Tubs (tubs, barrels, kegs) under pressure from cedar for salting. How to wash pickling tubs and wooden barrels

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The tub is intended for home preparations: pickling, soaking, pickling. The difference between a tub and a barrel is that the tub is always located vertically.

Russian craftsmen learned to make cooperage products in the 10th century. These products had the shape of a truncated cone or cylinder. This container was called "kad". This word has Greek roots and translated means “bucket” or “mug”. Mention of "kadi" can be found in the "Tale of Bygone Years", which dates back to 997. The technology for creating cooperage products has been improved, but their appearance has reached our times practically unchanged.

Cedar wood is best suited for making planters. It is durable and beautiful, has a uniform structure. This wood is easy to process and polish, and it does not crack when dry.

Therefore, cedar products, subject to manufacturing technology, are always durable and of high quality.

The unique antibacterial properties of cedar wood are also in demand for home preparations.

After all, pickles should be stored for a long time. In a cedar tub they will not turn sour or moldy. The taste of salted, soaked and pickled vegetables depends on how correctly the fermentation process took place.

In Rus', tubs, like other cooperage products, were used everywhere. They were in every home and performed many functions. Sauerkraut, soaked apples, pickled cucumbers or mushrooms - all this was prepared in tubs. And it was stored exactly as much as needed.

In summer, fresh fruits and berries were stored in wooden dishes. Here, the thermal insulating properties of wood were in demand. Fruits and berries in a cedar tub did not wrinkle or overheat, which created ideal conditions for long-term storage.

Siberian cedar was considered the best wood for making wooden barrels and tubs. It was not for nothing that it was called the healing tree. There is simply no plant that can compare in usefulness with cedar.

People have noticed that in cedar dishes, food not only lasts longer, but also acquires healing properties.

A tub made of cedar wood can also be used to store water. Of course, water containers are now produced from various modern materials. But none of these materials is capable of providing long-term water storage. And it certainly won’t fill it with beneficial properties the way cedar can.

Preparing cooperage products for use

A cedar barrel or tub must be treated before use. Treatment is needed to eliminate microbes and enhance the aroma of wood. Boiling water works best for these tasks.

Of course, there is no need to boil water in a cedar barrel (and it is unlikely that this will work). The procedure for steaming a barrel looks like this:

Heated stones are placed at the bottom;

Boiling water is then poured onto these stones, causing steam to form;

The tub is closed with a lid for a few minutes to prevent the steam from escaping;

After steam formation stops, remove the lid and rinse the tub with hot water;

It is also good to treat the tub with a broom: juniper, oak or birch;

Allow the container to dry.

All these steps must be carried out before the first use of the reel, and very preferably before each subsequent one.

Processing wooden utensils for use as cutlery

It is recommended to treat dishes and kitchen accessories made of natural wood before first use. Processing does not take much time. It allows you to improve the appearance of the dishes and increase their service life.

New wooden utensils should be completely coated with natural oil without a strong odor. As a rule, this is flaxseed oil, but regular sunflower oil will also work. Preheat the oven to 200-250°C and turn off. Place the dish in the oven and leave it there until it cools. After this, the dishes are ready for use, including daily use.

Caring for wooden utensils

Do not dry washed wooden dishes and wooden cutting boards near a heat source: the wood may dry out and warp. It is better to dry in a ventilated place.

How to wash wooden dishes

After use, wooden utensils should be washed in hot water with a sponge or brush with regular dishwashing detergent, or, instead of detergent, you can use the old effective means - lye or soda. Then wipe dry. If wooden dishes have a musty smell (this happens when they are stored in damp conditions), add a little vinegar to hot water and rinse them with the resulting solution.

Methods for removing onion and garlic odors from wooden (not painted inside) dishes and cutting boards

  • wipe with dry salt;
  • pour boiling water over it and wash with soap and water, and then rinse with cold water;
  • pour boiling water over it and wipe with fine sand using a brush (move along the grain of the wood), and then rinse with cold water.

