How many roses should a wedding bouquet consist of? Signs associated with the bride's wedding bouquet

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Creation is not an easy and very responsible task, because this cute wedding accessory is designed to complement the image of the newlywed and fit organically into the overall style of the holiday.

A selection of types and varieties of flowers, their combination, possible color solutions are only a small part of what needs to be taken into account. So, what flowers are used to make bouquets and what principles What is important to observe when choosing flowers for the bride?

  • Freshness and quality. Perhaps the main selection criterion is these indicators. The bouquet should become a wonderful companion for the bride throughout the day. Only fresh flowers can do this test.

Important! Pay attention to the appearance of the buds and greenery: darkened edges of petals and leaves are unacceptable! If at the very beginning the flower arrangement does not look its best, then you can imagine what it will turn into by the end of the evening.

  • Storage conditions and duration. According to tradition, many brides want to preserve their bouquet for as long as possible, some even dry it. For this reason, you should not lose sight of the factors of storage conditions and duration.
  • Bride's preferences. When selecting flowers, it is worth remembering which ones the girl likes. Maybe she has her favorite varieties. It is also important that the bouquet does not include plants that cause persistent hostility in your beloved.
  • Smell. Try to avoid flowers that have a strong scent. They can make you sick or even dizzy, which will be very inappropriate at the celebration.
  • Probability of occurrence allergic reactions. Some flowers may cause sneezing or reddening of the skin.

By the way! Orchids and lilies, popular in wedding arrangements, are not recommended for people prone to allergies of any kind.

  • Color meanings. A wedding is an event in which every detail has its own meaning. The flower alphabet will also help you make the right choice for filling the bride's bouquet. You can read more about this.
  • Color spectrum. The flowers in the composition should be combined with each other. Buds of the same or similar colors look harmonious. White and pale pink flowers will look beautiful and delicate. It is permissible to dilute a light composition with several bright contrasting buds, for example, red. The style of the wedding is also important: the color of the buds should match the color scheme of the holiday as a whole.
  • Shape and size of buds. Choose flowers with buds of approximately the same size. Large buds in combination with small flowers look awkward.
  • Budget. Wedding arrangements are quite expensive, so when choosing floral filling for the bride’s bouquet, do not forget about your financial capabilities.

Popular combinations for a wedding bouquet

A bridal bouquet can consist of plants of the same type or of different flowers. There are different variations of filling a wedding bouquet.

With roses

Most Favorite compositions with roses. This noble flower goes well with almost all types of plants. The buds of fresh roses are strong and hold their shape well all day.

  • Roses and peonies They are popular when composing wedding compositions, both individually and together. Lush peony buds look harmonious with medium-sized roses, however, to give the bouquet more volume, it is permissible to add several spray roses. The white and pink color scheme with a pleasant delicate aroma is ideal for a bride's look.
  • Roses and anemones. Unusual large flowers with soft petals and a dark center perfectly complement traditional roses. To this pair you can also add a few branches of snowberry, the berries of which are white or pinkish.
  • Roses and chrysanthemums. A more economical, but no less beautiful option could be a wedding arrangement made from these flowers. Small buds of white spray chrysanthemums will add special tenderness to the bouquet. An interesting contrast is obtained by combining white chrysanthemums with red or burgundy roses.
  • Roses and dahlias. A bright original composition can be created thanks to dahlias. Framed by roses, the bouquet will look noble, rich and rich.
  • Peony roses will help make any flower arrangement magnificent. A mono-bouquet of these roses looks luxurious, and in combination with classic roses, peonies, sweet peas or gypsophila, it will sparkle with new colors.

Roses and peonies




Peony roses

With peonies

Peonies also very often used as the main component for the bride's bouquet. They are delightful both on their own and in combination with other plants.

  • Peony combination with open and closed buds will add sincere notes of freshness, tenderness and purity to the newlywed’s image.
  • Peonies and hydrangea. Luxurious voluminous compositions are obtained by using these colors together. The white and pale pink shades of the buds seem to be created for a bridal bouquet.
  • Peonies and freesia, lilies of the valley. Lush caps of peonies can be complemented by smaller details, for example, cute lilies of the valley or charming freesia flowers.

Scroll below to see photos of plants from this section (for convenience, the names are labeled under the image).


White and pink peonies with hydrangea

Lilies of the valley




There are many other variations for a wedding bouquet. Let's look at some of them.

  • Orchids and callas. These exotic types of flowers bring exquisite harmony to the wedding composition. They feel tenderness and refined taste.
  • Ranunculus in various combinations. Usually they dominate the bouquet, and the space between them is filled with miniature plants such as hydrangea, hyacinth, lilac, freesia, sweet peas or berries. Such a complex composition looks quite impressive. Bouquets of ranunculus are good in combination with roses, anemones, and eustoma.
  • Compositions with succulents. This desert plant looks very original when combined with large flowers, such as dahlias, gerberas, and asters. The clear dominance of succulents still remains too unusual an option for a wedding bouquet.

Below you will see photos of the listed plants with names.

Callas (Calla lilies)


Ranunculus (Ranunculus) Asian buttercup (garden)

How many colors should there be

According to European tradition, the number of fresh flowers in any bouquet must be odd, the same applies to the wedding composition. However, how much is it?

Do not chase an overly lush option. When thinking about quantity, it is also worth thinking about some other points:

  • Composition weight will depend precisely on the number of plants included in it. The bride must not part with the flowers all day, literally not letting them out of her hands for a minute. Imagine her state in the evening: fatigue from the bouquet is guaranteed!
  • Quality and freshness. The specificity of a floral arrangement for a newlywed is that the flowers must remain beautiful and fresh for a long time, without being in water. Additional heaviness of the composition is given by a sponge soaked in water, into which flowers are usually fixed. If there is a large number, the stems may fall out of the holes, and the flowers, not communicating with water, can quickly lose their appearance.
  • The number of plants will also depend on the type of bouquet, its filling. If you use small flowers, you will need more of them. The optimal number for a medium-sized bouquet would be 5-7 flowers.

Important! Don’t forget about additional components, because sprigs of greenery and berries will also add volume and weight to the composition.


Prices for a bridal bouquet vary depending on its contents and design, as well as the region of Russia.

The most lower price limit It's starting to look like a pretty decent bouquet from 1500 rubles. If you try, you can find more modest compositions starting from 1000 rubles.

