Ivan Turgenev - a month in the village. Ivan Turgenev: A month in the village Three days in the village summary

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Turgenev conceived the play “Student” in 1848. He carefully works on it and in 1850 sends Nekrasova to St. Petersburg. The imminent release of Turgenev's play had already been announced, and everyone was looking forward to it. But censorship did not allow it to be published. Only in 1855 was he able to publish a comedy in Sovremennik entitled “A Month in the Country.”

The play was first staged in 1872 in Moscow at the Maly Theater. In 1879 - at the Alexander Theater. The role of Verochka was played by M. G. Savina, the actress was so captivated by this small role that with her performance she amazed even the creator of the comedy: “Did I really write this Verochka?!” Turgenev was amazed to see Verochka performed by Savina. The play was a huge success and became part of the repertoire.

Drama or Comedy?

Turgenev called the play “A Month in the Country” a “comedy” in the subtitle. But according to the signs of the genre, in terms of content, it is rather a drama. The author himself called the play a story in dramatic form. Many critics also noted that the play is long and boring, not staged, since there is no dramatic vein in it. They noticed that the play is not exactly a comedy, but rather a story in dialogues.

Undoubtedly, the love conflict in which the heroes find themselves is rather reminiscent of a traditional comedy plot. But Turgenev is distinguished by his rare ability to convey all the emotional movements of his heroes through their words. An attentive viewer will see the emotions and thoughts behind them. It would seem that the hero is talking about an outsider, and a whole drama is revealed to the reader. This is how the state of mind manifests itself in real life. This is precisely the value of Turgenev’s work “A Month in the Country”. A summary of the play is given below.

Characters of the play

Belyaev Alexey Nikolaevich - common student. He is twenty-one years old. He is still young and inexperienced, but sincere, natural and simple. Due to his naivety, he does not notice the unfolding love affair around his person.

Rakitin Mikhail Alexandrovich - nobleman, friend of the Islaev house, interlocutor of Natalya Petrovna. At thirty years old, he does not have his own family, his own destiny. This is a special type of “superfluous person”, “survivor”. He is honest, smart, intelligent, but unhappy in his own way.

Islaev Arkady Sergeich is a thirty-six-year-old landowner and owner of the estate where the events take place. Warm-hearted, modest and kind, he is helpful and gentle with his wife Natalya Petrovna.

Natalya Petrovna is a twenty-nine-year-old mistress of the house, Islaev’s wife. An intelligent, passionate woman, she cannot contain her feelings for Belyaev. Love pushes her to do vile things, makes her lie and dodge. She makes others unhappy.

The remaining participants in Turgenev’s play “A Month in the Country” (their names are also mentioned in the summary):

  • Verochka is a seventeen-year-old pupil of the Islaevs. She is pure and innocent. Natalya Petrovna’s insidious behavior forces the girl to agree to marry Bolshintsov.
  • Bolshintsov Afanasy Ivanovich is a forty-eight-year-old contender for Verochka’s husband. A good candidate for an arranged marriage, but a stupid and difficult person.
  • Shpigelsky Ignatius Ilyich is a forty-year-old doctor who easily compromises with his conscience for the sake of profit.
  • Anna Semenovna Islaeva is the mother of Arkady Sergeich.
  • Lizaveta Bogdanovna is Anna Semyonovna's companion.
  • Kolya is the ten-year-old son of Natalia and Arkady Islaev.
  • Schaaf is a German tutor.
  • servants - Matvey and Katya.

New teacher

Turgenev’s play “A Month in the Village” takes place in the Islaev estate. The summary and the first act begins with a description of the living room, where Anna Semyonovna, Lizaveta Bogdanovna and tutor Schaaf play cards. Natalya Petrovna is busy with embroidery, Rakitin is reading “The Count of Monte Cristo” to her. Soon, an inattentive listener interrupts him and begins a conversation about his son’s new teacher - a student from Moscow who was hired for the summer. Kolya runs into the room and enthusiastically tells him that the teacher made him a bow and arrows and promises to teach him how to swim. Following him, Belyaev enters, greets everyone present and leaves with Kolya to feed the horses.

Servant Matvey reports on the arrival of Doctor Shpigelsky. Natalya Petrovna complains to him about her bad mood. He talks about the girl Verenitsyna, who cannot make a choice between two chosen ones. To which Natalya Petrovna replies: “You can love two people.” Anna Semyonovna and Lizaveta Bogdanovna go out into the garden. Rakitin consoles the lost tutor. Shpigelsky tells Islaeva that his acquaintance wants to marry her pupil Vera. Natalya Petrovna is surprised because she considers the seventeen-year-old girl still a child. This ends the first act of Turgenev’s comedy “A Month in the Country.” A summary of the second act is described below, where the scene takes place in the Islaevs’ garden.

