How to use a bath bomb. Bath bombs, composition and methods of use Do-it-yourself bath bombs - recipes from simple to complex

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Do you want to turn an ordinary bath into a real spa treatment? Just add bright (and harmless) colors, a pleasant rich aroma and a huge amount of useful substances to the water! How? Using bath bombs that you can make yourself at home.

The benefits of bombs

The basis for any mini bath geyser is two ingredients: soda and citric acid. They are the ones who create the hissing effect after they fall into the water. Why is soda so good? It restores the acid-base balance and helps normalize metabolism in cells. Its advantages include the fact that it perfectly softens water, and this is important in urban conditions. Citric acid, in turn, can cleanse the human body of harmful substances.

The result of taking baths with bombs also depends on what other components you added to them. Among the most popular additives is sea salt, which contains various minerals, essential and cosmetic oils. Oils nourish the skin and soften it, normalize metabolic processes. In addition, the smells of different essential oils have different effects on a person: they invigorate and tone, soothe and relax.

Preparatory stage

We invite you to talk about how to make a bath bomb. Here is a list of the basic ingredients we will need:

  • citric acid (powder);
  • baking soda;
  • water;
  • liquid food coloring;
  • essential oils;
  • sea ​​salt.

In addition, when creating bombs you will need rubber gloves, a large bowl, scales, and molds. You can't do without a spray bottle. A gauze mask may be needed. We recommend making one or two bath bombs first to get the hang of the technology. Later, when you learn how to make bombs quickly, you will be able to make several at once!

Manufacturing rules

The main rule is that baking soda and citric acid must be mixed in a 2:1 ratio. If you mess up the proportions, the bombs simply won't bubble. When creating balls, you should use gloves, because both soda and citric acid in dry form have an adverse effect on the skin. In addition, they can irritate the mucous membranes of the nose, and therefore people with special sensitivity cannot do without gauze bandages.

Step one: preparing the base

First, mix the baking soda and citric acid thoroughly. There are several options that will allow you to get a high-quality base: you can mix these components using a coffee grinder or whisk, or you can simply grind it well with a spoon. Then you need to add essential oils to the composition. Please note: if the mixture begins to sizzle while adding oil, you need to quickly stir it. After this, you need to divide the resulting mixture into several parts, add a few drops of dye to each, and then mix until a uniform color is obtained.

Step two: shaping

Using a spray bottle, carefully spray water into the mixture. In this case, it is important to constantly stir the mass or rub it with your hands, and monitor the consistency of the composition - it should be plastic. The finished mixture must be placed in molds, pressing it against the walls. If you don't have special molds for bath bombs, don't worry - ice or baking molds will do. You can even take molds from children's sandbox sets!

Step three: drying

Finished bath bombs need to be thoroughly dried. To do this, place them on paper or parchment and leave for several hours. The finished balls, which must be very strong and hard, should be packed in bags or cling film. By the way, the fresher and drier the balls, the more they hiss when they fall into the water. Therefore, do not store them for a long time, especially without packaging.

DIY bath bombs: recipes

There are a huge number of interesting recipes for bubbling balls. By adding certain oils and plants to the base, you can enhance the beneficial properties of the product. Using various essential oils, you can obtain certain properties of bombs: for example, lavender will calm you down, orange will help you cope with stress, jasmine will refresh you, cinnamon will increase sensitivity, juniper will tone you, and neroli oil will help with insomnia.

"Chocolate delight"

This incredibly aromatic mini geyser will be a pleasant gift for all chocolate lovers. To make a bath bomb at home, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 60 grams of baking soda;
  • 30 grams of citric acid;
  • 35 grams of milk powder;
  • 30 grams of salt (edible sea salt is suitable);
  • two teaspoons of cocoa powder;
  • five drops of food flavorings (ideal options are “Cherry” and “Chocolate”).

The recipe for such bombs is extremely simple: you need to mix all the components using the technology described above, give them the desired shape and dry.

