Individual employee card. Filling out the employee’s personal card

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The unified form T2 “Employee’s Personal Card” reflects full information about the employee and his labor activity. Taking into account the government's plans to transfer personnel document flow to digital electronic form, the T2 form card becomes the main source of information about the employee, which must be entered into the database.

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Which organizations should maintain T2 form

Filling out the T2 form is mandatory for all organizations, regardless of their organizational and legal form (in accordance with clause 2 of the Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1 and 12, 41 of the Rules approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 No. 225, hereinafter referred to as the Rules).

Form T2 personal card is filled out on the first working day of a new employee, after the employment contract has already been signed with him. Later, all current changes and information about work activities are entered into it and all entries that are made in work book. The card is closed on the day the employee is dismissed, simultaneously with the issuance of the work book. The last entry in it is that the book was received in person, certified by the signature of the resigned employee.

If an employee who was previously dismissed from the organization is rehired, a new personal card of form T2 is issued for him, since the previous document was closed with a record that the employment contract with him was terminated. Form T2 form download you can on our electronic portal.

If the T2 personal card form was completed before January 1, 2003, its storage period is 75 years, if later, it should be stored for 50 years. Personal cards of government employees are kept for 75 years, regardless of when they were closed.

If the unified form T2 is maintained at an enterprise in in electronic format, it still needs to be printed, since the data entered into it is personnel must be confirmed by the employee’s signature. The paper on which personal cards are printed (regular or high density) does not matter, but can be determined by local regulations. For example, the Instructions for Personnel Administration.

The unified T2 form is designed in such a way that it contains all possible information about the employee and his work activity. If personal cards at an enterprise are kept on paper, the information entered in them can easily be digitized and transferred to any database and any automated personnel records system. This is especially relevant in connection with the planned digitalization personnel document flow, introduction of electronic work books and contracts.

Personal card form T2 you can download the form .

What information does the personal card form T2 contain?

When applying for employment, form T2, the employee’s personal card, the form is filled out on the basis of the documents that the employee must present when signing employment contract(in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation):

  • work book;
  • passport;
  • military ID (for those liable for military service);
  • document on education;
  • certificates of state pension insurance (SNILS);
  • certificates of registration in tax office(TIN);
  • other documents (medical record, driver’s license, confirmation of advanced training, certificate of state awards received, disability certificate, etc.).

In addition, the T2 form card must contain information that is entered according to the employee:

  • his contact phone numbers and address Email;
  • information about the composition of the family and the dates of birth of its members;
  • level of foreign language proficiency, etc.

Structure of the unified form T2

Form T2 personal employee card form consists of eleven sections:

  1. General information.
  2. Information about military registration.
  3. Hiring and transfers to other jobs.
  4. Certification.
  5. Training.
  6. Professional retraining.
  7. Awards (incentives) and honorary titles.
  8. Vacation.
  9. Social benefits to which an employee is entitled in accordance with the law.
  10. additional information.
  11. Grounds for termination employment contract(dismissals).

Non-budgetary enterprises have the right to independently develop the T2 form and include only some of the specified sections in it.

The T2 employee personal card form consists of four pages. A sample is presented below.

Sample of filling out the T2 personal card form

To fill out the unified T2 form, you will need information classifiers: OKIN, OKSO, OKPDTR and OKATO. The encoding of the entered information about the enterprise and employee is carried out strictly in accordance with them. The issuance of a personal card is regulated by the Rules approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 No. 225.

The header of the document indicates the name of the enterprise, its OKUD and OKPO code.

The header part of the T2 form is a table, the columns of which indicate:

  1. a unique personnel number of the employee, which is assigned to him upon employment and does not change throughout his entire career in the organization;
  2. taxpayer identification number (TIN), in the absence of which the cell should be left blank;
  3. number of the pension insurance fund certificate, which the employer, in the absence of this document, must issue to the employee independently;
  4. the letter with which the new employee's last name begins;
  5. an employee is hired on a permanent or temporary basis;
  6. will it workplace for him the main job or will he work part-time;
  7. employee's gender.

Form T2, a sample of filling out the header part is presented below.

The Rules clearly and in detail explain how to correctly fill out the T2 form. We will draw your attention to some nuances that should be considered when entering data in those sections, the completion of which raises the most questions.