Advice! A bouquet with pick-up will cost a little less.

average cost wedding composition - 2000-3000 rubles. For this money, you can be sure that your beloved will receive a decent option and will be satisfied with it.

Of course, florists don’t stop at these numbers. With higher requirements for composition and quality, the price can rise to 5,000 rubles and then to exorbitant amounts.

Prices exclusive designer models, as a rule, start from 5000-6000 rubles and can reach up to 15,000 rubles.

Additions to the bouquet

The traditional bridal bouquet can be complemented with original details. If desired, the florist will include bright colors in the decor. citrus fruits, beautiful ribbons, brooch or toys.

An excellent educational video about the rules for choosing fresh flowers from the Florist.Ru service:

Choosing flower filling for a bride's bouquet is a complex science. When choosing types, varieties, colors and combinations of plants, it is better to first familiarize yourself with some subtleties that will help you and make the process of finding the perfect bouquet simpler and clearer.

Caution: flowers

When choosing flowers from a catalog, remember that nature has endowed some of them with stamens containing pollen, which can ruin your wedding dress. To prevent yellow spots from decorating your snow-white dress at the height of the holiday, you should remove all the stamens from such flowers before the bride picks up the bouquet. Most often, such troubles are caused by lilies, since the stamens of other flowers, for example, tulips, are hidden inside unopened buds.

Before you finally settle on a particular flower, you should consider how strong its smell is, whether it causes allergies in you and whether it will cause headaches for people around you. As you know, the aroma of the same lilies and orchids of some varieties is quite intense and intrusive, so it is better to think about everything in advance than to suffer from the unwanted proximity of such flowers at your own wedding.

Pay for the first or second! or How many flowers should there be in a bouquet?

Which member of the stronger sex has not dreamed of giving his beloved a star from the sky, the sun, the moon, or at least a million scarlet roses? All this is very cool and spectacular, but absolutely unacceptable in relation to a wedding bouquet, which your other half will have to wear throughout the whole day. And even if the groom really wants to present the bride with a huge, chic bouquet, he should first of all think about how much such a gift weighs.

To make sure that flowers are not only beautiful, but also have considerable weight, let’s make simple mathematical calculations. Let one rose with a tall glass weigh 100 grams. Do you think this is quite a bit? Maybe. However, imagine that there are a damn dozen of these roses in the bouquet. This means that together they weigh 1.3 kg. Here you also need to add a mass of porta bouquet moistened with water (about 0.2 kg). Then the total weight of the bouquet will be 1.5 kg.

How many roses are you going to give to your loved one? 19? 25? More? Think about how tired your beloved will be during the day, happily fluttering in front of the camera lens with such a heavy weight in her hands. And if you are planning to marry someone other than a powerlifting athlete, give up your idea in favor of a small bouquet of roses with medium-sized buds.

There is one more advantage to this solution - the fewer flowers in the bouquet, the more water in the porta bouquet per capita of the flower “population”. If there are a lot of flowers, they will very quickly exhaust the supply of available moisture, which, no doubt, will immediately affect the appearance of the bouquet. In general, when deciding on the number of flowers in the bride’s bouquet, it’s time to remember the apt expression of the classic of Marxism-Leninism: “Less is better.” You and your significant other will be able to see this more than once during the joyful, but nevertheless tiring wedding marathon.

Often the bride and groom have a question about how many flowers should be chosen in order for the bouquet to be optimal in size. As a rule, the most popular bouquets abroad are those consisting of 6, 10, 12 or more flowers, but an even number is required. However, in Russia there are completely different views on this matter, and therefore a bouquet that is presented for a wedding, anniversary and any other holiday must necessarily include an odd number of flowers. How many there will be is up to you, the main thing is that the bride feels comfortable and comfortable with this bouquet.

As a rule, many of us begin to think about what to present to the hero of the occasion, long before the event itself. But this applies specifically to gifts, and with flowers everything is much simpler - before going to a name day, christening or anniversary, we run into the first flower shop we come across (tent, market) and buy something more or less suitable for cost and appearance.

How else? - many will be surprised. - After all, flowers must be fresh! However, if you take a similar approach to buying a wedding bouquet, you run the risk of purchasing a specimen that, after only lasting a couple of hours, will begin to fall apart before your eyes. What to do?

1. Order a bouquet only where they do it professionally, which means your path lies with a personal florist or a flower salon.

2. Compare prices in salons, the range of plants offered, read catalogs and booklets, make sure that the company specializes in making wedding bouquets.

3. Choose “your” florist or salon.

4. Make your first visit to the master 2 - 3 weeks before the onset of day “X”.

6. When placing an order, be sure to indicate the exact date and time of production of the bouquet, or better yet, pay for its delivery.

7. On the eve of the wedding, be sure to call the florist to remind yourself.

What is the advantage of specialized salons over single artisans working in the market or in tents?


Here you can order all the floral decorations that you will need for the celebration - flowers for the banquet hall, decoration for the bride's hair and headdress, wedding bouquet, groom's boutonniere, flower path for the newlyweds.

If the bouquet includes rare exotic flowers and plants, they will be ordered specifically for your wedding, and the color of the flower and its variety will exactly match those specified in the order.

A professional florist will take into account everything when composing a bouquet - from the bride’s favorite flowers to the brand of perfume she will use on her wedding day.

To ensure that clients do not have allergies, all potentially dangerous, strong-smelling plants undergo special treatment, as a result of which the smell disappears.

The freshness of the flowers from the salon is beyond doubt.

Special equipment (florist refrigerators) extends the life of flowers.

Experienced craftsmen will create for you the bouquet of your dreams.

A wedding bouquet is not only an important accessory that harmoniously completes the bride’s image, but also a full participant in wedding ceremonies. The appearance of a bouquet in the hands of the groom on his way to buy his betrothed is deeply symbolic. However, few people think about this today, because for those around them the main thing is a cheerful performance during the traditional ransom, and no one attaches much importance to the moment of handing over the bouquet - well, the groom gave flowers to his beloved, what a miracle!

In the light of this tradition, you re-evaluate the words of A. Barykin’s well-known song “Bouquet”: “I just want the girl I love to take the bouquet.” To any uninitiated listener, the author’s position will seem more than strange - why drive a bicycle so far and try to hand a bouquet to a girl who has been dating someone else for a long time? And how long will a bouquet given as a keepsake last in water? But now everything seems completely different: if a girl took a bouquet, it means she gave hope, so all is not lost.

