Information technologies in agriculture. Latest technologies in agriculture

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Smart technologies are actively changing our reality. Production is moving towards advanced innovative solutions. Uber style farm, smart greenhouse, technology precision seeding and many other projects may be of interest not only to Russian, but also to foreign investors. Innovation in agriculture will help improve productivity. Here are the top 5 ideas that can change the ordinary idea of ​​agribusiness.

Uber style farm

An Uber-style farm is a chance to have a vegetable garden and harvest for everyone, but without having to worry about real gardening and tilling the land. The idea allows everyone to receive environmentally friendly vegetables and fruits at almost their cost, directly from the manufacturer through the Internet portal. A person gets access to an online calculator. With its help, you can calculate your need for products for the year. After confirming the order, the system selects the nearest gardeners who are ready to grow and provide products. At the same time, each person can monitor how the harvest ripens and is harvested. After harvesting, customers can receive it in any volume once a week or once a month.

Modern precision seeding technologies

For successful development of the plant, a certain distance between seeds must be maintained when planting. In agriculture, there are seeders that can handle approximately the distance, but they are too expensive for medium and small farmers. But today a design for a seeder has already been developed, which itself distributes the seeds in the garden bed at the distance required for this particular crop. This will make the most efficient use of seeds and soil.

"Smart" greenhouse

« A smart greenhouse is an innovative control system that itself controls temperature, lighting, prepares a nutrient solution for plants and controls watering. The most important thing is that everything is controlled from a smartphone or tablet with Internet access. The “smart” greenhouse works independently. The system makes it possible to conduct remote monitoring, analyze processes and predict yields.

Product to increase productivity

In modern conditions of agribusiness, increasing yields is the only way to save this business. The Plant Growth Regulator (PPR) "Leader+" is designed to solve this problem. Its uniqueness lies in its properties, the main one of which is increasing the intensity of photosynthesis in plants. None of the drugs registered in Russia has this property. In addition, the drug eliminates the possibility of winter crops freezing. When using it, not only quantitative but also qualitative characteristics increase. In wheat, the protein and gluten content increases, in oil crops - the oil yield, in grapes - the glucose content.

Craft Scanner sensors for monitoring tillage depth

The Craft Scanner module is a module with sensors that connect to the on-board computer of any agricultural vehicle that performs cultivation or sowing work. Then this sensor data is sent to servers, and automatically the data from the on-board computer will set the required depth, and the equipment will carry out work exactly at this depth. Craft Scanner can monitor the work of tractor drivers. This has an impact on plant growth. The Craft Scanner system is being tested, tested in the field and improved at the same time.

Smart technologies in agribusiness will be the main topic of an international event - Smart FarmingWorldSummitRussia 2017, which will take place on November 23-24 in Moscow. Depending on the field of activity, each summit participant will find interesting streams of technology application in key areas of the agro-industrial complex. Complete the “Registration” and gain global experience in using “smart” technologies in the agricultural sector within one event.

Please note that until September 30 you have the opportunity to take advantage of a special offer and purchase tickets to the summit at a reduced price.

Details of the program, as well as special offers of Smart Farming World Summit Russia 2017, are available by subscribing to the free analytical digest of the summit. To do this, leave your email address in the bottom field of the main page and click “Subscribe”.

Material overview

Material overview


In this research work, some work has been done to systematize and select materials on the topic “Innovation in Agriculture,” more specifically, how advances in science and technology can dramatically increase the efficiency of agricultural production.

I devoted two months to my research work. At the first stage of the research, materials were collected, visits to libraries, and Internet sites.

At the second stage it was studied specific material on this topic. Based on what we have learned theoretical material, a number of research works have been carried out.

It was important for me to study this topic, because I am getting a profession as a tractor driver in agricultural production and I am interested in how the achievements of science make it possible to raise agricultural new level.

The relevance of the research work is beyond doubt:

Problems of agricultural development are closely related to the general problems of the country’s socio-economic development:

1. Reduction in the rural population;

2. Low wages;

3. The backwardness of the material and technical base of agricultural enterprises and low labor productivity

4. Unfavourable conditions labor.

5. In the minds of young people, agriculture is unpromising.


Important strategic directions for the development of agriculture and the entire agro-industrial complex are scientific research progress and innovative processes that allow for the continuous renewal of production based on the development of science and technology.

Hypothesis: Agriculture is an area in which innovative ideas of young people can be implemented.

Object of study: the process of determining the features, directions and main stages of innovative activity in agriculture.

Subject of study: Ways to increase the efficiency and profitability of agricultural enterprises.

The purpose of my work: research on ways to improve the efficiency of agricultural production. Consider the main components of innovation activity.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to complete the following tasks:

1. Consider the main components of innovation activity, directions for the use of nanotechnologies in the agro-industrial complex;

2. Identify the main problems of agricultural development in Russia, the Perm Territory, the Komi-Permyak District, and the Yusvinsky District.

3. Determine profitable sectors of agricultural production.

4. Outline ways to solve the problem of labor resources in the agricultural sector.

5. Assess the possibilities for developing innovative forms of agriculture and attracting young people there.

Research methods:

1. Studying theoretical material from sources (magazines, literature, Internet resources).

2. Interview with employees of the agricultural production complex “Zarya FUTURE”.

3. Survey of the teacher of the subject "Technologies of mechanized work in agriculture."

4. Survey of masters industrial training.

An acute problem in domestic agriculture is the general technical and technological lag, which cannot be overcome without the introduction of information technology. The task of IT (information technology) services is not so much to automate the activities of the agricultural producer, but to provide the modern farmer with the latest tools and technologies that will allow him to raise the organization of production to a qualitatively new level.

There are three main directions for introducing innovations into the activities of agricultural enterprises:

1) innovations in the field of human factor - training of specialists capable of operating new technology, equipment and technologies, improving their skills, retraining;

2) innovations in the field of biological factors - the development and adoption of innovations that ensure increased fertility of agricultural lands, increased animal productivity and crop yields;

3) innovations in the field of man-made factors - ensure the improvement of the technical and technological potential of an agricultural enterprise.

1.1 Classification of innovations in agriculture

Classification sign

Type of innovation


New variety and hybrid of agricultural plants;

New breed, type of animals and birds;

Creation of plants and animals resistant to diseases and pests, adverse environmental factors.


