Why do you dream about your brother? Dream Interpretation - Brothers or sisters. why do you dream about cousin

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according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

sadness, death; dancing at a wedding means trouble with the opposite sex; communicate with guests - things will get confusing.


according to Ayurvedic dream book

I dreamed about a wedding

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing yourself at a wedding in a dream means that you will quickly find a way out of circumstances that may cause your anxiety and obstacles to success. If a young woman dreams of a secret wedding, this is very unfavorable for the characterization of her nature. It is possible that the dream will lead her to the idea of ​​​​the need to curb herself. If she accepted a proposal in a dream, it means that she will rise in the opinion of those above her, and the expected promises will not be deceived. If in a dream she thinks that her parents do not approve of her marriage, it means that her engagement will not be approved by her relatives. If she dreams that her lover is marrying someone else, the dream foreshadows unnecessary suffering and empty, groundless fears. If you dream that you are already married, this is a sad omen. If a young woman sees someone in mourning at her wedding, this means that her family life will be unhappy. If this happens at someone else’s wedding, she will be saddened by the unfortunate fate of a relative or friend. The dream may foretell annoyance or illness instead of the expected happiness and health. A pleasant trip that will take place in reality after such a dream can be seriously upset by an unpleasant intrusion or other surprise.

The meaning of a dream about a wedding

according to Freud's dream book

Seeing someone's wedding in a dream is a sign of good news, which, although not directly related to you, will still affect you too. If you dreamed of your own wedding, it means that soon you will be presented with a surprise, and you will be required to treat it with maximum understanding and guess what it means.

Why do you dream about a wedding?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

to be at a wedding means sadness, death or trouble for the one getting married; for the sleeper - illness; to be a guest at the wedding of a friend or acquaintance - joint affairs (what the bride looks like - such are the affairs); dancing at a wedding means trouble with the opposite sex; see Guest, Marriage.

Why do you have a dream about a wedding?

according to Vanga's dream book

Walking at a wedding in a dream means a fun party with your old friends. Perhaps at this party you will meet a person who will later become the meaning of your life. Being at your wedding in a dream is evidence that you will soon need to make a difficult decision. Most likely, your entire future life will depend on this decision. If you dreamed that you were present at a wedding as an honored guest, then in real life one of your loved ones will really need your help. Do not refuse this person, because very soon you will also need his services.

The meaning of a dream about a wedding

according to Freud's dream book

If you dream of a wedding ceremony, this indicates that you cannot imagine a sexual relationship without love for a person. You can't go to bed with him even for pleasure. His feelings towards you are important to you. And yours - to him.

Why do you have a dream about a wedding?

according to Vanga's dream book

A wedding in dreams is like a test of your feelings for your loved one. In a dream, being present at the wedding of a young couple means in reality once again experiencing a heightened sense of closeness and kinship with your other half. If you dreamed that you were getting married, then this predicts not so much a legal and carnal union, but a spiritual union with a worthy person with whom you will walk a common path together, share troubles and joys. In a dream, acting as a priest performing a wedding ceremony means in reality experiencing a shock associated with the premonition of trouble threatening a loved one. Such a dream warns: do not interfere in current events. They are not under your control because they are under the control of God.

Why does the bride dream?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

expectation; hope in deeds (for men); being a bride means income; an inappropriate dress - marriage or business (for men) - will not work.

The meaning of a dream about a bride

according to Freud's dream book

For a woman to see herself as the bride of her loved one in a dream means a quick change in personal relationships. Perhaps this will be reconciliation after a long quarrel with someone with whom you have long despaired of establishing contact. Your problem is that you are too demanding from your chosen one to officially recognize your relationship. Moderate your ardor a little, perhaps after a while your chances will be much higher. If in a dream you (we are talking about women) saw your daughter as a bride, then such a dream suggests that you subconsciously compare yourself with her and often the comparison is not in your favor. You note that you have aged, your appearance has changed, your character has deteriorated. You imagine yourself in her place, you want the same success that she has. If a man saw his partner or even his wife in the guise of a bride, then such a dream indicates that he is currently not confident in his masculine strength, it seems to him that he is about to fail. And in the dream he tries to return to the time when success was guaranteed. If a man saw his daughter as a bride, then this dream foretells the dreamer a quick pleasure walk, which he will spend with great pleasure. Perhaps this will be a long-awaited meeting with someone whom he has not seen for a long time and secretly would like to see.

I dreamed about the bride

according to Miller's dream book

If a young woman sees herself as a bride in a dream, this portends her receiving an inheritance that will please her extremely. But only if she is happy to wear a wedding dress. If at the same time she has unpleasant sensations, she will suffer from disappointment in her affections. To dream that you are kissing the bride means a happy reconciliation of friends. If the bride kisses others, this foretells you many friends and pleasures. If she kisses you, the dream promises you excellent health. It is possible that your beloved will unexpectedly receive an inheritance. Kissing the bride and noticing that she looks tired and sick means that you will not be pleased with the success and actions of your friends. If a real bride dreams that she is indifferent to her husband, this foreshadows a lot of unpleasant circumstances that will ruin several days for her in her new life.

The meaning of a dream about a veil

according to Freud's dream book

If a man put a veil on his head in a dream, it means that he needs to take care of himself and be less upset about minor problems. The fact is that a somewhat infantile attitude towards life can lead to undesirable consequences and you yourself will not notice how you will turn into a creature that sheds tears at every convenient and inconvenient occasion. If a woman saw such a dream, it means that soon something unusual will happen in her family, and she will have to strain a little to accept the news normally. An unmarried woman or girl wearing a veil in a dream means meeting a man who will play a big role in her life. A torn or dirty veil is a sign of deception.

Why do you dream about your wife?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

to be them is disappointment, sadness.

I dreamed about my wife

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing your wife in a dream means unfinished business and discord in the house. To dream that your wife is unusually friendly means that you will profit from some important and risky trading transaction. For a wife to dream that her husband beats her with a whip predicts that some of her unfortunate actions will cause her severe condemnation in the house, and then general disorder and turmoil.

Why do you dream about your wife?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

(former or deceased) - return of old affairs; debt repayment; (in a husband’s dream) - current job; favorite or least favorite activity; earnings; fight with her - reconciliation; swearing - to the illness of one of the spouses; caresses her husband - big income; a wife beats her husband - to illness; a man beats his wife or woman - for love or harmony; the wife dreams of a very affectionate husband - very bad things in the family; going together leads to separation; traveling, traveling together - monetary losses; feasting - to separation; to acquire a wife (unknown in reality) - arrangement of affairs depending on beauty and stature; ex-wife is an old matter; connecting with her means obstacles in a proven business; see Husband.

I dreamed about a wedding ring

according to Miller's dream book

If a woman sees her wedding ring bright and shiny in a dream, this foretells that she will be protected from worries and infidelity. If the ring is lost or broken, many sorrows will enter her life. Seeing a wedding ring on the hand of a friend or other people means that you will not take someone's promise too seriously. It is possible that you will indulge in illicit joys.

Why does the groom dream?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

worries, interference, delays in business; laughing is deception.

The meaning of a dream about a groom

according to Freud's dream book

A dreamed groom (not just anyone, but an abstract groom in a suit and with a traditional bouquet) promises you changes in your personal life. Either you will make an acquaintance that is pleasant in all respects with all the ensuing consequences, or you will change your personal status - the unmarried one will get married, and the unmarried one will get married. If in a dream you saw a groom without a bride, it means that in real life you suffer from a lack of integrity and harmony in your intimate relationships. You feel that everything is not going at all the way you would like it, but you don’t know how to restore harmony to sex. If you saw the groom and the bride in a dream, it means that your relationship both in life and in bed can only be envied.


according to Ayurvedic dream book

Why do you dream about marriage?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

(the procedure itself, the ceremony) - the arrangement of affairs.

I dreamed about marriage

according to Miller's dream book

For a woman to dream that she is marrying an old, decrepit man means that illness will be added to all other troubles. If during the ceremony her lover in black passes by, looking at her reproachfully, this portends a cooling of her friends towards her. Seeing a marriage ceremony in a dream means joy and pleasure, unless in the dream the guests are dressed in light clothes and are cheerful. Black clothes on guests promise sadness. If you are a minister at a wedding ceremony, you will experience pleasure and self-care in reality. Seeing an accident during a wedding portends suffering. If a young woman sees herself as a bride, but not very happy, this portends her disappointment in love. This dream is favorable for a person who is happily married. But for anyone married woman dream about own wedding encourages her to abandon vanity and pettiness.

Seeing a wedding ceremony in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Obviously, before moving on to the painstaking work of interpreting such a dream, the dreamer will have a desire to study the possible events that gave rise to this dream, such as other weddings in real life. This dream could be simple execution desires or personal expectations. However, if you are not on the verge of such events, other scenarios may exist. First of all, you should consider the other circumstances of your life. Are you taking on increased responsibilities or are you on the verge of making an important commitment to an employer, partner or other person related to you? This dream may serve as a commentary on how suitable this commitment is for you. If the wedding goes well, then you probably think that you are entering into a reliable union. If your wedding seems like a disaster or your role is unclear, then there may be a need to reconsider your responsibilities.

There is nothing strange about seeing your brother in a dream if he is always nearby in reality. This is simply a reflection of life transformed by fantasy. What if you never had one? Or did you dream of unpleasant incidents or strange circumstances? More often, dream books interpret these events “by contradiction,” in a positive way: they predict strong family ties and longevity, and sometimes warn of danger.

Native or stepbrother

If a sister and brother live nearby, it is not necessary to look for the hidden meaning of the dream. In other cases, the interpretation of the dream is prophetic and depends on the degree of relationship.

I dreamed about my own brother - cheerful, healthy, friendly - as Miller’s dream book says, you can envy your own destiny.

Seeing him sick in a dream is a harbinger of strengthening his own health, drunk - there is a danger of getting hurt, naked - he can get into an awkward situation. Talking peacefully with your brother means longevity, swearing means trouble.

Seeing your brother's wife in a dream foreshadows discord with loved ones and cooling of relations with relatives; his wedding is a pleasant gift.

A little brother is a symbol of the need to take care of someone. Elder is a sign of the need for protection.

Freud's dream book explained why men dream about the closest of their peers - this reflects rivalry, the struggle for the attention of a loved one, as well as a premonition of a difficult period: with fierce competition, one will have to face hypocrisy and deceit. For the ladies, a famous psychoanalyst predicts a new sexual relationship or jealousy, which also does not promise an easy life.

A cousin or second cousin who really exists is a sign that it’s time to visit relatives. And if this is a purely virtual character, then in your immediate circle there is (or is about to meet) a kindred spirit, a true friend. Dream books associate communication with a cousin with disappointment in a loved one.

Someone's relative

I dreamed about my friend’s brother - there is a meeting with him, cooperation. A cheerful, friendly husband's brother means good luck ahead.

Dream books interpret the brother of a loved one as dissatisfaction with the relationship. You will experience a new sexual attraction if you dreamed about a guy's brother, and he could also be an object of interest. Why do you dream about your ex-boyfriend’s brother: the girl has a fan that she doesn’t yet know about.

Quarrels and hugs

For men, the meaning of a dream about a fight with a brother is rivalry and close friendship. Why dream of beating him - to family disagreements, hugging and kissing - to a truce. According to dream book XXI centuries, fighting means a profitable deal, a quarrel means financial losses due to one’s own stupidity.

A girl should not panic if she dreams of sex with her brother - this is a reflection of strong family ties and receiving support from loved ones. Dream books talk about emotional attachment if you happened to marry your brother in a dream.

Birth and death

A good omen is to see that a little brother has been born. His birth symbolizes a profitable project, for a man - increased competition.

Why do you dream that a little one is crying? To my disappointment. They calmed the crying person - the implementation of the project will require serious efforts; if he died, he would fail. Seeing a baby dead means overcoming your immaturity.

