What does jerking lead to? What happens if you masturbate every day? Consequences of excessive masturbation

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I post some questions about the benefits and harms of masturbation on the site in the form of a small FAQ.

Hello, dear doctor!

I will apologize in advance for the idiocy of the questions, but he was born solely as a result of an abnormal sex life, that is, without a girlfriend.

This is not idiocy.

The questions are complex and ambiguous, as you know in the literature - a lot of opposing options are promoted. From stupid “hairy palms” and “overworking the organ” to “masturbation cheers” in the spirit of Emmanuelle.

Is it harmful to masturbate without lube?

I want to say right away that I almost never used lubricant, because on the one hand there is not very good contact with it, and on the other hand, it causes too rapid stimulation. I’m no longer sure about the last point, but anyway, I’m used to doing it without her.

Let's just say - our fathers, grandfathers, great-grandfathers, great-great-great-grandfathers and so on - did without lubrication, right? And in fact, somehow they survived. The fact that they all almost masturbated at one time - and of course they definitely didn’t buy any lubricants.

Let me remind you that we are talking about the “classical” method of masturbation by moving the foreskin up and down. In this case, there is no “sliding” of surfaces as during sexual intercourse, and no lubrication is required.

I'll mention the options, just in case. In the case of, for example, phimosis (narrowing of the foreskin), masturbation is carried out differently than in the absence of it (after “circumcision”, surgery for medical or religious reasons. Yes, there may be a need for lubrication.

Well, let me also mention that a man normally produces lubricant when he is sufficiently aroused. Not much, a few drops, but quite enough to ensure soft opening and closing of the head. If it does not stand out, it makes sense to think about it, in particular, whether masturbation is mechanical, not a release of steam, but rather a habit.

In this case, masturbation can actually be harmful! Just as eating not at will, not with appetite, does harm, but habitual stress eating, for example.

Can frequent masturbation (without lubrication) cause the skin of the penis to darken?

The pigment, that is, the substance that normally darkens the skin of the genital organs, is released as a result of the action of hormones, testosterone (conditionally). That is, these are independent processes, and darkening is the norm!

Rather, on the contrary - the pale color of the skin of the penis and scrotum causes sadness in the sexologist, andrologist, who will have to treat it..

Darkening relative to the rest of the skin is normal, and the degree of pigmentation indicates hormonal saturation. As with male pattern hair, with the “path to mother-in-law”.

Could, again, frequent masturbation reduce the sensitivity of the penis as a whole?

The phrase “frequent masturbation” has been heard many times with a supposedly negative connotation. Fact? I would clarify what is meant by this.

This word, the term “often”, is widely understood.

Well, let me clarify what is meant by decreased sensitivity. The fact that previously every touch of the penis caused a sharp sensation, but now it doesn’t? Or the fact that previously the penis “rose” immediately with any erotic thought, but now it doesn’t? Or?

Is it really possible to increase the length of a penis with an extender or a pump?

The last question is not directly related to the stated topic, but still very interesting. I read your article here on the website, and I want to say right away that I treat the topic of enlargement quite calmly, without the fanaticism that exists.

But! I'm just wondering, if this is possible in principle, then why not try to increase it at least a little?

There are two types of magnification.

The first is achieving genetic size. This is the most common occurrence. A teenager begins “work to enlarge” the penis when its growth is not yet complete, and the penis has not yet “straightened its shoulders.” Already in the process, he is happy to notice how the penis is getting stronger and growing.

The second option is an analogue of the Ilizarov apparatus. They take a meter-long man and make him arms and legs like those of a one and a half meter man.

The peculiarity with the penis is this... More often it is not “dwarfs” who do this, but those with the classic 13-15 cm. And therefore, on the one hand, the process is purely psychological (I want it to be no worse than Petya’s), and on the other hand, functionality may decrease.

A 1.60m tall judoka falls and jumps without injury. But he, stretched up to 2.1m, will fall with injuries..

The second option is at the discretion of the person himself, with my disapproving imho

Please excuse me for all this confusion.

Thank you in advance!

Nothing, it’s better when the picture becomes clearer in your head.

And this “apologetic” phrase itself says what?

Improper masturbation is certainly harmful, as is masturbation in adult men.

In fact, such questions are common and widespread... Many guys and girls have asked or are asking them, and all with the idea of ​​the dangers of masturbation.

Well, just like smoking is harmful, but if it’s rare and little by little, then smoking doesn’t seem to be harmful..

– supposedly a doctor and even a doctor of medicine – teaches people to masturbate from the screen of the main Russian TV channel. Here we need to figure it out: is she an enemy or just a fool? The editors of RuAN believe that there is a little bit of everything here. On the one hand, today's doctors really know and understand almost nothing, so they chatter at random. On the other hand, the enemies of the Rus made her an offer that she could not refuse due to complete ignorance of the issues involved. Hence the many years of deception from the main screen of the country...

The harm of masturbation to human health

The harm of masturbation is also expressed in such consequences as cerebral neurasthenia. Such patients are helpless at the slightest difficulty, cowardly, indecisive, absent-minded, shy, timid, they avoid society and seek solitude. They are always in the grip of anxiety, fear and nightmares...

1. Damage to the central nervous system

The nervous system connects all the organs of our body into one inextricable whole. Every minute our mental faculties come into contact with the nervous system, on which all our movements and sensations depend. The nervous system is a very organized area in its structure, and every impression received from the outside is recorded through the nervous system in the brain. After this, it is not surprising that our nervous system is affected by the vice. The internal connection that exists between the genitals and the nervous system, and mainly the spinal cord, should be affected first of all organs. Modern medicine called this case sexual neurasthenia.

Sexual neurasthenia refers to that form of nervous weakness that is found in the disturbance of sexual intercourse, caused by damage to the sexual property. Of course, other diseases are also possible. The diseases that arise from masturbation are so varied that a list of them and a clear summary goes beyond the scope of this work, but, taking into account the need to teach every doctor at least some information regarding these diseases, I will dwell on them in a few words.

Three types of neurasthenia attract the attention of a famous psychiatrist Kraft-Ebing.

1. Local neurosis, which is expressed in frequent emissions and early ejaculation.

2. Lumbar neurosis, accompanied by neuralgia of the lumbosacral nerve plexus and frequent daytime and nocturnal emissions, with a sharp decrease in will.

3. Increase in neurasthenic symptoms. This phenomenon affects the spinal system to such an extent that it causes sexual anomalies, such as temporary aspermatism (lack of sperm release), in which sperm does not appear outward, seminal discharge and other types.

This Krafft-Ebing scheme is not completely legalized, indisputable and unshakable, but in general terms it gives the correct interpretation of the disease. Sexual excesses can lead to spinal neurasthenia without disrupting the proper functions of the genital organs. On the contrary, I have the courage to assert that the genitals are not violated in any way. If we remember how, as a result of excessive sexual intercourse or masturbation, our sexual excesses were modified, then we will be convinced that patients who abuse sexual intercourse are adjacent to the third stage of the scheme established by Krafft-Ebing. Various types of sexual excesses result in different neurasthenic consequences. Masturbation causes cerebral neurasthenia, excessive intercourse - spinal neurasthenia, interrupted copulation causes mental sexual impotence.

