Why do you dream of a rat - the correct interpretation. First a lion and then a little girl-daughter in a dream

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Who dreamed of a rat?

A woman dreamed of a rat▼

A woman dreams of a rat - in your environment there are hypocritical individuals, secret enemies, ill-wishers plotting against you. You should be more attentive to strangers.

A pregnant woman dreams of a rat▼

A rat for a pregnant woman, according to Felomena’s dream book, is associated with fertility. You should expect a large and healthy birth, and the possibility of twins or twins is possible.

What kind of rat did you dream about?

Dreaming of a tame rat▼

A dream about a tame rat portends prosperity family relations, ending financial difficulties. Enemies will bypass you and accompany you in any matter.

I dreamed about a pet rat▼

A domestic rat is dreamed of as a symbol of people's deceptive appearance. You should be selective in your relationships with people from your close circle; there may be traitors among them.

Seeing a little rat in a dream▼

The dream book regards a small rat as deception on the part of either a lover. You will be betrayed by a person whose loyalty you had no doubt at all.

Dreaming about a kind rat▼

I dreamed about a kind rat - expected arrival and improvement financial situation. You will be able to find a fairly easy way out of a difficult situation.

I dreamed of a decorative rat▼

Why do you dream about a decorative rat? You are about to receive an unexpected surprise or good news, which will give you a lot of positive thoughts for your loved ones.

I dreamed about a pregnant rat▼

A dream about a pregnant rat promises homework. It is possible that they will begin on your initiative. This can be a general or ordinary change in the interior, rearrangement of furniture.

If you dream of a running rat▼

What did you do with the rat in your dream?

Catch a rat according to the dream book▼

How are other dream books interpreted?

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Did you dream about a Rat, but the necessary interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why the Rat is seen in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

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    • Sergey, you will have one less problem.

      And I saw an empty, broken cage and an escaped Djungarian hamster, but soon I realized that my pet had become a rat. She was the same color and looked completely domestic and harmless, and even tame. Then she returned to me and ran away again, breaking the cage where I put her. And this happened several times - she came back, then she ran away.

      In a dream, a huge rat attacked me from behind, jumped on my hand under my jacket and a woman I knew standing next to me cut her throat, the rat didn’t bite me, it happened with fuck what will bite and hostility

      I see in a dream that things have deteriorated at home and suddenly we have rats, so huge that they are bigger than our cat. At first they are not visible, but we hear them constantly and we know that they are there. And then one day the largest rat, apparently their leader, decides to run out of his hiding place, because... Apparently she already feels like the mistress of our house. And now this rat (and I clearly understand that HE, that is, the leader) of incredible size runs around the room with a grin! A rat with a grin! I grab whatever I can get my hands on and start beating her. I hit her with both hands, but it’s clear that it doesn’t have any effect on her. The rat is fat, overfed, and doesn’t even hurt. I hit her harder and harder, and she grins and runs about her business. I understand that she will now run away and I will never catch her. But suddenly someone starts helping me. It seems that my mother is groaning somewhere nearby, but someone nearby (and I don’t see who) grabs a gun and starts shooting at her. This someone is clearly male, but not my husband, because... My husband is heavyset, and this someone is thin and fast, as I see in my peripheral vision. He and I fight side by side with the rats, and when everything quickly ends at home, we run out into the yard (in the dream this happens in a private house, although I live in an apartment). And this assistant of mine begins to shoot at those rats that have gathered in the yard. And there are many of them, and it is clear that they came to avenge the leader. He shoots and shoots, and there are a lot of them, and in my dreams I am afraid that he will run out of cartridges. And I stand and just watch. Then I woke up, but I still had the feeling that we had won.

      • Alexandra, get ready for the fact that your enemies will arise in your family, at work, in your personal life, who will try to turn others against you, and you may not notice this at first, you will not be able to cope with them alone, but someone... then a stranger will come to your aid, and you will try to solve your problems together.

        This someone is clearly male, but not my husband, because... My husband is heavyset, and this someone is thin and fast... (c)

        This is your second “I”... that man. That man is you yourself... something that you cannot fully realize in life. He manifests himself in great danger. You will survive this danger. Because he is. That is, you are strong. Don't be afraid of anything, and never doubt your abilities. No matter how many and under what circumstances you dream about rats

        • Irina, get rid of some of your problems in an unusual way.