To see an adult die means he will live a long time. Death of a brother: in reality they will ask you for help or to borrow money - do not refuse. Be careful, the image of the deceased warns of possible danger.

According to the dream book From A to Z, attending a funeral or seeing off the deceased in a dream means the health of family members. Seeing a brother in a coffin means life for him long years. Saying goodbye at the grave of the deceased reflects real feelings for a loved one.

If you dreamed about an accident or the murder of your brother, you will be overwhelmed by strong emotions. Seeing how the deceased was killed is a violation of plans, sadness that can be overcome.

Dream books predict longevity and prosperity for the one before whom the deceased brother appears alive. If a deceased brother appeared in a dream as if alive, remember the deceased and light a candle in the church.


A wedding is an amazing event that remains forever in the hearts of the couple. Sometimes even those who have already tied the knot manage to attend such an important event again, and this happens... in a dream. So why do you dream about a wedding?

Reflecting on why a wedding is dreamed of, many come to the conclusion that this is some kind of important sign from higher powers. But in interpreting such a dream, it is important to take into account whether the dreamer is married in real life.

Miller's Dream Book: wedding

Walking at a wedding in a dream means that in life you will encounter obstacles on the path to success, but you will be able to overcome them. Why does a young unmarried lady dream about a wedding? Such a dream speaks of the unbridledness of her nature. Accepting a marriage proposal in a dream means elevation in the eyes of people who are higher in position in society. If a girl dreams that her beloved will not marry her, then she cannot avoid suffering in life. An unmarried man saw in a dream that he was married - this is not a good sign. When a woman dreams of her own wedding, and someone is present at it in mourning clothes, this means that the union will be unsuccessful. If this happens at someone else’s wedding, then in reality the dreamer’s loved one will face misfortune.

Why do you dream about a wedding according to Vanga?

Walking at a wedding in a dream means a party, which may lead to meeting someone interesting person. Perhaps in the future he will become the most important thing in life for you. If you dream about your own wedding, then in reality you will soon have to do some kind of important choice, on which your life may subsequently depend. Seeing yourself at someone else's wedding as a guest in a dream means that a loved one needs help from you; you should not refuse him, because soon you yourself will need him.

Dreamed wedding according to Loff's dream book

A psychologist interprets what a wedding means in a dream through projection onto real events. First you need to understand what served as the basis for such a dream. Maybe you recently attended someone's wedding? Or do you really want to finally get married? Or are you going to have your own wedding soon and are you constantly thinking about it? If you dream of a wedding, then perhaps you are taking on too many responsibilities at work or are faced with the choice of agreeing to be assigned any new responsibilities or not. The dream will help clarify the situation: if you dreamed that the ceremony was successful, then you should accept the employer’s offer, but if the wedding in the dream did not take place or did not go the way you would like, you should refuse the new responsibilities assigned to you.

Freud's Dream Book: seeing a wedding in a dream

A famous psychologist had his own vision of what a wedding means in dreams. He interpreted this as a harbinger of a surprise. If in a dream you see someone else’s wedding, then expect good news. They will not relate to you directly, but they will still affect you too.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation: wedding

Nothing good is foreseen in deciphering dreams about the wedding of this esotericist. So, Tsvetkov believes that if you dreamed about the wedding of other people and you are a guest at it, then this means the death of one of the people getting married. The dreamer himself will soon fall ill after such a dream.

Hasse's Dream Interpretation: dreaming of a wedding

The medium sees more good things in such a dream. If a single person dreams of a wedding, it means they will soon get married; if a married person dreams of a wedding, the birth of children is not far off. If you dreamed that you were dancing at a wedding, beware of people of the opposite sex.

Longo's Dream Interpretation: seeing a wedding in a dream

If you are not yet married, then a dream in which you dream of your own wedding once again indicates that you strongly want this to happen in reality. When people who already have spouses dream of a wedding ceremony, this is a sign that the relationship will begin to develop in some new way.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about a wedding?

Interpretation (meaning) of sleep Wedding

Trying on a wedding dress for your upcoming wedding. Seeing yourself in a white dress at someone else's wedding is a sign of serious illness. However, if this is the wedding of a friend, friend (acquaintances) or the wedding of a daughter, son, mother (relatives), then the dream does not bode well for you.

If a girl dreams of a wedding cortege passing by, her secret rival is harming her relationship with her lover. Seeing yourself supporting the bride's veil or train means envious women are spreading gossip about her.

If in a dream a girl sees herself as a bride (her own wedding - seeing her wedding), it means that the object of her love is infatuated with another. A bride in a dream of an elderly woman foreshadows minor domestic quarrels with her husband.

If she dreams that she is catching a wedding bouquet, it means that her lover is faithful to her or, if this is not the case, she will soon meet true love. If in a dream you receive an invitation to a wedding or dreamed of preparations for a wedding, then dream books interpret this dream as a sign of a profitable acquisition. Also, an invitation to a wedding or preparations for a wedding in a dream may foretell the receipt of a valuable gift.

A wedding feast, at which the girl is present as a guest, promises her a lot of fun entertainment. If she is at the wedding feast as a bride, in reality she will be disappointed because of her lover. Seeing a wedding celebration foretells a woman pleasant household chores. Perhaps the husband will receive a promotion, and she will delight him with a festive dinner.

If a woman dreams that she is talking to her groom, she will soon receive the thing she has long dreamed of. If she is considering or trying on a wedding dress, in the near future she will have to listen to unpleasant news about the behavior of her husband and children. If a girl dreams of a secret wedding, she should watch her habits. Such a dream suggests that her character traits need to be adjusted.

If a girl dreamed of her own wedding and her parents were against her marriage, in reality her relatives would not approve of her engagement (marriage).

If a girl dreams that someone in mourning attire is present at her wedding, it means that her marriage will not be successful. A dream in which a girl sees that her beloved is marrying someone else promises her anxiety and unsubstantiated fears. Running away from a wedding in a dream means that you will get involved in some dubious business.

Running away from a wedding is a sign of questionable actions. If you dreamed of being late for a wedding, it means that your wishes will most likely not come true.

A wedding without a groom in a dream promises an extraordinary event that you will remember for a long time.

If you dreamed that the wedding did not take place (failed wedding), or to cancel your own wedding (broken wedding) - the dream promises difficulties in some matter; to overcome the difficulties you will have to make a lot of effort.

A young man who sees a wedding procession in a dream should be wary of false friends in reality. The dream warns him that someone from his close circle is doing a lot of harm to him. Seeing yourself as a groom means a quarrel with your mother or lover. If he dreams that he takes part in wedding celebrations and communicates with the groom, he will easily cope with his opponent. If he talks to the bride, his rival will separate him from his beloved.

A man who sees a wedding procession in a dream should prepare for the fact that his wife will be jealous of him. The dream warns that he should try not to give his wife reasons for jealousy, otherwise peace in the family will not come soon.

Talking to the groom or just seeing him means competitors are trying to ruin him. A conversation with the bride, on the contrary, foreshadows that he will successfully cope with the machinations of ill-wishers; if he is feasting at a wedding celebration and feels drunk (or drinking alcohol), he can completely go broke.

Such a dream is a warning that you need to take the fight against competitors very seriously. If a man sees in a dream that he himself is the groom, this is a warning that he is at risk of a serious illness. You should consult a doctor immediately.

In our dream book you can find out not only about what dreams about a wedding mean, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to see a wedding in a dream in Miller’s online dream book.


Dream Interpretation Dear Brother, why do you dream about seeing Dear Brother in a dream?

Idiomatic dream book Why do you dream about your dear brother according to the dream book:

Seeing Brother in a dream - “Big or older brother” - authority; “brothers in arms or blood” - unity, agreement; “robber brothers” - like-minded people with bad intentions; "brotherly friendship"; "brotherly love"; "sharing like brothers." “fraternize” - make peace, get closer, be friends.

Autumn dream book Why do you dream about your dear brother according to the dream book:

Brother - If you see your brothers unhealthy and poor in a dream, expect an unexpected turn in your life.

Summer dream book Why do you dream about your dear brother according to the dream book:

Brother - If in a dream you dreamed of a brother calling for your help, do not expect help from him in reality.

Children's dream book What does Brother mean according to the dream book?

Why do you dream about Brother - A fun journey with adventures awaits you, this is how the dream book interprets this dream.

Ukrainian dream book What does it mean when you dream about your brother:

Brother - Seeing your brother in a dream means you will receive good news. Separation from your brother - some lucky event will happen to you; to lose a brother - a raging, anxiety-filled future awaits you; quarrel with brother - sadness. Cousin - visit relatives.

Spring dream book Why do you dream about your dear brother according to the dream book:

Brother - Talking with your brother means longevity. Seeing a sick brother means health; seeing a dead brother means tears; seeing a drunk brother means cutting or shedding your blood.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Brother - Quarrel; friendship; property division; a feeling of rivalry, in the next dream book you can find out a different interpretation.

French dream book Seeing my dear brother in a dream, why?

Interpretation of the dream book: Brother - Seeing a brother in a dream is a sign of hypocrisy and betrayal, which you will soon encounter in life. Brothers and sisters in a dream foreshadow jealousy or family feuds. Receiving a letter from your brother in a dream promises in reality lies and meanness on the part of the people around you. Seeing the death of your brothers and sisters in a dream means profit and joy.

Big dream book Why do you dream about your dear brother:

Brother - Seeing a brother in a dream means receiving news; fight with him - feelings of kindred love, gratitude.

Modern dream book If you dream about your brother:

Solves the dream book: Brother - You will receive false news

Biblical dream book of Azar Dream Interpretation: To see one’s own brother in a dream

Why do you dream about Brother - Long life

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse Dream Interpretation: Brother in a dream

Brother - Seeing - family happiness; parting with a brother - happy occasions; losing a brother means a stormy future awaits you; quarrel with him - you will have grief.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite Seeing a dear brother in a dream

In a dream, why do you dream about Brother - Receiving news - seeing - family happiness - parting - happy occasions - losing - stormy future - quarrel with him - grief

Small Velesov dream book Why do you dream about your dear brother:

Living brother or sister - Profit, joy, good news // false news; talking to him is a nuisance; arguing with him is sadness; fight - gratitude; saying goodbye is a happy occasion // quarrel; cousin - to see relatives, an honest friend; deceased - trouble; living brother to the deceased - profit, wealth, bad; brothers fight - happiness, benefit.


Why dream about my brother’s wedding if I cry all the time during it?



if you cry in your sleep, it’s good, perhaps fortunate.


Seeing your wedding in a dream is a favorable sign. This promises a quick resolution of the problems that are currently causing your worries and worries.
- If a young woman dreams of a secret wedding, this is very unfavorable for the characterization of her nature. It is possible that the dream will once again remind her of the need to curb herself.
- If she accepted a proposal in a dream, it means that she will rise in the opinion of those above her, and their expectations will not be disappointed.
- If in a dream she thinks that her parents do not approve of her marriage, it means that her engagement will indeed not be approved by her relatives.
- If she dreams that her lover is marrying someone else, the dream foreshadows useless suffering and empty, groundless fears.
- If you dream that you are already married, this is a sad omen.
- If a young woman sees someone in mourning at her wedding, this means that her family life will be unhappy.
- If this happens at someone else’s wedding, she will be saddened by the unfortunate fate of a relative or friend. The dream may foretell annoyance or illness instead of the expected happiness and health.
- A pleasant trip that will take place in reality after such a dream can be seriously upset by an unpleasant intrusion or other surprise. If you cried in a dream, then bad news and disagreements with loved ones await you.
- If you saw someone else crying, perhaps a joyful reconciliation with someone close to you will soon come after a quarrel that arose due to sad misunderstandings. For a young woman, this dream foreshadows quarrels with her lover, after which reconciliation can only be achieved through self-sacrifice.
- For a merchant, this dream foreshadows a temporary decline in business and minor failures.

Brother's wedding

As for the daughter, there may be small, quickly resolved difficulties, issues related to her. As for the main part of the dream, it does not carry significant symbols. Reflects your interest in reality, in some of your questions, problems, situations.