There are, of course, deviations from the provisions I have given. The cerebral phenomena of sexual neurasthenia lead to headaches and put pressure on the brain. Pressure and pain are felt in the forehead or in the back of the skull. Correct mental activity is naturally disrupted by all this, patients give up their work; they are unable to read, write, or work, and their general mood is gloomy, associated with insomnia, melancholy, a feeling of fear, dulling of mental abilities, lack of energy and increased irritability. Despite their best wishes, patients are deprived of the opportunity to pull themselves together and show self-control. Very often they lose memory, and these patients show disturbances in various senses.

Spinal phenomena connected from the side of the brain and with other centers. Here weakness, fatigue, and pain in the lumbar region and limbs enter the arena. Patients complain of crawling on the back, cold, heaviness in various members, pain and neuralgia. The doctor must take these purely individual sensations into account when making a diagnosis, determining them through research. Trembling of the limbs, vibratory twitching, especially in the fingers, increased knee reflex when receiving a light blow - all this indicates serious illness, for the treatment of which the doctor must arm himself with knowledge and patience.

Geslin explains neurasthenia in two ways: fatigue of the centers of sexual activity, which occurs as a result of overstimulation, and mental influences, in which the patient constantly thinks about the possible consequences. This causes him suffering and fear, it develops in him hatred of life, creates melancholy and a depressed mood of spirit. The whole life, thoughts and imagination of these patients are occupied with ideas revolving only around sexual tendencies. Gessling notes that for many married people in this category, the fear of their wife, that he may fall into sexual relaxation and create an environment of legalized infidelity, is so great that the patient is looking for the most artificial ways to abolish this and, not finding it, falls into a depressed mood, which is serious. affects his nervous system.

Masturbation brings absolutely incalculable harm to young men who have a predisposition to this act on the part of their parents. Such young men are subject to cerebral neurasthenia, with all the consequences arising from this, up to and including neurasthenic seizures. Furbinger says that he knew one young man, of excellent heredity and flourishing health, who, under the influence of onanism, lost everything and reached complete exhaustion.

Many have argued about how masturbation affects different sexes and in whom it causes more severe neurasthenia: in men or in women. Personally, I think there is not much difference here. Goessling says that men suffer comparatively less from exhaustion than women, since they are more prone to natural sexual intercourse. As for the opinion that the disappearance of an erection or ejaculation of semen ends with masturbation, this is not entirely true. Masturbation, as opposed to normal copulation, does not require an erection, but only requires lustfulness, desires.

Thus, from all of the above, we conclude that masturbation has an extremely dramatic effect on the nervous system, the result of which is severe disorders of the entire nervous system. Of course, there are cases of suicide, but I do not consider this a sufficiently striking factor, and those who claim that this is so, in my opinion, are somewhat exaggerating.

2. Damage to external sense organs

The above opinion that masturbation primarily affects vision, has not received sufficient interpretation in the previous part of this work. I consider it necessary to pause a little at this point. It should, however, be borne in mind that not only the eye, but the sense of smell, ear and even speech are subject to abnormal changes as a consequence of masturbation. Tissot, and especially Koch, back in 1982 they pointed out the effect of masturbation on vision. Koch draws his conclusions from a number of observations of boys and girls in whom eye diseases consistently and strongly developed and disappeared with the cessation of masturbation. Famous ophthalmologists Morin, Galezovsky and Fitzgerald support their observations with a stunning list of victims of masturbation. Prof. Koch makes reference to his practice, which resulted in a number of patients suffering from subjective eye diseases, expressed in photophobia.

Outwardly, the eyes of Onaniki do not show signs of damage in all respects: normal pupils, a certain visual acuity, tension and sensation of light, the optic nerve and retina are in order, but nevertheless, the eyes of Onaniki are so afraid of light that gradually all eye functions are weakened , the apple takes on the appearance of some kind of matte cast and the patients begin to feel dizzy. Typically, patients experience this in both eyes at the same time, and these phenomena are accompanied by characteristic symptoms, such as phosphorization of the pupil, the appearance of some snow flakes, circles, dots, and insects in front of the eyes; Patients constantly experience such a state as if they are coming out of the darkness into a bright light; reading becomes completely impossible. Morin says that one American woman, who had been masturbating for many years, had reduced her vision to such a low state that she could not bear the glare of prying eyes.

In patients this reaction lasts between a month and several years, but I know a patient who suffered from eye damage from masturbation for 20 years. The patients complained of pain in the sacral area, but I did not have any definite evidence that they had tabes dorsalis; on the contrary, at the same time I noticed all the signs of neurasthenia in them, such as insomnia and severe nocturnal emissions. Cause of visual impairment we must look in the brain, since the optic nerves, according to the ophthalmologists, are not affected.

Old maids and women in general are very susceptible to rapid eye disease from masturbation, and for the most part this is detected in the form of dry catarrh of the connective membrane of the eyes. For my colleagues, I report the appearance of the following symptoms: redness of the connective membrane, without the discharge of pus or any other secretion, pressure in the pupillary area and a burning sensation. I knew one patient, 24 years old, who had been masturbating 4 times a day every day since he was 15 years old. He confessed to me that he always feels a little intoxicated, as if from morphine, and despite all his efforts to stop masturbation, he cannot do this, because without it he feels oppressed and lonely. Soon this patient had all the signs on his eyes that I described above.

Foerster, Landesberg and I observed a patient who developed catarrhal inflammation of the connective membrane, so easily curable at a young age if it appears from other causes than masturbation, and so difficult to treat with masturbation. Eyelid spasms, redness of the optic nerve, as a result of masturbation, prof. Morin observed in many patients, especially in women. Förster cites cases of the appearance of baset disease in women, under the influence of an early developed defect, as well as complete greening of the cataract, and Hutchinson observed internal bleeding of the eye caused by masturbation.

Thus, it is possible to establish with certainty the duration and frequency of masturbation in patients as soon as they develop light-induced diseases. While oculists struggle with these phenomena for a long time, among onanists these phenomena stop immediately, as soon as patients stop masturbating.

Daniel Benver(a famous Hamburg ophthalmologist) reports a case of increased sensitivity of the retina as a result of masturbation. This specialist had a 29-year-old patient who reacted so strongly to light that he had to wear dark glasses. This patient was a national teacher, and with his vicious lust he brought himself to the point where he had to give up teaching at school. Benver examined the eyes with a mirror and found that all the optic nerves, membrane, etc., were in perfect order. In these cases, I recommend resorting to electrification, sodium bromide and arsenic. These remedies give very positive results in treating the eyes of onanics.

As soon as excessive eye sensitivity, photophobia, eyelid spasms, dilation and immobility of the pupil appear, the doctor is advised to suspect masturbation. Prof. Furbinger considers an increased knee reflex and trembling of the eyelids to be a completely diagnostic (defining) sign of masturbation. Friedrich Hoffmann I observed in a patient who often resorted to masturbation, in the 23rd year of his life, severe dizziness and dilated pupils. The same doctor reports amazing cases blindness patients engaged in masturbation. However, a number of oculists reject this conclusion and look for other causes of blindness, since mirror studies have not yielded positive results.

Hearing loss, as a consequence of masturbation. Here the phenomena are not as dramatic as in eye diseases, but nevertheless, we find materials from a number of specialists in ear diseases that convince us that masturbation undoubtedly affects hearing. Bonafond I observed sharp phenomena in the ears in patients, such as pain, ringing, colic, and the anatomical appearance of the ear did not change at all. The same is stated Weber Lisle, who observed not only during masturbation, but even during too violent copulation, especially in women, phenomena unfavorable to the ear.