Using a new type of technology or equipment.


New technology for processing agricultural crops;

New technology in livestock farming;

Science-based farming and livestock systems;

New resource-saving technology for the production and preservation of agricultural products.


The new kind fertilizers; - new plant protection products.


New form organization, planning and management;

New shape and mechanisms innovative development enterprises.


Providing favorable living and working conditions for the rural population.

Innovation in management

A new form of organization and motivation of work;

A new method of effective personnel management.


Entering a new market segment;

Improving product quality and expanding the range

new channels for product distribution.

1.2. The main directions of the use of nanotechnology in the agricultural sector.

Today, nanomaterials and nanotechnologies are used in almost all areas of agriculture:

    crop production,

    livestock farming;

    veterinary medicine, processing industry;

    production of agricultural machinery;

Particular attention in the development of agriculture is the use of new types of machinery and equipment.

In mechanization, a large number of drugs have been created based on nanomaterials to reduce friction and wear of parts, which extends the service life of tractors and other agricultural machinery.

Nanomaterials can play an irreplaceable role when used as various catalysts, for example, combustion catalysts for various types fuels, including biofuels, or catalysts for the hydrogenation of vegetable oils in the fat and oil industry.

Modern agribusiness can be profitable only if it uses the latest agricultural technology.

And this is not at all connected with the desire of special vehicle manufacturers to promote their products in any way. It's all about reality. If the equipment does not meet such stringent requirements as high performance, fuel efficiency, reliability and, of course, simple and inexpensive maintenance, then its use is unlikely to be economically feasible.

Another thing is the latest scientific and technical achievements in this area. New models of agricultural machines have incorporated most of the innovative solutions designed to precisely achieve the above requirements.

Russia has traditionally been one of the main buyers of agricultural machinery, so the world's largest manufacturers of this equipment annually present our farmers with their best models, covering the entire range of field work.

Of course, the most popular still remain: tractors and mini-tractors, combines and seeders, as well as loaders. True, the trend of recent years for domestic machine builders is not encouraging. They are not the flagships today. The leaders in the agricultural machinery market today are European and American companies, such as JCB (Great Britain), Case IH (USA), NewHolland (USA), KUHN (France), BEDNAR (Czech Republic), JOSKIN (Belgium), AGREX (Italy), etc.

1.3. Tractors

New agricultural equipment for 2013-14. At the beginning of 2014, the CASE IH Magnum 340 model is unrivaled. The main purpose of this tractor is to prepare the soil for sowing, as well as to perform transportation tasks. new agricultural machinery

The car is equipped with a 6-cylinder (total volume 8.7 l) 340-horsepower FPT Cursor 9 Tier II engine with a turbocharger. And, if you equip the device with the Power BOOST system, the engine can be boosted to 389 hp. With. The tractor's capabilities are also expanded by doubling the wheels. Thus, the machine’s maneuverability increases, the load is distributed more rationally, and it becomes possible to work in fields with different row spacings. The fuel reserve is 635 liters, the efficiency of which is controlled by the HighPressureCommonRail system. The maximum speed of the tractor reaches 40 km/h. Thanks to the two-speed PTO, most types of agricultural implements can be used with the machine.

American engineers paid special attention to the ergonomics of the machine and the safety of the driver. The Magnum 340's cabin is comfortable and spacious. Glazing allows the operator to have an all-round view. Also, at the customer’s request, the tractor can be equipped with additional control and accounting systems using a touch screen. Such a device will cost approximately 113-114 thousand euros.

1.4. Harvesters

New agricultural equipment for 2013-14. The latest models of combine harvesters are no less popular today. For example, ergonomic, efficient and high-performance grain harvesting machines are produced today by the American company NewHolland.

The CX8080 is a model of reliability and technical excellence. The know-how of the combine lies in the use of a unique gentle threshing scheme, which ensures the lowest level of losses, crushing and contamination and increases overall operating efficiency by 20%. The machine is equipped with a 354-horsepower IVECO CURSOR 9 engine, characterized by high fuel efficiency and a 25% increased torque reserve.

At all, this model combine, as well as the entire line of combines from this manufacturer, is capable of operating in any weather conditions without compromising quality. The engineers also took care of the driver’s comfort. The cabin is very comfortable, has excellent visibility and is even equipped with air conditioning. On the Russian market, the price for this device starts from 265 thousand euros.

1.5. Trailed units

New agricultural equipment for 2013-14.

One of the most popular types of agricultural implements for farming is sowing equipment. Among the new agricultural machinery this year, we note the mounted pneumatic row seeder PLANTER 3 from the French manufacturer KUHN.

Precise seeding at the same depth is ensured by electronic control devices. Depending on the configuration, these can be: HECTOR 3000, KMS 208, KMS 412 or KMD 112. The installation is equipped with sowing modules for various working conditions and almost all types of seeds. Hopper capacity: from 25 to 45 l. The seeder can also be used to apply fertilizers to the soil or treat the field with chemicals. By the way, thanks to the pneumatic method of operation, the mechanisms do not become clogged, which ensures high-quality non-stop operation. The cost starts from 48 thousand euros.

1.6. Loaders

New agricultural equipment for 2013-14. The FarmMasterAgri 426 front loader from JCB is the latest and only machine available today that can carry out agricultural work in the harshest conditions.

The loader produces little noise and is designed for use in fertilizer warehouses and granaries. Compact but very powerful thanks to the highly efficient, fuel-efficient Cummins engine (160 hp). The automatic transmission eliminates jerking, providing excellent pushing power even at low speeds. At the same time, the machine's hydraulic system responds quickly to work cycles.

The loader's load capacity is 5 tons. The maximum lifting height is 3.72 m. Price is from 67 thousand euros.

The Russian Federation is one of the largest markets for agricultural machinery. Hundreds of Russian factories produce high-quality and affordable agricultural equipment, which is in great demand among domestic farmers.

Russian machine-building enterprises create a wide range of equipment, ranging from grain and forage harvesters and energy-rich tractors, to high-precision, complex technical gadgets that are extremely necessary in the modern world.