"Morning coffee"

What will help you wake up and give you a boost of energy for the whole day? Of course, a coffee bath bomb. Making it with your own hands is as easy as shelling pears. It requires:

  • 50 grams of soda;
  • 25 grams of citric acid;
  • 30 grams of salt;
  • 30 grams of milk powder (you can replace it with dry cream);
  • 25 grams of ground coffee;
  • you can add a teaspoon of cocoa.

This composition will not only turn an ordinary bathtub into a jacuzzi. In addition, it will improve tone and give the skin a fresh and rested look.

"Good night!"

By dissolving this homemade bath bomb before bed, you will ensure sound sleep and complete recuperation. What's the secret? In lavender, which is part of the bubbling ball! For three bombs you will need:

  • 90 grams of soda;
  • 45 grams of citric acid;
  • 35 grams of sea salt;
  • 15 drops of lavender oil;
  • some lavender flowers - dried or fresh;
  • food coloring (we recommend taking turquoise and purple) - five drops each.

The mass prepared according to the instructions must be divided into two parts. In one you need to dissolve turquoise dye, in the other - purple. The colors should not merge, the main thing here is contrast.

"Spicy Orange"

This bubbling bath ball has a stimulating and warming effect. In addition, it is perfect for those with oily skin, because what it contains cleanses pores and tightens them. To make a spicy bath bomb at home you will need:

  • 70 grams of soda;
  • 35 grams of citric acid;
  • 15 grams of milk powder;
  • 5-7 drops each of cinnamon and bitter orange essential oils;
  • 5 drops of food coloring (of course, orange is ideal for this bomb).

In addition to the listed ingredients, you can add 3-4 grams of ground cinnamon to the ball. A ball made from these components will give your skin softness and hydration!

"Eastern Tale"

You can arrange an incredible aromatherapy session in your own bathroom by making your own aroma bomb from the following ingredients:

  • 60 grams of baking soda;
  • 30 grams of citric acid and edible sea salt;
  • 8 drops of food coloring (the best option is red);
  • 7 drops jojoba oil (you can replace it with almond oil or grape seed oil).

For such a bomb, you should take a mixture of the following essential oils: geranium, patchouli, rosemary, ylang-ylang, eucalyptus, lemongrass. You can add mint. All oils should be added no more than three drops. They need to be added one at a time to the base oil and then carefully added to the dry mixture. At the same time, it is important to ensure that no lumps appear and that the soda and acid do not hiss.


Such a bath ball will not only improve your mood and help you relax, but also get rid of pimples. To pamper yourself, you can make your own anti-stress bomb! For this you need:

  • 80 grams of soda;
  • 40 grams each of finely ground sea salt and citric acid;
  • 30 grams of jojoba oil;
  • 3-4 drops of essential oils such as orange and eucalyptus.

Bright petals of calendula and chrysanthemum are suitable for decoration. You can add a small amount of glitter - this will make taking a bath even more enjoyable!

"Strawberry Fountain"

The recipe for a bath bomb is especially good in the winter cold, when warm days, fragrant ripe berries, delicate sand are so lacking... A small home geyser made from the following components will take you into summer:

  • 80 grams of soda;
  • 40 grams of citric acid (by the way, it can even be replaced with regular ascorbic acid in powder form);
  • 4-7 drops of food coloring (red is a good color for this bomb);
  • 20 grams of milk powder (instead, you can add cream to the composition, of course, also dry);
  • a little grape seed oil;
  • cosmetic fragrance - strawberry, of course.

As decoration for such a ball, you can use rose petals, confectionery toppings - hearts, stars. You can even add some beads and glitter. However, it is worth remembering that they can damage particularly sensitive skin.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the process of making geysers at home. Bath bombs can be made from items you always have in your kitchen. Moreover, it will take very little time. To make things even easier, here are some helpful tips:

  1. In order for the bomb to consist of several colors, you need to gradually add colored mixtures to the mold and compact them thoroughly.
  2. Only food coloring should be used for the balls - they do not harm the skin.
  3. If you add too much oil or water to the geyser mixture, don't worry - just dry it over a heater or add a little more baking soda and citric acid. Don't forget to maintain proportions.