Section “General Information” of Form T2

When entering information about the employee’s last name, first name and patronymic in paragraph 1, try to leave enough space so that if the employee changes her last name, new personal data can be entered. In paragraph 2, the month of birth is indicated in letters, and the date and year of birth are written in numbers. In the cell for the code, the date of birth is written in the format DD.MM.YYYY.

When filling out paragraphs 4, 5 and 6 of the “General Information” section of the T2 form, OKIN encoding is used. Therefore, in paragraph 4, enter the code:

  • 1, if the employee is a citizen of Russia;
  • 2, if he has dual citizenship and one of them is Russian;
  • 3 if new employee - citizen of a foreign country;
  • 4, if he does not have any citizenship.

In paragraph 5 you need to indicate the degree of proficiency in foreign languages, use the codes:

  • 1, if the employee reads and translates using a dictionary;
  • 2, if he can read and express himself freely;
  • 3, if he is fluent in a foreign language.

Point 6 contains information about education and in this case, OKIN codes are used depending on when the education was received - before or after September 1, 2013. To fill out information about the profession in section I of the unified T2 form, use the OKPDTR codifier.

When entering information about length of service in paragraph 8, it should be taken into account that the concept of “continuous seniority» is no longer used, so in this cell you will need to indicate the employee’s total insurance experience.

When you fill out paragraph 10, which lists your family composition, please note that you need to indicate your closest relatives, which include:

  • wife or husband;
  • children;
  • parents;
  • siblings and half-brothers;
  • guardians or persons under whose care the employee was or is.

Section “Information on military registration” of form T2

In this section, if the employee is liable for military service, data is entered on the basis of his military ID or temporary certificate issued instead of a military ID, as well as a certificate issued to conscripts who are citizens of the Russian Federation.

Section “Hiring and transfers to another job” of form T2

The first entry in this section is about hiring for this organization. Subsequent entries are made based on orders both permanent and temporary transfers. The legislation does not provide a clear answer as to whether it is necessary to reflect information about an employee’s salary increase in the T2 form. Experts believe that such data is necessary.

What to do if in some section of the unified T2 form there is no free space left to enter data

If one of the sections of the T2 form, for example, “Vacation,” is completely filled out, an addition can be made to the document. It is drawn up on a separate sheet. You should write the heading on it: “Addition to the employee’s personal card” (Form No. T-2), indicate the date of completion, personal details of the employee, his position and structural subdivision, date and number of the employment contract. Under this information the table of the corresponding section of the T2 form is duplicated. Such additions can be made to any of its sections.

For each employee of the enterprise, HR department officials create a document such as a personal employee card. She happens to be integral part his personal file and is filled out on the basis of all copies and original documents submitted by him. It also contains information related to the employee’s performance of his professional duties.

An employee’s personal card is the main form for personnel records everyone working at the enterprise. It is this that is the main form for military registration, and the personnel inspector is responsible for the accuracy of the data contained in it.

The employee checks all entered information after making entries, and then confirms them with his signature.

Rosstat suggests using the T-2 form for this. Each enterprise has the right to modify it or remove unnecessary fields in accordance with the characteristics of its activities.

HR programs contain it as part of their documents. The form can be printed and then filled out manually, or you can enter the relevant information into the program directories, and a personal card T 2 will be generated automatically.

These documents must be stored in strictly defined places where access is limited and only possible for responsible persons. officials. This is due to the fact that the employee’s card contains his personal data, which is protected by law. These provisions also apply to computer databases.

It is advisable to attach to the card all copies of the documents on the basis of which marks were made on it.

As necessary, the personnel employee makes entries in this register about vacations, advanced training of the employee, transfer, etc. When an employee is dismissed, the details of the order to terminate the contract are recorded in it.

The T2 card must contain the personal signature of the dismissing employee.

After this, together with the personal file, it is transferred to the archive, in which the document is stored in accordance with the law for 75 years.

Employee personal card form T-2 sample filling 2016

Let's take a closer look at Form T-2, a sample of how to fill it out.

First of all, fill out the header of the document. Here you need to indicate the full name of the company and its code according to the OKPO classifier.