Rakitin guesses about Islaeva’s feelings

The maid Katya is busy picking berries. Matvey seeks an answer from her to his marriage proposal. Seeing Schaaf walking with a fishing rod, he leaves. Katya continues to pick raspberries when Belyaev and Vera come out into the garden. They sit on a bench and try to attach a tail to a paper kite. Verochka asks Alexey about his studies, about Moscow and talks about himself. Rakitin and Natalya Petrovna arrive, and Belyaev and Vera leave to look for Kolya.

Islaeva and Rakitin sat down on the bench. He tries to find out from her why she has been irritable lately. Natalya Petrovna gets angry and leaves. Mikhail suspects that she got carried away. He saw Belyaev and struck up a conversation with him. Islaeva returns, visibly blossoms at the sight of Belyaev, and takes Alexei away to fly a kite. Rakitin gloomily follows.

Shpigelsky and Bolshintsov join the company. The doctor tells Mikhail that they need to talk. This ends the second act of Turgenev's play "A Month in the Country". The summary of the third act begins with a conversation between Rakitin and the doctor. The action takes place in the living room.

Natalya Petrovna learns about Vera's love

Shpigelsky asks Rakitin to assist in the matter of Vera’s marriage and admits that Bolshintsov promised him three horses for a successful outcome. Seeing Natalya Petrovna leaving the office, the doctor leaves. Islaeva begins to talk about Belyaev, but Rakitin interrupts the unpleasant conversation and asks Natalya Petrovna to decide the fate of her pupil right now. He calls Vera and leaves them to talk. Islaeva directly asks the girl if she agrees to marry Bolshintsov. Vera finds this proposal ridiculous, and she confesses to Islaeva about her feelings for Alexei. Natalya Petrovna is unable to hide her jealousy.

An alarmed Rakitin enters, he is sure that the only correct way out is to send Belyaev away, he must leave. Natalya Petrovna cries on Mikhail’s shoulder, and Arkady and Anna Semyonovna enter the room. Islaeva runs away, and Rakitin is interrogated. Excited, Mikhail promises to give them an answer later.

Islaeva tells Alexei that she is forced to refuse him his place because her student is in love with him. Hearing in response that he considers Vera just a child, Islaeva says that Alexey may not rush to leave. They say goodbye, and Islaeva’s monologue ends the third act of the play “A Month in the Country” by Ivan Turgenev. A summary of the fourth part is described below. The action takes place in the hallway; in the description the author indicated that evening had come.

Islaeva confesses her feelings to Alexey

The maid Katya is waiting in the hallway for Alexei. It's starting to rain. Shpigelsky and Lizaveta Bogdanovna run into the house. Katya is hiding. The doctor invites Elizaveta Bogdanovna to marry him. The rain stopped and they returned to the garden. Alexey appears and the maid brings Vera. The girl knows about Belyaev’s upcoming departure and came to say goodbye. He assures the girl that not everything has been decided with his departure.

Natalya Petrovna enters, and Vera begins to shame her that, having revealed her secret to Alexei, she committed an ugly act. Even jealousy doesn't justify it. Vera runs away in tears. Belyaev is shocked and embarrassed at the same time. Natalya Petrovna confesses her feelings to him. Alexey is completely confused. Rakitin interrupts the conversation. Alexey, confident that he must leave immediately, leaves. Arkady enters and sees that his wife is alone with Rakitin and is very excited. But he doesn’t ask questions. The fourth act of Turgenev’s play “A Month in the Village” ends with Islaev blithely taking Natalya Petrovna by the arm and inviting everyone to drink tea.

The house is emptying... Everyone is leaving...

Islaev is trying to work, looking through papers. But thoughts about Natalya and Mikhail do not allow him to concentrate. He asks the servant to invite Mikhail to him. As soon as he enters, Islaev demands an explanation from him. Rakitin admits that he has been in love with his wife for a long time. Islaev is outraged, but confident in his decency. Rakitin assures Arkady that he will leave their house tomorrow.

Mikhail announces his departure, but Natalya Petrovna is cold towards him. Rakitin leaves to pack his things. Alexey follows him out. Islaeva tries to ask Verochka for forgiveness. But she does not want to show the appearance of well-being. Shpigelsky persuades Vera to pay attention to Bolshintsov. To his surprise, she does not resist, since she can no longer stay in this house. She agrees to the marriage, and Shpigelsky hurries to get his C grade.

Belyaev comes to say goodbye and asks Vera to give Islaeva a farewell note, since he is immediately leaving for Moscow. As soon as Natalya Petrovna appears on the threshold, Vera hands her a message. Islaeva is deeply shocked: Alexey didn’t even come to say goodbye. Arkady tries to console his wife, scolding Rakitin in a low voice. He is sure that she is upset because of Mikhail. Vera takes away the pale Natalya Petrovna.