Don't be afraid to experiment, mix a variety of paints and ingredients, oils and decorations and celebrate in your bathroom!

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Lovers of bath treatments want to get rid of flaky skin, get a lot of nutrients from natural cosmetics, and at the same time recharge their batteries from pleasant emotions and wonderful sensations. There is an interesting, even funny product - bath bombs. In them you will find an excellent recipe to improve the condition of your skin and your mood. The editors of HomeMyHome undertake to talk about this subject.

Aroma and care

Bombs usually look like spheres of different colors, slightly rough to the touch. The fun begins when this sphere falls into the water. Plumbing, and in front of us is a mysterious seething geyser!


Hissing and seething occurs due to a chemical reaction associated with the interaction of the components included in the composition. The main source of “work” of the geyser is citric acid and baking soda. The bomb falls into the water, gets wet and a seething process begins. At this time, it feels like you are in a hot tub.


Since the filling of the ball can be different, the aroma of lemon, black currant, chocolate, tropical fruit or pine forest will be heard around.

There can be many fillers, both essential and cosmetic. Everyone will definitely play their assigned role. If you want to lie down in the bath and relax, the bomb will be able to make sure that after complete relaxation your body will feel a new charge of strength.

Types of geyser in the bath and its capabilities

As you already understand, bath bombs are not just different in shape and color, they differ in composition and direction of action. Let's get acquainted with their capabilities.

Bombs without foreign additives

As extraneous additives we mean everything that goes beyond the basic composition. Geysers, which do not have additional additives in their consistency, can be used by allergy sufferers and children. They are distinguished by their snow-white color and the absence of oils, flavors and dyes.

Balls with essential oils

Essential oils are known for their targeted effects. Each substance has its own pronounced effect. Various active ingredients are specially added to the balls to achieve a specific effect. And if you want velvety skin, then oil in the geyser is a must.


Foam bombs

The foam components will create a hissing and bubbling whirlpool in the bath. It looks beautiful, and judging by the sensations, it seems that the body is enveloped in tenderness and care.


Benefit or harm: let's talk about the pros and cons

The question of whether these products are beneficial or harmful to the body should be raised clearly. Our own health is important to us! Therefore, let’s discuss whether bath bombs have any disadvantages, compare them with the advantages, what if this invention is completely dangerous?

  • with the help of soda, the acid-base balance is restored, metabolism at the cellular level is normalized, water is softened;
  • due to citric acid, toxins and other nasty things are removed from the skin;
  • the action of sea salt causes exfoliation and activation of protective processes due to a set of minerals. Elasticity is gained;
  • Cosmetic and essential oils help nourish and soften the skin, at the same time influencing our mood with scents.

Now let's switch to harm:

  • if the composition contains flavorings that only enhance the smell of oils, then you should be aware that this is a petroleum product that can cause allergies or skin irritation;
  • dyes give a beautiful foam, but some of these substances still get under the skin, which is clearly not useful;
  • sometimes the composition includes glitter - this is definitely an unsafe product for the skin and the environment.

We weigh all the pros and cons, deciding whether such a product is worth attention. If you stand for naturalness, then it is doubtful that you would add a harmful dye or some kind of flavoring to the geyser with your own hands. Therefore, most likely, your bomb will contain only useful components.


Leading manufacturers

The Beauty Cafe company has become famous, where you can purchase a wide range of cosmetics with natural ingredients. Bombs from this brand are in demand because of their action and pleasant natural aroma.


Lush offers great handmade products to buy: they offer bath balls in different shapes, colors and fillings.


