Ilya Melnikov guide to Monaco. Principality of Monaco, French Riviera - travel guide

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Monaco is the only state in the world where the military band outnumbers the army.

And it's not a joke. The army in Monaco has 82 people, while the military band has 85 people. The only city smaller than Monaco is the Vatican. But the Vatican is a special state; its sovereignty is not independent, but stems from the sovereignty of the Holy See.
But despite this, Monaco is one of the most populous countries and widely known for its casino in Monte Carlo. However, there are plenty of other attractions here. Monaco - significant Cultural Center. In 1879, the building of the Monte Carlo Opera was built according to the design of the architect Charles Garnier (author of the Paris Opera). They sang here over the years Enrico Caruso, Fyodor Chaliapin, Placido Domingo, Luciano Pavarotti.

In 1911 Sergei Diaghilev founded here Russian ballet under the patronage of Prince Pierre of Monaco. They danced on the stage of the Opera Anna Pavlova, Vaslav Nijinsky, Tamara Karsavina, George Balanchine, Serge Lifar, and later - Rudolf Nureyev, Mikhail Baryshnikov.
The Princess Grace Academy of Classical Dance operates in Monte Carlo. The Prince Pierre Foundation, founded by Rainier III in honor of his father, annually awards the Grand Literary Prize, the Prince Rainier III Music Prize and the International Prize for Contemporary Art.
The city is home to the famous Oceanographic Museum of Monaco, whose director was the legendary explorer.

Every year Monaco hosts the International Circus Festival and Television Festival.
But first, about the history of Monaco, located in the south of Europe on the shores of the Ligurian Sea; on land the country borders with France.


The first to settle in Monaco Phoenicians, this was in the 10th century BC. e. Later the Greeks joined them.
In 1215, the Republic of Genoa founded its colonies and built a fortress on the territory of the principality. The Republic of Genoa was an independent state in Liguria, on the northwestern coast of the Apennine Peninsula.
On January 8, 1297, during the civil war in Genoa, Monaco was occupied Francois Grimaldi and his supporters. This date is considered to be the beginning of the reign of the Grimaldi dynasty and the existence of the independent state of Monaco. Since then, for more than 700 years, the principality has been ruled by representatives of this family. In 1789 the country was annexed by France.
The Treaty of Paris (first) on May 30, 1814 restored the principality within the borders that existed before January 1, 1792, under a French protectorate.
After the final collapse of the Empire, according to the Treaty of Paris (second) on November 20, 1815, Monaco was transferred to the protectorate of the Kingdom of Sardinia (a state that existed in Italy from 1720 to 1861).
On July 18, 1860, Sardinia withdrew its troops from Monaco, ending the protectorate.
In 1865, a casino was opened in Monte Carlo and a Customs Union with France. These events accelerated the economic development of the country.

A famous billionaire made a very large contribution to the economy of Monaco Aristotle Onassis: thanks to his investments, it was possible not only to expand the territory of the principality, to build a port, but also to create an entertainment industry, which made Monaco a rich country, which attracts the entire world elite.
The Prince was also involved in active construction in Monaco Rainier III. In 2005, being very ill, he transferred his powers to his son and heir, Prince Albert II, who currently rules the country.

Brief information about the country

Form of government– constitutional dualistic monarchy.
Largest cities– Monaco, Monaco-Ville, Monte Carlo, Fontvieille, La Candamine. Essentially, they all merged into one city, Monaco.
Head of State- prince.
Chief Executive- Minister of State.
Territory– 2.02 sq. km. Recently, the territory has been expanding due to the drainage of marine areas.
Population– 35,986 people. 47% of the population is French.
State religion- Catholicism. The state guarantees freedom of religion.
Currency– euro.
Administrative division- three communes, which are divided into 10 districts.
Economy- develops mainly due to tourism, gambling, construction of new residences, as well as due to media coverage of the life of the princely family.
Climate- subtropical, Mediterranean, with hot, dry summers and mild, rainy winters.

State symbols of Monaco

Flag- is a panel with two equal stripes placed horizontally. Top - stripe red colors, bottom - white.
The flag was adopted in 1881 during the reign of Prince Charles III. The colors of the flag are associated with the colors of the princely family of Grimaldi, whose representatives have ruled the principality since the Middle Ages. At the end of the 18th century, Monaco was annexed to France, but in 1814, after the fall of Napoleon, the rule of the Grimaldi dynasty in Monaco was restored, and the current Monegasque flag appeared at the same time, although it was officially approved only in 1881.
In 1945, the Indonesian government adopted exactly the same flag. This became the reason for a diplomatic conflict: Monaco expressed an official protest, which was rejected due to the fact that the Indonesian flag is more ancient than the flag of Monaco.

Coat of arms Monaco - coat of arms of Prince Albert II of Monaco. The shield is divided diamond-shaped into silver and scarlet. The shield is framed by a chain of the Order of St. Charles, entwined with green oak leaves. The shield is held by monks armed with swords. The mantle is scarlet, trimmed with gold ribbon and lined with ermine fur. The shield is topped with a princely crown. At the bottom of the ribbon is the motto “Deo Juvante” (Latin: “With God’s help”). The armed monks symbolize a real historical event - in 1297, Monaco was conquered by the soldiers of Francesco Grimaldi, dressed in monastic robes. The motto belongs to the Grimaldi dynasty.

Sights of Monaco

Monaco is the official residence of the rulers of Monaco from the Grimaldi family. The palace was originally founded as a Genoese fortress in 1191, then expanded and rebuilt many times. Since the end of the 13th century. The palace belongs to the Genoese family of Grimaldi.
Since the 17th century, when the Grimaldis began to rule as sovereign rulers of Monaco, they had to constantly navigate very unstable diplomatic agreements with their more powerful neighbors. Therefore, instead of luxurious palaces in the Baroque style, as in others European countries, they were built in the form of a fortress. However, this did not stop at the end of the 18th century. The French occupied the palace for 20 years.
The uniqueness of the palace also lies in the fact that it was the only residence of the princes of Monaco for more than seven centuries, and therefore the financial and political position of the Grimaldi house is directly reflected in the architecture.
In 1997, Grimaldi was celebrated at the palace 700 years his reign in Monaco. Currently, the palace is still a princely residence.

Built in 1875, the Monaco Cathedral is completely different from the traditional churches of the time, where gilding, brown-green stucco and pink shades predominate. This cathedral was made of white stone, which destroyed the prevailing stereotypes.
The cathedral is located in the Old Town, on the site of an old church destroyed during the French Revolution. It is located on one of the highest and most beautiful points of the Principality of Monaco. The interior of the cathedral is decorated with canvases famous artist Louis Brea.

On Monaco's National Day and religious holidays, services are held at the Cathedral during which the sounds of the organ can be heard. This "divine" musical instrument was installed in the Cathedral in 1976. The Cathedral is also the tomb for the princes of Monaco, their wives and daughters. Representatives of thirty-five generations of the Grimaldi family are buried here. The beloved Princess Grace, who died in a car accident, is also buried in the Cathedral. The altar and pulpit of the cathedral are made of white Carrara marble.

Napoleon Museum

The Napoleon Museum, located in Monaco-Ville, houses items that once belonged to Napoleon I or are in some way connected with his life. Napoleon's family was distantly related to the princely dynasty of Monaco. This museum is also called Museum of Napoleonic memories and collections from the historical archives of the palace.