Frightened Anna Semyonovna, Schaaf, Lizaveta Bogdanovna, Shpigelsky and Kolya run in. They were informed that Natalya Petrovna felt ill. Arkady assures them that everything is fine. Kolya is looking for his teacher, but Rakitin reports that Alexey is leaving. The shocked Islaev comes out to see them off, and Shpigelsky undertakes to give them a ride to the city in a new troika. Kolya and Schaaf leave for class. Anna Semyonovna sighs that the house is completely empty. Lizaveta Bogdanovna modestly says: “...and I won’t stay here long... and I’m leaving.” With these words Turgenev ends A Month in the Country. The content of the play shows that everyone is leaving this house.

Analysis of the work. Mental drama or selfishness?

The characters of Turgenev's heroes are revealed not so much in action as in monologues and dialogues. The comedy “A Month in the Country” was no exception. In the first act, the reader is presented with the Islaevs’ living room. Rakitin is reading a book. This is all an ordinary background, but the true essence of what is happening emerges through it. Natalya Petrovna doesn’t like everything, she is annoyed by both the fact that her husband takes on everything with fervor, and the fact that Rakitin unconditionally agrees with her on everything.

It seems that she hates this boring living room, the “lace” of intelligent conversations, and she wants natural feelings and sincere actions. Therefore, she was drawn to a young student with a “cheerful, bold look.” In a conversation with Rakitin, she emphasizes that Belyaev is not at all like them, that he is a man from another world. The reader is already ready to believe her: that she is a woman yearning for space, freedom from smart, but apathetic interlocutors.

But then Shpigelsky appears with a story about the girl Verenitsyna. And the insightful doctor, in response to Islaeva’s complaints that she is bored, says: “My lady, who will make you laugh? This is not what you need now.” Having a husband, she has kept Rakitin near her for four years; now a student has appeared, disturbing her peace. Hence the increased pulse, nerves, bile. Shpigelsky prescribes drops for her, but when asked by Anna Semyonovna whether Natasha is healthy, he replies: “Perfectly.”

From his point of view, all of Islaeva’s love experiences are simply a lordly whim. He does not approve of her, but does not hesitate to use her for his own selfish purposes. She rejected Verochka’s marriage proposal, claiming that she was just a child. But, driven by jealousy, Islaeva returns to talking about her marriage.

Natalya Petrovna torments Rakitin with riddles and turns to him for help. But at the same time, he does not hide his attitude towards Belyaev. This desire to capture as much attention and affection as possible speaks not so much of her feelings as of selfishness. Hearing her monologue about self-contempt, the promise to love only her husband, about jealousy, about remorse, the reader no longer believes in the depth of her experiences. It was precisely this skill of Ivan Sergeevich that his contemporaries admired. How masterfully Turgenev reveals the drama in “A Month in the Country” in dialogues and monologues.

Analysis of the work. General flight or condemnation?

Now not only Shpigelsky sees Islaeva as a predator, but also Verochka, who has experienced her selfishness. The girl’s broken fate does not touch Islaeva, and if she asks for forgiveness from her, it is only for her own peace of mind. Trusting Verochka became morally mature in one day. On the day when her faith in people, her love, was destroyed. Rakitin, hearing that Verochka and Belyaev love each other, exclaims: “Poor woman!” Selflessly devoted Rakitin sincerely sympathizes with Islaeva. But in the end, her selfishness drives him out of this house too.

Cheerful, sincere Belyaev brought a stream of fresh air into the house. Kolya, who did not know real childhood, fell in love with the teacher from the very first day. Vera also did not know the real joy of life and sincere communication. Even Islaeva, looking at Alexey, realized that she had never been young. For Belyaev, Natalya Petrovna was something unattainable, a “supreme being.” He did not even think about getting closer to her. Nevertheless, her confession took the young man by surprise: he puts on a new frock coat and inserts a flower into his buttonhole. He changes, becomes different. And only Rakitin’s mockery sobers him up.

Belyaev decides to leave. Before leaving, he tells Verochka that he fell in love with her. This unites them, this is their common moral victory. Verochka also doesn’t want to stay here anymore. Offended by Islaeva’s attitude, Rakitin leaves the house. Shpigelsky, who has long been embittered at the bar, declares that his “presence here is not required.” Even Lizaveta Bogdanovna announces her imminent departure. Her last phrase in “A Month in the Country” seems to emphasize that general flight is nothing more than general condemnation. And only the good-natured Islaev, modest and warm-hearted, continues to love his Natasha as before.

  • Category: Summary

Comedy (1850, publ. 1855)

The appearance of a new face in the village is always an event. When in the summer of 184... a new home teacher appeared on the rich estate of the Islaevs, the already established balance turned out to be in some way disturbed or, in any case, shaken.

From the very first day, his student, ten-year-old Kolya Islaev, fell in love with Alexei Nikolaevich. The teacher made him a bow, makes him a kite, and promises to teach him how to swim. And how deftly he climbs trees! This. you're not boring old Schaaf teaching him German.

It was easy and fun with the new teacher and the Islaevs’ seventeen-year-old pupil Vera: we went to see the dam, caught a squirrel, took a long walk, fooled around a lot. The twenty-year-old maid Katya also noticed the young man and somehow changed towards Matvey, who was caring for her.