If in general the patient is susceptible to inflammation of the middle ear, then in onanics this disease proceeds extremely unfavorably. Symptoms accompanying ear disease are revealed in soreness of the spinal column, in the area of ​​the thoracic and nervous lumbar vertebrae. Doctors tried to resort to local treatment, but this did not give any effect, since the main cause of the disease was not eliminated, i.e. masturbation.

Weber Lisle states that some women suffering from hearing loss refuse marriage for fear of worsening their illness (probably depending on intercourse). The most characteristic thing should be considered that with all ear diseases, patients do not experience anatomical hearing damage, meanwhile, there is tinnitus, pain and increased hearing sensitivity.

3. Damage to the psyche and mind

Prolonged masturbation deals a heavy blow to a person’s mental abilities. Cerebral neurasthenia, which is a consequence of sexual excesses, affects mainly the spiritual emotions of a person. If we trace what happens in a person’s soul during the act of onanism and after that, we will notice that the process itself, which causes more and more excitement, increases erection, spiritual and mental exaltation to the utmost pathos. At the moment of a gradual increase in sexual voluptuous experiences, the mental state of the onanist dictates to him ecstasy, elevated words, poetic analogies, delusional phrases, and as soon as the moment of satisfaction comes, as soon as the erection falls, the pathos of the person, his exaltation and ecstasy fall along with it. At the moment of voluptuousness, blood circulation accelerates, the whole body is intensely warmed, blood rushes to the head so that the person experiencing this state seems to lose his mind, his eyes close, and sometimes it comes to convulsions, to convulsions, as a consequence of erotic ecstasy.

Shock the entire nervous system entails complete brain exhaustion. This indicates that such a process cannot but cause an extreme shock to the will and emotions of a person. It is not difficult to imagine what happens to a subject who indulges in this kind of manipulation several times a day for years. To the doctor Tissot one patient reports the following: “My power of imagination has dried up, my joy of life is disappearing every day, and all my feelings are fading away. I look at my surroundings as if they were a dream, like a vision. I make incredible efforts from my devastated soul to find within myself the potential for these lines.”.

Above, in the description cerebral neurasthenia, I have already had the opportunity to talk about the devastation that occurs in a person’s brain, and how this affects his memory: heaviness in the head, severe dizziness, weakening of the nervous system, memory loss - all this accompanies a patient who has signs of cerebral neurasthenia , and it comes to the point that patients are forced refuse to perform official duties. This circumstance alone, i.e. A person’s consciousness that he has excluded himself from life and responsibilities entails dangerous mental consequences.

Such patients are helpless at the slightest difficulty, cowardly, indecisive, absent-minded, shy, timid, they avoid society and seek solitude. They are always in the grip of anxiety, fear and nightmares. In many patients, insomnia is added to all these phenomena, and then they are infinitely pitiful. They indulge in their state of mind, lonely, gloomy and depressed. Patients, going to bed, are tormented by thoughts all night, their conscience is wounded, self-flagellation arises - a process that torments them even more. Patients do not know sleep, become hypochondriacs, and over time they develop abnormal morbid tendencies, entailing a number of phenomena indicating that cerebral neurasthenia goes to psychoses.

From this we draw the unmistakable conclusion that since melancholy and hypochondria occur in young people, then the presence of masturbation should be suspected. However, claims that this defect entails progressive paralysis and insanity are completely incorrect. Never before has madness been a consequence of masturbation, much less progressive paralysis. Kurshman quite correctly believes that masturbation can serve as a predisposing factor to mental illness.

There are a number of authorities, such as Ellinger, Hagenbach and others, who consider masturbation to be the direct cause mental illness. Eringer, for example, claims that masturbation in sixty-three cases gave serious symptoms of mental disturbances; Fleming, Fredrich and Morel are of the same opinion. Prof. Esquirol suggests that most mental illnesses observed in the aristocratic strata of society are the result of masturbation. He writes the following: “Onanism is a murderous evil of people, it is the cause of madness, especially among the propertied class. Hagenbach identified 69 cases of insanity (out of 800) in which masturbation could be the cause; however, several of them undoubtedly entailed mental illness..."

Famous English psychiatrist, doctor Skye, held the view that there is a special kind "onanistic madness", accompanied by a wandering gaze, general weakness, depression, awkwardness, suicidal tendencies, etc. Another doctor, English Spitsk, gives a completely different picture of mental phenomena during masturbation; he claims that patients experience general drowsiness, gloominess of thoughts is suddenly replaced by elation, general enlightenment; Loss of spirit is directly dependent on the frequency of masturbation. The disease manifests itself between the ages of 13-20 years; Before the age of 13, mental illness is extremely rare, and in this case we are dealing with ordinary stupidity, epilepsy and extreme agitation...

There is even an opinion that masturbation entails idiocy, but this is incorrect. There was no case when masturbation was the only cause of idiocy; psychiatric science establishes the opposite phenomenon, that idiocy causes a tendency to onanism. The question remains open about epilepsy, that functional neurosis that is expressed in the form of seizures. As a doctor, I must confirm that the causes of epilepsy have not yet been established. The attempts made by doctors to explain the origin of epilepsy are untenable; they are only factors predisposing to this disease. The predisposition here must be understood as heredity, i.e. that one of the relatives of the patient has ever suffered from epilepsy. This, however, is not at all required for the occurrence of a serious illness. If the patient is susceptible to predisposition, then the neuropsychic shock of the central and peripheral nervous systems contributes to the appearance of a complete picture of epilepsy.

In the old days, doctors defined copulation as temporary epilepsy, and not without reason. Tissot, Hoffmann and Galer note cases epileptic seizures after each act of onanism. Zimmerman describes cases of epileptic seizures in a 23-year-old boy after masturbation and nocturnal emissions. When the patient managed to control his impulses, the attacks of epilepsy stopped, but resumed with even greater force as soon as he fell into his vice again. Prof. Morel describes the same case, and he points out that the patient’s epileptic seizures completely disappeared, and that he managed to cure the patient of onanistic tendencies. Such a favorable outcome is absolutely restored the patient's mental abilities, who returned to his normal activities immediately.

We often observe epileptic seizures after the act of copulation among animals, mainly in dogs. Everything that we have given here in connection between epilepsy and masturbation is almost completely applicable to the definition connections between hysteria and masturbation. Hysteria is also a predisposing symptom, but this phenomenon cannot at all be taken into account as the direct cause of the disease. Hysteria it is exclusively associated only with mental processes and has the same unclear etiology as epilepsy. We know cases when hysteria appears in people who are mentally highly excited, regardless of whether this excitement is one-time or repeated over a long time. Onanistic arousals represent strong mental and physical irritations that can disturb the central nervous system from its usual normal state of equilibrium. This is, of course, exacerbated if the subject has a predisposition to the disease. Perverted education, which entails excessive mental stress, certainly prepares the ground for hysteria.

Sexual processes for the development of hysteria do not pass without leaving a trace; This statement is confirmed by countless observations in medical practice. In women, hysteria is closely related to sexual affects that occur after nymphomania and other sexual excesses, and After masturbation, women experience hysterical attacks. In support of this opinion, Tissot and Foder cite many authoritative facts; Thus, we can confidently assume that masturbation is a factor that detects hysteria, but does not give rise to it.

Furbinger proves quite rightly that insanity is not a direct consequence of masturbation or excessive sexual excesses. He categorically does not allow that sexual neurasthenia could result in a severe form of psychopathy. In contrast to this opinion, such respectable authorities as Griesinger and Ellinger prove that masturbation is a serious cause of insanity.