So, the bride accepted the flowers and the wedding started. All day the newlywed is inseparable from her bouquet, but before the newlyweds leave the hall, the time comes for the bride to part with the groom’s gift forever, throwing it into the crowd of unmarried friends, because, according to signs, the new owner of the bouquet should soon get married. You need to remember this point and order a duplicate bouquet from the florist in advance - an exact copy of the wedding one, but much smaller and without a porta bouquet.

This step is not dictated by the bride’s desire to take away with her a bouquet dear to her heart. This is more of a manifestation of humanism towards the bridesmaids. No matter how much the latter would like to get married as soon as possible, hardly anyone is attracted by the prospect of being hit on the head or arm with a rather heavy bouquet with a plastic porta bouquet. And it’s also good if the lucky girl who catches the bouquet gets away with just a bruise, which, although it will heal before the hypothetical wedding, will spoil the mood now.

Some brides order a backup bouquet made of artificial flowers, which is also a good solution for participants in an ancient ceremony. Such a bouquet is small and light, which means it is convenient to throw and catch, it will not stain the dress and can be kept by the girl who caught it until she gets married. The only thing that is required of the bride before the wedding is to practice throwing this bouquet in order to study the trajectory of its movement and try to get into the crowd of friends, and not somewhere completely different.

We have all long been accustomed to the fickleness of windy fashion, because new creative ideas are constantly born in the heads of leading designers. Professionals working in the field of wedding floristry are not far behind them.

Let's look at the main trends that can be seen today in the design of wedding bouquets:

Forest and wildflowers are increasingly crowding out the usual garden flowers, and therefore florists are gradually moving away from the once fashionable forms of bouquets - round, teardrop-shaped. It is clear that compositions from plants grown “in the wild” - in a field, in a forest - simply cannot have an ideal shape, and this is not necessary, because the main thing in such bouquets is the desire to emphasize the freedom and natural beauty of flowers.

Bouquets on a living stem are being chosen more and more often; the craze for porta bouquets is becoming a thing of the past. This is all connected with the same desire for simplicity and naturalness.

Compositions based on the contrast of colors of different sizes are becoming popular. In this case, the design of small flowers is designed to emphasize the beauty of large ones.

The colors of fashionable bouquets are very different - from a classic elegant mono-bouquet (consists of flowers of the same shade), which will never go out of fashion, to bright contrasting compositions. Bouquets of pastel colors are also in trend, so every girl can choose the color of her wedding bouquet in accordance with her own taste, without the risk of being considered old-fashioned.

Everyone knows that fabric, ribbons, feathers, beads and brooches have long been used as decoration. But the designers went even further by including such non-traditional materials in the compositions as shells, ropes, twines, paper and even... burlap!

Florists are boldly expanding the list of plants that are used to create wedding bouquets. And today you should no longer be surprised to find such non-wedding plants as decorative cabbage or succulents in the composition. A little more, and who knows, perhaps one day we will see a cactus in a festive package?

The tradition according to which the groom gives a bouquet to the bride has a centuries-old history. The bouquet then served not just as a decoration, but as a kind of symbol and amulet, the task of which was to protect the young from all kinds of troubles and misfortunes and fill their home with joy and prosperity.

Therefore, when choosing the composition of a bouquet, in the old days they proceeded not from aesthetic considerations, but from the symbolism of a particular flower, grass or branch. Thus, the ancient Romans included ears of wheat, garlic, rosemary and many other dried flowers and aromatic herbs in the bride’s bouquet. The composition did not shine with beauty, but it drove away evil spirits, helped maintain marital fidelity and ensured abundance in the house, which was much more important for the young from a practical point of view.

Wedding compositions that are more familiar to us existed among the ancient Greeks. The bride's bouquet included roses and ivy, symbolizing constancy and eternal love. And the guests gave the newlyweds an orange tree, which was designed to fulfill the wishes of the spouses and attract prosperity and wealth to their home. In Rus', it was not customary to present flowers at a wedding; this tradition came to us from the West already during the Soviet period and was liked by many.

Herbarium for memory

The question - what to do with a wedding bouquet placed in a vase at home - comes to the minds of brides who are sorry to part with such beauty, because sooner or later the flowers will fade. On the one hand, nothing is eternal in the world - this is a well-known fact. And, on the other hand, your bouquet is a symbol of love and family happiness, with which memories dear to your heart are associated. That’s why it’s so painful to look at flowers sadly lowering their heads.

How to stop time and extend the life of flowers? The answer is simple - you need to dry the plants, then, if you wish, you can always immerse yourself in the fabulous atmosphere of the happiest day of your life. Making a herbarium is not difficult: to do this, flowers are hung to dry with their heads down in a dark, dry and warm room. Some people prefer to dry only the flower heads, separating them from the stems and spreading them in a thin layer on paper. After a few weeks (from two to four), the plants will dry, and you will do with them as you wish - put them in a box, sprinkled with the perfume that you used on your wedding day, hang them on the wall in a frame, or put them in a vase. In any case, your bouquet is saved, and you can always refresh your memories by taking out the treasured box from the mezzanine.

Wedding bouquets of stars

Interest in “star” weddings does not wane, and many brides want to know in detail how this fateful event took place for members of the royal family and a popular actress, scandalous singer and famous TV presenter. And not at all to measure their strength with them, as Ellochka Shchukina once did with the daughter of the American billionaire Vanderbilt from the brilliant work of Ilf and Petrov “The Twelve Chairs”. The thing is that the stars, preparing for their own wedding, spare no expense and hire the best specialists in the field of wedding fashion and design. Why not learn from specific examples, and at the same time borrow some idea for the upcoming celebration?

Probably, only the lazy did not write about the wedding of Diana Spencer and Prince Charles of Wales. Today everything is known about this outstanding event - from the material from which the wedding dress was made to the size of the bride’s shoes. The wedding bouquet is also not ignored - an important accessory that amazes not only with its beauty, but also with its weight and dimensions: the length of the flower arrangement was 105 cm, and its weight reached 5 kg! Looking at the photographs of that significant day, it’s hard to believe how easily and naturally Diana holds the bouquet with one hand, walking arm in arm with her newly-made husband.