But the most subtle processes took place in the soul of the hostess, Natalya Petrovna Islaeva. Her Arkady Sergeevich is constantly busy, always building something, improving it, putting it in order. Natalya Petrovna is alien and bored by her husband’s household chores. The conversations of Rakitin, a friend of the house, are also boring, and in general, he is always at hand, you don’t need to conquer him, he is completely tame, harmless: “Our relationship is so pure, so sincere<…>You and I have the right not only to Arkady, but to look everyone straight in the eye...” And yet such relationships are not entirely natural. His feeling is so peaceful, it doesn’t bother her….

Rakitin is worried that lately Natalya Petrovna has been constantly out of sorts, some kind of change is happening in her. Is it not in relation to him? When Alexei Nikolaevich appears, she clearly perks up. This was also noticed by Shpigelsky, the district doctor who came to help Bolshintsov marry Vera. The applicant is forty-eight years old, clumsy, unintelligent, uneducated. Natalya Petrovna is surprised by the proposal: Vera is still so young... However, seeing Vera whispering something to Belyaev and both laughing, she still returns to the conversation about matchmaking.

Rakitin is becoming more and more worried: is he starting to bore her? There is nothing more tiresome than a cheerless mind. He has no illusions, but he hoped that her calm feeling over time... Yes, now his situation is quite funny. So Natalya Petrovna talked to Belyaev, and immediately there was liveliness and cheerfulness in her face, which had never happened after talking with him. She even admits in a friendly manner: this Belyaev made quite a strong impression on her. But there is no need to exaggerate. This man infected her with his youth - and that’s all.

Alone with herself, she seems to realize: it’s time to stop all this. Vera’s tears in response to Bolshintsov’s proposal seemed to restore her ability to see herself in her true light. Let the girl not cry. There is no longer any talk about Bolshintsov. But jealousy flares up again when Vera admits that she likes Belyaev. It is now clear to Natalya Petrovna who her opponent is. “But wait, it’s not over yet.” And then he’s horrified: what is she doing? He wants to marry the poor girl to an old man. Is she really jealous of Vera? Is she in love, or what? Well, yes, I'm in love! First. But it's time to come to your senses. Michel (Rakitin) must help her.

Natalya Petrovna herself is going to announce to Belyaev about the need to leave. At the same time he finds out (it’s impossible to resist) whether he really likes this girl? But from a conversation with the teacher, it turns out that he does not love Vera at all and is ready to tell her about it, but it is unlikely that after that it will be convenient for him to stay in the house.

Meanwhile, Anna Semyonovna, Islaev’s mother, also witnessed the scene that awakened her son’s jealousy. Lizaveta Bogdanovna reports this news to Shpigelsky, but he reassures: Mikhailo Alexandrovich has never been a dangerous person, with these smart guys everything comes out with the tongue, chatter. He himself is not like that. His proposal to Lizaveta Bogdanovna resembles a business proposal, and it was listened to quite favorably.

The opportunity to explain things to Vera quickly presented itself to Belyaev. It is clear to Vera that he does not love her and that Natalya Petrovna betrayed her secret. The reason is clear: Natalya Petrovna herself is in love with the teacher. Hence the attempts to pass her off as Bolshintsov. In addition, Belyaev remains in the house. Apparently, Natalya Petrovna herself still hopes for something, because Vera is not dangerous to her. And Alexey Nikolaevich, perhaps, loves her. The teacher blushes, and it is clear to Vera that she was not mistaken. The girl presents this discovery to Natalya Petrovna. She is no longer a meek young pupil, but a woman offended in her feelings.

The rival is again ashamed of her actions. It's time to stop cheating. It has been decided: they will see Belyaev for the last time. She informs him about this, but at the same time admits that she loves him, that she was jealous of Vera, mentally passed her off as Bolshintsov, and by cunning found out her secret.

Belyaev is amazed by the recognition of the woman whom he revered as a higher being, so now he cannot bring himself to leave. No, Natalya Petrovna is adamant: they are breaking up forever. Belyaev obeys: yes, we need to leave, and tomorrow. He says goodbye and wants to leave, but hearing a quiet “stay,” he stretches out his arms to her, but then Rakitin appears: what did Natalya Petrovna decide about Belyaev? Nothing. Their conversation should be forgotten, everything is over, everything is over. Has it passed? Rakitin saw how Belyaev got confused and ran away...

The appearance of Islaev makes the situation even more piquant: “What is this? Continuation of today's explanation? He does not hide his discontent and anxiety. Let Michelle talk about her conversation with Natasha. Rakitin's confusion forces him to ask directly whether he loves his wife? Loves? So what to do? Michelle is going to leave... Well, the idea was true. But he won’t be leaving for long, because there’s no one here to replace him. At this moment, Belyaev appears, and Mikhail Alexandrovich informs him that he is leaving: for the peace of his friends, a decent person must sacrifice something. And Alexey Nikolaevich would have done the same, right?