Louis II, an admirer of imperial France and the life of Napoleon Bonaparte, began collecting the collection. The collection expanded significantly during the reign of Louis II's grandson and his successor, Prince Rainier III, during which time the museum moved to the southern wing of the princely palace. The museum has been open to visitors since 1970.

The museum's collection contains documents that date back to the times of the First Empire: letters and documents dating back to the reign of Napoleon, the period of his conquests and exile. Napoleon Bonaparte's personal belongings are kept here, as well as his religious articles brought from St. Helena. Here is the hat that the emperor wore during the battle of Marengo; red leather Napoleon blotter for the table; the watch he used during the war with Russia; letters signed by Napoleon, etc. The museum contains cannonballs left over from the Battle of Austerlitz; rich collection of weapons.

Among the snuff boxes, watches and clothes are paintings and sculptures dedicated to the French emperor, including busts of Napoleon by the Italian sculptor Antonio Canova And Jean-Antoine Houdon, as well as a bust of Josephine by the court sculptor of Napoleon I, François-Joseph Bosio.

The museum also features exhibits telling the history of Monaco: Monaco's Patent of Independence from 1512, granted by the French King Louis XII, a letter from the French King Louis XIV to His Serene Highness Prince Antoine of Monaco, uniforms of Monaco soldiers from different times, a collection of rare coins, seals and several historical postal marks. The museum also has a room with clothes of Roman emperors.

18th century fortress Fort Antoine

It was erected by Prince Antoine I, a great lover of music. Today this fortress is an open theater.

Oceanographic Museum of Monaco

The Oceanographic Museum with an underground aquarium is a masterpiece of modern architecture. The structure is located almost on a sheer cliff. Founded in 1910 by Prince Albert I. A unique aquarium was created here, in which waters from a hundred seas splash. This is one of the few aquariums in the world where corals grow (they do not take root in captivity).

Palace Square

This is the favorite place for walks for citizens and guests of the city. It is here that you can watch how every day at the same time at the main entrance to the Prince's Palace a ceremonial changing of the guard takes place - a ritual that has remained unchanged throughout the history of the city. A brass band plays during this ceremony.

Tiny Monaco has amazing places where you can escape the city and tourist bustle for a while. One of them is St. Martin's Gardens. The air here is saturated with the aroma of Mediterranean plants, the crowns of ancient trees provide pleasant shade in summer. The picture is complemented by a spectacular view of the Mediterranean Sea.
These gardens with a fabulous view of the sea, in addition to a variety of trees and flowers, house statues, fountains, etc. The gardens are located on steep slopes mountains right behind the building of the Institute of Oceanography. Monaco is probably the only city in Europe where you can move around using an elevator. From the foot of the mountain you can take an elevator to the park St. Martin's Gardens.
This is the first public garden that appeared in the principality during the reign of Prince Honore V in the first half of the 19th century. Small winding paths, a small pond and numerous bronze sculptures, including a monument to Prince Albert I, the founder of the Oceanographic Institute.

Wax Museum of the Princes of Monaco

The museum reflects episodes in the history of the Grimaldi dynasty from the end of the 13th century. until now. The wax figures are life-size, many of them dressed in authentic costumes from various eras. There are 40 characters on 4 stages, the costumes are donated by the dynasty family. Here are the figures of Prince Rainier III and Princess Grace with their children: Princess Caroline, Crown Prince Albert and Princess Stephanie.

Known for its wide harbor, it is the main port and business center of the country. Hercules Harbor, or the Port of Monaco, is the largest marina in the Principality of Monaco.

Church of the Holy Virgin

Holy Devota- virgin, martyr of Corsican. She was born in the city of Mariana in Corsica, around 283. The young maiden decided to devote herself to God. By order of a prefect named Barbarian, she was thrown into prison and suffered torture for her faith. Her mouth was crushed, her body was dragged over stones and thorny brambles. Holy Virgin was martyred in Mariana - she was quartered or stoned.

After the death of the saint, the governor ordered her body to be burned so that it would not become an object of veneration. However, it was saved from the flames by Christians. The saint's body was placed on a ship bound for Africa. But a storm overtook the ship, and a dove, flying out of the saint’s mouth, led him to the place where Le Gomat is now located, part of the Principality of Monaco, where even then there was a chapel of St. George.
Her tortured body was found by fishermen. In honor of the saint, a chapel was built in Monaco, which still exists today. On Saint's Day of Remembrance, January 27, flowers bloom around her. The Chapel of Sainte-Devote is first mentioned around 1070 as belonging to the monastery of Saint-Pont.

Maritime Museum

The museum's collection contains more than two hundred and fifty exhibits that in one way or another are related to the sea. Here you can see models of famous ships, among which you can find exhibits from the private collection of Prince Rainier III.
A dental surgeon also took an active part in the creation of the Monaco Maritime Museum Pallanza. He was in love with the sea and during his service and sailing on the seas with my own hands created more than one and a half hundred magnificent ship models. In 1990, the ceremonial transfer of the models made by Pallanza to the Monaco administration took place. This event marked the beginning of the museum. Prince Rainier III began its creation; he allocated a room to house a collection of Pallanza models, and subsequently the prince enlarged it with exhibits from his own collection.
The sea played in the fate and history of the principality important role. The Grimaldi family fought against Saracen pirates for many centuries. In the middle of the 14th century. Grimaldi's ships took part in the Battle of Crecy on the side of Philip VI against the British. During World War II, the Monegasque navy defended France's borders from attack. Nazi Germany. The ship models presented in the Maritime Museum are perfect copies of natural ships in a reduced size.

Prince Rainier III Old Car Museum

This is one of the most visited museums in Monaco after the Oceanographic Museum. Prince Rainier III was a passionate car enthusiast. For 30 years he collected a collection of vintage car brands. It is presented in his personal museum.
The unusual collection of Prince Rainier III includes about 100 models that represent different eras. There are also six carriages with the coat of arms of the princely family.
Prince Rainier's first acquisition was a De-Dion-Bouton car, which was assembled in 1903. Then he bought a Renault Torpedo, produced in 1911. The collection includes exhibits from the companies Peugeot, Citroen, and Lincoln. , Packard, as well as American brands Cadillac 1953, Chrysler Imperial 1956
Several cars represent prestigious models from Maserati, Rolls-Royce, Mercedes and Jaguar. There is also an old London taxi that Princess Grace once rode in.
The cars are placed in a large, specially equipped room, which overlooks the port of Fontvieille.

Park "Jardine Exotic"

The Jardin Exotic Park is located on a mountain slope and is home to more than 7 thousand species of cacti and many others. tropical plants. At the base of the slope there is a grotto with artificial lighting; inside you can see stalactites and stalagmites.

Rally "Monte Carlo"

The rally race is organized by the Automobile Club of Monaco. The stage takes place along the French Riviera in the Principality of Monaco and south-eastern France. Since its creation in 1911 by Prince Albert I, this complex stage has been considered a testing ground for improvements and innovations in the automotive industry. Victory in this rally brings glory and honor to the automaker. From 1973 to 2008 The Monte Carlo Rally was a stage of the World Rally Championship, and since 2009 it has been included in the International Rally Challenge (IRC) calendar. The road surface varies in sections (dry asphalt, wet asphalt, snow and ice), so it plays an important role in the race. right choice tires This rally features beautiful and varied sections. The route is full of steep and narrow mountain roads with many hairpin turns. The Monte Carlo Rally has 2 night stages.

