Ivan Kupala - signs and customs for everyone. Ivan Kupala holiday

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One of the most romantic, mysterious folk holidays is, undoubtedly, Ivan Kupala. Whose holiday, traditions and customs of this day are - this will be discussed further.

They began to celebrate it back in hoary pagan antiquity. U Eastern Slavs it fell on June 24. But after the introduction Gregorian calendar The date has shifted to July 7. Celebrations and rituals of Midsummer necessarily include three main components: fire, water and herbs.

Ivan Kupala and Christianity

The history of the origin of the holiday of Ivan Kupala tells that after the baptism of Rus', the celebration coincided with church holiday Birth of John the Baptist (Ivan the Baptist). The first part is associated with him modern name Ivana Kupala. The second part, according to some researchers, bears the name of the pagan deity of fruits and flowers, Kupala. But others argue that there was no such god in the Slavic pantheon, and the name “Kupala” is associated with the rituals performed on this day.

The history of the holiday of Ivan Kupala contains information that such a double name arose during the period when the church tried to completely replace the pagan holiday with a Christian one. The priests had an extremely negative attitude towards the festivities and fortune telling that took place on this day. They constantly tried to ban them, considering such amusements disgusting, demonic and connecting them with the worship of the unclean.

When is Ivan Kupala celebrated?

The history of the holiday of Ivan Kupala brought to us information that inAll major celebrations begin on the evening of July 6 (June 23) at sunset and continue all night until dawn. The night of Ivan Kupala is considered magical. At this time, all evil spirits are walking around and causing mischief: witches, mermaids, Mavkas, etc., and herbs, water and fire acquire magical and healing properties.

How Ivan Kupala is celebrated

What to do on Ivan Kupala?Already after lunch on July 6 (June 23), the girls began to collect flowers, herbs and weave wreaths. The youth also made stuffed images of Madder and Kupala, the main characters holiday. IN different regions they were made in different ways: from straw, branches, a whole tree, etc. They were decorated with flowers, ribbons, berries and fruits. Madder symbolized winter withering, the dying of nature, while Kupala was a symbol of rebirth and abundance. Around the stuffed animals, boys and girls danced in circles and sang special ritual songs, thus glorifying the eternal natural cycle. Then the stuffed animals were usually drowned in water or burned at the stake, and the celebrations continued around the large Kupala fire.

Kupala bonfire

It was believed that On the night of Ivan Kupala, fire acquires a special cleansing power. Therefore, a ritual fire was a mandatory attribute of this holiday. They made it very large and tall so that it would blaze like the sun. A high pillar was installed in the center of the fire pit, on which the skull of a horse or cow was often placed - a “vidma”. Everyone, young and old, gathered around the fire, danced in circles, sang and danced. When the fire burned out a little, young boys and girls began to jump over the fire to cleanse themselves, be cured of illnesses, and protect themselves from evil eye and evil spirits. If a girl could not jump over the fire, then she was considered a witch. They could pour water on them, whip them with nettles, or sprinkle them with feathers. Young couples jumped holding hands, and if the hands did not separate during the jump, they could hope for a strong union.

What else to do on Ivan Kupala? There was also a custom of burning old and unnecessary things on this day, getting rid of old grievances and troubles with them. Even at the Kupala bonfire, mothers burned the shirt of a sick child so that the illness that tormented their child would also burn with it. And sometimes even livestock was driven over the Kupala fire to save it from pestilence and disease.

Healing water

The history of the Ivan Kupala holiday tells that inode on this day takes on a special healing power. Swimming in reservoirs was treated differently on this day. In some regions, ablutions were considered a mandatory ritual, as it cleansed the body from diseases and the soul from bad thoughts. In addition, all evil spirits (mermaids, mermen) left the reservoirs, gathering for their Sabbaths.