Our conclusion boils down to the unanimous diagnosis of eminent scientists and observers that masturbation causes great harm mental abilities, reason, weakening memory in the first case, and in the second - complicating the development of thinking. Masturbation can also cause mild psychoses (malancholia, hysteria, disposition to mysticism), but always in the presence of heredity. Onanism never leads to severe psychosis and cannot cause either insanity, suicide, or progressive paralysis. In the statistics of psychiatric hospitals we find the following figures: in Sweden there were mentally ill people 3,7% , in England - 1,1% .

Short-term masturbation, which inevitably arises as a transitional form to sexual intercourse in almost all people, does not in any way affect mental abilities. The longer and longer masturbation lasts, the greater the danger it poses to a person and his intellectual activity.

Just as psychosexual perversions can cause masturbation, masturbation is a predisposing cause of the mentioned sexual psychoses. Physiologically it is difficult to establish the boundaries between normal and excessive. We pointed out even higher that this depends on the subjective, individual characteristics of a person. Nymphomania And satyriasis we define an acute sexual state of a man or woman, in which the most indifferent ideas entail voluptuous sensations, and this sexual lust is so strong that the patient tries to be satisfied at all costs. In their sexual arousal, patients reach the point of hallucinations, insanity, and can often prove dangerous to public morality. Nymphomaniacs and satyriasis are not difficult to recognize, since they lose self-control so much that they do not try to clothe their destructive passion in secret. They are overwhelmed by the wave of their dirty desires and lose all concept of shame; There are times when they indulge in their vice even in the presence of strangers.

Deslyand All these anomalies are explained by false education. He knew a girl child who could not be weaned from masturbation either by requests, admonitions, threats or even corporal punishment; she indulged in this vice shamelessly in front of everyone, even at the dinner table, at the sight of pleasant dishes. Subsequently, marriage did not rid this woman of the vice, and she continued to masturbate until her death.

The root of sexual vices hidden in the body awakens masturbatory tendencies in a person, subsequently perversions, and over time leads to sexual psychosis. As a curiosity, I will tell you about the incident kleptomania as a consequence of masturbation. Doctor Zippe in 1878, he had a case of meeting with a 32-year-old patient, a baker by profession, who had been masturbating for 19 years. When he saw a beautiful woman, he became so excited that his self-control left him; the heart began to beat strongly, the penis became tense, and in order to satisfy his passion, he had to touch some article of clothing of this woman, and he stole her handkerchief or something else, and after this came satisfaction. Mental delusion can lead to mutilation of the genitals, which, of course, is a consequence of masturbation.

We know many cases, disgusting in their savagery, evoking feelings of disgust in us. Chopard describes a case when a 15-year-old boy reached such perfection in vice that, indulging in onanism eight times a day, he did not extract the seed. Subsequently, he began to irritate the urethra with various objects, but when this stopped working, he began to cut his penis with a knife, and the voluptuous feeling was so paralyzed by the pain that at that time he was satisfied. Very often we encounter evidence of damage to the urethra, the mucous membrane of the bladder, the cervix and even the uterus itself. These mutilations of the genital organs give patients extreme voluptuousness and ultimately force them to turn to surgeons. If these operations are performed without anesthesia, they are very painful and for a certain time wean the patient from this defect.

4. Digestive damage

The harmful effects of masturbation on the digestive organs are felt exclusively through sexual neurasthenia. These phenomena, of course, are not as frequent as damage to the nervous system. In neurasthenics who engage in masturbation, digestion becomes difficult due to the so-called nervous dyspepsia, which is expressed in pain in the stomach immediately after eating, as well as in belching, vomiting, especially after emotional disturbances. These phenomena are accompanied by loss of appetite, ejaculation and an unpleasant taste in the mouth. Less common in onanists nervous gastric diseases, complicated by vomiting, peristaltic movement of the intestines, constipation and bloating.

A thorough study of patients showed that gastric diseases occur due to an excited mental state, as well as under the influence onanistic attacks. The central nervous system controls all abnormal phenomena that cause pain in the stomach, and, as it turns out, this phenomenon is not of a nervous nature, but has all the symptoms of a disease of the gastric nerves. In such patients, headaches, heaviness in the head, disturbances in the area of ​​sexual functions and an unbalanced state of mind are noticed.

The general condition of the patient depends mainly on the mood, and the mood of the spirit changes depending on gastrointestinal phenomena. In some patients, stomach pain occurs immediately after eating digestible food, even in small quantities, such as from a few spoons of soup or two or three sips of broth; in other cases, the onanist easily digests a large meal of difficult-to-digest dishes. It is impossible to make an accurate diagnosis that could determine the origin of gastrointestinal diseases. This depends mainly on how well the patient’s stomach is generally adapted to digesting roughage. Most often, we notice stomach complications in wealthy class patients who are accustomed to pampered food, all sorts of delicacies such as caviar, balyk, sardines, etc., as well as alcoholic drinks, cognac, etc. These patients have nervous diseases of the stomach are also associated with catarrh of the stomach. In young men of both sexes, during a period when the body needs an influx of nutrients and the need for food is increased, masturbation causes an increased appetite.

At first, it seems that the body is intensively replenishing the lost energy, due to the long process of masturbation, by demanding large doses of food. Over time, with prolonged masturbation, a completely different picture emerges: patients experience thinness, pallor, and notice all those nutritional disorders that lead to nervous cachexia. All this is accompanied by loss of strength, weakness, bloating, vomiting, constipation and diarrhea. Women are especially susceptible to this. I have observed diarrhea in patients that is definitely of onanistic origin; One 20-year-old patient had attacks of diarrhea as soon as she went to bed and warmed her genitals. 5-6 times during the night she had these urges, and according to the doctors’ diagnosis, and my personal observation, this woman suffered sexual neurasthenia.

It was possible to establish that diarrhea followed soon after the death of her husband and, as it turned out later, from onanistic manipulations, to which this widow often resorted. I advised the patient to get married as soon as possible, and when she soon carried out her intention, she was completely freed from all gastric suffering.

Here are the facts that convince us of the influence of sexual neurasthenia on the digestive processes. Prof. Preyer cites a number of cases of gastric diseases arising in connection with sexual dysfunction. Hoffman talks about a man who developed diarrhea after an act of onanism, and Fournier comments on another case of a young man suffering from severe abdominal colic and diarrhea caused by masturbation; and when the patient was given dietary food (a small amount of red wine, meat food, etc.), all these symptoms immediately disappeared. All in all, indigestion in onanists- not such a rare occurrence. It must be admitted, however, that Fournier somewhat exaggerates these phenomena. According to the general conclusion of doctors, sexual neurasthenia, which arose due to masturbation, entails disturbances in mental and emotional activity and, in very rare cases, indigestion.

5. Effect on blood circulation and breathing

Not only doctors, but also most people know about the existence of a connection between the respiratory organs (throat) and sexual functions. It is known, for example, how during the period of maturity the voice of young men changes, which sometimes decreases, sometimes increases, acquiring a hint of hoarseness or sonority. There are also cases when in ancient times they resorted to castration of singers in order to preserve their voices, mainly in boys. In Italy, back in the 20th century, boys' testicles were cut out when they entered an Italian church choir. Medicine knows of cases when women who underwent castration surgery had a change in their voice, which acquired a masculine, rougher tone, while in adult men this operation caused exactly the opposite phenomenon. The effect of masturbation on the lungs is insignificant, and if there are still opposite cases in medicine, then this refers to the period when masturbation has not yet been sufficiently studied by researchers.

