Why do you dream of a table clock? Why do you dream of a wristwatch: a hint that your time is running out? General interpretation of clocks in a dream

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Clock in a dream- A large wall or tower clock symbolizes a meeting with a loved one or a long-awaited guest.
Seeing a wristwatch with a gold bracelet in a dream- to big profits.
Seeing a wristwatch that has stopped in a dream means loss.
In a dream, you look at the clock and do not notice the hands, then this is a sure sign that your time has already passed, your success will come to naught.
Throwing away broken or old watches in a dream- to change for the better, to get rid of bad habits.
Giving a watch to someone in a dream promises trouble; you will suffer from your own absent-mindedness, bad habits and dubious hobbies in real life.
If in your dream you heard a clock striking, expect unpleasant news.
If you dreamed of a wristwatch, it means that a great event will happen in your life very soon.
If you dreamed of a faulty watch or a watch that has no hands, this is a sign that you may soon be severely deceived.
If you dreamed about a clock, then this dream could be a reminder that your life is passing by. Such a dream denotes a certain period of life.
If you dreamed that you were giving someone a wristwatch, it means that you cannot cope with the current situation and are trying to put your burden on someone else.
If you dreamed that you were letting your wristwatch down, it means that you are afraid of falling out of time, you are afraid of not being able to do something in time.
If you dreamed that you were listening to the clock strike and counting how many strikes the clock struck until noon, great happiness awaits you in life.
If you dreamed that someone left their wristwatch with you, it means that this someone may become your good friend.
If you dream about winding your wristwatch- Expect to be rewarded for the work you do, although it is quite possible that you will be rewarded in a non-material way.
If you dream that you are throwing away an old watch- in life you will begin to relate more freely to everything, and life will go in the right direction.
If you dream that you are late for something and always look at your watch so as not to be late, you have an opportunity in life that you should not miss. The good meaning of sleeping with a clock is that in the near future a moment will come when you will have time to do everything, and everything will work out.
If you are dreaming. That the clock has “moved ahead” means that in reality you are rushing things too much.
If you see a clock striking in a dream, it means that it’s time to analyze yourself and check your work.
If in a dream you see an hourglass and see how the sand in it decreases, in life you are wasting time on some business or on a person who will not thank you.
If in a dream you wind a watch- your life will change for the better.
If in a dream you admire your wristwatch, then in reality you will have enough time to carry out your plans.
If in a dream you are in a hurry and looking at your wristwatch, a new period of life will soon begin in you, in which events will develop slowly but surely. If you carefully think through your actions, you will find what you have dreamed of for so long.
If in a dream you saw that the clock was standing, it means that you did something wrong, and your development will stop. Sometimes such a dream symbolizes illness and even death.
If in a dream you stole or found a watch- be on your guard, someone will greatly harm your good name by spreading gossip about you.
If in a dream you heard a clock striking, this means changes for the better. Winding a watch in a dream is a sign of the right step in life.
If in a dream you heard the monotonous ticking of a clock hand, it means that everything in your life will also happen monotonously, and you do not expect success in business.
If you see in a dream a watch that is broken or one that has no hands, in real life you may be rejected by your family or society.
If you dream that the clock has stopped- your real life is now stagnant.
If you find a wristwatch in a dream- this means that you should stop and catch your breath, since you are rushing things too much - this can result in serious problems. Haste has never led to good things, so try to be more reasonable.
If you hear a clock striking in the afternoon, this is a bad dream.
If you saw the clock stop and no longer start, then, alas, you will have to come to terms with the loss of a very close person.
If a girl dreamed that she was given a wristwatch, it means that she will soon meet her future husband.
If the clock is behind, it means that, on the contrary, you are very slow with something.
As a rule, a wristwatch in a dream symbolizes immediate routine worries and obligations. Perhaps, against your will, you will have to cope with new worries and affairs every day, which will take up a lot of your time and energy. However, you should not be nervous and try to avoid responsibility - this can lead to a quarrel with family and friends, and as a result you will have to suffer.
When a sick or elderly person dreams of a watch- this is a bad sign. The dream means that a person has very little time left to live.
A faulty wristwatch symbolizes problems in relationships with loved ones or illness.
An hourglass or sundial in a dream means that in reality you won’t have time to do something. Others will do it for you.
The bad thing is that you waste time on some things. And only you know how to get out of this situation. In addition, a clock in a dream predicts small losses that you will not even notice. While sleeping, you should pay attention to the clock readings. Remember this time, it is possible that it indicates very important events for you that will happen soon.
Losing a wristwatch in a dream- a waste of time.
Lose hours in your sleep- to loss or separation from a faithful comrade, to a quarrel with a loved one, or to the infidelity of a spouse.
If you dreamed of a pocket watch, expect minor troubles.
Break your own watch- discord in the family, fights, ruin, major troubles in the service. After this dream, fleeting acquaintances are likely that will not lead to anything good.
Break a clock in a dream- to trouble.
In a dream, handing over your wristwatch for repairs- to a positive outcome of some complicated story.
Listen to the ticking of a wristwatch in a dream- to promotion.
Looking at the clock in a dream- to the tricks of ill-wishers in reality. Pay attention to the numbers indicated on the dial, which you will be able to remember - it is likely that this is the date of some very important event in your life.
Steal a wristwatch in a dream- to problems with colleagues. Perhaps someone will accuse you of laziness and failure to fulfill your duties.
Clocks, as a symbol of time, usually dream of impending changes.