          I dreamed that I entered the room in which my little daughter (1 year and 2 months) was sleeping and saw that a large white rat was running away from her, I looked closely, and there was another one, a second, a third, a fourth one... I was terrified, trying to wake up my husband by screaming. so that he could help me drive them away from the child. My husband woke up dissatisfied, and the rats ran away from my daughter from my scream. open door, but one leaned against my leg. Br-R-R-R I was scared that they would bite us, but they were warming themselves…. But when I woke up, I was left with a feeling of fear and disgust.

          • Svetlana, white rats in your dream can mean a hidden danger that your loved ones or acquaintances may harbor.

            I kept two huge gray rats on a leash, or rather they were in a harness. The rats were the size of big dog. At first I was very scared, and then I suddenly realized that the rats were tamed and I could control them.

            • Irina, probably a dream in which you saw tamed rats, symbolizes the fact that you will encounter people who at first glance pose a great danger, but in reality they will turn out to be completely different.

              I dreamed that there was a mouse rustling in the bread bin in the kitchen (so it seemed at first), but it turned out to be a rat - white with pockmarked spots, but the size of a mouse. At first I was scared, but then I grabbed her and she bit me - it hurt, but there was no blood or traces of the bite..... which seemed strange to me. Then I see the same rat, but already big and well-fed and as if it were ours a pet, just got out of the cage and doesn’t want to go back. I’m trying to catch her, but she climbs the wall and scratches the new wallpaper...., on the second try I finally caught her and scolded her for an unauthorized walk on my new wallpaper.
              what could this mean?

              • L.D., probably your dream about a white rat indicates that one of your family or friends will try to harm you.

                I dreamed of a lot of rats, they tried to attack me.. but I was hiding from them in the tent.. in the end they broke into the tent.. some guy let them in.. it seemed like an accident... the rats started running under my feet and I killed them all crushed with her feet......there were a lot of small white and gray ones...what does that mean??

                • Lizzy, probably your dream about many white rats means that many envious people (rivals) will appear in your life, with whom you will quickly deal.

                  They never pay attention to little things... the one who let these rats in to you in a dream... is offended by you for something... You gave up your principles once. Rats as a weapon, a sign. You have done something to your detriment.

                  I dream that my husband and I are eating sausages from a plastic bag, so tasty, and then we dug deep into it and there lies this big black rat tail. and then I was overcome with a feeling of horror and disgust - how could we eat this?! then I dreamed about long discussions in my sleep about where this tail could have come from in the bag. They seemed to have come to the conclusion that the store was completely unsanitary!

                  • Svetik, probably your dream about a rat’s tail indicates that you will face deception in catering or a store.

                    I dreamed of rats that attacked me and bit into my right thigh. Attempts to remove it did not yield results. And then I felt a very strong loss of strength. and that I can't cope. And then two men appeared who were able to save me from this pack of rats.

                    • Irina, probably your dream about rats suggests that you may have a serious obstacle, the resolution of which will require outside help.

                      I also dreamed of a rat, once upon a time, that jumped up and bit me on the leg, although I fought back very hard. and after this dream I got very sick ((((
                      I hope everything goes well for you!

                      • Elena, probably a dream in which you witnessed the killing of a white rat, suggests that you will regret your enemy.

                        Last night I dreamed that I was going to bed in my children’s room in my parents’ apartment, although I had been living separately and far from them for a long time. I turn everything off. In the darkness, I suddenly see a big fat black rat running next to the sofa where I sleep. The strange thing was that she had a dog’s tail (thin, short and curved upward, like a mongrel’s). I saw her, got scared and wrapped myself in a blanket. The rat ran along the sofa, buried itself in the radiator and had nowhere else to run. So she ran back along the sofa, saw me and reached out to my face with her black elongated cone-shaped muzzle. Her expression was friendly. But this did not reduce my feeling of fear. I wanted to push the rat away, but I realized that I couldn’t move and decided to scream for someone to come to my aid. I screamed so loudly that I woke up myself and woke up my common-law husband and neighbors. Usually I quickly forget my dreams, but I remembered this one down to the last detail.