Platers describes a case when a man, who remarried, had attacks of suffocation during intercourse with his wife and during normal sexual arousal. This subject died during violent copulation. About the true cause of death of the patient, i.e. Platers does not report anything about lung or heart disease. It must be said, however, that the newest authors - modern researchers - are of the same opinion that Masturbation has an extremely adverse effect on the lungs. Fournier, for example, testifies that onanists for the most part suffer from underdevelopment of the chest, difficulty breathing, lung damage and chronic catarrh. Fournier considers this fact so convincing that it does not need to be supported by other observations.

Even Riebing, this “innovator” in the field of investigating the causation of masturbation, reports that heart and lung diseases are undoubtedly the consequences of masturbation. Peyer cites a number of cases of asthmatic conditions in patients due to sexual excesses, i.e. there is so-called genital asthma. I admit that the process was aggravated by the phenomena of sexual neurasthenia, the bronchial condition of the respiratory tract, and, more often, asthmatic processes. If we are talking about the direct and immediate effect of masturbation on the respiratory tract, then I must point out that there is no direct effect of masturbation on the respiratory and circulatory organs.

More harmful influence masturbation has an impact on circulatory organs. This time, sexual neurasthenia takes on predominant significance. To be convinced of the influence that masturbation has on cardiac activity, it is enough to follow the phenomena that occur during copulation. Excitement multiplies the number of heartbeats, breathing tightens, and the face becomes flushed with blood. This creates an excessive acceleration of blood circulation and brings the subject to the extreme limit of tension. The question here is whether excessive masturbation, in the presence of a predisposition, such as arteriosclerosis and other causes, may lead to apoplexy or the occurrence of an aneurysm. In science we find cases where excessive excitement of one man with a young girl resulted in death due to a minor aortic aneurysm. Palpitations, attacks of pain in the chest area, increased cardiac activity, epileptic increase in pulse rate - can certainly develop in the form of cardiac neuroses in onanists.

The fact that such phenomena on the part of the heart are also dependent on a strong nervous influence convinces us that onanists suffering from cardiac neuroses are also susceptible to other nervous diseases. The last conclusion gives us the undoubted right to suspect sexual neurasthenia in the patient.

6. Effect on muscle organization

Following this, the question arises about the possibility of the influence of masturbation on the muscular system, i.e. about the possible consequences of masturbation, such as complete paralysis and even partial paralysis. We must here, with regard to the influence of masturbation on the muscular system, completely repeat what we said about the relationship between masturbation and the respiratory organs, i.e. that this influence is exaggerated. In 1857, the famous French scientist Bourbon chose this issue as the topic of his dissertation. A number of his conclusions and observations boiled down to the fact that small rushes of blood should have an undoubted effect on the brain and, mainly, the spinal cord. These phenomena give rise to partial shocks, which, in turn, lead to paraplegia.

I consider this incredible, since I do not know, either in my practice or in the practice of other scientists, of cases of paralysis in a patient, contracture and other “shock” consequences from masturbation. In my opinion, masturbation weakens the muscular system, which is why after each act of masturbation, along with a decrease in mental activity and mild physical fatigue, there is a weakening of gait, rapid fatigue, and sometimes pain in the limbs. Patients often complain of a feeling of heaviness in all limbs. I consider this kind of phenomenon symptomatic for diagnosticians, but as a doctor I cannot admit that paralysis is dependent on masturbation.

7. The influence of masturbation on the genitals

I have to divide this part into two groups:

1. Organic lesions.

2. The lesions are functional.

Organic lesions are less important than the latter. According to the observations of doctors, from frequent masturbation, as well as from frequent perverted copulations, the genital organs of men and women become enlarged, especially in the former, when the size and size of the penis reaches extraordinary dimensions. In boys and adult men, the penis and scrotum simultaneously enlarge, and in girls and women, the labia majora and minora and, mainly, the clitoris. This also occurs due to narrowing from frequent rushes of blood. We find materials in studies on masturbation in which we can read that in prostitutes the clitoris reached a length of 6-8 centimeters, and it swells greatly, turns purple-red, folds form near it and its appearance resembles the shape of a male penis. In medicine, we know of cases where phenomena of this kind gave us reason to consider such women as hermaphrodites. Their labia became longer, signs of swelling appeared, they sagged and thickened. In these cases, the external opening opens, and the expansion of the canal stretches almost to the neck of the bladder.

If it can be argued that masturbators, as a result of their destructive passion, had enlarged genitals, then one cannot conclude from this that masturbation is the cause. In the vast majority of cases, the genital organs of onanists are no different from the genital organs of all people. Appear on the genitals eczema, rashes arising from friction and combing them. These, however, are rare phenomena and they appear predominantly in girls and women. In practice I have not usually seen this happen. Masturbation, performed by hand or by other means, entails consequences other than rubbing the thighs, introducing foreign bodies into the genital opening, etc. Tardieu indicates that some girls inserted various objects into their vaginas and developed the elasticity of the genital organs so much that in the future they were able to do this without breaking the hymen. During masturbation by rubbing the thighs, the foreskin develops less in relation to the size of the clitoris than when masturbating with the hand, and the clitoris does not elongate as much; a characteristic feature is its elasticity and elongation, in the form of a pestle.

The effect of masturbation on the internal female organs, especially on the cervix and its appendages, is also small. Most girls and adult girls are not very often susceptible to diseases of the genital organs, despite frequent masturbation. Experiments show that diseases of the genital parts in women occur mainly after marriage, and most often diseases arise as a result of gonorrhea in their husbands. However, it should be remembered that since there is some kind of anomaly in the uterus itself, then masturbation, which sharply increases sexual activity and irritates the genitals, has an extremely adverse effect on the general sexual sphere.

Masturbation certainly affects the early development of sexual functions, i.e. early maturation of sexual desire, and in connection with this, causes premature erections and ejaculation. That's all I can say about the organic disorder of the genital organs during masturbation.

Functional damage to the genital organs and urinary tract, without a doubt, are entirely dependent on sexual neurasthenia. I divide them into two groups:

a) for neuroses of genitourinary origin,

b) for functional disorders.

a) Neuroses.

First of all, in case of urinary diseases, the bladder is affected, i.e. Nerve pain occurs in the bladder. The disease consists of suffering that appears in the area of ​​the pubic bone, occurring during or after urination. In addition, neurosis entails an increased urge to urinate, and at the same time the urine comes out in drops, and in color and composition it is completely normal. This may be explained by abnormal innervation of the muscles that seal the bladder. Etoile reports cases of bloody urine appearing after masturbation and even retention.

The consequences are even more terrible when patients develop the so-called "urinary incontinence". This disease can last from a very early age until the age of 30, and it occurs mainly in girls, like consequence of masturbation. I observed a 12-year-old patient who urinated on herself every night. Her appearance, physique, melancholic appearance and other signs led me to believe that the girl was indulging in masturbation. From the inquiries of those around me, I learned that my suspicions were quite reasonable, since the father overtook the girl during masturbation. Through long-term treatment I was able to achieve very real results.

Sexual neuroses often expressed in neuralgia of the testicles of the surrounding parts and, most rarely, of the urinary tract. Among my patients, I knew one student who suffered from severe neuralgic pain in the region of the testicles, which soon spread to the spermatic cord and resulted in attacks of sexual neurasthenia. I resorted to faradic current treatment with favorable results. In other patients, I have observed increased sensitivity of the head of the penis. The least common thing I have noticed in patients is the so-called “dance of the testicles,” which occurs as a result of muscle twitching.

b) Functional disorders.