How to wash pickling tubs and wooden barrels

New barrel barrels are first steamed by pouring boiling water into them; The barrel is rocked so that the rivets get wet, and the water is left until it cools, after which it is washed with cold water.

To wash a barrel after long-term fermentation or salting, several large pieces of quicklime are placed at the bottom, filled with water and covered with a lid. The resulting abundant steam impregnates the wood of the barrel and extracts acids from it. Then, adding a few more liters of water, the barrel is strongly rocked to wash its walls. After 2-3 hours, the limewater is poured out and the barrel is rinsed well. Barrels washed with lime do not mold for a long time.

If you need to clean a barrel of mold, you need to take 100-200 g of washing soda or ash, dissolve it in hot water, pour it into the barrel and rinse it well. After this, the barrel must be steamed.

To prevent the barrels from drying out, you need to pour water into them from time to time.

Hoop processing

Hoops on tubs made of rough iron must be cleaned annually with sandpaper, then painted with red lead and drying oil or oil paint. It is impossible to paint the entire barrel, as food products absorb even the faint smell of paint and become unfit for consumption.

Ancient recipes for pickling herbs in wooden tubs

There are many traditional recipes for preparing it in wooden tubs, which have been used for many generations. For example, an old recipe for pickling greens in a tub. First, the greens are prepared, they need to be washed, peeled and cut. The prepared greens are scalded with boiling water, after which the greens are immersed in cold water for a while.

To make it easy to immerse the greens and take them out, place them on a sieve; by the way, pouring boiling water over them is also most convenient on such a sieve. After the cooled greens are taken out, they are placed in a tub and filled with pre-prepared brine. Brine recipe - 50 grams of salt, 20 grams of tarragon, 50 grams of red capsicum and 400 grams of dill per 10 liters of water.

Then they place the wooden circle that came with the tub on top of the greens and press down. Traditionally, harvested greens are stored in the cellar, although, of course, any cool room will do.

An ancient recipe for pickling cucumbers in an oak tub

A simple recipe for pickling cucumbers in a tub. It is designed for a fairly voluminous tub, but if desired, it can be counted; it is important to maintain the proportions of the ingredients. For 50 kilograms of cucumbers you will need one and a half kilograms of dill, 300 grams of garlic, 300 grams of celery or parsley, 300 grams of horseradish roots, half a kilogram of blackcurrant and cherry leaves, approximately equally.

Cucumbers are selected fresh, not too large and not overripe. They are washed and then soaked in cold water for 5 - 7 hours. A layer of leaves, dill, horseradish and spices is placed at the bottom of the barrel. After this, the cucumbers are placed in a tub. It is advisable to fold them as tightly as possible, this will require less brine. Each layer of cucumbers is covered with leaves with spices. Then the tub is filled with brine, consisting of 800 grams of salt per 10 liters of water.

Now all that remains is to cover the cucumbers in a circle on which the load is placed. It is better to store cucumbers in a cool place, for example, in the underground.

5 super recipes for pickling

People started preserving food a very long time ago, and over the centuries, so many pickling recipes have accumulated that it is possible to preserve the preparations in a new way every year. But every housewife has her own favorite and unchanging canning recipes, which have confirmed their status as the best!

The purity of salt is very important in preservation. The use of low-quality salt and unfiltered brines changes the taste of pickles for the worse. Low-quality salt produces solid insoluble particles, the appearance of which resembles mold.
According to nutritionists and famous chefs, sea salt is the best option not just for cooking, but also for canning.
Thanks to the natural extraction method, sea salt TM “Salute di Mare” does not contain chemical or organic impurities. It contains 28 times less insoluble sediment than regular salt, which allows the preservation to be stored longer. In addition, sea salt, compared to regular rock salt, contains more than 40 micro- and macroelements, which make vegetables crispier and salt more healthy.

Pickling cucumber recipe
Hot canning method without vinegar.


