DIY ideas for a garden made from tires. Decorating a dacha with flower beds made from tires: interesting ideas and options

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Recycling car tires is becoming an integral part of our lives. Everyone solves this problem in their own way. Tire car for the playground! Many people like this idea.

The kids are simply delighted with this craft, and adults look at it with admiration. Considering that the tires are resistant to negative external influences, this design will please the eye for many years.

For parents with small children, arranging a playground in their country house or street will require little time and do not require any financial expenses. And the children will play without distracting their parents from important matters.

You can make crafts for such a site yourself, even if you have never done this before. Ideas and work procedures can be found on the Internet. Most often they are made from plastic bottles and tires. There is nothing complicated in manufacturing.

The main thing is desire and a little time.

You will not need to spend money on purchasing expensive materials, since the tires will be gladly given away by car service workers, who usually have a sufficient amount of them. Craftsmen make a lot of things out of tires: swings, sports equipment, flower beds, etc.

Types of machines

Transport is a constant success among boys, and even modern girls. Therefore, you can start by making a car for children. A car made from tires for a playground can be of various brands (types) - from very simple to quite complex.

Instructions for making a car from wheels

The simplest option would be to bury a steering wheel from a real car and a seat into a quadrangle made of tires.

It is better to choose a place for the site where the craft will be installed that is illuminated, spacious, and located close to the house. The best covering would be a backfill of sand or a lawn, which will have to be cleared of stones and glass to protect children from injury.


It won't be difficult to make it. To do this, after thoroughly cleaning and painting the board, it is secured between tires of the same size. These will be the rear wheels. The front ones can be done in the same way. But you can install only one wheel in the center so that the craft resembles a racing car.

The depth of the holes for the wheels of the car should be such that the latter are hidden up to the disk. Then transport will be sustainable. After covering them with soil, compact it well. It is better to dig in tires with rims. But, if they are not there, you can replace them with plywood to give the structure rigidity.

Linoleum is used to imitate flooring, but it can be replaced with plywood. To prevent the wind from picking up the linoleum, it is advisable to dig the steering wheel into the ground through it. The tilt of the steering wheel is selected in accordance with the height of a particular child.

Truck made from tires

You can make a children's sandbox in the shape of a truck.

Manufacturing of seats

The seat can be made from one tire or by placing two on top of each other.

In the simplest version, they are limited to mounting plywood on tires. If you want to make it more comfortable, you will need a backrest. You can upholster the seat with something soft - foam rubber, carpet, blanket.

A plastic chair that is not used at home, wooden seats from chairs, or old armchairs will do. Having sawed off the legs, they are fastened, fixing them with self-tapping screws.

The parts are washed and dried well before painting. After this, the brand new car is painted in your preferred colors.

To make the craft more similar to the original, headlights are added. Jar lids will work for them.

And the next model is for the kids of the whole yard, because it allows you to travel with a large group.

What else will help make it look like a real car?

Doors attached to the craft will undoubtedly make the craft look like a real car. For a large number of children to play with the car, several rows of seats (2-3) are made. If there is an extra tire, make a spare tire by attaching it to the back and writing the number in paint.

A car roof covered with linoleum, in addition to making it look like a real car, will protect from sun rays and light rain. To secure it, you will need wooden blocks, bent in the shape of the letter “P”. You need 3 pieces in total. Two structures are installed in the rear part above the machine (it is better to dig them into the ground), the third is closer to the front. They are connected from above with bars to form a horizontal frame, onto which linoleum is secured on top with screws or nails.

For a racing car you need to find 5 tires of the same size. A little effort from parents and they will turn into a wonderful car that will not leave the child indifferent.

Three tires are enough to make a car like the one in the photo below. On it, little racers will not be able to race across the expanses of the planet, but they will play with pleasure.

For “cool” kids you can make a motorcycle. You really have to use your imagination. But the happy faces of the owners of such bikes will be a reward for caring parents.

Video: Racing car made of wheels and tires.

In our article we will talk about DIY garden tire crafts. In the photo in the first part of the article - useful crafts that will make the life of any summer resident more convenient. In the second part we have collected for you the most bright decorative crafts made from tires- flowerpots, swans, hanging pots for hanging flowers and master classes on making them.

Part I. Useful DIY crafts from tires

Non-slip tracks

Number one in our hit parade is tire tracks. Firstly, you will no longer have to deal with grass growing on your walkways. Secondly, Reliable protectors will prevent you from slipping. Thirdly, with such paths you will not bring dirt into the house.