Lady Di's bouquet was carefully selected taking into account floral symbolism and included:
- orchids - flowers of love and beauty,
- green ivy - a symbol of marital fidelity,
- myrtle, which in England and a number of other countries means the innocence of the bride, a strong marriage and the well-being of the young,
- gardenias, which we associate with purity, sincerity and elegance,
- lilies of the valley as an obligatory attribute of any royal bouquet, because they symbolize pure, sincere love and great happiness,
- yellow roses - the personification of strong friendship,
- freesia as a symbol of trust and affection.

The origin of the myrtle branches in Diana's wedding bouquet deserves special mention. They were cut from a bush that was personally planted by Queen Victoria in 1845 at the royal summer residence Osborne House on the Isle of Wight. Since then, almost all members of the royal family have had branches of this myrtle in their wedding bouquets. The tradition was started in 1858 by the Queen's daughter, Princess Victoria, and the family myrtle subsequently appeared in the wedding compositions of the living Queen Elizabeth II, Diana Spencer, Camilla Parker-Bowles and Kate Middleton.

It is also interesting that regardless of the number of unmarried bridesmaids the prince's bride has, not one of them has the slightest chance of catching the royal bouquet. This tradition was established by Queen Elizabeth II on the day of her wedding to Prince Philip in 1947, laying her wedding bouquet on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Westminster Abbey. Diana was no exception, as were all the other brides of the royalty of Foggy Albion.

Diana's personal life, unfortunately, did not work out. Either they forgot to add some important ingredient to the flower arrangement, or the bouquet turned out to be too heavy a burden for the newlyweds entering a life together. It is interesting that the new wife of Prince Charles, Camilla Parker-Bowles, did not want to repeat the mistakes of her predecessor and chose a light and elegant wedding bouquet of lilies of the valley, myrtle and primroses - white, lilac and yellow.

Kate Middleton did the same when she married Diana's son, Prince William. The creation of her small but stylish wedding bouquet was entrusted to world-renowned florist designer Shane Connolly. As part of the floral arrangement, he used lilies of the valley, myrtle, white hyacinths (as a symbol of constancy in love), ivy and Turkish carnations of the Sweet William variety. The last component is especially symbolic, not only because of the name, but also its meaning, because it is the flower of courage and nobility.

Thus, a wedding with a special person, in whose veins royal blood flows, imposes strict restrictions on the choice of flowers for the wedding composition, which must include lilies of the valley. The beautiful Grace Kelly was no exception, who on the day of her wedding to Prince Rainier III of Monaco appeared in public with a modest bouquet of these spring flowers. And many years later, the son of the film star, Prince Albert, walked Charlene Wittstock (who looks strikingly similar to Grace) down the aisle, and the new princess of Monaco also held in her hands a small elegant bouquet of lilies of the valley and orchids.

The royal example turned out to be contagious, and many girls, by no means of aristocratic origin, increasingly ordered wedding arrangements with a “royal” flower. It was this option that singer Britney Spears settled on, who appeared at her wedding with Kevin Federline with a bouquet of lilies of the valley and white roses in a portaquet decorated with lace and Swarovski crystals.

However, many celebrities want to dictate new fashion trends to the world themselves. Thus, actress Milla Jovovich at her own wedding preferred the company of her favorite flowers - orchids, and Hollywood star Nicole Kidman was legally married to singer Keith Urban, holding in her hands a stylish round bouquet of gardenias and white peonies. On the occasion of her wedding to famous football player David Beckham, Spice Girls star Victoria Adams chose a super-original bouquet, which for a long time was the No. 1 topic in gossip columns. Imagine a volumetric composition in the form of a cascade, consisting of branches of birch, willow and ivy, decorated with apples and berries. It may seem incredible, but the bouquet created from such rather unconventional components turned out to be very interesting, and the wedding of Victoria and David was called one of the brightest and most beautiful events of recent years.

Perhaps the most picturesque point in preparing for a wedding ceremony is choosing a wedding bouquet. Floristry is present in everything at a wedding: flowers in the bride’s hair, a boutonniere for the groom, floral decor for the hall, decorations for the car, etc. Therefore, it is necessary to take the choice with special responsibility.

Bride's proportions

If you are short, it is better not to choose long bouquets, as they can visually emphasize the short stature of the bride.

A waterfall bouquet against a tall background will look proportional.

If you are Petite size, choose a bouquet that is also small and neatly shaped. Give preference to a composition with a small round shape. Against the background, it will complement the outfit of the fragile bride and will not block the view.

For brides with a curvy figure, it is better to choose large, elongated designer bouquets. A small bun can poorly emphasize outstanding shapes.

Hair color

For bright brunettes and brown-haired women, a mix of dark rich shades interspersed with lighter ones looks harmonious.

For fair-haired brides, it is advisable to use powdery and soft colors - pink, creamy, sandy, peach, heavenly.

Flowers with a strong aroma

If you are sensitive to smells or have a pollen allergy (don't forget to ask your fiancé about this), don't choose fragrant flowers for your bouquet. Flowers should not emit an intrusive aroma. Such a fragrant, blooming composition can provoke a change in mood or a health problem.

Think about what kind of wedding bouquet you want. Decide how much money you can spend on it. Order from the florist at least a month before the celebration. Consider the question of delivering a bouquet - whether you need to pick it up yourself or deliver it from a flower salon at a convenient time to the specified address.

Seasonality of flowers

Seasonal flowers have better quality and lower cost during the blooming season.

Plant resistance
Some of the flowers drop their heads after a few hours, others retain their freshness all day. Therefore, it is very important that the bouquet does not fade before a certain time.

Pollen and colors
Make sure the flowers don't have pollen that could stain your dress. The color of the plants should be natural, as artificially colored flowers can leave marks on the outfit.

Bouquet weight
Pay attention to the weight of the bundle and holder. You will be holding the composition all day, so it should be as light and comfortable as possible so that your hand does not become tense or tired.

Bouquet style
Show the wedding florist the dress in the photo or bring it in its entirety, and tell us about your wedding style. This will help him create a real masterpiece that harmoniously fits into the concept of the wedding celebration. If you have a white dress, then do not choose buds that are whiter than its color. In contrast, the outfit may look off-white.

Maintain proportions when choosing the size of your wedding bouquet. For petite girls, it is better to give preference to a small round composition. Against the background, it will complement the outfit of the fragile bride and will not block the view. But a curvaceous bride should choose a larger bouquet, because a small bunch can emphasize outstanding shapes. A long bouquet can contribute to the visual shortness of the bride, and will ensure proportionality for tall ones.