Formula 1 Grand Prix

The Monaco Grand Prix is ​​a Formula 1 race on the Monte Carlo circuit in the Principality of Monaco. Held from the first World Championship in 1950 to the present (was not included in the 1951-1954 championship). From 1929 to 1948, before the advent of Formula 1, the Monaco Grand Prix motor racing was held as an independent sporting event. The Monaco Grand Prix is ​​considered one of the most prestigious races in the Formula 1 championship.

You can get from Nice airport to Monaco by helicopter: the line operates, the flight time is 7 minutes. The flight price is 97.51 euros for adults and 57.51 euros for children. The ticket price includes delivery of guests to any hotel in Monaco. You can book a ticket online on the helicopter line’s website.

On our website in a special section you can read how to get to Nice .

Monaco is connected by rail with all nearby cities in France, with Paris, with many cities in Italy, Spain and Europe, since the mini-state is located on the busy Nice-Mentone-Ventimiglia railway line connecting Italy and France.

The length of the Monaco railway track is 1,700 meters, most of it is hidden in underground tunnels. The Monaco railway is operated by a French transport company.

Yes, from Paris ( Gare de Lyon) there are many train connections in Monaco - trains depart every 2 hours daily, travel time is 6.5-8.5 hours, ticket prices are 112-140 euros.

Regional trains (electric trains) run from Nice and Cannes to Monaco. There are 5 flights per hour from Nice, travel time is 17-30 minutes, fare is 3.8-5 euros. From Cannes - 2 trains per hour, travel time - 1 hour, ticket price - about 10 euros.

It is also possible to get from Italian cities to Monaco by train: from Milan (Centrale) trains go once every 2 hours (travel time is about 5 hours, ticket price is about 35 euros), from Turin - one train per day (at 8: 35), travel time 4 hours 35 minutes, ticket price - 11.40 euros.

Monaco has two seaports: one in Bay d’Hercule, almost in the city center in the La Condamine area, the second in the Fontvieille area. Yachts, cruise ships, and other water transport plying along the coast are moored at the ports.

Climate and weather in Monaco

The climate in Monaco is subtropical Mediterranean, with hot, dry summers and warm winters (the average temperature in July is +22-23°C, in January - +10-11°C). There are up to 300 sunny days a year, and about 60 rainy days. The average annual precipitation in Monaco is 1300 mm, which falls mainly in autumn. The Maritime Alps protect Monaco from the cold northern winds. In summer, sea breezes have a cooling effect on the coast.

Weather in Monaco by month

Tourist reviews of Monaco by month

January 4 February 2 March 5 April 2 May 4 June 5 July 7 August 13 September 10 October 4 November 4 December 2

Photos of Monaco

Cities and regions

The geographical boundaries of the city and the Principality of Monaco coincide, but the city and the Principality are governed separately. Monaco today includes the merged districts-cities of Monaco, Monte Carlo, and La Condamine. The mini-state consists of only one commune (commune) and is divided into 10 districts (quartier).

  1. Monaco-Ville is an old town with a princely residence, located on a cliff. The area has several significant attractions - the Cathedral of St. Nicholas, the Chapel of Mercy (1639) and the Oceanographic Museum, established by Prince Albert I in 1910.
  2. Monte Carlo is the largest district of Monaco, famous for its casinos and resort area. The area is also home to the Formula 1 Monaco Grand Prix circuit.
  3. La Condamine is an area that is the port and financial center of the Principality of Monaco.
  4. Fontvieille is an area built in 1971 on territory reclaimed from the sea as a result of drainage work. The area is home to the Louis II Stadium, the University of Monaco and a heliport.
  5. Moneghetti is one of the modern residential areas of the Principality of Monaco.
  6. Larvotto (Larvotto or Larvotto Terano) is one of the modern districts of the Principality of Monaco with a population of 5,443 people (as of 2000), famous for its city beach.
  7. Saint Roman is another modern residential area of ​​the Principality of Monaco.
  8. Saint Michel is also a modern residential area of ​​the Principality of Monaco.
  9. La Colle is a residential area of ​​Monaco.
  10. Les Revoires is the smallest district of the Principality of Monaco with a population of 2,515 people (as of 2000). In this area is the famous Exotic Garden (Jardin Exotique), founded by Prince Albert I.

Sights of Monaco

Princely Palace

Prince's Palace - residence ruling family Grimaldi. The palace, located on top of a seaside cliff, was founded as a Genoese fortress in 1215. Throughout its history, the building was expanded and rebuilt many times. Among the most famous rooms of the palace is the Italian Gallery with frescoes on mythological stories Genoese craftsmen (XVI century), stretching along the southern façade; Salon of Louis XV century. yellow and gold tones; Blue interior, decorated in blue and gold; Mazarin Salon, decorated with multi-colored wood in a Moorish style; Throne room with a large fireplace, where official ceremonies take place; Palantine Chapel (XVII century); St. Mary's tower made of white stone.

Monaco Cathedral

Monaco Cathedral, or Saint Nicholas Cathedral, is the principal cathedral of the Principality, built of white stone in 1875 on the site of the old 13th-century Church of Saint Nicholas. The cathedral is active, services are held in it on religious holidays and on November 19 on Prince's Day (Jour du Prince), which is considered the National Day of Monaco.

Chapel of Mercy

The Chapel of Mercy is a small church built in 1635 in the old town, on City Hall Square. Initially, it was a meeting place for the Brotherhood of Penitents, chaired by Prince Honore II. This charitable association provided assistance and support to the sick, poor, and prisoners.

Church of Saint Devota

The Church of Saint Devota is a temple dedicated to the patron saint of the Principality of Monaco. The church was built in the 11th century not far from the place where the ship with the body of the Christian martyr Devota from Corsica sank in the 4th century. The church was restored and expanded in 1870.

Palace of Justice

The Palais de Justice is a remarkable building in Monaco. Construction of the palace began in 1924 on the initiative of Prince Louis II, and was inaugurated only on May 1, 1930. The palace was built from gray sea tuff, a porous stone interspersed with small pebbles and shells.

Oceanographic Museum and Aquarium

The Oceanographic Museum and Aquarium is the most famous museum in Monaco, the scientific and cultural center of the country. It was founded in 1899 by Prince Albert I. The museum is located in a monumental building built in 1910 by the architect Delefortry on an almost vertical cliff at an altitude of more than 80 meters. The museum's collection, which was started by Prince Albert I, contains samples of marine flora, stuffed animals and skeletons of marine animals, including a twenty-meter whale skeleton, as well as a variety of seafood products. The museum is most famous for its aquariums located in the underground floor. The collection of aquariums includes exotic and Mediterranean inhabitants of the waters of more than 200 species.

Princely collection of vintage cars

The princely collection of antique cars contains about a hundred exhibits - rare classic cars from Europe and America. The collection includes models such as De Dion Bouton 1903, Lamborghini Countach 1986, Bugatti 1929, Rolls Royce 1952, Ford T 1924, Hispano Suiza 1928. This radiant collection introduces visitors to all stages of the automotive history of the 20th century.