Next, the data is entered into the tabular section. The date of completion (usually coincides with the date of hiring), personnel number, taxpayer number, pension insurance number (SNILS), the first letter of the last name, the type of work performed (can be “permanent” or “temporary”), the type of work (main place, part-time job), gender (indicated by one capital letter).

1. General information

The small table on the right side indicates the date of conclusion and the number of the employment contract.

In paragraph 4, citizenship and its code are recorded according to the OKIN directory.

Paragraph 5 reflects what foreign language the employee speaks and to what extent. The latter may contain the following: “I read and translate with a dictionary”, “I read and can explain myself” or “I speak fluently”.

Point 6 contains information about the education received - its level, name, information about the education document and the qualifications obtained.

Paragraph 7 indicates the name of the profession for which the employee is registered.

Point 8 is filled out according to the work book - here you need to indicate the length of service as of a certain date (usually at the time of entry to work).

In paragraphs 9-10, the marital status is recorded, as well as information on immediate relatives.

Clause 11 contains identification data.

Paragraph 12 reflects the addresses of registration and actual residence, as well as a contact telephone number.

2. Information about military registration

This section is completed only for men on the basis of a military ID or registration certificate.

In paragraph 2 it is written military rank employee. If he has not yet served, then here you need to indicate “subject to conscription.”

Paragraph 3 reflects the composition, for example, “soldiers”, “medical”, etc.

Paragraph 4 states digital code military specialty.

Paragraphs 6-7 reflect the name of the military registration and enlistment office to which the employee belongs and his registration status. In the latter case, the recording is made in pencil.

The mark in paragraph 8 is affixed when an employee is removed from military registration.

The data specified in this section is certified by the HR employee and the employee himself.

3. Hiring and transfers to another job

In this section, data on the registration and movements of the employee are entered into the table line by line. Here you need to indicate the date of issue of the order, the name of the structural unit and position, salary data, and details of the order. The employee certifies each line with a personal signature.

4. Certification

It is filled in during the work process at the enterprise. This section contains information about the employee passing certifications. They must contain the date of the operation, the outcome of the commission’s work, and protocol details. Column "Base" It may be empty or you can indicate the data of the order to send the employee to undergo certification.

5. Advanced training

To be completed as the employee completes the relevant courses. Here, line by line, you need to indicate the start and end date of training, type qualification improvement, in which educational institution it took place, details of the received document on completion. Column "Base" filled out similarly to section 4.

6. Professional retraining

The section contains line by line information about employee retraining. Here you need to indicate the date period in which it was carried out, in what specialty, and the details of the received retraining document.

7. Promotions and awards

In this part of the document, you need to indicate information about rewarding the employee for high performance with certificates, thanks, bonuses, etc. In the first column, you need to write down the type of award, and in subsequent columns - the name, number and date of the document according to which the employee was awarded the reward.

8. Vacation

When providing an employee with rest time, the information is recorded in this section. Here you need to enter information about all leaves, including without pay.

The first column indicates its name, then for annual leave- the period for which they are provided, duration and exact time the beginning and end of this time. The last column contains details of the relevant orders of the company management.

9. Social benefits

This section is completed if the employee has any preferential working conditions. For example, disabled people of group 3 (working) should have a reduced working day. The first column indicates the type of benefit, followed by the details of the document on the basis of which it is provided. The reasons may include a reference to current laws.

10. Additional information

This includes data that was not reflected in the previous sections, but has important. For example, if an employee has a license to drive a car, then the details of the driver’s license, its category and expiration date are written on these lines.

Employee personal card– this is a document that the personnel department creates for each employee upon employment.

A personal card is necessary to keep records of personnel work in the organization.

A personal card is issued by a personnel service employee for all persons hired under an employment contract, and is maintained throughout the entire period of their work with a specific employer.

The personal card collects all the information about the employee that the employer needs.

Personal card form

When applying for a job as an employee, the unified form N T-2 “Employee Personal Card” is used.

Wherein commercial organizations has the right to use an independently developed form of personal card, which must be approved by the head of the organization.