This phenomenon occurs in both men and women, and in men it causes seminal discharge and impotence, and in women - infertility. Painful ejaculation is undoubtedly a consequence of prolonged masturbation. It is known that young people leading a normal lifestyle (abstinence) experience wet dreams in their sleep, which occur without the participation of the person’s will. Pollutions can be physiological and painful, but it is impossible to establish a boundary between them. Emissions that occur while awake should be classified as emissions of painful phenomena, i.e. to periodic, too frequent eruptions of semen during erection of the penis and voluptuous sexual sensations. Seminal flow, i.e. the outpouring of sperm, which, in contrast to emissions, does not entail an erection, and is also free from voluptuousness, occurs mainly during urination and bowel movements. We can say with complete confidence that frequently occurring wet dreams prevail over spermatorrhea. This is explained by the fact that the public considers wet dreams to be a safe phenomenon and is afraid of the ejaculation that occurs during bowel movements.

Increased walking, excessive tension, even touching the genitals can serve as an impetus for the appearance of sperm, which resembles the beginning of sexual excesses and masturbation. Sperm is a cloudy gelatinous liquid with a specific odor, and if you look at it under a microscope, it consists of billions of sperm. With the gradual development of the disease, especially when wet dreams appear as a result of masturbation, the sperm becomes watery, more transparent, thinner, and the number of sperm in it decreases. It must be said that they change not only quantitatively, but also qualitatively.

The disease referred to here is a consequence of neurasthenic tendencies in the patient and is mainly observed in people of the wealthy class, who do not overload their mental functions with work and are able to indulge uncontrollably in sexual pleasures. It is this social position that increases the number of onanists; It is quite natural that we find this disease predominantly in men of mature age, especially in the 20th year of life.

Sexual impotence(impotence) in men indicates masturbation; By impotence we mean the inability to perform the act of copulation with the opposite sex, i.e. complete weakening of sexual activity during intercourse. Impotence comes in different forms: nervous and mental.

Nervous impotence– the most common form among patients. This impotence, since it is associated with sexual neurasthenia, turns out to be temporary, just like weakness, insomnia, and palpitations. This typical picture of field neurasthenia is extremely diverse and extremely variable. The only question that remains unclear is: why, with sexual neurasthenia, some experience only seminal symptoms, others experience nervous impotence, and still others experience both.

There is an opinion that masturbation subsequently only results in ejaculation and that sexual impotence is caused by sexual excesses. Practitioners may have observed that both of these vices As a result, they cause joint symptoms, ejaculation and impotence, and sometimes (but this is less common) – one of the types of these phenomena. Onanism, along with sexual excesses, gives the same picture of ejaculation or impotence that we observe with systematic (interrupted) copulations. In patients, this disease appears in the following order: first seminal discharge, and then impotence. Furbinger reports that, according to his observations, about 30% patients suffering from nervous impotence owe their illness to exclusively to masturbation

8. Masturbation and its effect on the body as a whole

If we have concluded that masturbation affects individual organs of our body, if the consequences of masturbation affect the individual both mentally and physically, then we will unmistakably conclude by asserting that masturbation has a general effect on the entire human body. And here we are not talking about a loss of strength or malnutrition, but about general depression, fatigue and complete disorganization of a person’s organic state, depending on the duration of this person’s masturbation.

Personally, I am sure that most young men, pale and thin, owe the condition of their bodies to to his debilitating vice. If any of the doctors does not share my point of view, then I attribute this to the insufficient study of masturbation in the medical literature in general. In this case, I apply a method not so much medical as psychological: if the patient suffers from consumption, anemia, diabetes, kidney disease, general loss of strength, and besides, he also masturbates, then this defect contributes to an even more significant decrease in strength and disruption of the body’s condition. I have known people with very strong physiques in whom masturbation undermined their general health, and if they point out to me that there are cases where masturbation had no effect on the human body, then I will classify this as exceptional and unlikely cases.

Traces of masturbation on human health remain in the form of a nervous disorder of the digestive organs, or other phenomena entailing complete decline in both strength and mood. One way or another, the consequences of masturbation are felt, and no criticism of this view will convince me otherwise. In this case, there is a gait disorder, limited mobility, limited running, and a weakening of the muscular system. If, when observing young men with pale faces, suffering from apathy and fatigue, we cannot recognize the true cause of their condition, then, without any doubt, the reason lies in sexual excesses, regardless of whether it was natural copulation or masturbation.

Onanics also often suffer from insomnia, and if they manage to fall asleep for a while, then their sleep is sensitive, anxious, restless. All these phenomena drive them to the doctor, but for the most part they leave him disappointed. The doctor identifies stomach disease, nervousness, anemia, and often he does not recognize the true cause of the disease, but the patient hides it: a feeling of shame and awkwardness takes possession of him. Complete mental discord and dissatisfaction begins, and the patient falls into despair. I am writing these lines so that the doctor, in all the cases I have indicated, will look for the main cause of the disease. The phenomena I have listed are so symptomatic that an unmistakable diagnosis can bring salvation to the patient.

I would like to end this chapter with a few words about the consequences of masturbation.

Let us assume a case where a person engaged in masturbation is endowed with excellent physical health, full mental flourishing and does not suffer in any way from his vice, moreover, he also enjoys absolutely hygienic living conditions. However, I have no reason to believe that serious consequences will not arise from masturbation under the specified conditions. Of course, a process of gradual weakening, both physical and moral, will occur, the degree of resistance of the will will decrease, and the patient will become a slave to his vice.

I think that we will be close to the truth if we point out that humanity usually begins its sexual activity with masturbation, and if this vice, which began from a young age, is not stopped in time, then it entails chronic, I would say, epidemic continuation of masturbation. Here I move on to characterize the following stages of the consequences of the disease:

1. Stage of the patient’s physical and mental immoral state.

2. Stage of nervous diseases.

3. Stage of offensive psychosis.

It should only be clear to the reader that I am not establishing here the stages that are mandatory for every onanist, I am only pointing out the progress of the disease and the consequences that may arise in patients with the unstoppable development of the defect.

In the first stage, i.e. with a physical and mental immoral state in the patient, we notice dull gaze, lifeless eyes, apathy, fatigue, pale face, anemia. There are blue circles under the sunken eyes. Movements are sluggish, apathetic, in a word, the person changes dramatically in appearance, which takes on the appearance of an “elderly face.” To this physical decline is added a mental one: mental faculties become dull, memory weakens, absent-mindedness appears, and faith in oneself is lost. Hot temper, irritability, solitude, a strong feeling of loneliness - everything it completely destroys personality, plunging a person into horror. Proper education is required in order to return the patient to a normal state, arousing in him those vital forces that provide support and faith in his future. At this time, it is necessary to stop the disease in the most decisive manner, before the entire central nervous system of the patient is affected.

When an internal disease appears in an onanist, a disease of the central nervous system, then we have here second stage of the disease. This second stage leads first to weakening of the muscles, and it is not difficult to imagine the state of a person in whom muscle disorder is added to the general disorder of the whole organism and depression of the spirit. Dizziness appears, light phenomena appear before the eyes, the entire nervous system is tense, the abdominal organs are subject to changes and contractions that are incomprehensible to the patient. The heart works intermittently, the pulse quickens, breathing is difficult (although no pathological phenomena are observed in the circulatory organs and respiratory tract). If the patient is going through a period of growth, then it occurs simultaneously chlorosis process. The appetite disappears, and the patient, regardless of the degree of his intelligence and development, turns into stupid, unintelligent person.