Napoleon Museum and the collection of the historical archive of the Prince's Palace

The Napoleon Museum and Collection of the Historical Archive of the Princely Palace is a collection located in the southern wing of the Princely Palace, consisting of more than 1,000 objects and documents dating back to the period of the First Empire. The collection includes Napoleon's personal belongings, including those brought from St. Helena. On the second floor of the building there is a collection telling about the history of the Principality of Monaco.

Maritime Museum

The Maritime Museum of Monaco is a grand collection of models of various ships. The museum's exposition introduces visitors to the history of the development of shipbuilding. The museum's collection includes about 180 models of famous sea vessels, from transatlantic liners and floating scientific laboratories to military vessels.

Museum of Prehistoric Anthropology

The Museum of Prehistoric Anthropology is a collection founded by Prince Albert I c. 1902. The museum introduces visitors to important stages history of the emergence and formation of man. The museum's collection includes archaeological finds made in the immediate vicinity of Monaco, dating from the period from Australopithecus to Homo Sapiens, including Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons.

Exotic gardens

The Exotic Gardens are one of Monaco's main landscape attractions, founded in 1933. The gardens are located on a mountain slope and contain several thousand species of tropical plants, which, thanks to the local microclimate, bloom wildly at any time of the year. At the foot of the cliff there is an entrance to a deep grotto with stalactites, stalagmites and limestone formations, with skillful illumination.

Sculpture Alley

On the initiative of the current Prince of Monaco, for several years now the Principality has been acquiring sculptural works by world-famous masters. In the Fenview area, a special alley was created along which these sculptures are displayed and accessible to the general public. In addition, sculptures by many contemporary authors from this collection are scattered throughout the city, they decorate the streets and gardens of Monaco.


Museums and galleries

Where to eat and drink



Shops and markets

Things to do


The Principality of Monaco is famous for its gambling houses, which to this day gather real European nobility in their halls. But, despite the abundance powerful of the world this, richest people planets and even representatives royal families, mere mortals are allowed entry, you just need to follow the dress code. The most iconic casinos in Monaco are listed below; by clicking on the links below, you can find out more detailed information (description, history, types of gaming tables, entrance fees, photographs, location on the map, address, etc.).

Formula I

Transport in Monaco


Public transport in Monaco is represented by bus routes running from 6:00-7:00 to 21:00 with intervals from 5 minutes to an hour. There are a total of 143 bus stops in Monaco. All routes converge at Place d'Armes. Monaco's city buses only connect tourist attraction areas.

Main routes:

  • No. 1 - Monaco-Ville - Monte-Carlo - Saint Roman;
  • No. 2 - Monaco-Ville - Monte-Carlo - Exotic Garden;
  • No. 4 - Place d'Armes - Railway station - Monte-Carlo - Saint Roman;
  • No. 5 - Railway station - Fontvieille - Hospital;
  • No. 6 - Larvotto beaches - Fontvieille.

Travel on a Monaco city bus costs 1.4 euros, an all-day ticket costs 3.4 euros.


Another type of public transport in Monaco are free escalators that take pedestrians to the streets above. There are a total of 7 escalators in the principality.


Taxis are available at the Place de la Casino, the train station, Avenue Princess Grace, Fontvieille, the Metropole Hotel, Place de Molines and the Monte Carlo Post Office. The fare is about 1.2 euros per kilometer; after 22:00 the fare increases by 25%. The main taxi company in Monaco is .

Tourist transport

Tourist transport in Monaco is represented by a train with red carriages of the company. The train departs from the Museum of Oceanography and in half an hour travels around all the iconic sights of Monaco. An audio guide is available in 12 languages ​​(French, English, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch, Polish, Russian, Japanese, Chinese, Greek).

  • The train operates from January 31 to November 15.
  • Ticket price is 8 euros for adults, 4 euros for children.

Rent a Car

To rent a car in Monaco, the driver will need a license (all valid international and national rights) and a credit card. Representative offices of most of the largest international rental companies operate in the principality.

On the roads of Monaco, the speed limit is 50 km/h (in some places - up to 80 km/h). In Monaco-Ville, most streets have limited traffic, some streets are generally exclusively pedestrian areas. Only cars with license plates of Monaco or the French department of Alpes-Maritimes are allowed to enter Monaco-Ville. The total length of the country's highways is 50 km.

Water transport

Monaco's water transport is located in two seaports: the Port of Hercule in the La Condamine region and the Port of Fontvieille. The port of Hercule operates a water bus connecting the southern and northern parts of the port. A water taxi service is also developed.
In the ports of Monaco it is possible to rent a yacht (with a skipper or for self-sailing). Yacht charters available at

Place du Casino and Avenue des Beaux-Artes, as well as their surroundings, are a concentration of boutiques of world-famous designers (Gucci, Hermes, Prada, Valentino, etc.), famous jewelry brands (Cartier, Bulgari, Repossi, etc. . p.) and antiques. On the Boulevard des Moulins you can find less expensive goods traditionally high quality. Other famous shopping spots are rue Grimaldi and rue Caroline.
Remember that when purchasing luxury goods in Monaco, you are exempt from paying VAT (10%).

Monaco has several shopping centers with shops, boutiques and grocery supermarkets under one roof.

So, one of the most popular is Fontvieille Shopping Center. It unites 36 stores of clothing and shoes, accessories, cosmetics and perfumes, electronics, and furniture. There is also a Carrefour hypermarket, McDonalds, and other cafes and restaurants.

Another luxury shopping center with 80 stores, open Monday to Saturday from 10:00 to 19:30 in building no. 17 on Avenue des Spélugues.



The crime rate in Monaco is zero. This is due, first of all, social status its inhabitants, and also because the country has one of the most powerful and extensive police surveillance systems in the world. Police officers in uniform and in civilian clothes are watching residents and tourists everywhere, they have the right to search suspicious objects and cars, check documents, telephone bills, hotel rooms and homes, and security cameras are installed here literally on every tree and pole .

Tourists traveling to Monaco should have an insurance policy, since medicine in the country is paid and very expensive, first aid will be provided to everyone without exception and free of charge, but all subsequent actions of doctors will be very expensive.

Basic moments

Monaco consists of three merged administrative districts-cities - Monaco (capital, old town), La Condamine (business center and port) and Monte Carlo, with a separate industrial district of Fontvieille. Monaco is a principality, a constitutional hereditary monarchy. The current constitution was adopted on December 17, 1962. The head of state, the prince, exercises legislative power together with the National Council (of 18 members), elected for 5 years. A deputy of the National Council can only be a Monegasque, born in Monaco and at least 25 years old.

Since May 9, 1949, Prince Rainier III from the Grimaldi family, the oldest dynasty in Europe (its 700th anniversary was celebrated in 1997), has been on the throne. In accordance with the treaty concluded with France in 1918, Monaco becomes an autonomous state under the protectorate of France in the event that the throne is unoccupied due to the absence of an heir. Monaco has a police force, but no army of its own, other than the 65-member Royal Guard. Defense matters are the responsibility of France.

Cities of Monaco

All cities of Monaco

Natural conditions

The Principality of Monaco is located in the south of Europe, on the high, rocky shore of the Ligurian Sea (part of the Mediterranean Sea), protected from the north and east by the Alps. The length of the coastline belonging to Monaco is 3.5 km. On land, the country is surrounded by French territory (the French department of Alpes-Maritimes). At a distance of 12 km from Monaco there is the border between France and Italy.