Documents for filling out a personal card

The employee’s personal card is filled out by a personnel service employee based on the following documents:

    order (instruction) on employment;

    passport or other identity document;

    work book or document confirming work experience;

    insurance certificate compulsory pension insurance;

    military registration documents (for those liable for military service and persons subject to conscription for military service);

    document on education, qualifications or availability special knowledge(when applying for a job that requires special knowledge or special training).

Procedure for filling out a personal card

Filling out the card begins with the name of the organization according to the constituent documents.

Then fill out a table indicating:

    date of drawing up the personal card;

    personnel number assigned to the employee;

    Employee's TIN and state insurance certificate number;

    in the “Alphabet” column the first letter of the employee’s last name is entered;

    in the column “Nature of work” it is indicated “permanently” if the employee is hired under an open-ended employment contract, or “temporarily” if under a fixed-term one;

    in the column “Type of work” - “main” or “part-time”;

    in the "Gender" column - "M" (male) or "F" (female).

Section I of the personal card begins with entering the number and date of the employment contract.

Then general information about the employee is entered:

    Full name, date and place of birth, citizenship;

    knowledge foreign language;

    education and information about the education document;

    profession (main and other);

    work experience;

    information about marriage and family composition;

    passport details;

    address of residence (registration and actual);

    Correct filling of section. II is certified by the signatures of the personnel officer and the employee himself.

    In Section III “Hiring, transfers to another job,” entries are made on the basis of relevant orders - on hiring, on transfers. In this case, the employee must be familiarized with each entry made against signature, which is entered in column 6 of the section.

    Section IV "Certification" is completed if regulatory legal acts or local acts The organization provides for certification for the organization's employees.

    Sections V “Advancement of qualifications in the organization” and VI “Professional retraining” are completed if the employee, respectively, underwent advanced training or carried out professional retraining. The basis for making entries will be the employee’s training document.

    IN section VII“Awards (incentives), honorary titles” duplicates entries about awards and incentives that are entered in the work book. This information:

      on the awarding of state awards, including the conferment of state honorary titles, on the basis of relevant decrees and other decisions;

      on awarding certificates of honor, conferring titles and awards badges, badges, diplomas, certificates of honor produced by employers;

      on other types of incentives provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as collective agreements, internal rules labor regulations, charters and regulations on discipline.

    In Section VIII "Vacation" records are made about all types of leave (annual paid, additional, leave without pay wages, behind ). The type of leave, the period for which it is provided, the number of days, start and end dates and the basis, that is, the order of the employer, are indicated here.

    An entry in Section IX "Social Benefits" is made if the employee, in accordance with current legislation, has the right to social benefits, for example, is a disabled person, a donor, or has been exposed to radiation on Chernobyl nuclear power plant. The basis for making an entry will be a document confirming the employee’s right to such a benefit.

    Section X “Additional information” can list any information about the employee that is not reflected in other sections of the personal card.

    Section XI “Grounds for termination of an employment contract (dismissal)” is filled in when dismissing an employee in accordance with the wording of the dismissal and with reference to the relevant article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. This record is also certified by the signatures of the personnel officer and the employee.

    Personal card: electronic or paper

    The legislation does not indicate in what form cards should be kept: electronic or paper.

    At the same time, it is necessary for the new employee to certify that the entries in section are correct. I - III cards with your signature.

    Also, in the future, each entry in the employee’s work book must be familiarized with a signature in his personal card, in which this entry is repeated.

    In addition, when information about an employee changes, corrections are made to his personal card on the basis of relevant documents, which are certified by the signature of a personnel service employee.

    Therefore, personal cards of employees cannot be maintained only in electronic form.

    In this regard, after filling out a personal card for each employee in the program, it must be printed and signed by the employees.

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    Employee personal card: details for an accountant

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    Is one of unified forms primary accounting documentation for labor accounting and payment. The form was approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee dated January 5, 2004 No. 1. Despite the fact that from 01/01/2013 the use of this form is not mandatory (Information of the Ministry of Finance No. PZ-10/2012), it continues to be widely used. And this is no coincidence, because the personal card contains all the information an employer needs about its employees.

    Information that is not on the personal card can be added there, because the employer can change the form and content of the T-2 form. To record other data about the employee, the employer can also create other cards along with the unified form. For example, a driver’s personal card, the form and sample of which we reviewed in a separate section.

