I want coral curtains! Coral color in the interior (18 photos): successful combinations Gray kitchen, coral sofa, living room.

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Coral color has long been one of the most preferred tones.

For example, the Sumerians revered this shade because, in their opinion, it had the ability to bring happiness.

In Egypt they believed that it promoted immortality.

In ancient Greece, it was believed that if you take a coral-colored thing with you on a long journey or on a trip, then this thing will serve as a talisman against difficulties along the way and will become protection from troubles.

Later in Europe, coral began to personify modesty and attracted the gaze of the opposite sex. Let's consider what color coral goes with.

Corals from the bottom of the sea have long been admired for their extraordinary appearance and delightful color.

In ancient times, corals were a great treasure, and those who managed to get them paid a lot of money for them.

Even in those distant times, jewelry was already made from these sea gifts.

Corals vary in color: milky, black, silvered, azure and different shades of red. But corals especially in red shades have been the most sought after for a long time because of their magnificent beautiful scarlet tone.

The scarlet tone of corals has a large palette close to burgundy, pinkish or terracotta. Most often, the color of corals is the middle tone of this scale. It was the cocktail of these tones that gave coral its name.

In the West, shades of coral are more popular than in wide circles here.

The basis of the coral undertone is a mixture of reddish, orange and pinkish tones. The saturation of the original colors in its basis can vary significantly. Due to this circumstance, the tones of the resulting coral are noticeably different.

Nature gave warmth to this color, combining other tones with it, you should choose from a natural tonality:

  • Coral organically combines with blue tones. The interior, made in such a marine style, fascinates with the motif of the sea depths and transports you to the shores of overseas countries, flooded with sunlight. Bright tiles in blue shades look great against the background of the warmth and comfort of terracotta.
  • The filled blue ornament looks stylish against the background of the coral shade of the walls.
  • Emerald, close to azure, or a bright herbal tone will also look great. But you need to be able to use two independent, rich colors wisely. The predominance of only one color is encouraged, and the second should complement it.
  • Brightness is used in individual details, and soft components will be the main ones in the kitchen design. A good background would be wallpaper in the color of pistachio or olive for coral, which can be used in furniture colors, fabrics or patterns.
  • The beige set is in harmony with the background of the warm surfaces of the walls in terracotta undertones. And, accordingly, against a beige background, for example, against a background of pastel-colored tiles, furniture in brighter and denser colors looks advantageous. It is recommended to note milk, creme brulee, beige, etc. as neutral tones.
  • A cocktail of coral with gold or silver will look rich and magnificent. Gold fills with aristocracy. Silver adds rigor and modernity to the room.

The combination of coral with dark tones is also successful:

  • By combining coral with wood and chocolate, you can achieve a classic style in kitchen design.
  • In combination with charcoal color, the decor takes on a somewhat official character, and the design becomes masculine.

Moreover, experts advise leaning towards choosing matte ones, since gloss makes the depth of colors in this combination somewhat tasteless.


  • If we are dealing with a coral-colored kitchen set, then we select a suitable apron and the main background for it. The apron is contrasting, bright or dark in color, just like the tabletop.
  • If the kitchen is decorated in coral tones, then any furniture is suitable in style, as long as it blends organically with the walls.
  • It looks very unusual, energizes and gives mood to the entire kitchen with a coral-colored floor.
  • Coral tiles look great.
  • If you add just a little detail of the same tone to the overall interior, the kitchen will acquire harmony.
  • The brightness of the floor will dilute the atmosphere if the kitchen has more of a dark tone of natural wood. Pastel colors will give a beige kitchen a zest.
  • An original solution would be one of them, also made in a coral tone. Or you can repeat this color in tiles or in the apron ornament.
  • It would be useful to have textiles in warm colors in this design, provided that it is combined with the overall style. As an option, one kitchen wall is done in coral color.

Furniture in the dining area, tiles above the hob and above the sink, and some decorative components should be in the same color palette. This means that according to the color of the sets, we will choose a neutral one, like the walls. The dining area will attract attention. The design of the work area furniture remains simple without decoration, its main property is functionality.

An original solution is the use of coral tones in the decor of suspended ceilings and in.

More often, this option is acceptable for kitchens combined with living rooms.

The overall image will be completed by dishes and utensils, patterns on the edges of the set.

This color is very unusual and unique; it is used occasionally in ordinary and simple formats.

More often in some intricate design non-standard ideas. This tone has sophistication and a certain whimsy. Also, for example, coral can be organically combined with vegetation, with openwork. But we don’t combine it with geometric shapes, they are too strict for him.