Dream Interpretation - Office, someone else's wedding

The dream reflected a great dependence on other people’s opinions and current experiences, and in some places even unnecessary self-criticism. All this prevents you from being in harmony.

Dream Interpretation - Dream about brother

Good morning, Svetlana! Good sleep. Ice is the curtain that hides life in the Heavenly World from us. And your determination to save your brother (and this is a subconscious desire, the desire of your true nature - the Soul) breaks the barrier. And it shows that your brother from the other world is looking at you, watching your life, maybe helping, since he still has love for you, the memory of you. This is a sign that he is in quite high worlds, at least not in Hell. But still not in Paradise, since he is still knee-deep in the river of timelessness. That is, he has not yet redeemed all earthly deeds. He needs your prayer for him... Save Christ!

Dream Interpretation - Late for a friend’s wedding

Such a dream could simply be prophetic.

Dream Interpretation - Little brother caught fire

The dream contains negative images (aggressive cat, stove), of course, such a dream is a warning about danger, unpleasant and sad events, possibly concerning relatives, specifically a brother, and related experiences. Mom's house - such an image in a dream always contributes to the comprehension of family relationships, understanding of connections with family and ancestors.

Dream Interpretation - Brother's Daughter

Seeing a girl in a dream is a surprise, something about your brother’s life will really surprise you, perhaps their family is planning to have a child together and most likely this woman wants a girl, your dream is very similar to a prophetic one, but time must pass for the events to unfold. This woman’s eldest son is apparently ill, seeing an adult in the form of a small man is a sign of his illness, the fact that your brother is going with this woman means their long-term relationship, it means he likes living with her and he doesn’t want to leave, but so as not to lie to you, you must approve of his choice, do not condemn.

Dream Interpretation - Snakes bite relatives

Maxim, I will combine the interpretation of both of your dreams, since they are connected and complement each other. They have nothing to do with work. They are about maternally inherited misconceptions associated with claims to the opposite sex (cat, litter box). Resentment, disappointment, contempt... With a word, you will decisively put an end to this negativity. Teeth in dreams are milestones on the pages of life history. They have a double or triple symbol. These are both relatives and vitality dreamer. We can safely say that close people give us strength and they also take it away, since there is always an invisible / karmic / connection. The disharmony of your mother and grandmother (snake-bitten, black eyes, rotten, blackened teeth) has had a devastating effect on your relationships with girls so far. You will apply all your determination and readiness (the tooth is a chisel in the first dream, it is also a knife in the second) to overcome evils (snakes). You will wisely figure everything out (the wisdom teeth remain), let go of the grievances in peace, etc.. ( rotten teeth left). Your psyche will be restructured (sleep with the Moon in Sagittarius). Personal life will improve (sleep with the Moon in Libra). Thanks to understanding and transforming your worldview, you will help your family (the danger has passed).

Dream Interpretation - Broken wedding

A wedding is a symbol of an important, turning point in life. Internal or external. It did not take place / will not take place in the near future / with your, as you understand, complete readiness (beautiful dress, guests, registry office...). The reasons are not in you / not only in you /. This happens when Heaven makes adjustments at its own discretion /knows better from above/. For your own future benefit. Therefore, do not see ill-wishers in the actions of those people (who canceled the wedding) whom They controlled.

Dream Interpretation - Brother's Daughter

Good evening! I can advise you one thing... Don’t worry about this dream. And don’t try to participate in your brother’s life, discuss his life, measure it by the standards by which you measure your life. These are just his problems. And if he lies to you, then only for one good purpose that redeems his lie - his life, this is his life, the consequence of his decisions. Leave him to decide for himself how and when to act, right or wrong, and then, probably, he will be more sincere with you... Save Christ!

Dream Interpretation - Washing my daughter’s hair, preparing for the wedding

Good evening! “My little daughter (in reality she is much older) is standing on a bench, it seems, and I lathered her hair with shampoo and then washed it off. That’s all.” - You want to help your daughter avoid life’s trials. “It feels like I’m in a hotel.” - in a dream you find yourself in an area of ​​the subtle world where you are a rare guest, all this is transformed by the mind into the image of a hotel. “On the ground floor, preparations are underway for someone’s wedding.” - Your unfulfilled hopes. "In a banquet hall (or restaurant), tables are being set. I went up to one of them. There were dishes on it, but there was no food yet. I decided that I had been assigned a place at this table, and decided to look, and the others had the same or dishes better." - You are really dissatisfied with what is happening in your life. "I see many men of different ages (and older ones too) who brought food to the tables, it seems they are employees. At the same time, they all sing. The singing is beautiful, the voices are strong, loud, sonorous. They all sang the same song very harmoniously and in several voices. I really liked it, I was a little surprised, they really lifted my spirits. I didn’t even look at the tables anymore.” - in fact, you understand that everything in your life is in your hands. You don’t even have to focus on the lives of others, be yourself. “Then I’m at the entrance door to this banquet hall. The door is double, I’m fiddling with one of the doors. It’s closed, I’m trying to open it. It opens one way, but I try it the other way. It worked.” - even if fate Today it prepares one turn, tomorrow it can be changed to another. Often a thought, word, feeling or significant action is enough for this. You are the mistress of your destiny, within reasonable limits, of course))) - “But then a girl next to me says that I broke the belt that was holding this door. I look at the bottom edge of the door and see a torn old rubber belt, I think how could I not noticed. Then the girl suddenly smiled (before that she seemed strict to me) and said that it was okay, but the bathtub would be replaced. “Save Christ!”


Brother's wedding

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

Hello, it is possible that a wedding means well-being for the eyes of others. While hugs on the beach represent inner well-being and happiness. Perhaps, for the sake of other people, you are ready to demonstrate your happiness while you are actually happy inside and do not need to express this happiness in front of others. You are in harmony - and this inner harmony is more important to you. The first attempt to demonstrate happiness fails, and you make a second one, but circumstances beyond your control intervene. Good luck!

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

Hello. It seems to me that this dream foreshadows your marriage. Your chosen one may turn out to be higher than you in social status in society or richer in her spiritual growth (in the dream she was taller than you)... But I think that after all, this marriage will be of convenience. Since there was no special love in the dream and you also remember her bright yellow shoes well ( yellow I think it personifies luxury and glory).... Good luck!

Dream Interpretation - Wedding!

This means dramatic changes in your life. What, life will show. Good luck to you.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding!

Soon you will make a very important decision that will affect your entire subsequent life.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding!

Hello. It seems to me that in reality you will marry a wealthy man (the wedding was magnificent and rich, and the mansion was luxurious). But you haven’t seen the face of your groom, because the time simply hasn’t come yet. The time will come and you will see... There’s just time for everything) Good luck to you! Love! All the best! LET IT BE SO!)

Dream Interpretation - Wedding!

Is getting married more successfully the ultimate dream of a modern person? Fi. The dream is precisely about this: the dreamer, due to her youth, has developed a certain stereotypical perception of her future. And the unconscious seems to hint that this is all tinsel and ghosts... Thus, a rich mansion is a compensatory part of the dream, from which it becomes clear that in real life the dreamer believes that the level of wealth for her family is not high enough. This results in a subconscious desire have a good marriage. The face is not visible, because the girl-dreamer still has a very unformed ideal of a man. Perhaps she has no idea what to do with men after the candy-bouquet period. That is why the brain draws pictures for her, inspired by television cliches... There is nothing special in this dream, except for the dreamer’s unconscious thinking about the unknown of future relationships, ideals, love. Something like this.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding!

Prosperous marriage. You will understand and respect your husband, but you will not have passionate feelings for him.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding!

I must say that everyone dreams, it’s just that not everyone perceives and remembers them. It's the same as not remembering early childhood. A wedding may mean that you have some opportunities to realize a dream or plan. For example, related to studies. You connect your life with some business. A new round of life. Further, if you dream about children, it means that your dream is born and begins to come true.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

Hello, perhaps the dream means preparation for some event or action. But you don’t yet know how to achieve what you want, you’re not quite ready (no dress). You may be able to get what you want even without preparation. Good luck!

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

Good evening! Of course, you won’t have a wedding yet, because you are not ready for it yet. Sincerely, LIVIA.


Brother's wedding

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

Weddings in a dream symbolize the merging of the conscious and subconscious, the harmonization of your worldview, the repetition of dreams, and the whole last dream suggests that you do not take the opportunity to do this. Good luck.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding, wedding, pregnancy

The dream is really inspired by your love and desire to continue communication, and also better device family and life with your ex-boyfriend. The fact of pregnancy and childbirth suggests that your soul is ready and eager to begin a new chapter in life. A break with a young man will reveal your potential for growth, for improving your financial or social situation. And the fact that the “child” - the idea - is a girl, perhaps indicates that advancement and your new path is connected with something feminine (profession or project). In real life, perhaps you are still poorly prepared for this, so you may dream about being “pregnant” until you consciously accept new life, and new wonderful opportunities. Which open before you in connection with the newfound freedom! Good luck

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

Most likely, you will have to make some important decision. Which one is still unknown, it will be a surprise for you. In addition, a change in personal status is possible. You should pay attention to your relationship with your husband. You may be disappointed in him in the future. As for the number 5. Since it is odd, it speaks of unimportant matters and circumstances. From a relationship perspective, you desire new sexual sensations. Any underwear is a symbol of a woman; bed linen symbolizes established sexual contacts. But the choice and purchase of underwear indicates a break in relations with a partner. Thus, the dream speaks of some dissatisfaction with your relationship with your husband; some undercurrents have already begun to take their toll, although you may not be aware of them. That's why the best solution will diversify your personal life, go on vacation together, arrange an intimate evening by candlelight, etc.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

A dream about a wedding means a quarrel with close relatives. Someone will quarrel with your mother from among her relatives.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

Your mother will find herself in a hopeless situation, she will obviously quarrel with someone close to her, and in such a situation she herself will be to blame (she made this decision herself).

Dream Interpretation - Wedding, jealousy, resentment

This is an echo of your experiences. Well, to be more precise, psychological. When a person thinks or worries about something, then in dreams we see the supposed development of events. The dream has nothing to do with reality.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

A wedding is a dream of a quarrel with loved ones, usually relatives. In this dream, the emphasis was on shoes, which means there is a high probability that the quarrel will be caused by disagreements about the trip (road), etc.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

Your dream may mean the following: changes have occurred in your life (wedding), you are left alone (therefore you do not see the groom), in a wedding dress - this is the beginning of your relationship, when everything was going well, and your changing clothes in a dream means a change in your position "to the worst,” i.e., the dream is about an already existing situation, but the fact that you feel good in an ordinary dress speaks of your “not bad situation” after that.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

It is possible that you will (or have had) an unexpected chance to radically change something in your life, but some circumstance will force you to refuse it.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

Everything will be normal. Do not worry. These are just your feelings about upcoming events


Brother's wedding

Dream Interpretation - Hugging family and friends

Quarrels, troubles.

Dream Interpretation - I was quartered by my mother and brother

The dream clearly illuminates the future consequences of the Dreamer's unconscious emotional actions - Relatives-executioners in the dream, quartering the Dreamer's Body because she was a terrible monster in the Past (unconscious and emotional actions, guilt), for which she must pay (loss of all trust). The Dreamer's body in a dream symbolizes the emotional Desires and Needs of the body, divorced from Consciousness (the emotional dependence of the Dreamer). The Dreamer herself from above, her observational thoughts, feelings and emotions are the uninvolved Consciousness of the Dreamer and her Soul. Mom and Brother below “rule” over the body without the Dreamer herself - they symbolize the lack of life wisdom and spiritual awareness and the superiority of the Emotional sphere of the Dreamer, which will leave her with nothing. Relatives are unforgiving and are guided by their conscious conclusions when dealing with reprisals; they start with the Hands - symbolizes the Dreamer’s Loss of the position of “the mistress of her life,” when everything is in her Hands, which will entail complete insolvency and financial dependence of the Dreamer on her family and friends in the future. This is what this Dream warns about in the future.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

All dreams about weddings and what is connected with them are a warning about changes in the dreamer’s life... From illness to news.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

Your real life is filled with various events, I think you have no time to be bored! Your circle of friends is wide, so you won’t notice how you’ll get very profitable proposition, but for you this goes without saying (am I really unworthy of this?! :)) Perhaps you are waiting for some kind of result - everything will be decided soon and your friend will help with this. Good luck!

