How to beautifully decorate an interior using homemade crafts (photo, step-by-step master class). Interesting DIY things

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Every home owner wants to feel as comfortable as possible in their home. This becomes the reason why there is a desire to decorate the interior not only beautifully, but also in an original way.

However, often the funds for this are not enough, because the services of professional designers, like beautiful things, are not cheap. Therefore, recently, an increasing number of homeowners prefer to decorate the interior of their home on their own using crafts from improvised materials that are inexpensive.

It is worth noting that the main advantage of such crafts is not the cheapness of the materials. The most attractive thing is that every item you create is unique. But it is the uniqueness of the design that attracts attention.

Products that were created with one’s own hands emanate a special energy. And thanks to this, an atmosphere of comfort and warmth appears in the house.

An important circumstance is that such structures can act not only as ordinary decorative elements. With their help, you can organize your space much more conveniently. After all, they can be used to store a variety of small items that are necessary for the household.

Do you think this is impossible because you need to have any special skills? No, even a child can handle this job of creating crafts.

Pay attention to the photo of crafts from improvised means, which is presented below. It shows an example of creating a key holder, which is not only a beautiful addition to the interior, but also serves as a small hanger for keys.

And the process of its creation is not complicated. Let's look at it in more detail.

Key hanger

Surely, many people are familiar with the situation when they have to raise the whole family to look for keys. After all, people often do not burden themselves with buying special small shelves for storing keys and other small things.

And since the key is a fairly small item, it is easy to lose it among larger things. To avoid having to constantly look for keys, many people keep them in their purses.

However, we can offer you a more interesting and original storage method. And for this we will build a key holder.

Its main feature is that in appearance it will resemble a product decorated with brickwork.

We will tell you step by step how to make a craft in the form of a key holder from available materials. But first, let’s look at exactly what tools and materials will be needed to create it: a thick sheet of cardboard or plywood, thick napkins, hooks, glue, varnish, paints.

Stages of performing a key holder

At the first stage, you need to cut out the back wall of the future key holder. As a material, you can use either thick cardboard or a not too thick piece of plywood.

In the second stage, you should cut out small rectangles from cardboard that will imitate brick. Please note that they must be the same size.

In the third step, you must glue the cut out “bricks” to the base using glue. Remember that there should be a small gap between them. You should also not cover the entire surface of the product with them. After all, in the central part there should be a small sign with an inscription, and in the upper part there should be a picture.


At the fourth stage, you should start lubricating the bricks with glue. Do not skimp on the glue at this stage, because it is necessary so that you can place the crumpled napkin on top of it. It can also be covered with a small layer of glue on top for better impregnation.

Using a stick or the back of a brush, press the tissue into the gaps to create corners. Leave the product to dry.

Please note that any crafts made from improvised materials at home must be durable. Therefore, we strongly recommend not to skimp on binding materials.

At the fifth stage, the process of creating a visual resemblance to natural brickwork begins. Once the panel is dry, coat it with paint. The seams must be painted with bronze paint.

At the sixth stage, you should coat the bricks with paint a second time. However, this time you need to use a dry brush. To do this, dip it in bronze masonry, wipe it on paper so that it becomes dry and then dip it again in the color with which you painted the bricks.


Remember that to achieve maximum similarity, you should only move the brush in one direction.

At the seventh stage, which is the final one, you should coat the finished product with clear varnish and attach the hooks on which the keys will hang.

Crafts for the garden

If you are the owner of a country house, then for you the decorating process is not limited only to the area of ​​the home. Therefore, to improve the area around the house, you should use garden crafts from improvised means that will decorate any garden or vegetable garden.

To make them, you can use plastic bottles, hemp, tires and old soft toys. In this case, it all depends on what set of tools and materials you have.

Crafts made from tires are extremely popular because they are quite simple to create, but at the same time they look original and interesting.


For example, you can create a real cup from tires, which will become a wonderful flower garden. To create it you will need one tire, a round board (the diameter of the board must be larger than the tire), paint, and a small piece of rubber.