Tire tracks are durable, and they are not difficult to make: cut off the treads and use nails (or better yet, self-tapping screws) to attach them to several cross sticks.

Reliable steps

Anyone who has ever fallen from a ladder will appreciate the reliability of the coating on these steps.

Textured border

Tires most often have a rather beautiful pattern. It can be used to decorate the lower part of a small utility room. At the same time, you will protect the walls from the inevitable dust and dirt.

Before making such a craft from tires It is important to make sure that the length of the protectors with the same pattern is enough to decorate the entire room.

Cheap tire seat

Who would have thought, but tires are convenient to use as garden “ottomans” - however, they are quite hard. These DIY tire crafts are easy to make, the only drawback is that they are quite heavy and not very convenient to drag.

Convenient bike parking

Do you have a family of avid cyclists? Make a bike rack out of tires for the whole family. And most importantly, when a new cyclist arrives, it will be very easy to expand.

Part II. DIY decorative crafts from tires

Ground flowerpots

A “daisy” is cut out from the top of the tire, then the tire is turned inside out. All that remains is to paint it, and the flower container will be ready. If the tire is not removed from the base, you can make a flowerpot with a leg.

The most labor-intensive operation is turning the tire out. There is a little trick: when you turn the tire about halfway out, press on it to make an oval - then the work will become easier.

Combine several tires, experiment with the shape of the petals and coloring, and your crafts - flowerpots made from tires - will be unlike others.

Tire swans

Swans are a classic craft made from tires. The technology is about the same. The photo shows instructions for this DIY garden tire craft.

1. Draw a cutting diagram on the tire.

2. Cut the tire according to the pattern (first the head, then the tail and feathers).

3. Turn the tire out.

4. Make a beak and paint it red.

5. Place the 2 halves of the head together, insert the beak between them, and fasten them with self-tapping screws.

6. Raise your head and press it down a little. Secure the resulting fold with self-tapping screws.

7. Color the swan and decorate the eyes to cover the screws.

Tire cutting options may vary slightly. Choose the one you like best.

Exotic birds made from tires

Figures made from tires decorate many summer cottages. The use of these car wheel parts allows you to make your garden design original. The material is cheap and practical. You can easily make garden figures from tires with your own hands.

Old tires can be used to make original figures that will be an excellent decoration for your summer cottage.

How to make soft ottomans from tires and create the composition “Donkey with a cart”

In order to have something to sit on in your free time in the garden, you can use car tires instead of wood. To do this, you need very little - fabric in the form of a ribbon or wide belts. The tire is tightly wrapped with these elements, and their ends are intertwined with each other. It takes no more than 60 minutes to create and decorate a soft pouf for a summer cottage. Tires of any diameter are suitable for such a furniture set, but you must try to select ones so that their reinforcing fibers do not stick out from the main body, otherwise you can get cut (scratched). The resulting ottomans will look something like the one in Fig. 1.

Figure 1. Stages of making a pouf from tires.

Many people have wooden figures of horses and other animals on their property. These statues are not difficult to make, but the material for them requires painting to protect against moisture or rain. They are made from logs, timber, and most often all summer residents have such things. You can use car tires to make the figure of a donkey (or a horse - as you like).

To make such a statue, you need to use only 2 wheels, which all summer residents usually have in their barn or garage.

To work, you will need a sharp knife, a small skein of knitting wire, a metal or wooden ring, 2 poles, 2 bicycle wheels, and legs from an old chair. You can create a composition within a few hours.

Work begins by cutting the tire in half. Then one half is rotated 180° and inserted into the second. Secure with wire. The hanging end is processed with a knife and given the shape of an animal's head. The donkey's ears and mane are cut out of the second tire and attached to the main body. Then they attach the legs from the chair and place the figure on them. A ring is placed on the donkey's neck and connected to poles. They make a cart from bicycle wheels and boards and attach them to the free ends of the poles. You can install a flower bed on the resulting cart, and the entire composition can be easily rearranged from time to time to different places on the site, thus changing the design of the garden. An approximate view of a donkey with a cart is shown in Fig. 2.

How to make a parrot from tires

Figure 2. To make a donkey, you only need two old tires.

There is nothing difficult in creating the figure of an exotic bird. First you need to draw on whatman paper what you want to see. Then you should prepare the necessary tool for the job. The technology for making a parrot from a car tire is as follows:

  1. The tire is cut on both sides, leaving a thin strip on its inner circumference. You should get a whole small radius, and the large one will be divided into 2 parts.
  2. To obtain the desired shape for decorative work, you need to make cuts along a small radius.
  3. The parrot's head and tail are made along the cut edges, for which the tire must be cut into strips. They become pointed at the ends. You need to cut a shape out of rubber that looks like a parrot's head.
  4. In the right places, all these parts are painted in a color corresponding to the design concept.
  5. The figure is hung in the right place.