The Meela Meelo company is ready to offer bath products at very reasonable prices and good quality. All declared properties and characteristics are present, which is why the company has high ratings for offering body cosmetics.

Directions for use: how to use the geyser

The only thing you need to do is put the ball in the water. All its components immediately react with the liquid, and we observe a kind of whirlpool with hissing and a beautiful coloring of the water, if such an element is present in the cosmetic product.

This hissing is due to the interaction of water with soda and citric acid.

Use the product as follows:

  1. first take a shower without scrub;
  2. fill the bathtub with warm water and admire the process of dissolving the bomb;
  3. as soon as the hissing is over, you can lower yourself into the water;
  4. the hair is washed with shampoo to avoid excess amounts of essential oil;
  5. the total stay in such a bath should not exceed 20 minutes.
Attention! Pregnant, breastfeeding women and people with allergies should be careful and choose products without dyes or fragrances.

DIY cooking instructions: some simple recipes for beauty and pleasure

Before we start studying the recipe, we will prepare the equipment suitable for the job. We will need a kitchen scale to weigh the ingredients, a large container where the mixing process will take place, a spray bottle and a fine sieve. For protective equipment, we acquire latex gloves, eye protection, and a gauze bandage.


The main ingredients are baking soda and citric acid. These components are easy to obtain. You can take ready-made store-bought dyes, as well as natural ones, for example, beet juice, cocoa powder or coffee.



First, the soda and acid are ground in a blender, and then the dry filler from the recipe. Let's watch the proportions! We need the consistency of wet sand, which has adhesive properties. If the mixture is crumbly, add a little oil.

When the composition is ready, take a mold and compact the mixture into it. All that remains is to dry the product in the sun, radiator or on the windowsill for 24 hours. Remove the finished product carefully. You can package it beautifully, give it as a gift, or use it right away.

We offer several simple and easy recipes for creating a miracle geyser at home.

Recipe 1: with tea tree and lemon essential oil

We buy 300 g of baking soda, and with it 150 g of citric acid. We also need 5 ml each of tea tree and lemon essential oils, 5 ml of any natural oil, yellow or green dye.

Grind the soda and acid and mix them in one bowl. Add essential oils and regular oils a little at a time. It is better to immediately mix lemon oil with regular oil, as it can cause fizzing.

Important! Aromatic and essential oils are not used at the same time.

If the balls are supposed to come in two colors, then you need to separate the mixture and paint each part in its own shade until the final combination into one shape. The dye in liquid form is added drop by drop, and the whole mass is immediately mixed. If the paint is powder, it is added in small doses until the desired shade is obtained.

Add a little water from a spray bottle without ceasing to stir. The resulting substance should remain crumbly, but nevertheless be squeezable in the hand. You can compact the composition into a mold. If two spheres are prepared, they are simply connected together without moving them. After a few minutes, you can carefully remove the ball from the mold and put it away to dry.

Recipe 2: lavender geyser with sea salt

You have already read the basic recipe and know how to create a bath fizz step by step.

Hello, dear friends!

Continuing the theme "Bath bombs? Easy!" Today I will tell you in more detail about the benefits of bombs and their components.

So, in the previous article we learned that the basis of our geysers are: baking soda, citric acid, sea salt, vegetable oil for cosmetic purposes and essential oils.

The main components of bath bombs, baking soda and citric acid, do not interact with each other in dry form. But when water is added, a geyser-like reaction begins, in which the bathroom is filled with the delicious aromas of essential oils, and the water is saturated with beneficial oils and trace elements, while the soda softens the water, and citric acid acts as a conditioner.

Let's take a closer look at each of the ingredients.

Not everyone knows the amazing healing properties of baking soda - this “simple” substance. It turns out that sodium bicarbonate (soda) is one of the main ingredients of our blood. As a result of a study of the effect of soda on the human body, it turned out that soda is able to balance the acid-base balance in the body, restore metabolism in cells, improve the absorption of oxygen by tissues, and much more. Baking soda helps with heartburn, seasickness, colds, heart disease and headaches, and skin diseases. Soda solves many cosmetic problems, it can be used to care for skin and hair, it is even used to make lotions for newborns if they have diaper rash.

