Avoidance of stressful situations. How to survive life's difficulties without stress? "Alteration" of the day in the fight against stress

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One of the main questions of our time is how to avoid stress? Many people are often tormented by severe nervous tension, but they do not have enough knowledge of how to overcome stress. In general, the methods of stress prevention are quite simple. Almost anyone can easily learn how and use ways to prevent stress. In this way, you can increase resilience, understand psychology and get rid of any disorders that negatively affect the quality of life.

Nutrition Tricks

The easiest way that the system of psychology offers to get rid of disorders is a careful consideration of daily nutrition. Surprisingly, healthy, wholesome and tasty food can really save a person from disorders, increase his resistance to the negative influence of surrounding events and prevent stressful conditions. Of course, it is difficult to associate psychoprophylaxis of stress solely with food, but proper nutrition gives the body lightness and good mood, which means that all negativity is much easier to bear.


Including commonplace lemons, oranges, and more complex and unusual, such as limes, and other fruits. They can be consumed just like that with other fruits, and as a juice, and adding to various dishes.

green vegetables

All green vegetables. This is any cabbage, onion, cucumbers, zucchini, peppers, herbs and other products. They are rich in vitamins and nutrients, in addition, they contain chlorophyll, which is beneficial for the body, which has long been sold as a dietary supplement.

Dark chocolate

Definitely high quality with a high content of cocoa in the composition. It has been established that a few squares of high-quality treats not only improve mood, but also protect the nervous system and relieve disorders. With the help of chocolate, you can increase the stability of the whole organism, the psychological system also benefits from the use of an excellent antidepressant.


Ideal for those who not only want to get rid of disorders, but also to extend their lives and improve physical health due to the high content of zinc and iodine.


They should be added to salads, choose whole grain bread and other healthy dishes, because they charge the body with energy and strength.

Green tea without sugar

You can drink several times a day, but we must not forget that green tea in large quantities can cause dehydration, so along with green tea you need to drink plenty of usually clean water.

Features of communication

Usually, few people know how to protect themselves from stress, so communication with people around you can not only not get rid of various disorders, but also deprive you of any chance to avoid stress after all. That is why you need to know how to protect yourself from stress on your own, so as not to depend on the problems and frustrations of all other people. The communication system itself implies the occurrence of disorders due to conflicts arising in society. Measures to get rid of such effects, first of all, are in relation to emerging situations. To know how to avoid stress, you need to learn how to treat current events as calmly as possible.

Secrets of communication with other people

  1. It is worth remaining benevolent towards all people;
  2. The most important thing in communication is to avoid unpleasant communication, this allows you to prevent the occurrence of disorders and allows you not to waste energy on fighting them;
  3. In the event of serious conflicts, you need to talk and negotiate, compromises and joint problem solving are the best way out of most serious and difficult situations and develop resistance to conflicts;
  4. Measures to maintain a good mood are also communication with inspiring and interesting people, you should not avoid interesting communication, on the contrary, it can become an excellent source of new strength and energy;

The health care system can also help to get rid of unnecessary stress, there is no need to refuse help in case of growth of negative emotions and constant frustration;

Do not forget about physical health, health checks should be constant, which will ensure confidence in your own well-being and help to avoid any emerging problems with the body.

Introspection and its possibilities

One of the main recommendations on how to protect yourself from stress describes the many opportunities for introspection. The self-analysis system allows you to understand your own mood with the help of simple techniques that can be applied with improvised means and without anyone's help.

In general, there are a huge number of techniques, psychological trainings, tests, lectures, lessons and other material aimed precisely at information about self-knowledge, personality development, goal setting, and so on. The most effective of them are those that are the simplest, no matter how paradoxical it may sound.

paper diary

The easiest way to understand yourself is to keep a paper diary. It can be a simple notebook or a beautiful diary, any notebook or album you like, the main thing is that it is convenient to make a note at any time.

The diary will help you speak out, get rid of unnecessary negativity, rethink specific situations, realize the pros and cons of a particular case.

In the diary, you can record stories about past events and talk about upcoming ones, plan, write down ideas, complain and ask questions. The diary is a kind of psychologist, whose role you can take on and speak out, and then, after some time, evaluate past experiences with a fresh look.