Meanwhile, Natalya Petrovna begs Vera to forgive her and kneels in front of her. But it is difficult for her to overcome her hostility towards her rival, who is kind and gentle only because she feels loved. And Vera should stay in her house! There is no way she can bear her smile, she cannot see how Natalya Petrovna basks in her happiness. The girl turns to Shpigelsky: is Bolshintsov really a good and kindly person? The doctor vouches that he is the most excellent, most honest and kindest. (His eloquence is understandable. Three horses were promised to him for Verino’s consent.) Well, then Vera asks me to tell you that he accepts the offer. When Belyaev comes to say goodbye, Vera, in response to his explanations of why he cannot stay in the house, says that she herself will not stay here for long and will not disturb anyone.

A minute after Belyaev leaves, she witnesses the despair and anger of her rival: he didn’t even want to say goodbye... Who allowed him to interrupt so stupidly... This is contempt, finally... Why does he know that she would never have decided... Now she and Vera are both equal...

There is hatred in Natalya Petrovna’s voice and gaze, and Vera tries to calm her down, informing her that she will not burden the benefactress with her presence for long. They can't live together. Natalya Petrovna, however, had already come to her senses again. Does Verochka really want to leave her? But they are both saved now... Everything is in order again.

Islaev, finding his wife upset, reproaches Rakitin for not preparing Natasha. I shouldn't have announced my departure so suddenly. Does Natasha understand that Mikhail Alexandrovich is one of the best people? Yes, she knows that he is a wonderful person and they are all wonderful people... And meanwhile... Without finishing, Natalya Petrovna runs out, covering her face with her hands. Rakitin is especially bitter about this farewell, but it serves the chatterbox right, and everything is for the best - it was time to end this painful, this consumptive relationship. However, it's time to go. Islaev has tears in his eyes: “Still... thank you! You are a friend, for sure!” But there seems to be no end in sight to the surprises. Alexey Nikolaevich disappeared somewhere. Rakitin explains the reason: Verochka fell in love with the teacher, and he, as an honest person...

Islaev, naturally, is dizzy. Everyone runs away, and all because they are honest people. Anna Semyonovna is even more perplexed. Belyaev left, Rakitin was leaving, even the doctor, even Shpigelsky, hurried to see the sick. Once again, only Schaaf and Lizaveta Bogdanovna will remain nearby. What does she think about this whole story, by the way? The companion sighs, lowers her eyes: “... Maybe I won’t have to stay here for long... And I’m leaving.”

In a small story, the author depicts us an old street, people hurrying about their business, and an old beggar.
The hero-narrator was stopped by an extremely sick and weak-looking beggar man. He was dressed in rags, and his clouded eyes and dirty wounds all over his body, withered and blue lips aroused in the hero a feeling of compassion and an immediate desire to help this sick man... The beggar pulled out his hand, swollen and dirty, and extended it to the narrator, asking for alms .

He began to look everywhere, throughout the many pockets of his clothes, for at least one small coin, but fate was not disposed to this - with horror he realized that he had even left his handkerchief at home, and that his pockets were completely empty... But the beggar man was still the same He stretched out his hand, covered with inflamed scabs, waiting for alms.

Then the hero, at a loss, warmly apologizing for the fact that he had nothing to give him, grabbed the beggar’s hand and shook it firmly. Surprisingly, the beggar was not offended, but, looking up at the narrator with red, sore eyes, smiled and firmly shook his hand in response, assuring that this manifestation of humanity towards the beggar is the most sincere alms.

The narrator, moving a little away from this man, realized that the beggar himself had given him alms...

Picture or drawing of a Village

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The appearance of a new face in the village is always an event. When in the summer of 184... a new home teacher appeared on the rich estate of the Islaevs, the already established balance turned out to be in some way disturbed or, in any case, shaken.

From the very first day, his student, ten-year-old Kolya Islaev, fell in love with Alexei Nikolaevich. The teacher made him a bow, makes him a kite, and promises to teach him how to swim. And how deftly he climbs trees! This isn't boring old Schaaf teaching him German.

It was easy and fun with the new teacher and the Islaevs’ seventeen-year-old pupil Vera: we went to see the dam, caught a squirrel, took a long walk, fooled around a lot. The twenty-year-old maid Katya also noticed the young man and somehow changed towards Matvey, who was caring for her.

But the most subtle processes took place in the soul of the hostess, Natalya Petrovna Islaeva. Her Arkady Sergeevich is constantly busy, always building something, improving it, putting it in order. Natalya Petrovna is alien and bored with her husband’s household chores. The conversations of Rakitin, a friend of the house, are also boring, and in general, he is always at hand, you don’t need to conquer him, he is completely tame and harmless: “Our relationship is so pure, so sincere [...] You and I have the right not only to Arkady, but look everyone straight in the eye..." And yet such relationships are not entirely natural. His feeling is so peaceful, it doesn’t bother her...