    It is important to remember that when collecting and storing personal data of employees, it is necessary to ensure.

    Form T-2 (personal employee card): form

    For an employee’s personal card (form T-2), you can download the form from the link below:

    Personal card T-2 (form): in Word format.

    The personal card (form T-2) consists of 11 sections:

    Section number Section name What information is reflected
    I General information FULL NAME. employee, date and place of birth, knowledge of foreign languages, education, work experience, marital status, family composition, information about the employee’s passport and place of residence, etc.
    II Information about military registration Reserve category, military rank, fitness category military service and etc.
    III Recruitment
    and transfers to another job
    Dates and reasons for hiring and transferring an employee to another job, position, salary, etc.
    IV Certification Certification dates, commission decisions, etc.
    V Training Start and end dates of training, types of advanced training, names of educational institutions, etc.
    VI Professional retraining Start and end dates of retraining, specialty, etc.
    VII Awards (encourages), honorary titles Names of awards or incentives, name, number and date of the document that is the basis for the award (incentive)
    VIII Vacation Types of leave, periods of work for which leave is granted, its duration, start and end dates, grounds for leave
    IX Social benefits,
    to which the employee is entitled in accordance with the law
    Name of benefits, their basis, number and date of the document giving the right to the benefit
    X additional information For example, about the time of removal from work, periods of downtime, etc.
    XI Grounds for termination
    employment contract (dismissal)
    The basis for dismissal, the date of dismissal and details of the relevant order are indicated.

    Form T2 “Employee Personal Card”: sample filling

    Let's show an example of filling out a T-2 employee’s personal card.

    Personal card T-2 is filled out for employees of all categories hired on the basis of an order (instruction) on hiring

    The form of the personal card T-2 was approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated 04/06/01 No. 26 “On approval of unified forms of primary accounting documentation for recording labor and its payment (hereinafter referred to as the resolution of 04/06/01).

    The personnel service employee must keep in mind that the rules for maintaining personal cards of the T-2 form, with the exception of the Instructions for the use and completion of primary accounting forms and documentation for labor accounting and its payment, approved. Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated 04/06/01 No. 26 does not exist, therefore the contents of this article can be considered as recommendations, and not as a tangible requirement for exact execution.

    Documents required for issuing a personal card; information coding

    To fill out a personal T-2 card, the HR officer needs the following employee documents:

    1) passport (or other identification document);

    2) work book;

    3) military ID;

    4) document confirming graduation from an educational institution:

    5) insurance certificate of state pension insurance;

    6) certificate of registration with the tax authority;

    7) order for employment.

    All other information is entered based on the information provided by the employee.

    When encoding information in a personal T-2 card, you must be guided by a number of rules for filling out, defined by the Standard for automated systems HR management:

    1. If incorrect entries or information not related to this filling are made in the coding field, the T-2 form is considered damaged and must be rewritten. Therefore, it is recommended to either enter exact codes or not enter them at all until the T-2 personal card is submitted to the archive.

    2. If there are no entries or negative answers (“I don’t have”, “I’m not a member”), the encoded part of this detail remains empty. 1 3. When indicating dates, the name of the month is written in full, the year is written in four digits; for example, September 14, 2004

    4. Dates are encoded Arabic numerals in the following order: day/month/year; for example, 04/23/1998.

    When filling out other sections of the card, you must follow the Instructions, approved. Resolution dated 04/06/01 No. 26.

    Filling out sections of the form

    The name of the organization is indicated in full, for example closed Joint-Stock Company"Energostroi". The abbreviated name is indicated if it is. enshrined in the constituent documents. The OKPO of the organization is indicated on the side.

    An employee's personnel number must contain no more than six digits. It is assigned to each new hire or employee and does not change with any movement of the employee within the organization until his dismissal.

    The taxpayer identification number and the number of the insurance certificate of state pension insurance are indicated in accordance with the certificate of assignment of the TIN and the insurance certificate of state pension insurance.

    In the "Alphabet" column the first letter of the employee's last name is indicated.

    The nature of the work is indicated: “permanently”, “temporarily”, etc.

    The type of work (main, part-time) is recorded in full.

    Gender is indicated by the letter "M" or "F".