Monaco is located on the southern periphery of the limestone Alps-Maritimes. The climate is Mediterranean with moderately warm winters (average temperature in January +8-10 °C) and dry, warm and sunny summers (average temperature in July and August +24 °C). There are up to 300 sunny days a year, and about 60 rainy days. The average annual precipitation is 1300 mm. They fall mainly in the fall. The Maritime Alps protect Monaco from the cold northern winds. In summer, sea breezes have a cooling effect on the coast. Thanks to its mild climate, Monaco is a popular Mediterranean resort.


One of the main attractions of Monaco is the Monte Carlo Casino. It is open every day except May 1st. Another symbol of this country is the Formula 1 racing, or more precisely, the Monaco Grand Prix.

Art lovers will also be interested in visiting this country. It was here that the Academy of Classical Dance was opened, on whose stage world stars danced.

You can visit the oceanographic museum, founded by the world famous Jacques-Yves Cousteau, as well as the wax museum, opened in 1910.

All sights of Monaco


Taking into account the geographical location of Monaco, it can be said that the nearby France and Italy have a great influence. This influence extends to the kitchen and eating habits. The standard of living in Monaco is very high, and this country can be called one of the richest. Therefore, customer service in cafes and restaurants here is at the proper level.

In Monaco it is very common (if not accepted) to dine out. The level of well-being of residents contributes to this trend, and the service in public catering establishments in the principality, according to experts, is at the highest level.

Local chefs literally compete with each other in preparing delicious dishes, and the service will delight even the most demanding visitor. Italian and French cuisine predominates in public catering establishments, but you can find dishes from any cuisine - from Mexican to Japanese.

The most expensive restaurant is Le Louis XV. Here, skilled chefs will prepare the most delicious dishes. The cost of such delights reaches more than 400 euros. By the way, this restaurant has a special dress code - a man must wear a jacket and tie.

The most famous and popular restaurant is the Parisian Café (Le Café de Paris). Great attention is paid to dishes here. national cuisine, each of which will cost approximately from 20 to 60 euros. The restaurant is open until late at night.

Despite the great influence of French and Italian cuisine, there are national dishes in Monaco. For example, stokafi - dried cod with tomato sauce, fougasse - orange pies with nuts and anise seeds, socca and other dishes.


The Principality of Monaco has many hotels and hotels with a high level of service. You can find a suitable number for any budget, although, like everything in this country, you will have to pay a lot in any case. Hardly anyone will be able to stay in a student hostel.

Of course, the principality has a sufficient number of hotels where tourists and guests of the country can stay. All hotels are only four or five star. Tourists will be pleased with the level of service and living conditions, and for this pleasure they will have to pay a lot.

Entertainment and relaxation

During the daytime, art lovers can visit museums, art exhibitions, theaters, of which, despite the miniature size of the principality, there are many here.

By the way, there is also plenty of entertainment at night. There are a sufficient number of nightclubs on the beaches and in the cities. Well, perhaps the most popular classic night entertainment is the casino in Monte Carlo.

In addition, Monaco is a country of festivals: circus, television, music and many others.


The Capital of Luxury is another name for Monaco. There is even the so-called “Golden Square” located here. This place is called that way because in this area there are boutiques of the most expensive and famous couturiers in the world: Christian Dior, Prada, Gucci, Chanel, Louis Vuitton and others.

The Condamine district is also rich in various boutiques, of which there are about two hundred. Shopping lovers can also go shopping in one of the largest and most popular shopping centers in the principality - Métropole.

In the south of the country you can visit the Saint-Charles market. Such markets attract thousands of buyers due to their unique mood and colorful stalls. The market is open from 6 am until noon.


There is no own airline on domestic routes - the planes arrive in Nice at Cote d'Azur airport.

Road transport is the main mode of transport in Monaco. The country has fairly strict speed limits - on average it is only 50 km/h, and on some sections of roads - 80 km/h. The areas of the old city are pedestrian zones. On some streets, only vehicles with Monegasque and French license plates can pass.

The Principality provides public transport services, taxis and buses that run strictly on schedule. The bus fare is about 1.5 euros. The routes connect the main places of interest to tourists. The end of bus service occurs around 21:00. But this is not at all scary for this small principality. It only takes a person an hour to walk around the entire country!


The communications and communications system in Monaco is integrated with the French one. This system is considered today one of the best in the world. As for the Internet, of course, it is accessible to every resident of the country. There are only two paid Wi-Fi hotspots in the capital of the principality. Monaco Telecom is the only telecommunications provider in the Principality, providing Internet, landline and mobile communications, as well as cable television.

Mobile communications within the country are relatively cheap. A call costs on average 0.20 euros. On holidays and weekends, tariffs become even lower, which cannot but please cellular subscribers.


The crime rate in the country is quite low, police officers monitor the situation around the clock. And if you still need emergency help, you can call numbers 17 (police) and 18 (fire service).

Tourists should know and remember that smoking in public places in the Principality is strictly prohibited! There are fines for violating this rule.


Monaco is one of the most developed countries in the world. In particular, such sectors of the economy as tourism, banking, finance, electronics and others are well developed. The quality of medical care can exceed all expectations. This is not the last reason why many seek to obtain a residence permit in Monaco.

This is an ideal place for concluding deals in business circles; the world's largest banks are doing everything possible to do this - in this way they are able to raise their ratings and strengthen their positions in the international arena.

Another factor for successful business development in Monaco is that individuals are not subject to income taxes. Taxes also do not apply to labor activity, interest, dividends and wealth. Tax is levied only on assets.

But the situation with Monaco firms is different. Their income is subject to fairly high taxes.

Real estate

Today, there is practically no new development of territories in the principality. This is due, first of all, to the miniature size of the country. Considering the welfare of the residents of Monaco, real estate has always been and remains in price. It's no secret that housing in the country is very expensive. But here everything is relative. It is quite possible to find an advertisement for the sale of apartments for 8-10 million euros (which is considered an inexpensive pleasure). But a luxury apartment in a famous residence can cost up to 45 million euros. The area of ​​such apartments is about 500 m².

In the presence of real estate in Monaco, you can obtain a residence permit in the Principality. You can purchase housing either with the help of French agents or by contacting a notary office. Both will require a number of documents from the buyer. The procedure for preparing documents for purchasing a home lasts approximately 3 months. During this time, the notary or agent carefully checks all documents and eliminates shortcomings to ensure the purity of the transaction.

However, the availability of real estate is far from the only condition for obtaining a residence permit. Among the reasons for this are the opening of a commercial enterprise, as well as marriage to a citizen or permanent resident of Monaco or France. Citizenship can be obtained after 10 years of permanent residence in the Principality on the basis of a residence permit and after 5 years of being married to a citizen of Monaco. It is worth noting that the country does not recognize dual citizenship.

As for customs control, the import and export of foreign currency is not limited, but filling out a declaration is necessary. It is prohibited to import food, medicines, drugs and explosives, and to export antiques.

Tourists should remember: to quench your thirst, it is better to buy bottled water, but you should not drink tap water.