The composition can be made in 2-3 hours even if you have no experience working with such things.

The parrot is shown in Fig. 3.

How to make a Frog Princess for a summer cottage

Figure 3. Tire cutting diagram for the parrot figure.

If a person has several old tires, then you can try to make a fabulous composition and place it on the territory of your summer cottage. This will be the Frog Princess resting on the edge of the lawn. The only purchased materials you need are paint. All work will last 3-4 hours.

Work begins by laying two tires on the ground. They must be installed close to each other. Another tire is installed on top of them and an improvised pedestal is obtained. The inside of the tires must be filled with earth. After this, you can begin designing the composition. This is done as follows:

  1. Using 2 short branches, make the front legs of the frog.
  2. The hind legs are made using the same method, but from two long branches.
  3. The bars are processed with a hacksaw to shape the resulting legs.
  4. Using a knife, a crown and frog eyes are made from a plastic bottle, and everything else is painted on.

How to make a flowerbed from an old tire

To create a reliable shelter for flowers, you need to use not only the rubber of the tires themselves, but also a metal wheel rim, from which you can build a durable stand for a flower bed. To do this, you need to take and cut out the semblance of petals along the small diameter of the tire with a knife, which are then folded upward. The metal rim is slightly deepened into the ground and the resulting rubber casing is installed on it. Soil is poured inside and flowers are installed. The flowerbed can be painted in different colors.

Figures made from old tires

To get a fairy-tale plot and install it in your summer cottage, you can use such popular characters as bears.

They are made this way. First, a large diameter tire is installed on the rib. Then a smaller splint is attached to it. This is the body and head of the future bear. A plastic basin of the appropriate size must be inserted into the inside of the large wheel. To obtain the animal's face, it is painted on plywood and attached to the inside of a small tire. The ears are made of plastic or wood, and paws can also be attached. To do this, strengthen a plastic bottle and a pole. Flowers are planted around the figure.

If there is a natural pond or swimming pool at your summer cottage, then you can decorate it with figures of swans, which are made from old tires. The technology for their creation is reminiscent of what was described above for the parrot. The difference is that instead of the head of an exotic bird and a loose tail, you need to make a long neck and secure it in the desired position with wire. The swan's beak is painted red. You can place a flower pot with plants inside this figure and secure it in a certain place in the pond.

You can create a caterpillar using tires painted in different shades of green and flexible plastic hoses. To do this, take a dozen old wheels and, placing them in a horizontal plane next to each other, form a body. Then plastic hoses, bent in the proper order, are attached to the sides. The head is made from a plastic container.

If a person does not want to make the donkey described above, then you can make a simple horse. To do this, the old tire is buried edgewise into the ground. On the remaining outside part they put on a horse’s head cut out of plywood, and the mane is made from a bunch of straw. You can install such a figure anywhere in your summer cottage, and it takes 40-60 minutes to create it.

Materials and tools for creating different compositions

  1. Old tires from a car.
  2. Bicycle wheels.
  3. Fabric ribbons or wide belts.
  4. Wooden or metal ring.
  5. Poles and board.
  6. Bars.
  7. Legs from an old chair.
  8. Paints of different colors.
  9. Wire.
  10. Hacksaw.
  11. Construction knife.
  12. Paint brush.
  13. Whatman paper and pencil.

Anyone who has the skills to use the simplest tools and gives free rein to their imagination and imagination can decorate their summer cottage with various figures made from old tires.

Tires are not a material that can be easily processed. This is a rigid product made from a number of elastic but durable elements. Processing must be done carefully, carefully, and in compliance with safety precautions. It is advisable to involve children in the work only at the final stage of creating a craft.

To work you will need:

  • electric drill, set of drills;
  • jigsaw, grinder;
  • paints, brushes, solvent;
  • self-tapping screws, sets of nuts, bolts, washers.

You can make various items from tires. Can be used for:

  • economic needs;
  • creating territory decor;
  • equipment for play areas.

Household crafts

Most often used for caring for livestock and gardening. When breeding poultry, they are used as drinking bowls and feeders. For arrangement, they are cut into two halves and placed on a walking area. It is advisable to install drinking bowls and feeders on stands. Tires can be used as perches. Manufacturing is simple and will not cause any difficulties during creation. It is enough to put out a few tires and fill them with straw and hay.