    Last name, first name, patronymic are written down in full and legibly.

    The date of birth is established on the basis of a passport or other identification document and is written in full in the text area, for example, “January 9, 1975.” In this case, the code is indicated as follows: 01/09/1975.

    When indicating your place of birth, the following must be taken into account:

    • the length of the entry, including spaces and punctuation marks, should not exceed 100 characters;
    • districts and regions are written in the genitive case, without commas, with the following abbreviations: city - city, village - village, edge - kr., okrug - okr., region - region, village - settlement, district - rn., station - station;
    • the words aul, kishlak, village, village are written in full;
    • the code of place of residence is determined according to the All-Russian Classifier of Objects of Administrative-Territorial Division. OK 019-95, approved. Resolution of the State Standard of Russia dated July 31, 1995 No. 413 (OKATO); for example, at birth in Moscow, in the “Code” column it is indicated: 45.

    Citizenship is written without abbreviations. Recording of citizenship and its coding is carried out according to the All-Russian Classifier of Information on the Population. OK 018-95, approved. Resolution of the State Standard of Russia dated July 31, 1995 No. 412 (OKIN).

    Filling out the "Citizenship" column

    The languages ​​spoken by the employee are indicated in full without abbreviations. The degree of knowledge of the language in text form is indicated as follows.

    Information about language skills

    When encoding the column “Knowledge of a foreign language”, two codes are indicated, with the first indicating the language code, the second - the degree of knowledge of it.

    For example: “English - read and translate with a dictionary” is written in the “Code” column as: 014 1.

    Education is recorded and coded according to OKIN and the All-Russian Classifier of Specialties by Education. OK 009-93, approved. Resolution of the State Standard of Russia dated December 30, 1993 No. 296 (OKSO).

    According to OKIN, education is coded as follows.

    Sometimes in practice problems arise with how to create a record of an employee’s education if it is not completed.

    Information about incomplete education

    An employee with incomplete education Type of education according to classification.
    Higher education student educational institution, but did not graduate Basic general or secondary vocational education (depending on what education you had at the time of admission to a higher educational institution)
    Completed several courses at a higher educational institution, but was forced to interrupt it, or is studying in the third year It records how many courses have been completed or what course is being studied.
    Completed three years of higher education Incomplete higher education
    Studying at a secondary specialized educational institution (technical school, college), but not graduating from it Secondary (complete) general or incomplete secondary vocational education (depending on what kind of education you had at the time of admission to a secondary specialized educational institution)
    Graduated high school, school with in-depth study any subject, lyceum, gymnasium Secondary (complete) general education
    Graduated from a vocational school or an equivalent educational institution Primary vocational education

    Abbreviations of words when writing the name of an educational institution are allowed, without distorting the meaning of the name. In the case where the name of the educational institution includes the word “name”, you should write “by them”; if behind this the word comes“professor”, “academician” or something else, then you should write “named after professor”, “named after academician”, etc. Orders are not indicated in the names of educational institutions.

    All information about education (qualification, direction or specialty) is established on the basis of an education diploma.

    Free lines in the education section are intended for the name and date of graduation of the second educational institution of higher or secondary vocational education.

    If an employee graduated from two secondary or two higher educational institutions in different specialties, both educational institutions are recorded. Diploma qualifications are indicated in the following order:

    • for higher educational institutions - “bachelor”, “master”, “specialist”. For the qualifications "bachelor" and "master" the direction is indicated, and for the qualification "specialist" - the specialty;
    • for secondary educational institutions - “technician”, “merchandiser”, etc.

    Profession (main and additional) is indicated in full on the basis staffing table and an order (instruction) on hiring. It is coded in accordance with the All-Russian Classifier of Worker Occupations, Clerk Positions and tariff categories(OKPDTR). An additional profession is considered to be one that does not coincide with the main profession, but may be of interest to the organization.

    Work experience (general, continuous, giving the right to a bonus for years of service, as well as the right to other benefits established in the organization, etc.) is calculated on the basis of entries in the work book and (or) in other documents confirming the relevant length of service.

    Marital status is recorded and coded according to OKIN.