Citric acid is no less useful. It is part of many cosmetics for the face and hair (used as an acidity regulator).
Citric acid cleanses the body of harmful toxic substances, removes salts and toxins, improves the functioning of the digestive organs, increases visual acuity, has antitumor properties, reduces the increased acidity of gastric juice, increases the removal of toxins through the skin, improves immunity, etc.

The most common additional ingredient in bombs is sea salt.
Baths using sea salt are one of the most popular procedures. By taking it, you can strengthen your immune system and improve your overall health.
Baths with sea salt have a positive effect on the condition of the skin. Sea salt contains magnesium, which actively fights cellulite when taking salt baths at home. Salt nourishes the skin with minerals, as a result, cellular metabolism is normalized and the skin looks smooth and elastic.
The components of sea salt actively act on nerve endings, thereby improving metabolic processes in the body and replenishing the deficiency of many microelements. The nervous system is strengthened, working capacity is increased, muscle tension and fatigue are relieved.
Such baths are involved in the complex treatment of skin diseases: dermatitis, acne, psoriasis, eczema.

Cosmetic oils (grape seed oil, olive, peach, almond, apricot, etc.) soften and nourish the skin.

The essential oils contained in geysers have an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, activate metabolic processes, promote regeneration, and have a beneficial effect on mood and well-being. Under the influence of hot water, the essential oils released from the bombs partially penetrate the body through the skin and partially evaporate, creating an inhalation effect. Thus, natural bath bombs affect the body not only from the outside, but also from the inside.

Additional components in the bombs can be used: cosmetic clay, starch, milk powder, cocoa, chocolate, coffee, spices, dried plants and flowers, oatmeal, bath pearls and much more that your imagination suggests.

As a type of geysers, there are small bombs that are used for manicure and pedicure.

After taking a bath, it is enough to simply pat your body with a towel, apply a nourishing or moisturizing cream to the skin and relax for half an hour in a quiet environment with a cup of hot herbal tea. This procedure is a wonderful end to a working day, after which you are guaranteed a blissful feeling and sound sleep.

It should be noted that hydro procedures should not be taken by people suffering from diseases such as: tumors, diabetes, psychosis, fever, skin diseases of fungal and purulent origin, thrombophlebitis, diabetes, acute circulatory and lymph circulation disorders, blood diseases, and severe infectious diseases. It is also not recommended to take baths during menstrual periods and pregnancy.

And a few words about the methods and shelf life of this product.
Bath bombs must be sealed to prevent moisture from getting on the surface and to prevent the essential oils from escaping. I also advise storing bombs with different scents separately from each other to avoid mixing of scents.
The shelf life of geysers depends on the presence of cosmetic oils in the recipe. If available, the shelf life of the bombs is no more than 3-4 months.
If the bomb is made on a water or alcohol basis, without the use of vegetable oils, such a bomb can be stored in a cool, dry place for a relatively long time.

Imagine and experiment, the main thing is not to be afraid! Good luck!

For many of us, a bath is not just a means of cleansing the body, it is a pleasant ritual of relaxation, immersion in the world of aromas and cozy warmth. However, this ritual is not always as useful as it is pleasant. Many of us use fragrant and fluffy foam when taking a bath.

However, it is worth understanding that this very cosmetic product is a real “storehouse” of parabens, phosphates, dyes, fragrances and other substances that, after taking such a bath, will leave a very unpleasant “chemical trail” on your body.

How to turn a bath from a chemical reaction into a useful, environmentally friendly and safe one for health, while maintaining its aromatic appeal? One possible option is bath bombs.