The average price for a cup of coffee in a restaurant is from 5 euros, a glass of beer will cost about 6 euros. Food prices in supermarkets are relatively high, but if you want, you can find something at a reasonable price.

Visa information

To enter the country you need a Schengen visa category C, since Monaco is part of the Schengen agreement. You can also come to Monaco with a national French visa, which is issued at the French Embassy or Consulates General. The consular fee for processing documents is 35 €. The period for reviewing documents is up to 10 days. Among the important documents submitted to the embassy (visa center), you must have confirmation of your hotel reservation, a copy of the invitation for a private visit, or a covering letter from the employer. Must have cash based on a minimum of 50 € per person for each day of stay. The amount of health insurance must be at least 30 thousand euros. Students must have a certificate from their place of study.

Citizens Russian Federation They can open a visa to Monaco only at the French Embassy, ​​since there is no representative office of this country in Russia. The visa department of the embassy is located at the address in Moscow: Kazansky Lane, 10.


Monaco is one of the world's tourism centers and the best resorts of the Cote d'Azur (Riviera), enjoying international fame. Up to a million tourists visit the country every year. Highly profitable industries have developed in Monaco - electronics, electrical engineering, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, precision instrumentation, manufacturing building materials, faience, ceramics and majolica. Trade, serving tourists and making souvenirs occupy an important place. The country has a high level of employment and living standards. There is a state monopoly on the sale of tobacco products, the operation of the telephone network and postal services.

Thanks to the preferential tax regime, hundreds of international companies (including large ones) and dozens of banks widely use the territory of Monaco to conduct financial transactions. State revenues consist of taxes from banks, hotels, resorts, casinos, revenues from tourism, sales of postage stamps, which are highly valued by philatelists around the world, etc. The Sea Bathing Society owns a chain of hotels, entertainment venues and baths (since 1967 - under government control). Contrary to popular belief, casinos in Monte Carlo provide only about 3% of the principality's revenue. The monetary unit is the euro.


In the X-I centuries. BC e. On the territory of modern Monaco there was first a Phoenician and then a Greek colony. A temple dedicated to the mythological hero Melqart (the ancient Greeks - Hercules, the Romans - Hercules) was erected here. In the 1st century BC e. this territory became part of the Roman Empire, and was later captured by the Arabs. In the 7th century n. e. these lands were part of the Lombard Kingdom, and later - the Kingdom of Arelat.

In the second half of the 11th century. n. e. The Genoese took possession of the territory. On the site of modern Monaco in 1215, the Genoese built a fortress. In 1419, the Genoese family of Grimaldi finally established itself in Monaco. Monaco became an independent principality (under the protectorate of Genoa). The principality originally belonged, outside its current possessions, to Menton and Roquebrune.

Since 1524, it was under the rule of the Spanish monarchy while maintaining formal autonomy; in 1605, Spanish troops occupied the territory of the principality. Agostino Grimaldi entered into an alliance with Emperor Charles V in the wars against the French king Francis I. Later, Prince Honore I of Monaco assisted Spain in the defense of Malta from the Turks and in the naval battle of Lepanto in 1570. In 1641, the population of Monaco opposed Spanish rule, and the principality came under the protectorate of France, maintaining internal self-government. At the end of the War of the Spanish Succession, the Peace of Utrecht of 1713 confirmed the sovereign status of the Principality of Monaco. In 1731, princely power passed through the female line to Goyon Matignon, who took the surname Grimaldi.

As a result of the Great french revolution The princely power in Monaco was overthrown, and in 1793 its territory was annexed to France. The Treaty of Paris in 1814 restored the Principality of Monaco, and the princely throne was returned to Honoré IV. By the decision of the Congress of Vienna in 1814-15. Monaco was transferred to the protectorate of the Kingdom of Sardinia. In 1848, as a result of the revolution in Monaco, Prince Florestan I was overthrown, arrested and imprisoned, and princely rule was abolished. In 1849, Florestan I was restored to the throne, but the Sardinian protectorate was terminated. In 1856, two cities - Menton and Roquebrune - declared their independence. In 1861, Prince Charles III sold his formal rights to the cities of Menton and Roquebrune to France and agreed to the establishment of a French protectorate in Monaco.

In 1861, the Frenchman Maurice Blanc was given a concession to open a gambling house in Monaco. The international joint-stock company “Sea Bathing Society”, which owned the gambling house, built a casino complex in Monte Carlo (1861-1910, French architect C. Garnier and others). After the completion of the railway between France and Monaco (1868), the casino in Monte Carlo gained worldwide fame and became one of the main sources of income for Monaco. In 1865, Monaco entered into a customs union with France. In 1899, the Oceanographic Museum was founded, which became an international center for oceanographic research. In 1911, the first constitution was introduced, which provided for the formation of an elected National Council (parliament). Relations with France are regulated by a number of agreements. In 1951, Monaco and France signed a convention on mutual assistance in the field of customs duties, taxes, postal services, television, etc.

In 1959, Prince Rainier III (ruled since 1949) dissolved the National Council and suspended the constitution. In December 1962, a new constitution was issued. In the spring of 1962, a conflict arose with France, during which the French authorities established a customs cordon on the border with Monaco. The main reason for the conflict is Monaco's refusal to introduce some tax changes in the principality. In 1963, a convention was signed between France and Monaco on the levy of income tax according to the principles of French taxation. Only Monegasques, French people living in Monaco for at least five years, and companies with a share of Monegasque capital exceeding 25% are exempt from taxes.


This independent principality has been ruled by the Grimaldi family for 7 centuries. The current Prince of Monaco, Rainier III (born 1929) ascended to the throne in 1949. In 1956, he married American actress Grace Kelly. He has three children: Caroline, Albert and Stephanie. Princess Grace died in 1982 in a car accident. Monaco is home to one of the most powerful medium-wave radio stations in Europe - Monte Carlo. The television company “Tele-Monte-Carlo” operates.

Monaco is the center of many international organizations (International Hydrographic Office, International Academy of Tourism, etc.) and a venue for international meetings. The Oceanographic Museum, founded here in 1899, has become the largest center for research of the World Ocean.


The Formula 1 Grand Prix (Grand Prix de Formule 1) takes place every year on the weekend closest to Ascension Day (May June). The route is laid through the city.

The International Circus Festival in Monte-Carlo (Festival International du Cirque de Monte-Carlo) takes place every year at the end of January. The most famous circus groups in the world are fighting for the title of the best. On the last day, the jury announces the winner of the prestigious Golden Clown award (Clown d'Or). Imagina takes place every year in February. One of the most significant European salons of multimedia creativity.

The Television Festival (Festival de Television de Monte-Carlo) takes place every year in February - showcasing the best examples of TV products.

National flag of Monaco.

Monaco is a principality in the south of France, one of the smallest states in the world. The area is 1.95 sq. km - 200 hectares, and 40 hectares were reclaimed from the sea. The population is 32.6 thousand people, of which only 5.5 thousand are citizens of Monaco (Monegasques). Monaco ranks first in the world in terms of population density. The preferential tax regime that exists in Monaco attracts many wealthy people here. However, obtaining Monegasque citizenship is very difficult, so the vast majority of the country's residents are foreigners (French, Italians, British, Belgians). The native inhabitants of Monaco, the Monegasques, are of French origin, partially mixed with Italians. Official language Monaco - French, spoken - the so-called Monegasque dialect (a mixture of French and Italian). The majority of the local population professes Catholicism.

