Coronary heart disease diet 10 menu. Menu with recipes for Sunday

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Diet No. 10 provides a balanced diet in the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system, hypertension, atherosclerosis and other diseases.

Indications for dietary table No. 10

Diet No. 10 is used in the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system with mild circulatory disorders, hypertension, coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis of the arteries of the heart, cerebral and peripheral vessels.

Diet goal number 10

The goal of diet No. 10 is to provide patients with adequate nutrition while simultaneously creating the most favorable conditions for normalizing and improving blood circulation.

General characteristics of dietary table No. 10

Diet No. 10 fully satisfies a person’s physiological needs for nutrients and energy while limiting the consumption of salt and liquids. The caloric content of the diet is normal, increased consumption of vitamins, minerals, and plant fiber is provided.
The diet involves limiting and eliminating foods and dishes that have a stimulating or irritating effect on the nervous and cardiovascular systems, as well as on the kidneys (extractives, essential oils, spicy, salty, tonic, alcoholic drinks).
Food is prepared steamed, boiled or baked without salt. Salt is given to the patient in the amount of 3-4 g.
Diet No. 10 provides for fractional meals 4-6 times a day. The last meal is 2-3 hours before bedtime.

Chemical composition and energy value of dietary table No. 10

Proteins: 85-90 g (including 45 g animal proteins).
Fats: 70-80 g (including at least 30 g of vegetable fats).
Carbohydrates: 300-350 g.
Daily calorie content: 2,200 - 2,400 kcal.
Free liquid: 1.5-2 l.
Salt: 6-8 years
Vitamins: retinol (A) - 0.3 mg, riboflavin (B2) - 2.5 mg, thiamine (B1) - 1.7 mg, nicotinic acid (B3) - 22 mg, ascorbic acid (C) - 150 mg.
Macronutrients: sodium - 2.6 g, potassium - 4.2 g, calcium - 1 g, phosphorus - 1.8 g.
Microelements: iron - 6 mg.
Optimal food temperature: from 15 to 65 degrees Celsius.

Bread: wheat (including salt-free) grades 1 and 2, yesterday's or dried, wheat crackers, savory cookies and savory pastries.
Soups: vegetarian soups (with vegetables, cereals, fruit, borscht, beetroot soup), milk soups. Normally, soups are served in 1/2 servings; in case of severe swelling, they are excluded.
Meat dishes: lean beef, veal, lamb, pork, as well as chicken, turkey, chicken, rabbit, boiled or baked after boiling - in pieces, chopped.
Fish dishes: low-fat varieties of fish, boiled in pieces, chopped, baked; Boiled seafood is recommended.
Side dishes: cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat, semolina) in the form of porridges, casseroles, puddings, etc.; Any vegetables raw, boiled, baked are recommended; pasta (preferably diabetic) and buckwheat noodles are allowed; in case of obesity, everything except vegetables is limited.
Dairy products: milk, fermented milk products, cottage cheese and dishes made from them; sour cream in small quantities in dishes; mild low-fat cheese.
Eggs: no more than 5 eggs per week, soft-boiled or in the form of a steamed protein omelet.
Snacks: aspic, doctor's sausage, salads from fresh and boiled vegetables, vegetable caviar and canned vegetables, mild low-fat cheeses, greens.
Sauces: vegetable (including tomato), dairy, sour cream, fruit.
Sweet dishes: any fresh fruits and berries; sugar (up to 50 g), honey, jam, mousses, jellies, dried fruits.
Beverages: weak tea and coffee with and without milk, coffee substitutes, fruit, berry and milk jellies, rosehip decoction, fresh juices, mineral water as agreed with the doctor.
Fats: fresh vegetable oil; fresh unsalted butter - limited.

Excluded foods and dishes of the diet table No. 10

You should exclude from the diet all fried, salty and spicy foods, flour products made from premium wheat flour, baked goods, fatty meat, poultry and fish, lard, liver, cooking fats, strong meat, fish and mushroom broths, salted fish, smoked meats, sausages, fatty cheeses, pickles, canned food, marinades, hot seasonings, sauces, herbs and spices, sauerkraut, chocolate, cocoa, grapes. Alcoholic drinks are also excluded.

Sample diet menu No. 10

First breakfast: pureed buckwheat porridge with milk, soft-boiled egg, tea with milk.
Lunch: boiled meat, fresh apple.
Dinner: soup with barley and potatoes, beef stroganoff, stewed carrots, milk jelly.
Afternoon snack: rosehip decoction, soaked dried fruits (dried apricots, prunes).
Dinner: cottage cheese, stewed beets with apple, milk.
For the night: curdled milk.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system require the most careful treatment. We need constant supportive therapy, and, of course, proper nutrition. The “Table 10” diet was developed precisely for these purposes. The medical diet “Table 10” according to Pevzner is enriched with elements necessary for the body in such diseases, and, at the same time, completely excludes foods that can cause harm. Next we will talk about indications, recommendations, and you will also find a menu for a week of the “Table No. 10” diet according to Pevzner.


Various diseases of the cardiovascular system caused by circulatory failure

It is forbidden: meat, fish and mushroom broths, adding legumes.

Bread and pastries

Bread made from first and second grade flour, dietary baked goods, dry cookies and biscuits

It is forbidden: pancakes, pancakes, fresh baked goods, muffins, puff pastry products

Meat, poultry, fish

Diet 10 according to Pevzner allows lean varieties of meat, poultry and fish, with a limitation - doctor's sausage and frankfurters. The meat must be boiled, and then baked or fried

It is forbidden: fatty meats, offal, any sausages except doctor's sausage, smoked meats, canned food, fish caviar, salted and smoked fish.


Table 10 according to Pevzner includes milk, fermented milk drinks, cottage cheese and dishes made from it. Sour cream and cream with restrictions. Low-fat cheese is allowed.

It is forbidden: fatty, spicy and salty cheeses


Dietary table 10 according to Pevzner allows only one egg per day.

It is forbidden: hard-boiled eggs or scrambled eggs


They can be almost anything, porridges are allowed, both with milk and water, and cereals. You can have pasta.

It is forbidden: legumes


It is best to consume them boiled, stewed or baked. In raw - less often.

It is forbidden: all pickles, pickled preserves and pickled vegetables, as well as spinach, radishes, radishes, sorrel, garlic, onions and mushrooms

Important! Any fruit is allowed, except varieties containing coarse fiber


Honey, jam, jams, jellies, marshmallows, marshmallows - all this is possible

It is forbidden: chocolate and cream products


Weak tea and coffee drinks, fruit and vegetable juices, decoctions and fruit drinks are allowed

It is forbidden: coffee, cocoa, grape juice


As we have already said, the weekly menu for the “10 table” diet is designed taking into account all the needs of the body. You can download it in .doc format by clicking on the button below.


