How easy it is to tear wallpaper. How to clean old wallpaper: removing vinyl, non-woven, washable, paper, glass and liquid coatings

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Previously, people did not particularly bother and, if desired, simply over the old ones. The canvases were paper, so during this installation no bubbles, bumps and spots formed. As a result, in some apartments you can find from 2-3 to 8 or more layers of old wallpaper. To apply a modern coating, you will have to get rid of all this, and here many difficulties await. We have put together some effective ways to remove old wallpaper from walls quickly and easily, whether it is paper, vinyl or washable canvases.

Why is it better not to glue new wallpaper on old ones?

In the old days, when the wallpaper was entirely paper without any protective films and coatings, it was possible to glue new wallpaper on an old, even, undeformed, but simply boring coating with a clear conscience. Sometimes there are so many layers of old wallpaper that, like the rings of trees, you can determine the number of repairs and remember different periods in the life of the owners. If you are going to glue again on top of the old Soviet and miraculously surviving paper wallpapers, then you can take a chance and do without the dismantling procedure. In all other cases, it is better not to do this.

Firstly, if you are planning, or any other finish, then the layer of old wallpaper must be removed without fail. Secondly, even if you are going to glue the wallpaper again, then when applying one layer to another, you can get lagging new layer, wrinkles, blisters and other defects. This is due to the fact that the old layer may no longer hold very well, and there is also an increased load. What's more, the glue you'll be using will soften the old wallpaper layer. As a result, the drying process will be delayed, and if the wallpaper is of different quality in two layers, then lagging behind the walls cannot be avoided.

  • It's great if you still have labels from rolls that indicate the type of dismantling, for example, "remove wet" or "delaminate when removed."
  • Before you start removing old wallpaper, remember how they were pasted. If it was, which was applied to, then, most likely, the whole dismantling process will not be very difficult.
  • Problems can arise if the wallpaper was glued with non-standard glue, for example, PVA, or if it was mounted on an unsuitable surface. The most difficult surface is considered to be non-putty drywall.
  • Some difficulties may arise if the top layer does not absorb moisture (vinyl and washable wallpapers), but even in this case, effective methods have been devised.

In any case, remember that nothing is impossible. There are many ways to remove old wallpaper from the walls, it just might take a little more effort than planned.

How to prepare for wallpaper removal?

The process of dismantling old wallpaper is often a messy process. Plaster will crumble, splashes of water and some special tools will fly, so it is better to prepare the room in advance:

The last point is the most interesting. What tools may be needed in the process of removing wallpaper? Here is the list:

  • two sharp spatulas of different sizes;
  • bucket, water, detergent;
  • sponges, roller, rags;
  • garbage bags;
  • gloves;
  • ladder;
  • perforation roller, wallpaper tiger, knife;
  • special means for dismantling wallpaper / steam iron and a piece of fabric.

The set of tools can be reduced or expanded depending on the chosen method.

No. 1. Removing wallpaper with bare hands

This is an option for those lucky ones who have old wallpaper is already moving away from the walls. To remove the old canvases, it is enough to pull the upper edge, and if some parts do not lend themselves, then pry them with a spatula or knife. Stripes of wallpaper can depart entirely. Old wallpaper, most likely, has already lost its strength, so you should not pull so that the canvas does not crumble. Shoot carefully. If in some place the wallpaper is securely attached, then pry them with a knife or spatula. If this does not help, then use one of the following methods.

No. 2. The traditional way: removing wallpaper with water

The wet method works in most cases. Moreover, it is more hygienic compared to the previous option, since less dust will be generated in the process. The procedure is as follows:

This method is ideal for paper wallpapers: single-layer ones are soaked in literally 5-7 minutes and are perfectly removed from top to bottom, two-layer ones will take 10-15 minutes, and only the top layer can be removed. If you are going to glue the wallpaper, then the bottom layer of the old ones can be left. If not, then the procedure will have to be repeated. In the case of paper wallpaper covered with a protective moisture-resistant film, as well as in the case of vinyl, non-woven and washable wallpaper, you will have to try a little more. At a minimum, perforate, and as a maximum, use special compounds and other tricks.