    Marital status information

    Only family members are indicated as part of the family, indicating the degree of relationship. Closest relatives are considered to be father, mother, son, daughter, brother, sibling, the person in whose care the employee was, and other immediate relatives living with the employee.

    Passport data is indicated in strict accordance with the passport. The residence address is recorded according to the rules for recording the place of birth.

    In the event that an employee did not receive a work book on the day of dismissal due to absence from the workplace or for another reason, the personnel service employee sends notices by mail to the specified addresses about the need to come to the personnel department for a work book (or express consent to send it by mail) or inquiries about the employee’s whereabouts. Therefore, it is necessary to fill out both columns - the address of residence according to the passport and the actual address of residence, as well as the telephone number of the employee or immediate relatives.

    Filling out the section on military registration

    The main documents on the basis of which section is filled out. 2 “Information on military registration” of the T-2 personal card are:

    • military ID (or temporary certificate issued instead of a military ID) - for citizens in the reserve;
    • certificate of a citizen subject to conscription for military service.

    Information about military registration

    Citizens in reserve Citizens subject to conscription
    Clause 1. Stock category Not entered for reserve officers. For persons who are not officers, filled out in accordance with the provided military ID (column "Registration Category") Not filled in
    Point 2. Military rank Marked in accordance with the entry on the military ID Recording is made: "Subject to conscription"
    Clause 3. "Composition (profile)". To be filled in without abbreviations Marked in accordance with the entry on the military ID, for example, "command", "medical" or "soldiers", "sailors" and so on. Che is filled
    Clause 4. “Full code designation of the VUS” The full designation is written down - six digits or six digits and an alphabetic sign Marked in accordance with the entry on the military ID, for example "021101" or "113194A" Marked in accordance with the entry in the certificate of a citizen subject to conscription for military service
    Clause 5. "Category of suitability for military service" Written in letters: A - fit for military service B - fit for military service with minor restrictions C - limitedly fit for military service D - temporarily unfit for military service If there are no entries in the relevant paragraphs of the military ID, category "A" is entered Written in letters: A - fit for military service B - fit for military service with minor restrictions C - limitedly fit for military service D - temporarily unfit for military service D - unfit for military service Filled out based on the entry in the certificate of a citizen subject to conscription for military service
    Clause 6. "Name of the military commissariat at the place of residence" Placed in accordance with the last entry or last stamp on the military ID Placed in accordance with the last entry, or the last stamp in the certificate of a citizen subject to conscription for military service
    Clause 7. “Registered with the military” To be completed in pencil Line a) - in cases where there is a mobilization order and (or) a stamp on the issuance and withdrawal of mobilization orders; Line b) - for citizens reserved with the organization for the period of mobilization and during wartime Not filled in
    : Clause 8. “Note on removal from military registration” Subject to reaching the age limit, being in the reserve, “or being declared unfit for military service for health reasons A note is made: or "Removed from military registration due to health reasons" A note is made: "Removed from military registration due to age" or "Withdrawn from military registration for health reasons"

    After filling out the “General Information” and “Military Registration Information” sections, the employee signs the personal card and personally puts down the date to confirm agreement with the entered information. The HR employee puts his signature, the name of the position and a transcript of the signature, thereby confirming that the entries were made by him personally on the basis of the submitted documents.

    Entering information about hiring, certification, oo9.. about advanced training, incentives, etc.

    When entering information about hiring and transfers to another job, you must fill out all columns of the table. Information must be entered without abbreviations

    Information about hiring and transfers to another job is entered on the basis of an order (instruction) on hiring (forms T-1 and T-1a) and an order (instruction) on transfer to another job (form T-5). When filling out this section, the HR specialist must familiarize the employee with the entries made against receipt.

    When filling out section. 4 “Certification” of the personal card, all columns are filled in, namely:

    • date of certification;
    • decision of the commission, for example, “transfer to a position,” “send for advanced training,” etc.;
    • a link to a specific document (usually a protocol of certification results) indicating its number and date.

    The “Bases” column may be blank, or it may indicate an organization’s order to send an employee for certification and/or an order to approve the certification results.