The tire and board must be painted the color you like. If you have artistic skills, you can use them to decorate the product with beautiful images.

If you do not have such drawing skills, you can paint the design one color or polka dots. The handle of the cup should be secured with a large stapler. And now your product is ready.

We draw your attention to the fact that even children’s crafts made from improvised materials can become a worthy decoration for your garden. Use crafts your kids made from plastic bottles and cups. Despite their simplicity, they look quite original.

If they are small in size, use them to decorate the porch or window sills. This way, you can focus on them, and they will not get lost in a large area of ​​the garden.

Photos of crafts from improvised means

There are many ways to usefully spend your leisure time, and one of the most exciting ways for both adults and children is doing something with your own hands. To do this, it is enough to have a little imagination and desire.

From this article you will learn how to make an original thing for your home yourself and you will be able to see photos of simple but unusual crafts made at home.

Crafts made from plastic

Making a doll and sculpting a plastic face is a very entertaining activity that requires a little skill. But the result will certainly please you.

To do this you will need:

  • Plastic (polymer clay);
  • Sandpaper;
  • Dry pastel;
  • Wire;
  • Foil;
  • Primer;
  • Glue;
  • Brushes;
  • Pliers.

First of all, you need to think through every detail and sketch out a sketch of the future doll on paper, and then begin making the wire frame.

Next, you need to form the head from clay in proportion to the body and give it volume. After completely working out all the details (nose, mouth, eyes, forehead, cheeks), you can apply dry pastel with a brush to give a natural shade to the skin.

The next stage will be sculpting the body, during which you need to pay special attention to small details, as well as giving the body a natural shape.

After the work is completed, you need to mark the parting on the doll's head and leave the clay to harden. In order to speed up the process, you can put the workpiece in the oven for a while.

Once the clay has hardened, you can begin to create the face using a brush and paints. Show your imagination.

Hair is an integral attribute of every doll. They need to be glued gradually, row by row, starting from the bottom.

The final stage will be sewing clothes for the doll.

Every mother will be glad to receive such an unusual doll as a gift from her child. A gift for dad could be face sculpting from polymer clay. All parents will definitely appreciate such beautiful crafts made at home!

Knitted crafts

Crocheting is a very simple and fun hobby. In order to knit a square potholder you need:

  • Close three air loops into a ring.
  • Knit one row in the first and third loops, and three rows in the second loop.
  • To form a corner, you need to knit three more rows in each of the columns of the second row.
  • The elastic band must be woven with colored threads.
  • Tie the edging and loop with a shell.

There are many more types of knitting to create unique products.

Crafts for the garden

To decorate your garden plot, it is enough to make crafts at home from the simplest available materials; below are the most popular ones :)

For example, a shovel blade will turn into funny black birds in the blink of an eye.


You need to do the following:

  • Paint the canvas, wait until the paint dries.
  • Prepare the location of the birds: wrap the surface with thick wire.
  • To make the paws, use the dough, place the piece on the wire, gluing the fabric to the top of the paws.
  • Attach eyes made from dough to the top of the canvas. Do the same with the beak.
  • Draw the pupils with black paint.

A shiny vase sparkling in the sun will be an excellent decoration. You can collect fruits and vegetables in it. To make it you will need disks, an unnecessary vase, and glue.

The discs need to be finely chopped and glued to the vase with the shiny side up. Let the glue dry.

Crafts for the New Year

You can also make a garland yourself! And now you will learn how to easily and simply make this craft with your own hands at home.

You will need:

  • Light bulbs (220 V)
  • 6 meters of wire

Work algorithm:


  • Cut the wire into 50 cm pieces. There should be 9 of them. The last piece will be 150 cm in length. In the future, it must be used to connect the plug.
  • Strip the ends of the wire and insulate them using heat shrink tubing.
  • Assemble the sockets and screw in the bulbs connected in parallel.

You can decorate the garland with cups covered with special paper. Simply insert the light bulbs into the slots at the bottom of the cups. It will turn out very beautiful!