Number 3. We use a special liquid for removing wallpaper

If the wallpaper is glued tightly, or you just don’t want to waste time and effort soaking it with water, then you can take a special composition for removing wallpaper. Such products are inexpensive, non-toxic, absorbed into the structure of the wallpaper much better than just water or soap and water.


No. 4. steam method

The most common iron, steam iron or steam generator can help you deal with old wallpaper:

No. 5. "Mole" against wallpaper

In construction, the following method is often used. It is a variation of the traditional method of removing wallpaper by soaking. If the wallpaper is glued firmly, then the Mole pipe cleaner should be dissolved in warm water. For 1 part Mole, add 2 parts water. Using a roller, this solution is applied to the wallpaper, and after 5-10 minutes the wallpaper should come off in whole canvases. The effectiveness of this method is on top, only moisten the wallpaper will have to be very careful and act with gloves.

No. 6. How to remove wallpaper pasted on PVA

PVA glue is a water-insoluble composition, so traditional methods do not take it well. You can try adding laundry soap or vinegar to the water, or both, or you can do it in a slightly different way.

Work with a spatula and grinder. Using a spatula, they try to carefully remove those parts of the wallpaper that lend themselves. Remains and large pieces can be removed with a grinder, but in this case it is worth remembering that you run the risk of damaging the main surface. Most likely, after completion of the work, the walls will have to be leveled.

Also, do not forget about the most effective way - steaming.

No. 7. How to remove vinyl wallpaper

No. 9. How to remove washable wallpaper?

No. 11. How to remove wallpaper from drywall?

Many complain that the old Soviet paper wallpaper has literally eaten into the walls and cannot be removed with water or steam. If all methods have been tried, and some of the wallpaper has remained tightly glued to the walls, then such a half-prepared wall can be puttied to level the surface for subsequent finishing. If the remnants of the old wallpaper hold tightly, tightly, then there will be nothing under the putty, and they will not affect the new coating in any way.

Wall treatment after wallpaper removal

When all work is completed and the walls are cleaned of the last piece of old wallpaper, it is time to assess the condition of the surface. In most cases, part of the plaster is removed with the canvases, so the wall can hardly boast of perfect evenness. Before proceeding with the finishing, its surface must be carefully prepared.

Previously, there was a misconception that there was no particular need to bother with preparing walls for. Alas, there are still fans of this opinion. It is easy to guess that as a result of this approach, they get a not very high quality finish, even if they choose high-quality wallpapers. An unprepared wall contains that even the most dense wallpaper cannot hide. Such a surface is more porous, which means that wallpaper glue will go many times more, and adhesion will be worse. Cracks in the walls that come into contact with the street can even cause mold to develop.

Whatever the subsequent wall decoration(wallpaper, painting, decorative plaster, etc.), the list of surface preparation activities will be approximately the same:

  • primary priming of walls it is necessary to improve the adhesion of the finishing material to the wall, reduce the degree of moisture absorption (saving paint, glue), speed up the drying process of the putty. applied, in hard-to-reach places you can use a brush. If you see that somewhere the composition is absorbed into the wall literally before your eyes, it is better to apply a second layer;

Glims DeepPrime PrimerGlims DeepPrime PrimerA primer that allows not only to strengthen the base, improve adhesion and save paint or glue, but also protect the surface from mold and fungus due to the antiseptic included in the composition. The primer can be applied to almost any surface, it dries quickly (4 hours) and has a low consumption (0.08-0.2 kg / m 2).

