable option for creating paths between the rows.

Making garden beds in the country with your own hands: photos of finished models

A beautifully decorated vegetable garden with a high yield of crops is entirely the merit of the owner. The more interesting and correct the beds are created, the better the plants feel. Together with the benefit for them, it is necessary to think about the design of the site itself. We bring to your attention a few ideas in the photo.





Features of beds for different plants

If you want to get rid of the growth of weeds beautifully and for the season, you need to create the most favorable conditions for the growth of crops. Each type of plant has its own characteristics.

How to make flower beds in the country with your own hands: video

Usually, the most unusual flower bed designs are used for flowering ornamental plants. One of these is discussed in detail in the video. With this instruction, you can easily create the same one.

Do-it-yourself convenient strawberry beds: photo options

As a rule, strawberries or strawberries are grown in a well-lit area. It is desirable that a uniform amount of sunlight falls on each bush of the berry.




What is the peculiarity of cabbage beds

If you plan to equip a separate compartment for growing cabbage, then you should choose a place for it where onions or any legumes previously grew. These areas must be dense, the absence of sandy layers is important, since a large amount of moisture will leave through them. Because of this, vegetables begin to “starve”.


If it is impossible to choose another site, a trench is dug under the cabbage bed and plant waste 7-10 cm high is spread on its bottom. Then, fertile soil is poured.

Arrangement of beds for cucumbers and tomatoes

Traditional varieties of tomatoes and cucumbers are not demanding to care for. They only need careful and correct watering. As for the beds, they can be grown together. Watch a video on how experienced gardeners do it.

Beds for different types of salad

A healthy salad bed is something out of the ordinary. It is known that these crops require constant care. Therefore, the following conditions must be observed for their cultivation.

  1. It is advisable to plant early-ripening varieties in the same compartment with late-ripening varieties.
  2. It is necessary to water it with warm water from a watering can, directing its spout to the root of the plant.
  3. It is necessary to use narrow beds so that the weeds have no chance of settling in the soil.
  4. Sowing salads is better mixed with sand. This will make it possible to evenly distribute the plants.
  5. The beds can be made of plastic pots and installed on windows. Also, the sites can be stationary.

Dear readers, if you have any suggestions or additions on the topic of how to make the garden beds correctly, write your ideas in the comments under the article. We will gladly study your idea. Perhaps it will be she who will become the topic of a future publication.

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To say that plants do not care which garden bed can only be a person who is far from farming. The level of soil moisture, the intensity of gas exchange and the species composition of microorganisms that live in the upper layers of the earth depend on the shape and size of the beds. All these factors have a direct impact on the quality of the substrate, and therefore on the level of yield - the main criterion for success for any gardener or gardener. How to use a scientific approach for the benefit of your garden, how to create not only a neat appearance of the beds, but also to raise the yield of your site as high as possible? We will try to answer these questions in this publication with a large-scale selection of photos of a wide variety of beds.

The principles of arranging the beds

A bed is a relatively small, often quite isolated area of ​​soil, where you can provide individual care for a plant of a particular culture, create a moisture regime and carry out top dressing. Obviously, plants are grown in a summer cottage or garden with various agricultural techniques, often with opposite requirements for care - without an individual approach, it will not be possible to achieve high yields. It is for this that differentiation is necessary on the site - the division of the territory into zones, and zones - into beds.

If the purpose of the beds is more or less clear to every gardener, then such nuances as the level of illumination, the composition of the soil and even its consistency, necessary for different crops, are not always taken into account and not by everyone. Unfortunately, the lack of understanding that cucumbers and tomatoes, for example, need a different approach, leads to a significant loss of yield. By creating difficult trenches for planting certain crops, and isolated beds, the owner of the site can give the plants proper care - all efforts will invariably pay off with the quality or quantity of the crop.

Land cultivation methods

There are two main (and at the same time diametrically opposite) approaches to agriculture:

  • traditional;
  • ecological.

The traditional way of cultivating the land is a thing of the past, incredibly laborious and often irrational, extremely traumatic for the ecosystem. It is based on human attempts to control the processes in the soil, its state. The following activities are related to the traditional method of farming:

  • digging the soil twice (per year);
  • herbicidal treatment;
  • uncontrolled amount of fertilizers applied to the soil;
  • With this principle of farming, the beds are cultivated in such a way that they have a small number of capillaries and, as a consequence, an insufficient number of microorganisms.
  • All these factors inevitably lead to low yields and depletion of soil resources.

The second approach, ecological (natural), is based on the ability of the soil to regenerate itself. There are many principles of natural farming, but they are all based on the fact that a person rarely interferes with the natural course of processes occurring in the soil. Digging up the earth is replaced by surface loosening, and weeding once a week or two is replaced by timely mulching.

Modern farming methods are based on an ecological method, and with this approach, microorganisms, plant roots and insects independently restore the structure of the soil. An increase in the number of capillaries increases gas exchange processes, as a result, the roots of plants are enriched with nitrogen in a natural way, which leads to an increase in both the quality and quantity of the crop. All this can happen without chemical fertilizers at all or with a minimum amount.