The menu for week 10 of the Pevzner diet may include the following dishes:

Vegetable gravy

  • Bulb
  • Carrot
  • Tomato
  • bell pepper
  • 200 ml water
  • Salt to taste
  • Tomato paste
  • Half a tablespoon of flour

Be sure to read about, learn all the subtleties of nutrition for digestive diseases.

Finely chop the onion and grate the carrots on a fine grater. Sauté in olive oil for 5 minutes. Take a saucepan, bring 200 ml of water to a boil and add the roast. Cut the peeled tomato and bell pepper into cubes, then put them in a pan with frying. Reduce heat and simmer vegetables for about 10 minutes. Add a tablespoon of tomato paste and flour so that there are no lumps. Simmer for another 5 minutes, turn off and let it brew.

Vegetarian pilaf

  • Bulb
  • Carrot
  • Tomato
  • Olive oil
  • A glass of long grain rice
  • Two glasses of water

Finely chop the onion, grate the carrots on a fine grater. Sauté the vegetables for five minutes, then add the peeled and finely chopped tomato. Fry for another 3 minutes, add washed rice, heat with vegetables, add salt and add water. Reduce the heat and simmer for 15 minutes, then turn off the stove and leave for another 15 minutes without opening the lid.

Curd pudding

  • Pack of cottage cheese
  • 40 grams semolina
  • 100 ml very hot water two eggs
  • Melted butter (40 g)
  • 2 tablespoons sugar

Pour hot water over semolina and leave to swell. Separate the whites from the yolks, grind the yolks with sugar and cottage cheese. Add butter. Drain the liquid from the semolina and also add it to the mixture. Beat the whites until stiff and carefully fold into the dough. Place the dough in the mold and place in an oven preheated to 250 degrees for half an hour.


If you adhere to this diet, you can achieve the following results:

  • Blood circulation improves
  • The function of the kidneys, liver and cardiovascular system is normalized
  • Metabolism is normalized

Table No. 10 or therapeutic nutrition, developed by the outstanding nutritionist M.I. Pevzner is prescribed to patients suffering from pathologies of the cardiovascular system with circulatory failure of the I and II degrees. Dietary nutrition helps normalize metabolism, eliminate tissue swelling, normalize heart rate and improve general condition and well-being.

From this article you will learn for which diseases the hypocholesterol diet is used, what products can be consumed and which ones are better to avoid, and also become familiar with the basic principles and features of table number 10.

The main goal of the diet is to limit the consumption of easily digestible carbohydrates and fats of animal origin, as well as table salt, free liquid and products with a high concentration of cholesterol. Doctors prescribe a therapeutic diet for people suffering from:

  • circulatory failure;
  • hypertension;
  • rheumatism;
  • heart defects;
  • kidney pathologies without impaired excretory function.

Like any other diet, table number 10 according to Pevzner implies the exclusion of certain products from the diet. It is very important to take this into account when creating a menu, otherwise all efforts to “help the body” will be in vain.

  • fried, smoked, salty, spicy dishes;
  • culinary fats, in particular margarine, meat fats, lard;
  • salted caviar;
  • fast food;
  • natural coffee;
  • cocoa;
  • strong and rich broths;
  • mustard, horseradish, pepper;
  • confectionery, chocolate;
  • unprocessed fruits with coarse dietary fiber;
  • hot and spicy snacks;
  • mushrooms;
  • sour vegetables;
  • pickles;
  • baking, muffins;
  • pancakes, pancakes;
  • salty and fatty cheeses;
  • fat cottage cheese;
  • cream;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • lemonade;
  • sweet sodas;
  • puff pastry products;
  • offal;
  • legumes

People with heart and vascular diseases are allowed to consume: cereals (all types of cereals, with the exception of semolina), low-fat dairy products, dried fruits (in limited quantities), jam, jelly, marmalade, honey, marshmallows, marshmallows, compotes, jelly, mousses, green tea, sea buckthorn and rosehip decoction, herbal infusions, fruits, except those with plant fibers, leafy greens, dill, parsley, green onions, peas and cabbage (in limited quantities), eggs, salt-free dried bread, biscuits cookies, unsalted natural and ghee butter (in small quantities), vegetable oils (linseed, nut, soybean, sesame, sunflower, corn, pumpkin, lean sea and river fish, lean meats (turkey, chicken).

Eating exclusively healthy foods, along with taking medications and maintaining a healthy and moderately active lifestyle, helps to normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system and improve general condition and well-being.

Based on the list of permitted and prohibited products, you can create a menu for each day of the week or think about it in the evening.

Table for the week

You shouldn’t panic as soon as you hear from your doctor: “You should stick to a diet.” Diet does not mean that you have to eat only “grass”, and tasteless ones at that. Everything will depend on your imagination. Fish, meat, dairy products, vegetables and fruits - all this can and should be in your diet. The main thing is to forget about fatty varieties.

We offer you a table or sample menu for each day of the week. Eat according to it or come up with your own menu – it’s up to you. The main thing is not to introduce prohibited products.

Day of the week Morning meal First snack Lunch meal Second snack Evening meal Late dinner
Monday Milk millet, steam omelette, herbal infusion. Pear and apple baked with honey. Borscht cooked in lean broth, zucchini puree with boiled turkey, raspberry jelly. Rice pudding. Cottage cheese and jam casserole with low-fat sour cream, pike fillet in milk sauce, rosehip broth. Chicory and biscuits.
Tuesday Buckwheat porridge, curd pudding, green tea. Fruit puree. Lenten cabbage soup, steamed meatballs, stewed cabbage, weak black tea. Compote. Salad with seaweed, chicken meatballs, boiled potatoes, berry tea. Curdled milk.
Wednesday Soft-boiled egg, sandwich (day-old bread with butter, green tea. Apple. Vegetarian pearl barley soup, boiled pollock, compote. Rosehip infusion, unsalted cheese. Milk vermicelli soup, tea. Kefir.
Thursday Steamed omelette. Pear. Vegetable soup, boiled beef, stewed cabbage, berry juice. Berry jelly. Fish cutlets, rice, low fat cottage cheese. Ryazhenka.
Friday Milk rice porridge, green tea. Orange. Lenten borscht, baked cod with boiled potatoes, compote. Rosehip infusion. Barley with chicken fillet, vegetable salad, tea. Kefir.
Saturday Cottage cheese casserole, boiled egg, chicory. Oatmeal jelly. Vegetarian soup, steamed chicken fillet cutlet, berry juice. Orange. Low-fat cottage cheese, fish meatballs, herbal tea. Ryazhenka.
Sunday Milk vermicelli soup, curd dessert, berry tea. Apple pie (unsweetened) without crust. Beetroot soup, chopped beef, millet, stewed cabbage, green tea. Apple. Fish baked with vegetables, compote. Kefir.