Cucumbers 2 kg
Water 1.5 l
Medium sea salt TM “Salute di mare” 60 g
Peppercorns 8 pcs.
Dill umbrellas 4 sprigs
Horseradish leaves 2 pcs.
Garlic 6 cloves
Bay leaf 6 pcs.
Cherry leaves 10 pcs
currant leaves 10 pcs

Wash fresh cucumbers of the same small size and soak in cold water for 30 minutes.

At this time, peel the garlic and cut into several pieces.

Wash the leaves of horseradish, cherries, currants and dill umbrellas.

Sterilize the lids of the jars by placing them in a saucepan with water and keep them on medium heat for 5 minutes after the water has boiled.
Prepare the marinade. Dissolve 60 g of coarse or medium-ground sea salt TM “Salute di Mare” in 1.5 liters of cold water. Boil.

Place the cucumbers in jars, adding spices: horseradish leaves, currants, cherries, garlic, dill umbrellas and adding bay leaves and peppercorns.

Then pour the hot marinade over the cucumbers.

Close the jars with tin lids, boiled in water, but do not roll them up, but let them stand at room temperature for several days for fermentation.

Then add the marinade and seal the jars using a seaming machine.

Place the pickled cucumbers in a cool, dark place.

After a month, cucumbers can be eaten.

Recipe for pickling tomatoes
An excellent recipe for pickling tomatoes with bell peppers and carrots per 3 liter jar.


Tomatoes 1.5 kg
Bell pepper 4 pcs.
Garlic 2 cloves
Celery greens 2 sprigs
Hot pepper 1/8 pcs.
Carrot 1 piece
Water 1 l
Coarse sea salt TM “Salute di mare” 50 g
Sugar 50 g
Grape vinegar 40 g
Peppercorns 7 pcs.
Bay leaf 1 pc.

Wash all vegetables and herbs thoroughly.

Sterilize jars and lids.

Peel the carrots and cut into circles.

Cut the pepper into 4 parts, remove the seeds.

Place celery and garlic at the bottom of the jar, then tomatoes mixed with sweet peppers and carrots.

Pour boiling water up to the neck of the jar. Leave for 15 minutes.

Drain the water and boil it again. When the water boils, pour it back into the jars and leave for 15 minutes.

Drain the water into a saucepan and add salt, sugar, peppercorns and bay leaf. Boil for 5 minutes. This is a ready-made marinade.
Add vinegar to the jars and add marinade. Cover with lids and roll up.

Turn the lids down and wrap them in a blanket for a day.

Then place the pickle in a cool, dark place.

Recipe for pickling cabbage
What could be better than sauerkraut in winter? After all, it is low in calories and rich in vitamins, and it is very easy to prepare.


White cabbage 5 kg
Sea salt "Salute di Mare" medium grind 4 tbsp.
Carrots 5 pcs.
Bay leaf 3 pcs.

Remove the top leaves from the cabbage.

Cut each head of cabbage into four parts.

Shred the cabbage and place in a large bowl.

Grate the carrots on a coarse grater.

Mix carrots, salt, cabbage. Mash well with your hands so that the vegetables release their juice.

After this, add the bay leaf and transfer the vegetables to an enamel pan, compacting tightly.
Place a plate and a weight (for example, a jar of water) on top.

Cover with a clean towel and leave for 2-3 days.

Then remove the weight and place half the cabbage in a bowl. Stir to release the gases and leave it in the room for about an hour.
Combine the cabbage for pickling again in the container and this one in the bowl. Install the load. This procedure must be repeated every day until the cabbage is pickled.

As a rule, on the third day the cabbage brine brightens, settles and the foam disappears. Based on these signs and taste, you can understand that the cabbage has been salted.

Place the pickled cabbage in jars and store in a cool, dark place.

Pickled mushroom recipe
Salted mushrooms are a real delicacy in the winter season. How to make such a blank?


Sea salt TM “Salute di Mare” 3 tbsp. l.
Bay leaf 4 pcs.
Mushrooms 1 kg
Allspice peas 4 pcs.
Cloves 2 pcs.
Black currant leaves 15 pcs.