Another New Year's attribute is the Christmas tree.

To make a Christmas tree from buttons, you need to prepare a cone-shaped base from thick paper or cardboard and decorate it with buttons.

You can use buttons of a wide variety of colors and sizes, stick them on top of each other, or simply cover the finished Christmas tree with spray paint.

Crafts for Easter

Using wooden clothespins, tape and a paper plate, you can make a very cute basket:


  • The side of the plate is cut, folded upward, and secured with tape.
  • Clothespins divided into two parts are glued to the sides.
  • The resulting basket is decorated with a satin ribbon with a bow.

An Easter bunny made of felt will be an excellent decoration for the holiday.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • Cut out the parts in the required quantity and sew them together with the right sides facing inward.
  • Cut the fabric in the allowance areas, turn the resulting blanks inside out and stuff them with padding polyester.
  • Sew the resulting parts together.
  • Decorate the face, paws and ears using embroidery or paint.

Such crafts will certainly decorate your holiday!

Children's crafts

You have learned how easy it is to make decorations for the garden, home and holidays. But that's not all! Beautiful and unusual crafts can be made at home and for children.

For example, an ordinary egg tray can easily turn into a cute hedgehog. It’s enough to rummage through the closets and find everything you need for this:

  • Egg trays;
  • Wrapping paper;
  • Acrylic paints;
  • Beads;
  • Scissors;
  • PVA glue.

First you need to fold the wrapping paper so that its shape resembles a pyramid. This is a preparation for the future hedgehog. Then make a hedgehog's face from one cell, gluing it to the top of the pyramid.

Then you need to glue the pre-prepared needles and ears. The nose for the hedgehog will be a pip cut from the end of one of the cells.

To finish everything off, you need to glue beads to the hedgehog in place of the eyes and paint it with paints.

For those parents who love to sew with their children, the following lesson on making felt mice is suitable:

  • Make a pattern from felt, cut and sew the parts together.
  • Stuff the resulting blank with cotton wool. Place a coin on the bottom for stability.
  • Sew on ears, eyes and tail.
  • Make a mustache from threads.

Now your kids can proudly boast to their peers that they sewed these mice themselves!

Crafts for your home

Unusual hand-made candlesticks can be a wonderful element for decorating a room. To bring your idea to life, you will need to find several small jars, dried leaves and glue.

Making a candlestick is quite simple:

  • To remove dirt, you need to wipe the jar with an alcohol-containing solution.
  • Place the leaves on the glue-coated surface of the jar and let dry.
  • All that remains is to light the candle, place it in the candlestick and enjoy the warmth and comfort that the soft light of the candle creates.

Nothing brightens up a room and brings it to life like flowers. To create a bouquet you will need: wire, corrugated paper and tape.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • Cut out the required number of petals from paper. To create one flower you will need from 10 to 15 such petals.
  • The core is made of yellow paper, cut into a fringe at one edge.
  • Leaves are cut out of green paper.
  • A piece of wire of the required length must be wrapped with green tape, wrapped on one side with a strip of yellow paper intended to create a core and secured.
  • Glue the petals, making them voluminous in advance.

The flower is almost ready. All that remains is to glue the green leaves onto the stem.

The most ordinary polyplastic box will be noticeably transformed if liquid wallpaper is applied to it.

Crafts for decorating a room

Each of you can make very unusual things that will decorate your home and attract the attention of guests.

Such an item could well be an ordinary key holder. To make it you will need thick napkins, cardboard, glue and paints.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • From a cardboard blank, you need to cut out the base for the key holder of the required size and glue the loops on one side on which it will be hung.
  • Since the key holder will imitate brickwork, you need to cut out small rectangles from cardboard and stick them on the base.
  • Prepare a sign with the inscription and stick it in the center of the workpiece.
  • Carefully glue the crumpled napkins to the “bricks” and additionally soak them with glue.
  • When the workpiece is completely dry, you need to paint it to match the color of the brickwork. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated.
  • To consolidate the result, you should coat the key holder with varnish and let it dry.