                        • Natalya, perhaps your dream about a big black rat suggests that there is some kind of fear in your life that lives on subconscious level, and he thus manifested himself in the form of a rat.

                          • In a dream I saw a lot of big gray rats, just in packs, they didn’t touch me, but I was terrified, scared, I tried to drive them away, but they followed me everywhere, and then where did they disappear?

                        • I dreamed of a huge number of rodents around me. There were mice and two big black rats... they didn’t touch me, they just got under my feet... my younger brother I touched one of the rats and it turned out to be dead and I scolded him..

                          • Alisha, perhaps your dream about rats suggests that you will find yourself in a place that will be very uncomfortable and disgusting for you.

                            • Irin, perhaps a dream in which there is gray rat, suggests that you should not interact with suspicious people.

                              In a dream I saw a large gray rat with big eyes, began to throw various things at it, wanted to kill it, but when I looked into its eyes I felt very sorry for it because its eyes were full of tears and I could not kill it.

                              • Ekaterina, perhaps a dream in which you see a rat that makes you sting, suggests that despite the disgust that some person will cause you, you will remain favorable to him.

                                About 6 years ago I bought myself a white rat, naturally it did not live more than two years. I’ve never dreamed about her before, but today... I dream that I’m caressing my white rat, recognizing my former self in her a pet, and at this time a rat unfamiliar to me is running around me, some kind of brown, I I don’t know her, and I don’t care, I’m more interested in my old white rat. Then one of these 2 rats starts biting me, it doesn’t hurt at all, unfortunately I don’t remember who exactly, I don’t feel any fear , no pain, no disgust... why is this?

                                • Vitaly, perhaps a dream in which rats bite you, suggests that you will have to face some long-forgotten enemies.

                                  • Sauri, perhaps a dream about a rat biting you means that you will face a cunning person who will wish you harm.

                                    I dreamed of two rats, one big, the other very small - just born, but already running. And they lived in my apartment. At first I was happy with them, but then I became sharply afraid, the big one began to rush at me, bite me, I threw it away, but did not kill it.

                                    • Anya, perhaps a dream about rats that at first brought joy, but why they began to show themselves aggressively, suggests that you need to be careful when choosing a partner in personal or other relationships.

                                      • Angelica, perhaps a dream warns you that there may be some kind of enemy in your immediate environment, and you will have to deal with him alone.

                                        I dreamed of hordes of rats, then my friend, seeing one (the fattest one), killed it by smearing it on the wall (sorry for such horrors). The smeared and killed rat turned out to be pregnant, and we found out about this when we saw the eggs “sticking out” from it.

                                        PS. In my life I am terribly afraid and hate rats!


                                        • Evgeniya, perhaps the dream suggests that you can only remove your enemies using too harsh methods.

                                          And I dreamed that I was in a garage, seemingly with someone. and then a big BLACK rat appears from the corner! I start to panic, because I remember that I once had a dream where a rat bit me in the leg and after that I was sick for a long time and could not recover, and it was exactly in the place where this rat bit me in the dream. and so in a panic I try to leave the garage or turn away, but I constantly see this huge black rat! I was terribly scared both in my sleep and after I woke up((((((((((((

                                          • Anna, a dream about the appearance of a black rat in your dream may be associated either with events that happened to you, that is, this image has again surfaced in the subconscious, or it may indicate that in reality some kind of misfortune may again await you.

                                            • Maria, most likely the dream of a white rat informs you about a person who is planning something against you, or is jealous of you. Be considerate of your female friends.

                                              I woke up in the middle of the night from strange sounds in the house, as if someone was rustling around in the kitchen, then I heard the sounds of something running into the room, climbing into my bed and swarming on my back, I clearly heard a rat squeaking, then it jumped out of the bed and disappears. I haven’t seen her as such. I turned on the light, looked around the apartment (really already) - everything was quiet. I still have doubts about whether this was really a dream. I even felt sensations on my back when I woke up. Dreams have never bothered me so much before. What to expect?

                                              • Lida, the fact that you saw such rats in a dream most likely indicates that you should be wary of ill-wishers.