Clean and rinse the mushrooms.

Cut off the stems of large mushrooms.

To remove bitterness, boil mushrooms for pickling in salted water for 20 minutes over medium heat.

Then rinse the mushrooms in cold water and allow excess liquid to drain through a colander.

Place the mushrooms in an enamel pan, sprinkle with salt, spices and arrange with currant leaves and bay leaves.
Cover with a large flat plate, place a weight (a jar of water) on top, and cover with a clean towel.

If not enough brine is released when pressing, then you need to add cold boiled water.
Leave the mushrooms for several days until foam appears on top.

Remove the foam, then transfer the pickled mushrooms to jars or place with a saucepan in a cool place.

Pickled mushrooms can serve not just as a snack, but also as ingredients for pies.

Recipe for pickling eggplants
A very tasty appetizer of pickled eggplants is suitable for potato main courses.


Eggplants 1.5 kg
Carrots 400 g
Sweet pepper 2 pcs.
Garlic 2 cloves
Chili pepper 1/6 pcs
Water 1.5 liters
Salt “Salute di Mare” 70 g
Several bunches of celery leaves

Wash small, uniform-sized eggplants, cut off the stem, and pierce them in several places with a toothpick.

Pour water, put on fire and cook for 5 minutes after the water boils.

Peel the carrots and grate them.

Peel and chop thinly and finely.

Squeeze the garlic, mix with carrots and pepper, add a little salt and leave for half an hour. Prepare the brine. Boil water with salt and cool.

Cool the finished eggplants slightly.

Then cut in half, squeeze out the juice, stuff with carrots and peppers.

Wrap the eggplants and carrots with celery leaves.

Place the eggplants in a deep bowl.

Pour chilled brine and put pressure on top. Leave them in the kitchen for 3 days.

After 3 days, the salted eggplants can be eaten. Place the remaining eggplants in the refrigerator.

Whatever pickle recipe you choose, if you use quality ingredients and follow the instructions, you will have great dishes for winter!

Sauerkraut in an oak barrel

To pickle cabbage in barrels, as a rule, you should use late varieties of cabbage, such as Amager 611, Moskovskaya late, Kharkovskaya zimnyaya, Yaroslavna.

Let's prepare the cabbage.

You should remove the outer green leaves from the cabbage heads so that you are left with a smooth head with tightly fitting leaves. It should also be noted that you should not throw away the removed green leaves; they can be used to fill the voids between the cabbage heads in the top row of the barrel. These cabbage leaves will be ready to eat in just a couple of weeks.

It is best to remove the cabbage stalk using a sharp knife, drill, or, in extreme cases, make a cross-shaped cut on it. This procedure is necessary so that the process of pickling a head of cabbage proceeds evenly.

Cabbage should be placed in a barrel, filling the volume evenly. Between the heads of cabbage, cut carrots should be placed in half. Also, sometimes I add tomatoes and bell peppers, then the cabbage tastes even better.

Then you should prepare the brine .

For 10 liters of well or purified water - 400 g of salt.

Pour brine over the cabbage placed in barrels. Place linen cloth on top. Place a cross or grid under pressure. Press down with a weight. I recommend using natural stone as a load.

Once a week you should wash the linen fabric and the pressure grid to remove any mold that has formed.

Pickled cucumbers in a tub

Ingredients: Brine: per bucket of water - 600 g. salt, 50 gr. dill, 5 gr. tarragon, half a pod of red pepper, 1 head of garlic, horseradish root. When salting, you can add coriander, basil, Bogorodskaya herb, mint...

Cucumbers from a tub always have a special taste. They are more vigorous, more attractive, they have a special cucumber spirit - for the whole hut.

Wash the tub and scald it with juniper. Line the bottom of the tub with washed black currant leaves, cherry leaves, dill, chopped garlic and horseradish leaves.