A watch in a dream is a symbol of life, change (good or bad), movement, success or defeat.

If in a dream you remember the time shown by the clock, then try to understand what exactly this means. See interpretation: numbers.

A working clock in a dream means that your business is progressing successfully.

Seeing or receiving a watch with a bracelet in a dream predicts imminent marriage. Losing them in a dream means the collapse of your hopes. But if you can find them in a dream, then happiness awaits you in your married life. An expensive watch in a dream portends good changes and promises health, wealth and prosperity.

The clock hands indicate how much time is left until the desired moment.

A stopped watch in a dream foreshadows a stop in business or the death of the one to whom this watch belongs. Sometimes such a dream indicates that you may lose track of time, and warns you about imprudent actions that can greatly harm your well-being.

If you dream that someone took a stopped watch for repairs, then you will be able to safely get out of another adventure.

If the clock is rushing in a dream, then you should not make hasty decisions. The dream also indicates that you need to do something important and indicates deteriorating health.

But if in a dream you see that the clock is lagging behind, then you should hurry up so as not to miss the lucky chance.

If a clock slows down in a dream, then your life is in danger or trouble. Seeing a lot of ticking clocks in a dream means that you will have many different things to do that will bring profit or benefit.

A broken watch in a dream foretells failure due to obstacles that you cannot overcome.

Seeing a broken clock mechanism in a dream means that you will lose your income. For patients, such a dream threatens death.

A watch without hands or with broken hands indicates that stagnation in business and great worries await you.

Seeing a lot of broken watches or dropping a watch and not picking it up in a dream means that you should abandon useless undertakings.

Breaking a clock in a dream means that you yourself will interfere with your happiness or frighten away your luck.

Seeing a broken watch is a harbinger of the death of a loved one.

But if in a dream you dropped your watch, but it did not break, then you will have great luck in a matter that you considered hopeless.

The ringing of an alarm clock in a dream indicates to you that the time has come to make an important decision or take a decisive step. Sometimes such a dream indicates that you will make a good profit. See interpretation: sounds.

The striking of a wall clock in a dream predicts imminent and sad events, and sometimes a funeral in the family.

Losing or giving a watch in a dream is a harbinger of domestic troubles.

Finding a watch or receiving one as a gift in a dream means that due to your frivolous behavior you may find yourself in an unpleasant situation. Such a dream also indicates that you should take advantage of the good advice of your friends or loved ones.

If you dream that your watch was stolen, then beware of ill-wishers who want to harm your happiness or well-being.

Stealing a watch yourself in a dream is a sign that you are ready to do anything for the sake of your happiness.

Winding a watch in a dream means that you have to make an important decision.