                                                hello, I dreamed that my very close friend turned into a rat, they wanted to catch him, then he climbed onto my shoulder, and then onto my head and disappeared. Everyone decided that he had died and for some reason they buried him, and I kept looking for where he had gone rat.

                                                • Veronica, a rat in a dream means betrayal. Perhaps you should expect a dirty trick from your friend, a deception.

                                                  Hello, I dreamed of a GOOD BLACK RAT who helped me, she did what I wanted, and what’s most important, he understood human language, he listened carefully and then did it, the fact is that the rat was not mine, it had a man owner who came to our house to visit, and at the end, it was as if he was dying lying in the sun? What would that mean?

                                                  • Marcella, if you dreamed of a rat, then be on your guard, you have an enemy, an envious person, and he pretends to be your best friend.

                                                    My father and I were sleeping near some sanatorium, and next to us a rat was running on a leash and performing tricks, we started to catch it, but then I woke up. (I haven’t communicated with my father for many years).

                                                    • Dasha, if you see a rat in a dream, perhaps an enemy will appear in your life.

                                                      • Stepan, a rat in a dream can mean a serious enemy.

                                                        I had several similar dreams with rats. My 1st Small child swallowed a huge rat. I scream, I don’t know what to do, my husband is trying to get it, but by some miracle the rat comes out on its own, covered in mucus. I’m happy. 2nd a few days later: crowds of rats and 2 huge holes in the floor of my parents’ house. The rats run from one hole to another, the cat tries to catch them and kill them. It catches everyone, but cannot kill them.

                                                        • Alla, a rat in a dream symbolizes a vile person, perhaps one of your friends has appeared among your friends, be careful

                                                          I dreamed about my house, as in reality. But in the kitchen, which is able overhaul as if the tiles had already been laid and the furniture was standing. But I know that this is my home. I was busy with household chores, now I don’t remember exactly what I did. But there was a feeling of calm. And suddenly a huge gray rat, with a very impudent and grinning face, entered the room. I was horrified - there was a rat in the house, and I was scared - it was very big. I remember that I didn’t think it was real and was deciding how to kill such a huge creature. then I looked into the kitchen, where the rat had gone - she was lying like a bird under the chair and smiling maliciously... her little black eyes were sparkling... I woke up with a feeling of fear that there were rats in my house and indignation - what an impudent creature! !!

                                                          • Such a rat in your dream most likely promises you unpleasant minor troubles associated with your home.

                                                            • Yes, Julia, you are right. There will be not small, but great troubles with my house! 4 people died there, and everyone was at home!! And I performed the funeral service for only one—my husband. And now this house can neither be sold nor renovated... we live until something is decided... I myself don’t think anything anymore, I’ve given fate into the hands of fate. Thank you very much for the answer!
                                                              If I remember anything else, I’ll write)

                                                          • I was in some room that looked like a basement with an earthen floor, and suddenly the beauties began to run in and rush at people (besides me there were 1 or 2 people). I stood up on a chair, but they still jumped and bit... they clung to my hands several times and it was very difficult to unhook them... my hands were bruised, but there was little blood... then with the person who was there, we caught them all and killed them (cut them off or flattened their heads)

                                                            • Gulnaz, rats in a dream can symbolize your enemies, which you may be able to get rid of.

                                                              I dreamed of a lot of fat, dead rats. It was as if something was squeezing them out of some kind of slot in the wall, squeezing them out of the floor near the joints of the walls. And everything happened in some hotel. Then I found myself on some kind of veranda, and a building (hotel) with dead rats was in some kind of wasteland, and there were a lot of people around it. Then the dead rats were squeezed out of the building under strong pressure and they burst above these people. There was a lot of rat blood, so to speak. I, standing on the veranda, began to photograph this matter. Several people standing near that building saw me and ran towards me to take my camera. They shouted that we couldn’t film and cursed.

                                                              • Dead rats in your dream are probably a reflection of the fact that your enemies will not be able to inflict damage on you, but will simply fray your nerves.