Arrangement of beds

It is convenient to use them to equip beds for vegetables grown using the bush method. To make the base of the bed, the middle is cut out from both sides of the tire. The resulting border is installed in a specific place in the garden. Filled with soil and fertilizers. Plants are planted in the created bed.

For growing cucumbers, tomatoes, and eggplants, passenger car tires are preferable. It is advisable to plant lettuce, parsley, and celery in beds equipped with truck tires.

Furniture making

Furniture is a necessary household element. Tables, ottomans, chairs are always in demand. Manufacturing is not difficult, but the process is longer and requires decoration.

Materials, accessories:

  • thick plywood, chipboard;
  • jigsaw, drill;
  • self-tapping screws, a set of furniture bolts and nuts;
  • foam;
  • glue for plastic, foam rubber;
  • textile;
  • furniture stapler;
  • enamel paint.

Process of creation

To make a table you will need three tires. To make a pouf, two. We fasten the car parts together using self-tapping screws or bolts. We cut out a table top and pouffe seats from plywood and chipboard. We glue foam rubber onto the seats, cover them with fabric, and staple them to the seat. We secure the tabletop with self-tapping screws and bolts. We paint the details of the table and pouf. The leisure area furniture is ready.

Decoration of the territory

The neat appearance of the area near a residential building always pleases people. Landscaping is a necessary and enjoyable activity. The beauty and uniqueness of lawns and paths evoke a feeling of respect and add pleasant impressions. Most often, flower beds and flowerpots are equipped to create decor.

Required parts:

  • tires;
  • plywood, chipboard;
  • dye.

Manufacturing procedure

A circle covering the bottom of the tire is cut out of plywood and screwed to the base with self-tapping screws. The manufactured container is painted. After drying, it is exhibited on the plot of land. It is filled with soil, fertilized, and planted with flowers. Such flower beds will improve the entire area of ​​the site.

A flower bed made from several tires looks impressive. A flowerbed can consist of several rows. The simplest option is a two-row flower type. Flowers are planted in the central part, which are the basis of the plan. Flowers and grass are planted at the bottom, creating a general background.

Making flowerpots

For production you will need:

  • specified tools;
  • tire;
  • rope;

Creation order

On the tire, draw a straight line with chalk along the top edge of the inner rim. Use a jigsaw to cut off the remaining sidewall. We turn it over to the other side and carry out the same manipulations. It turns out to be a rubber basket. We paint it, after drying we hang it in a designated place. We fill up the soil and plant flowers.

These are the simplest elements. Complex elements include animal figures, cartoon and fairy tale characters. But they can also be manufactured. Imagination, patience, desire will help you accomplish any task.

We will equip a playground

The children's playground is a special place. It should be equipped with various play areas, the interior should be pleasing to the eye, and ensure safety during transportation. The use of tires will ensure that these conditions are met.

The following are made from tires: trees, sandboxes, labyrinths, swings, tunnels. On sports fields they are used as airbags when equipping jumping areas. For ambiance, we decorate the site with figurines of your favorite cartoon characters and animals.

To create a swing you need:

  • tire;
  • chains, rope;
  • 4 staples;
  • drill.

Manufacturing procedure

We paint the tire with a bright color. On its upper part we drill holes equidistant from each other. We fasten the brackets in the holes with bolts. We attach chains or tie ropes to the staples. We hang it on a crossbar, a branchy tree.

The second version of the swing. Used:

  • one tire;
  • wooden beam;
  • board;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • door handles.

Manufacturing procedure

Cut the tire into two equal halves. On the cutting line we install a beam equal to the diameter of the tire and attach it with self-tapping screws. We paint the outer and inner surfaces. After drying, we attach a polished, painted board to the timber. On both sides of the board, at an equal distance, we screw the door handles. The swing is ready, we install it on the platform.

Craft "Cheburashka"

One of the favorite children's characters is Cheburashka. This cartoon character always pleases with his presence.

For arrangement you will need:

  • 3 tires;
  • paints;
  • plywood sheet;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • small furniture corners.

Figurine production

Passenger car tires are used to create it. We insert plywood into two tires, which we attach with self-tapping screws. Paint the base dark brown. We paint the plywood inside the tires with a lighter color. We fasten tires with inserts together. We install it vertically on a tire placed horizontally. We cut out the ears from plywood and attach the figures to the head with staples. We paint the elements of Cheburashka's face.

There are many photographs of crafts made from tires on the Internet. They will help you make decisions when making crafts. This activity will bring benefit and joy to the family. Will inspire new creative actions.


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