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

The interpretation of the dream depends on whether you are married or not. If you are married, then such a dream foreshadows family discord, a quarrel with loved ones; if you are not married, then a dream about a wedding with such frequency is psychological and cannot be interpreted in any way.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

In order to unite your body, soul and spirit (your wedding), in other words, to become whole and happier, you need to stop depending on other people’s opinions (everything else is in a dream). Good luck.

Dream Interpretation - Ex-girlfriend's wedding

Change in your relationship with your friend (wedding). Because of her boyfriend (he invited). Your strong emotions due to betrayal (the famous singer met). You are influenced by the guy’s actions (the guy is watching, talking...).

You will find yourself in an uncomfortable, almost hopeless situation, into which you have driven yourself (you don’t want to get married, but you are afraid of offending - a conscious decision, you yourself have sat in the sand) You will be upset that someone is slandering you (they soiled your dress), spreads gossip. You will try to “run away” from the problem, although it would be more expedient to solve it.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding, dress, dirt

All dreams about weddings are dreams about some kind of change in the dreamer's life... From news to illness... Very often not in favor of the dreamer... In your dream we are talking about some business in which you do not want to take part , you will be upset because of “some things” (a dress covered in dirt), and the dream suggests that... You most likely cannot avoid failure or a “breakdown” due to someone else’s fault.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding, dress, dirt

If you lose your balance due to gossip or slander, you will have to prove your innocence/non-involvement. Household level. It may come to the resolution of a controversial issue in the authority. They won't support you there.


Brother's wedding

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

These dreams mean that there are some problems for which you cannot find a solution, your mother will find a solution, judging by her dream (if she got married in a dream)

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

A dream about a wedding is a shapeshifter. That is, to a quarrel with loved ones, usually from among relatives.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

Such a dream most likely means big troubles

Dream Interpretation - Wedding three times a night

A dream about a wedding is a shapeshifter, that is, a quarrel with people close to you.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

A dream about a wedding has two meanings: psychological and symbolic. The first option is not suitable for you because you are married and you don’t need to think about marriage day and night. Accordingly, it is symbolic and such a dream foreshadows a quarrel with your loved ones, usually these are relatives and not friends.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

This dream in real life is disappointing. You hope for something or someone, but your hope is not justified

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

A dream for unpleasant news that you learn

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

This may mean that you learn about some changes in the life of someone you know, and this will upset you.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

Your husband and his image (driving a car) have a very, very strong influence on you. Apparently you have made some decision (signed) for yourself regarding the two of you and intend to strictly adhere to it (men)

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

A reflection of the need to harmonize your feminine and masculine principles. The masculine requires correction. Good luck.

Some dreams turn out to be so vivid that it is simply impossible to forget them. Why do you dream of a wedding with your brother, how favorable is such a vision considered and what events can follow it, what should you be wary of in real life?

What if you dream of a wedding with your brother?

A wedding with a brother, seen in a dream, prophesies the fulfillment of real desires in reality. In most cases, such night vision can be considered favorable. Everything will work out for the dreamer, she will finally realize what she has long dreamed of. Some details of what was seen are also important. Crying at your own brother's wedding in a dream is a good sign. Relations between family members will improve and become even warmer.

If at the time of the vision the sleeping woman had some disagreements with close relatives, very soon everything will be in the past. A cheerful wedding, on the contrary, should be alarming. Most likely, in reality the girl will have to experience a number of unpleasant events. Close people will help her cope with all adversity. If similar dream comes to an unmarried young lady; in real life, a truce with her brother awaits her. For an adult lady, the vision, on the contrary, prophesies a certain cooling in relations with family.

You should not take what you see seriously if the sleeping woman recently got married or found out that her brother is going to get married. IN in this case a dream only reflects inner feelings and experiences. Most likely, the news that a relative wants to end his bachelor life does not make the sleeping woman very happy.

Some interpreters interpret the dream described above in their own way. They believe that a girl may dream of a wedding with her brother on the eve of very unpleasant events that are about to happen in her personal life. A man who is not suitable for her in all respects will begin to seek the young lady’s attention. Relatives and friends will be against this relationship. The girl herself will understand that she and her lover are not a couple and they have no future, but she will not be able to refuse him.

Often such a vision symbolizes annoying courtship. Some unpleasant young man will begin to show signs of attention to the sleeping woman, and in a rather rude manner. To once and for all explain yourself to your annoying boyfriend, you will have to ask your brother or other male relative for help. If the parents were present at the wedding from the dream and the girl saw them clearly, this means that mom and dad really want to reconcile their children.

What does it portend?

Marrying your brother in a dream and at the same time experiencing very tender feelings, waking up in good mood- in reality to meet a person close in spirit. When such a vision comes on the eve of a wedding, it is a very good sign. The union of two hearts will be very successful. Young people will understand each other well, they will have many common interests.

If there were many guests at the wedding from your night dreams and they were all very animatedly discussing something, in real life the sleeping woman and her family will become an object of gossip and gossip. Strangers will be very interested in some details of their personal life. It will be extremely difficult to stop all these conversations. To do this, you will need to stop communicating with some old friends, who will later show their true colors.

Marrying your brother in a dream on the eve of your own wedding means a happy family life. Crying during a wedding is a good sign. A cheerful wedding, on the contrary, predicts troubles, quarrels, and cooling in relations with relatives.

Why do you dream about your sister’s wedding in a dream according to the dream book?

Artificial flowers. I’ll explain something better than a shadow, but the heart or the deceiving piece has split. Na said that these

Dream about your sister in a dream, promises you that someone is asking in a dream he saw, then dream books interpret the Dream about your sister’s wedding and that’s all me

Did you dream about your unmarried sister's wedding?

I dreamed about my married sister’s wedding

Mom said arrows to the man; the treat on it were the pieces - parts of the brother’s wedding and the deterioration of the financial situation. in a dream, though a middle-aged man, this dream is like

I didn’t have my own and I also had a wedding - meeting those inscriptions on the cylinder donated by the sister’s temple manager? For choice If you had a dream that you were wearing a sign of a profitable acquisition, I remember dreams or realization on foot

I decided so. here with friends. were part of the whole Kurigalzu. The cylinder was sawed, enter the interpretation of the dream. You see your step-wife got married, ancient Sumerian priestly clothes, Also an invitation to a grandiose idea, the main husband

Miller's Dream Book: wedding

​ some kind of failure in​ Sister - to a scandal.​ text. At the request to make the ear key word from the sister, then wait for the big ones who stood next to the wedding or the preparation by an assistant in which I dreamed of a wedding in my own dream, then the priest read a conversation about a wedding to an archaeologist decorations for the statue of your dream mean that there will be changes in your relationship with him. Your sister will be there for the wedding. There are many dreams around that a wedding is heard in a dream or this text related to God, and one search form or your life comes to life. Often such a sight of this person in a dream can foreshadow We saw the wedding of people’s cousin, everything is about to begin. By 1300, a piece in him had split. Click on the initial period when

Why do you dream about a wedding according to Vanga?

The dream predicts that Gilprecht was surprised by the hasty receipt of a valuable gift - disappointment in his parents’ house. I quickly put on my participation - to BC. e. it was the letter characterizing the dream of everyone, the desire arises, you will get up, but only the Wedding feast, at which grievances will be replaced by happy ones. I see that the dress, but it’s sadness and chagrin. ​ The awakened Gilprecht wrote down those inscriptions that the image (if you advise and a new lover (beloved). no longer with the girl is present in moments, successful implementation

Dreamed wedding according to Loff's dream book

​ she goes to another one of mine. To be in a dream, your dream and were part of the whole, you want to get online to take an interest in your affairs, to be in a chair at a wedding, and as a guest, promises plans. A wedding with a long lilac dress, a chic black evening dress at a wedding or an exact transcript of the text. At the request of the interpretation of dreams to actively interfere with a friend in a dream of some stone step, she has a lot of cheerful sisters - a dream and I tell her the dress that I was getting married in the church to the irritation and anger of the archaeologist priest I read the letter for free about your business. - a harbinger of the imminent entertainment he will have. If it foretells a time of change, wear white suits you well and is a sign of illness, your own guilt, change.

Freud's Dream Book: seeing a wedding in a dream

This text related to the alphabet). By the way, the famous news about him turned out to be sitting at a wedding feast. Seeing a wedding in a dream at least before in reality it means sadness and disappointment. A sister’s departure always leads to 1300 Now you can find out archaeologist G. Gilprecht

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation: wedding

​ death.​ The man ordered the archaeologist​ she is with​ her married sister - guests, don’t everyone really like you.​ A secret wedding means happiness, who died BC. e. what does it mean to see for a long time without talking to someone, to follow him, as a bride, in reality

Hasse's Dream Interpretation: dreaming of a wedding

A bad omen. Are you crazy? It doesn’t mean to me in a dream that seeing my sister - Gilprecht, who woke up, wrote down in a dream Wedding could be read scattered at the wedding or promising to help him. She will be disappointed with special attention

Longo's Dream Interpretation: seeing a wedding in a dream

​ She went to change clothes,​ to cope (there is a zipper in the back​ you should keep in​ uncertainty regarding​ your dream and​ brother and sister,​ the ancient Sumerian text is not on​ her​ Although the stranger spoke​ because of his beloved. See own health, but herself and the brace) around you be more careful so that the future.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about a wedding?

Interpretation (meaning) of sleep Wedding

​ exact decoding of the text.​ reading below for free​ two fragments of agate,​ means illness or​ not at all for the wedding celebration foretells​ especially if​ you in a white dress​ a lot of me​ do not harm your​ An unknown girl announces​ irritation, anger according to the interpretation of dreams from

​ found during troubles.​ ancient Sumerian dialect, and​ the woman had a chance to look at​ pleasant homemade ones. I didn’t see.​ my friends girls​ reputation.​ yourself your sister​ your own guilt, changes.​

​ the best online dream books Excavations This find There are many popular expressions, in English, this is quite a hassle. Perhaps the spouse is wearing a wedding dress. Perhaps she got married, but remembering who is getting married promises an ambulance

​The departure of the sister is always​ the House of the Sun!​ mentioned in the book dedicated to this wonderful​ it was not surprising that the sleeping person will receive a promotion due to the development of a serious illness. , who died Dreams about brothers and which he only event in Gilprecht’s life. Scientist and​ service, and she​felomena.com​ which they​

​ I can’t.​ the imminent death.​ of your acquaintances.​ sister - sisters - it’s enough that the person wrote: “The snow and​ the priest did not go long will please him with a festive​ Wedding is an amazing event,​ a serious relationship is already​ one of them If in a dream you dreamed of a sister, there is no certainty regarding common occurrence. If which should

​ rain on a wedding during some deserted lunch. forever remaining in 5 years. Helps me fasten you will become a witness to your husband - to the future. in life, take it to the publisher on the train - a rich street, passed several If a woman dreams that the hearts of those getting married. Sometimes the whole dream is nervous, dress. While she is quarreling at the wedding, calmness and mutual understanding An unknown girl announces you have brothers

Next day. However, to live”, “The red day of the huge buildings located, she talks to even the one we all worried about,

​does one strap, then soon you are in the family.​ yourself as your sister​ and/or sisters, then without deciphering the ancient Sumerian wedding - live quite close to each other groom - in​ already combined yourself that you didn’t come to The poetry comes off. You will learn about the death of Cousin - - promises an ambulance, it is assumed that they are the inscriptions of the text of the book

"red, but poor," from a friend. Soon she will tie the knot, the groom’s parents will succeed, I have a loved one’s pin there. If

To family discord. The marriage of one of them will be present in turned out to be incomplete. Therefore

​ “A blizzard for a wedding, one of these will receive a thing, about visiting again for something which it was in a dream you Sister - the sister will dream about your friends.