If you dream that an acquaintance left his wristwatch with you, then you will have a happy and long-term relationship (partnership, friendship) with this person.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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  • Watch - if in a dream you look at your watch and see only six on the dial, then you can stop doubting: you did the right thing, and if you accepted the offer that was made to you 6 days ago, then in six months you will reap the benefits and praise yourself for prudence and wisdom. But if the number “6” is all distorted or covered with dirt, then your actions and decisions will benefit only you, and everyone else will suffer due to your mercy and because of your selfishness.
  • If in a dream you see that all the numbers on the dial are sixes, then this is a sign from above: you take your responsibilities too lightly, so you may not notice that an error has crept into the documents. If you miss it and don’t correct it, then you won’t see a bonus, promotion, or vacation out of turn. So be alert and try to focus your attention on the 15th and 14th of this month. In addition, the whole of June will be tense and troublesome for you, do not relax if you do not want problems at work. For schoolchildren, this dream promises the fulfillment of their wishes if they complete the task they took on 14 days ago.
  • If in a dream you look at your wristwatch and see that both hands point to the number “6”, then after 6 days you will become the owner of knowledge that will help you achieve what you secretly dream of. For women, this dream promises complete victory in love due to the fact that they will learn the secrets of their rivals and will be able to use them to their advantage. But if at the same time the glass on the wristwatch is cracked, then the rivals will also not sleep and will strike a strong blow.
  • Seeing an electronic clock display in a dream is a warning to you. Pay attention to the time that is displayed on it, this is symbolic. Let's say 00:06 is a sign that you made a mistake in a love affair, but oddly enough, your mistake will serve you well and will connect you and your loved one even more tightly.
  • If you see that 06:00 is displayed on the board, then be prepared for the fact that in 51 days you will unexpectedly accomplish a real feat and find yourself in the spotlight. Perhaps articles about you will appear in all central newspapers, and your face will flash across all local television channels for several days. Try to stand the test of fame with honor and not become arrogant.
  • Seeing 17:34 on the scoreboard means hard physical labor. For girls, this dream promises the danger of overwork and prolonged illness.
  • If any other time is displayed on the board, which, as a result of adding all the numbers, gives a six, for example, 24:00 or 18:33, it means that you are working too much, your body will soon fail if you do not spare yourself and do not give your good rest for mind and body. Go to nature, relieve yourself of stress.

The image of a clock in a dream reminds or warns of important events in life. Some details and the appearance of the watch itself will help you decipher the dream.

Any clock in a dream symbolizes the time of certain events in life. To get an accurate interpretation, you should take into account the condition and type of watch, your own emotions and feelings that were present in the dream.

The sound of a clock running in a dream symbolizes the passage of time. In life, the dreamer is waiting for some important event for him. Someone close to you will soon need help and support.

If you were in a dream a click is heard in the clock mechanism, in life you should pay attention to your emotional state and mental health. Perhaps overwork and constant stress have taken their toll. In this case, you need to try to calm down, let go of the exciting situation, and let everything take its course.

  • Winding a new watch in a dream - set life goals, plan the future, get ready for a trip.
  • Change batteries in the clock - lack of energy. To get what you want you need to put in more effort.
  • Buy a watch as a gift– help or advice from an influential person.
  • Find a spider in the clock– detect a thief, an attacker, a traitor, a liar.
  • Watch stolen- to betray a friend.
  • The dream in which the clock seemed upside down, should be taken as a sign that you need to reconsider your position in life. At the moment, some misinterpreted concepts, teachings, words confuse you and prevent you from stepping on the right path.
  • See the clock tower in a dream - to receive gratitude and recognition for your work.
  • Large dial without hands– the time to implement the plan has not yet come.
  • Hourglass and sundial in a dream indicate the dreamer’s ability to think philosophically, to think through decisions before taking actions.

Why do you dream of a wristwatch?

The dream book of Nostradamus promises a person who sees in a dream watch on your wrist, generous reward for work done. However, this will not be material gratitude at all.

See in a dream old wristwatch- a sign that it’s time to think about your life. There is very little time left, but you can still use it to change what is happening for the better.

If a wristwatch is in a dream work well and look good- current affairs will be completed successfully.

Broken wristwatch symbolize a failed life, a bitter fate, failure in business.

New wristwatch- to a new life, changes. We can say that soon the dreamer will see the light at the end of the tunnel.

See on your hand very expensive watch- to a quick happy marriage with your loved one. The union will be strong and harmonious.

Determine the exact time using a wristwatch without a dial- danger lurks ahead, serious trouble.

Why do women dream about watches?