A wedding bouquet has no temporary value, because this wedding accessory will be captured in photographs and videos. No one will remember for ten or more years how the car was decorated or what food was at the banquet, but you will always see the bouquet in the wedding photo album. As a result, it’s better to save on something other than a bouquet!

Which bouquet to choose for a spring, summer, autumn, winter wedding

Pay attention to the wedding date. Analyze possible weather conditions at this time. Flowers must withstand any temperature fluctuations possible during this season.

The perfect selection of flowers for the bride's bouquet

Spring: potassium flower, gardenia, hydrangea, lilac, lilies, lilies of the valley, gerberas, orchids, roses, tulips, hypericum.

Summer: potassium flower, gardenia, hydrangea, lilac, freesia, lily, gerbera, orchids, roses, tulips.

Autumn: viburnum, hydrangeas, lilies, gerberas, orchids, roses, tulips, iris.

Winter: calcium, gardenia, hydrangea, lily, gerbera, orchid, chrysanthemums, roses, tulips, amaryllis.

The color of each plant in the composition is of no small importance.

in spring: “dusty” colors: pink, yellow, purple, green and bluish.

In summer: bright and rich colors.

in autumn: red, yellow, orange.

in winter: silver, gold, purple or red.

Please note that each color carries a specific message and energy.

Feng Shui color meanings

white is the color of beauty and a new start;

yellow is the color of home comfort and family happiness;

red is the color of passion and vitality;

blue is the color of loyalty and devotion;

purple is the color of luxury and maturity;

pink is the color of youth, femininity, playfulness;

orange color - self-confidence and courage.

The best flower plants for bridal bouquets

Let your wedding composition demonstrate the refined taste of its owner.


The red rose symbolizes love, loyalty, beauty. The yellow rose, depending on the culture in which it is used, is associated with jealousy and adultery or with wealth and the sun. Pink - symbolizes tender affection. The buds should be firm, retain their shape, the leaves should be dark green, without visible damage.

Roses can be bought all year round. They have a slight odor and come in thousands of varieties. These are versatile and excellent flowers. They aren't very fragile, but they also don't feel particularly durable. Roses tend to bloom in warm weather conditions.

This is a mutual understanding of endless love. It symbolizes sincerity, happiness and openness. The strict shape of the bud perfectly complements the minimalist wedding dress. The combination of white and red tulips looks incomparable. The plant has a truly wide range of colors. These are durable flowers, they can be combined in different bouquets - both romantic and bright and exotic.

These flowers are available almost the whole year, but the highest quality and cheapest are from February to April. They are one of the most economical options for a spring wedding. But they are not suitable as hair decorations and boutonnieres due to their sensitivity to heat.

Symbolizes rebirth, purity and nobility. It is believed that this flower will bring many beautiful and pure moments into the new life of the newlyweds. Calla lilies are available throughout the year, but are subject to significant price fluctuations. These flowers are not cheap, as they are quite vulnerable during transportation. Sensitive to low temperatures and easily damaged by frost.

The plant is perfectly preserved even without water. This makes them an ideal flower for a wedding bouquet where the flowers need to be kept out of water for a long time. Potassium is one of the few flowers that is perfect for summer weddings.

It is a symbol of fidelity and chastity. Depending on the time of year, flowers can be very expensive. These babies are sensitive to heat, transport, touch and dehydration. They grow quickly. Lilies of the valley do not have long stems, so they are used to make a mono-bouquet. Lilies of the valley are especially fragrant and pretty, creating a wonderful and fragrant atmosphere.

Symbol of creativity and spontaneity. The plant is distinguished by beautiful flowers, especially appreciated by florists due to the wide range of shades. White flowers perfectly emphasize the solemnity of the holiday, and dark shades become bright accents of the bouquet. Hydrangea holds its shape well and easily combines with other flowers.

They are sold all year round in various colors, good quality and reasonable prices. The flowering season for hydrangea is summer. In the off-season, they are inferior to seasonal ones in quality and size.


One of the most sensual flowers with a wonderful aroma that promises success and happiness in marriage. This flower was used in ancient times to strengthen love and romance. Peony has many benefits: delicious scents, soft pastel colors, which is ideal for weddings. Whipped large flower petals help create rich, sophisticated wedding decor and can be done inexpensively.

Peony is a seasonal plant, blooming in late May, June or early July. Although they can be ordered at any time of the year, flowers will be more expensive. When choosing peonies, keep in mind that they need moisture, so if you want a tied bunch, be prepared for the fact that they will not be able to spend the whole day in their original form.


Symbolizes the charm of a woman, her radiance and attractiveness. A multi-layered, appetizing flower head can be an excellent replacement for fragrant peonies. Their flowering time is almost the same as that of peonies - May-June. Blooming flower buds look very rich and expensive. According to florists, they survive longer without water than peonies.


Stephanotis is considered a flower that protects marital happiness. It was nicknamed “Madagascar jasmine” for its delicate flowers. These are small flowers that are often used as an accent in wedding bouquets. The marriage will last a long time, and the feelings of the newlyweds will never cool down if this little snow-white beauty is present in the bride’s bouquet. In greenhouses with artificial bulbs, stephanotis can bloom at any time of the year. Naturally they bloom in late spring, early summer.

Sweet pea symbolizes pleasure. It is a rather small flower with a sweet scent and bright colors. Used as an accent in wedding bouquets. They usually bloom in June-August.


She is a symbol of secret love and joy. This is a flower of extraordinary beauty, but extremely demanding from the point of view of existence. Gardenia is used as an accent in wedding bouquets. It is so fragrant that just a few flowers can fill a room with an unprecedented fragrance. The plant is quite sensitive to various contacts. The price of the flower is high, but you can add it to the composition at any time of the year.


Symbol of eternity and constancy. Especially suitable for spring celebrations. Hyacinths are very durable, their hard stem perfectly retains moisture, so the bouquet remains fresh for a long time. The season for hyacinths is spring. These flowers can be used for wedding decor. In addition, their petals can be used instead of rose petals for the ritual of showering the newlyweds upon leaving the registry office.


Symbolizes innocence and friendship. The delicate shades of this flower perfectly emphasize the youth and meekness of the bride. Essential oils of these flowers calm and relieve stress. Freesia is great for young brides; their color range is very wide, so you can create unique bouquets. Sold all year round.