The Internet with an unlimited number of its possibilities can also tell you how to understand yourself. Of course, we are not talking about the entire World Wide Web, but only about Internet diaries and blogs and thematic communities. The first ones are good because you can use it on the principle of a paper diary, keeping personal notes, or you can publish open posts, find like-minded people or interesting people, communicate with them and speak out. A blog can eventually turn into an essential Internet platform of interest.

In thematic communities, such as psychological ones, a large number of people usually gather either who understand the topic, or who are in some kind of similar situation, so communicating with them, talking about problems and questions can help get some answers.

Speaking Techniques

Another method is very similar to this one, but records should be kept in the evening, after the day has passed, in order to leave all its events before going to bed and get rid of unnecessary reflections and evaluations of events. Such pages in the evening can be filled in point by point with summed up results of the day or plans for the near future.

Video:"My happy morning. Morning pages - personal experience "

Goal setting and plans

Setting goals, thinking about pleasant plans for the future, can also help get rid of stress. The cause of stress is the lack of interests and plans, so the ability to set precise goals and go towards their implementation means getting rid of a variety of possible consequences of the appearance of nervous tension and even preventing it.

During times when you are in a bad mood and there is a danger of real stress, you can turn to some simple ways to find inspiration and set new goals in life.

Cinema and books

Reading is an interesting and necessary activity that helps to develop a person in various directions. But oddly enough, watching movies can also be not only interesting, but also useful. The peculiarity lies only in the fact that it is necessary to consider this process in a special way. To search for motivations and ideas for your own goals, you just need to carefully observe the characters, the situations of their development and resolution.

No wonder they say that in books we can live a hundred lives and still gain experience gained by the characters.

In this case, this statement can be attributed to films. But stupid comedies or banal love or detective novels will not work - there is absolutely nothing to draw from them, nothing to learn. It is much better to choose serious literature and deep films, motivational and thematic works about the field that interests you at a particular moment, and study from beginning to end.

Inspiration Man

A real person, a kind of teacher, who influences the process of “learning” only by his existence, can become a source of inspiration and ideas. It can be either someone you know, but who has already achieved certain results, or a very great person, a star in his field, whom you want to be equal to.

In no case should such an idol be imitated. The same clothes and hairstyle, trying to adjust your own habits to known ones will not bring anything good. And certainly will not help to achieve any positive results, not at all. This will only distract from the real task, in vain take energy and strength that could be put into action. It is much better to be like the chosen person - in actions, number of ideas, energy, attitude to life. It is not for nothing that many great people share their stories with society so they can motivate hundreds and thousands of other people to fight for their own dream, to the desire to go all the way to it to the end.

Psychological tests

You can also find the desired direction with the help of psychological tests. Not those that are published in magazines for girls, but in more serious and thoughtful ones that are aimed at real help.

If there are no interests at all in life, or at least an approximate guideline for direction, then tests can be found that reveal a mindset, a penchant for creativity or for some particular type of activity. Tests can also help with personality type, but this is more related to the first problem - the inability to determine oneself. It is hardly worth relying completely on a textual conclusion, but such questionnaires are quite capable of directing thoughts in the right direction. Perhaps, on the twentieth question of the fifteenth test, an interesting thought will come into your head, develop into an idea, and you will want to implement it at the same moment.


- the process is extremely complex, and its prevention is an even more difficult task. But it is in practice that it turns out to be much more effective, since it helps to save strength. They could be thrown at getting rid of the effects of developing stress, and finding new purpose in life. So it is much better to think about how to protect yourself from possible negative situations and remain calm and positive.

Video: Natalia Grace, "Setting goals and achieving them"

Spinning like a squirrel in a wheel, improving his well-being, a person will inevitably encounter some difficulties.

Even the very pace of our active actions can eventually provoke, since any external pressure can cause a state and tension in a person.

Our life forces us to do something all the time, to run somewhere, sometimes not even giving time for a normal rest.

And lack of sleep, quick snacks on the go, and even on the run, conflicts in the team, troubles with superiors, problems with business constantly leave their consequences in the form of wasted vital energy.