Natural conditions

The Principality of Monaco is located in the south of Europe, on the high, rocky shore of the Ligurian Sea (part of the Mediterranean Sea), protected from the north and east by the Alps. The length of the coastline belonging to Monaco is 3.5 km. On land, the country is surrounded by French territory (French department of Alpes-Maritimes). At a distance of 12 km from Monaco lies the French border with Italy.

Monaco is located on the southern periphery of the limestone Alps-Maritimes. The climate is Mediterranean with moderately warm winters (average temperature in January +8-10 °C) and dry, warm and sunny summers (average temperature in July and August +24 °C). There are up to 300 sunny days a year, and about 60 rainy days. The average annual precipitation is 1300 mm. They fall mainly in the fall.

The Maritime Alps protect Monaco from the cold northern winds. In summer, sea breezes have a cooling effect on the coast. Thanks to its mild climate, Monaco is a popular Mediterranean resort.

Political structure

Monaco consists of three merged administrative districts-cities - Monaco (capital, old town), La Condamine (business center and port) and, The industrial district of Fontvieille is distinguished separately. Monaco is a principality, a constitutional hereditary monarchy. The current constitution was adopted on December 17, 1962. The head of state, the prince, exercises legislative power together with the National Council (of 18 members), elected for 5 years. A deputy of the National Council can only be a Monegasque, born in Monaco and at least 25 years old.

Since 2005, Prince Albert II Grimaldi, a representative of the oldest dynasty in Europe (its 700th anniversary was celebrated in 1997), has been on the throne. In accordance with the treaty concluded with France in 1918, Monaco is an autonomous state under the protectorate of France. Monaco has a police force, but no army of its own, other than the 65-member Royal Guard. Defense matters are the responsibility of France.


Monaco is one of the world's tourism centers and the best resorts of the Cote d'Azur (Riviera), enjoying international fame. Up to a million tourists visit the country every year. Highly profitable industries have developed in Monaco - electronics, electrical engineering, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, precision instrumentation, production of building materials, earthenware, ceramics and majolica. Trade, serving tourists and making souvenirs occupy an important place. The country has a high level of employment and living standards. There is a state monopoly on the sale of tobacco products, the operation of the telephone network and postal services.

Monaco. Port.

Thanks to the preferential tax regime, hundreds of international companies (including large ones) and dozens of banks widely use the territory of Monaco to conduct financial transactions. State revenues consist of taxes from banks, hotels, resorts, casinos, revenues from tourism, sales of postage stamps, which are highly valued by philatelists around the world, etc. The Sea Bathing Society owns a chain of hotels, entertainment venues and baths (since 1967 - under government control). Contrary to popular belief, casinos in Monte Carlo provide only about 3% of the principality's revenue. The monetary unit is the euro.


In the 10th-1st centuries. BC e. On the territory of modern Monaco there was first a Phoenician and then a Greek colony. A temple dedicated to the mythological hero Melqart (the ancient Greeks - Hercules, the Romans - Hercules) was erected here. In the 1st century BC e. this territory became part of the Roman Empire, and was later captured by the Arabs. In the 7th century. n. e. these lands were part of the Lombard Kingdom, and later - the Kingdom of Arelat.

In the second half of the 11th century. n. e. The Genoese took possession of the territory. On the site of modern Monaco in 1215, the Genoese built a fortress. In 1419, the Genoese family of Grimaldi finally established itself in Monaco. Monaco became an independent principality (under the protectorate of Genoa). The principality originally belonged, outside its current possessions, to Menton and Roquebrune.

Since 1524, it was under the rule of the Spanish monarchy while maintaining formal autonomy; in 1605, Spanish troops occupied the territory of the principality. Agostino Grimaldi entered into an alliance with Emperor Charles V in the wars against the French king Francis I. Later, Prince Honore I of Monaco assisted Spain in the defense of Malta from the Turks and in the naval battle of Lepanto in 1570. In 1641, the population of Monaco opposed Spanish rule, and the principality came under the protectorate of France, maintaining internal self-government. At the end of the War of the Spanish Succession, the Peace of Utrecht of 1713 confirmed the sovereign status of the Principality of Monaco. In 1731, princely power passed through the female line to Goyon Matignon, who took the surname Grimaldi.

Monaco. Princely Palace.

As a result of the Great French Revolution, the princely power in Monaco was overthrown, and in 1793 its territory was annexed to France. The Treaty of Paris in 1814 restored the Principality of Monaco, and the princely throne was returned to Honoré IV. By the decision of the Congress of Vienna in 1814-1815, Monaco was transferred to the protectorate of the Kingdom of Sardinia. In 1848, as a result of the revolution in Monaco, Prince Florestan I was overthrown, arrested and imprisoned, and princely rule was abolished. In 1849, Florestan I was restored to the throne, but the Sardinian protectorate was terminated. In 1856, two cities - Menton and Roquebrune - declared their independence. In 1861, Prince Charles III sold his formal rights to the cities of Menton and Roquebrune to France and agreed to the establishment of a French protectorate in Monaco.

Monte Carlo. Casino.

In 1861, the Frenchman Maurice Blanc was given a concession to open a gambling house in Monaco. The international joint-stock company “Sea Bathing Society”, which owned the gambling house, built a casino complex in Monte Carlo (1861-1910, French architect C. Garnier). After the completion of the railway between France and Monaco (1868), the casino in Monte Carlo gained worldwide fame and became one of the main sources of income for Monaco. In 1865, Monaco entered into a customs union with France. In 1899, the Oceanographic Museum was founded, which became an international center for oceanographic research. In 1911, the first constitution was introduced, which provided for the formation of an elected National Council (parliament). Relations with France are regulated by a number of agreements. In 1951, Monaco and France signed a convention on mutual assistance in the field of customs duties, taxes, mail, and television.

Monte Carlo. Oceanographic Museum.

In 1959, Prince Rainier III (reigned 1949-2005) dissolved the National Council and suspended the constitution. In December 1962, a new constitution was issued. In the spring of 1962, a conflict arose with France, during which the French authorities established a customs cordon on the border with Monaco. The main reason for the conflict is Monaco's refusal to introduce some tax changes in the principality. In 1963, a convention was signed between France and Monaco on the levy of income tax on French tax principles. Only Monegasques, French people living in Monaco for at least five years, and companies with a share of Monegasque capital exceeding 25% are exempt from taxes.


This independent principality has been ruled by the Grimaldi family for 7 centuries. Prince Rainier III (1929-2005) ascended the throne in 1949. In 1956, he married American actress Grace Kelly. He has three children: Caroline, Albert and Stephanie. Princess Grace died in 1982 in a car accident. Monaco is home to one of the most powerful medium-wave radio stations in Europe - Monte Carlo. The television company “Tele-Monte-Carlo” operates.

Monaco. Cityscape.

Monaco is the center of many international organizations (International Hydrographic Office, International Academy of Tourism) and a venue for international meetings. The Oceanographic Museum, founded here in 1899, has become the largest center for research of the World Ocean.