A woman dreamed of a woman’s watch:

  • on a beautiful strap- to marriage
  • broken– hassle, minor troubles, loss of strength
  • on my husband's hand- husband's troubles

If a man dreams of a woman’s watch, then he can count on reciprocity from his chosen one.

Why do you dream of a wall clock?

Wall mounted Cuckoo-clock, triggered at a certain time in a dream, can be considered a signal warning that the time has come to launch a new project, to decide on serious steps to climb the career ladder.

Working wall clock dreams of melancholy, emptiness, the feeling that life is passing by. Vanga foreshadowed a funeral in the house of someone who saw a wall clock in a dream.

Why do you dream of a gold watch?

The one who saw in a dream gold watch, can be sure that his desire to keep everything under control will soon prove justified. Diligence and diligence will be rewarded, pleasant, long-awaited changes will come in life.

Gold watch in a dream they promise a rich and successful life. However, it will be somewhat overshadowed by the machinations of enemies and envious people.

Miller's dream book warns: “A person who saw in a dream gold watch, you should not let strangers into your house. They can steal."

Why do you dream about men's watches?

To a man Men's Watch dream of change. But it is important to remember what condition the watch was in:

  • stopped– difficulties, obstacles, health problems
  • the bracelet broke– slander, discussion
  • go, show time- acquaintance
  • wind the watch– a new successful start
  • check the time– enough energy to complete what was started

To a woman coming soon nice meeting you, if in a dream she saw a man's watch.

Why do you dream of finding a watch?

- good sign. The dream means that you will soon be able to easily join a new team, start a successful project, and find a decent job. In the same time, lose watch And look for them– unsuccessful attempts to find one’s place in life, lack of guidelines, goals, plans.

It's bad if The watches found turned out to be broken or non-working. Such a dream warns that efforts will be wasted.

Those who are haunted by dreams of looking for a watch can be advised to stop and listen to their inner desires. If you start moving in the right direction now, life will improve on its own.

Why do you dream about broken watches?

Broken watch with broken mechanism in a dream they warn that at the moment you can lose precious time. It is no coincidence that the dreamer feels uneasy about this - in the near future he will greatly regret the lost time.

If in a dream a broken mechanism forced clock hands rotate in the opposite direction, then fatigue will soon set in in life, a feeling as if achieving goals is moving away. We need to continue to fight, move in the given direction, without giving up.

“If you don’t fix a watch, you can’t cure illness,” Vanga said. Trying to repair a watch in a dream - to long-term treatment.

If a seriously ill person dreams of how clock stopped, for him this dream can become a harbinger of death. If a healthy young man sees the clock stop in a dream, it means stagnation in business, loss of a job or divorce.

To see in a dream how the hands of the broken clock are spinning forward quickly, means that there may not be enough time to complete some very important task. The situation will get out of control if we don't speed up urgently.

Watch with missing dial– a bad dream, warning of an unpleasant event that will be a blow to many people; clock with broken hands– friends and relatives will not provide support, they will turn away, reject.

Receive a gold watch as a gift in a dream- you will soon receive an award, bonus or salary increase. The work will be appreciated.

If in a gift is given by an antique watch- in the near future you will receive an inheritance.

Receive a watch as a gift and discover that it does not work or is broken- failures, disappointments, illness will unexpectedly arise along the way.

If the gifted watch no special features, then things will go well and the changes will be favorable.

Give a watch in a dream- in reality, commit a rash act that will have dire consequences for the dreamer.

Why do you dream about time on a clock?

A certain position of the hands on a clock in a dream may be a reflection of real events from the past that occurred at that time. Perhaps the experiences are still so strong that the subconscious cannot let go of this memory, replaying its details again and again in a dream.

Also, a certain time on the clock in a dream can serve as a hint for further actions. Numerology will help you determine how favorable the approaching time is.

The time value on the clock in a dream corresponds to the meaning of the numbers according to the numerology directory:

  • 1 – enough energy and strength to start acting
  • 2 – period is good for creative work
  • 3 – a good period for enthusiasts, inspired people
  • 4 – stability, change is unacceptable
  • 5 – good luck in trade, travel
  • 6 – favorable period for volunteers
  • 7 – success in acquiring new knowledge
  • 8 – time for pleasant changes
  • 9 – symbolizes love for the whole world
  • 10 corresponds to 1, 11 to 2, 12 to 3.