If you do not give your body a normal rest, work constantly for wear and tear, then in the end this can be achieved: our bodies wear out quickly physically and morally and any of us are completely unsettled.

Of course, you are unlikely to be able to completely avoid such situations, because in life not everything depends on us, and you cannot force others to live by your own rules.

But we can minimize the chances for them to occur by adopting a better “anti-stress” lifestyle.

The first rule of stress prevention is proper rest, both for the tired physical shell and for our exhausted soul. You need to fully rest.

At night, you should definitely get enough sleep, and during the day, if you feel very tired, you need to arrange at least five-minute unloading breaks. And of course, there must be at least one day off in a week, and a vacation must be present in a year.

If you want to avoid stress, then you can remember a few simple things:

- always and everywhere you should be prepared for any possible difficulties, but at the same time remember that there is always a way out, moreover, there can be several of them at once, you just need to look for it correctly;

- to be able to find a compromise in case of a conflict of interests, it is not always right to strive to go to the end: you need to be able to stop in time;

- attentive to everything that happens to you: analyze and draw certain conclusions;

- do not demand too much from others, do not take on an unbearable burden and do not constantly rely on someone;

When thinking about others, never forget yourself.

If stressful situation has already arisen, then there is no need to panic, vainly looking for a way out of it and scolding everything in the world, this will not help matters.

Stress is caused by nervous overwork and the inability of the body to respond normally to external conditions, so the first thing to do is calm down, come to your senses, stop feverishly thinking about the situation, and, on the contrary, try to separate from it.

In some cases, it does not interfere with drinking soothing tinctures and decoctions, because the overstressed nervous system cannot stabilize on its own, and in these cases outside help is required.

And only after you can calmly look at the situation, you can begin to think about it and make some decisions. The main thing is to remember that much in this life lends itself to logical comprehension, and where logic is powerless, you can rely on.

In order to respond normally to, you need to have self-control, which, in turn, will help you get the better of any problem.

If the problem causes you severe psychological discomfort, do not neglect outside help. Perhaps you just do not notice the obvious solution, and an outside opinion will help you quickly navigate.

Chloe Carmichael - with a successful private practice in New York City. Specializes in relationship problems, stress management and career coaching. She received her PhD in clinical psychology from Long Island University and is the author of the Amazon bestseller “Dr. Chloe’s 10 Commandments of Dating” (“10 commandments of Dr. Chloe’s date”).

Number of sources used in this article: . You will find a list of them at the bottom of the page.

Sometimes stress seems like something we have to accept unconditionally. To be ahead of everyone on this day, in this place we must run, run, run. Unfortunately, this is bad for our health - mental and physical. Follow these tips to learn how to manage stress and be more productive.



    Eat healthy food. A well-fed body is better able to cope with all adversity. Start your day with a healthy breakfast and eat small, nutritious meals throughout the day to keep yourself energized.

    Get enough sleep. When we sleep 7-8 hours a night, coping with current problems is much easier. Lack of sleep makes us less patient and easily irritated, which only exacerbates stress. A good night's rest is the basis for a good day, and a good day is the prelude to a good night.

    • If sleep is difficult, evaluate why. Noise? Light? Crazy schedule? What can you change to make falling asleep easier?
  1. Get exercise. Yoga, aerobics, walking around the block after dinner can help relieve stress, but don't overdo it if you're out of shape. This is the start of a long road to stress management and your health.

    Watch your bad habits. A person tries to cope with stress in all ways available to him. However, some of these methods are not able to solve your problems. Be careful, ask your friends to look after you.

    • If you smoke a lot, drink excessively, overeat (to name just a few examples), it could be stress. These addictions seem to ease the stress, but things will only get worse in the long run. Assess your habits with an honest look.
  2. Take a time out. Self-education should be your priority if you are trying to reduce the impact of stress on your life. Dealing with life's problems in less than perfect shape is not a good idea, so make time to just relax.

    Practice relaxation techniques. It may seem a little silly, but the body works in tandem with the brain, so that changes in one lead to changes in the other. Yoga, meditation, deep breathing will relax your body. Once you make relaxation techniques a habit, you will experience a reduction in everyday stress levels. And when you encounter serious problems, you will be able to deal with them more calmly and effectively.