It’s worth mentioning here that bombs are not “insured” from the abundance of harmful chemicals in their composition. Therefore, after thinking about the possible options for solving the issue of a useful and pleasant bath, you can opt for products made with your own hands from environmentally friendly and safe ingredients.

The main components of homemade bombs are baking soda and citric acid. These two substances do not react in dry form, however, as soon as you add water, a geyser-like reaction begins, and during this reaction, the bathroom is filled with the aroma of essential oils, which we also added to our bomb.

If you also add healthy oils and microelements (sea salt, for example) to the product, then the benefits of such a bath will be undoubted. We should not forget that the main components of the bomb - soda and citric acid - will also benefit us. The first will soften the water, and the second will act as an air conditioner.

In addition to all of the above, it is worth noting that according to scientific research, soda has a beneficial effect on the acid-base balance in the body, helps improve metabolism in cells, improves the absorption of oxygen by tissues and the condition of the skin.

Doctors note that baths with soda and salt are good for joints, relieve pain, treat the nervous system, and are useful for kidney failure.

Citric acid is included in many cosmetics for the face and hair. It cleanses the body of salts and toxins, has antitumor properties, accelerates the removal of toxins through the skin, and improves immunity.

Very often, sea salt is included in the bombs, which has a positive effect on the condition of the skin. In particular, sea salt contains magnesium, which helps fight cellulite more effectively. Salt saturates the skin with minerals, normalizing cellular metabolism. As a result, the skin looks smooth and elastic. Baths with sea salt help strengthen the nervous system, increase productivity, relieve muscle tension and fatigue.

Cosmetic oils (olive and coconut oils, grape seed oil, almond, peach, apricot, etc.) soften and nourish the skin.

The integral components of bath bombs are essential oils, which have an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, activate metabolic processes, promote regeneration, improve mood and improve well-being. By the way, when taking a bath with bombs, essential oils partially penetrate the skin and partially evaporate, creating an inhalation effect, having an effect on the human body not only from the outside, but also from the inside.

How to make a bath bomb with your own hands (one option):

Glass of soda
- 1/2 cup citric acid
- 1/2 cup Epsom salt - magnesium sulfate (this component is very widely used by those who want to lose weight and effectively get rid of cellulite)
- a tablespoon of water
- two tablespoons of olive oil (or any other oil of your choice)
- 20 drops of essential oil (of your choice)
- food coloring

First, you should mix all the dry components of the bomb in a ceramic or glass bowl, and the liquid components in another container. Then, stirring continuously, add the resulting liquid to the dry mixture. As a result, you should have a mixture with a consistency similar to wet sand. If you squeeze this mixture, it retains its shape and does not crumble. Next, spread the mixture into the molds, tamping it down, and let it dry (it’s better to leave the mixture in the molds overnight). Then carefully remove the product from the molds and store in a dry, airtight container.

By the way, bombs can be done not only for the bath, but also For shower- this product will help you cheer up in the morning or relax in the evening. You can also do caring mini bombs for manicure and pedicure.

August 21, 2016
You can talk at length about canons in design, but every day the existing canons are becoming less and less stable. Aesthetics and harmony, balance, colors, materials brought together in order to obtain such a long-awaited result are the essence of your knowledge, practice and self-development. My motto is to learn, see, touch something new every day, and I am sure that this is the only way to stay on the right course in “high design.”

A bath bomb is a mixture of soda, citric acid, filler and essential oils, allowing you to create a small SPA salon at home. Components dissolved in water make the skin soft and smooth, help fight cellulite, and essential oils have a beneficial effect on well-being and even help get rid of depression.

What's inside?

The main components of geysers are citric acid and baking soda. In their dry form, they are absolutely inert to each other, but as soon as a drop of water gets in, a whole action with bubbling and hissing takes place in the bathroom. At this time, the room is filled with the aromas of ethers, and particles of dry filler that are beneficial for the skin get into the water.