The modern dream book provides more accurate information. What should you expect if you saw on the clock in a dream:

  • 1.00 – trip
  • 13.00 – cold, disruption of plans
  • 2.00 – no need to rush to make a decision
  • 14.00 – in 2 weeks there will be a chance to realize your talents
  • 3.00 – a difficult period ahead
  • 15.00 – passion, love adventures
  • 4.00 – easy getting rid of excess, unnecessary things
  • 16.00 – plans will change due to the intervention of an outsider
  • 5.00 – a pleasant surprise at work
  • 17.00 – you need to concentrate, take a serious approach
  • 6.00 – to achieve success, you will have to fight laziness
  • 18.00 – shyness will prevent you from realizing your dream
  • 7.00 – adjustment of life goals is necessary
  • 19.00 – victory over liars
  • 8.00 – desire for power
  • 20.00 – attempts to beat competitors
  • 9.00 – an advantageous offer that cannot be missed
  • 21.00 – success

Often dreams in which a clock is present predict unpleasant events, failures and illnesses. By performing a special ritual, you can avoid the troubles promised by the dream. To do this, you need to open the tap with cold water while it flows, tell her the whole dream and whisper: “Take away, water, all my troubles and sorrows, so that they have neither an end nor a beginning.” . Then read the prayer three times: "Our Father". This ritual is very reliable. If you believe in his power, then nothing bad will happen in the future.

Video: Why do you dream about watches? Dream book, interpretation of dreams

A wristwatch seen in a dream is a symbol indicating that the prophecy refers specifically to the one who saw the dream. This is the main difference between sleep and those in which there are walkers, modern wall clocks and alarm clocks. To understand why you dream of a wristwatch, you need to remember its appearance, the feelings that you experienced when contemplating them.

A wristwatch seen in a dream is a symbol indicating that the prophecy refers specifically to the one who saw the dream

According to Miller’s dream book, seeing an expensive wristwatch on your own hand in a dream means:

  1. A vision foreshadowing a big win. If such a dream visited a person playing on the stock exchange, it means that his finest hour is coming.
  2. For a gambling casino visitor, this can be considered a prophecy of success in the game.
  3. Giving them in a dream is a warning that you need to be more correct and tactful in dealing with people, so as not to get yourself into trouble.
  4. Loss warns of the machinations of envious people, gossip and slander that await you in reality.
  5. To break means to lose something important in real life.
  6. The lucky ones who are about to make drastic changes in their lives have to start them in a dream.
  7. Those who stop prophesy losses, obstacles in business, minor but exhausting troubles.
  8. Gold, bewitching with its brilliance, is dreamed of as a warning about the lies and hypocrisy of those closest to you. If you had a theft the day before (or it will happen in the very near future), then you will have to look for the loss among your closest friends, partners and family circle.

Dream Interpretation of the Oracle does not consider watches from the point of view of their cost, presentability, performance qualities, and other external features. The only explanation for the presence of a wristwatch in a dream, according to this dream book, is the prediction of success in all areas of life. There is also a warning in such a dream, which is indicated by the “Oracle”. Haste, emotionality or slow decision-making can affect fortune's favor.

Freud's Dream Book narrows the interpretation of sleep:

  • Winding a watch in a dream means receiving a long-deserved reward. As the psychologist talked about this, it won’t necessarily be money. It is possible that this will be recognition of merit, increased authority in the team, or mutual love.
  • Freud interpreted broken and broken watches as harbingers of uninteresting sex. This is a warning sign that you should not waste your precious time on this.
  • Gifts given in a dream are a symbol of the fact that time spent with a loved one in reality will bring a lot of positive emotions.

Loff's Dream Book suggests paying special attention to such details as the condition of the clock mechanism:

  1. Stopped, damaged, indicate the impossibility of changing the current deadlock.
  2. Seeing a dial, a ticking clock, without hands, means that the problem will resolve itself over time. There is no need to make any effort for this, so as not to aggravate it.
  3. The absence of an hour hand, but the presence of a minute and second hand, is an indication that you are unable to understand the situation and adequately assess it. It is necessary to stop all actions to resolve the situation and reconsider your view of the situation. Only after this should you take the initiative into your own hands or let the problem go like an unattached boat along the flow of the river of life.
  4. A stopped clock is a direct indication that the deadline for fulfilling a dream or task has already expired.
  5. It is possible to determine the time when they stopped - this is a hint, an indication of a specific event that you may not yet know about or do not attach much importance to it, although it foreshadows the end of some period in your life.