The simplest paper bags will find a second life in your skillful hands. It is enough to cut them into equal strips, wrap them around a stick, carefully remove them and secure them at both ends. After which these tubes need to be woven into a basket around a flower pot.

Then insert the rope into the pre-made holes in the top of the pot, securing it with knots. And in less than an hour, a new original flowerpot will decorate your home!

Photos of crafts at home

Transforming home walls into a cozy nest is definitely an exciting activity. Sometimes it is not necessary to explore all the stores in the area; it is enough to use your own imagination and find interesting ideas for your home with your own hands. The magazine site offers various original ideas that are not so difficult to implement on your own.

Read in the article

The most interesting thing about DIY home crafts: choosing the material to create something new in decor

You can make numerous little things for home decor with your own hands. The same should be said about more. It all depends on the availability of material at hand and the ability to use it. Depending on the skills and preferences of the creator, we suggest considering handmade wooden crafts, knitted or sewn items, amazing lampshades, and also choose a glass product to decorate your home.

DIY crafts for the home: warm and elegant wood in the apartment

What beautiful thing would you like to decorate your home? The answer will most likely be “everything.” Let's look at different options for DIY home ideas.

Noble wood is subject to sensitive hands and certain skills in working with. To create something wooden for an apartment, they first develop a concept for the future product, prepare tools and materials, then get to work. They mostly make do with sandpaper, varnish and wood glue.

Beautiful DIY crafts at home: practical benefits and decorativeness of homemade lampshades

Decoupage technique for furniture restoration

You can almost always update it yourself. Very interesting and useful for the home. Furniture that has been restored using decoupage takes on a real second life and looks even better than after purchase.

Creative ideas for decorating the interior of your home with your own hands

Designers and hobbyists always have different home interior ideas in stock that are worth trying to implement with your own hands. Each room in the house has its own solution and some zest.

Hallway and corridor

We entered an apartment or house - and... So what? And we were amazed at how much it conveyed the homely mood. To come to your home with joy, you should take care of the appearance of the hallway.

We remove clutter mercilessly from the space, but we select the decor in such a way that it does not interfere with movement along the corridor.

Living room and bedroom

In DIY home design, the specifics of the room play a role. there is a central place in the house - for receiving guests and gathering all household members. This place should express the general mood of the house, so the choice of decor should be careful and appealing to all family members.

Each family member has a separate chronicle of the history of this house. Every member of the household has the right to write their own story in design.

Children's room

Fantasy should not be limited by anything. We take into account the character traits of the small owner of the room and begin to decorate the room. however you like, we make hanging structures, select creative furniture: let your childhood be bright!

Kitchen and bathroom

You can decorate the refrigerator in any way.

A bathroom can be very original; you should not limit yourself to the desire to make it surprising and unusual.

Ideas for the yard and garden of your home: using cinder blocks and other available materials

Those who own their own should also try using scrap materials or cinder blocks left over from construction.

What you can do with your own hands for the yard of a house from cinder blocks of a flowering wall.

To build a fire pit you don’t need a special master class. This is the same element of construction as the construction of a wall, with the difference that it is not necessary to use cement mortar.

What they do for the garden from scrap materials

What is applicable as improvised material: tires, plastic bottles, branches, firewood, old furniture. Each material has its own series of solutions and ideas.

What else can be made from cement for the garden and in what way, the video will tell you.

Everyone has their own home – the coziest, warmest and most comfortable. We are already accustomed to the fact that in our home we are surrounded by convenient and comfortable furniture, beautiful dishes, beautiful textiles, household appliances, and lamps. All this and much more are ordinary, but so necessary things. They give us light, warmth, in their surroundings we relax, rest, or, on the contrary, concentrate on something important. They are very significant for us.

However, everyone wants their home to be special, not like the apartments of friends and neighbors. But the choice is not rich, because TVs, cabinets, stoves, refrigerators cannot show off their variety of appearance, but they fill our rooms. Meanwhile, I really want individuality, originality, small but bright accents.