And in others, on the contrary, they were afraid of mass bathing precisely because of the evil spirits that ran rampant that day. But they certainly tried to walk barefoot, wash, and even roll in the morning dew. This promised boys strength and health, and girls beauty. Also on Midsummer's Day they liked to take a steam bath with brooms from 12 medicinal herbs, collected the day before, on Kupala night. And the water collected from the springs had miraculous powers.

Magic herbs

The history of the Ivan Kupala holiday contains information that on the magical Kupala night, all herbs and plants acquire special powers. At dawn, herbalists and healers went to collect miraculous medicinal herbs covered with healing Kupala dew. When gathering, a special prayer-conspiracy was required to be read. And in Belarus, for example, it was believed that the properties of herbs would be further enhanced if they were collected by “old and young,” that is, children and old people. After all, they have pure and innocent souls.

The Slavs believed that Ivan Kupala (date - July 7) medicinal plants They grow forest spirits - Mavkas and take care of them, providing them with healing properties.

Symbols of the sun in Kupala rituals

Since the holiday of Ivan Kupala (July 7) was celebrated on the day of the summer solstice, many of its attributes symbolize our luminary. For example, the guys launched fire wheels or set fire to tarred barrels from the hills, which was supposed to symbolize the solar cycle. And one of the indispensable accessories of Kupala Christmastide is a wreath. In Slavic mythology, a maiden's wreath has always symbolized the sun, as well as youth and purity. The worship of the sun was associated with round dances around fireplaces and effigies and special ritual songs.

Signs for Ivan Kupala for girls regarding wreaths

Every young girl certainly wove a wreath from flowers, herbs, twigs and berries, which adorned her head during dances and festivities. The maiden wreath on this magical night had a special magical meaning. For example, girls dipped a wreath into a river or spring, scooped up water through it and washed their faces, believing that this would make their skin white, their cheeks rosy, and their eyes shiny. But the main ritual action began a little later, when the girls ran away from the guys and, attaching lighted candles to their wreaths, sent them sailing along the river. Each girl carefully watched her wreath. If he sailed far, then his owner would certainly get married this year. If he was spinning on the spot, then marriage had to be postponed until next year. But the worst thing is if the wreath sank. Then it was believed that the unlucky woman did not have a partner and would have to while away her life alone.

However, the guys did not ignore this action. Observing the ceremony on the sly, they then tried to catch their chosen one’s wreath from the river and demand a kiss from her in return.

Fern color

The most famous Kupala legend is about a fern flower. It has long been believed that once a year a fern flower blooms on a magical night. It blooms only for a moment and is protected evil spirits, but whoever finds it will gain extraordinary abilities. He will be able to understand the language of animals, birds and plants, see buried treasures through the earth's surface, open any locks, control the earth, water and unclean spirits, become invisible, and so on.

Beliefs and signs on Ivan Kupala

It was believed that this magical night trees can move and talk to each other, just like birds and animals. And in dark forest You can see many fireflies fluttering between the trees. These are the souls of ancestors who returned to earth for only one night.

Also on the night of Kupala all kinds of evil spirits become active: mermaids, Mavkas, goblins, brownies and other spirits. They arrange their own carnivals, having fun with all sorts of tricks.

But the most harm could have been caused by witches who committed various dirty tricks that night and gathered for sabbaths. That is why a woman who did not come to the fire on Kupala night could be considered a witch.

To protect themselves from otherworldly forces, they used a wide variety of amulets: branches of sacred willow, aspen pegs, hemp flower, nettle and wormwood. And even torn men's trousers, which were hung on the ceiling of the barn so that the witch could not enter and take milk from the cow or take the horse away for a trip to Bald Mountain to the site of the witch's Sabbath.

Kupala night was the only opportunity for young people to have fun and dance until dawn, without causing condemnation from adults. Only their countless pranks and some liberties caused a smile. Perhaps that is why the people have so carefully preserved and protected this life-affirming and magical holiday, its traditions and rituals for many centuries.

Ivan Kupala Day is considered one of the main Slavic holidays. It is celebrated on the night of July 6-7. This summer holiday It has centuries-old history and many traditions and customs.

