What does kinetic sand for children consist of? What is kinetic sand and how to make it yourself

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Kinetic sand is a practical and safe basis for home games that helps develop a child's creativity, perseverance and imagination. The material is attractive to children due to its brightness and plasticity; parents appreciate the ease of use and ease of cleaning after it.

Kinetics was developed by Swiss scientists; it has become widespread as a plastic mass for children's games. 98% of the material is quartz sand, the rest is E900 (a silicone additive responsible for beneficial features– ductility, viscosity, ability to maintain a given shape).

Visually, this product is similar to ordinary sand, but it is not so crumbly in consistency. The material has such characteristics as fluidity, it is saturated with pores, and easily takes the required shape. The polymer bonds present thanks to the E900 additive are responsible for holding sand grains in the total mass.

During the game, kinetic sand does not scatter, it forms a homogeneous mass, it can be collected manually and stored in a container. The substance does not leave greasy or dirty marks on surfaces and palms. The specified silicone additive is in demand in Food Industry, it is absolutely safe if it does not serve as a personal allergen.

Purpose and application features

The toy performs the following useful functions:

  • stimulation of tactile sensitivity;
  • instilling communication skills in children within the framework of collective leisure;
  • calming, balancing the emotional background;
  • teaching creativity and self-expression;
  • stimulation of fine motor skills.

Parents prefer kinetic sand, taking into account its safety compared to playing in a regular sandbox. The kineticist does not create conditions for the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria, while in the yard a fenced area often becomes the object of attention of animals and birds, which threatens infection with pathogenic microflora. Moreover, games at home are in no way inferior to street games: the child experiences pleasure from modeling, colored sand allows you to realize any fantasy, and does not crumble on the table or carpet.

Pros and cons of kinetic sand

The main advantages of a children's toy are hypoallergenicity, plasticity and safety for health. The homogeneous consistency and texture, pleasant to the touch, create the opportunity to create figures and compositions of any complexity. Parents, mentioning kinetic mass, note the following advantages:

  • The material remains fluid for a long time and does not dry out. Manufacturers promise a 3-year service life, but in practice this period increases significantly;
  • the initial components form an environment unsuitable for the development of microflora;
  • The toy is multifunctional, based on it you can come up with different Interesting games and classes;
  • the material does not require specific storage conditions; it retains its qualities while remaining open in the air;
  • if necessary, the substance can be washed with water, the kinetic agent will not lose its original properties;
  • The toy does not create difficulties when cleaning: to collect individual scattered grains, you just need to pass a lump of material over the contaminated area several times; it will attract grains of sand like a magnet.

Product disadvantages:

  • the product does not have the same flowability as the original source. Therefore, it will not be possible to use the substance like ordinary sand - sifting, building mills;
  • the substance cannot hold a given shape for a long time: if you sculpt large figures, they will quickly spread.

Kinetic has a specific odor that will be especially noticeable immediately after unpacking. Chemical additives do not always smell pleasant; they can resemble glue or vinegar. Over time, the smell will dissipate.

Types of material and additional accessories

The original version is sold under the Waba Fun brand, retail packaging weighs 1, 2.5 and 5 kg. The new product range includes products in red, blue, pink, yellow, green, purple shades; such packages weigh 2.27 kg, and one package can contain products different colors.

The lineup « Gems"includes kinetics of an unusual palette, imitating gems - onyx, amethyst, emerald, sapphire. The composition includes iridescent particles.

Additionally, sandboxes of different sizes, molds and scoops are purchased. For children under 1.5 years old, 1 kg of sand is enough for full play; three-year-olds will need from 2.5 kg, for small companies purchase packages of 5 kg.

Age restrictions

Under parental supervision, you can play with sand from the age of one year, it is only important to ensure that the child does not inhale the particles.

Accidental ingestion is not dangerous: the substance does not react with gastric juice and is excreted from the body naturally in its original form.