It is quite obvious that today in Russia there is everything for the active introduction and promotion of innovative technologies both in the entire sphere of economic activity in general and in agriculture in particular. One of the promising innovations is nanotechnology, without which progress in agriculture is impossible. They are already being used on farms, in feed production, and in plant diagnostics.

Innovation is determined by many components, starting from the idea and ending with the mass production of innovative products. Each stage of successful development is both a question of financing and a question of rulemaking. And not only the state should be interested in the development of nanotechnology, but also private business in rural areas must first of all take the initiative.

Considering the particular importance of innovation and technological research, their impact on the development of the present and future agriculture of Russia, the need to increase investment in priority areas of modernization of agricultural production, it is necessary:

1) Develop a departmental strategy for organizing research work, focused primarily on the main scientific and technical goals, allowing for the rational distribution of resources and quickly achieving the planned indicators for the development of agricultural production.

2) Organize interaction and cooperation with numerous centers and laboratories, various organizations and institutions and, above all, with RUSNANO and its regional centers.

3) Create a specialized research and production center in the agricultural sector for coordination and information support of research on nanotechnologies and nanomaterials used in agriculture.

4) Review the personnel training system taking into account the implementation of priority areas of development of science and technology, including nanotechnologies and nanomaterials.

But in general, an intensified search for fundamentally new technologies is needed, based on reliable knowledge of the functioning of homeostatic mechanisms in living systems at various levels: from the cell to the biosphere. That is why the priority task of the current stage of development of agriculture in our country should be the introduction of the latest biophysically based agro-nanotechnologies into technological processes in the conditions of agricultural production.

Our country also produces tractors, cars and agricultural equipment. Russian manufacturers of agricultural machinery in all federal districts:

Far Eastern Federal District

Volga Federal District

Northwestern Federal District

Siberian Federal District

Ural federal district

Central Federal District

Southern Federal District

Amur Region CJSC Shimanovsky Machine-Building Plant "Kranspetsburmash"

Jewish Autonomous Region CJSC Birobidzhan Combine Harvester Plant

Republic of Bashkortostan RID, LLC

Kirov region Yaransky Mechanical Plant, JSC

Republic of Mari-El Mari Machine-Building Plant, OJSC (MMZ)

Republic of Mordovia MordovAgroMash, JSC

Republic of Tatarstan, AgroIdea, Kama Tractor Plant LLC

Udmurt Republic Agrotekhnika, LLC NPP

Kurgan region, Kurganselmash, JSC

Kurgan Machine-Building Plant of Conveyor Equipment, JSC.

1. The Altai Tractor Plant, despite all the problems, survived the most difficult times and maintained production, although in a slightly reduced volume. Its main direction is the production of crawler tractors for agriculture and logging. The line of agricultural tractors produces three models from 140 to 200 hp, and the latest new product is the T-501 tractor with Russian engine D-461-19 with a power of 200 hp. Production volumes are small, and in total the plant can produce about 500 units of special equipment per year. However, this is quite enough, since the market for crawler tractors is not that large.

2. “Kirovets K 9000” is a heavy tractor, which is produced in five versions and belongs to the 9th traction class. The machines in this series are equipped with all-wheel drive and have an articulated frame. Thanks to this, despite the very impressive external dimensions, the equipment boasts good cross-country ability and maneuverability.

3. In order to achieve a level of provision of agriculture and the agro-industrial complex in general with machinery and equipment that meets the standards, it is necessary to increase the existing fleet by 3 - 3.5 times. If we take into account that over the past 80 years, the area of ​​cultivated agricultural land has decreased by more than 30 million hectares and the area of ​​agricultural crops has decreased by almost a quarter, then the existing park, taking into account the restoration of abandoned farmland, should be increased by 5–6 times. To do this, it is necessary to supply the village with about 1 million tractors, 400 thousand grain harvesters and 150 thousand forage harvesters at a time. Almost complete restoration requires a fleet of machines for applying mineral and organic fertilizers, plant protection, mechanization labor-intensive processes in livestock farming and others.

To restore the vehicle fleet in the agro-industrial complex to regulatory requirements, at least 550 billion rubles are needed

Just to maintain the existing level of equipment supply to the agricultural sector, it is necessary to annually purchase it in the amount of at least 50 billion rubles.

In fact, over the past 7 years, only 22.6 billion rubles worth of equipment has been supplied. On average, this figure per year is 3 billion rubles, which is 16 times less than the minimum requirement.

Thus, the state of the material and technical base of the agro-industrial complex should be considered critical, requiring drastic measures to be taken at the highest level of government. However, for Lately no specific steps have been taken to comprehensively solve the problems facing the agro-industrial complex in this area.

Restoring agro-industrial production requires solving not individual issues, but a whole complex of problems that have arisen as a result of the policies pursued in the country.

Certain directions that can be taken in the near future in order to get out of the extremely difficult situation in agriculture that is dangerous for the existence of the state itself are:

Increasing the efficiency and impact of those insignificant budget funds that are allocated for state support of agricultural producers;

Return of debts to agricultural producers that were incurred due to the fault of the state;

Increasing the volume of the state leasing fund to 50–60 billion rubles. per year, with the obligatory direction of return funds for the supply of leased equipment;

Introduction of a 3–5% special turnover tax for the restoration of the country’s agriculture;

Organization of the issuance of a government loan on acceptable terms for the population for the revival of the Russian village;

Formation of a system of long-term interest-free lending to agricultural producers to increase the output of agricultural products and to restore the material and technical base.

The implementation of measures will make it possible to stop the destruction of the village, restore the technical equipment of agriculture and solve the problems of agricultural restoration.

If everything planned by the management of Rostselmash comes true by 2020, the holding will enter the top manufacturers not only in Russia, but also in the world. A huge number of items are already being produced, but for many agricultural producers, especially large ones, it is much more convenient to cooperate with one supplier. This has long been understood in the West, but in Russia two similar holdings are only now being created; Agromash will become Rostselmash’s competitor, but apparently the enterprises have some kind of unspoken agreement and it is already clear that their development priorities are different. Agromash is more aimed at low-power equipment and small producers, Rostselmash, on the contrary, relies on large and powerful machines that only medium and large enterprises can afford, but at the same time does not forget about low-power machines, which almost completely cover the entire line.