                                                                Today I rescued rats or mice, I couldn’t tell, they were small and very cute (a rare breed of pink color). Hunters with guns wanted to kill them. And I and someone else (I don’t remember) hid them in different places. Some were repainted gray so that they wouldn’t be touched. I felt so sorry for them, I didn’t know how to save them. They were very affectionate, like cats.
                                                                P.S. A few days ago I dreamed of an angry bear and the guards. He didn’t touch me, but since everyone ran away from him, so did I. Then a girl came up to me and said that he tore the couple apart in the car, but they killed him and showed him his bloody a paw with claws. On this day in reality I met my old love. Today we have a meeting. I think I will have dreams of a relationship with him?

                                                                • Irina, if you feel that this is about a relationship, then most likely this is true, since the person who sees dreams understands them better than anyone else.

                                                                  I had a dream that I was standing on the porch of a house (not my own) and in the yard, either from underground or from a chimney, rats were starting to crawl out, there were a lot of them. There were people in the yard and I saved everyone in the house. The rats seemed to be trying to attack people, but it didn’t work. I had a dream on Sunday.

                                                                  • Veronica, perhaps your dream suggests that you will help someone get rid of enemies and ill-wishers.

                                                                    I dreamed that I was walking along the road along the carriageway and in front of me there was a large hole, as if part of the road had fallen down. I need to cross somehow, but this collapse is guarded by a rat, it is very large, larger than a wolf, it is red in color. She doesn’t even really look like a rat, but for some reason I know that it’s a rat. She walks around this place, down and up and constantly looks at me, and then lies down like a dog near this hole and does not stop taking her eyes off me, and for some reason I really need to go further along this road.

                                                                    • Leyla, most likely the dream reflects a situation that may arise in reality, in which there will be some kind of obstacle in your way.

                                                                      I had a dream consisting of 3 parts...
                                                                      It all started when I met a friend, she gave me a snake and said that she bought it for 700-800 rubles, and gave me something like a glass, said that she bought it for 800-900 (I don’t remember exactly) - I I thought in my dream that there was a snake there too. She told me something, and the snake that was in my hands slid out and crawled towards the door. I turned around, said something like how disobedient she is, and at that moment she crossed the opening and someone stepped on her tail, thereby crushing it. And if before that moment it was 20 cm, after they stepped on it, it decreased by a factor of 2 and became more like a cartoon. I sort of picked it up, but the dream ended at that moment...
                                                                      The next picture was that I was looking into the glass that she gave me (it seemed to be made of wood) - there was a white rat there. I transplanted her into a glass jar, but she tried to get out of it, but it didn’t work out for her, at least I didn’t see it. Then again there was a failure and the next picture - I looked behind the bed and saw a white rat, healthy, with red spots, it was lying with its belly up. I thought I called my brother and said that there was a dead rat here. And then, either I saw the same rat, or a second one, but the same one - I still didn’t understand, but the fact is that there was a repeat approximate picture.

                                                                      • Ekaterina, perhaps a dream in which a friend gives you a snake and a rat, suggests that in reality one of your loved ones or acquaintances may harm you.

                                                                        • Polina, most likely the dream symbolizes that you will be able to get rid of things or people who have burdened you.

                                                                          For two days in a row I dreamed of seven white rats. They were small in size. I perceived them as friends, they fulfilled my requests and talked to me. They moved with horse stomping. What could this mean?

                                                                          • Elena, dreams in which you see rats that obey you may indicate that in reality you will find mutual language with your ill-wishers.

                                                                            after a quarrel with my parents and brother, I dreamed of rats. It was as if I was collecting white rats on the street and putting them in a box at home, and three dark ones (brown-haired) ran away to my daughter. (She lives not far away). And my wife says to me, “ Make your daughter a rat cage too.” What could this mean?

                                                                            • Raphael, most likely, a dream about rats is directly related to a quarrel between you and your loved ones, rats act as their prototypes.

                                                                              I dreamed of rats, they were small and yellow color, and lived on the street. I was not afraid of them and easily picked them up. But then at some point they disgusted me and I ran away from them.

                                                                              • ZhenyoK, perhaps a dream about rats reflects a situation that can happen in reality, in which you can dramatically change your attitude towards some people.

                                                                                • Nikita, most likely a dream in which you see a rat running towards you and you throw it off, suggests that in reality one of your enemies may try to harm you, but you will not allow this.