Features of table No. 10 for circulatory problems

A feature of diet number 10 is the limitation of consumed fats and carbohydrates, salt, liquids and products that stimulate the cardiovascular system and central nervous system: strong tea, coffee, chocolate, as well as irritating kidneys and liver: spicy, fried and fatty foods. The diet is saturated with foods that have an alkalizing effect on the body: vegetables, seafood, fruits.

Just like any other therapeutic or preventive diet, hypocholesterol diet has its own characteristics.

  1. You need to eat food at least six times a day. In this case, the last meal should be at least three hours before bedtime.
  2. Meals should be small but frequent; long intervals are not recommended.
  3. The energy value of consumed products should not exceed 2600 kcal.
  4. You should consume no more than 90 g of protein, 70 g of fat, 400 g of carbohydrates, 8 g of salt per day.
  5. It is allowed to eat only boiled, baked, stewed and steamed foods.
  6. You should drink 1.2 liters of liquid per day.

Varieties of table

Depending on the pathology of the cardiovascular system, there are several types of therapeutic nutrition. Let's look at them in more detail.

  1. Table 10A. Assigned to the second and third degrees. The emphasis is on minimizing the calorie content of products, as well as reducing the consumption of table salt and liquids. Allowed and prohibited products are the same as in the general table 10. The only thing is that with therapeutic nutrition 10a it is necessary to reduce the consumption of bread to 150 grams per day, the portion of the first course should either be 200 ml or be completely excluded. You cannot eat millet, barley and pearl barley porridge. The consumption of cheeses is contraindicated.
  2. Table 10B. Prescribed to people (without circulatory problems). It involves introducing protein products into the diet and limiting fats and carbohydrates.
  3. Table 10c. Recommended for people with atherosclerosis, ischemic heart disease, and hypertension. It consists of limiting the consumption of salt and fat. The diet is enriched with vitamin C, B, magnesium and potassium salts.
  4. Table 10g. Prescribed to people suffering from essential arterial hypertension. The diet provides for the introduction into the diet of products rich in vitamin C, riboflavin, thiamine, and vitamin P.

Dish recipes

Sticking to a diet doesn't mean you have to eat tasteless food. All that is required of you is to limit or, if necessary, eliminate the consumption of prohibited products. Prepare new dishes, experiment. You won’t notice how this image and diet will become the main one. Here are some recipes for delicious and healthy dishes.

Carrot Rice Soup Recipe

You will need: broth - 1.5 liters (not strong), rice - 1 glass, carrots - 4 pcs., lemon juice, vegetable oil. Rinse the rice thoroughly and simmer it. Don't forget to stir constantly.

Place the rice in a saucepan and pour in the broth. After the broth boils, cover it with a lid and cook for a quarter of an hour (until the rice is ready). Next, add the carrots and boil for another 10 minutes. Then add a little lemon juice and low-fat sour cream.

Recipe for eggplants with nuts

To prepare the dish you will need the following ingredients: eggplant - 1 kg, celery, vegetable oil, milk, walnuts, cilantro. Wash the eggplants, cut lengthwise, but not all the way through, squeeze and simmer a little.

Place them on a tray and wait to cool. While the eggplants are cooling, prepare the filling. Chop the nuts, mix them with milk, dry cilantro and celery. Fill the eggplants with the prepared mixture through the slits. Leave for a quarter of an hour to soak.

Diet salad recipe

Take bell pepper - 300 g, fresh cucumbers - 2 pcs, crab meat - package, canned corn - 200 grams, parsley and vegetable oil.

Wash the peppers, remove the seeds and cut into cubes. Next, cut the cucumbers into strips and the crab meat into cubes.

Place the ingredients in a deep bowl, add corn, parsley, butter and mix thoroughly.

Pineapple salad

Take fresh cucumbers - 300 g, one onion, vegetable oil, vinegar, sugar and 1 pineapple. Chop the cucumbers and pineapple into strips and the onion into cubes.

Mix the ingredients, then add sugar and season the salad with oil and vinegar.

Apple-curd mass with honey

Take a couple of apples, 100 g of cottage cheese and a tablespoon of honey. Peel the fruit, remove the core, and then grate it on a fine grater. Mix the apple mixture with cottage cheese and grind until smooth. Add honey and mix thoroughly.

Diet therapy for CVS pathologies is one of the integral components of treatment. Proper balanced nutrition along with medication and a healthy lifestyle - all this helps to normalize heart function and improve general condition and well-being.

Hypertonic disease– persistent chronic increase in blood pressure. It is considered one of the most common diseases in the world. About 30% of the adult population of the planet suffers from this disease. Normal blood pressure is considered to be 120/80 mm Hg. Art. Values ​​above 140/90 mmHg. Art. already indicate the presence of hypertension. There are 3 degrees of severity of this disease:
  • 1st degree (mild) – 140-159/90-99 mm Hg. Art.;
  • 2nd degree (moderate) – 160-179/100-109 mm Hg. Art.;
  • 3rd degree (severe) – above 180/above 110 mmHg. Art.
The most common factors that cause increased blood pressure are genetic predisposition, excess weight, diabetes, smoking and alcohol abuse, a diet high in fat or salt, and certain heart, vascular or kidney diseases. Hypertension can also develop in people who are often in stressful situations or in pregnant women.

Regardless of the cause, with a sharp increase in blood pressure, people usually complain of headache (especially in the back of the head), tinnitus, blurred vision, weakness, shortness of breath, and pain in the heart. In some people, hypertension is asymptomatic. However, a seemingly harmless disease is dangerous due to complications such as heart failure, kidney damage, neurological diseases, rupture of blood vessels with subsequent hemorrhage in various organs and tissues, etc. Therefore, it is very important to monitor your blood pressure and keep them within normal limits . Diet in this case is a faithful assistant to drug treatment:

  • For mild arterial hypertension, diet No. 10 is prescribed;
  • For moderate and severe hypertension, it is recommended to switch to diet No. 10 A;
  • If hypertension develops against the background of atherosclerosis, then diet No. 10 C is prescribed.
Atherosclerosis- a chronic vascular disease caused by an imbalance of lipids in the blood, manifested by the deposition of fatty plaques on the inside of the walls of blood vessels. Increasing in size, these plaques eventually grow into connective tissue and close the lumen of the vessel, leading to serious disturbances in blood circulation. In developed countries, atherosclerosis is one of the main causes of mortality, so this disease poses a serious danger to the world's population.