Simplicity and excessive laconism in combination with a coral tone are inappropriate. Nowadays it is rarely used in the design of a modern style kitchen. But this amazing and mysterious shade gives you the opportunity to feel the flight of your fantasies and realize creative ideas on your own.

Coral color in a variety of room styles

Coral is used in a variety of ways in interior design.

Sometimes it looks great as a detail, other times it is a good background or main tone.

Nowadays, interiors are often designed in a classic style using coral color.

Bedrooms and living rooms are especially often decorated in this palette.

Usually, part of the room is filled with this rich color, thereby highlighting the center or one of the parts, which attracts the eye.

In addition, furniture pieces of similar tones and patterns are added:

  • Classic style. When paired items are present in a classic-style interior, this is especially emphasized by this chosen color. Coral is a successful ornament in the classics. Classics are demanding of calm, strict tones and sophistication; coral is especially appropriate in this case. Children's rooms are also eagerly decorated using coral undertones. And more and more often they are replacing them with the style of vanilla rooms, made in pink. For younger children, the coral tone helps them be active and inquisitive, because it is not aggressive like scarlet and does not have a tiring effect like yellow.
  • Vintage and retro. These styles are also perfectly executed using coral. It is well suited for the design of patterns and ornaments, as well as decoration. In addition, it will decorate soft sets and wallpaper, curtains and bedspreads. Often used in vintage decors are milky and coral. The shabby chic style represents coral in a cocktail with pearls, lace and satin. Provence style is coral in a cocktail with natural materials from nature. The coral tone looks great in company with faded blue, emerald or turquoise, as well as milky or creamy.
  • Scandinavian style. In the Scandinavian style, a coral tone will add warmth to its cool components, which are traditionally used in this style, emphasize them and will not overload the space, it will remain spacious. Coral can be used here as details or as a second complementary tone. It is customary to introduce ceramics and coral-colored glass details into Scandinavian design; it is also used in fabrics. Chandeliers and mirrors framed by chaotically bending corals have now come into fashion. These items emphasize this tone and create an interesting accent that is in harmony with the overall idea.
  • Urban (functional) style. The coral tone is entering the urban style more and more confidently and quickly. At first it was present only in individual parts, but now coral is used for flooring and wall cladding, furniture sets and even. It is considered very fashionable that in addition to the coral interior details, transparent glass accessories are added; they add lightness to the style, giving it a transparent image. Coral's assistants in this style are milky, beige, cream and gray.
  • Modern. In the Art Nouveau style, coral has been used since the very beginning of this style. Today, variants successfully continue the tradition. And this is not surprising, because only the peculiarity of coral clearly highlights the capricious forms and expensive textures that underlie this style and its innovations.
  • Art Deco and Postmodern. Coral found its place in art deco and postmodernism, despite the fact that until quite recently it was not so in demand in these styles and was considered too simple and ordinary. Currently, tastes have changed, and coral has again found recognition among lovers of these flashy and daring styles, and its inconstancy is successfully used in the construction of these elaborate designs.

For more information about the exquisite and popular coral color, you can watch the video:

Color in the interior is a tool! Construction and music. He knows how to make a person sad or happy, nervous or comfortable, relax or cheer up, recharge with energy or frankly lose his temper.

It can warm a room, fill it with positivity, or vice versa – freeze the home and deprive it of vitality. Move the walls, expand the area, but also reduce the dimensions and compress the space. It even sets the function completely independently: it turns the room into a nursery, bedroom, living room, office, etc. But the instrument requires a master. Competent and sensitive. Today we are in this role, and we have coral color in our hands in the interior! So, here's the instruction manual.

Gone is the era of neutral and boring renovations. The era of memorable and individual design has arrived, where color is at the forefront. How does coral color behave in the interior of a kitchen, bedroom, hallway or dressing room? Believe me, he will not disappoint you. This is an almost universal and omnipotent tone: catchy, active, bold, fresh, but at the same time soft, warm, noble and intelligent. Regardless of the place of application, it always looks elegant, lively and cozy. Its brightness is not aggressive, and its relationship with red does not look too feminine. It can easily get along everywhere: from the living room, nursery and library to the loggia, bathroom, and utility rooms. But the most important condition for its existence is worthy neighbors! What company should he choose?

Combinations and features

Color is versatile, promising, complex and demanding. We won’t reinvent the wheel, but let’s remember two rules:

we realize what we are striving for;
learning from nature.