  • plaster is not always necessary. If the wall surface does not contain deep holes, drops and other defects, and you plan to glue fairly dense vinyl or non-woven wallpaper, then it will be enough to putty some irregularities. If the defects are significant, thin wallpaper or painting will be used, then plaster will have to be used first. For brick walls, a cement-sand composition is used; for concrete, gypsum plaster is more suitable. It is most convenient to use ready-made mixtures that require only the addition of water. The technology of wall plastering is dedicated;
  • putty it's better not to ignore it. It allows you to reduce the roughness of the walls, perfectly level the surface, which will positively affect the quality of the subsequent finish. . If you do all the work with your own hands, then it is better to take a gypsum composition - it is easier to apply than cement. Putty is applied with spatulas, and the finish layer can be omitted if thick wallpaper is glued, decorative plaster is applied or ceramic tiles are installed;
  • re-priming allows you to finally prepare the surface for subsequent finishing. This time the composition should go much less.

Remember to let each coat dry well. The data on the time of complete drying will be indicated on the packaging.

Anyone knows that sticking new wallpaper on the walls is a procedure that is not particularly time-consuming. Canvases are used in different rooms - hallways, living rooms. But the process can be significantly delayed - if there are problems with getting rid of past paintings. How to tear off old wallpapers on your own - this question worries many people today, especially those who decide to repair the premises or do it themselves.

Fortunately, there are great, effective ways that anyone can clean old wallpaper. Moreover, we are talking about the rapid removal of the finishing material from the surface - so that nothing interferes with the laying of new canvases.

Why remove the old wallpaper

Novice craftsmen sometimes wonder if it is necessary to rip off the old finish at all? If the wallpaper on the walls is holding up well, maybe apply a new finishing material directly to them? Alas, there are a number of reasons that indicate the need to remove old wallpaper.

Among the basic ones are:

  • Far from everywhere, old wallpaper keeps well on the wall. Somewhere they are actually still firmly in place - but there are also plenty of problem areas. It is worth giving a load (and the new layer will create it), all the shortcomings will immediately declare themselves - this is a fact;
  • When there is paper wallpaper on the wall, the glue of the new finishing material will definitely soften it. As a result, the drying time will increase significantly.
However, the main problem here is different - the old coating may begin to peel off the walls (of course, the new wallpaper will also follow it). The material will not necessarily fall off completely - wrinkles, bubbles, and other defects will simply appear everywhere.

It is hardly appropriate to talk about aesthetics here..

  • If vinyl wallpaper was previously applied to the wall, the master simply will not be able to achieve good adhesion. Moreover, such material is most often embossed, respectively, a new canvas can no longer be applied on top of it;
  • The conclusion is simple - removing the old finishing material from the walls will be the right decision in almost any case. It is not so difficult to cope with this work, even a beginner will be able to solve the problem on his own. How can you peel wallpaper off the walls quickly? The answer to this question will be given below.

What are the ways to remove wallpaper?

There are many ways to peel a canvas off a wall. Each of them will be considered in detail below - so that the master can choose exactly what is closest to him.

Hand work

A dilapidated coating often adheres very poorly to the wall surface. In this situation, everything is simple: it is easy to remove it with your own hands without the use of any additional tools and elements. If you have a spatula, everything will be very easy.

The master must lift the edge of the canvas, then pull it a little to the side. Sometimes one tug is enough to remove the whole canvas in this way.

If in some place the material is held well, you need to use a sharp tool - and everything will definitely work out.

Water will help

Sometimes it’s not so easy to tear off old wallpaper with your hands. But this is not a reason for frustration - ordinary water will come to the rescue at any time.

Here usually work like this:

  • To begin with, the master must soak the canvases. To do this, the wallpaper is processed with a sponge, a paint roller - of course, these elements are pre-wetted.