Nowadays you can find unusual things in stores that are not so familiar in everyday life. Perhaps not everyone is still familiar with them, and life even without them seems luxurious and well-equipped. But, if you consider at least a few of these interesting things, it will become clear how much they make work at home easier, make it interesting and exciting, how they save precious time, and even just by their appearance they completely change the entire interior, giving it style , modernity and amazing charm. After a detailed consideration, these unusual useful things for the home will definitely appear in your kitchen, living room or bedroom.

And yet, the fantasies and bold plans of caring people cannot always satisfy production workers, or even just - you want to make useful things with your own hands. And when such ideas are brought to life, then absolutely amazing masterpieces are obtained.

People's imagination is limitless, and the skill of skilled hands can be envied by the most famous companies. Although, to be honest, in order to do some unusual things with your own hands, special skill is not required, only accuracy and diligence in execution are enough. And if your imagination is not as luxurious as you would like, then you can always spy on ideas. The main thing is the desire to fill your home with interesting, attractive details, breathe individuality into it, and decorate it with special “zest”.

A very interesting technique is the unusual use of ordinary things. Teapots and old shoes used as flower pots, aquariums, as coffee tables are long-known, but always winning options for any home.

When we ourselves make useful, unusual things for the interior, the home atmosphere is filled with warmth and light, you want to come to such a house, here time flies unnoticed, because every home should have its own small miracle.

Our unusual, useful things will help brighten your life, and maybe give you new ideas for creativity.

Unusual and useful things for the home, unusual gifts - photos

Two people cannot fit under one umbrella. But the rain is powerless if you become the owner of such a miracle - an umbrella. It not only hides two people from drops at once, but also covers a large area for everyone, because its design also prevents water from entering from the sides.

This exclusive bench model will be a special highlight of any garden. It perfectly combines classics and a new, bold solution.

Wonderful useful things for the kitchen will allow any housewife to turn ordinary scrambled eggs into a neat, interesting dish.

There is no need to suffer because the necessary products are drained along with the water. A small device will not allow even a pea to “escape”.

An amazing mini-teapot will not only amuse guests, but will also allow everyone to brew tea to their own taste.

Even scrambled eggs can be a romantic dish if they are cooked in a pan like this. Let the day begin with a pleasant breakfast or end with a playful dinner.

This beauty is not at all difficult to make with your own hands. But how nice it will be to receive such a package!

A great idea to decorate the corners of rooms or hallways. Even the most ordinary pictures or photographs will certainly attract the attention of each of your guests.

Such care for your pets will definitely bring pleasure to your pet, and will also serve as a magnificent decoration for the gate.

This is what every home needs to have! These slippers will not wake up anyone in the household with the light.

Milk straight from the cow! Such an interesting thing will not allow you to doubt it for a second.

Extraordinary kitchen lamps will add amazing style. They can also be matched to any tea set.

Wonderful scissors for pizza lovers. Not a single crumb will fall by, and neatly cut pieces will end up on the plate.

What a simple device, and how easy it makes cleaning.

This knife will be a wonderful gift for a joke lover. It will perfectly lift your spirits and will be a wonderful helper in the kitchen.

This nice little thing will instantly revive the entire look of kitchen utensils and, moreover, will save the hostess from painstaking work.

When riding a bicycle, your hands will not get dirty and will never get cold even without gloves, if you have such a thoughtful device.

Your kids will happily appreciate such a creative idea. You will no longer have to ask them to put on shoes, they will put on these flip-flops themselves and have fun printing dog tracks.

This shoe rack takes up so little space and holds so much that it's a must-have for any hallway.

Just a small upgrade to a regular cutting board, but how much more convenient it is to use.

A little ingenuity and imagination and this familiar object will sparkle with new colors.

An unusually compact shelving unit can be a real boon for any room.

Tired of regular sofas? Do you want something unique? You will not confuse this sofa with any other.

It’s always a joy to feel cared for even in such small things. The change is small, but what a convenience.

It will be very difficult to pass by such an original screen - a piggy bank. Don't know where to put your change? Get the same one for yourself.