Coral color in the interior can dominate or flare up as an accent, create variegation or noble brightness, introduce a note of classics or add an avant-garde sound. It depends on the function of the room. For example, you shouldn’t “heat up” the kitchen too much or overuse loud colors in the bedroom. But in the nursery you can be bolder and more fun.

What to choose for the general mood? It's simple! Imagine the underwater depths, corals, the seabed, sand, pebbles, algae (young and already darkened), exotic fish... Here is the palette: blue, green, light blue, beige, gray, golden, brown, caramel shades, sea green, are possible sparkles of bright yellow, red, black and even purple colors (this is about the question of fish). And definitely white! Now let’s systematize and streamline this polyphony and riot of colors. Consider coral and:

Green (blue and their derivatives)

The combination is textbook. Beautiful, advantageous, but insidious: the proximity of two bright colors threatens discomfort. One must necessarily “give way” either in quantity or in intensity. If the colorful spots are planned to be approximately equal in area, rich blue-greens can easily provide a replacement.

There will always be suitable pistachio, mint, olive, turquoise and blue, which will delicately but confidently emphasize that coral color is the leader in the interior of a living room or nursery. He needs a little help to open up, but you can’t muffle him or shout him down. We are not talking about accents (decor, dishes, lamps) that are clearly inferior in volume to the main tone. They can easily be heavily saturated with greens or blues. Such a bright tandem is quite acceptable, and the overall color will easily withstand it.

Beige (ivory, milky, golden)

An incredibly harmonious combination. Tenderness, softness, romance, warmth, comfort. This is the very case when coral color in the interior of a kitchen, bedroom or living room can both receive decent support and act as a life preserver! Like red's cousin, it can suddenly be too bright. Only neutral, pale tones (light wood, textiles, lamps, furniture) can “calm” it down. The exception is snow-white: its juxtaposition is quite harsh, although very stylish (use it as a touch of freshness in decoration, stucco, and decor).

It also happens the other way around. A monotonous and monotonous design instantly turns into a fresh and unconventional one, you just need to add a few coral contrasts (curtains, upholstery, photo frames, mirror frames, plant containers, rug, pillows, wall panels, etc.).

Dark shades (gray, brown, black)

Classic, rigor, restraint, nobility, solidity. An excellent solution even for a purely masculine interior. Wenge-colored wood, chocolate or black leather upholstery, a writing instrument (say, made of jasper) on the desktop, heavy, thick curtains (possibly in a large pattern) against the backdrop of coral walls - what’s not to say about an elegant and presentable office? By the way, in combination with darkened companions, coral color in the interior of the living room is also very appropriate. The only condition is less gloss. Let the textures remain matte. The blush-black sheen and reflective surfaces are good for nightclubs and storefronts. Peace of mind is more important in the home.

If you like lemon, orange, lilac, lavender, raspberry, etc. motifs, nothing is impossible. Surprisingly, in this case combinations with representatives of any part of the spectrum are acceptable. The main thing is to maintain proportions and, as in a good cocktail, achieve harmony in volume and richness (either experimentally or under the guidance of competent professionals).

Precautionary measures

Do not overdo it!

Sophistication disappears and turns into boring routine as soon as there is too much of it. Let the coral color in the interior remain a highlight, and not set one’s teeth on edge:
If we paint the walls, then not all of them (preferably one). If it’s all, then not completely (we’ll limit ourselves to panels).
The coral floor is already a powerful and sufficient dominant.

Designers note a solid increase in demand for coral-colored wallpaper. Shades of coral can add cheerfulness and freshness to the interior. In addition, they combine perfectly with other colors and are well suited for decorating apartments of brave, energetic people. Coral can be used in any design style, it all depends on its quantity in the interior.

Selecting stylish coral wallpaper for the wall

The harmony of any interior largely depends on the color scheme, so it is necessary to add bright shades with caution, always combining them with more neutral ones. Combinations of coral and other colors are used indoors:

  • in the living room or office you should add shades of gray or brown;
  • a catalog of coral-colored wallpaper for the bedroom should be combined with plum or amethyst;
  • In the kitchen, a combination of resin and coral colors with the presence of light shades looks good.
  • If possible, you should pay attention to lighter shades of coral or wallpaper with different patterns. If you need to buy coral wallpaper for walls in Moscow, you should contact the Artik store, which offers a large selection for every taste.

The color of corals is warm and cheerful. This is an excellent choice for those who want to bring brightness to the interior, but are wary of using an aggressive red. However, as the main color in the bedroom it will look too intrusive, and therefore the best option is to choose coral curtains.

Which bedrooms are coral curtains suitable for?