Atherosclerosis is usually caused by an unhealthy diet containing large amounts of unhealthy fats, especially in combination with a sedentary lifestyle and excess body weight. Other risk factors include hereditary predisposition, diabetes mellitus, diseases that disrupt fat metabolism in the body, smoking, hypertension, stress, etc.

Manifestations of atherosclerosis are quite varied. They depend on in which vessel the fatty deposits have formed. When the vessels of the limbs are blocked, symptoms such as pain, impaired sensitivity and motor activity, the formation of trophic ulcers, and, finally, death of the limb appear. The most dangerous damage is to the blood vessels of the heart, brain or other vital organs. They lead to serious dysfunction of these organs and more often than others end in death.

Diet for atherosclerosis is a key factor in the treatment of this disease. It is aimed at normalizing the level of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, slowing the progression of the disease and mitigating its manifestations.

Myocardial infarction– death of an area of ​​the heart muscle caused by insufficient blood supply to the tissues in this area. Lack of blood circulation is most often caused by the closure of the vascular lumen, resulting from thrombosis, embolism, spasm or atherosclerosis. Myocardial infarction is caused by obesity, smoking and alcohol abuse, hypertension, a diet high in fat, increased levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, constant stress and many other factors.

The most common manifestation of a myocardial infarction is acute pain in the heart area, which can extend into the jaw, left arm, left shoulder blade, or down the left side of the body. Many people may also experience shortness of breath, extreme anxiety or fear, dizziness, or weakness before an attack.
Treatment of patients who have suffered a myocardial infarction is often very difficult and always complex. The diet in this case is followed strictly according to the recommendations, since its main goal is to create the most favorable conditions for the healing of the heart muscle and restore the functional capacity of the heart. For each period of illness, there is a specific diet option No. 10 I:

  • Option 1 – acute period of myocardial infarction (first week);
  • Option 2 – subacute period of myocardial infarction (2 and 3 weeks);
  • Option 3 – scarring period (starting from 4 weeks).

What is the purpose of this diet?

  • Limiting intake of unhealthy fats and table salt– one of the most common causes of cardiovascular diseases is a diet containing excess harmful fats or salt. An increase in the level of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood can provoke the development of diseases such as atherosclerosis, hypertension, etc. At the first signs of these diseases, it is necessary to limit the consumption of fatty and salty foods and enrich your diet with foods rich in fiber and polyunsaturated fatty acids.
  • Food rich in vitamins and microelements- the diet of patients with various cardiovascular disorders should be enriched with vitamins that normalize metabolism, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and balance the content of lipids in the blood. You should also increase your intake of magnesium, iodine, manganese and cobalt ions. They have a positive effect on the metabolism of fats in the body and also reduce cholesterol levels in the blood.
  • Limiting the energy value of the diet– Obesity is one of the most common risk factors for developing cardiovascular diseases. Overweight people are more likely than others to suffer from hypertension, atherosclerosis or heart failure. Therefore, it is very important to monitor your weight and keep it within normal limits. Limiting your caloric intake helps you lose weight, which will significantly ease the load on the heart muscle and also reduce the risk of developing atherosclerosis.

Diet in numbers

Index Diet No. 10 Diet No. 10 A Diet No. 10 I Diet No. 10 C
Squirrels 70g 60g 40-90g 90-100g
Fats 60g 50g 30-70g 70-80g
Carbohydrates 400g 300g 200-350g 300-350g
Liquid 1.2l Up to 1 liter 0.8-1.2l 1l
Salt 5-7g Exclude 1.5-5g (in products) 3.5-5g
Calorie content 2300 kcal 1900 kcal 1230-2200 kcal 2200 kcal

Meal schedule

When following diet No. 10, it is recommended to follow a split diet, in which food is consumed in equal portions 5-6 times a day. The first meal should not be too heavy, and the last meal should be taken 2-3 hours before bedtime. You should not drink too much free fluid per day, as this puts additional stress on the heart.

Overeating, abuse of salt or fatty foods are strictly contraindicated! You should also not use a large amount of hot spices. Carbonated or alcoholic drinks are excluded from the diet. It is recommended to enrich the diet with vitamins and microelements.

Soups: For all subgroups of the diet, soups based on weak vegetable broth with pureed vegetables or egg flakes are allowed. When following diet No. 10 C, fruit, dairy and cereal soups are added to vegetable soups. If you follow diet No. 10, soups can be seasoned with sour cream, citric acid, and herbs.

For diet No. 10, the daily serving of soup is 250-400g. For option 1 of diet No. 10 AND the daily portion does not exceed 200g, for options 2 and 3 it is about 300g.

When following diet No. 10 A, soups are excluded from the diet.

Soups with meat, fish or mushroom broth, pickles, cabbage soup, soups with the addition of legumes.

Meat and fish dishes: Only lean varieties of beef, veal, poultry (chicken, turkey) and fish (pike perch, cod) are allowed. It is advisable to boil or bake the meat, in pieces or chopped. Before cooking, meat must be cleaned of fascia, tendons, skin and layers of fat.
If you follow diet No. 10 AND, it is better to prepare dishes using minced meat or fish (steamed cutlets, dumplings, meatballs), the daily portion of meat in this case does not exceed 60g.
Excludes: any fatty meats, poultry (goose, duck) or fish, offal (brains, liver, kidneys), smoked meats, canned meat and fish, salted fish, caviar, sausages. It is also not recommended to eat fried meat dishes.

Flour products: For all subgroups of the diet, coarse, day-baked or dried wheat bread, as well as crackers from it, are allowed. If you follow diets No. 10 or No. 10 C, you can add crispy bread, dry unsweetened cookies and unsweetened pastries with the addition of cottage cheese, meat or fish.
The daily portion of bread products when following diet No. 10 I is 50g for option 1, 100g for option 2 and 250g for option 3.
It is important that all flour products are prepared without adding salt!
Excludes: any products made from butter and puff pastry, pancakes, pancakes, biscuits, pies, sweet pastries. You should also avoid eating fresh bread or cookies.