A completely unusual device for jewelry. Stylish, new, impeccable.

This respectable dog will add seriousness and significance to any office or bathroom.

Lightness, airiness, simplicity are combined in a simple design. You shouldn’t spend a lot of money and effort to come up with something extraordinary.

Even if the alarm clock went unheard, with such a structure there is simply no chance of coming to work unassembled.

Bar? Shelf? Secretaire? Perhaps all together. You can just make up a name, the main thing is that such a bear will always take care of order.

Even the most indifferent of your friends will linger for a long time near such an aquarium.

Have you invited your friends over for rolls? Then you better buy these tweezers. They will make you smile and create additional convenience for your guests.

With one click, the banana will turn into chopped pieces. This device will save you every second.

Everything is simple and thoughtful. It's a pity that you don't always find convenience in such little things.

A great, fun potholder. With such a miracle potholder, even an inexperienced housewife is sure to create miracles - masterpieces.

Busy hands? It's not scary. This device will allow you to use your phone without touching it.

You won’t suddenly find such a centipede chair in our apartments. Therefore, it will definitely give the interior originality and special individuality.

Safe handles for frying pans and pots are what every housewife needs in the kitchen.

This aquarium is surprisingly thin and elegantly made. It is not intended to contain many fish, but it itself is already a work of modern art.

Clothes pins - glass holders. A very convenient and mobile thing. Sometimes they are simply necessary.

A mug with a pocket will allow you to hide tea bags from prying eyes. Beautiful, neat, comfortable.

Do you want something new and extravagant? This crane meets exactly these requirements.

Coffee in bed... Yes, even a whole breakfast! This table will amazingly withstand serving any dishes.

Such a device will add a special “zest” to the bedroom and create additional comfort.

A basin of such an unusual shape is not only original, but also very comfortable. It does not roll off your lap, is comfortable and boasts a rare but very attractive appearance.

A wonderful bottle opener will be a welcome gift for any friend. Besides, I really want to have it at home.

A simple attachment will turn any bottle into an interesting and convenient watering can. It is inexpensive, comfortable to work with, and its appearance will certainly cause surprise and delight.

In order not to waste extra time and not burn your hands, you can buy a dog that will cut your breakfast sausage in a second.

A tempting game can turn out if you build a panel like this, on which on ordinary days you can simply hang things.

The shape of this sofa is simply mesmerizing. Smooth lines, freshness of ideas and comfort - this is impossible to refuse.

This pillow cannot be denied originality. An amazing gift for a friend.

Walking quietly, like a cat, feeling extraordinary softness, is easy if you have such slippers.

Unusual, original and fun. Fans of interesting jokes will love this.

An ordinary ice bucket has been transformed into a whole composition with the help of adorable frogs. This refinement gives a completely different color to the whole feast.

A beautiful stamp that certifies love will serve as an amazing gift for close friends and even colleagues.

Your child will be happy to eat scrambled eggs from these molds every morning, because it is completely unknown what you will get on your plate next time.

Such an invention will reliably store the necessary thing.

The dustpan, which has been slightly improved, will not allow you to leave a speck of dust on your floor.

Headphones will not go anywhere if you come up with a reliable mount for them.

This is not a chair, but a real container for valuable little things. Everything is at hand and nothing gets lost.

Unusual key hole. Let your home be original from the very threshold.

Small labels will only add convenience to your tea drinking.

Sometimes it’s impossible to fall asleep on a plane - it’s uncomfortable, there’s no pillow, but you just want to sleep. This small, comfortable pillow will correct the situation. All that remains is to get comfortable.

Cutting a cake with such a saw is a real pleasure. It will serve as both a wonderful knife and a spatula.

To make taking a bath a real relaxation, all you need is this miniature table.

These extraordinary slates with imitation grass will pamper your feet not only in the sultry summer, but also at home in the winter cold.

You will not confuse your helmet with anyone else's. Girls will be delighted with such a headdress.