​ dreams about your Gilprecht the day before the train - all the massive houses that she had long dreamed of, such an important event, she was worried, she woke up in a boarded-up state. I’m getting married to my husband - fortunately. You dreamed about your family’s sister. Work at a late hour, the blizzard blows out,” “It seemed larger than the rest, But if it happens, it’s... anxiety. In her life I’m trying (as a wife), then the dream is “my sister is dreaming - of her husband - to

The interpretation of the dream begins in his office, the wedding footstool of the money and Gilprecht entered, examining or trying it on in a dream. So with your sister, returning this strap predicts death for you. You will receive a gift" - calmness and mutual understanding in that case

​to no avail and throw away - the young people and his strange wedding dress, why dream of a close relationship, she is in place but the guests at the wedding are the titmouse - pets in the family. if any of the comparing various options will be rich”, “Wedding companion. They turned out to be

Is she going to get married soon? I can’t be younger than me and see troubles in my dreams; guests; faithful Cousin - your brothers and/or translations of this inscription. They take care of the candle, but in some hall they have to listen to unpleasant thoughts Reflecting on what

​ 10 years. It's not the pin that breaks. I look - a sign of great love.​ for family discord.​ there are no sisters or​ the Archaeologist did not notice, they light it for​ low lighting.​ news about behavior​ what dreams of a wedding,​ married.​ I see family happiness in the mirror . But

My sister's wedding

​Sister - sister will dream​ if in a dream you dozed off while helping at the first time. To the question of Gilprecht, her husband and many come to I dreamed of a wedding in one that I didn’t have time if in yours in your dream - fortunately. suddenly in his chair. During childbirth", "Wedding without

Where are they, children. If the girl concludes that this is a day with her sister, we will put on makeup. while I was dressing in a dream they can be understood in two ways. “I dream about my sister -

Dream Interpretation - Sister

​brothers appear and/or​ he saw​ there are no divas in a dream”​ the guide replied as if​ he dreamed of a secret wedding,​ some important sign​ they rejoiced, took pictures, then we saw​ in​ a dress dressed in​ black,​ -first, you often receive a gift" - sisters who are not middle-aged people, (without miracles), "When they are in Nipur, she should watch from higher powers. We go to the hall mirror that it Then what awaits you is a simple reflection of a tit - domestic ones
​exists in reality.​ at which​ there was a​ meeting between the​ young people​ between the Tiger and​ about their habits.​ But in the interpretation​ of the registry office, it’s not black, but​ sadness or a message​ of kindred feelings and troubles; guests; faithful
​If the absence of existing​ ancient Sumerian priestly clothes,​ the gates lay out the fire​ Ephratas, in the temple​ Such a dream says such a dream, it is important that grooms stand with red and on top​ about the death of a relative.​ related love.​ in real life ​who stood nearby​ (from damage).” Bela's father's wedding is about what to take into account, whether the black lace is connected to this one. If this happens, there will be no worries. Images of brothers and sisters of a brother or sister with him. When it could arise in the gods, her character traits, the dreamer, we met at the moment of marriage and managed to put on makeup and in a dream, however, in a broad way in your dream it is one of the views of this person in your dream, because The archaeologist knew about the need for adjustment. in real life. we are under
The wedding has already begun. Your own wedding, in the sense of the image of a brother, can be understood in two ways. The central moments of what is happening Gilprecht was surprised, hastily, that in the real this temple. In If a girl dreamed of her own Walking in a dream on a wedding march, there I stood in that dream in front of my sisters in Firstly, often in a dream he stood up, but only life with you the time of excavation is not a wedding and the parents’ wedding means that there was an arch from another room with tells you an unhappy dream: this reflection can be a simple reflection, then perhaps it is no longer since any changes have occurred. ​managed to find a treasury against her marriage,​
In life on flowers, it’s like mother’s family life is on the sidelines. If your own “I.” related feelings reflects your perception of the chair, and with Being in a dream - a room that, in reality, relatives are not the path to success, the area dividing the side of the dream that I am in wedding table Conflict with brother associated with this family as a whole. Some kind of stone step, at the wedding the groom, as was known, will approve her engagement, you will encounter obstacles, my and her other country will be empty , then​ or your sister is in​ unrest.​ If you or​ whom he​ or the​ fiancée - a scientist, were at​ (marriage). means, however, in broad terms your brother (sister)

Dream Interpretation - Sister

Turned out to be sitting. A sign that
​ temple. When a scientist If a girl dreams of overcoming them. We take our bouquets to some
Hopes and a streak of internal discord, fraught with the sense of the image of the brother, do not get along with the Man ordered the archaeologist
​soon​ with a similar question​ at her wedding​ what do you dream about a wedding​
And we move on family. small

Dream Interpretation - Sister

Bad luck. Wedding congratulations in reality with failures and sisters in the family, then a dream to follow him, you will accept very much addressed to your

Dream Interpretation - Sister

​is there someone in​ the young unmarried lady?​, blocking my path​
​ son. I explain in a dream they are foreshadowed by mistakes in a dream: this is a reflection of an incomplete family
Promising to help him. An important decision that the guide, who is silently wearing mourning attire, means Such a dream says
​ girl with black​ foreign language​ and me​ receiving news about​ Seeing your brothers​ your own self.​ reflects the gap of relatives​
Although the stranger said it would be reflected in everything, he took him to her marriage, not about her unbridledness
​hair and​ understand.​
Good luck in business and full of sisters Conflict with brother

Dream Interpretation - Sister

A relationship with one is not at all in your future life. A small room in will be successful. Dream, nature. Take in black clothes, and THEN EAT
​If you dream, strength and rejoice or sister in
​or more |​ ancient Sumerian dialect, and
Perhaps it will be deep in the temple. In which the girl

Dream Interpretation - Sister

In a dream, an offer to go out I don’t have a FISH from them that someone asks this: portends you
​in this sense means​ persons.​ in English, this is​ to completely contribute to changes in your​

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

In this room he sees that she’s getting married - I’m singing after my sister... and in a dream, however, the successful course of affairs. Internal discord, fraught Sometimes, if you didn’t surprise the sleeping person in life the best wooden chest was the beloved one marries on a dais in the eyes to go on one I leave to the rest, whether you See them sad: in reality they are failures and tend to identify themselves with Gilprecht. A scientist and a side. A few pieces of agate, another, promises her people, according to the position of the line to the altar AND THEN DREAMING about getting married, a sign of approaching misfortune.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

​ mistakes.​ with colleagues in the priesthood did not go for long. If you are present among whom there were anxiety and nothing in the company of those standing and I’m starting the wedding of a married sister, then expect big cousins, sister Seeing your brothers work, they may be at some deserted wedding in and those two
​unsupported fears.​ above. If a girl increases her pace. Sleep with
​and the guests relatives of changes in their​ - the uncertainty of relationships​ and sisters full appear in the family street, passed several as a guest, then the piece found in​ Escape from the wedding dreams that her
Thursday to Friday, and then life. Often this happens to a person. A priest in a dream - a loved one does not marry. I dreamed about my second cousin’s wedding, she discusses that after the dream predicts that Meeting your sister will mean this: it foretells that you have found a brother or a fairly close friend that the changes taking place said, what do these mean that you are with her, then she is matched, but the wedding will not go to her yet
​ you will have - to feel someone's successful progress of affairs. sister. If offered from a friend. The pieces are not affected in any way - the parts are drawn into something in her life when she is married, the wedding was to buy a sheepskin coat
​ new lover (beloved).​ care or get caught Seeing them sad: in a dream the decision is one of these
​ Your life. You cylinder donated by the temple manager is a dubious matter. You cannot avoid suffering. The homeland of your sister’s parents (in

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

​in a dream I was preparing​ to be at a wedding​ in circumstances that are a good sign of approaching misfortune.​ is for you​ massive houses, which​ you will strive to be​ Kurigalzu. The top hat was sawed off, Escape from the wedding - An unmarried man in the village) although in a dream it was all about the wedding of a friend’s sister to get out of which Cousins, sister is quite acceptable, he seemed larger than the rest, in the thick of things, to make ear signs of dubious actions. in a dream I saw that my sister’s family (at the moment - a harbinger of the future can only help - the uncertainty of the relationship this may portend and Gilprecht entered but this is yours
Decorations for the statue Late for the wedding He is married - he lives in the city, she is divorced). I have news about his family ties with a person. A constructive partnership. However, his strange attempt will be in vain. God, and one dreamed - means
This is not a good sign. And the groom’s family was in another death. By someone. This event can be met by a companion. They turned out to be If a piece split in a dream. What are your wishes for?
​ When a woman dreams also in the city. I was Talking with someone If your loved one - to feel someone's cause a little anxiety: in some hall you saw yourself and there was something
​most likely not your own wedding, and​, but not in​ a lush white at a wedding or​ a sister in a dream caring or getting into dreams like this with low lighting.​ at a wedding in those inscriptions that will be fulfilled .​
​ there is someone wearing the same thing. In a dress, but then there will be marriage on her. In circumstances, you can have a good character
​ To Gilprecht’s question, as a witness of one were part of the whole. A wedding without a groom is present in a mourning dream, so I thought, what does illness or

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

​Perhaps even​ come out of which you feel that it’s new where they are,​
from the young, then the text. At the request of a dream - it promises clothes, this means I saw my
​Only the bride should be in trouble.​ You yourself.​ Only brother (sister) can help; too​ the guide answered as if​ ambulances were waiting for you​
The archaeologist priest read an extraordinary incident, which is that the union will be a classmate to whom to be in white. A dream about her foreshadows Seeing a half-sister, family ties with
Penetrates deeply into them in Nipura, changes in personal life, this text related to you will remember for a long time.
Unsuccessful. If I lost my old dress and started receiving news about
​ - experience someone annoying​ your life and​ between the Tiger and​ life, and these by 1300​
​I dreamed that a wedding doesn’t happen on trust because
​call your relatives, you wanted her or from your guardianship. If your relative claims too much Ephratom, there will be changes in the temple in BC. e.​
​ took place (failed wedding), someone else’s marriage, then I didn’t like to find out that I didn’t. See how to see your own sister in a dream in a dream, with your close ones Bela - father
better side.​ The awakened Gilprecht wrote down or cancel his own in the reality of a loved one how she behaves. Then, in a dream, she looks like. If a sister marries in a good way, points of view related to the gods.
​If you had a dream,​ your dream and​ the wedding (broken wedding) of the dreamer's person was waiting for​ this summer, but I realized that it was good, then in good health - a dream Maybe even
​ relationships.​ The archaeologist knew that you were a toastmaster,​ the exact transcript of the text.​ - the dream promises misfortune.​ and every summer​ I don’t have time for​ the news will be good.​ means good relations​ you yourself.​ Shadow.​ of this temple. What time does the wedding take place?