Vegetables and fruits: We recommend any dishes made from cabbage, beets and carrots (boiled, pureed, pureed), as well as ripe fruits and berries, raw, baked, pureed or pureed. If you follow diets No. 10, No. 10 A and No. 10 C, the consumption of cucumbers, zucchini, potatoes, green peas, tomatoes, and pumpkin is also allowed.
Excludes: any other vegetables and fruits (especially with coarse fiber: radish, radish, spinach, sorrel), canned vegetables, pickled, salted or pickled vegetables, grapes, mushrooms, onions, garlic.

Cereals: oatmeal, buckwheat, semolina, rice and millet cereals are recommended in the form of mashed porridges, prepared without adding salt in water or milk.
If you follow diets No. 10 and No. 10 A, you are also allowed to eat pasta dishes in limited quantities. Cereal dishes can be prepared in the form of casseroles, soufflés or crumbly porridges.
When following diet No. 10 C, it is advisable to exclude rice and semolina from the diet.
The daily portion of cereal dishes for diet No. 10 I is: option 1 – 100g, option 2 – 150g and option 3 – 200g.
Excludes: flour and pasta, legumes, barley and pearl barley.

Eggs and dairy products: It is advisable to consume up to 2-3 eggs per week in the form of a baked protein omelet or soft-boiled. Dairy products allowed are milk, low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, acidophilus, low-fat and unsalted cheeses. Sour cream is allowed only as a seasoning for dishes.
Excludes: full-fat cottage cheese, cream and sour cream, fatty or salty cheeses, fried or hard-boiled eggs, egg yolk.

Sweet dishes: For diseases of the cardiovascular system, it is advisable to limit the consumption of sweets as much as possible, especially those containing fatty creams or ice cream. Various desserts made from fruits and berries (jelly, mousse, jelly, compote) are recommended. Honey, jam, non-chocolate candies, and marshmallows are allowed in limited quantities. The amount of sugar consumed should not exceed 50g per day.
Excludes: chocolate, cream desserts, ice cream, sweet pastries, cakes, pastries.

Sauces, spices, herbs: cooked with vegetable broth or dairy. Fruit and suitable sauces are allowed. Vanillin, cinnamon, and citric acid are also allowed.
For option 1 of diet No. 10, both sauces and spices should be excluded from the diet.
If you follow diets No. 10 and No. 10 A, in addition to those listed, sour cream and tomato sauces, onion gravy, bay leaves and herbs are also allowed.

Any sauces based on meat, fish or mushroom broth, fatty, spicy or salty sauces, horseradish, garlic, mustard, mayonnaise, pepper, salt.

Beverages: weak tea or coffee, you can add milk, vegetable and fruit juices, a decoction of rosehip and wheat bran, limited kvass.
When following diet No. 10 I, weak tea with lemon, coffee drinks, rosehip decoction, carrot and beet juice, as well as prune infusion are allowed.
Excludes: sweet, carbonated or alcoholic drinks, strong tea or coffee, cocoa, grape juice.

First breakfast: to choose from:
Diet No. 10 Diet No. 10 A Diet No. 10 I Diet No. 10 C
Soft-boiled egg Milk pureed oatmeal porridge Puree buckwheat porridge Vinaigrette with vegetable oil
Milk oatmeal Protein omelet Mashed cottage cheese Protein omelet with meat
Protein steam omelette Puree rice with milk Steamed egg white omelette Loose buckwheat porridge with milk
Vegetable casserole Fruit puree Milk rice porridge Curd pudding with fruits
Low-fat cottage cheese with fruits Low-fat yogurt with berries Semolina porridge with fruit puree Oatmeal with dried fruits

Liquid: tea with lemon, coffee with milk, fruit juice.

Lunch: to choose from:

Diet No. 10 Diet No. 10 A Diet No. 10 I Diet No. 10 C
Baked apple Rose hip decoction Applesauce Fresh cabbage salad with apples
Cracker Fruit juice Rusks with rosehip decoction Salad with seaweed
Rose hip decoction Cottage cheese with milk Curd paste Fresh fruits
Skim cheese Baked apple Fruit juice Baked apple
Fresh fruits Wheat bran decoction Prune infusion Cottage cheese with milk

Dinner: first to choose from:
Diet No. 10 Diet No. 10 A Diet No. 10 I Diet No. 10 C
Vegetarian pearl barley soup

Soups are excluded from the diet

Vegetable broth with protein flakes Barley soup with vegetables
Vermicelli soup Vegetarian soup Vegetarian borscht
Cereal soup with chopped vegetables Puree carrot soup Beetroot
Milk soup with rice cereal Oatmeal soup with chopped vegetables Fruit soup
Vegetarian borscht Milk soup with semolina Potato soup with rice cereal


To choose from:

Diet No. 10 Diet No. 10 A Diet No. 10 I Diet No. 10 C
Mashed potatoes with meatballs Boiled chicken Vegetarian cabbage soup with boiled meat
Baked potatoes with chicken cutlets Carrot and potato casserole with fish fillet Carrot puree with boiled meat Steam cutlets with vegetable garnish
Baked vegetables with meat soufflé Boiled vegetables with baked fish Baked chicken with vegetable side dish Stewed carrots with meatballs
Green pea puree with boiled fish Vegetable salad with meat cutlets Mashed potatoes with meat soufflé Buckwheat porridge with boiled fish
Stewed cabbage with meat cutlets Vegetable stew with fish quenelles Stewed beets with fish cutlets Vegetable casserole with chicken fillet

Dessert to choose from:
Diet No. 10 Diet No. 10 A Diet No. 10 I Diet No. 10 C
Dried fruits compote Berry jelly Blackcurrant jelly Fruit jelly
Apple juice Marshmallow Lemon mousse Fresh apple
Orange jelly Marmalade Fruit salad Fruit compote
Berry mousse Fruit jelly Fresh fruits Berry mousse
Raspberry soufflé Gooseberry jam Apricot jelly Strawberry jam

Afternoon snack: to choose from:
Diet No. 10 Diet No. 10 A Diet No. 10 I Diet No. 10 C
Rose hip decoction Soaked dried fruits Mashed cottage cheese Rose hip decoction
Fruit juice Baked apple Grated carrots Wheat bran decoction
Crispbread Apricot compote Fruit salad Dry, savory bun with fruit juice
Fresh apple Fresh fruits Fresh apple Rusks with tea
Fruit salad Cottage cheese with fruit puree Rose hip decoction Cottage cheese with dried fruits

Dinner: to choose from:
Diet No. 10 Diet No. 10 A Diet No. 10 I Diet No. 10 C
Boiled potatoes with fish quenelles Baked vegetables with pike perch fillet Vegetable puree with boiled fish Semolina casserole with jellied fish
Vegetable casserole with boiled meat Potato casserole with minced fish Crumbly buckwheat porridge with baked meat Pilaf with fruits
Carrot puree with fish cutlets Vegetable salad with chicken cutlets Mashed potatoes with meat cutlets Vegetable salad with vegetable oil and meat soufflé
Friable buckwheat porridge with chicken zrazy Krupenik with boiled fish Carrot puree with fish balls Stewed beets and carrots with fish cutlets
Rice with vegetables Pilaf with fruits Rice porridge with fish soufflé Protein omelet with zucchini and minced meat

Liquid: fruit juice, tea with milk, rosehip decoction.
Before bedtime: a glass of kefir, rosehip decoction.