                                                                                  I go into a house that resembles a store, on the table there are two aquariums with pink liquid and rats are swimming there, you can see that they are not accustomed to breathing but it is tolerable and someone explains to me, I began to worry about them, but someone told me that this is liquid oxygen and that’s why they have everything will be fine, and after that I woke up.

                                                                                  • Valentina, perhaps the dream suggests that in reality you can show interest in your enemies.

                                                                                    Several days ago in a row (or every other day) I dreamed about rats.
                                                                                    1 time - at home a rat runs out of the kitchen and bites me. I grabbed it and threw it away.
                                                                                    2 times - country trailer - a lot of rats as big as an average kitten (2-3 months). They run and I grab one... it’s shaggy and wants to bite. Then the father of my loved one appears with a shovel and says that he will kill them. So that I throw her into the street. He will kill. And I, compassionate by nature, feel very sorry for the beast, but I am afraid and give the beast to him. At the same time, I experience pangs of conscience - the poor rat will be killed because of me.

                                                                                    • Forget-me-not, as a rule, dreams in which we are bitten by rats warn that enemies and enemies may appear in reality.

Seeing rats in a dream means the appearance of secret enemies that are not so easy to get rid of.

Huge, impudent rats running around the house in reality foreshadow family troubles and insincerity of friends, business discord and losses.

If in a dream you set a trap for rats, it means that in reality you will become aware of the intentions of your enemies.

A rat caught in a trap foreshadows a robbery of an apartment or a scandal with neighbors.

Kill a rat - get rid of slander and rivalry.

A dead rat means a contagious disease. To drive rats out of the room, wielding a poker or something of the like, is to fight against with varying success and a disastrous result.

If you are afraid of rats in a dream, in reality you will end up in an unpleasant situation and be falsely accused.

To grab a rat with your hands - you will experience disgust for a low, vile person.

Seeing a cat catching a rat means you will receive life-saving support in time.

If a cat eats a rat before your eyes, you will witness an unpleasant family scene in the house of your friends.

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Dream Interpretation - Rat

Rats in a dream are dangerous enemies. They can also mean our loved ones who cause us constant trouble and grief.

Killing a rat in a dream is a symbol of victory over an enemy or troubles. Such a dream also means that you are intolerant of human weaknesses and will not put up with meanness, cowardice, and hypocrisy.

Petting a rat in a dream is a harbinger of trouble from a person whom you considered your friend and whom you trusted. A white rat in a dream is your hidden enemy.

See interpretation: animals, beasts.

Skinning it in a dream means that you will be able to outwit an insidious enemy and profit at his expense. The main thing is that the skin does not tear during sleep, because this is the most valuable thing a rat has.

Interpretation of dreams from

Seeing rats in a dream means the appearance of secret enemies that are not so easy to get rid of.

Huge, impudent rats running around the house in reality foreshadow family troubles and insincerity of friends, business discord and losses.

If in a dream you set a trap for rats, it means that in reality you will become aware of the intentions of your enemies.

A rat caught in a trap foreshadows a robbery of an apartment or a scandal with neighbors.

Kill a rat - get rid of slander and rivalry.

A dead rat means a contagious disease. To drive rats out of the room, wielding a poker or something of the like, is a struggle with varying success and disastrous results.

If you are afraid of rats in a dream, in reality you will end up in an unpleasant situation and be falsely accused.

To grab a rat with your hands - you will experience disgust for a low, vile person.

Seeing a cat catching a rat means you will receive life-saving support in time.

If a cat eats a rat before your eyes, you will witness an unpleasant family scene in the house of your friends.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Dream Interpretation - Rat

Rats in a dream are dangerous enemies. They can also mean our loved ones who cause us constant trouble and grief.

Killing a rat in a dream is a symbol of victory over an enemy or troubles. Such a dream also means that you are intolerant of human weaknesses and will not put up with meanness, cowardice, and hypocrisy.

Petting a rat in a dream is a harbinger of trouble from a person whom you considered your friend and whom you trusted. A white rat in a dream is your hidden enemy.

See interpretation: animals, beasts.

Skinning it in a dream means that you will be able to outwit an insidious enemy and profit at his expense. The main thing is that the skin does not tear during sleep, because this is the most valuable thing a rat has.