Soda and citric acid

We are well aware of baking soda, but not everyone knows about its effect on the skin. Sodium bicarbonate balances the acid-base balance of the body, restores metabolism, and improves the absorption of oxygen by the skin.

Citric acid is included in cosmetic products and is trusted to act as an acidity regulator. It successfully removes toxins and salts and improves immunity.

Sea salt

Sea salt is the most affordable filler for geysers. But I use it not because of its availability, but because of its ability to fight insidious cellulite. In addition, baths with sea salt have a positive effect on the condition of the skin, restoring its former smoothness and elasticity.

Oils: base and essential

Skin softening is provided by grape, olive, almond oil.

When making bombs, do not use regular sunflower oil, it dries out the skin.

Essential oils have an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect, promote regeneration, activate metabolic processes and have a beneficial effect on well-being.

Under the influence of hot water, essential oils are released from the bombs and create an inhalation effect.

Choosing essential oil:

Action Essential oils
Refreshing fir, spearmint, immortelle, tangerine, lavender, peppermint, orange, lemon
Stimulating coriander, nutmeg, lavender, immortelle, verbena, peppermint, hyssop, rosemary, cloves, lemon, juniper
Cleansing geranium, lemongrass, orange, nutmeg, rose, sage, lemon
Harmonizing geranium, marjoram, jasmine, mandarin, orange, mimosa, rose, sandalwood
Relaxing basil, galbanum, chamomile, immortelle, lavender, lemon balm, bigardia, mimosa, orange, sandalwood, cedar, vanilla
Calming dill, geranium, chamomile, jasmine, vanilla, bigardia, lemon balm
Strengthening lavender, angelica, nutmeg, lemon balm, rosemary, peppermint, cedar, lemon, verbena, vetiver
Anti-stress bergamot, geranium, galbanum, jasmine, patchouli, coriander, mimosa, lavender, bigardia

Additional components

You can add cosmetic clay, milk powder, starch, cocoa, coffee, chocolate, spices, dried flowers and plants, oatmeal, and bath pearls to the bomb.

Bombs can be used not only while taking a bath, but also in the process of preparing your hands for a manicure. In this case, I recommend adding grapefruit essential oil, black cosmetic clay and jojoba oil to them.

Methods for making bombs

Today there are two ways to make bombs: water-based and water-free.

The waterless method involves the use of soda, citric acid, filler and oils. But for the water method you will need water or a decoction of herbs. In this case, you will have to completely abandon the oils or reduce their amount by half.

Classic recipe


  • citric acid – 0.5 kg or 4 parts;
  • baking soda – 250 grams or 2 parts;
  • filler (milk powder, cosmetic clay, cream, corn starch, sodium sulfate, sea salt) – 175 grams or 1 part;
  • base oil – 1 tbsp. spoons;
  • water-based food coloring;
  • EO or flavoring – 6-10 drops;
  • Twin 80 – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • D-panthenol – 1 teaspoon.

The ingredients listed above will make about 20 bombs.

To color bombs, do not use pigments with glycerin, as they do not allow the mass to form and dry.

You can use food granules for baking, dried flowers, and coconut flakes as decoration.

Before making a bath bomb, prepare a mold of the appropriate size. This can be a special removable form made of, silicone baking containers or halves from a kinder surprise. If you plan to make mini bombs for manicures and pedicures, you can arm yourself with ice cube trays.

Cooking instructions:

  1. Grind citric acid in a mortar or using a blender, combine with dry milk and soda. Divide the dry base into parts depending on the number of types of bombs you plan to prepare.

  1. Add D-panthenol, oil, flavoring (essential oils), Tween 80 to the mixture. When adding liquid dye, mix the mixture thoroughly. The result should be the consistency of wet sand.

  1. Place the chosen one in the mold, lay out the mixture and squeeze the parts together. Leave the structure to dry for several hours.

Do not dry “ammunition” on the battery, there is a high probability of cracks.