To avoid losing their emerald color, washed cucumbers must be dipped in boiling water for three seconds and then doused with very cold water. Then you need to place it vertically in a tub - with the spouts up, layer by layer with fresh leaves and fragrant seasonings. Then pour in brine. To prevent the cucumbers from floating in the tub, cover them with a wooden circle and put pressure on it, but not in such a way that it flattens the cucumbers. Tie the tub tightly with a clean rag and store in a cold cellar.

Recipes for pickling cucumbers in barrels, 4 recipes

First recipe

Cucumbers 100 kg, green dill 3 kg, horseradish (root) 500 g, cherry, black currant, oak leaves 2 kg, garlic 300 g, salt 6 kg.

Second recipe

Cucumbers 100 kg, green dill 2 kg, horseradish (root) 300 g, tarragon 300 g, cherry, black currant, oak leaves 1 kg 200 g,

horseradish leaves 500–700 g, basil, savory, celery, parsley (greens) 1 kg 200 g, red pepper 1 kg 300 g, (dried hot bitter) 20 g,

salt 7 kg 500 g.

Third recipe

Cucumbers 100 kg, green dill 3 kg 500 g, tarragon (greens) 500 g, horseradish leaves 1 kg, red pepper (dried hot) 60 g,

salt 6-7 kg.

Fourth recipe

Cucumbers 100 kg, green dill 3 kg, horseradish (root) 500 g, cherry, black currant, oak leaves 100 g, basil, savory, celery,

parsley (greens) 100 g, red pepper (dried hot) 30 g, salt 6 kg.

Tomatoes pickled in barrels (5 flavors)

The strength of the brine depends on the maturity of the fruit: for green and brown ones, take 700-800 g of salt per 10 liters of water, for pink and red, larger ones, 800-1000 g. It is better to salt ripe red tomatoes in small barrels with a capacity of up to 50 liters.

A wooden circle is placed on the tomatoes filled with brine, then a small weight. The barrels can be kept in a warm place for no more than a day and a half for the development of lactic acid fermentation, then move them to cold storage, where the slow fermentation of the product continues. Storage temperature should be from -1 ° to +1 °C. When storing barrels of salted tomatoes in the basement, the product is ready in 20-30 days, in an icebox - in 40-50 days.

For 100 kg of finished pickling (including losses during fermentation), 107 kg of fresh tomatoes, 75 liters of 7-8% brine are required. The amount of spices can be different, depending on what flavor bouquet they want to get.

The following options for adding spices are most often used (per 100 kg of the final product):

1. Option

Only with dill (1 kg);

Option 2

Dill 1 kg, fresh hot pepper 100 g, dried hot pepper 20 g, tarragon 400 g,

blackcurrant leaves 1 kg, horseradish leaves 500 g, mixture of basil and coriander 500 g;

3. Option

Fresh dill 2 kg, fresh bitter pepper 100 g, dried bitter pepper 20 g, parsley leaves and

celery 400 g, black currant leaves 1 kg;

4. Option

Dill 2 kg, fresh hot pepper 100 g, dried bitter pepper 20 g, black currant leaves 1 kg;

5. Option

Dill 1 kg, fresh hot pepper 100 g, dried hot pepper 20 g, parsley and celery leaves 300 g,

black currant leaves 1 kg.

Pickling cucumbers in a wooden barrel TM "Bonpos"

In order for you to get a truly tasty dish, the cucumbers must be fresh, dark green in color, not overgrown, with elastic flesh.

First, you need to put spices on the bottom of the barrel, then rows of cucumbers (approximately up to the middle of the barrel), then another layer of spices and cucumbers to a level just above the edge. Then it’s better to put another, third layer of spices: the denser you pack everything, the tastier the final dish will be.

The distribution of spices is as follows: for 100 kg of cucumbers (the size of a large oak barrel); 0.5 kg of pure horseradish roots; 3 kg dill; 40-60 peppercorns of dry red pepper; 0.3 kg of small cloves of garlic; about 100 peppercorns of hot capsicum (to taste). Also, to make the cucumbers even more tasty (although, it would seem, much more!) you can and even need to add 1 kg of currant leaves, 0.3-0.5 kg of horseradish leaves and half a kilogram of tarragon.