Symbolizes joy. For brave girls, florists offer an armful of brightly colored gerberas, for more modest girls - white or cream shades. Gerberas can be purchased all year round and come in a variety of colors.


Popularly called the Peruvian lily or the lily of the Incas. Symbolizes friendship and loyalty. This flower is considered royal because it is always very expensive. She is very sensitive, afraid of drafts and direct sunlight. These flowers bloom twice a year: spring (April-May) and autumn (September-October).


In Vietnam, the orchid is considered a symbol of youth and beauty, in Europe it is a flower of perfection and elegance. Small-flowered orchids are usually used for wedding bouquets. These flowers are grown all year round. They are sensitive to frost, so not suitable for a winter wedding. Orchids are resistant to moisture and heat loss, and are ideal for bouquets and color arrangements in the summer.

Represents beauty, purity and peace. They have large, fairly flat flowers, making them great for elaborate bouquets. Although these flowers can also be vulnerable, they are not as sensitive as potassium. Lilies have a strong odor, so those with allergies should not add them to the composition. These lilies are more tolerant of cold weather than the potassium flower, but are more sensitive to lack of water and hot weather.

The size of the flower makes them very suitable for wedding decorations because they are easily visible from a distance and hold up well if there is enough water. You can buy Casablanca all year round.

Regardless of color, lilac is the personification of love and fertility. It usually blooms in the spring, but some species can bloom during the summer. Lilac is a seasonal shrub, so it is very difficult to find in other seasons, and the quality is poor. These heady flowers require a good source of water and are sensitive to heat. It is highly likely that the lilacs in a wedding bouquet will fall off in less than an hour. Even if they have a source of water, they may wither from the bride's body heat. So think carefully about whether you really want to have them on your wedding day.

TOP 11 wedding bouquet trends

Complete your wedding look with a living accessory!

As you know, fashion comes back like a boomerang. A few years ago, peaches, pinks and shades of blue were all the rage, so modern brides can feel free to choose similar colors this season! A wedding bouquet of peonies - one of florists' favorite year-round colors of the rainbow palette - will be the ideal choice. Chrysanthemums, ranunculuses and gerberas are also perfect for this role.

However, use flowers that naturally take on beautiful hues - those tinted blue, such as the aforementioned peonies, are not the most fashionable in the 21st century. Remember also that the bouquet does not have to be made of rich flowers - they can only be the “highlight” on the cake.

Tattered bridal bouquet

There is nothing more romantic than a gorgeous “disheveled bouquet”! This is a fresh turn in the world of floristry. And it is this trend that is dominant this season. Along with the huge and still growing popularity of boho and rustic weddings, whimsical and rustic tousled shapes are making their way into the bridal bouquet. Using controlled chaos, florists create small works of art, making sure every leaf and twig has its place.

However, we cannot fail to mention the popular floral decor of a similar style, which forms the basis of current wedding decorations and will never go out of fashion.

A trend for more daring brides and those with unconventional and creative thinking. At heart they are rebels and bright girls. A few years ago, the deep, rich color of Marsala entered the wedding industry but failed miserably. Now we can enjoy and choose incredibly attractive emeralds, garnets and wine shades. Stunningly luxurious and irresistible, these versatile flowers are often paired with lush greenery.

Green plants to add to the floral arrangement are an integral element of modern wedding arrangements. It is decorative greenery that makes an ordinary bouquet so fantastic and romantic. An added benefit of eating greens is that they are not expensive. A small number of central flowers in an abundance of green vegetation are inexpensive, but look like an amazing, unique wedding bouquet.

Plus, many trendy plants, like whimsical powder-green succulents, fit brilliantly into a floral ensemble. Look for interesting plants with unusual shapes and beautiful greenish colors.

We are very glad that girls are becoming more courageous and are not afraid of the experiments offered by flower artists. Photos of wedding bouquets are amazing with original plants. Sometimes even one unusual element can completely change the face of a composition.

For example, one or two leaves of the beautiful monstera, which reigned last season, will emphasize the originality and originality of the sweet beauty. The impressive protea will stand out among the smaller flowers, and the graceful artichokes will successfully replace the popular succulents.

When choosing a floral accessory, you should also take care of additional decoration. The stem of the bouquet is not the most beautiful part of it. It is worth decorating the stem of the wedding bouquet with beautiful silk and satin ribbons. Such decoration looks graceful and sophisticated. A long ribbon blowing in the wind serves as a delicate decoration of lively sensuality.

Dried flowers, cotton and lagurus in the bride’s bouquet stay on trend and don’t want to go away. A mono-bouquet of lavender or a combined composition will attract the attention of others. A huge advantage of such an accessory is its durability. During the day it does not lose its original appearance. We recommend using bouquets of dried flowers in winter or late autumn. With proper care, such bouquets last at least 5 years.

Bride's bouquet of artificial flowers

Artificial flowers today look like real ones and do not fade. An artificial alternative to the traditional bridal bouquet is becoming increasingly popular. Such a bouquet will not be affected by the weather: it looks great in both cold and heat. It can be stored indefinitely, making it an element of the decor of the family nest, and even be passed on by inheritance. No restrictions on colors. You can add them to a wedding bouquet of fresh flowers.

Wedding bouquet using origami technique

The origami technique allows you to create from paper. Such a bouquet will emphasize the originality of the bride.

Feathers are a popular addition to a bouquet. But on their own they can form an original composition.

Wedding bouquet with fruits, berries, cereals and vegetables.

Today, these gifts of nature are increasingly found not only in tabletop compositions and decorative baskets, but also in bridal bouquets. Edible additions, even in small quantities, can transform a bouquet into something extraordinary.

So why not use all the variety of colors, textures, shapes and even scents. Ruddy apples, juicy berries, sunny ears, bright cherry tomatoes and even a decorative pumpkin with emerald leaves... Look for an idea for a wedding bouquet in the fruit and vegetable aisles!

How much does a wedding bouquet cost?

The final cost of the bouquet consists of:

Seasonality of plants. Using seasonal and wildflowers significantly reduces bouquet costs.

Exotic flowers. The cost of transportation and the floating exchange rate greatly influence the price of rare specimens from exotic countries.

Complexity of the composition. The pricing of the fragrant accessory depends on the timing of the bouquet, additional decorations and floral accessories.