There is no upper age limit: everyone will like the toy. It will help teenagers develop imagination and stimulate creative flight of thought; adults use it to relieve stress and get rid of tension. Pleasant tactile sensations are effective in combating depression and depression.

Instructions for use

In order not to complicate further cleaning, you need to prepare a place for the child: build or buy a sandbox, allocate a flat area. The presence of edges reduces the likelihood of material spillage.

Kinetic does not dry out in air, the coloring pigment is impervious to ultraviolet radiation. The substance remains soft and viscous throughout its service life. To ensure that the toy does not lose its attractiveness for as long as possible, you should follow the manufacturer’s recommendations:

  • if the sand has become rough, you need to knead the lump wet hands. You should not specifically spray the substance; the required moisture will pass through touch;
  • Before use, it is advisable to wash your hands with soap, as silicone additives quickly absorb surrounding odors;
  • Do not introduce coloring substances into the substance; there is a high risk of the formation of a heterogeneous, instantly crumbling mass;
  • if the sand accidentally gets wet, you need to leave it open while room temperature until completely dry, it should not be exposed to intense heat;
  • After playing, you need to remove the substance into a tightly closed container; it should be stored in such conditions as to prevent the ingress of foreign objects, dust, moisture, and to prevent contact with pets.

Scattered particles do not stick to surfaces and can be easily collected with a vacuum cleaner or a lump of kinetics. In the second case, you need to make sure that no hair, fur, or debris gets into it.

For children younger age It is recommended to pour the material, passing it between your fingers. Using molds helps develop fine motor skills, and at the same time the child is taught to always clean up after themselves. You can hide several bright small objects in the crumbly mass and invite your baby to find them. The sand layer will help in learning, for example, you can use it to learn animal tracks.

TOP 3 best manufacturers

In conditions of high demand, the specialized market offers a wide range of items that need to be studied not only from the point of view of aesthetics, but also safety. The products of the following brands have earned trust thanks to high quality and attractive performance.

Kinetic sand

The Swiss brand is sold through chain stores for children's creativity, the cost of products is determined by individual properties: packaging dimensions, color palette. This sand is usually included in sets that include figurines, shovels, and containers. High prices do not prevent the manufacturer from leading in the niche of color kinetics.

Space sand

This is a Russian analogue of a foreign brand, it is offered in a budget price segment. The product may also have the names “telescopic”, “cybernetic”, “polymer”. In terms of brightness and plasticity, the product is not inferior to the Swiss series; large sets and books with games are also available.

Living Sands

Korean “living” synthetic sand is the most expensive in its category; it contains not only polymer additives and quartz, but also non-toxic additives in the form of crushed shell rock and aromatic oils, for example. The product attracts with its fluffy light texture and is used for aromatherapy. Playing sand is produced in white color, it is soft and pleasant to the touch.

How to make kinetic sand with your own hands

When choosing recipes for making toys at home, it is important to rely on safe components: in particular, the common method based on office glue and boric acid involves the use of gloves while playing. Against this background, food options are more rational.

Necessary materials

A list of non-aggressive components will help you obtain a non-toxic mass:

  • clean sand– 4 glasses. The material can be purchased at a hardware or zoological store. It needs to be scattered on a baking sheet and baked in the oven to disinfect it;
  • potato or corn starch, flour - 2 cups;
  • boiled cooled water;
  • food colorings.

You can knead the mixture in a plastic bowl; a strong spatula will also come in handy.

Cooking kinetics

First way:

  1. Mix starch and quartz sand in a container.
  2. Add water to the mixture in small portions, stirring the mixture to achieve a semi-crumbly consistency.

Second way:

  1. Dissolve starch in water to form a creamy mixture.
  2. Add quartz sand.
  3. Mix the ingredients thoroughly until smooth.

To make colored play sand you will need food dyes; safe children's paints will serve as an alternative. The dye is diluted in a small amount of water and combined with the sand-starch preparation before the main volume of liquid is introduced. If the homemade mass hardens during the process, it should be slightly moistened.