We prepare the brine based on 7-9 kg of salt per 100 liters of water. If you have a barrel and small cucumbers, then you need a 7% solution, and if you have large cucumbers and an oak barrel, then 8.5-9%. Pre-fermentation of cucumbers takes 3-4 hours (if you store the barrel on ice, then up to two days). After this, the barrel needs to be tightly sealed (and if you have a tub, then tightly closed with a lid) and placed in a cold room, with a temperature of about 0 °C. So the barrel should be stored for another one and a half to two months, and after that you will be able to enjoy an environmentally friendly product with an indescribable taste.

Happy pickling!

Sauerkraut in Armenian style

White cabbage - 60 kg garlic - 1.1 kg carrots - 3.5 kg roots (celery, parsley, cilantro with tops) - 1.5-2 kg hot pepper - 25 pcs. allspice - 7-8 peas cherry leaves - 300-400 g beets - 1 kg bay leaves - 10-15 pcs. salt - 1.4 -1.6 kg cinnamon - 2 pieces

To prepare 50 kg of sauerkraut, the cabbage is peeled from the outer leaves, washed in running water and cut into 2–4 pieces. The garlic heads are divided into cloves and soaked in warm water for 1.5 hours, and then peeled. The carrots are peeled and cut into circles. The peppers are washed and the stalks are removed. The roots are peeled, washed, and cut lengthwise into 2–4 pieces. Cherry leaves are washed. The beets are washed, peeled and cut into thin slices. Cabbage and cherry leaves are placed at the bottom of the barrel, and then chopped cabbage is placed in tightly rows. Between the rows - equal parts garlic, roots, carrot slices, beet slices, hot pepper pods. The top layer of vegetables is covered with cabbage leaves, and then with a cloth, and a weight is placed on top. After this, the vegetables are poured with chilled marinade 4–5 cm above the level of the vegetables. For 50 kg of cabbage you need to prepare 30 liters of marinade. Water (about 29 liters) is heated to a boil, spices are added, the marinade is cooled and a filled barrel is poured into it. The barrel is kept at room temperature for 5 days until fermentation begins, and then transferred to the cold.

Sauerkraut in an oak tub TM "Bonpos"

For pickling, choose healthy heads of cabbage, without green leaves. Shred the cabbage and mix it with salt at the rate of 250 g of salt per 10 kg of cabbage. Sprinkle the bottom of the tub with a thin layer of rye flour and cover the top with cabbage leaves.

Then fill the tub with shredded cabbage and cover the top with cabbage leaves. If desired, you can add chopped Antonov apples, carrots, cranberries or lingonberries to the cabbage. After that, a wooden circle is placed on top of the cabbage, and a load is placed on it. After a few days, foam will appear on the surface of the cabbage, which will completely disappear after a few days. When the foam disappears, the cabbage is ready.

Pickled apples

Sort the apples, preferably Antonov apples, and wash them with water. Cover the bottom of the tub prepared for soaking apples with a layer of blackcurrant or cherry leaves. Place several rows of apples on the leaves (with branches up). Place a layer of leaves on the apples again, and again several rows of apples on them. Fill the entire tub in this way, covering the top layer of apples with leaves. You need to pour apples with specially prepared wort or sweet water. To prepare the wort, pour boiling water over the rye flour, add salt, stir well, let stand and strain (for 10 liters of water, take 200 g of rye flour and 2 tablespoons of salt).

To prepare sweet water, for every 10 liters of water you need to take 400 g of sugar or 600 g of honey, add 3 tbsp. spoons of salt, boil and cool. Place the tub with the stacked apples in a cold place, fill it with wort or sweet water. Cover the apples with a wooden circle, on which place a weight (washed stone). In the first 3-4 days, the apples will absorb a lot of moisture, so the tub must be topped up with wort or cold water. The liquid level during soaking and storage should be 3-4 cm above the wooden mug. In 30-40 days the apples will be ready.