Do you like to drink coffee with cookies and walk in the morning garden? But the cookies are so awkward to hold in your hands. You definitely need to buy a wonderful mug, because it contains everything together - both coffee and cookies.

A shower head can also be stylish, fashionable and with its appearance change the entire atmosphere of a small space.

A house, like a theater, begins with a hanger. Your individuality will be appreciated.

An ordinary fairy tale. Buy such a hammock, install it in a suitable place and you will be guaranteed complete peace and relaxation.

This rug is not only original, it also works great against flat feet.

And the nuts are in the bowl, and there is no garbage. Every clean housewife will want to have such an original vase.

Charging your phone is now much more convenient. Small stands will hold it together with the charger.

With these scrambled egg molds, cheerful flowers will bloom on your plate every morning. A good day starts with breakfast.

A very unusual refrigerator. For shops and pavilions it is simply a godsend. This is not just a very convenient unit, but also surprisingly stylish.

This simple device will help you use toothpaste to the last drop in the tube.

Transforming an umbrella into an elegant, stunning walking stick is not at all difficult. And how much grace is hidden in an ordinary umbrella.

The liquid will not spread throughout the pan if you put small spouts on the edges. They will direct moisture in the right direction.

These are not loaves or fresh rolls. Slippers of this shape will bring a smile to everyone you know.

An extremely useful thing in the kitchen for opening jar lids.

Almost every home has a lot of old ones that are often a pity to throw away - be it worn-out but once-loved jeans or a blanket, a lampshade or a table inherited from your grandmother. With a little imagination and patience, you can make these items with your own hands, which will advantageously decorate the interior of your home. In addition, the completed craft can become an original and exclusive gift for your friends and family.

Opening the closet

You can start your search for old handicraft items in your wardrobe. Surely somewhere on the far shelf there is an old favorite T-shirt or a worn-out sweater. Don't clutter your closet with things you don't use. Just give your rare jeans or blouse a new life!

Pants turn... into elegant shorts!

Things made with your own hands will create a unique image and emphasize style. Faded jeans can easily be turned into summer shorts. For this you will need:

  • scissors;
  • rhinestones;
  • lace;
  • a little imagination.

Measure the length of the jeans and mark the boundary along which you will cut off the excess material. Try to carefully cut the fabric along the dotted lines. Don't throw away the pants themselves. They will come in handy for your next craft. Now decorate the bottom by carefully basting it. Pockets can be decorated with rhinestones. Thus, a new and exclusive thing was learned.

Denim crafts. Master Class

From the remaining trouser legs you can make one of the following items:

  • mini-handbag (you will also need a cream-colored strap);
  • sofa cushion;
  • hot stand;
  • case for mobile phone;
  • cover for an e-book.

These handmade things will be very useful in everyday life. To create a hot stand we will need:

  • 20 identical denim strips (15-20 cm each), cut from trouser leg;
  • lace;
  • threads;
  • scissors;
  • sewing machine.

All denim strips are laid in a braided pattern. Each horizontal row is stitched (10 times in total). The resulting square is trimmed along the edges to make them smoother. To make the craft look neat, sew braid or lace around the perimeter. The unusual stand is ready!

We care about the printed word

If you are an avid reader and are used to keeping your books in order, make a denim cover for them. Even though this craft requires minimal effort, you will get amazing results!


  • trouser leg (preferably with a back pocket);
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • needle with thread;
  • book.

Measure out the amount of material needed for the cover. To do this, lay the open book on the jeans and mark a dotted line for the cut, leaving 5 cm as an allowance. Wrap the book in a cut-out blank, sew the edges well. Decorate the cover with a denim pocket, sequins, rhinestones - whatever you want. Decorate the edges of the cover with lace or braid.

Unusual decor

You can also make interesting things with your own hands and profitably change the interior of the room, giving it originality. For those who have accumulated a lot of buttons, we can advise you to make simple ones, but very useful for the home, such as:

New interesting DIY crafts can also be made from disks that have become unusable. These can be either Christmas tree decorations, which even a child can easily make, or household items: chandeliers, curtains, boxes and much more. A lamp made from CDs looks very stylish and unusual. In order to fasten them together, you need to stock up on staples or metal rings. Holes in the disks must be made using a screwdriver.