Playing in the sandbox is beneficial for children. Thanks to playing with sand, imagination, fine motor skills, creativity, imagination develop... You can’t list all the advantages. The kid gets great pleasure building endless Easter cakes, figures with molds and simply pouring sand from mold to mold. But, unfortunately, with the onset of frost, this pleasure is not available to children, just like on rainy summer days. But you shouldn’t be upset, living sand can come to the rescue. What is it and how to do it DIY kinetic sand I'll tell you in today's article.

Kinetic sand- a bestseller in children's stores. This toy can delight children of any age. At first glance, kinetic sand looks like ordinary sand, but this is a misconception. It is soft, fluffy and just flows through your fingers, leaving your child's hands dry and clean. If kinetic sand gets on the floor, it is easy to collect. As you can see, there are many advantages. But perhaps its only drawback is the price. That’s why today we’ll try to make an analogue of kinetic sand with our own hands.

If you doubt whether it’s worth buying it (the price is quite high), then you can try making kinetic sand with your own hands. Its production will not require large financial and time expenditures. The structure of homemade sand resembles wet sand.

  1. Does not require large financial expenses
  2. It does not require much time - its production takes literally 3 minutes.
  3. Does not create a feeling of dirt. Working with him is a pleasure. It’s easy to clean your hands from it – just pat your hands together.
  4. Cleaning the apartment after playing with homemade live sand will not cause any inconvenience - it can be easily vacuumed or swept with a broom. For games, we used oilcloth, which we laid under basins with sand, so that spilled sand fell on it.
  5. Easter cakes are easy to mold and retain their shape.

DIY kinetic sand composition:

  • 2 cups starch (I used potato starch)
  • 3 cups of clean sand. Sand purchased at a pet store for rabbits and chinchillas is suitable, because... it is small, light and clean, which is important.
  • 1 glass of water
  • Plastic container with lid
  • Sandbox (for us the role of the sandbox was played by the basin)

DIY living sand recipe:

All, DIY kinetic sand is ready, you can start sculpting. The sand stains your hands moderately and does not stain everything around. The Easter cakes keep their shape. If the baby is very tiny and puts everything in his mouth, then the sand can be replaced with brown sugar. Games with such sand develop fine motor skills, creativity and imagination. And most importantly, it has a calming effect on children and adults.

Well, if for some reason you don’t want to make kinetic sand yourself, then you can purchase it

Today, children are no longer interested in playing in an ordinary sandbox, because kinetic sand has appeared (translated from Greek, kinetics is interpreted as movement). It is represented by fine sand with the addition of special synthetic components, thanks to which it becomes plastic, retains its shape, does not stick to your hands and, most importantly, does not dry out. Activities with sand-plasticine bring great pleasure to children and, in addition, develop fine motor skills. Find out how to make kinetic sand at home, we will share with you the simplest and most accessible recipes.

The methods for preparing sand-plasticine are varied; let’s look at the most popular ones.

What does the obedient sand mass consist of? It is made with the addition of so-called binding components; the most popular is the recipe for kinetic sand using starch.


  • Potato starch – 1 cup;
  • White sand - 1.5 cups;
  • Clean water - 2/3 cup.

How to do:

  1. You can buy clean sand at a pet store; it does not contain foreign impurities. So, mix the dry ingredients.
  2. After this, add water and mix everything with your hands. If you want to make colored sand, add watercolor paint or any food coloring.
  3. That's all, we prepared kinetic sand with our own hands, its composition is very simple. Now you can start sculpting.

Advice! You can use street sand, after calcining it in a frying pan and sifting through cheesecloth.

Method No. 2 – Baking soda + detergent

Make kinetic sand from soda and detergent or soap is quite simple. Prepare a surprise for the kids, it won't take too much time.


  • Baking soda – 2 parts;
  • Baking powder for dough – 1 part;
  • Dish detergent – ​​1 part.