Interpretation of dreams from

Why does a woman dream about a rat? In a dream, this is a symbol of ill-wishers, illness, forced submission, external pressure, as well as guilt, shame, and one’s own bitterness. Dream books, using examples, will tell you how to get a competent interpretation of a dream.

According to the dream book from A to Z

If a woman sees a rat in a dream, it means that she will have a secret enemy and it will be very difficult to get rid of him. Did you dream that large, impudent rats were running around the house? Get ready for family squabbles, insincerity from friends, losses and difficulties at work.

Why does a young girl dream about setting a trap for a rat? The dream book guarantees: in reality you will be able to find out about the plans of your enemies and avoid major troubles. If a woman dreamed that a rat was caught in a rat trap, then a huge scandal with neighbors or a robbery is coming.

Did you imagine that you were able to kill a rat? In real life, get rid of envious people and defend your innocence. Seeing a dead rat can be a sign of a contagious disease for a woman. Why do you dream if you had to drive rats out of the house? The dream book is recommended to prepare for a difficult struggle, which will be marked by alternating defeats and victories.

In a dream, did a woman happen to grab a vile creature with her bare hands? The dream book is sure: you will get into an unpleasant story and suffer. Seeing your own or someone else's cat catching rats means that support will come at the right time. Did you dream about a cat eating a rat? Once you visit your friends, you will become a participant in a family scandal.

According to Ivanov’s newest dream book

Why does a woman most often dream about a rat? Be careful: you may get very sick. Did you dream that you drove away or even killed a rat? The illness will end well.

In addition, a rat can appear to a woman before communicating with an intelligent, but evil and insidious person, deception, and meanness. If a black individual appears in a dream, then all the proposed interpretations are intensified. The white animal hints at the woman's betrayal.

According to the English dream book

Why do you dream about so many rats? For a woman, the dream book guarantees a lot of envious people, ill-wishers and slanderers. Seeing a rat also means that someone from the outside is trying with all his might to deprive you of peace of mind, happiness and prosperity.

If a rat appears in a dream to a woman in love, then she will have a rival who will have enormous influence on her chosen one and can easily take him away from you.

According to the modern universal dream book

If a lady sees a rat, then the dream book suspects that a deceitful and unscrupulous person is hanging around nearby. Be sure to take a closer look at your surroundings to minimize possible danger.

Why else do you dream about a rat? Sometimes it is appropriate to use a more positive interpretation. In a dream, this creature acts as a symbol of opportunism, resilience, and endurance. Perhaps these qualities will help you withstand difficult conditions.

If the rat in the dream had some resemblance to a certain person, then the dream book insists: you should acquire or, on the contrary, get rid of the qualities characteristic of this person. A rat may appear in a dream as a sign of gossip, slander, or accusations. Did you dream about a lab rat? You probably came under someone’s pressure, forced to act under someone’s leadership or influence.

According to the dream book of Denise Lynn

Why does a woman dream about an ordinary rat? In a dream, a creature may represent a scoundrel, a traitor, a selfish or deceitful person. The dream book recommends observing those around you. There is a possibility that you are being blatantly used, deceived, or set up.

Seeing a lot of rats means that you are exhausted by pressing problems, unresolved matters, and chores that have piled up nearby. Try not to get distracted by trifles and react less to minor everyday situations.

Did you dream about a rat? In a dream, it may be associated with certain personal qualities that greatly irritate you. The dream book advises you to finally accept yourself completely, believe in your potential, and become a holistic person.

Why does a woman dream about a big rat, a lot of rats?

Did you dream about a very big rat? She hints at a hidden danger, a serious threat. This is a symbol of a premonition of trouble, perhaps they are preparing a cunning trap for you or they are going to leave you to your fate at the most unexpected moment. If a lot of large rats appear in a dream, then in reality you will experience real horror.

However, it is good for a woman to see a large rat running past. A grandiose and strictly joyful event is approaching. Why do you dream if a huge rat is caught in a mousetrap? Will you be able to prevent Negative consequences, because you will guess the plans of your enemies in advance.