2. The main problems of agricultural development in the Komi-Permyak Okrug.

The Perm region, in which the Komi-Permyak district is located, has significant natural resources. The most important resource of the region's agro-industrial complex is land, especially agricultural land, the area of ​​which is more than 4 million hectares.

The area of ​​agricultural land in the Perm region is 2.4 million hectares, of which arable land is 1.7 million hectares. The region has significant reserves for involving land in agricultural circulation.

The basis of the economy of the Komi-Permyak district of the Perm region is forestry and agriculture.

Considering that big specific gravity Since the district's population lives in rural areas, special attention should be paid to the development of agriculture in the Komi-Permyak district.

Problems of agricultural development are closely related to the general problems of socio-economic development of the district.

1. Reduction in the rural population due to the general decrease in the population of the district.

2. Insufficient satisfaction of the needs of agricultural and forestry production, social sphere rural areas of the Komi-Permyak Okrug in qualified personnel. In 2012 alone, the number of employees in large and medium-sized organizations in the district decreased by 1,062 people, from 20,332 to 19,270 people.

3. Low level development of the district's agri-food market. A special problem here is the underdevelopment of the system for purchasing agricultural products from the rural population and small-scale producers. At the same time, more than 70% of agricultural products, raw materials and food in the Komi-Permyak Okrug are produced in peasant (farm) farms and personal subsidiary plots of citizens. The state of the agri-food market is associated with low entrepreneurial activity in the district. Here, per 1000 people there are about 30 registered small businesses versus 52 on average Perm region. In addition, the investment attractiveness of the territory is significantly lower than the regional average.

4. Low level of infrastructure development of the agro-industrial complex and agriculture of the district. The district does not have a full-fledged transport infrastructure, which makes it difficult to conduct agricultural and forestry production, carry out other economic activities, and provide access to social facilities for the rural population. Things are not going well in the Yusvinsky district either. This year, the Administration of the Yusvinsky Municipal District took part in the competitive selection. The application of the Yusvinsky municipal district included 11 business projects.

There are 4 agricultural enterprises on the territory of the Yusvinsky district.

Nearest: Agricultural production cooperative "Collective farm dawn of the future."

From an interview with Denis Aleksandrovich Botalov, chairman of the collective farm "Dawn of the Future" collective farm, we can conclude that the "Dawn of the Future" collective farm continues to function due to the labor of workers and subsidies from the state. The farm uses various equipment: MTZ-80, 82, T- 150, K-700, loaders, UAZ, GAZ -53, etc. Denis Aleksandrovich noted that he would like to update the vehicle fleet, since almost all the equipment is old.

Wishes of the chairman of the collective farm “Dawn of the Future” collective farm

1. Update equipment;

2. Opening of additional production.

From an interview with worker Dmitry Aleksandrovich Botalov (20 years of experience), conclusion:

1. Improve your financial situation;

2. Increase wages employees of agricultural enterprises;

3. Increase jobs.

At the agricultural technical school where I study, the technology is old. From an interview with industrial training master Maxim Ivanovich Istomin and special disciplines teacher Grigory Nikolaevich Petukhov, I learned what agricultural equipment we have in our educational institution: there is agricultural equipment for cultivating the soil, inter-row cultivation, for planting and harvesting potatoes, sowing grain crops, mowing grass, transport trailers for transporting goods, that is logistics The technical school base is not fully suitable for training tractor drivers - agricultural production operators (three cultivators, 1 seeder, 2 plows, hiller, MTZ-82, T-150). The last time we received new equipment was 10 years ago; there is not enough equipment for training, because... no funding.

In general, in Russia the problems lie in the prices of fuels and lubricants, low purchases of agricultural products, and low wages.

To improve the situation in agricultural production, from an interview with Grigory Nikolaevich, inexpensive, highly productive, modern equipment should be supplied.


Agricultural science in Russia has provided and continues to provide many effective scientific developments, the implementation of which in agro-industrial production allows us to raise it to a qualitatively new level. The degree of implementation of innovations by agricultural producers was and remains unacceptably low. Moreover, in the “repositories” of some organizations of agricultural science and scientific services a huge array of unique scientific developments is concentrated that are not in demand in agriculture. Over time, they lose their consumer properties, their parameters no longer meet modern requirements, and many of them cannot be implemented without modification. 1. Full name

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Qualitative improvement of production is carried out in the form of innovations, which form the basis of the investment process. Innovation is new way satisfying needs, giving an increase in beneficial effect and, as a rule, based on the achievements of science and technology.

Innovation (innovation) represents the final result of innovative activity, embodied in the form of a new or improved product introduced to the market, a new or improved technological process, a new approach to social services. Innovation activities- a system of measures to bring scientific and technical ideas, inventions, and developments to a result suitable for practical use. In full, innovative activities include all types of scientific research (fundamental and applied), design, technological, experimental developments, as well as measures to master innovations in production.

As a result of innovative activity, new products, technologies and forms of organization and production management appear. This is an important aspect of scientific and technological progress, one of the necessary conditions for the effective functioning of agricultural producers in a market economy.

Innovation activity is associated with bringing scientific and technical ideas and developments to implementation in specific products and technologies that are in demand in the market. Depending on technological parameters, innovations are divided into product and process. Getting a fundamentally new product is a product innovation. Process innovation is the development of new or significantly improved production methods, technologies, forms of organization and production management. According to the degree of novelty, innovations are divided into new for the industry and new for a given enterprise (group of enterprises). Depending on the depth of the changes introduced, radical (basic) innovations are distinguished, which implement major inventions and become the basis for the formation of new generations and directions of technology development; improving, usually implementing small and medium-sized inventions and prevailing in the phases of dissemination and stable development of the scientific and technological cycle; modification (private), aimed at partially improving outdated generations of equipment and technology.

Based on their role in the reproduction process, innovations can be consumer or investment. By scale, innovations are divided into complex (synthetic) and simple. The driving force for innovation is market competition. Due to the use of outdated technology and agricultural technologies enterprises suffer losses, so they are forced to reduce production costs through innovation. Enterprises that are the first to master effective innovations can reduce production costs and, therefore, strengthen their position in competition with enterprises offering similar products.