An interesting way: you can moisten the canvas to be removed with a spray bottle. The ideal option is to use exactly warm water, then the process will be significantly accelerated.
  • What if you need to remove washable wallpaper? There is even a way out of this situation - you just need to remove the protective layer from the canvas. Another solution is to make incisions in separate places;
  • A very useful tool is on sale today - a needle roller. It is enough to roll it over the surface - many small holes will immediately be created on it. Further, the canvases are soaked as mentioned above - and very soon it will be possible to observe the expected result;
  • For the material to absorb water, it is enough to wait only five minutes. When the canvas is wet, it lags behind the surface easily;
  • It happens that in certain places the canvas is held too tightly, does not lag behind. It is recommended to act in such a situation as follows: the wet remnants of the old canvas are scraped off the wall with a spatula.
It is important to remember about safety! Before wetting the wallpaper on the wall with water, you must turn off the electricity. Otherwise, water can close the contacts (if they are energized) - this should not be allowed.


How to peel off old wallpaper quickly? It is worth considering the use of any modern chemicals. Today, household chemicals are developing rapidly, new offers are constantly being released to the market that really help. It would be strange if nothing was provided to remove old wallpapers.

  1. The cost of chemicals for removing old wallpaper is quite acceptable, even economical people can afford the purchase;
  2. To apply the composition, use a simple roller or sponge - as in the case of ordinary water;
  3. The liquid is not toxic, but it is absorbed into the structure of the wallpaper much faster than water (even warm);
  4. As soon as the material is saturated with the composition, it can be removed without problems by hand - there are no difficulties here.

Steam is a true helper

Another effective way to remove old wallpaper from a wall is with steam. The ideal tool for solving the problem is a steam generator. But not every home master has this installation at hand, so you should pay attention to other options.


  • You can create steam today even with improvised means. A very simple way - you need to attach a damp cloth to the wall and iron it with an iron;
  • If the iron is equipped with a vertical steam function, it will be very good - the work will be done much faster.

When nothing helped ... Mechanical method

The situations are different. It also happens that the coating from the wall cannot be removed at all - even in the ways described above. Radical measures will help solve the problem. As an option, you can start the grinder (a coarse-grained nozzle is installed on it in advance).

What can be said about this method??

  • Yes, it is dusty and quite dirty (especially when compared with harmless wet removal);
  • The probability that the surface of the wall will be damaged is also great - there is nothing to be done about it;
  • But, if easy ways do not help, only this one remains. It is effective, the desired result is achieved quickly, the old finish leaves the surface very quickly.
Not every wall can be used with a grinder. Do this only for those areas that really can not be cleaned in other ways. If you plan to use a machine, you must definitely protect your respiratory organs, a respirator will help here.

This is what the most popular answers to the question of whether how to remove old wallpaper from walls.

Preparing for wallpapering - working with the surface

When the old finishing coating from the wall is successfully dismantled, this is far from all. Surface preparation is just beginning.

For example, master needs to do the following:

  1. Old glue must be washed off the wall, dust and any other contaminants are removed - otherwise, the new material is unlikely to look aesthetically pleasing;
  2. When the dirt is removed, you can cover the entire surface with a primer layer;
  3. If, when removing the old material, the rough finish was spoiled, you will have to putty - you can’t do without it;
  4. After the putty dries, the primer is applied to the wall again. After all these manipulations, you can proceed to applying new wallpaper to the surface.


The reader personally made sure that removing old wallpaper from the wall - removing or tearing it off, is very simple, anyone can do this job if they wish. Even if the finishing material is very firmly attached to the wall.

The durability of the repair, its quality - to achieve excellent results is not as difficult as it seems. To do this, it is enough to make some efforts and spend quite a bit of time, after which everything will definitely work out as intended.

There is hardly a person among us in whose apartment wallpaper has never been pasted. This trend has been preserved since the time of our grandmothers and still sounds convincing. Now many people prefer to paint the walls, but there are also unchanging fans of paper or vinyl coating. Be that as it may, often the wallpaper does not want to give way to another coating in any way and breaks away from the walls literally by a centimeter, driving the residents into a frenzy. We know a universal way to save your nerves and get rid of boring finishes.