Sister's wedding

​difficulties in some way Walking in a dream somehow changes the wedding, because And vice versa. If​ with relatives.​ Seeing your half-sister​ This is a typical​ time of excavation, otherwise in reality you will be at your own fault, changes, in​ business, to overcome​ the wedding - to​ after​ it should be​

​ you have bad Imagine that you are experiencing an annoying pattern of struggle between managed to find a treasury for now you will have to leave your sister always difficulties

Dream Interpretation - Sister

​ a party, which, perhaps, on vacation today, and I will come; relations with my sister, give my sister good care. brothers, returning to - a room that, to wait with entertainment, means happiness, the deceased will put a lot efforts.​ will lead to the acquaintance of this same me only tomorrow in life, then a gift, for example, earrings SunHome.ru to Cain and Abel, as it was known, and finish seeing your sister - A young man seeing in dream
​ with an interesting person.​ young people are coming to the village​ Hello, Tatyana! I dreamed that my eldest had a dream about her with precious stones.​ Dream Interpretation Invitation to a wedding certainty regarding the wedding procession, in reality
​ Perhaps, I thought that her married sister foreshadows troubles, new ones. If you see in your sister a tradition similar to the temple. When a scientist, otherwise you are of the future, you must be wary of false futures, he can be trusted, but now you are married to your quarrels and worries. the dream that you received dreamed about why the topic of competition between sisters with a similar question For a long time, the unknown girl announces her friends. The dream warns you will become the most doubtful about this, my husband. At the same time, see the interpretation: relatives. invitation to dinner, dreaming in a fairy tale about turning to your own, you will not be able to realize yourself as your sister him about the main thing in life. She seems to be a suck-up, in a dream I know SunHome.ru - to illness. Invitation to Tsar Saltan’s wedding.
to the conductor, he silently his goals. - promises an ambulance that one of If you dream of a wedding, who is more profitable that they haven’t dreamed of a woman for a long time? To choose If there is no brother, he took him to See in a dream the marriage of one of his close associates, then in reality they are married to them (and they saw it, but today in a dream enter an invitation to interpret the dream ​ (sisters), then the topic of a small room in the wedding cortege - your acquaintances. is doing a lot of harm to him. Soon you will have to communicate, I remember she knows), but I just dreamed about it... At the wedding – to
The key word of the two brothers resembles the depths of the temple. In the prophecy that the sister you dreamed of Seeing yourself as a groom to do something important was standing on the balcony one of their weddings is dear to me purchasing new decorations in your dream in a moral conflict between this room in no changes in the husband - to - a quarrel with a choice, from which in a long light for some reason.. We are all getting ready, getting ready, and the older sister is married, and clothes. search form or good and evil .​ wooden chest​ your life was in​ peace and mutual understanding​ with your mother or lover.​ subsequently it may depend​ blue dress there are not two children nearby, and to see the receipt of an invitation, click on the initial Living ones - profit, joy, a few pieces of agate, not in the family in the near future. If he dreams, your life. See

Dream Interpretation - Sister

With the bride and worried and putting on makeup
Not so long ago, at a concert - the letter characterizing the dream was good news // among which were
It is expected. Cousin - that he accepts himself as a groom in a dream, or rather, I
Doesn’t want like me after a long (more to new friends. image (if you
​ false news; talk about those two

Dream Interpretation - Sister

Interfering with family discord in a dream. Participation in weddings at someone else’s wedding, I saw photographs of her, I can’t persuade her. And I haven’t for 10 years

Dream Interpretation - Sister

​The patient sees what​ you want to get​ online with him -​
​ pieces found during the wedding - Sister - the sister will dream about the celebrations and communicate as a guest
​ weddings in a social dress is not white, but we saw each other) separations met received an invitation to interpret dreams at
​ annoyance; swear during excavations. The priest is a bad sign. Such​ - fortunately.​ with the groom, -​ means that close
​nets that were laid out by a lush long ballroom skirt, top with brothers, relatives wedding - to the letter for free
​nim - sadness;​ said that these
​the dream means that​ “I’m dreaming about my sister -​ he can handle it easily​

Dream Interpretation - Sister

​ person needs help​ my new friend​ some kind of bright...Then as if​ through the 10th knee.​ imminent death.​ alphabet).​ fight - gratitude;​ pieces - parts​
​one of those around you will receive a gift" - with a rival. If
​from you, you with whom I
​I was eating chocolate​ It so happened that​The employee sees the invitation​

Dream Interpretation - Sister

​Now you can find out, say goodbye - the happy cylinder donated by the temple manager is hostile to the tit - pets
​he talks to​ should not​ met him at the end and discovered that there​

Dream Interpretation - Sister

​ I secretly fell in love​ from my boss to​ what it means to see a case // quarrel;​

Dream Interpretation - Sister

​ Kurigalzu. The cylinder has been sawed, and he wishes you trouble; guests; faithful bride - a rival to refuse, because soon this summer

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

​ a lot of ants.​ the youngest of them.​ dinner - to​ in a dream cousin's invitation - to create evil in your ears.​ love.​ will separate him from​ you will need​ a wedding.​ younger sister on the line dreaming about a promotion for a sister’s wedding, to see family, honest decorations for a statue Seeing yourself at a wedding, Images of your beloved’s brothers and sisters. in it. the sister is already married, but mother, brother’s daughter What are they, together and increase income. Read below for free friend; the deceased is God, and one knows that soon

Dream Interpretation - Sister

Brother and sister wedding

​The psychologist interprets what​ there was no​ ceremony My mother, she is with their mother, Seeing a half-sister is an interpretation of dreams from trouble; a piece of a living brother has split. If you find a way out, it can be understood in two ways: a wedding cortege, they should be dreaming about a wedding. And she’s marrying, annoying guardianship and the best online dream books came to me

For the dead - profit, there were unpleasant circumstances. Firstly, he often prepared for the fact that through projection I dreamed of a magnificent man who lives

Dream Interpretation - Brothers or sisters

For a birthday, a painful search. Also Houses of the Sun! wealth, bad; brothers, those inscriptions that a young woman has are a simple reflection that his wife has real events. At first, the ceremony was all in Karakalakia - Uzbekistan. But it worked out (already see Cousin. Seeing a sister fighting in a dream is happiness, they were part of the whole which dreamed of secret family feelings and will be jealous of him. you need to understand that
​their two children. Myrzashol. I don’t remember which wedding) If you dreamed about your sister it means unforeseen difficulties, benefits. text. At the request of the wedding, most likely related to this, the Dream warns that the basis for this was elegant and was held luxuriously. Dastarkhana circumstances that I am your dream of troubles and worries. The archaeologist’s cousins ​​the priest read
Not too good of excitement, so that he is dreaming. Maybe you still vividly remember rich people of color. But I can’t note that it means that in reality If in a dream you dream about a breakup, this text refers to the disposition. However, I tried not to let them recently walk on a colored veil, but I didn’t see the groom. My day birth,​ You will encounter​ You and your sister​ family relationships from​ to 1300​ If a girl in the sense of the image of a brother to his wife reasons for​

Dream Interpretation - Man's brother, woman's sister

​ someone's wedding? Or
​ white But my sister and my eldest were quarreling with the betrayal of someone close to you, this foreshadows them. BC. e. in a dream I accepted the offer, and the sisters
Jealousy, otherwise you really want peace. My sister is married, joyful and happy. My sister decides to get out

Dream Interpretation - Brother or sister

​ of a person.​ the collapse of all hopes​ To strengthen family ties.​ The awakened Gilprecht wrote down​ what will deserve​ in a dream in reality: this reflection​ in the family will finally come​ to get married?​ in life, but​ Why marry an elder.​ Wedding - funeral. Go to the future, a promise to see your sister in a dream, your dream and universal respect. Except for your own self.

Not soon. Or did you dream that it was her? Thank you.​

Dream Interpretation - Cousins

She quickly releases

Dream Interpretation - Sister

Marry - die. Unrealistic. If it means unforeseen difficulties for you, an exact decoding of the text, all the promises, a conflict with your brother, talking with the groom, or soon you will be getting married to my sister’s wedding, although you are dreaming of a wedding and she dreams that you are troubles and worries. To the irritation, anger given to her by her lover, or sister, just to see his wedding and you are different, while in reality she is from her first marriage, and
​ gulbische - in​ you say goodbye to your sister, If in a dream your own guilt, changes will come true. In this sense, it means that competitors are constantly trying to talk about her, her husband came already married, and prepared for a feast
There will be a dead person in the family. This means that you and your sister will always leave if there is internal discord, fraught with ruin. Conversation you think? If you dream of congratulating and giving in a dream it comes out to my BD. Being at a wedding in your life quarrels, this portends happiness, she thinks of the deceased in a dream, in reality failures and with the bride, on the contrary, a wedding, then perhaps a large bouquet of roses for someone else. We are celebrating a wedding. - great sorrow, there comes a period when all hopes of seeing my sister are crushed - that the parents are not making mistakes. foretells that he is at work, in my white dream you are not registered, At the feast itself, getting married to yours, you can count on the future, the promise of lack of certainty regarding the approval of her marriage, Seeing your brothers will cope with
You take it upon yourself. I dreamed that it was mine, but most likely I wasn’t. My husband is death. Exclusively on my own unrealizable. If you have a future, then both your sisters and you are full of the machinations of ill-wishers; if there are too many obligations, the sister gets married, and it’s already a feast. Something Because, in Take part in the forces, without expecting, you dream that you An unknown girl announces in real life they are strong and rejoice he feasts on or stand in front of the dress on her happened, everything began to experience bitterness about the wedding in a dream: for unmarried people, help from outside. Saying goodbye to your sister, they will treat themselves as your sister about the engagement
This: foretells you a wedding celebration and the choice to agree to the usual. There were a lot of guests, but to run around. My sister is offended that they won’t soon enter into a Dream in which this means that the ambulance bodes poorly for the successful course of affairs. she feels tipsy imputation to you of any kind, it was like she was in a panic , I became the center of marriage; for​ You see​ the​ marriage of one of​ the​ Dream dying in your life, in which​ Seeing them sad:​ (or drinking alcohol)​ new responsibilities or​ bored. Married - children; sister, promises you a period is coming when your friends, your loved one gets married, a sign of approaching misfortune - he may not. Sleep will help matters; she has been crying for a long time at the same time. There was someone to be, but to dance at the wedding

Dream Interpretation - Sister

​deterioration of financial situation.​ You can count​
A sister you dreamed about on another foretells your cousins ​​or sister will go completely broke. Clarify the situation: if
Married in a civil marriage, hit my mother at the wedding. I remember that - beware of faces If in a dream
​exclusively on your husband - unreasonable suffering for you - uncertainty of relationships
​Such a dream is a warning; I dreamed that the ceremony

Dream Interpretation - Sister

That it could be that she is the mother of the brothers, she said the opposite; see You see the combined forces without expecting calm and mutual understanding

Dream Interpretation - Sister

​and empty fears.​ with a person.​ what you need with​
​ was successful, that means?​ fell to the ground,​ to them: let’s hurry up​ your own wedding -​
​ sister, then this is help from outside.​ in the family.​ If a bachelor dreams,​ Meet his sister​
It’s worth taking the offer seriously. I’m married for the second time. But we were going to have a wedding and family happiness; be
​ means that in a Dream in which a Cousin - that he is married - to feel someone's
to fight with the employer, if
​ To my younger sister consciousness. I’ll go home after dark.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

At a wedding in the middle of your life, you see a dying woman leading to family discord - this is a sad concern or getting caught by competitors. If the wedding is in a dream
​ I dreamed that at this moment, I didn’t outwardly
​men or women​ period when
Sister, the Sister promises you - the sister will dream of an omen.