Manufacturing stages:

  1. First combine all the bulk ingredients, gradually add the washing gel, and knead the sand mass with your hands.
  2. Now you need to pass the sand through your fingers so that there are no dry granules.
  3. If the mixture is not thick enough, add baking powder, adjusting the consistency.
  4. The result should be sand-plasticine. It must be stored in a closed food container.

Advice! To make the sand snow-white, first mix the washing gel with white dye, then add it to baking soda and baking powder.

Method No. 3 – Quartz sand + wheat flour

Excellent kinetic sand without starch can be obtained by adding flour. Kids will really like this hand-made sand, it holds its shape perfectly and is easy to work with.


  • Quartz sand – 6 parts;
  • Flour – 3 parts;
  • Purified water – 1.5 parts.

Manufacturing technique:

  1. First sift the flour, mix with required quantity quartz sand. Take a separate bowl; in it you will need to mix food coloring with purified water.
  2. Add the colored liquid into the dry sand-flour mixture in small portions. Mash everything thoroughly so that no lumps form; you can use a fork for this purpose.
  3. The resulting sand is best divided into several portions and then painted in the desired shades.

Method number 4 – Starch + shaving foam

You can make excellent kinetic sand without adding soda from simple and available materials. Using this recipe you won't need much time.


  • Corn or potato starch – 450 g;
  • Shaving foam – 140 gr.

How to do:

  1. Prepare everything necessary ingredients. Add foam to the starch until balls begin to form.
  2. Beat everything with your hands, wearing gloves, then add the coloring component or gouache (optional).
  3. The mass, consisting of foam and starch, is thoroughly ground. The end result should be a mixture similar to sea sand.

Look step by step photos preparations:

Method No. 5 – Starch + hair balm

Hair balm can serve as one of the components for creating a plastic mass for modeling. As a result of mixing with starch, you will get an excellent mass for children's creativity.


  • Potato starch – 750 gr.;
  • Hair care balm – 9 tbsp. spoons

How to cook:

  1. First, prepare the necessary food coloring; gouache is also suitable for coloring.
  2. Pour it out required quantity balm into a bowl, mix with dye until smooth.
  3. Mix starch with colored balm in portions so that you get a mass without lumps. Good composition will not stick to skin and paint it.

Method No. 6 – With boric acid and glue

An unusual combination of glue and boric acid with a dry base will produce a plastic mass that children will enjoy playing with.


  • Quartz sand – 300 gr.;
  • Stationery glue (silicone, thick) – 20 g;
  • Boric acid – 40 ml.

How it is made:

  1. Use a separate bowl and mix office glue with acid in it. Take a wooden spatula and mix everything.
  2. Add the dry ingredient while wearing protective gloves.
  3. Sort it out ready-made composition so that there are no large particles.
  4. Get a paste that is easy to mold. You can start getting creative with your kids.

Watch the video for step-by-step production:

Advantages and disadvantages

Despite the fact that plastic sand mass is easy to prepare at home, it is worth paying attention to its pros and cons.

First, let's list the advantages of this product:

  • Develops fine motor skills in children;
  • Cheap materials and we know what is included in the composition;
  • In most cases, plastic mass prepared independently can be stored in containers long time at room temperature. Storing it will not be difficult.

Before you start making sand, pay attention to its disadvantages:

  • To get sand-plasticine like from a store, you must strictly observe the proportions of the ingredients;
  • Must be made by adults;
  • It crumbles, so it's hard to avoid cleaning up after playing.

Please note that the first time you can make a small portion of sand, and next time you can prepare it a little more, using various dyes.

Try the methods described above for making plastic mass with photos. Not only will you please your child, but you will also save money.

Now it has become possible to build a castle or make Easter cakes not only in the summer, but at any time of the year, regardless of the weather outside the window. Get busy a fun game Together with your baby, you will be charged with positive energy and will briefly return to such a distant childhood. Good luck with your experiments!

Kinetic sand is a wonderful material for development and relaxation. It can be used by children of any age, including adults. Classes improve mood and train motor skills. It is useful for all parents to find out how to make kinetic sand at home, how to design a sandbox for it, and what are the rules for handling this material.