Innovative activity is a powerful lever with which to overcome the decline in production, ensure its structural restructuring, and saturate the market with a variety of competitive products. The transition to an innovative economic model means not only stabilization, but also a constant increase in the technical and technological level domestic production. The main directions of innovative activity in agriculture are: energy- and resource-saving technologies for production, storage and agricultural processing products; innovations that help fill the domestic market with cheap and high-quality food products; innovations that make it possible to increase the productivity, efficiency, maintainability of machinery and equipment, extend their service life, and increase productivity; training highly qualified personnel for the agro-industrial complex, taking into account the construction of an innovative economic model; measures to improve the environmental situation. The most important role in innovation activity belongs to the state. The state provides financing and selection of priorities in the innovation sphere, strategic planning, determining the list of goods and services that can be the subject of state orders, creating self-organization mechanisms in the innovation sphere, encouraging large capital for participation in innovation projects, examination and analysis of innovation projects. The necessary conditions innovation activity - monitoring, developed innovation infrastructure, facilitating the prompt delivery to producers of information on the results of scientific and technical activities, specific scientific recommendations on various aspects of agro-industrial production. Information and advisory services play a great role in this. Their importance is increasing sharply due to the reduction in the number of highly qualified specialists working directly in the agro-industrial complex.

The most important component innovation activity - research and development work. The result of innovative activity in the agro-industrial complex should be an increase in crop yields and animal productivity, labor productivity, a reduction in cost and material consumption per unit of production, an increase in profits, as well as a reduction in economic damage from environmental pollution. The economic efficiency of innovation activity is characterized by the ratio of the economic effect from the introduction of innovation to the costs that determined it. The effect can be represented by gross and net production, profit. The costs of innovation activities are understood as the totality of material and monetary resources spent to achieve the effect. When economically assessing innovative projects, indicators of comparative efficiency of capital investments are used. In a market economy, innovative activity should be aimed at creating competitive products, increasing the volume of their production and increasing the profitability of agriculture.

25. Agricultural intensification: concept and economic entity intensification

The development of agriculture is carried out in accordance with the objective economic laws of expanded reproduction. The growth of production volumes in agriculture can be achieved both by expanding land area and increasing the number of livestock, and by effective use means of production. In the first case, we are talking about an extensive path of industry development. The increase in production in this form of production is achieved through a quantitative increase in the means of labor involved in the production process. The extensive path of agricultural development is characterized by the expansion of land resources on the same technical basis without significant change techniques and production technologies. The extensive path does not have a broad prospect, since the amount of land is limited and cannot be significantly increased. The extensive development path does not ensure increased productivity of land. Consequently, with this path, the growth of agricultural production cannot be unlimited.

In turn, the intensive development path contributes to the continuous growth of agricultural crop yields and livestock productivity. This path allows for more efficient use of available resources, agricultural land, livestock and poultry. Achieving these goals can be achieved through the application of scientific and technological progress, effective use of land, material and labor resources. With the intensive path of development, there is a concentration of capital on the same unit of land area to increase production volumes per hectare of land.

New crop production technologies

This path of agricultural development provides unlimited opportunities to increase agricultural and livestock production. The intensive path of agricultural development does not exclude extensive production in certain periods or in certain regions of the country. The development of new lands in the vast territory of our country with its diversity in natural and economic regions is becoming an economic inevitability. It was dictated by the need to develop productive forces, more rational use of land resources, the interests of locating production and increasing agricultural production.

The term "intensity" means tension, increased activity. In relation to agriculture, an increase in intensity presupposes the active functioning of the main means in agriculture, namely land resources.

In an economic sense, agricultural intensification should be understood as the ever-increasing use of more advanced means of production, and sometimes skilled labor on the same land area in order to increase production and improve the efficiency of the industry as a whole. Intensification is an economic process in which there is an increase in costs per unit of area or head of livestock and an increase in the production of crop and livestock products is achieved, an improvement in their quality and a reduction in material and monetary costs for production and sales. The intensification of agriculture is based on continuous technical progress, the growth of high-performance machines, mineral fertilizers, land reclamation, the development of new high-yielding varieties of agricultural crops and highly productive breeds of animals. It represents an objective and natural process of agricultural development on an expanded basis. This is not a simple mechanical increase in the mass of provisions, but a further qualitative development of the productive forces of agriculture.

The main goal of agricultural intensification is to increase production and improve its quality to better meet the growing needs of the population. She plays important role in bringing together the material and cultural living conditions of the rural and urban population, it contributes to the transformation of agricultural labor into a type of industrial labor, bringing agriculture closer to the level of industry in terms of technical equipment and organization of production.

The acceleration of scientific and technological progress in agriculture leads to a change in the ratio of living and materialized labor to the production of a unit of output. At the same time, the share of materialized labor increases, the share of living labor decreases, and the total labor costs per 1 centner of output decreases. This reveals the economic essence of intensification as the most important direction for the development of agriculture in modern conditions.

Intensification as a process of development of agricultural production is possible and justified not only when production growth is carried out in more high proportions and size compared to an increase in additional investments, but also in the case when production grows to a significantly smaller extent than the increase in additional costs. A decrease in output with additional capital investments occurs only in cases where the level of technical equipment in agriculture remains unchanged.



Innovative technologies in crop production. Nanotechnology.

Modern nanotechnologies are of great interest in relation to grain as a strategic raw material and one of the key factors in the country's food security.
Pests of grain stocks cause enormous damage to crop production, reducing crop yields by an average of 30-35% with a significant deterioration in the quality of the resulting products.
For example, in the Novosibirsk region, which produces 3 million tons of grain per year, due to violations of grain processing and storage technology, losses from pathogenic microorganisms are at least 15%, which is comparable to the volume of wheat grain (300 thousand tons) necessary to provide bread population of this area.

In the microbiological research laboratory of SibUPK, together with the Siberian branch of the State Scientific Institution All-Russian Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, work was carried out to assess the effectiveness of the influence of various concentrations of silver and bismuth nanopreparations on phytopathogenic microflora and seed qualities of wheat grain. Using the example of the strain Vas. mesentericus (potato stick), as a representative of the microflora of grain and flour, it was found that silver nanobiocomposite reduces the amount of the causative agent of “potato disease” in bread by up to 44%, which has a positive effect on the quality of flour and baked bread.