Cost of delivery. Self-pickup will help reduce costs if the flower shop is nearby

Valeria Zhilyaeva

Just as the bride is the queen of the evening, so the rose is the queen of flowers. Even a small bridal bouquet of roses will stand out and complement the newlywed’s image. In any flower arrangement, this plant amazes with its richness of colors and subtle, refined aroma.

How many roses do you need for a wedding bouquet? There must be an odd number of them, and the exact number does not matter. It is even possible to create a composition in which there is one large rose, framed by other flowers: carnations, lilies, etc. We will tell you which plants roses go best with, what they symbolize and what features you should pay attention to when composing a bouquet.

Features, varieties and advantages

These plants are used by brides quite often. Which is not surprising, because among the huge number of varieties, different in color, size and shape, you can always find the most attractive option.

Roses have the most shades - the palette is incredibly wide!

Among the queen of any flower bed there are varieties with white, beige, coral shades, passionate red tones, as well as exclusive purple, black, blue and orange roses. In addition, there are varieties that combine several shades at once.

Bride's bouquet with orange roses

Such a variety of shades allows you to create wedding bouquets exclusively from roses. For example, you can successfully combine a yellow variety and lilac buds or in one bouquet.

Bridal bouquet with white and red roses

Flowers also differ in shape. The bride's bouquet can consist exclusively of or include large ones, which in appearance resemble their luxurious brother of the same name.

Bridal bouquet with peony roses

But beauties differ not only in appearance. Each variety has unique aroma. Various notes are found in nature: from fruity and citrus to a tart spicy aroma. This also needs to be taken into account when choosing plants for a bouquet, because the bride will have to hold the flowers in her hands all day.

Rose has several advantages:

  • availability plants at any time of the year;
  • safety aesthetics for a long time;
  • hypoallergenic.

It is for these reasons that delicate buds remain in the leading position among the flowers for the bride’s bouquet.

What does the rose symbolize?

The bride's bouquet is not only one of the details of the image, but also a certain symbol of the event. Depending on what flowers are included in the composition, one can judge the character of the bride and her attitude towards the groom.

The rose is a symbol of perfection, passion, fertility and eternity

The rose has several symbolic meanings. They differ in different countries and situations. In the West, the rose has a meaning similar to the lotus in India and China. In other words, the plant symbolizes purity, sensuality, but at the same time the center of the universe and divinity. The flower also matters ideality, completeness and nobility.

Bouquet of roses for the bride and ring

Since ancient times, the phrase “strew the path with roses” means remove all obstacles, make the road easy And happy. In addition, the plant has the meaning of concentration, intelligence and caution.

The ancient Romans believed that roses prevent unnecessary conversations, contribute to the ability to remain silent. That is why garlands of these flowers were hung in the halls where feasts or meetings were held.

Bouquet of purple roses for the bride

This kind of symbolism is not found these days. In most cases, brides choose the design of their bouquet based on their preferences and the style of the entire wedding.

Wedding bouquet of white roses

White roses are flowers of tenderness and innocence. They are perfect for a wedding celebration.

A bouquet with white roses will suit modest and romantic girls

Such flowers in the bride's bouquet go well with dresses in ivory shades. It is not necessary to use exclusively white buds. Cream roses, milk roses, ivory and peach-colored plants look spectacular.

Cream roses for the bride

White buds harmonize perfectly with other flowers. A popular option is a beautiful wedding bouquet from roses and orchids.

Wedding bouquet of roses and orchids

It will look original green bouquet in the style of minimalism. In this case, eucalyptus, fern or a special variety of lilies with a herbaceous tint are added to the white inflorescences.

Photo of a bouquet of lilies and roses

The combination will look gentle and elegant. This combination will only emphasize the sensuality of the bride.

Photo of a bouquet of chrysanthemums and roses

Incredibly beautiful bridal bouquets from roses and daisies. It is not necessary to use snow-white daisies. To create an unusual combination, blue or blue plants are suitable.

Photo of a wedding bouquet of roses and daisies

Bride's bouquet of red roses

Red buds always speak of passion, love and attraction. If the choice stops at this shade, then you will need to complement the flower arrangement with accessories: ribbon, shoes, headdress, gloves, etc.

Red roses in a bouquet are suitable for confident and temperamental brides!

When the wedding style allows, a burgundy bridal bouquet of roses is allowed. However, as a general rule, it is recommended to slightly tone down the brightness of the composition.

Burgundy bridal bouquet of roses

This can be done using cream, white or soft pink peonies. The flower arrangements are extremely unusual.

Bouquet of red roses and peonies

In addition to peonies, adding white dahlias. They look original.

Bouquet of red roses and dahlias

Pink roses for the bride's bouquet

A bride's bouquet of soft pink roses creates a romantic and delicate image. These flowers go well with any pastel bridesmaid dress.

Pink roses - the choice of romantic natures

Pink shades go well with purple, pearl, brown, white and green tones. You can play with contrast and create a composition that combines pink and dark tones.

Photo of a bride with a bouquet of pink roses at a wedding

Compositions from roses and gerberas. They harmonize with each other, complementing and creating an original composition.

Wedding bouquet with roses and gerberas

The wedding bouquet looks very delicate and elegant with hydrangea and roses. It emphasizes the charm of the bride and does not distract from the entire image.

Wedding bouquet with pink roses and hydrangea

Bouquet of yellow roses for the bride

There is an opinion that yellow flowers are not suitable for a wedding, as they promise a quick separation. However, all this is nothing more than superstition. Exclusive bouquets are created with yellow roses.

Yellow roses – the choice of positive, emotional brides

A floral arrangement with the inclusion of yellow buds adds brightness and sunshine to the image. Combine with yellow shades of purple, blue, violet. The combination of white and yellow roses looks good.

Wedding bouquet with yellow and white roses

Bouquets with lavender or iris. However, it should be remembered that not everyone likes the specific smell of lavender.

Wedding bouquet with yellow roses and lavender

Yellow buds are also combined with chamomile And chrysanthemum. Compositions with craspedia And eustoma.

Wedding bouquet with yellow roses and eustoma

You don't have to use flashy yellow. For example, tea rose may have a more subdued shade.

Photo of a wedding bouquet of tea roses

Small spray roses in the bride's bouquet

Large buds are more common, so a small bridal bouquet of live spray roses always looks original. These plant varieties store better and will remain fresh until the end of the evening. In general, bush plants look self-sufficient, but their use in compositions is also allowed.