The Formula 1 Grand Prix (Grand Prix de Formule 1) takes place every year on the weekend closest to Ascension Day (May June). The route is laid through the city.
The International Circus Festival in Monte-Carlo (Festival International du Cirque de Monte-Carlo) takes place every year at the end of January. The most famous circus groups in the world are fighting for the title of the best. On the last day, the jury announces the winner of the prestigious “Golden Clown” award.
Imagina takes place every year in February. One of the most significant European salons of multimedia creativity.
The Television Festival (Festival de Television de Monte-Carlo) takes place every year in February - showcasing the best examples of TV products.

- a dwarf state in southern Europe. In the north, east and west it borders with France, in the south it is washed by the waters of the Mediterranean Sea.

The name of the country comes from the ancient Greek “monoikos” - “hermit”.

Official name: Principality of Monaco

Capital: Monaco/Monaco-Ville

The area of ​​the land: 1.95 sq. km. of which 0.4 km2 is due to the development of the seashore.

Total Population: 35,656 people

Administrative division: Four administrative districts-cities: Monaco, Monte Carlo, La Condamine and Fontvielle.

Form of government: A constitutional monarchy(principality).

Head of State: Prince.

Population composition: 16% Monegasques, 47% French, 16% Italians, 4% English, 2% Belgians, 1% Swiss, 14% others.

Official language: French. Residents also speak Monegasque, Italian and English.

Religion: 90% are Catholics.

Internet domain: .mc

Mains voltage: ~230 V, 50 Hz

Country dialing code: +377

Country barcode: 300-379


The climate in Monaco is Mediterranean: moderately warm winters (average January temperature +8°C) and dry, sunny summers (average July temperature +24°C). The number of sunny days per year is about 300. Unstable weather and drizzling rains, which usually last no more than 3 days, are brought by a strong east or south wind from the sea “marin”. A gusty, dry and cold “mistral” wind blows from the interior of France, bringing a drop in temperature.

The Maritime Alps protect Monaco from the cold northern winds. In summer, sea breezes have a cooling effect on the coast. Thanks to its mild climate, Monaco is a popular resort. Average annual precipitation is 1300 mm. They fall mainly in the fall.

The conditions of dry summer and autumn-spring rains in Monaco resulted in the formation of brown soils with hard-leaved xerophytic vegetation, as well as red-colored terra rossa soils. Brown forest soils are found in the mountains.


The Principality of Monaco, one of the smallest states in the world (area 1.95 sq. km). Located in the south of Europe, on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, near the border of France and Italy. It borders the French Alpes-Maritimes department. Monaco includes the merged arrondissements of Monaco (old town), Monte Carlo, La Condamine (business center and port) and Fontvieille (industrial area).

The capital of the country, the city of Monaco (3 thousand inhabitants), picturesquely located on a flat rock, has generally retained its medieval appearance. The main attractions of the city are the princely palace complex, built in the 13th-19th centuries; the famous Oceanographic Museum, which annually hosts big number visitors; Museum of Primitive Anthropology; Cathedral, erected at the end of the 19th century. in pseudo-Romanesque style. La Condamine is home to most of the country's population. There is a seaport, a national library and a stadium. Monte Carlo is world famous for its casinos.

Flora and fauna

Vegetable world

The forests contain kermes and holm oak, pine, black and Aleppo pine, boxwood, juniper, olive, fig and other typical representatives of the Mediterranean flora. In Monaco there are also dwarf palm, maritime pine, Atlas cedar and cork, beech, and felt oaks.

In the maquis, large-fruited strawberry stands out (blooms late autumn or in winter), cistus incense, myrtle, pistachio, viburnum, red juniper, etc. The composition of the garigue is dominated by shrubby kermes oak, to which juniper, gorse, rosemary, birch tree, and thyme are mixed.

A fifth of Monaco's territory is occupied by gardens and parks. There are plantings of olives, figs, pomegranates, almonds, pistachios, and persimmons. They grow bananas, oranges, lemons, and tangerines. Japanese medlar and camphor laurel from Japan, aloe, cacti, agaves from North and South America, and eucalyptus from Australia have been introduced.

Animal world

The fauna of Monaco is poor. Mammals include small rodents, hedgehogs, shrews, bats, including the Mediterranean pipistrelle. There are many birds: mountain, spectacled and white-whiskered warblers, garden bunting, sea mockingbird, kingfisher, red-necked nightjar, lark, black-spotted and black-bellied wheatears, blackbirds, etc.

Among the reptiles, the most notable are the steppe gecko, chalcid and sand lizards, grass snakes, the Aesculapian snake, etc., among amphibians - the tree frog and the green toad. Monaco has an abundance of insects, including butterflies. IN coastal zone In the Mediterranean Sea there are dolphins and small numbers of commercial fish species (sardine, anchovy, flounder, mackerel, mullet, catfish), lobsters, and mussels.


Monaco is one of the world's tourism centers and the best resort on the Cote d'Azur. Consisting of four main districts (Monaco-Ville or Le Rocher, La Condamine, Fontvieille and Monte Carlo), this tiny country relies almost entirely on tourism.

Situated on a rocky ledge of the spurs of the Maritime Alps, the country is almost completely built up multi-storey buildings at the very edge of the sea, surrounded by villas surrounded by greenery. And yet, more than 20% of Monaco's territory is occupied by gardens and parks, and the coastal strip is framed by entertainment venues, hotel complexes and beaches. And, of course, Monte Carlo is the “European Las Vegas” and the largest casino complex in Europe.

According to legends, the area got its name from the temple “Heraclos Monoikos” (“The Only Hercules”) built by the Greeks, although the first settlements on the site of the principality belonged to the Phoenicians (approximately 900 BC). Such an ancient age of this land could not help but leave its mark on the modern appearance of the country, so the architecture and life of this tiny state have long been, in fact, one big museum.

Banks and currency

Banks are open on weekdays from 9:00 to 16:00 with a lunch break from 12:00 to 14:00. The bank near the Casino in Monte Carlo is open every day and even on holidays from 12:00 to 23:00.

The official currency of Monaco is the euro. 1 euro is equal to 100 cents. In circulation there are banknotes in denominations of 500, 200, 100, 50, 20 and 10 euros and coins of 1 and 2 euros and 50, 10, 5, 2 and 1 cents.

Foreign currency can be changed at hotels or banks. Travel checks can also be exchanged at banks; checks in US dollars, euros and pounds sterling are exchanged without commission.

Credit cards are accepted everywhere.

Useful information for tourists

Monaco is famous for its abundance of various exhibitions, competitions and festivals of European and world level.

The country has one of the most powerful and extensive police surveillance systems in the world. Police officers in uniform and in civilian clothes are found almost everywhere; they have the right to inspect suspicious objects and cars “on the spot”, carry out routine face control, check telephone bills, hotel rooms and homes, in addition, surveillance cameras are installed almost everywhere. The crime rate in the principality is extremely low.

The sanitary and epidemiological situation in the country is one of the calmest in the world. Tap water completely drinkable, but it is recommended to use bottled water, as mineral composition local water is somewhat different from the usual standards. Absolutely all food products and vegetables are of excellent quality.

In hotels and restaurants, a 15% service charge is usually included in the bill; otherwise, it is customary to leave a tip for the waiter in the amount of up to 10% of the bill, for the taxi driver - in the amount of about 10-15% of the meter, for the porter, maid or guide - 0.5-1 euro. The majority of employees and employees in Monaco are residents of neighboring areas of France and Italy.


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