When deciding to choose coral curtains for your apartment, you should consider some features:

  • The color of coral is bright, and therefore visually reduces the space. Accordingly, curtains of this shade are suitable only for spacious rooms;
  • You should choose a coral color for curtains if the windows face the northwest side. Then, due to the warm shade, the room will become more comfortable.

A bedroom is a room intended for relaxation, and therefore even bright textiles should not look too flashy. It should be understood that it is not suitable for all interior styles. So, if coral curtains are appropriate in a classic-style living room, then in a classic bedroom they will look pompous. The room, although it will be beautiful, is not particularly suitable for relaxation. Such textiles will look more harmonious in modern interiors.

What to combine coral curtains with in the bedroom?

The color of corals is quite capricious. If you want to give preference to these curtains, you will need to try to ensure that they fit into the interior of the house. You can go in different ways:

  • Match the color of the walls. This is a classic solution. Coral curtains will look appropriate with any light wallpaper (white, beige, sand, etc.). This color also goes well with brown and different shades of blue;
  • Match the color of the furniture. Many designers consider this solution to be more practical, since the furniture in the apartment changes less often than the wall decoration. When selecting, you can go the traditional route (choose furniture whose color will match the shade of coral) or you can prefer a more unusual solution - combine curtains and furniture according to texture (this option will be appropriate if the bedroom has a lot of upholstered furniture, the texture of the upholstery of which will match with the texture of curtains);
  • Match the color and texture of other textiles. A bedroom is a room where a lot of textiles are often used (bedspreads, pillows, rugs, etc.). By choosing all textiles in the same coral color scheme (or different colors, but with the same pattern), you can create a complete, cozy interior.

The bravest decision is to play in contrast. In this case, coral curtains should contrast with the color of the walls, furniture, and decor. However, this solution is suitable only for the most non-standard interiors, for example, pop art, postmodern, kitsch, boho, avant-garde.

What coral color curtains can be?

How harmoniously coral-colored curtains will look in the interior of a bedroom depends most of all on their variety. Today there are many types of curtains. Which type is best for the bedroom?


The simplest decor for a window opening. Curtains are made from translucent lightweight fabrics, and therefore are only suitable for bedrooms with windows facing north. Then even a light fabric can cope with shading the room. Coral-colored curtains look good because, due to their light texture, they are not conspicuous, but at the same time add warmth to the interior.

A type of curtain is thread curtains. They consist of many threads or even beads. This is one of the most optimal solutions if you want to create an ethno-interior or love the Art Deco style. Curtains can be combined with thicker curtains, creating very interesting interior accents.


They are made of dense fabrics, and therefore prevent sunlight from entering the bedroom well. Curtains are decorated with various tiebacks, for example, ribbons or ropes. Due to this, they become a bright accent, and therefore require that the interior be made in a calm, neutral color scheme. Curtains will be most appropriate if the bedroom is made in the English style.


They are a combination of thick curtains and light tulle. Despite the fact that the solution is classic, it will be appropriate when decorating a bedroom in a variety of styles. The main thing is to take into account the length of the curtains. They must certainly reach the floor.


They are one of the varieties of curtains. They are attached to the cornice, as a result of which they cannot move along it. The curtains open with a cord. These curtains look quite lush. They are usually used in classic interiors. However, as already mentioned, coral curtains in a classic bedroom look too pretentious. However, Italian coral-colored curtains may well be suitable for a boho style.


One of the most popular options at the moment, if a modern or ethno style is used to decorate the bedroom. These curtains look very stylish and take up virtually no space. This is an exceptional case when coral curtains will look appropriate even in a small bedroom, giving it brightness and freshness.


Curtains of this type are suitable for those bedrooms that are decorated in the most utilitarian interiors - minimalist or ethnic. At the bottom of the fabric there is a weighting agent. If necessary, the canvas can be quickly twisted and secured at the desired height. Coral roller blinds, like Roman ones, will look good even if the bedroom is modest in size.


One of the most practical options that is worth choosing if you need maximum sun protection. For bedrooms, blinds are most often chosen by people with non-standard work schedules, whose rest time often falls during daylight hours. Blinds can be successfully combined with fabric curtains or used as a completely independent element of the interior.


The main feature of such curtains is the presence of lush, voluminous folds at the bottom of the canvas. Such textiles are only suitable for a very spacious bedroom. Coral will look appropriate in a kitsch or boho style. If you want to create a less expressive interior, give preference to light coral, the most delicate shade.