Photo of a wedding bouquet of spray roses

Small buds can be diluted with larger varieties of queen flowers. Then the bouquet will turn out stylish and colorful.

Bridal bouquet with spray and large roses

Shrub beauties are combined with pistachio, aspiditra And chamelacium. Wonderful compositions are composed using.

Shrub roses with freesia for the bride

Shapes of a wedding bouquet of roses

It is advisable to choose the shape of the bouquet based on the characteristics of the bride’s figure. The most widespread round form compositions. However, it is recommended to choose such a bouquet for short girls.

Round bridal bouquet of roses

Suitable for tall brides cascading bouquet. To create it, you can combine pink buds and callas. The wand bouquet also looks interesting. Miniature girls should not choose this shape.

Cascading bridal bouquet of roses and callas

Girls of average build can choose structural bouquet or small basket. The composition is decorated with ribbons, fabric and other decorative elements.

Basket with roses for the bride

Recently it has become popular spherical shape. For such compositions, a frame is prepared to which small buds are attached.

Wedding bouquet in the shape of a ball of roses


The rose is not inferior to the primacy among wedding flowers. Different-sized buds of various shades are truly universal. Using this flower queen, bridal bouquets of extraordinary beauty are created. Every girl can find a suitable option in this variety.

June 14, 2018, 15:00

The most important and significant event in the life of every person is the wedding ceremony. To congratulate the newlyweds on such an important day in their destiny, to wish the new family prosperity, love and family happiness, flowers are simply needed. But many people think about the size of the bouquet already in the store, although it is worth thinking in advance about how many roses they give for the wedding.

Flowers for a wedding bouquet

Roses are rightfully considered the most popular wedding flowers. It is believed that these luxurious flowers can best express the feeling that guests would like to convey to the young. However, there are some features when choosing the shade, quantity and design of flowers that will be acceptable for such a celebration.

The rose has always been a symbol of love and admiration. However, for a wedding ceremony it is better to choose pastel shades of petals - pink, white, ivory, yellow. This palette is very consonant with the general color scheme of the bride’s wedding dress, and the semantic load will be gentle and neutral - a wish for wealth, an emphasis on the tenderness and chastity of the bride, a union sealed with love. You should not choose red shades of buds, as this is a declaration of passionate and fiery love; this may be inappropriate for a gift to a girl at her own wedding.

Florists will help not only with the choice of plants, but also with the design of such a gift. A lush, elegant bouquet should not only be catchy, but also stylish. Accessories and special decoration will help with this, adding solemnity and beauty to the wedding bouquet.

Don’t think that the bride will be with this bouquet throughout the wedding. For these purposes, a special small wedding bouquet is created to match the outfit. And they order it on the eve of the wedding. Therefore, you should not be upset that your bouquet, chosen with such love, is sent to everyone else in the common pile.

It is also important how many roses are given for a wedding. You can buy a huge bouquet of tall roses, but how to give such a gift? It must be remembered that the bride’s outfit (namely, all the invited guests give flowers to her) is very thin, and it can easily be torn by rose thorns if the material touches it. That is why it is advisable to remove thorns on roses in advance. You should also consider the weight of such a gift. A large bouquet weighs a lot, and fragile girlish hands will not be able to hold such a composition for long.

One luxurious rose is also not usually given at such a special event. But a composition of 5-9 roses will come in handy. A decoration and additional semantic load for such a bouquet will be decorating the composition with branches and plants. Blooming jasmine and honeysuckle, according to professional florists, will bring good luck to the young and many happy years of life together.

How else can you convey your wishes with the help of jewelry if the color and number of buds have already been chosen:

  • In ancient times, newlyweds were given small branches of oak or birch, thereby wishing the young family healthy children, as well as good luck in any endeavor. Even today, similar decorations in the form of fern branches and monsteras complement the composition and give it a more refined and finished look.
  • To make the composition exclusive, florists offer to create a “talking bouquet”. Inscriptions on the petals with wishes for a happy family life, photographs of young newlyweds and images of hearts and cupids make the floral gift elegant and unusual.
  • In addition, “fireflies” - built-in LED lights inside the bud will help add some spice. This will not affect the condition of the rose in any way, since the bulbs are in special caps that do not allow the bud to heat up. And the glow of the rose itself, highlighting the inscriptions on the petals will help make the bouquet exclusive and original.
  • Packing with packaging material is used if there is a need for it, but if it can be done without it, then it is removed before presenting the flowers to the bride.

Another option for decorating the composition is a basket or hat box. This form of packaging will greatly simplify the task for wedding organizers. The fact is that for such a gift you don’t need to look for a vase or other vessel with water to put fresh flowers in it. A sponge soaked in water is placed at the bottom of the basket, which allows the flowers to retain their freshness and brightness for a long time.

In this case, the question is resolved: how many roses should I give for a wedding? With the number of buds in the composition, you can play with the size of the basket itself. Too bulky and voluminous will be out of place, but a medium-sized basket can beautifully accommodate from seven to eleven roses. It is best to prepare such a present the day before, especially since these plants will definitely not wither and will look great on the wedding day.

Other flowers in a wedding bouquet

What other flowers can you congratulate the newlyweds on such a solemn day? We list plants that can emphasize the importance of such an event:

  • Lilies are touching and beautiful representatives of nature. These plants deservedly take pride of place among wedding flowers. Delicate white and pastel colors make the lily stand out among other flora gifts. To prevent pollen from staining the bride's outfit, the stamens are removed in advance. But, giving preference to this luxurious flower, it is worth considering that many varieties of lilies have a rich aroma, and if the room in which the bouquet is located is not ventilated, some guests may get a headache.
  • Callas are majestic and austere flowers, frequent guests in brides' wedding bouquets. The personification of a strong family union, youth and virtue. It is believed that these magical gifts of nature are a talisman for newlyweds, a talisman for their happy family life. According to legends, under the influence of this plant a person makes the only right decisions.
  • Lilies of the valley are delicate, tiny bells with a delicate aroma. There are no negative legends about these flowers in any culture in the world; they are revered in all countries. It is a symbol of sincerity, purity and fidelity. In the hands of the bride, such a bouquet looks very cute.

Although, it doesn’t matter at all what flowers relatives and friends choose as a gift. The main thing is to choose and give them with love and good feeling, wishing from the heart happiness, love and prosperity.


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