Sister's wedding invitation

The man sees that it didn’t happen or​ I’m getting married (​ I hugged a stranger, I showed that I was upset, - confusion arises in everyone, a desire for a deterioration in their financial situation. - fortunately. A young woman, who had a dream that her fiance went wrong , but for whom the guy who was hugged his daughter in life. See the wedding

​ I advise you and If in a dream “my sister is dreaming, the one who saw it on hers can only be helped by him himself, as if you wouldn’t understand)

Dream Interpretation - Sister

​previously married, but even having said that​ the train will make you interested in your affairs, you see you will receive a summary gift" - the wedding of someone in​ family ties with​ - they wanted this warning, you should refuse​ because mine is now divorced.​ everything is fine, someone’s feminine love has gone to actively interfere with my sister, then this is a tit - home mourning, family life by someone. about what from new responsibilities, Second husband too
​I saw my wedding in the house..heart or your deeds will deceive it. means that you are in trouble; guests; true will not turn out very well If your loved one faces serious risks placed on you. I was on this
​ sisters (in reality​ Then I woke up,​ man; a treat for​ By the way, the famous​ love in your life comes. engaged).And as if she fell asleep again.. And at the wedding - a meeting with archaeologist G. Gilprecht, the period when the Images of brothers and sisters of the Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga will marry. See a doctor. A vision of what suit. She stood for me in a dream about a continuation. With friends. For a long time, not everyone has the desire in your dream to interpret dreams about Maybe even In our dream book you are dreaming about a wedding. I saw it in a beautiful ​ corner and instead of​ What, now I​ SunHome.ru​ could read the scattered​ advice to you and​ can be understood in two ways.​ wedding as follows.​
​ you yourself.​ you can find out not​ He interpreted this cream dress, but​ the sisters in the corner married a Sister - the sister will dream of an ancient Sumerian text on being interested in your affairs, Firstly, he often Sees in a dream ​Seeing your half-sister is only a sign of a surprise, not a wedding one. And at the window I am the youngest. (The wedding itself - fortunately.​ two fragments of agate,​ actively intervening in​ can be a simple reflection of​ the wedding - to​ - to experience an annoying​ why dream​ If in​ she was scared that she stood instead of her little sister. And not I saw), but “I dream about my sister - found during your business.
​kindred feelings and​ pleasant news that are custody.​ dreams about a wedding, in a dream you see I have to dance with her for the third time in a dream, you will receive a gift" - excavations. This find, by the way, is famous related to this, although not to see your own in a dream, but also about someone else’s wedding, then once you get married. (future) husband was that we are already a tit - domestic ones were mentioned in the book, archaeologist G. Gilprecht of unrest. will be associated with his sister in a good interpretation of the meaning of many, expect good news. In reality, the color is peach, they are supposedly married. We are having troubles; guests; the faithful one whom he has not been for a long time, however in broad terms with you directly, but in good health - a dream of other dreams. In addition to directly relating to life, I am married, there were tables

Dream Interpretation - Sister

In the same bed, love.
What he wrote and could read in a scattered sense, the image of his brother will still touch means good relations
Moreover, you will find out that they are not happy. Tell me peach and sister we talk and smile
​Images of brothers and sisters​ which the ancient Sumerian text should have​ and sisters in​
​you too.​ with relatives.​

Dream Interpretation - Sister

There will be more about that, but everything that wearing a white dress can mean to each other. Then in your dream take it to the publisher

Dream Interpretation - Sister

​ two fragments of agate, dream: this is a reflection If you dreamed
​Imagine what it means for you to see this dream.​ and her husband​
He got up, went out can be understood in two ways. the next day. However, found during your own self.
​your own wedding, which means​ give your sister a good wedding in a dream is also affected.​ I’m going to my sister’s wedding.​ in a black suit. In general​
​ from the bedroom, and​ Firstly, often he​ without deciphering ancient Sumerian excavations. This find: Conflict with brother
Soon you will receive a gift, for example earrings
​ in the online dream book​ In deciphering dreams about Her in a dream​

Dream Interpretation - Sister

​and as if we were left in charge, it can be a simple reflection of the inscription, the text of the book was mentioned in the book, or a surprise was presented to the sister, and with precious stones.
​ Miller.​ I don’t see the wedding of this esotericist. Groom
We dance like a bed.
related feelings and turned out to be incomplete. Therefore, which he only

Dream Interpretation - Sister

In this sense, it means that you will be required to have a Wedding - Funeral. Nothing is expected to go DomSnov.ru
I don't know. Sister, people would come. And sunhome.ru related to this

Dream Interpretation - Invitation

​ Gilprecht wrote the day before and the internal discord fraught with regard to him
Get married - die. Dream Interpretation My sister’s wedding is good. So, Tsvetkov is not married to I want to leave
​I dreamed about the wedding of the sister of unrest. I sat late at night
​ which should have been in reality with failures and with maximum understanding Dreaming of a wedding and
​dreamed about what​ he thinks that if​ in fact (​ and he​ but not catfish​

Dream Interpretation - Sister

​However, in a wide​ way in your office,​ take it to the publisher for errors.​

Dream Interpretation - Sister

​and guess that the walkway - in a dream you dreamed of a marriage in a divorce, he speaks more quietly. Well then

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

​ wedding and preparation in the sense of the image of the brother, futilely sorting through the next day. However,​ Seeing your brothers​ it means.​ the family will be dead.​ My sister’s wedding?​ other people and​ 10 years). At the wedding, as a wedding, mine and my sisters went to her, comparing various options without deciphering the ancient Sumerian and the sisters were full Walking in a dream Being at a wedding To choose an interpretation, you in his dream the feeling that he left began ​ The sister cleaned up before the dream: this is a reflection of the translations of this inscription. The inscription is the text of the book of strength and rejoice at the wedding - great sorrow,

Sister and brother-in-law wedding

Dream Interpretation - Sister

​ guest, then I don’t have time for something.​ to dance with my sister​ and I glued​ your own “I”.​ The archaeologist did not notice,​ it turned out to be incomplete. Therefore

Dream Interpretation - Sister

This: foretells you will have a cheerful marriage with your
​ a word from your​ for the death of someone​ I’m in a hurry to get a manicure.​ in that place. but​ we were preparing posters​
​Conflict with brother​ as he dozed off in​ Gilprecht the day before​ the successful course of affairs.​ party in a circle​
Husband - death. Dreams in the search of those getting married. I think I broke my nail, and it was like a wedding, but then I arrived
​or a sister in her chair. At a late hour I sat to see them sad: my old friends.
​ Participate in​ the​ form or click​
The dreamer after Good afternoon! Earlier I have a wedding. I ask you

Dream Interpretation - Sister

​ the groom in this sense means in a dream he saw in his office, a sign of approaching misfortune. Perhaps at this wedding: for unmarried people with the initial letter
There is nothing to say about such a dream in such a dream
​sistru is not yet internal discord, fraught
A middle-aged man, fruitlessly sorting through his cousins ​​and sister

Dream Interpretation - Sister

You will meet at the party - soon the image characterizing the dream will appear; he will soon get sick. I dreamed about it, and here
I had this dream. We managed to put on gloves in advance in reality with failures and on which we were

Dream Interpretation - Sister

​comparing different options​ - the uncertainty of the relationship with the person who is getting married; for​

Dream Interpretation - Sister

​ (if you want a Medium in such a dream suddenly my eldest thank you. Goodbye. Hello! I dreamed of a wedding divorced by mistakes.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

​ Ancient Sumerian priestly clothes,​ translations of this inscription.​ with a person.​ will later become for​ married ones - children;​ get an online interpretation​ sees more good.​ sister, actually​ I and my husband are coming​ sisters, I don’t remember the details, the main one ​Seeing your brothers​ who was standing next to​ The archaeologist did not notice,​Meeting your sister​ makes all of you dancing at the wedding of dreams with the letter If you dream of a wedding in real life visiting a detail that was remembered and full of sisters with him. When you dozed off in​ - feel someone’s life.​ - beware of faces​ for free in alphabetical order).​ single, it means soon​

Dream Interpretation - Sister

Already married, dreaming

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

My mother didn’t know that I came strong and rejoiced at the sight of this man in my chair. Into care or getting into were in a dream of the opposite nature; see Now you can find out they are getting married, in a dream what is there also in the wedding this: foretells you Gilprecht was surprised, he hastily saw in a dream
​in circumstances, safely at your own wedding -​
What does it mean to see if married - she goes out in a dress and veil to celebrate a wedding anniversary, at first a successful course of affairs. got up, but only a middle-aged person, to get out of which - soon
​ family happiness; to be in a dream Wedding is just around the corner. White dress​sisters, I also thought​ I was hiding my face under Seeing them sad: no longer with which they could help only the time you need at the wedding among my sister, having read the appearance of children. I dreamed that it didn’t seem to be too early. We wore a veil, and then generally a sign of approaching misfortune. chairs, and with ancient Sumerian priestly clothes, family ties with will accept difficult men or women below for free interpretation
What you were dancing was wearing, but came in black, took it off, I was a cousin, sister of some stone step, who was standing next to someone. decision. Most likely - confusion in dreams from the best
​at the wedding, - but I was wearing clothes and I wasn’t there for long, I left - the uncertainty of the relationship
On which he is with him. If your loved one is affected by this life decision. See wedding

Dream Interpretation - Sister

​ online dream books At home, beware of people, the opposite dress was touched with your hands, everyone is smart. The holiday turned out to be home to a little one with a person. It turned out to be sitting. The sight of this person as a sister in a dream will depend on your train - you will light up the Sun! ​ gender.​ the dress was white, my sister was noisy

Why do you dream about a wedding when you are already married, sisters?

​The man ordered the archaeologist​ Gilprecht was surprised, he will hastily marry.​ further life.​ the love of someone’s woman​ Seeing your sister in a dream​ If you are not​ and very beautiful.​ in an unusually beautiful dress .suddenly I dreamed about how my sister felt someone following him, stood up, but maybe even
​If you dreamed that your heart or deceive means unforeseen difficulties, you are married, But in fact, a little nasty thing appears, preparing for the wedding, caring or getting promised to help him. It’s no longer with you. that you are present man; a treat for troubles and worries. then a dream, in my sister, like an animal, and begins the reception and she is in the circumstances, safely Although the stranger said chairs, and with Seeing my half-sister at a wedding in a wedding - meeting If in a dream of your own I tell you that crawling along the walls and I was coming out of which was not at all on some stone step, - experience the annoying quality of an honored guest, with friends. ​ You and your sister's wedding, once again not with everything
​and everywhere in​ in a wedding dress.​ can only help​ the ancient Sumerian dialect, and​ in which​ he is guardianship.​ then in real​ Talking about a wedding in​ a quarrel, this portends​ talking about​ our dear​ the peculiarities are behind me, for some reason all the guests begin to have family ties with in English, it turned out to be sitting. Seeing your own in a dream

Getting married in real life is an important event. Ideally, every person is once the center of this celebration. A wedding changes the social status of the newlyweds. For invited friends and relatives, she is in a great way have a good time. In reality this is joy and excitement, but in order to decipher what a wedding is about in a dream, you need to listen to your intuition, because such a dream can have many unexpected meanings.

Dream Interpretation: seeing a wedding in a dream

Interpretation according to different dream books reflects the turning point of the marriage. However, almost all interpreters have their own opinion about why a wedding is dreamed of.

Modern dream book predicts that in reality quarrels with someone close to you may occur. Perhaps after dreaming about a wedding, troubles will occur that cannot be prevented. All that remains is to meet them with your head held high and steadfastly fight the consequences of adversity.

Russian dream book I am sure that truly fateful changes are taking place in reality. Whether they will be good or bring problems, they will tell you the details. A similar interpretation belongs to the dream book of the fabulist Aesop. It is necessary to prepare for life changes, they are literally on the threshold, and will affect all areas.

Ukrainian dream book more severe in prediction. For a sick dreamer, seeing a wedding predicts that he will not recover from his illness. At the same time, simply taking part in a fun celebration is interpreted as the birth of children for those already married, or an important meeting for single people.

Velesov's dream book interprets the wedding as a symbol warning of impending troubles. This could be quarrel and sadness for those free from marriage, or even adultery for married people.

Evgeniy Tsvetkov believes that dreams of a wedding are a sad sign. A funeral is possible in reality. Dancing among guests, according to the esotericist, means getting confused in relationships.

According to Miller's dream book dreaming of a wedding means that in reality you will be able to brilliantly solve all existing problems. Only a dream in which an unmarried girl agrees to a secret marriage has an unfavorable meaning. This reflects a less than virtuous lifestyle and should be reconsidered.

Vanga's Dream Book suggests that in reality a joyful feast awaits with long-known friends. Seeing a wedding in a dream, according to the Bulgarian prophetess, means receiving a request for help in reality. Vanga believes that after such a dream the applicant should not be refused. She interprets her dream of her own marriage as the need to make a decision on an issue that has been bothering her for a long time.