Successful treatment and prevention of diseases requires more than just taking medications and revising your lifestyle. An important aspect of therapy is proper nutrition. It should take into account the peculiarities of the functioning of organs in the presence of pathology, not overload the body and help improve the general condition.
At the same time, a person must receive the required amount of calories and nutrients. Otherwise, the disorders will progress and new health problems will join them.

Professor gastroenterologist and nutritionist Pevzner developed a system of 15 treatment tables, each of which describes in detail the characteristics of food intake for the most basic and common diseases. They are also divided into subgroups, taking into account the severity of each pathological process.

Lapushanskaya Victoria Vadimovna

Therapist of the first category.

Articles written

Diet number 10 provides therapeutic nutrition in the presence of cardiovascular problems. It allows you to reduce the load on the heart muscle, increase the outflow of fluid from the body in the presence of edema, reduce the intake of “bad” cholesterol and normalize its metabolism. At the same time, such nutrition allows you to fully supply the organs with the substances necessary for life and provide the tissues with a sufficient amount of energy. Despite certain restrictions, the patient’s diet remains balanced and complete.

This diet for hypertension, coronary artery disease and hypercholesterolemia is aimed at obtaining the following results:

  • minimizing disruption of metabolic processes;
  • slowing the progression of atherosclerosis;
  • lowering cholesterol levels;
  • weight loss with concomitant obesity;
  • ensuring normal functioning without overloading the heart, blood vessels, kidneys and liver.

Important! In fact, table number 10 is the diet of hypertensive patients and people with lipid metabolism disorders.

Who is shown table number 10

Diet restrictions according to the rules of diet table 10 are necessary for the following deviations and diseases:

  • vascular atherosclerosis;
  • the appearance of vascular plaques (with high cholesterol);
  • myocardial ischemia (with angina pectoris, heart attack and post-infarction atherosclerosis);
  • high blood pressure due to atherosclerosis (hypertension).

Principles of diet

The basic principles of constructing a dietary table are:

  • Reducing the consumption of animal fat and replacing it with vegetable oils, which contain large amounts of omega-3 and 9 fatty acids. We suggest you read, in which the ratio of omega-3,6 and 9-acids is considered the best for the body.


  • Limiting easily digestible carbohydrates.
  • Eating foods high in elements (magnesium, calcium and potassium), as well as vitamins and antioxidants.
  • Maintaining the level of protein food consumed within the physiological norm.
  • Cooking by boiling or steaming with limited salt and liquid (in the presence of edema). Grinding of products with a high content of coarse fibers.
  • Use exclusively vegetable infusions for first courses.
  • Limiting the intake of extractives (non-protein compounds from animal muscle tissue obtained by boiling).
  • Mandatory consumption of foods to enhance fat metabolism, high in cellulose and pectin. Many vegetables and fruits have these qualities.
  • Keeping food at normal temperature.
  • Divide your meal regimen into small portions and eat five to six times a day.


Calorie reduction due to fats and easily digestible carbohydrates is based on a person’s body weight; the higher it is, the more restrictions are required in food products that contribute to obesity. Therefore, within diet No. 10, two options are offered.

First option

The amount of carbohydrates should be between 350 and 400 grams (which is equal to 50 grams of sugar). Proteins from 90 to 100 g, half of them are of animal origin. Fats are approximately 80 grams, but 40% should be vegetable fats. The total amount of calories used per day with such a diet is 2,600-2,700 kcal.

Option two

Recommended if you are obese. Carbohydrates are supposed to be 300 grams, fats - 70 grams, liquids (excluding those in dishes) up to 1.2 liters. Salts up to 10 gr. The calorie content of the daily diet in this case is 2,200 kcal.

Types of diet according to Pevzner

Within the limits of nutritional restriction according to table 10, there are several varieties that take into account the presence of certain pathologies.

Diet 10 a

It is recommended for persons with heart and vascular problems, which are accompanied by severe insufficiency (II–III degrees). Nutritional features are aimed at maximizing myocardial unloading in conditions of decompensation.

The diet differs from the main diet by reducing calorie content. This is done by eliminating bread (only crackers are used) and reducing the daily amount of protein, fat and sugars, and salt. At the same time, the intake of potassium and calcium increases. We suggest reading, and, which contain a lot of potassium.

In this case, dishes are prepared without salt, the food is chopped or pureed. Serve to the patient 6 times a day, in small portions. The use of liquid (water) is reduced to 600-800 ml.

Diet 10 b

Shown when available rheumatism without pronounced activity and in the stage of attenuation of the acute process and the absence of heart failure. The nutritional features of diet 10b are the increased content of animal protein (at least 60 g and 60 g of vegetable protein), 300 g of carbohydrates, 100 g of fat. A reduction in the amount of salt and a complete set of vitamins are shown. The menu should include raw vegetables, and you should drink at least 1.5 liters of liquid.

Diet 10 s

Indications - pronounced atherosclerotic process with damage to the brain, heart, peripheral vessels, aorta and high blood pressure. This lipid-lowering diet is aimed at inhibiting the progression of atherosclerosis, restoring fat and other metabolic processes.

In this case, the amount of protein does not change; the intake of animal fats, simple carbohydrates and salt is limited as much as possible (no more than 4 g/day). The amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids, fiber, and substances that accelerate the breakdown of lipids (lecithin, choline and others) increases.

The intake of free liquid and stimulating drinks (coffee, black strong tea) is subject to restrictions. It is recommended to place seafood with a high iodine content (shrimp, squid, seaweed, mussels) on the table. We suggest you read the article. You should eat 4-5 times a day, portions should be small. Last meal no later than 2 hours before night's rest. Do not use hot or cold foods. The bread on the table should only be made from second-grade flour, bran and rye. Pastries and sweets, as well as egg yolks, are prohibited.

Diet 10 r

The indication for it is rheumatoid arthritis. Nutrition should be complete and provide the body with all the substances it needs. It is important that the composition of amino acids is carefully balanced. The ratio of animal and vegetable fats in this case is 1 to 2. The level of consumption of easily digestible carbohydrates should be reduced and the amount of table salt should be reduced to 2-3 g / day, free liquid - to 1 liter.