Rakitin is worried that lately Natalya Petrovna has been constantly out of sorts, some kind of change is happening in her. Is it not in relation to him? When Alexei Nikolaevich appears, she clearly perks up. This was also noticed by Shpigelsky, the district doctor who came to help Bolshintsov marry Vera. The applicant is forty-eight years old, clumsy, unintelligent, uneducated. Natalya Petrovna is surprised by the proposal: Vera is still so young... However, seeing Vera whispering something to Belyaev and both laughing, she still returns to the conversation about matchmaking.

Rakitin is becoming more and more worried: is he starting to bore her? There is nothing more tiresome than a cheerless mind. He has no illusions, but he hoped that her calm feeling over time... Yes, now his situation is quite funny. So Natalya Petrovna talked to Belyaev, and immediately there was liveliness and cheerfulness in her face, which had never happened after talking with him. She even admits in a friendly manner: this Belyaev made quite a strong impression on her. But there is no need to exaggerate. This man infected her with his youth - and that’s all.

Alone with herself, she seems to realize: it’s time to stop all this. Vera’s tears in response to Bolshintsov’s proposal seemed to restore her ability to see herself in her true light. Let the girl not cry. There is no longer any talk about Bolshintsov. But jealousy flares up again when Vera admits that she likes Belyaev. It is now clear to Natalya Petrovna who her opponent is. "But wait, it's not over yet." And then he’s horrified: what is she doing? He wants to marry the poor girl to an old man. Is she really jealous of Vera? Is she in love, or what? Well, yes, I'm in love! For the first time. But it's time to come to your senses. Michel (Rakitin) must help her.

Natalya Petrovna herself is going to announce to Belyaev about the need to leave. At the same time he will find out (it’s impossible to resist) whether he really likes this girl? But from a conversation with the teacher, it turns out that he does not love Vera at all and is ready to tell her about it, but it is unlikely that after that it will be convenient for him to stay in the house.

Meanwhile, Anna Semyonovna, Islaev’s mother, also witnessed the scene that awakened her son’s jealousy. Lizaveta Bogdanovna reports this news to Shpigelsky, but he reassures: Mikhailo Alexandrovich has never been a dangerous person, with these smart guys everything comes out with the tongue, chatter. He himself is not like that. His proposal to Lizaveta Bogdanovna resembles a business proposal, and it was listened to quite favorably.

The opportunity to explain things to Vera quickly presented itself to Belyaev. It is clear to Vera that he does not love her and that Natalya Petrovna betrayed her secret. The reason is clear: Natalya Petrovna herself is in love with the teacher. Hence the attempts to pass her off as Bolshintsov. In addition, Belyaev remains in the house. Apparently, Natalya Petrovna herself still hopes for something, because Vera is not dangerous to her. And Alexey Nikolaevich, perhaps, loves her. The teacher blushes, and it is clear to Vera that she was not mistaken. The girl presents this discovery to Natalya Petrovna. She is no longer a meek young pupil, but a woman offended in her feelings.

The rival is again ashamed of her actions. It's time to stop cheating. It has been decided: they will see Belyaev for the last time. She informs him about this, but at the same time admits that she loves him, that she was jealous of Vera, mentally passed her off as Bolshintsov, and cunningly found out her secret.

Belyaev is amazed by the recognition of the woman whom he revered as a higher being, so now he cannot bring himself to leave. No, Natalya Petrovna is adamant: they are parting forever. Belyaev obeys: yes, we need to leave, and tomorrow. He says goodbye and wants to leave, but hearing a quiet “stay,” he stretches out his arms to her, but then Rakitin appears: what did Natalya Petrovna decide about Belyaev? Nothing. Their conversation should be forgotten, everything is over, everything is over. Has it passed? Rakitin saw how Belyaev got confused and ran away...

The appearance of Islaev makes the situation even more piquant: “What is this? Continuation of today’s explanation?” He does not hide his discontent and anxiety. Let Michelle talk about her conversation with Natasha. Rakitin's confusion forces him to ask directly whether he loves his wife? Loves? So what to do? Michelle is going to leave... Well, the idea was correct. But he won’t be leaving for long, because there’s no one here to replace him. At this moment Belyaev appears, and Mikhail Alexandrovich informs him that he is leaving: for the peace of his friends, a decent person must sacrifice something. And Alexey Nikolaevich would have done the same, right?

Meanwhile, Natalya Petrovna begs Vera to forgive her and kneels in front of her. But it is difficult for her to overcome her hostility towards her rival, who is kind and gentle only because she feels loved. And Vera should stay in her house! No way, she can’t stand her smile, she can’t see how Natalya Petrovna basks in her happiness. The girl turns to Shpigelsky: is Bolshintsov really a good and kindly person? The doctor vouches that he is the most excellent, most honest and kindest. (His eloquence is understandable. Three horses were promised to him for Verino’s consent.) Well, then Vera asks me to tell you that he accepts the offer. When Belyaev comes to say goodbye, Vera, in response to his explanations of why he can’t stay in the house, says that she herself won’t stay here for long and won’t bother anyone.