These items, made with your own hands from old things, look very beautiful and unusual.

In the shop for craftswomen

You can make interesting things with your own hands using special material that is sold in any craft store. This can be yarn, a base for embroidery with a pattern, special paper, etc. This material is intended for certain types of needlework: macrame, patchwork, decoupage, quilling, etc. Knowing the basics of work in this area, you can make unusual crafts. A master class on this type of activity is presented below.

Putting it together piece by piece

Patchwork (translated from English means “working with patchwork”) has become an interesting and very popular type of needlework lately. From fabric scraps, skilled needlewomen create real masterpieces of art: blankets, rugs, carpets and even curtains. In order for the work to be truly high-quality, it is necessary to select fabrics that are similar in texture. It is also desirable that the pattern of the patches be in harmony with each other. It is necessary to cut pieces of fabric taking into account allowances - from 0.5 to 1 cm. The material is cut along the grain thread. Pre-wash and iron the fabric to prevent shrinkage. The material can only be drawn with soap, pencil or chalk, but not with a pen - there is a risk of marks appearing on the front of the product.

Blanket “Spring mood”

For production you need to prepare:

  • fabric in green, pink, yellow, orange and blue;
  • soap, chalk or pencil, ruler;
  • template - square 6 x 6 cm, rectangles 24 x 6 and 12 x 6 cm;
  • scissors;
  • sewing machine;
  • a piece of fabric 111 x 83 cm (for the wrong side of the product);
  • padding polyester

Prepare the fabric: wash, dry and iron. Place the prepared cardboard templates on the material. Cut out 12 pink, blue, green and yellow squares, leaving a 1 cm allowance. In addition, you will need 60 squares of the same size, but different colors. You will use them to cover the perimeter of the blanket. Prepare 24 strips 24 cm long and 6 cm wide from different fabrics and 24 strips 12 cm long of the same width.

Let's start stitching: take 4 6 cm squares of different colors and sew them together. Then sew 4 strips of the same color around the perimeter of the resulting product: 2 short on the sides, 2 long on the top and bottom. Collect all other squares in the same way. Sew the resulting products together. You should end up with 4 large squares in length and 3 in width.

The next stage is sewing squares (60 pieces set aside) around the perimeter of the blanket. The order of their arrangement by color depends entirely on your imagination. Now you need to sew fabric measuring 83 x 111 cm (3 cm per allowance) to the blanket. The two sides must be connected with the front side facing inward. After you have sewn 3 sides, turn the product inside out and stuff it with padding polyester. Then carefully join the 4th edge (either by machine or by hand). A soft and beautiful blanket is ready!

You can do blankets the same way. Creative things (with your own hands), photos of which are presented in this article, bring warmth and comfort! Try them yourself.

Crafts... made from food

You can even make things for your home from food: various cereals, pasta, dough and even sweets. With a little imagination, you can make paintings, pendants, and even watches! Buckwheat or rice should be glued with PVA glue onto a pre-prepared template. The cereal can be painted - and the picture will sparkle with all its colors. Involve your child in work - this will help him develop fine motor skills and creative thinking. In order to create, you can use coffee beans. You can also make other interesting things with your own hands from this material, for example, a gorgeous bonsai tree that will delight you and those around you with its original appearance.

A piece of the East

To create a bonsai tree you will need:

  • balloon;
  • PVA glue;
  • brown threads (slightly thicker than nylon);
  • thick branch;
  • flower pot;
  • pebbles

The balloon must be tightly wrapped with a thread soaked in glue and set aside. The workpiece must dry for at least 4-5 hours. Next, the balloon needs to be punctured and carefully removed. On the remaining base, planted on the prepared branch, you need to glue coffee beans. The branch should be strengthened in a flower pot using pebbles. The beautiful tree is ready!

Now you know that making things for your home with your own hands is interesting and useful!


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