Diet 10 g

Used to improve condition for hypertension of unknown origin(essential). The daily amount of salt should not exceed 2 grams; be sure to use plant foods and seafood in the menu. In case of hypertension, it is necessary to maximally enrich the body with vitamins B, PP, ascorbic acid, magnesium and potassium.

Diet 10 and

Used for people survivors of acute myocardial infarction. Aimed at restoring the muscle fibers of the heart, improving general blood circulation, and normalizing the functioning of the digestive organs.

The patient's diet is reduced in calorie content, salt is eliminated, and fluid intake is minimized. Dishes in the acute and subacute stages are served only in semi-liquid form. In the first two days, only drinks are given, up to 7 times a day, no more than 50 ml in the form of weak tea, rosehip decoction or dried fruits. Then food intake is up to 7-8 times, by the end of the second week you can switch to unprocessed dishes, bread is added, drinking is increased to 1 liter.

Cholesterol-rich foods, sweet and fatty dough, milk and beans (cause flatulence) and substances that excite the nervous system and can cause rapid heartbeat (caffeine) are prohibited.

Grocery list

As with any therapeutic diet, this diet includes a number of permitted and prohibited foods. There are also dishes that are recommended to be limited in consumption.

Authorized Products

Here is a list of foods in the table that you can eat on this diet.

Products BJU Kcal per 100 g.
Vegetables, greens
tomato 0,6 / 0,2 / 4,2 20
eggplant 1,2 / 0,1 / 4,5 24
carrot 1,3 / 0,1 / 6,9 32
onion 1,4 / 0 / 10,4 41
cucumber 0,8 / 0,1 / 2,8 15
Bell pepper 1,3 / 0 / 5,3 27
cabbage 1,8 / 0,1 / 4,7 27
greenery 2,6 / 0,4 / 5,2 36
Fruits and berries
orange 0,9 / 0,2 / 8,1 36
grapefruit 0,7 / 0,2 / 6,5 29
lemon 0,9 / 0,1 / 3 16
mandarin 0,8 / 0,2 / 7,5 33
apple 0,4 / 0,4 / 9,8 47
pear 0,4 / 0,3 / 10,9 42
peach 0,9 / 0,1 / 11,3 46
gooseberry 0,7 / 0,2 / 12 43
black currant 1 / 0,4 / 7,3 44
Nuts, seeds, dried fruits
sesame 19,4 / 48,7 / 12,2 565
flax hay 18,3 / 42,2 / 28,9 534
sunflower hay 20,7 / 52,9 / 3,4 578
cashew 25,7 / 54,1 / 13,2 643
buckwheat 12,6 / 3,3 / 62,1 313
oatmeal (cereal) 12,3 / 6,1 / 59,5 342
millet 11,5 / 3,3 / 69,3 348
barley 10,4 / 1,3 / 66,3 324
rye 6,6 / 1,2 / 34,2 165
biscuits 8,7 / 8,8 / 70,9 400
honey 0,8 / 0 / 81,5 329
low fat milk 2,0 / 0,1 / 4,8 31
natural 2% yogurt 4,3 / 2 / 6,2 60
low fat cottage cheese 18 / 0,6 / 1,8 88
Meat products and meat
beef 18,9 / 19,4 / 0 187
rabbit 21 / 8 / 0 156
chicken (fillet) 23,1 / 1,2 / 0 110
turkey 19,2 / 0,7 / 0 84
boiled sausage 12,1 / 13,5 / 0 170
Seafood and fish
fish 18,5 / 4,9 / 0 136
squid 21,2 / 2,8 / 2 122
seaweed 0,8 / 5,1 / 0 49
creamy 0,5 / 82,5 / 0,8 748
sunflower 0 / 99,8 / 0 899
flaxseed and olive 0 / 99,8 / 0 898

You can drink grape juice and eat legumes in limited quantities, as these foods provoke flatulence.

Water and green tea are allowed as drinks; the protein, fat and carbohydrate content in them is zero.

Prohibited Products

Prohibited foods on diet table No. 10.

Products BJU Kcal per 100 g.
Vegetables and greens
beans 9,1 / 1,6 / 27 168
conservation 1,5 / 0,2 / 5,5 30
sauerkraut 1,8 / 0,1 / 4,4 19
pickle 0,8 / 0,1 / 1,7 11
radish 1,2 / 0,1 / 3,4 19
black radish 1,9 / 0,2 / 6,7 35
spinach 2,9 / 0,3 / 2,0 22
sorrel 1,5 / 0,3 / 2,9 19
Berries and fruits
banana 1.5 / 0,2 / 21,8 95
grape 0,6 / 0,2 / 16,8 65
mushrooms 3,5 / 2 / 2,5 30
Dried fruits
raisin 2,9 / 0,6 / 66 264
candies 2,7-10 / 0-45,05 / 33,4-98 340-580
shortbread dough 6,5 / 21,6 / 49,9 403
ice cream 3,7 / 6,9 / 22,1 189
chocolate 5,4 / 35,3 / 56,5 544
Dairy products
milk 2,8-3,1 / 3,6-4,5 / 4,7 62-72
cream 2,8 / 20 / 3,7 205
cheese 24,1 / 29,5 / 0,3 363
cottage cheese (18%) 14 / 18 / 2,8 232
Meat and meat products
pork 16 / 21,6 / 0 259
salo 2,4 / 89 / 0 797
smoked sausage 9,9 / 63,2 / 0,3 608
sausages and sausages 10,1-13,3 / 31,6-25,3 / 1,9-0 332-277
smoked chicken 27,5 / 8,2 / 0 184
duck 16,5 / 61,2 / 0 346
goose 16,1 / 33,3 / 0 364
salty 19,2 / 2 / 0 190
smoked 26,8 / 9,9 / 0 196
Red caviar 32 / 15 / 0 263
black caviar 28 / 9,7 / 0 203
mayonnaise 2,4 / 67 / 3,9 627
Fat (animal)
0 / 99,7 / 0 897
instant coffee) 15,0 / 3,5 / 0 94
black tea 20 / 5,1 / 6,9 152

With such a diet, it is strictly forbidden to consume offal. Broths are prepared only with vegetables; meat broths are also prohibited. Bread should be purchased salt-free, made from any type of flour, and stale baked goods.

It is best to make toast or crackers from it. Cookies should be made from soft dough and without excess sugar and salt.