A minute after Belyaev leaves, she witnesses the despair and anger of her rival: he didn’t even want to say goodbye... Who allowed him to interrupt so stupidly... This is contempt, finally... Why does he know that she would never have decided... Now both of them are equal with Vera...

There is hatred in Natalya Petrovna’s voice and gaze, and Vera tries to calm her down, informing her that she will not burden the benefactress with her presence for long. They can't live together. Natalya Petrovna, however, had already come to her senses again. Does Verochka really want to leave her? But they are both saved now... Everything is in order again.

Islaev, finding his wife upset, reproaches Rakitin for not preparing Natasha. I shouldn't have announced my departure so suddenly. Does Natasha understand that Mikhail Alexandrovich is one of the best people? Yes, she knows that he is a wonderful person and they are all wonderful people... And yet... Without finishing, Natalya Petrovna runs out, covering her face with her hands. Rakitin is especially bitter about this farewell, but it serves the chatterbox right, and everything is for the best - it was time to end this painful, this consumptive relationship. However, it's time to go. Islaev has tears in his eyes: “But still... thank you! You are a friend, for sure!” But there seems to be no end in sight to the surprises. Alexey Nikolaevich disappeared somewhere. Rakitin explains the reason: Verochka fell in love with the teacher, and he, as an honest person...

Islaev, naturally, is dizzy. Everyone runs away, and all because they are honest people. Anna Semyonovna is even more perplexed. Belyaev left, Rakitin was leaving, even the doctor, even Shpigelsky, hurried to see the sick. Once again, only Schaaf and Lizaveta Bogdanovna will remain nearby. By the way, what does she think about this whole story? The companion sighs, lowers her eyes: “...Perhaps I won’t have to stay here for long... And I’m leaving.”

A month in the village

The appearance of a new face in the village is always an event. When in the summer of 184... a new home teacher appeared on the rich estate of the Islaevs, the already established balance turned out to be in some way disturbed or, in any case, shaken.

From the very first day, his student, ten-year-old Kolya Islaev, fell in love with Alexei Nikolaevich. The teacher made him a bow, makes him a kite, and promises to teach him how to swim. And how deftly he climbs trees! This. you're not boring old Schaaf teaching him German.

It was easy and fun with the new teacher and the Islaevs’ seventeen-year-old pupil Vera: we went to see the dam, caught a squirrel, took a long walk, fooled around a lot. The twenty-year-old maid Katya also noticed the young man and somehow changed towards Matvey, who was caring for her.

But the most subtle processes took place in the soul of the hostess, Natalya Petrovna Islaeva. Her Arkady Sergeevich is constantly busy, always building something, improving it, putting it in order. Natalya Petrovna is alien and bored by her husband’s household chores. The conversations of Rakitin, a friend of the house, are also boring. And in general, he is always at hand, you don’t need to conquer him, he is completely tame, harmless: “Our relationship is so pure, so sincere. You and I have the right not only to Arkady, but to look everyone straight in the eye...” And yet such relationships are not entirely natural. His feeling is so peaceful, it doesn’t bother her...

Rakitin is worried that lately Natalya Petrovna has been constantly out of sorts, some kind of change is happening in her. Is it not in relation to him? When Alexei Nikolaevich appears, she clearly perks up. This was also noticed by Shpigelsky, the district doctor who came to help Bolshintsov marry Vera. The applicant is forty-eight years old, clumsy, unintelligent, uneducated. Natalya Petrovna is surprised by the proposal: Vera is still so young... However, seeing Vera whispering something to Belyaev and both laughing, she still returns to the conversation about matchmaking.

Rakitin is becoming more and more worried: is he starting to bore her? There is nothing more tiresome than a cheerless mind. He has no illusions, but he hoped that her calm feeling over time... Yes, now his situation is quite funny. So Natalya Petrovna talked to Belyaev, and immediately there was liveliness and cheerfulness in her face, which had never happened after talking with him. She even admits in a friendly manner: this Belyaev made quite a strong impression on her. But there is no need to exaggerate. This man infected her with his youth - and that’s all.

Alone with herself, she seems to realize: it’s time to stop all this. Vera’s tears in response to Bolshintsov’s proposal seemed to restore her ability to see herself in her true light. Let the girl not cry. There is no longer any talk about Bolshintsov. But jealousy flares up again when Vera admits that she likes Belyaev. It is now clear to Natalya Petrovna who her opponent is. “But wait, it’s not over yet.” And then he’s horrified: what is she doing? He wants to marry the poor girl to an old man. Is she really jealous of Vera? Is she in love, or what? Well, yes, I'm in love! First. But it's time to come to your senses. Michel (Rakitin) must help her.

Natalya Petrovna herself is going to announce to Belyaev about the need to leave. At the same time he finds out (it’s impossible to resist) whether he really likes this girl? But from a conversation with the teacher, it turns out that he does not love Vera at all and is ready to tell her about it, but it is unlikely that after that it will be convenient for him to stay in the house.