The undeniable benefits of kinetic sand

Fun activities and funny Games with kinetic sand, from the store or homemade, achieve several positive goals:

  • sand quickly relieves stress and relieves internal tension, a person relaxes and is distracted thanks to interesting work;
  • the sandbox develops tactile sensations, helps improve fine manual motor skills, which is extremely important for child development and rich speech;
  • playing with sand, children and adults spend time interestingly and usefully; this productive entertainment is much better than watching TV;
  • the material helps to diversify the creative sphere of the individual and extensively develop the imagination;
  • sand balances emotions, instantly calms and teaches proper concentration;
  • sand therapy neutralizes aggressive attitudes and eliminates irritability; trains spatial thinking skills;
  • games help to relegate strong feelings to the background and erase fears from consciousness;
kinetic sand develops and calms children

How to make kinetic sand with your own hands?

Today you can find multi-colored kinetic sand on sale. But no one has canceled the art of home handmade. A great idea for inventive parents is to make kinetic sand yourself and play with your children. The recipes below will help you a lot with this. Read the instructions and combine the ingredients, then enjoy the playful, creative and relaxing process.

Kinetic sand from starch


  • water - 1 glass;
  • clean sand - 4 cups;
  • food starch - 2 cups;
  • convenient container and small spatula for kneading;
  • food coloring - several different colors.

Please note that the basis of living sand is pure material with the smallest fractions. This is quartz sand. Today you can buy this material in retail outlets - pet stores. It is sold to chinchilla, rabbit and bird breeders. And also special fine sand You can search in stores offering building materials. On the advice of experienced mothers, it is better to fry the sand base in the oven before making kinetic homemade sand. For a good portion of the finished product, it will be enough to take quartz sand in the amount of 4 glasses, no more.

Now about starch. You will need potato or corn starch. This ingredient should be half as much as the previous one, that is, base sand. If you have cornmeal, you can use it instead of starch, as it has similar properties and will behave as it should.

Sand can be mixed in two ways. The first is to mix starch and sand. Mix the mass thoroughly until smooth. Next, you need to add water little by little and stir the substance until you get required properties. The main thing is that the finished product is not too liquid and very dry, and holds its shape well.

Another way to mix the above components is to first dissolve the entire volume of starch in water. Then you need to pour sand into the liquid. Mix everything vigorously. There shouldn't be too much water. 1 glass for all components is the optimal amount.

We use any wide bowl or small basin as a container. No matter which way you choose to mix the ingredients, the result will be the same.

To color the product, it is better to use food coloring, which is sold in grocery stores. Gouache or watercolor also works well. To paint correctly, you need to make a solution from the paint by adding water. Combine starch, sand and colored water, and then add the required amount of water to obtain the optimal consistency.

Simplified Kinetic Sand Recipe


  • starch - 250 grams;
  • water - 100 milliliters.

To get a mass similar to kinetic sand, mix water with starch. You need to evaluate the consistency of the finished product. To remove excess dryness, add water.

Kinetic semolina sand


  • colored crayons;
  • semolina.

It is necessary to crush children's crayons intended for drawing on asphalt to obtain a powder. It needs to be mixed with regular semolina. It should be stirred until a homogeneous, fairly soft and reminiscent of kinetic sand mass is obtained. Products are taken in any quantity and ratio - through experiments you can determine the required proportions.

Kinetic sand made from soda


  • baking soda (sodium bicarbonate powder) - 2 cups;
  • baking powder - 1 cup;
  • liquid intended for washing dishes - 1 cup.

First mix baking soda with baking powder. Then pour in dish liquid. Instead, it is advisable to take any liquid soap. Mix the finished product well so that it turns out fluffy and looks like dough. After classes, close the sand in a container. This will preserve the properties. Homemade sand will be white and incredibly soft consistency. True, it is not ideal for sculpture; the sculpted objects may be unclear. To make a test batch of such sand, you need to take fewer components:

  • baking soda - 2 tablespoons;
  • baking powder - 1 tablespoon;
  • liquid soap or dishwashing liquid - 1 tablespoon.