One of the significant reserves for increasing the yield and quality of grain is phytosanitary optimization of the technology for cultivating grain crops, based on disinfection seed material from pathogens (about 75% fungal and more than 88% bacterial), which are transmitted en masse with planting material.
The Siberian branch of the State Scientific Institution VNIIZ together with the State Scientific Institution SibNIIRS of the Russian Agricultural Academy and IHTM SB RAS conducted comprehensive exploratory studies of the effect of bismuth and silver nanopreparations on the phytosanitary condition and sowing properties of spring wheat seeds in laboratory and field conditions. According to the results of experiments, the use of bismuth and silver nanopreparations had a positive effect on the sowing performance of spring wheat seeds of the Novosibirskaya 29 and Sibirskaya 12 varieties. Their germination and germination energy increased by 1.2-2.5 times, compared with the control and the use of imported disinfectants. The infection of seeds by phytopathogenic fungi when treated with bismuth nanopreparations decreased by 2.3-2.8 times, which was higher than when seeds were treated with a silver nanopreparation.
Optimal concentrations and consumption rates of a bismuth nano-preparation have been developed for pre-sowing treatment of spring wheat seeds.

Innovations in the agro-industrial complex

The drug is a colloidal solution of bismuth subcitrate in the form of nano-sized particles, which has a stimulating effect along with fungicidal and anti-stress properties and is safe for the environment.
Recommendations for the use of bismuth nanopreparations in agriculture for growing grain crops and storing grain have been approved. Bismuth-based nanopreparations are more economical than imported grain treaters with similar functions. Bismuth is also more than 20 times cheaper than silver.
The estimated annual economic effect from the use of bismuth nanopreparation, instead of imported disinfectants, for pre-sowing treatment of wheat seed grain in the amount of 250 thousand tons (for the Novosibirsk region) is determined at 50 million rubles. In this case, the expected increase in wheat grain yield can be at least 15-20%.

The research results were published several times (more than 10 times). A patent has been received for them and an application for another patent has been filed. Works on nanotechnology were exhibited twice at the International Nanotechnology Forum in Moscow.
Based on data from a comprehensive study of the effect of silver and bismuth nanopreparations on the phytosanitary condition of wheat seeds and on the productive performance of farm animals and poultry, the following conclusions can be drawn:
* a modern direction in the disinfection and storage of grain can be the use of nanopreparations based on bismuth and silver, which have a multifunctional effect, in particular, the ability to suppress pathogens, stimulate growth and increase plant resistance to stress factors;

* in the production of mixed feed, nanopreparations based on bismuth and silver are promising to be used within the established standards as therapeutic and prophylactic additives to prevent gastrointestinal diseases in farm animals and poultry, which will completely eliminate antibiotics;

* it is important to note the economic importance of the use of nanotechnology in the agro-industrial complex, ensuring an increase in agricultural production by 15-20% while significantly reducing material costs and preserving the environment. In this case, priority is given to the use of bismuth-based nanopreparations, as they are the most economically promising.

2. Basic tillage.

Tillage is understood as the mechanical impact on the soil by the working parts of tillage machines and implements in order to create optimal soil conditions for grown plants, destroy weeds, and protect the soil from erosion. Tillage is the main agrotechnical means of regulating soil regimes, the intensity of biological processes and, most importantly, maintaining a good phytosanitary condition of the soil and crops. By properly cultivating the soil, we increase the effective fertility and productivity of crops.
The main tasks of the tillage system in modern agriculture are the following:
creating a powerful cultivated arable layer, maintaining high effective fertility in it, favorable water-air, thermal and nutritional regimes for plants by changing its structure and structural state, periodically turning and mixing the soil layers;
complete destruction of growing weeds, pathogens and crop pests, reduction of potential infestations, improvement of the general phytosanitary situation in crop rotation fields;
increasing the erosion resistance of the soil and protecting it from erosion;
incorporation and uniform distribution of plant residues and fertilizers in the soil;
giving the best structure and structural condition to the seed layer of soil in order to place seeds at a specified depth, creating conditions for the highly productive use of tillage and harvesting machines.
Methods and techniques of soil cultivation.
For creating optimal conditions Plant life uses various methods and techniques of soil cultivation.
The method of tillage is the mechanical effect of the working bodies of tillage implements and machines on the density and location of genetic horizons of the cultivated soil layer of different quality in terms of fertility. There are moldboard, non-mouldboard, rotary and combined methods of tillage.
The moldboard method involves processing with moldboard implements with full or partial wrapping of the treated layer in order to change the location of layers or genetic soil horizons of different quality in the vertical direction in combination with loosening, mixing, cutting and incorporation of plant residues and fertilizers into the soil.
The non-moldboard method involves processing with non-moldboard tillage tools and machines without changing the location of layers and genetic horizons of different quality in terms of fertility for the purpose of loosening or compacting, cutting weeds and preserving plant residues on the soil surface.
The rotary method involves processing soil-cultivating tools and machines with rotating working bodies to eliminate the differentiation of the cultivated layer in terms of its density and fertility by actively crumbling and mixing soil, plant residues and fertilizers to form a homogeneous layer.
Combined methods include processing with combined and conventional tillage tools and machines, providing different combinations of horizons and layers, as well as the timing of implementation of moldboard, moldboardless and rotary methods of soil cultivation.
Tillage methods are used to increase the effective fertility and productivity of agricultural crops. At the same time, climatic conditions, soil type and degree of cultivation, and the requirements of cultivated crops are taken into account.
Tillage technique is a single mechanical impact on the soil by the working bodies of tillage machines and implements in one way or another to perform one or more technological operations to a certain depth.
Based on the depth of processing, there are basic, superficial and special processing soil.
Basic tillage refers to the deepest tillage of the soil, which significantly changes its composition for a specific crop rotation. The main processing includes plowing and deep loosening.
Surface tillage is the cultivation of the soil with various implements to a depth not exceeding 12... 14 cm. This includes peeling, cultivating, harrowing, rolling, flattening, and low-growing.
Special tillage is used in the presence of specific conditions for a specific purpose. Special processing techniques include multi-layer (tiered) processing using tiered plows, plantation plowing, slitting, and mole.
Basic tillage techniques
Plowing is carried out with plows with moldboards of different designs, which determines the dissimilarity in the composition of the technological operations performed and the quality of their implementation. Plows with screw moldboards cover the soil layer well, but crumble it poorly; on the contrary, plows with a cylindrical moldboard surface crumble the soil layer well, but do not turn it well.
If, during operation of the plow, the soil layer is completely turned around (by 180°), then they speak of plowing with rotation of the layer. When the soil layer is not completely tipped over and it is placed obliquely (at 135°) on its edge, we speak of plowing with the uplift of the layer.
However, better wrapping and crumbling of the soil layer, especially soil released from under perennial herbs, are achieved by plowing with a plow with a cultural moldboard and a skimmer installed in front of it. The skimmer removes 2/3 of the working width of the main body from the top layer of soil 8...10 cm thick, containing stubble, plant residues, harmful insects and phytopathogenic microorganisms, seeds and organs of vegetative regeneration of weeds, and dumps it to the bottom of the furrow. In order to properly cover and seal the top layer of soil, the main body must work deeper than the skimmer at least 10... 12 cm. It lifts the bottom layer, which is well structured and relatively free from harmful organisms, onto the dump, wraps it, crumbles it and completely sprinkles it with the previously discarded top layer layer. Such plowing with a plow with a cultural moldboard and a skimmer to a depth of at least 20...22 cm is called cultural, or classical, plowing. It is widely used as autumn (fall) plowing in various regions of Russia in fields where there is no real danger of erosion processes.
When plowing with moldboard plows, the soil layer falls off to the right. Therefore, if plowing of each paddock into which the field to be plowed is divided begins from the edges of the paddock, then a split furrow is formed in the middle, and this method is called waddling plowing. If plowing begins from the middle of the paddock, then a dump ridge is formed in the middle, and this method is called dump plowing.
For plowing, various moldboard plows are used (PLN-5-35, PTK-9-35, PVN-3-35, etc.). When using reversible plows, the field is not divided into paddocks, and neither collapse furrows nor fall ridges are formed on it. This type of plowing is called smooth plowing.
In areas subject to wind erosion, in order to preserve stubble and other plant residues on the surface, which protect the soil from being blown away and accumulate a large amount of moisture in the form of snow, so necessary in arid steppe regions, only loosening of the soil is carried out without wrapping it, which is called non-moldboard plowing . Such plowing to a depth of 27...30 cm or more, developed in the early 50s of the 20th century. Academician T. S. Maltsev, are widely used in Western and Eastern Siberia and the European part of Russia using previously moldless plows, and later flat cutters and subsoilers of various designs (KPE-3.8, KPP-2.2, KPG-2-150, CPG-250, VCO-4, paraplow type, etc.).
On fields with an unleveled surface and a large amount of slightly decomposed plant residues (annual plowing in one direction, the formation of hummocks, clumps of weeds) good results how basic processing provides milling. When milling tools (FNB-0.9, FN-1.25, KFG-3.6, etc.) work, the soil intensively crumbles to a depth of 10...20 cm and is thoroughly mixed, creating a homogeneous arable layer or just a seed layer at once , where crop seeds are sown.