    Learn to deal with stress. When stress comes, getting rid of it is not easy. You have to figure out a way to deal with it. In general, there are four ways to properly think about it:

    • avoid stress factor;
    • change the stress factor;
    • adapt to the stress factor;
    • accept the stress factor.
      • This will help you sort out your thoughts. Which one is the most suitable for you? How can you complete one of them?


    Licensed Clinical Psychologist

    Chloe Carmichael is a licensed clinical psychologist in a successful private practice in New York City. Specializes in relationship problems, stress management and career coaching. She received her PhD in clinical psychology from Long Island University and is the author of the Amazon bestseller “Dr. Chloe’s 10 Commandments of Dating” (“10 commandments of Dr. Chloe’s date”).

    Licensed Clinical Psychologist

    Examine the situation to decide if you need to accept or change it. Dr. Chloe Carmichael, a licensed clinical psychologist, says, “If you're feeling stressed, it's either a sign that you need to learn how to cope better, or that you need to take action to make a difference. For example, no amount of coping skills will help you against a tyrant boss, so the healthiest response is to focus on finding a new job. On the other hand, if your boss just rarely speaks positively of your work, you might try asking him to clarify what is expected of you.”

    Find support. Family, friends, and your social environment all have a big impact on how you deal with stress. Having a group of people you can lean on will help keep you mentally healthy. Support can be expressed in something more specific like time or money. Asking for help can be difficult, but it in no way makes you weak. Seek support when stressed:


    1. Find purpose and balance. Many people, when they find meaning in work (whatever it is), find that it balances them. Working without a goal is not very convenient for most people. Find what drives you and focus on it.

      • Once you understand this, you can change your habits. Everything extraneous that distracts you from this goal will be discarded.
    2. Practice positive thinking. This is not a black and white world where thoughts precede behavior and vice versa. However, regardless of your type of thinking, apply the following methods:

      • If thinking positively is not always possible, try to manipulate your behavior. You don't have to really think about something, but act like you do. You will soon find that your mind follows your actions. Try walking with your head down. How are you feeling? Now raise your head. And now?
      • If you have problems with positive behavior, train your thoughts. Stop negative thoughts. Trust me - it's up to you! You are the only person who can stop your negative thoughts. Take advantage of this and replace them with positive ones (or at least neutral ones!).
    3. Be direct. Many people experience stress as a result of situations that could have been avoided by saying something directly. Maybe other people (serving as a source of stress) just do not know what makes you nervous. Talk to them.

      • Here your happiness is at stake. Whatever the problem is that's bothering you, it's worth talking about. Your emotions are worth it.
    4. Be prepared to say no. Those who please everyone are easily stressed, but it is impossible to please everyone. So don't over-promise to avoid over-committing. You will have more free time to devote to yourself.

Twelve principles that will help you avoid emotional tension and stress. They are a kind of code for those who want to achieve mental health, nervous and emotional balance.

"Let off steam"

You can not constantly suppress your emotions, accumulating irritation and anger inside yourself. But you can’t throw them out on others either. Relieve stress by playing sports, hobbies, or hiking in nature.

Have your life philosophy

Their own beliefs, principles or philosophy of life gives a person a fulcrum, an inner balance. People who have deep convictions endure hardships and troubles more easily, even if their views are somewhat erroneous.

Sense of humor

It is the ability to laugh at yourself, not to take everything too seriously, that makes it possible to endure the most difficult trials.

Learn to enjoy the simple things

This is more difficult than it might seem. We always want something new, and, as it seems to us, better, capable of making us happy. But often reaching the goal, we lose interest in it, and we are simply not able to enjoy what we have. We will always lack something, that's the way we are. But still, in order not to get bogged down in routine and boredom, not to be torn apart by new desires, it is worth learning to enjoy simple things and what we already have.

The list of things that can bring us to nervous exhaustion can be continued for a long time. Our mind does not leave us alone and constantly gives new reasons for concern and. Communication with people leads to resentment, discontent, makes you jealous. Don't forget about bad habits. Feelings of guilt, torment about the past, regret also destroy our nervous system. But, obey and nurture them, or try to get out of this endless circle by following twelve simple principles that make life easier.


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