It is inconvenient to play with such sand by hand, so it is better to manipulate it with molds and spoons.

Kinetic sand made of colored quartz sand


  • quartz sand - 100 grams;
  • 3% boric acid - 2 teaspoons;
  • office glue - 1 teaspoon;
  • latex gloves.

This technology allows you to obtain kinetic sand as close as possible to purchased sand. The consistency is convenient and pleasant. Homemade sand is not dangerous for children's bodies. The base is quartz sand; it needs to be poured into the container first. Next, mix boric acid and very thick office glue in the proportions indicated above. Then measure out 1 teaspoon of this liquid and dilute the sand. The product will be sticky at first, so it is best to knead it with gloves or with one gloved hand. You need to mix until you get homogeneous sand without dry inclusions. It should be loose and viscous, not stick to your hands or crumble.

Glue polymers provide the elasticity of the substance. Boric acid works like binder. The shelf life of such sand is minimal, as it dries out and loses its original properties. The best option- prepare small portions.

Kinetic sand made from flour without glue


  • flour - 8 parts;
  • cosmetic oil for children's skin care - 1 part.

Add oil to the flour in a thin stream and mix while doing so. There is flour different quality, so the ratio may be different. Oil can be added until the sand is as soft as desired. The finished product is a light sand color, pleasant to the touch. Children love to make shapes out of it and play with the molds. Kinetic sand without glue is interesting for its durability; the properties of the product are preserved for a long time.

These recipes are guaranteed to work. You should not try to make kinetic sand from plasticine or chewing gum, as this is not the best way and you don’t know what will happen. Although, when you mix chewing gum with flour, something like viscous sand comes out.

kinetic sand can be bought in a store or made independently from flour, quartz sand, semolina, soda or starch

Using kinetic sand for children's development

How can you play at home with kinetic sand?

Magic living sand is used differently in each family. For example, here are some ideas for inspiration:

  • relaxed, free pouring and turning of sand with your hands, this is a pleasure, very addictive and soothing for children and adults;
  • everyone likes to roll balls and make cakes;
  • modeling Easter cakes as in a regular sandbox, while on finished products all the small details are amazingly drawn, this is incomparable with ordinary sand;
  • drawing with a sharpened stick or knife;
  • try using ice molds, you get rows of hills, for example, this can be a labyrinth for walking toys, the cubes can also be divided;
  • cutting out shapes using cookie cutters;
  • burying and excavating with hands to search for small objects - toys, buttons;
  • rolling sausages and cutting them into pieces, you can use any toy knife or plasticine knife;
  • cutting and sculpting numbers and letters;
  • preparing a toy cake and dividing it into portions;
  • cooking different dishes, for example, you can make shortbread dumplings, pies and other products, feed toys;
  • leaving marks in the sand using different stamps or hands;
  • imitation of construction using molds, toy cars and tools.

Features of homemade kinetic sand

Purchased kinetic sand is represented by the same quartz sand, it contains 98% of the product. The manufacturer also indicates 2% linear polymer, this is the E900 additive. The result is a substance that molds perfectly and does not crumble. It is noteworthy that purchased sand never dries out, and it does not provide a suitable environment for bacteria to live.

If you take up making sand yourself, you will get good material for practice. It has special qualities that you need to know about. Ready sand can be cut easily. It is convenient to sculpt different shapes from it. The material cannot be called airy; it does not have fluidity. If you knead sand in your hand, it crumbles, forming small lumps.

When material remains on outdoors, it dries out quickly. If you leave sand in a closed container for several days, you need to keep an eye on it, as it can become unusable and dry out. Due to the starch in the composition, the effect of dry hands after long work with sand.

Proper homemade sand will always be wet to the touch. It sticks to your hands minimally. The material sticks to silicone molds. The sand is non-toxic and does not stain clothes and does not leave stains on the fabric.