Clock in the dream book (video)

Choosing a watch in a dream

Choosing a wristwatch in a dream (for yourself) is a dream when a moment comes in life that requires choosing a further path, the situation of a knight at a crossroads.

Choosing a wristwatch in a dream (for yourself) is a dream when a moment comes in life that requires choosing a future path

This is not a narrative dream; in it you need to pay attention to:

  • who helped choose;
  • how the seller was involved in the selection process;
  • familiar or unfamiliar people were next to you at the counter at that time;
  • what they said;
  • do your opinions agree with them;
  • electronic or mechanical you chose;
  • were they correct?

The active participation of strangers in your choice suggests that your choice in real life can be influenced by colleagues, relatives, bosses or strangers. This dream shows who exactly influences you in reality.

Seeing women's or men's wristwatches in a dream

Choosing a watch as a gift to your girlfriend or wife is a good sign.

If such a dream follows a disagreement in real life, you need to pay attention to the body.

Choosing a watch as a gift to your girlfriend or wife is a good sign

If the body sparkles with gold, it means that the conflict was provoked by someone from the inner circle. They tried to quarrel you deliberately.

If you were given a wristwatch in a dream

  • A loved one presents a watch in a dream - such a dream can be considered the same as the gift of an engagement ring. For a girl and an unmarried woman, this dream promises an early marriage.
  • Electronic ones with a leather strap, chosen for the wife, are a symbol of stability in family relationships.
  • Mechanical, quartz, electronic (working) ones donated by a spouse in a dream foreshadow a trusting relationship in reality, not overshadowed by mistrust or jealousy.
  • Shiny rhinestones on the dial or strap speak of deception, ostentatious feelings, and betrayal.

For a girl and an unmarried woman, this dream promises an early marriage.

Choose a watch as a gift

I had to choose a men's watch, but definitely not for myself, but as a gift - you are taking too active a part in the fate of the person to whom you wanted to give a nice gift in a dream.

  • If this is a colleague, such a dream shows that he does not need overprotection on your part. She burdens him, he tolerates your excessive concern out of reluctance to offend.
  • Choosing such a gift for your son symbolizes that the child has already grown up, it’s time to give him a little freedom. Stop demanding excuses from him for every step he takes without your approval.
  • If you dreamed about a man's watch that you chose as a gift for a woman, this is a sign that she has a stronger business acumen. You subconsciously recognize this, even if in life it is difficult for you to accept this fact.

A beautiful wristwatch on someone's hand

Beauty lies in both decoration and stylish design. Seeing a Swiss watch in a dream with a dial decorated with diamonds (on someone else’s hand) is a sign that this person can provide qualified assistance in business. The stability of a Swiss watch in this dream is transferred to the person on whose hand they can be clearly seen.

  • Diamonds speak of financial well-being, evenness of character and financial stability of their owner.
  • The absence of diamonds in the design of the dial of a reliable mechanical watch on the hand of the alleged benefactor can be regarded as effective assistance in business without involving his finances.
  • A woman who sees such a watch on the hand of her chosen one can be sure that this man will be a reliable companion in her life, will provide her family with a comfortable existence, and will be successful in business.
  • Shiny elements of the dial, in which one can recognize rhinestones or zircons, along with a gold or gilded case, can be regarded as an indication that the person on whose hand is the object that has attracted attention makes many beautiful promises. You shouldn't expect real help from him.

Beauty lies in both decoration and stylish design

A woman with an attractive watch shining on her wrist is capable of flirting and short-term relationships, but it makes no sense to consider her as a life partner.

Find a wristwatch

According to Miller's dream book, such finds in dreams are prophetic:

  • Dear ones foretell receiving a bonus or salary increase;
  • Gold is a warning that you will soon have to take responsibility for the life and well-being of someone you know.
  • Women's promises to receive income from a completely losing project.
  • Men dream of marriage or adding to the family.

Time and clocks in the dream book (video)

Seeing a clock in a dream means receiving a warning, a hint. This sign does not foretell anything terrible. The main thing is to correctly interpret what Morpheus and your subconscious are trying to say.

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