Ivan Kupala is the holiday of the Sun. It was believed that on this day summer reached its peak. This day was associated with a decrease in solar activity. In the Slavic calendar, this holiday is marked as the day when the Sun began to “fade away.”

Traditions and customs on Ivan Kupala

On this day, according to Slavic beliefs, evil spirits left all reservoirs and forests. Having a swim on this day, one could cleanse oneself. Midsummer water was considered healing.

It was customary among the people to specifically pour water on passers-by on this day. dirty water so that they hurry to the reservoir for complete cleansing of soul and body.

On this day, two natural elements received enormous power - Fire and Water. Therefore, it was customary not only to bathe, but also to burn fires, which were called cleansing fires. It was believed that the higher you jump over the fire, the more happiness and prosperity you will attract to yourself. Ivanov's fire had a special magical power, with its help they got rid of old problems, illnesses and adversities.

Another important tradition for the holiday of Ivan Kupala was the collection of field herbs. Women went to the field, collected herbs such as fireweed, St. John's wort, wormwood, chamomile and other plants. All herbs collected on this day were endowed with magical powers. They were dried and stored in the house. These plants protected from damage and the evil eye, could heal any disease and expel evil spirits from the house. They were also used in rituals and ceremonies.

Of course, the most beautiful and vibrant tradition on Ivan Kupala is round dances, singing and festivities. Young people gathered on the outskirts, danced in circles, played and told fortunes.

Signs and superstitions on Ivan Kupala

Many amazing superstitions and legends are associated with this day.

  • The one who finds on the night of Ivan Kupala blooming fern, will be happy and rich. This rare flower will help you find treasure and gain untold riches. You need to go for the fern closer to midnight. At exactly 12 o'clock it begins to bloom. According to folk beliefs, the one who is lucky enough to find such a fern needs to quickly pick the flower and leave the forest without looking back.
  • Nettles were placed on the threshold of the house. This helped protect your home from evil spirits, curses and diseases for the rest of the year.
  • If on the day of Ivan Kupala you climb over 12 different fences and make a wish, then it will come true.
  • If you take a steam bath on this holiday and thoroughly whip yourself with a birch broom, you can expel any diseases from your body.

The celebration of Ivan Kupala Day in our time is, first of all, a tribute to our centuries-old traditions and customs. But this holiday should not be perceived as an atavism of the past. What if you are lucky enough to find a blooming fern? We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

Ivan Kupala is considered one of the most important holidays dedicated to the sun, fire, water and nature. Since ancient times, on this day of thanksgiving to the sun, people have organized festivities, performed rituals, lit fires. According to legends, it is on Midsummer's Day that the wedding of the goddess of the dawn and the sun god takes place.

Like any other holiday, signs on Ivan Kupala warn, preserve, and predict what fate has in store for you.

Folk fun and festivities were dedicated to the wedding of the gods and one of the main acts of the action was swimming in the water, from which the name “Kupala” came. If you swim at dawn, then the blessing of the Goddess of Dawn will come to you, she will give you longevity, preserve youth and beauty. Therefore, there is another tradition - to wash your face and walk barefoot in the dew. And if you take a swim at sunset, then the brother of the Goddess of the Dawn will take you under his protection and protect you from evil spirits, the evil eye and troubles.

When, while swimming in the river, circles appear around you in the water, it means that the forces of nature are giving you purity and happiness. In general, the sign of the circle on the holiday of Ivan Kupala is attached to great importance: a circle, also known as a wheel, according to pagan belief, is the chariot of the Sun God and when you see a circle somewhere - in the water, a round trace left after a drop of rain fell into the sand or on the road, this is considered a lucky sign.

The majority of signs on Ivan Kupala are associated with the revelry of spirits, who also celebrate the divine wedding and do not always behave well towards people. So, if you hear a voice coming from nowhere, this promises trouble, misfortune. If you have a strange dream and in it you talk to an invisible interlocutor, this is also unlucky.