Sample menu for the week


  • Breakfast: Buckwheat porridge with milk, steamed omelette, green tea, toast with jam.
  • Lunch: cottage cheese casserole, jelly with fruit.
  • Dinner: borscht in vegetable broth, boiled chicken fillet, rice porridge with vegetables, apple puree.
  • Dinner: boiled fish, pasta, vegetable salad, compote.
  • Before bedtime: kefir.


  • Breakfast: m Boiled Yaso, Vinaigrette, Tea.
  • Lunch: vegetable stew, cookies, fruit juice.
  • Dinner: squash soup, chicken cutlets, vegetable puree, jelly.
  • Dinner: fish meatballs, boiled potato pieces, cookies, vegetable juice.
  • Before bedtime: yogurt.


  • Breakfast: milk noodles, cottage cheese with sour cream, toast with jam, coffee drink.
  • Lunch: potato zrazy, rosehip decoction.
  • Dinner: soup with vegetables and herbs, boiled dietary meat, rice porridge, carrot salad with vegetable oil.
  • Dinner: fish cutlets, mashed potatoes, beet salad, tea with milk.
  • Before bedtime: kefir.


  • Breakfast: rice porridge with milk, one boiled soft-boiled egg, green tea, biscuits.
  • Lunch: pumpkin and carrot soufflé, a piece of toast with jam, vegetable juice.
  • Dinner: vegetable broth with dumplings, stewed meat and vegetables, rosehip broth.
  • Dinner: fish meatballs, boiled potatoes, jelly.
  • Before bedtime: curdled milk.


  • Breakfast: millet porridge with milk, steamed omelette with vegetables, coffee drink with chicory.
  • Lunch: baked apple, fruit juice.
  • Dinner: noodle soup with vegetable broth, steamed cutlets, stewed vegetables, compote.
  • Dinner: baked fish, mashed potatoes, cookies, tea with milk.
  • Before bedtime: yogurt.


  • Breakfast: rice porridge with butter, cottage cheese with jam, weak tea.
  • Lunch: zrazy with meat, compote.
  • Dinner: vegetable soup, cabbage rolls with meat, jelly.
  • Dinner: cod in milk sauce, schnitzel with cabbage, tea with milk, biscuits.
  • Before bedtime: yogurt with prunes.


  • Breakfast: oatmeal porridge, vinaigrette, tea with milk.
  • Lunch: boiled chicken breast, vegetable salad, grain bread, rosehip infusion.
  • Dinner: cabbage soup in vegetable broth, beef stroganoff, vermicelli, compote.
  • Dinner: boiled fish, rice porridge, vegetable juice.
  • Before bedtime: apple.


Here are recipes for dishes that can be prepared for heart and vascular disease. They will help diversify the menu for every day and allow the body to receive all the substances necessary for life.

First course

First, the lipid-lowering diet allows the use of any vegetarian soup. To prepare one of them, take carrots (20 grams per serving), cut them into cubes and place in boiling water (400 ml). Next comes the potatoes (130 g), they are boiled until soft. Then add green peas (30 g), cucumber (60 g), a couple of green salad leaves. Before removing from heat, add tomato puree (a tablespoon for two servings) and bay leaf to the soup.


Second courses

For the second course you can prepare meat soufflé. To do this, grind 50 grams of boiled beef through a fine meat grinder or beat with a blender until smooth. Mix two large spoons of milk with a small spoon of flour (we get a white sauce and add to the meat). Then add the sura yolk and pre-beaten white. Pre-grease the pan with oil and steam.


Suitable for the second one too fish baked in foil Cleaned silver carp (300 g) needs to be salted a little and left in this form for two hours. At this time, take one carrot, a medium onion, a small eggplant, 2-3 potatoes, peel and cut them. A sheet of foil is greased with vegetable oil (refined sunflower or olive oil is best), vegetables are laid out on it, and fish meat is placed on top. The foil is wrapped and the dish is baked for 45 minutes at 200 degrees in a thick-walled frying pan.


For dessert, it allows you to cook. To do this, take several ripe apples, cut them and remove the core. Put some honey and walnuts there and bake at 200 degrees for 20 minutes. Filling with cottage cheese and pomegranate seeds is also suitable. We suggest reading which are rich in pectin.

We invite you to watch a video about diet for cardiovascular diseases from Ekaterina Belova, nutritionist, chief physician of the “Nutrition Palette” center for personal dietetics.

Table 10 for concomitant diseases

It is very rare to meet a person with cardiovascular pathology and high cholesterol without concomitant diseases. In this case, the diet is compiled individually, taking into account all deviations and contains more restrictions.

For diabetes

Diabetes has its own diet, which requires limiting easily digestible sugars. If a person with heart problems and high cholesterol levels has impaired glucose absorption, then the list of prohibited foods expands. Here is what such a patient should not eat:

  • any jam, honey, sweets, cookies;
  • yogurt and other dairy products with sugar;
  • milk soups;
  • rice, pasta, semolina.

Potatoes and any drinks with milk are subject to restrictions. Herbal infusions and tea are best drunk with sugar substitutes. Just as with diet 10, it is preferable to steam, boil, and sometimes bake dishes.

For ascites (fluid in the abdominal cavity)

Ascites is a type of edema when the excretion of fluid is impaired and it accumulates in the abdominal cavity. This pathology is not considered a separate disease, but is a syndrome of other ailments. It usually develops against the background of liver or heart failure in the last stage.

What can you eat in this case? Diet 10 does not contradict the recommendations that nutritionists give to people with ascites. The main condition is the maximum limitation of table salt (no more than five grams), since it promotes water retention. The total calorie content per day should be no less than 2,300 and no more than 2,700 kcal. Protein accounts for 90 g/day, carbohydrates up to 250 g/day, fats up to 70 g.

With diffuse changes in the pancreas

Such abnormalities in the gland usually occur against the background of chronic pancreatitis. If, simultaneously with these disorders, heart problems are noted, then most of the products approved for use in table 10 are also suitable for pancreatic pathology.

But the medical diet during exacerbation of inflammation also has its own characteristics:

  • It is preferable to cook dietary meat dishes in chopped form (schnitzels, cabbage rolls, steamed cutlets) in order to relieve the digestive organs as much as possible;
  • You should eat small portions every three hours, chewing your food thoroughly;
  • exclude vegetables with a lot of coarse fibers;
  • the temperature of the food should be moderate (hot and cold cannot be consumed);
  • fruits should be chosen only sweet and ripe;
  • It is advisable to chop the vegetables or serve them boiled.

Important! At the time of the most acute stage of pancreatitis, you should observe fasting, and only after a day or two gradually switch to dietary nutrition.


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