A woman dreamed: a rat would attack and bite

What does it mean if a rat attacks and bites a woman in a dream? Get ready for a particularly unfavorable period filled with failures, losses, and illnesses. But if in a dream a rat only bit your clothes, then in reality you will achieve what you strived so hard for.

Did you dream of an attacking rat? There is a friendly person next to you who is actually worst enemy. The same plot hints: your own mother or another older woman has a very great influence on you, she deprives you of freedom and tries to subjugate you.

What does a dead rat symbolize? Should a woman kill a rat?

Did you dream that you managed to kill a rat or did you happen to see a dead one? In fact, you will get rid of other people’s interference and overcome the difficulties that have arisen. The same plot indicates complete victory over your enemies at the current moment and warns of a meeting with a person who is to blame for you.

Killing a rat in a dream is always good. This means great luck will come. Moreover, the larger the individual, the greater the luck. Why do you dream of a dead rat caught in a rat trap? You will defeat your enemies using their own methods. But if you dreamed of an empty rat trap, then you are just wasting your time. Have you seen a dead rat that is decomposing and smells terrible? Prepare for separation and painful losses.

Why does a rat appear in a woman's bed?

Did you dream that a rat climbed into bed? In reality, you will be blatantly deceived by a fan or even a lover, although until now you did not doubt his devotion. In a dream, a rat climbed into bed and, when you saw it, you shuddered with disgust or horror? Beware of being pursued by an extremely unpleasant person.

A rat in the bed warns of a serious or contagious illness. But if an impudent individual walks around the house, then you will get money. Why does a woman dream of a rat squeaking? In a dream, he hints at losses due to theft and fraud.

Rat for a woman in a dream - other interpretations

A rat in a dream is a symbol of evil, decay, death, and also personifies baseness, meanness, and one’s own timidity. Why does a woman dream of a gray rat? In real life, you will quarrel with your neighbors and hear a lot of insults directed at you. The same plot indicates disagreements with close, business partners.

  • catching - rivalry with a low person
  • catch - temporary victory over ill-wishers
  • hunt - anxiety, restlessness
  • poison - getting rid of danger, evil
  • kill - overcoming all difficulties, healing, liberation
  • there is – trouble, illness
  • the rat is running - you need to leave urgently
  • gnawing - take care of preparations, replenish supplies
  • rat in own home- wealth, profit
  • runs out of it - losses, poverty
  • one rat - the loss of something valuable, important
  • a lot - quarrel with loved ones
  • black – danger, man is enemy
  • white – cooperation, support, enemy – woman
  • gray – routine, chores, worries

If the rat appeared on Saturday, then in reality you will make a deal that will become a source of serious income. If a rat appeared in a Sunday vision, then get ready for joy and pleasant worries associated with your family.

Seeing rats in a dream means the appearance of secret enemies that are not so easy to get rid of.

Huge, impudent rats running around the house in reality foreshadow family troubles and insincerity of friends, business discord and losses.

If in a dream you set a trap for rats, it means that in reality you will become aware of the intentions of your enemies.

A rat caught in a trap foreshadows a robbery of an apartment or a scandal with neighbors.

Kill a rat - get rid of slander and rivalry.

A dead rat means a contagious disease. To drive rats out of the room, wielding a poker or something of the like, is a struggle with varying success and disastrous results.

If you are afraid of rats in a dream, in reality you will end up in an unpleasant situation and be falsely accused.

To grab a rat with your hands - you will experience disgust for a low, vile person.

Seeing a cat catching a rat means you will receive life-saving support in time.

If a cat eats a rat before your eyes, you will witness an unpleasant family scene in the house of your friends.

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Dream Interpretation - Rat

Rats in a dream are dangerous enemies. They can also mean our loved ones who cause us constant trouble and grief.

Killing a rat in a dream is a symbol of victory over an enemy or troubles. Such a dream also means that you are intolerant of human weaknesses and will not put up with meanness, cowardice, and hypocrisy.

Petting a rat in a dream is a harbinger of trouble from a person whom you considered your friend and whom you trusted. A white rat in a dream is your hidden enemy.

See interpretation: animals, beasts.

Skinning it in a dream means that you will be able to outwit an insidious enemy and profit at his expense. The main thing is that the skin does not tear during sleep, because this is the most valuable thing a rat has.

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