Types of beds for a modern garden

Only at first glance it may seem that the beds differ from each other only in size and shape. Although these indicators are of great importance for plants that need an individual approach and isolation from other crops. The beds may differ in the very principle of formation, be, for example, not on the site, but above it, located on the so-called "green wall" or inside large-diameter plastic pipes. It all depends on how you care for each specific type of plant.

Garden bed in the form of a box

The box-bed is one of the most popular soil cultivation methods today. This method of planting allows not only to create a separate place for each culture, but also to organize the landscape of a summer cottage or garden at a high aesthetic level. It is not difficult to organize a garden bed in the form of a box - a fence in the form of low shields is installed on the prepared and marked place of the site (hacienda or a small backyard).

To organize the fencing of the bed-box, you can use:

  • flat or wavy slate;
  • unnecessary boards;
  • polycarbonate sheets;
  • plastic;
  • any waste material that can tolerate soil moisture for more than one summer season.

Further, organic matter and soil itself are poured into the prepared compartment. For the winter, such beds are not dismantled, and in the spring, after surface loosening, it will be possible to plant seeds or seedlings of certain crops again. This approach is not only practical, rational, but also aesthetic.

High-sided beds

Tall beds are usually represented by ridges or trapezoids. The rise of the soil, as a rule, is provided by a "cushion" of the compost layer, on top of which the earth is poured. In the regions of our country where the bear is common, the compost layer is not used, the rise is carried out only by filling in the earth. Medvedka usually nests in the compost layer (a warm and humid place is an ideal habitat) and can spread very quickly throughout the site.

Tall beds are most often used for growing melons and gourds:

  • cucumbers;
  • pumpkins;
  • zucchini;
  • sometimes some varieties of potatoes are grown in this way.

High-sided beds are created for one season. In most cases, the embankment sinks heavily under the weight of the snow and loses its functional background. If climbing plants (for example, cucumbers, some types of zucchini) will be grown in a garden bed with a box structure, then it will not be superfluous to equip the fence with a vertical lattice (made of wood or metal, created using weaving, any available means).

If such a structure is equipped with a high dome covered with a film, then an ordinary bed becomes a greenhouse. Growing seedlings in such portable structures is very convenient and practical.

"Warm" beds

The beds are called "warm" due to the fact that fresh, not rotted manure is located in their lower layers. The manure embankment is carried out in late autumn, so that during the winter period all processes take place under the cover of snow. In early spring, after the snow melts, such beds are cleaned so that they are warmed up by the sun and decomposition processes start.

Further, the manure begins to rot with a large release of heat. As a rule, in compost heaps during "burning" the temperature inside can reach 40-50 degrees. But on the beds, the layer of manure is low and this effect does not occur, besides, winter exposure significantly slows down the "combustion" processes. All these manipulations and preparations are needed in order to plant crops in a ready-made, "warm" bed. Usually this is done for planting plants with a shallow root system - cucumbers, radishes, etc.

After the end of the summer season, all manure is processed. If you remove the top layer of soil, then under it you can find - humus, which is a very valuable substrate. This natural fertilizer can be scattered throughout the garden or summer cottage. And at the end of autumn, it will be possible to put manure into the garden bed again and start the process of preparing a "warm" bed again.

Drainage beds

In clay buds, in very low places, into which all the water is constantly drained, and in wetlands, it is necessary to equip beds with drainage. It is not difficult to make them - usually 50-60 cm of the soil layer is removed, then sand about 20 cm high is laid out on the bottom of the resulting hole, then sawdust, humus are poured, and only after that - the soil. Drainage and gas exchange in this type of bed is excellent - an ideal place for growing root crops (for example, potatoes).

DIY material for making beds

The creation of a bed of any configuration requires some preparation. In order to equip the beds in the form of boxes, you will need to use the following materials:

  • slate or boards, plastic or polycarbonate of such a height that there is at least 30 cm in the ground, and at least 20 cm on the surface of the entire size of the product;
  • pegs made of wood or metal, which will be needed to secure the fence material;
  • non-woven material that can be used to cover the bottom of the prepared trench.

After the workpiece - the dug hole is covered with non-woven material, it will be necessary to cover it from above with the following layers:

  • sawdust or straw - about 10 cm;
  • dry foliage (which you prepared in advance in the fall) - about 10 cm;
  • a mixture of compost and soil, in a ratio of 1 to 2 (layer size 10 cm or more);
  • clean layer of earth at least 10 cm.

  1. marking on the ground - usually done with pegs and a stretched cord. When calculating the size of the beds, it is important to understand that the narrower the trench, the faster it will dry out;
  2. then there is the preparation of the material for the fence - its cutting, preparation of pegs. If the box is not very large, then it will be more convenient to assemble it in advance using self-tapping screws. Such structures are reusable, they can be removed for the winter period if the beds are transferred;
  3. then a fence is installed on the garden bed;
  4. further on the bottom of the pit, a material of non-woven origin is laid;
  5. a layer of sawdust, dry foliage, soil mixed with compost and just earth is sequentially filled up.

And in conclusion. Your site can not only bring a good harvest, but also look aesthetically pleasing. Landscaping is able to manifest itself not only in the courtyard of a private house, but also in the garden, in the garden. But the main principle of the location of the beds on the territory should still be the needs of plants for sunlight. On a properly located bed, plant care will be minimal.


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