Judging by the reviews, homemade starch-based sand dries out over time. To update the consistency you need to dilute it with water. The sand will become alive again. Therefore, you don’t have to dispose of the material after one session of a game or activity, but use it multiple times. But still, you should not store the material for too long, as it may deteriorate.

It is impossible to get dirty with sand, and it also does not get under your nails. The material is completely safe for children, which cannot be said about sand from an outdoor sandbox; it can be used in any weather and at all times of the year.

We have examined several popular options for the composition of kinetic sand for children, and examined in detail a number of important features. Choose suitable recipe and proceed to making a field for gaming activities.

DIY sandbox for kinetic sand

If you are good at crafts, you can design a suitable box out of wood. The optimal dimensions should be copied from standard sand therapy containers; they are 70 by 50 by 8 centimeters. Armed with paint, you need to paint the inside of the box in a soft blue tone. It reminds children of water.

To avoid making a container and carry out sand therapy at home, use ready-made containers. For example, you can take a table drawer, a suitable basin, a large plastic container, a tray, all kinds of household trays and pallets. Paper containers are absolutely not suitable, as water can be used when playing with sand. The main requirement for a sandbox is the absence of cracks. It should be noted that after playing with kinetic sand there is practically no clutter left in the house. Just in case, you can lay oilcloth on the floor.

Of course, homemade sand will have slightly different properties from purchased sand. But you can also use it fruitfully and have fun playing with it. Homemade material as budget analogue Swedish sand will do just fine.

Hello dear readers. Today we will consider an issue that interests parents of creative children. In this article you will learn how to make kinetic sand at home. We will look at the main advantages of using this type of sand, and you will also learn the most popular options for its preparation.

Pros and cons of kinetic sand

It is important to know what the advantages and disadvantages of this toy are.

Positive sides:

  • develops patience, the baby becomes more diligent;
  • does not dry out;
  • does not provide Negative influence on the baby's skin;
  • easy to use;
  • develops the child’s imagination and fantasy;
  • ecologically pure;
  • does not require special conditions storage;
  • retains its shape and is easy to cut;
  • does not become moldy at high humidity;
  • normalizes psycho-emotional state baby;
  • has a positive effect on the child’s fine motor skills;
  • can be quickly collected after spilling;
  • has a relaxing effect.

There are only two disadvantages considered:

  • the need to prepare a large volume using many ingredients due to high density sand;
  • If you rub it on the surface, it starts to stick.

What can you do with it?

Kinetic sand can be used not only for sculpting Easter cakes or Easter cakes

Perhaps some parents have never encountered such a toy before. In fact, you can do a lot of fun things with this kind of sand. The child will be happy to:

  • cut out figures with molds;
  • play with stamps;
  • roll sausages, cut them;
  • make a cake, then cut it;
  • draw with a sharp stick;
  • You can hide small items in it;
  • make footprints in the sand;
  • engage in construction using machines;
  • make Easter cakes;
  • cut out letters and numbers, also sculpt them;
  • engage in excavations, taking out objects hidden in it.

Store option

If you don't want to mess around and do with my own hands such sand, then you can go to the store.

Kinetic sand is sold in any toy store, and you can also order it online.

The price will vary depending on the manufacturer and the quality of the sand.

A high-quality kinetic will have the following composition:

  • 2% linear polymers;
  • 98% quartz sand.

This purchased option is clean, free of any microorganisms, and does not dry out.

Cooking methods at home

Parents and older children can make do with improvised means to create such sand without leaving home. All recipes are safe; protective equipment requires the use of gloves. Let's look at the most popular options for making kinetic sand at home.

Recipe No. 1

You will need:

  • boric acid - approximately forty ml;
  • stationery glue - twenty grams;
  • quartz sand - three hundred grams.
  1. The first step is to mix the glue and acid, use a wooden spatula or spatula.
  2. Add sand. This action must be performed using protective gloves, preferably thick ones.
  3. Review the resulting mixture and remove large particles from it.
  4. You have received the paste ready to use.