In some areas of our country, there is a tradition of lighting an ordinary church candle at night, which will help protect you from the fun of the spirits. If the candle burns out completely undisturbed by anything, this promises good luck in business and personal life, but if it suddenly goes out without burning out completely, there will be trouble.

If on the night of Ivan Kupala you hear a cricket song in your house or yard, good news awaits you.

When you are already leaving the holiday, you cannot look back at the fire, otherwise a witch will cling to you and will harm you all year until the next Kupala holiday, feeding on your vitality.

You cannot eat berries on this day, because... It is believed that by doing this you are stealing berries from your deceased relatives and in the next world they will not be able to enjoy them.

If the whole sky is strewn with stars on Kupala night, there will be a rich mushroom harvest, and if a thunderstorm passes during the day, don’t expect nuts.

Abundant dew on Midsummer's Day means a rich harvest of cucumbers.

Children born on Kupala night have witchcraft talents, can command spirits, and from birth are under the protection of the gods - Dazhdbog and Zarya.

Young and unmarried girls You can tell fortunes on Kupala night: go outside the house and, without looking, pick a bouquet of flowers, which you then put under your pillow. If you wake up in the morning and count the flowers and there are 12 or more of them, then you will get married this year; if there are fewer, you will have to wait another year.

If you hear a cuckoo at night, autumn will be cold; if not, it will be warm and lingering.

If you are accidentally doused with water on this day or drops from a tree fall on you, you will be lucky all year.

Do not accept gifts from strangers, especially tasty gifts - sweets, cakes. Signs on Ivan Kupala say that such “gifts” contain a very strong love spell cast by an experienced witch. Also, you should not take any things from the hands of others on this day, which may be damaged, illnesses or misfortunes removed from other people. Do not forget that it is the day of Ivan Kupala that gives power to all witches and it is not a fact that you will meet a good sorceress on your path in life.

Ivan Kupala Day is one of the most mystical holidays of the year. At this time, it is especially important to observe age-old customs and follow traditions: with their help you can attract good luck and prosperity into your life.

Ivan Kupala Day according to the old style is celebrated on June 24. However, over the centuries of mixing pagan and Christian culture, the date of one of the most powerful holidays of Kologod moved to July 7 - the day of the Nativity of John the Baptist.

The church meaning of the holiday is closely mixed with the folk meaning, and the strongest traditions and proven signs have survived to this day in almost unchanged form.

On the night of Ivan Kupala, you need to make a big fire and jump over it with the person you are in love with: the fire will help kindle feelings in the heart of your lover or beloved.

Jumping over a fire alone can cure illnesses and give good luck for the whole year.

In a dying fire, it is customary to burn old clothes and all things associated with events or people you want to forget. It is believed that the flame of the Kupala fire can cleanse the energy and destroy unnecessary attachments.

Another unchanging tradition of the holiday night is night swimming in a lake or river. After jumping over the fire, an unmarried girl needs to jump into the water so that her flower wreath from her head floats on the water.

Weaving wreaths is a mandatory custom of this holiday. In a wreath of wildflowers"intertwined" the most cherished wish, after which the wreath is floated down the river.

At dawn on Kupala Day, you need to collect the first dew: it is believed that with its help you can protect your home and family from evil witchcraft. They also washed themselves with this dew to “wash away” illnesses and evil words, said in the back.

Going to the bathhouse on this day is not only extremely useful, but also energetically powerful: in the bathhouse boiling water you need to brew medicinal herbs: nettle, yarrow and mint. You need to wash your hair and body with a diluted decoction: this ritual will help get rid of the evil eye and damage.

On Kupala noon, it is customary to pour water on everyone you meet: this action is intended to cause rain.

Light, “mushroom” rain on Ivan Kupala means favor Higher powers, while a thunderstorm suggests that Heaven is angry with people.