If we add to this the painful loss of semen, vaginismus in women and sexual impotence that occurs in men, then it will not be difficult to imagine the patient and his state of mind. During the first period, the disease does not disrupt almost normal sexual functions; however, in the second period the patient experiences a difficult process: the erection slows down and the patient has to resort to the help of fantasy to achieve sexual arousal. In these people, after sexual arousal and the onset of erection, ejaculation immediately appears. Gradually, this leads to the fact that, even in the absence of an erection, in people of the second stage, ejaculation appears, which becomes all the more painful and painful, since it mostly appears in society, in the presence of many people, and occurs so quickly that the patient does not have time to bow and leave...

Physical development of the disease in females entails anemia, pale sickness and general loss of strength. Ovarian diseases in young girls also occur to some extent due to frequent masturbation. To make it more convincing that this is so, I will point out a case where for many girls after marriage, these pains completely stopped.

Their mental development is expressed in weakened memory, dullness, forgetfulness, increased susceptibility, easily stimulating imagination, etc. Here are two stages that appear in patients in extremely varied forms. During this second period, there are cases of sudden cessation of masturbation, which is difficult to explain from a medical point of view: is this the result of internal work on oneself or a consequence of any other reasons or, finally, the fact that the patient’s physical and mental state does not allow him to continue masturbation .

The third stage is the stage of offensive psychosis– is expressed in the weakening of all mental abilities, suppressing a person’s brain activity and depriving him of self-control. In these cases, patients develop mild psychoses: the noblest inclinations disappear, remorse arises, the process of mental oppression continues, and if in addition the patient is possessed by a nervous predisposition, then he reaches the deepest internal tragedy.

Decreasing moral qualities of a person, i.e. his moral principles and violation of character are the undoubted consequences of masturbation; First of all, it is necessary to develop in a person the concept of good and evil, of sincerity and truth. In a word, it is necessary to raise a person’s moral state to such a height that would allow him to look at his vice as an immoral act; reason must raise its voice and force a person to work on himself.

The editors of our website are publishing a controversial article today. But, as it seems to us, it raises an important topic that requires discussion (which we encourage you to do).

Desire is a surge of vitality that promotes longevity. This is not surprising: making love makes us happier, and this feeling is extremely beneficial for the immune system. Physical pleasure is a source of energy and improves hormonal balance. At the moment of orgasm, endorphins are released in the brain, which leads to a feeling of euphoria, which turns into a feeling of general well-being: we calm down, stress decreases, anxiety subsides, and sleep comes to us - all this helps to restore our strength.


The hormone that is produced in this state and binds us to each other is called oxytocin. Its concentration in the blood increases during hugs and kisses and reaches a peak at the moment of orgasm. It is known that oxytocin “starts” the process of childbirth and promotes the emergence of maternal attachment to the child. Less known is that it also plays an important role in preventing breast cancer. Oxytocin is produced when nipples are caressed, and thanks to it, carcinogenic elements are removed from the female breast. “Women whose breasts are regularly caressed are better protected against breast cancer, as a 1995 study showed,” explains gynecologist and sex therapist Sylvain Mimoun. “Love making improves metabolism both in individual organs and as a whole. Regular sex also reduces the risk of inflammation, which creates the preconditions for cancer and cardiovascular disease. Therefore, those who are going through a period of sexual abstinence are advised to caress themselves.”


“For men, frequent ejaculations reduce the risk of prostate cancer, as confirmed by an American study conducted on 30 thousand men,” says cardiologist Frédéric Saldmann. Here are the exact statistics: starting from 12 ejaculations per month, the effect of reducing the incidence becomes noticeable, and after 21 ejaculations per month, the risk decreases by one third. Prostate massage and ejaculation help expel carcinogenic cells. They also reduce the formation of calcifications (calcium oxide crystals) that accumulate in the prostate. Research suggests that in the absence of sex, masturbation can protect the prostate.


There is a common misconception that sexual activity is dangerous for the heart. It's the other way around. For women, abstinence and dissatisfaction are harmful - they increase the risk of myocardial infarction. And among men who enjoy sexual pleasure, the risk of dying from cardiovascular disease is halved, according to a study conducted at the University of Bristol in 1997. Having sex is an excellent physical exercise that increases your heart rate, sweats out toxins from your body, and improves muscle tone.
Does it follow from this that we must keep a strict record of our sexual acts in order to ensure our health and longevity? “You can achieve a mechanical orgasm, but it will not bring either deep feelings or an experience of the fullness of being,” argues sex therapist Alain Héril. “Sexual flourishing is achieved not through quantity, but through the quality of our interactions.”


Sexuality, in which body and mind are united, is primarily a matter of desire. “It is desire, sexual or otherwise, that is the main restorer of our health,” the sex therapist is convinced.
But how can we maintain our desire if we are alone? There is a way out: do not confine it within the confines of sex as such... or you can say it differently: expand your sexuality and learn to feel pleasure from the entire physical plane of existence, from the life of your body. “Erotic thrill is guaranteed,” promises holistic therapist Galya Ortega. – Feel free to discuss this issue openly with your friends. Constantly play with your sensitivity by masturbating, getting a massage, or massaging yourself.” The idea is to let your senses unfold in the outside world: sniffing smells, catching flavors while eating, singing along when you hear singing; to give your senses a holiday in nature: let your skin feel the touch of the wind, your feet feel the roughness of the earth, and your hands hug the tree trunk...


Sublimation, that is, the ability to redirect sexual energy into creative activity, can be an excellent solution in the absence of sex. You can go in for sports, try your hand at theatre, painting and literature, go dancing... At the same time, we exchange energies with other participants in the creative process, acting either as our colleagues or as an audience. “The more we are carried away by the creative activity that we share with others, the more energy we receive, sexual or otherwise, which restores our inner balance,” emphasizes Alain Eril.

“I have had periods of abstinence due to the absence of a partner,” admits actress and videographer Myrtille Chartuss. “But this was often offset by the launch of new projects. At such moments, I did not suffer from sexual loneliness, but on the contrary, I was passionate about the development of my plans.”
30-year-old Svetlana recently separated from her husband and was going through a difficult divorce. She didn't want to date other men. And yet she was tormented by some vague desire, as if something in her was striving to be born. She started doing watercolors. During classes in the group, she said, she experienced “an emotional uplift close to a sexual experience.” Of course, it didn’t come to orgasm! Nevertheless, Svetlana began to cope much better with the sadness of parting. Amateur theater is another excellent engine of desire because it simultaneously engages the body, imagination, and creativity. On stage, we ourselves do not see what we are doing, but others are looking at us. This gaze directed at us and interested in our actions increases self-esteem and restores our self-confidence. And this also contributes to a surge of energy and awakens desires in us.

A little observation.

If a conversation comes up about masturbation, people always try to create the impression that they either do not engage in it at all, or do it very little and rarely. No one will ever be proud of jerking off a lot and often.

Even those who are forced to resort to it are always embarrassed by this fact, since at this moment they clearly understand that this characterizes them more as losers than as sane people.

Thus, I draw a simple conclusion that people themselves know that there is nothing good in masturbation, and the most advantageous position is for the one who never, under any circumstances, resorts to masturbation (at least in words).