Meanwhile, Anna Semyonovna, Islaev’s mother, also witnessed the scene that awakened her son’s jealousy. Lizaveta Bogdanovna reports this news to Shpigelsky, but he reassures: Mikhailo Alexandrovich has never been a dangerous person, with these smart guys everything comes out with the tongue, chatter. He himself is not like that. His proposal to Lizaveta Bogdanovna resembles a business proposal, and it was listened to quite favorably.

The opportunity to explain things to Vera quickly presented itself to Belyaev. It is clear to Vera that he does not love her and that Natalya Petrovna betrayed her secret. The reason is clear: Natalya Petrovna herself is in love with the teacher. Hence the attempts to pass her off as Bolshintsov. In addition, Belyaev remains in the house. Apparently, Natalya Petrovna herself still hopes for something, because Vera is not dangerous to her. And Alexey Nikolaevich, perhaps, loves her. The teacher blushes, and it is clear to Vera that she was not mistaken. The girl presents this discovery to Natalya Petrovna. She is no longer a meek young pupil, but a woman offended in her feelings.

The rival is again ashamed of her actions. It's time to stop cheating. It has been decided: they will see Belyaev for the last time. She informs him about this, but at the same time admits that she loves him, that she was jealous of Vera, mentally passed her off as Bolshintsov, and cunningly found out her secret.

Belyaev is amazed by the recognition of the woman whom he revered as a higher being, so now he cannot bring himself to leave. No, Natalya Petrovna is adamant: they are breaking up forever. Belyaev obeys: yes, we need to leave, and tomorrow. He says goodbye and wants to leave, but hearing a quiet “stay,” he stretches out his arms to her, but then Rakitin appears: what did Natalya Petrovna decide about Belyaev? Nothing. Their conversation should be forgotten, everything is over, everything is over. Has it passed? Rakitin saw how Belyaev got confused and ran away...

The appearance of Islaev makes the situation even more piquant: “What is this? Continuation of today's explanation? He does not hide his discontent and anxiety. Let Michelle talk about her conversation with Natasha. Rakitin's confusion forces him to ask directly whether he loves his wife? Loves? So what to do? Michelle is going to leave... Well, the idea was true. But he won’t be leaving for long, because there’s no one here to replace him. At this moment, Belyaev appears, and Mikhail Alexandrovich informs him that he is leaving: for the peace of his friends, a decent person must sacrifice something. And Alexey Nikolaevich would have done the same, right?

Meanwhile, Natalya Petrovna begs Vera to forgive her and kneels in front of her. But it is difficult for her to overcome her hostility towards her rival, who is kind and gentle only because she feels loved. And Vera should stay in her house! There is no way she can bear her smile, she cannot see how Natalya Petrovna basks in her happiness. The girl turns to Shpigelsky: is Bolshintsov really a good and kindly person?

The doctor vouches that he is the most excellent, most honest and kindest. (His eloquence is understandable. Three horses were promised to him for Verino’s consent.) Well, then Vera asks me to tell you that he accepts the offer. When Belyaev comes to say goodbye, Vera, in response to his explanations of why he cannot stay in the house, says that she herself will not stay here for long and will not disturb anyone.

A minute after Belyaev leaves, she witnesses the despair and anger of her rival: he didn’t even want to say goodbye... Who allowed him to interrupt so stupidly... This is contempt, finally... Why does he know that she would never have decided... Now she and Vera are both equal...

There is hatred in Natalya Petrovna’s voice and gaze, and Vera tries to calm her down, informing her that she will not burden the benefactress with her presence for long. They can't live together. Natalya Petrovna, however, had already come to her senses again. Does Verochka really want to leave her? But they are both saved now... Everything is in order again.

Islaev, finding his wife upset, reproaches Rakitin for not preparing Natasha. I shouldn't have announced my departure so suddenly. Does Natasha understand that Mikhail Alexandrovich is one of the best people? Yes, she knows that he is a wonderful person and they are all wonderful people... And meanwhile... Without finishing, Natalya Petrovna runs out, covering her face with her hands. Rakitin is especially bitter about this farewell, but it serves the chatterbox right, and everything is for the best - it was time to end this painful, this consumptive relationship. However, it's time to go. Islaev has tears in his eyes: “Still... thank you! You are a friend, for sure!” But there seems to be no end in sight to the surprises. Alexey Nikolaevich disappeared somewhere. Rakitin explains the reason: Verochka fell in love with the teacher, and he, as an honest person...

Islaev, naturally, is dizzy. Everyone runs away, and all because they are honest people. Anna Semyonovna is even more perplexed. Belyaev left, Rakitin was leaving, even the doctor, even Shpigelsky, hurried to see the sick. Once again, only Schaaf and Lizaveta Bogdanovna will remain nearby. What does she think about this whole story, by the way? The companion sighs, lowers her eyes: “... Maybe I won’t have to stay here for long... And I’m leaving.”


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