Pickling mushrooms

For cold pickling, they take saffron milk caps, milk mushrooms, volushki, and russula. Milk mushrooms, milk mushrooms and russula should be placed in cold water for 5-6 hours, and saffron milk caps should only be washed. Place the prepared mushrooms in rows in barrels. For 1 kg of mushrooms, take 50 g of salt for milk mushrooms, milk mushrooms and russula and 40 g for saffron milk caps. After salting, cover the mushrooms with a wooden circle that fits freely into the barrel and place a weight on it. When the mushrooms have settled, add new ones to fill the bowl. After filling the dishes, after about 5-6 days, check if there is brine in the mushrooms. If there is not enough brine, you need to increase the load. It takes 1 - 1.5 months for mushrooms to ripen. Hot salting is done as follows. Clean and sort mushrooms; Trim the roots of white boletus, boletus and aspen mushrooms, which can be salted separately from the caps. Large caps, if they are salted together with small ones, can be cut into 2-3 parts. Rinse the prepared mushrooms with cold water and soak the valui for 2-3 days. For hot salting, per 1 kg of prepared mushrooms:

salt………….2 tbsp. spoons

bay leaf……. 1 leaf

peppercorns…….3 pcs.

cloves………..3 pcs.

dill…………5 g

blackcurrant leaf. . 2 pcs. Pour 1/2 cup of water into a saucepan (per 1 kg of mushrooms), add salt and put on fire. When the water boils, add the mushrooms. During cooking, mushrooms must be stirred carefully so that they do not burn. When the water boils, carefully remove the foam with a slotted spoon, then add pepper, bay leaf, and other seasonings and cook with gentle stirring, counting from the moment of boiling: porcini mushrooms, aspen and boletus mushrooms for 20-25 minutes, valui for 15-20 minutes, and volushki and russula 10-15 minutes. The mushrooms are ready when they begin to settle to the bottom and the brine becomes clear. Carefully transfer the cooked mushrooms into a wide bowl so that they cool quickly. Transfer the cooled mushrooms along with the brine into barrels. The brine should be no more than one fifth of the weight of the mushrooms. Mushrooms are ready for consumption after 40-45 days.

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Our store catalog includes the following types of products:

  1. Banks. Made of glass and used for storing and transporting liquids and bulk products, pickling vegetables, as well as organizing the fermentation process of homemade alcohol. Products are presented in plastic baskets with handles, models with drains, screw caps and water seals, shaped jars with decorative elements on the glass surface.
  2. Bottles. Glass containers with narrow necks, in which it is convenient to store and transport homemade alcoholic drinks. To protect against damage, the bottles are placed in plastic baskets and have screw caps. Large-capacity products are equipped with taps at the bottom for convenient pouring of wine, moonshine, and whiskey.
  3. Cans. They are made of stainless steel and have a wide neck with a lid. Models are presented equipped with taps and handles for convenient operation. Can be used as a distillation cube in the production of moonshine.
  4. Bottles. You can store your own alcoholic beverages in them. Choose from dozens of container options for spirits, beer and wine. Bottles are sold with disposable and reusable stoppers, transparent and colored, with a capacity of 0.25 to 3 or more liters.
  5. Bucky. Convenient and spacious containers in which you can store and season homemade products. Made of food-grade stainless steel, easy to use, can be heated on the stove, resistant to corrosion and damage. Equipped with lids and handles.
  6. Canisters. Multifunctional plastic products that can be used in the household to solve a wide range of problems.

In addition to all of the above, in our store you can buy stainless steel cans and buckets, decanters and decanters, watering cans and vessels, and decorative souvenir flasks. Separately presented are distillation cubes of different capacities for producing homemade moonshine or alcohol, as well as tankers - souvenir containers in which it is convenient to store and bottle alcohol.


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