They are long narrow blades that move along guides. These curtains look extremely laconic. They are suitable for ultra-modern styles, such as minimalism, hi-tech, techno. They are worth choosing if the bedroom has large panoramic windows or has access to a balcony.

Coral curtains with a pattern

Various designs combined with coral color look very lively. You shouldn’t think that monochrome coral-colored curtains will always look bright - sometimes it’s worth choosing textiles with prints so that they “play” in the interior.

The main thing to remember is that coral curtains with patterns will not work if there is a large pattern on the wallpaper in the bedroom. But if the pattern is very small, inexpressive or completely absent, the curtains may well be non-uniform.

A bright pattern can be selected if the bedroom is large and decorated in light colors. A large pattern will be appropriate if it is repeated by other decorative elements (plaids, bedspreads, upholstery, lampshades, etc.).

Curtains with patterns are well suited when two tones were used to decorate the walls of the room. For example, the main one can be milky, and one wall can be any shade of red. Then the textiles will create the right accent and look appropriate.

You should be especially careful when choosing curtains with coral stripes. Stripes are a rather demanding element. They look good if there are no other complex patterns and the overall color scheme is light. However, the advantage is that using a stripe, you can create visual effects: a horizontal stripe will help expand the space, and a vertical stripe will visually make the ceilings in the apartment higher.

Geometric, floral, abstract designs are best combined with plain walls. In this case, the color of coral can be the print itself, and the main color of the curtains can be light. Then the textiles will look fresh and set the right relaxed atmosphere needed in the bedroom.

The color in the interior of any apartment can set the overall atmosphere and become a contrasting background for design accents. chosen by those who want their home to be energetic, modern and memorable. The combination of coral and other colors in the interior gives cheerfulness and a great mood to both the owners and unexpected guests.

Designers advise residents of the northern regions to introduce bright shades of coral into their interiors. Such a background or decor helps to dispel the blues and boredom that often accompany us in cold weather.

Coral and achromatic colors

Coral color, despite its cheerfulness, is considered difficult for apartment design. The spectrum of this color is represented by pink, orange, and red shades, which are quite difficult to combine with other tones. It is always necessary to know what color goes with coral, as this will allow you to bring the interior into full accordance with your taste.

If you yourself cannot decide which colors can be combined with coral, then it is better to use neutral shades. White and gray combine quite easily with coral; different shades of beige also look good in such an interior. Designers advise using neutral shades only as additional shades; coral should play the dominant role in the interior.

Successful color solutions

It is really difficult to choose the right combination of bright coral color with other shades, but it is quite possible if you listen to the advice of designers. At the same time, you must like the combination of different colors and should not cause psychological discomfort.

Coral is a matte color, and therefore it goes well with the same matte shades in the interior.

If, as a result of the renovation, you do not want to get a design that is too colorful and quickly boring, then only one color in the room should be saturated, and the rest should be muted and dim.

What color goes well with coral? Designers consider it green or turquoise, regardless of their brightness, saturation and hue. Turquoise and coral are an excellent option for decorating children's rooms; this combination will add activity and energy to the child. And vice versa, if you want to achieve a peaceful calmness from the interior, then you need to combine coral with muted green.

And vice versa, if you want to achieve a peaceful calmness from the interior, then you need to combine coral with muted green.

What colors and their combinations are suitable for traditional designs? Harmony can be achieved if coral shades are combined with milky, creamy colors. The combination of beige and bright coral looks good, but you need to keep in mind that such combinations may seem a little boring to some. This design is most suitable for bedrooms, where activity is not only unnecessary, but also unnecessary.

In accordance with the classical canons, coral is combined with dark chocolate and caramel colors. The bright color came to us from the depths of the sea, which is perhaps why it looks good next to the blue color. You can add varied blue decor to the room in the form of paintings and individual interior items.

It is not necessary to choose a rich blue; it can be a wide variety of blue and turquoise shades. The “coral + blue” pair can be used in a teenager’s room.

The combination of mint color with coral shades looks beneficial in the house. Delicate greenery is welcome in decorative items - dishes, vases, paintings. The mint shade should not be more than coral, since the latter color is still considered the leader in the interior.

Dark colors go well with coral shades in men's rooms. Such an interior acquires both severity and aristocracy. Bright coral color can transform even the most ordinary interior. If you decorate rooms in neutral shades with coral curtains, tablecloths, bedspreads, you can achieve incredible success.

Bold, but at the same time warm and noble, coral color fits perfectly into the living room, bedroom, kitchen and children's room. However, you don’t need to use too many bright accents when decorating: coral color should always remain a highlight.


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