Well, anyway.

Is it harmful to jerk off?

This is an interesting question, and we will definitely answer it.

Let's reason together.

First, we need to agree on whom we will listen to and whose opinion we will ignore as untenable. After all, as we know, the greatest deception of freedom of speech is that the opinion of a practitioner has been equated with the opinion of a theorist, and the opinion of a genius with the opinion of an idiot (by the way, I do not pretend to be the opinion of a genius, but I will willingly subscribe to the fact that I am an idiot).

So, firstly, in order to confidently talk about the dangers or benefits of masturbation, we need know both sides of the coin.

That is, to have the experience of life with masturbation, and the experience of life where masturbation is absent as a class.

For the simplicity of the experiment, we will determine the practical life experience we need, with or without masturbation, for a significant period, for example, let it be a year. I “unreasonably” ignore the theorists’ opinions on theory, since fortunately there are practices.

Personally, I have been successfully living without masturbation for a year and a half, so let’s give me credit for the first condition.

Secondly, there is no point in finding out what an alcoholic thinks about alcohol.

And so it is clear that his opinion will be expressed in the style that this is the only possible option for life, that it gives him a number of advantages and allows him to cope with difficulties and have fun.

At the same time, facts that do not fit into this theory (constant financial losses, problems with health and mood, loss of family well-being and the like) will seem to him to be a consequence of an inevitable combination of circumstances, which neither he himself nor his activities influence in any way .

As a result, it makes sense to ask a person who has no dependence on it.

Thus, I also do not take into account the opinion of those who have a persistent addiction to masturbation and are trying with all their might to justify themselves in their own eyes.

You will not deceive your feelings, no matter how hard you try. I quit precisely because I am no longer dependent on masturbation, and therefore the second condition will be considered fulfilled.

Thirdly, in addition to your personal observations, it is necessary to take into account available information about the opinions of other people who meet the first two conditions, thereby supplementing your personal observations statistically. In this way, we are partially freed from subjectivity by finding objective moments.

I read a lot of forums, opinions and letters in order for this condition to be met, so we will count the third condition to me as an unfinished expert.

As a result of meeting all three conditions, approximately the following picture is born.

In practice, it has been established that masturbation leads to a number of negative consequences that do not have the best impact on life. There are a number of Internet resources (for example, the AntiO forum), which have accumulated colossal personal experience that clearly illustrates the harm that masturbation leads to.

You might argue that you've been jerking off for years and haven't noticed any of the above.

After all, you are also conducting an experiment and you have accumulated personal experience, which somewhat refutes what is written above. And everything would be fine, but one moment allows me to doubt that you are right.

After all, in order to know the difference, you need to have a starting point, before and after, before the experiment and after it.

But you’ve been jerking off for so many years that you don’t even remember what it’s like to live without masturbation. Your entire experience is contained in only one point, in one plane - this is the life of a wanker.

You don’t know another life and you hardly realize that it exists. Therefore, you attribute all the negativity that you receive to the natural course of things, without in any way connecting it with your masturbation activities.

It is not customary to lie in a urologist's office. However, like a gynecologist. Therefore, it is no longer a secret to anyone that almost 95% of the adult population of the planet has had or has experience of self-satisfaction. Don't let this number confuse you. Most likely it is even higher...

If we open the Brief Medical Encyclopedia, published in the USSR in the 70s of the last century, we will be surprised to learn that masturbation is a form of sexual perversion. It is unlikely that Soviet doctors adhered to this position; rather, this was the attitude of public opinion of the most “moral” power in the world. The younger generation was threatened with all the punishments of heaven: from impotence and infertility to curvature of the genitals and even schizophrenia. However, it would be stupid to blame the communist system for everything.

The first in the history of medicine to consider masturbation as a medical problem was the Swiss doctor S. Tissot (1728-1797). It was he who turned masturbation, for reasons only known to him, from a simple sin into a disease requiring treatment. According to Tissot, any sexual activity was dangerous because it caused “a rush of blood to the head, reducing the blood supply to other organs, as a result of which the nerves and other vital tissues gradually degenerate, which sooner or later leads to insanity.”

Original title masturbation- masturbation. This term has been known since biblical times. True, modern scientists consider the story of Onan as a description of a completely different action - interrupted sexual intercourse. In Genesis 38, Judah tells his son Onan to marry his brother's wife and have relations with her. Onan resists. “And Judah said to Onan: Go in to your brother’s wife, marry her as your brother-in-law, and restore seed to your brother. Onan knew that the seed would not be his, and therefore, when he went in to his brother’s wife, he poured it out on the ground so as not to give seed to his brother. What he did was evil in the eyes of God; and he killed him too.”

As you can see, there is no talk of masturbation here. However, the name "masturbation" has been in use ever since.

But today masturbation is considered to be an absolutely normal form of female and male sexuality. Moreover, urologists, sexologists and gynecologists report the positive impact of self-satisfaction not only on the human psyche, but also on his sexuality and the entire body as a whole, highlighting the obvious advantages of masturbation:

« Masturbation“Perhaps the best preventive remedy for prostatitis, but do not forget that during masturbation the prostate drains much worse than during sexual intercourse.”

"For woman masturbation- a great way of emotional release during PMS and, like any sexual “training”, it provides increased blood circulation and creates additional tone for muscles and skin.”

“In both sexes, masturbation improves sleep and memory, normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system and helps cope with stress and depression”

“Self-satisfaction, as one of the options for sex, helps to increase the number of antibodies in the human body by 30-40%, which helps strengthen the immune system and protects against infectious diseases”

However, we should not forget that the most NORMAL form of sexual activity is, after all, sex with a partner. And we cannot keep silent about the fact that for people who are shy, prone to isolation, and lacking self-confidence, masturbation can do a disservice by accustoming them to the idea of ​​​​the possibility of replacing a full-fledged personal life with its physiological surrogate. And also, according to some data, masturbation can lead to varicocele (varicose veins of the spermatic cord), due to disruption of the natural “pump”, which is created during full sexual intercourse and is extremely necessary for both men and women.

In addition, sexologists draw attention to the fact that self-satisfaction is considered normal, which causes a person only physical pleasure, but not moral or psychological. The desire to masturbate in front of other people, or to spy on strangers during this intimate activity can be regarded as hooliganism and indicate some mental abnormalities, which doctors already consider as pathology.

Urologists note that, contrary to popular belief, there are differences between male and female masturbation. Let's start with the fact that self-satisfaction is “healthier” for men, and sometimes it’s simply necessary (if there is a risk of prostatitis). The stronger sex probably feels this subconsciously, and therefore resorts to masturbation (even if there is a regular partner) 40% more often than a woman who has a partner. In addition, women, as more refined natures, try to find a certain aesthetics in the process of self-satisfaction. They need a certain surroundings, mood, atmosphere. Men are more straightforward and perceive masturbation as a natural physiological process. On the other hand, women are many times more likely than men to resort to experiments and like to visit intimate stores. This is probably why women’s “games” with themselves so often become the object of attention of directors of erotic films, and men’s – almost never.

As a summary of this short material, I would like to report the following:

If you have the “sin” of self-satisfaction, self-satisfy to your health, but do not abuse it. There are no medical contraindications if you masturbate no more than once a week. Carefully monitor your well-being and try to really enjoy yourself, and not compensate for your complexes. The frequency, duration and activity of your intimate hobby are regulated solely by you.


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