    Data on advanced training are recorded on the basis of documents submitted upon hiring or received from the personnel training department. In the section "Advancement of qualifications" the following is indicated:

    • start and end dates of training;
    • type of advanced training;
    • name of the educational institution (institute of advanced training of the ministry (department), faculty of advanced training at a higher educational institution, faculty of advanced training at a secondary vocational educational institution, institute of advanced training, advanced training courses at the ministry (department), advanced training courses at enterprises, scientific research and design and engineering organizations, higher and secondary vocational education institutions, institutes for advanced training and their branches);
    • type of document (certificate, identification);
    • The “Bases” column may be left blank, or it may indicate an order from the organization to send an employee for advanced training.

    Similarly, information about professional retraining is entered, indicating the specialty (direction, profession) in which the retraining is taking place.

    When filling out section. “Incentives and awards” it is necessary to indicate the types of incentives applied to the employee (both at the organizational level and at the level of ministries and departments), as well as list state awards.

    Vacation accounting

    In the "Vacation" section, records are kept of all types of vacations provided to the employee during the period of work in the organization. The basis for making entries are orders for granting leave.

    When filling out the vacation table based on an order, only the start date of the vacation is entered, while the end date is entered “de facto”, after the employee has actually returned from vacation. This is due to the fact that if an employee is called back from vacation or is interrupted, the “End Date” column will indicate the employee’s return to work date, and not the planned end date of the vacation as ordered.

    Leave without pay must be noted in the same table. It is taken into account when calculating the length of service that gives the right to annual basic paid leave, because according to Art. 121 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and it does not include the time of granting an employee unpaid leave lasting more than 7 calendar days.

    Similarly, the length of service giving the right to annual basic paid leave and the time of parental leave before the child reaches the legal age are not taken into account.

    In addition, according to Art. 121 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, from the length of service giving the right to annual basic paid leave, the time the employee is absent from work without good reasons, including due to his removal from work in cases provided for in Art. 76 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

    Below are possible types documents on the basis of which the HR department employee recalculates this length of service (according to Article 76 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

    Types of documents serving as the basis for recalculating length of service in case of suspension from work

    1 2
    Failure to pass in in the prescribed manner training and testing of knowledge and skills in the field of labor protection
    Failure to undergo mandatory preliminary or periodic medical examination in accordance with the established procedure Protocol and order of the inspectorate on the removal of an employee from work. Order from the manager regarding removal from work for this reason
    Identification, in accordance with a medical report, of contraindications for performing work stipulated by the employment contract Order from the manager regarding removal from work for this reason

    In the “Additional Information” section, for completeness of accounting, where necessary, indicate:

    • information about training in part-time (evening), correspondence, external departments of higher and secondary institutions vocational training(you should also enter the dates of receipt in educational institution and its endings):
    • information about a working disabled person indicating the MSEC certificate, the disability group and the date of its establishment (change), the cause of disability;
    • MSEC conclusion on the conditions and nature of work.

    After an employee’s dismissal from the organization, entries are made in section. XI “Grounds for dismissal”, which indicates a breakdown of the grounds for dismissal of the employee in accordance with the exact wording given in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the date of dismissal, and the number of the dismissal order.

    When closing the T-2 personal card, the HR employee puts his personal signature with its transcript and indication of the position. The employee himself signs in the same way. In this case, the employee’s signature confirms his agreement with all entries made in his personal card.

    Changing employee information

    When information about an employee changes, the corresponding data is entered into his personal card, which is certified by the signature of a specialist from the HR department, and if changes are made to section. “General information” and “Information on military registration”, then with the signature of the employee himself.

    Changes are made according to the same scheme as in the work book. Based on the first forms and during the implementation of an automated personnel accounting system in the USSR, the OST "Standard for automated personnel management systems" was developed. It outlined the basic rules for filling out a personal card. As stated in the OST, “when a last name is changed, the old one is crossed out and a new one is written in its place in accordance with the documents submitted to the personnel department.” Further, “all subsequent changes to the employee’s data (change of place of residence, etc.) are reflected in the personal card by an employee of the HR department.” Complete replacement a personal card is not advisable for the reason that in the future it will be difficult to restore the entire picture for this employee.

    As for changes in passport data and marital status, the same scheme can be used - with a strikethrough.

    V. MITROFANOVA, Ph.D. econ. Sciences, Director of the Center professional development"

    • Personnel records management and Labor law


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