  1. It is better to store bombs in cling film, which will not allow them to dry out.

Cosmetic certificate. What is Twin 80? The substance belongs to the group of emulsifiers; it allows mixing water and oils.
In its absence, the oils from the bomb will float on the surface of the water and not envelop the body. Price – from 120 rub. for 100 ml.

Bomb secrets

  1. If your bomb refuses to form into a ball, there's a good chance you used too much liquid or oil. The situation can be corrected by adding dry components or briefly drying the battery.
  2. Do not use peach or apricot kernel oil. Such bombs almost always do not keep their shape.

  1. If you like butters (solid oils), first melt them in a microwave oven or in a water bath.
  2. Depending on the ingredients used, the bomb can be stored from 2 weeks to 6 months.

A bath with a bomb is taken after a shower and cleansing the skin.

Best Recipes

With milk powder and almond butter


  • citric acid – 100 grams;
  • baking soda – 240 grams;
  • milk powder – 80 grams;
  • almond oil – 40 grams;
  • hydrolate – 4-5 spray pumps;
  • food coloring – 3 drops.

If you plan to create colored "ammunition", add the dye to the soda and only then combine with the rest of the ingredients.

After mixing the dry ingredients, pour in almond oil, mix the mixture thoroughly, moisten with a spray bottle and form into balls.

Hydrolate can be replaced with a decoction of herbs or water.

For two-color bombs, prepare two separate mixtures and combine them only at the tamping stage.

Chocolate bomb


  • citric acid – 100 grams;
  • baking soda – 240 grams;
  • milk powder – 40 grams;
  • grated cocoa – 40 grams;
  • cocoa butter – 60 grams;
  • water – 3-4 spray pumps;
  • flavoring “Vanilla” / “Chocolate” / “Cappuccino” - 5 drops.

Mix the dry ingredients in the classic way. Grind the grated cocoa and cocoa butter and heat in the microwave.

Hydrophilic bomb with menthol and lavender


  • citric acid – 100 grams;
  • baking soda – 240 grams;
  • milk powder – 120 grams;
  • avocado oil – 80 grams;
  • emulsifier Polysorbate-80 – 20 ml;
  • Lavender EO – 5 drops;
  • food coloring (green) – 5 drops;
  • menthol – 3-4 crystals.

Dissolve the essential oil in the base oil (avocado), add polysorbate and menthol. If the latter does not dissolve well, slightly heat the oil in a water bath.

Combine the dye with soda and, after mixing thoroughly, add the remaining dry ingredients. After adding oil, knead the mass and compact it into molds.

Another recipe using lavender.


  • soda – 120 grams;
  • citric acid – 50 grams;
  • sea ​​salt – 30 grams;
  • milk powder – 40 grams;
  • grape seed oil – 20 grams;
  • crushed dry lavender;
  • Lavender EM.

Grind baking soda and citric acid in a mortar. The next step is to add milk powder, salt, dried flowers and oil. Divide the homogeneous mass into the molds and leave for 10-15 minutes. To dry, place the bombs on a sheet of paper and leave for 6 hours.

Lavender bombs help cope with fatigue, headaches and have a calming effect.

If you like the scent of mint, replace the lavender with dried lemon balm leaves.

Coffee Ylang-Ylang


  • baking soda – 120 grams;
  • citric acid – 50 grams;
  • ground coffee – 20 grams;
  • corn starch – 90 grams;
  • wheat germ oil – 40 grams;
  • sea ​​salt – 30 grams;
  • Ylang-ylang essential oil – 10 drops.

The bomb is prepared using classical technology. When placed in the bath, it will help normalize your blood pressure and invigorate you.

Summing up

If your bathroom does not yet have a geyser, arm yourself with the necessary ones and replenish your “arsenal”. I hope my little opus was enough of a bomb and you will no longer wonder what it is and how to use it - a bath bomb - a small SPA salon in your own apartment.


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