Recipe No. 2

The main ingredient is quartz sand

For this option you will need:

  • flour;
  • water;
  1. Pour sifted flour (three parts) into a container, add quartz sand (six parts) to it.
  2. Pour in water (one and a half parts) in small portions, stirring constantly.

It is important that no lumps form. If you see any, be sure to mash them with a fork or your hands.

If desired, at the stage of introducing liquid into dry ingredients, you can first add dye to the water. In addition, you can use the option of dividing into parts and painting them in different colors.

Recipe No. 3

You will need:

  • starch;
  • food coloring;
  • shaving foam.
  1. Sift starch (450 grams) into a bowl.
  2. Add approximately 160 ml shaving foam.
  3. Stir everything thoroughly, remembering to put on gloves before doing this.
  4. Add food coloring.

You will get something like sea sand. It will keep its shape perfectly and will not stick. However, when first used, your child's hands may become stained.

Recipe No. 4

To prepare you will need:

  • hair balm;
  • starch;
  • food coloring, gouache.
  1. Conditioner is poured into the container and dye is added. This should be done gradually until you get the expected color.
  2. Pour 750 grams of starch into a separate container, add eight tablespoons of colored balm to it.
  3. It is necessary to introduce the liquid component gradually, stirring constantly; it is advisable to do this with your hands, but do not forget about protection (gloves).

As a result, you should get a viscous mass. It will not stain the child's hands and will not stick. Recommended for playing with molds.

Recipe No. 5

To do this you will need:

  • liquid soap (one part), you can replace dishwashing detergent;
  • soda (two parts);
  • baking powder (one part).
  1. First of all, we connect together the bulk components of your future sand.
  2. Gradually introduce gel or liquid soap.
  3. We put gloves on our hands and knead the ingredients until a homogeneous mass is obtained. It is important to exclude the possibility of storing large granules.
  4. If the resulting sand is too liquid, you can add starch or baking powder.

As a result, you will get pasty and airy kinetic sand. Over time, it will gradually dry out and will need to be replenished with new portions. You need to be prepared for the fact that this sand will not be very pliable, and the made figures may crumble. They are recommended to play only with molds or gloves.

Worse than store-bought?

Today there are many recipes on how to prepare kinetic sand at home, but no matter which one you choose, you will not be able to get exactly the same quality as the Swedish counterpart. But visually the product will be very similar. The child will be able to play with the home version and sculpt figures.

It should be recalled that homemade sand, in particular with starch, will begin to dry out after some time, so you will need to add water.

When choosing homemade kinetic sand, you can be sure of the naturalness of the products included in its composition. Plus, you can save money.

Is it sticky or not?

Some parents notice that when playing with kinetic sand, it begins to stick to the child's palms. In this situation, one of several options is possible:

  • poor quality of the purchased product;
  • at home cooking non-compliance with proportions;
  • sticky when baby's palms are sweaty;
  • if pet hair gets into the sand.

If you are sure that all of the above reasons are not suitable in your particular case, then you need to spread the sand on a flat surface, be sure to thin layer and leave it to bask in the sun. It will dry out and won't be as sticky.


If you purchase kinetic sand in a store, you will definitely be advised to buy a special container for it, the so-called sandbox. It may be different. This and plastic version, wooden, inflatable sandbox, it can also be a folding model. It should be noted that the inflatable option is not particularly popular with parents. Otherwise, there is no fundamental difference between which sandbox you choose. Any of them will cope well with its function.

Any parent can make a home sandbox. You can use a basin or it could be some kind of flat surface, which can be covered with cling film. A food container for storing food may also be suitable for a sandbox.

As you can see, you can easily make kinetic sand with your own hands. You may also be interested in learning how to make one at home. The main thing is not to forget about safety precautions when preparing, use gloves. You can test in practice not one, but several recipes, and choose the option that will be the most successful. Whether you use dye in your work or not is up to you. I wish that the process of preparing kinetic sand will be interesting for you, and that the pleasure that your child will receive while playing with it will be indescribable.


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