3. Cultivation technology winter wheat VCentral Black Earth region

Full provision of plants with life factors and protection from harmful effects provides intensive technology, based on the use of optimal doses of fertilizers, the use of fractional nitrogen fertilizing, integrated crop protection, etc.

In modern crisis conditions, intensive technology for many farms is possible only on a small part of winter wheat crops in order to ensure production required quantity strong and valuable grain. In most cases, the technology for cultivating winter wheat on farms should be low-cost, energy- and resource-saving, environmentally friendly with a minimum amount of fertilizers and chemical crop protection agents.

Predecessors and place in crop rotation
The predecessors of winter grains in the Central Chernobyl Region are very diverse. Their ordered classification is given in Table 18.

Winter wheat is very demanding of its predecessors; the availability of moisture and nutrients in the soil at the time of sowing, the emergence and development of seedlings, the phytosanitary condition of crops, the yield and quality of grain depend on them. Winter crops in crop rotations are placed in clean, occupied, green manure fallows and non-fallow predecessors.

Pure steam is a repair field; it is good for adding lime, manure or compost, for killing weeds, etc. In areas with insufficient and unstable moisture, it is the most reliable predecessor. Fallow can provide better soil moisture, good seedlings and high yields even in dry conditions. In conditions of shortage of fertilizers and crop protection products, the role of clean vapor increases sharply. Their area can be up to 10% of arable land, especially in the steppe zone.

Busy and green manure (clover) fallows are important, clearing the soil 1.5-2 months or more before the start of sowing winter crops. The best fallow crops: clover, sainfoin or sweet clover for 1 cutting, winter rye, triticale, rapeseed and their mixtures with winter vetch for green fodder, vetch-oat or pea-oat mixtures, lupine or corn for green fodder, etc.

Non-steam predecessors are less reliable, especially in dry steppe regions. However, in moisture-rich conditions, it is possible to obtain fairly high yields after early harvesting. leguminous crops(peas, china, lentils, etc.), early potatoes, buckwheat, silage corn, etc. Worse than other predecessors are occupied stubble cereals.

Summer is the most important time of the year for those who live off the land, for farmers and summer residents. But before, they had to work in the field from morning to evening, without straightening their backs. Nowadays, most of even the most complex actions can be performed by electronics. And today we will tell you about the 5 best examples in the world modern technologies for agriculture.

"Smart" garden and vegetable garden Edyn

Every day, smartphones open up more and more new opportunities for us that were previously unimaginable in this context. For example, using mobile phone Now you can become a successful farmer without leaving your home. True, for this you will also need the Edyn smart garden system.

Edyn is a network of interconnected sensors powered by electricity from small built-in sensors. solar panels. These sensors can monitor a variety of agriculturally important data, such as soil and air temperature, precipitation levels and solar lighting, the amount of nutrients in the soil and even the condition of the plants.

All this data is processed by a computer and transmitted in real time to the user’s phone, so that he can use a special application to perform the necessary actions, for example, watering plants and fertilizing the soil. And for this, the modern farmer doesn’t even need to get off the couch.

Moreover, the Edyn smart gardening system can also give qualified advice on what actions need to be taken to ultimately obtain the maximum possible harvest. Edyn is connected to a cloud service that stores information about more than a hundred different plants and how to care for them.