It is believed that St. John's wort has special power on Ivan Kupala: the collected herbs are collected in brooms and hung on windows and front door With outside. When hung in the right way, bouquets of St. John's wort can protect a home from evil spirits.

Young on Kupala married couple you need to cook and eat nettle cabbage soup together: this dish will strengthen family bonds and will preserve love from the envy of others.

On Kupala night, it is customary to look for a magical fern flower: a person who finds a fern blooming for just one minute will receive enormous creative power.

Meeting the Kupala sunrise means great happiness for the whole year.

In the evening of Ivan Kupala, it is necessary to set the table and have dinner with the whole family: such a meal strengthens and preserves the energy field of the family.

Folk signs about happiness will help you not to miss favorable signs of fate. We wish you good luck in all your endeavors. Smile more often and don’t forget to press the buttons and

04.07.2017 04:16

On the seventh of July comes one of the most mystical days of the year - the holiday of Ivan Kupala. IN...

Associated with Ivan Kupala Day a large number of curious signs and fortune telling. Of course, because on a magical bathing night, not only water and fire, but also trees, flowers and plants acquire a special magical power and are more capable than ever of protecting people from evil forces who so dream of reigning supreme in this world! Of course, residents of large modern cities It’s quite difficult to feel complete unity with nature, but... on bathing night, take a closer look at what’s happening around you, and be sure to tell your fortune on fragrant summer herbs, which can really tell you a lot of interesting things about what awaits you ahead.

    Signs of Ivan Kupala.
  • - If you are interested in what the weather will be like in the near future, on the day of Ivan Kupala it is very easy to make a meteorological forecast: it will rain, which means that in a week the weather will be hot and dry and it will remain like that until the very end of summer.

  • - Those who like to make homemade preparations should pay attention to one more sign of the holiday: if on the night of Kupala the stars are clearly visible in the sky, and heavy dew falls at dawn - wait big harvest mushrooms, cucumbers, and other vegetables.

  • - But young unmarried girls definitely need to go to the bathhouse, take a steam bath with a broom of medicinal Kupala herbs and, leaving the bathhouse, throw it over your shoulder (just like a bridal bouquet). In which direction the broom flies - that’s where the betrothed lives.

  • - Potential brides have another opportunity to check whether they will arrange their personal life this year. You can collect herbs and flowers in the dark, put them under your pillow, and check in the morning: if you have collected twelve different types- there will definitely be a wedding!

  • - Another “cosmetological” sign is also interesting. If you wash your face with morning dew on Ivan Kupala, there will be no trace of pimples and acne on your face and body!

  • - And one more sign, now for everyone. On the night of Kupala, the copperhead snake gains sight and becomes dangerous. If you see a snake (or snake) - run away, otherwise troubles will not be avoided!
    Fortune telling on Ivan Kupala.
    Of course, if you don’t want to rely only on signs, you can tell fortunes. Not on cards, of course, but on herbs and fire.
  • - On bathing night, pick two blades of grass and insert them into any crack in the wall or ceiling. The main thing is that they hang down. When the blades of grass begin to dry out, look at them carefully. If they intertwine, everything in your personal life will be fine. If they deviate from each other, a break with your loved one is inevitable.

  • - Similar fortune telling is associated with flowers. Throw two daisies (without stems) into the water. They are drawn to each other - love awaits you, they go in different directions - alas, your betrothed will not come this year.

  • - But you can find out the length of life by reading fortunes on a candle. On bathing night, light an ordinary wax candle and place it in a secluded place. If it burns to the end, you will live a long time. If it goes out quickly, this is a serious warning. Although you shouldn’t panic too much, it’s quite likely that you might just fall and twist your ankle. Unpleasant, of course, but not fatal.

  • - One more very interesting fortune telling- on fire. Look at the flames on the ritual bonfire and ask the question that interests you. If the fire burns brightly, evenly and strongly, this means “yes”. Intermittent and weak flame - “no”.

Good luck and may all your wishes come true!


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