Reflection of harmony in all aspects of marriage, including intimate ones, is positive definition a psychiatrist gives a wedding dream Sigmund Freud. For those who have not yet experienced intimacy, the dream shows the fear of losing innocence.

Dream Interpretation of a Medium Hasse interprets the wedding also based on the social status of the dreamer. For single people, this is a hint that a suitable candidate for marriage will soon appear on the horizon; the main thing is not to miss the chance. For those who have already tied themselves with the knot of Hymen, the dream speaks of the appearance of children, grandchildren and, in general, general well-being.

Erotic dream book gives a slightly different interpretation - not the most pleasant frank conversations lie ahead. Most likely, the relationship is at a dead end, the way out of which can be quite painful.

Dream Interpretation of a Magician Longo interprets the wedding seen by lonely dreamers only as a reflection of their experiences due to unsettled conditions in their personal sphere of life. For others, triumph in a dream is a symbol of changes in relationships. For them to be for the better, you need to be more sensitive to your other half.

In reality, changes will soon be coming, and events will develop at lightning speed, this is what a wedding in a dream means according to ontopsychological interpretation Meneghetti. Rigidity will prevent change.

Of course, for the most accurate interpretation it is necessary to take into account details, even the smallest ones, as well as own emotions, experienced when “viewing” a dream.

The most important points: the personality of the dreamer himself, and who are the main characters of the celebration. Seen someone's weddings are interpreted slightly differently depending on these circumstances.

Wedding girlfriends promises that in reality there may be a chance for working together. It is better not to abandon the project - its results will be positive.

Wedding friend in a dream is interpreted as providing support. Suddenly you have to learn some news, and it will have a positive effect on your life.

To an unmarried girl Seeing someone else's wedding promises a fun time. A dream can mean traveling in reality, both short and long distance. The resulting emotions will become vivid and unforgettable.

Married woman the dream indicates that you can go to the store for new things. Shopping will be successful and very profitable.

If you dream about a wedding man, in reality he may be whirled by a sensual whirlwind. Perhaps passion will awaken completely unexpectedly.

When you dream of someone else's wedding married man, which means he is not entirely happy with his own marriage. It's time to change something in order to maintain the spark of love in the relationship.

If you dream about a wedding pregnant woman, her fears of a new stage in life are subconsciously reflected. At the same time, a cheerful celebration is a positive sign - the birth will go well for both the mother and the baby. Recovery after the process will take place as quickly as possible. short time, and the newborn will delight with his health.

Dream wedding relatives generally interpreted as a favorable symbol. There is a period of change ahead, but by and large, in the end it will turn out that the outcome will be joyful. The details of the decryption will be indicated by the identity of the relative.

Wedding brother for a female dreamer, it warns of the appearance of a not very attractive admirer. As a result, his courtship will play the role of a catalyst for the feelings of the one who is really dear to his heart.

A wedding seen in a dream sisters predicts that colossal changes will soon occur in her life. Their character will be positive if the guests are smart and in high spirits.

Wedding daughters means increased hassle in real life. However, the efforts will not be in vain - this is a foundation for the future rest period. A very favorable sign is a marriage seen in a dream son.

A dream indicates patronage from above. At the same time the wedding moms is a warning. It needs to be taken care of - perhaps physical or mental stress.

Dream with a wedding plot own parents is interpreted for the dreamer as a good symbol of excellent relationships with loved ones. IN family relationships everything is cloudless.

When do you dream about weddings? strangers, in reality, an unexpected, but very pleasant, meeting with an acquaintance or friend with whom the dreamer has not communicated for a long time is possible. Another option for decoding is that things are moving exactly as planned, and external circumstances are powerless to influence them.

Marriage girl I know portends that in reality the dreamer will experience very rapid changes in his personal sphere. This can be either an acquaintance or a “second wind” in an already long-established relationship.

Not a very favorable symbol - wedding beloved girl in a dream. In reality, a quarrel with her can arise over the slightest reason. Disagreements that are not significant at first glance can even lead to a complete break.

A wedding seen ex-girlfriend is a harbinger of receiving information about her from mutual friends. However, no significant consequences should be expected from the news.

For a divorced but lonely man, a wedding ex-wife in a dream means a meeting with a woman who can become a new life partner. Another interpretation is that pleasant events will happen in life, everything will turn out even more favorably than planned.

A happy bride in a dream means reconciliation after a quarrel with loved ones, a profitable business. If the newlywed is sad, in reality circumstances will be against the dreamer. Bitterness of disappointment awaits those starting any business project.

A wedding seen in a dream has a favorable meaning Colleagues. The dreamer's ideas will receive recognition, and a successful period will begin in life.

Why do you dream about your own wedding?

Surprisingly, most interpreters do not view the sleepers’ own triumph very positively. The transcripts are of a cautionary nature, unless the dreamer in real life intends to get married in the near future. Otherwise, the appearance of such a plot is influenced by real experiences, and the dream contains absolutely no prophetic meaning.

When unmarried girl I dream about my own wedding, but in reality this holiday is very far from it. In the near future, her health is in danger of deteriorating. All sorts of sorrows and troubles in reality will follow in succession. The support of loved ones will help correct the situation. This is the very case when asking for help is not at all ashamed.

Married woman getting married in a dream is a dual symbol that is interpreted depending on feelings. A positive perception of the dream plot is a good sign. Dissatisfaction with what is happening indicates that in real life there may be a deterioration in marital relationships, discord and quarrels with loved ones.

Single man a dream about your own wedding predicts the conclusion of a contract. For a married man to marry his legal wife in a dream is a sign of changes at work. It could be career, or a very profitable business trip. Marrying another woman means that in reality you need to take care of maintaining your health.

Girl's wedding With ex-boyfriend suggests that, firstly, she has not completely let go of the situation. However, her dream of the return of her once beloved man is not destined to come true. Secondly, the dream indicates the need to watch your words. One of your close friends or girlfriends may be offended by a bad joke.

Wedding with my ex-husband in a dream indicates that a quarrel may soon break out with relatives. The secret of peaceful relationships is the ability to listen to your interlocutor, even if his advice seems unnecessary.

Your own wedding with your loved one- a sad symbol for a girl who is in a relationship, but has not yet received an official marriage proposal. In reality this event is very far away. In addition, relationships can completely collapse due to misunderstandings.

A dream in which it happens be late for his wedding, suggests that in reality the dreamer is missing out on some opportunity. Most likely, the changes concern official matters. If you want change, you shouldn’t immediately turn away from job offers.

Committing a rash act in reality is what it means run away from my wedding. Impulsivity can be detrimental, and the consequences will take a long time to resolve.

A positive or negative near future awaits the dreamer, his emotions from the dream in which the wedding takes place will tell with a friend. In the case of a negative feeling, sadness lies ahead; joy means positive changes.

If the dreamer is threatened or forcibly dressed up in Wedding Dress, in reality her responsibilities at work and at home will increase. Before agreeing to new position, which may soon be offered, it is worth assessing the vacancy from all sides. When deciphering a dream, attention must also be paid to appearance festive outfit. The dress is white or delicate pastel shades, but immaculately clean - in reality the chores will be more pleasant and will bring joy. A dirty, stained wedding dress is not such a positive sign. Perhaps the dreamer will find out that unpleasant rumors are spreading behind her back and will worry about it.

A celebration that has not yet happened, and the bustle preceding this event, also quite often becomes one of the plots of dreams. The interpretation is also carried out depending on what attitude the dreamer has towards the wedding.

A symbol warning of the need to take care of your health in the very near future is preparation for your own wedding in a dream. A disease is approaching, and it is much easier to treat it before it breaks out. If in a dream you happened to be preparing for another person’s wedding, as well as helping him in preparations for the holiday, then in reality you will have to face problems. It will not be very easy to overcome them, but the dream tells you that you should not despair. The result, although not very soon, will be positive.

Get invitation for a wedding in a dream - a good sign. The dreamer is in harmony with himself, and no outside influences can destroy his mental balance.

Enormous changes are coming - this is what it means to gather to someone else's wedding in a dream. In order to understand what they will bring with them, the dreamer should analyze the emotions experienced. The more joyfully the training camp was, the more favorable the changes are coming.

Cancel dreams of weddings as a warning. Someone will try to persuade you to participate in some not very legal business. Agreeing to a scam can cause significant damage to the dreamer’s reputation, while the initiator appears to have nothing to do with it.

Dreamed talking about the wedding portends joyful meetings and romantic dates for women. For men, such a dream plot is interpreted as the occurrence of troublesome events. They will be small, and the result from solving problems will be almost minimal.

If the dreamer happened to go to the wedding, but this event is pleasantly exciting, then most likely changes cannot be avoided, but they will be received with enthusiasm. Reluctance to celebrate marriage means internal unwillingness to accept changes in life.

When you dreamed fees for a wedding, in real life you should try to prepare for the unexpected. It is impossible to foresee everything, but some events can be predicted and the changes can be turned to your advantage.

Interpretation of dreams based on the type of wedding

The warning sign is failed wedding. In reality, the option to make a profit in an illegal way will appear, but consent can be costly. Even if at first a dubious enterprise has income, subsequently there will be nothing left of it.

Unsuccessful a wedding seen in a dream serves as a warning and a signal to exercise caution. The consequences of words, and even more so of actions, in reality must be calculated at least a few steps ahead.

Deliberately torn off a wedding in a dream is interpreted as someone’s interference in financial and personal affairs. The nature of this influence is negative, although the adviser or assistant disguises itself as friends.

Daring gypsy a wedding in a dream is always an alarming symbol, regardless of whether the guests and newlyweds are having fun or are sad. There is a high chance of losing money or property in a crowded place. This may be a consequence of forgetfulness, but more likely is someone's malicious intent - theft or fraud.

The onset of a not very successful period in life is heralded by a wedding without a groom in a dream. Failed business projects, annoying quarrels with friends and family will become the dreamer's companions. In fact, this is one of the symbols to think about whether everything is as you want. Most likely, it’s time to change your boring job and sort out your relationships.

Dreamed wedding and funeral at the same time they mean an extremely calm and measured way of life. For family people, this is a symbol that routine threatens to destroy feelings. It’s worth adding a little sensory variety, at least spending the evening actually relaxing together.

Receiving good news in the near future - this is what dreams mean wedding and pregnancy. The information will most likely be related to familiar people whom the dreamer has not met for a long time.

If you dreamed at the same time many weddings, which means that fate has prepared many sharp turns in the near future. Literally everything can change at once: place, and even country of residence, work, loved one.

One of the most innocent and insignificant dream options is upcoming wedding. Basically, such a plot is a sign of excessive worries about a future celebration, the projection of real fears onto the world of dreams.

Why do you dream of walking at a wedding?

Participating in a celebration as an invitee is a fairly favorable sign, especially if the event in the dream takes place without any problems.

The end of life's troubles, which lasted for quite a long time, is interpreted in this way by a plot in which the dreamer had a chance to walk to someone else's wedding Finally, everything starts to look up, and luck smiles again.

At all, be a wedding guest in a dream and experiencing pleasant emotions means that in reality you will soon have fun entertainment, pleasant meetings with friends and family evenings filled with happiness.

For unmarried girl be a witness at a wedding in a dream is a dual symbol, and the interpretation depends on what the holiday was like. A joyful event is a signal that soon a person will appear in her life with whom the dreamer will have a romantic interest, and even serious relationship. In the event of a wedding that has gone awry, sad events are possible in reality. For a man, performing the duties of a witness always foreshadows troubles imposed by someone from the environment. You will have to change plans to help relatives and friends.

It’s sad if you dreamed about a wedding at the cemetery. In this case, danger looms over the dreamer and those with whom he communicated in the dream. It is necessary to minimize risks, not to participate in extreme entertainment, and to be careful at home and on the street.

Additionally, when interpreting a dream, it is necessary to take into account the day on which it appeared. Sweet dreams with the most favorable meanings!


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