Rosphere - a robot hamster to help agriculture

Engineers from the Polytechnic Institute of Madrid, who developed the robot with the name, gave it the nickname “hamster” for its small size, nimbleness and spherical shape, reminiscent of this rodent’s favorite toy. But, in fact, the device was not created to destroy farmers’ crops, but, on the contrary, to promote a good harvest in every possible way.

Rosphere is the “eyes” of the farmer. The spherical robot can autonomously move around gardens and vegetable gardens, controlling them. He does not care about the features of the relief and what kind of agricultural crop grows in the “entrusted territory.”

The Rosphere robot hamster, moving through the beds, collects information about the condition of plants and soil, the presence of pests and thieves, the ripeness of fruits and many other factors that can ultimately affect the harvest. The farmer can only monitor the latest information using a computer and take certain measures when necessary.

Advertising is the engine of trade, and modern technologies are the key to business success. This simple rule applies even to agriculture. After all, it would seem, why do cows need QR codes painted on their sides? So that their owners earn more money!

This simple idea came to the minds of farmers from Wales. They noticed that tourists passing by their property often stopped to take photographs of cows grazing in the fields. So why not make the cows act as a living advertisement for the products of this farm?

QR codes painted on the sides of these cows lead to the farm's website, where you can learn about the history of the enterprise, as well as the technologies that are used there. And lovers of “green” tourism can book on this page several days of rural holidays, far from the bustle of big cities.

However, in order to visit the farm, you don’t need to leave your home anywhere, because even in the smallest apartment you can plant your own vegetable garden, which will produce fresh vegetables all year round. We are talking about the Niwa system - a compact home farm controlled by a smartphone.

Niwa is a system independent of the external climate that can be installed both outdoors and indoors. Inside it, the best conditions for certain plants are artificially created.

At the same time, Niwa can be controlled using a smartphone or tablet. The mobile device user will regularly receive up-to-date information about his home garden, even being far from him. Using your phone, you can care for plants - water them and fertilize them, as well as change the light and humidity inside Niwa.
Incubed has developed a useful application for farmers, gardeners and gardeners called Plant Diagnostic Sample Submission. It allows you to fight pests - both insects and viral diseases plants.

If a farmer discovers a problem with the foliage of plants on his plot, he can take a photo of it on his phone and send the photo through the Plant Diagnostic Sample Submission application to a special expert center, where professionals will identify the pest and give advice on how to combat it.

Incubed invited scientists from the University of Illinois as experts. At first, the Plant Diagnostic Sample Submission application will work for free, but over time, farmers will either have to pay for each consultation or buy a subscription for a certain period - a month or a year.

Technical means to increase labor productivity, used in agriculture to mechanize operations and technological processes. For each type of work there are various types of equipment. Modern agricultural machinery for harvesting is divided into several types. Equipment for cultivating and preparing soil, equipment for directly caring for the crop, and equipment for collecting fodder products.

Modern agricultural machinery - classification and types of equipment

Pre-sowing tillage - machine and tractor units (plow, plough, roller, harrow). Sowing work - machine-tractor units (planting machines and seeders). Care of crops is carried out using such technical means as a hiller, crop thinner, weeder, pruning machines, etc. Watering and irrigation: long-distance rain machine, two-cantilever rain machine, stationary and vehicles on a vehicle chassis. Fertilizer application: subsurface and surface application, solid spreaders and liquid organic fertilizer spreaders. Harvesting equipment – ​​and machine and tractor equipment (row reaper, mower, etc.). Post-harvest processing of raw materials is carried out using grain cleaners, grain throwing machines and loaders. There is also technology for cultivating certain crops such as tea, flax, cotton, beets, grapes, hops, etc. Often, to service large fields, auxiliary equipment is used to provide water supply - canal diggers, sewer cleaners, drainage machines and machines for washing drainage systems.

Nowadays, physical labor is also made easier by the use of modern agricultural machinery with space navigation systems. Which make it possible to carry out high-quality plowing, divided into two groups: autopilot systems and parallel driving systems. In the latter case, a GPS navigator (Global Positioning System) is installed on the tractor, which allows you to monitor deviations from the trajectory of movement on the plowed object. The autopilot system allows the worker to spend less effort and pay more attention to the technological process itself and its quality. This is accomplished by installing an electro-hydraulic automatic control system on the tractor, in which the tractor driver participates in the control process only when turning. Such devices allow you to reduce the cost of working time, fuel used, mineral fertilizers and plant protection products.

Operation of modern agricultural machinery

The use of modern agricultural machinery refers to precision farming. Since the distribution of light, moisture and other factors affecting the yield is not uniform within one field, plants in different areas should be cared for differently. The challenge of precision agriculture lies precisely in this: by using navigation devices and satellite imagery of the site, more accurate crop planning, financial planning, and optimization of fertilization or spraying become possible.

In agriculture, small aircraft are often used for spraying and spraying pest control products. This processing method has a number of advantages over conventional land-based methods: increased productivity, which includes a reduction in processing time for large areas. The use of small aircraft makes it possible to feed crops late without damaging the plants, unlike ground-based devices. Pest control is more effective. Thus, using such technical means it is possible to significantly improve the quality of crops produced. There are also a number of disadvantages, such as dependence on weather conditions, the possibility of drugs getting into neighboring crops and high cost.

Modern agricultural machinery is an indispensable assistant in the agricultural industry

Manual labor when processing large sowing areas has long been outdated; moreover, many technical means have undergone a number of updates, and new types of equipment have appeared. The hard work of workers becomes easier with the passage of time. Machines sometimes replace an entire team of workers, and the latest technologies make it possible to analyze territorial, climatic and economic features without assistance large quantity experts. Nowadays, data received from satellites provides a complete overview of all areas, which facilitates the selection of technical means and other necessary calculations. Farming methods are changing rapidly, making it possible to improve the quality of products. In the modern world, technical means and machine production are simply necessary in all sectors of consumption due to the ever-growing appetites of the population, and here modern agricultural machinery comes to the rescue.

Agriculture provides people with many aspects of life, and its development is an integral part of progress. The life activity of mankind, its numbers and successful development largely depend on the process of modernization of agriculture, therefore the introduction the latest devices and mechanisms is a natural process.


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