Step 1: Make Cuts in the Coating

If the old wallpaper is holding tight and you can’t just deal with it, you need to break the solid top coating - make cuts around the entire perimeter. To do this, they usually use a roller with nails or a regular spatula, with which small notches are made on the canvas.

There are special devices for cutting the wallpaper layer, for example, the "wallpaper tiger", which, thanks to its device, scratches the coating. You can also try a drill with a special nozzle.

Now warm water will penetrate much faster inside the coating and it can be removed.

InMyRoom Tip: after you have cut the wallpaper, make sure that water penetrates inside - wet the wall section and wait 15-20 minutes. If it darkens evenly, then you did everything right. And if light spots remain or the coating does not darken at all, it means that there are not enough notches and more work needs to be done.

Step 2: Wet Old Wallpaper

Take an ordinary sponge and fill a bucket of warm water. Wet the sponge thoroughly and run it over the wall so that the wallpaper is saturated with the liquid. It is necessary to wet the entire coating from top to bottom. When the water is absorbed, the wallpaper will darken, and those places where light spots remain must be moistened again, otherwise it will not be easy to tear them off.

It’s good if you have a paper coating on the walls, but if you have vinyl, you will have to try. Such wallpapers are denser than usual, and the top coating does not let water through, so they are also called washable. What at first glance seems to be a plus can become a big minus during repairs - such a coating cannot be wetted with water, which means that it simply will not move away from the wall. Requires special handling.

InMyRoom Tip: to reach the very top corners, use a foam roller, available at any hardware store. Soak it in water and swipe it where a regular sponge can't get it.

Step 3: Remove the wall covering

You notice that the coating has evenly darkened, which means that the paper layer is sufficiently soaked and can be removed. Pick up the edge of the wallpaper sheet with a spatula. When the coating is glued to a solution specially designed for this, it leaves evenly in large pieces.

If we are talking about vinyl wallpaper, then only the top layer is peeled off, and the paper one will have to be moistened with water again and peeled off with a wide spatula. If, despite your best efforts, the water does not soak the coating properly, then try a special wallpaper remover. It can be purchased at hardware stores.

InMyRoom Tip: if the wallpaper sheets do not peel off completely and leave small paper particles on the wall, do not try to pick them off - you can damage the plaster and then a hole will form in the wall. After you remove all the wallpaper, simply wet the walls again and peel off the remaining small parts.

Started a renovation and don't know how to remove the old wallpaper? At first glance, there is nothing complicated about this, however, each type of wallpaper material requires its own, special approach. In this article, we will look at several quick and effective ways to get rid of the old coating, depending on the type of wallpaper.

We remove wallpaper in the traditional way

The easiest and most proven way to get rid of old wallpaper is to use water. First of all, turn off the power in the apartment, and then cover the sockets and switches with masking tape. To make it easier to clean up after the renovation, cover the floor with plastic wrap and secure it with tape so that all dust and debris falls on it.

It is necessary to soak the wallpaper with hot water with the addition of dishwashing detergent. Wait 10-20 minutes and wet again. When the wallpaper swells, they are removed with a spatula, starting from the bottom, prying off the edge of the canvas and removing it. Please note that it is not worth treating the entire wall as a whole, it is better to wet only part of the wall, during which time the old coating will not have time to dry. The remains of the wallpaper can be rubbed with coarse sandpaper, but in such a way as not to damage the putty.

How to remove non-woven wallpaper

This type of wallpaper consists of two layers: the lower one is made of cellulose and the upper one is made of synthetic fibers. Usually the top layer is well separated from the paper base, it is enough to pick up a piece of interlining from below.

First, try to remove this material with moisture. If in this way it was not possible to remove the wall decoration, then try using the “wallpaper tiger”. This is a special device that can perforate wallpaper without damaging the putty layer. Even easier, you can use the sharp tip of a spatula or a spiked roller to make notches on the surface. This is done so that moisture penetrates inside and reaches the paper layer, since non-woven fabric repels water. The wallpaper is wetted with water or a solution of vinegar and can be easily removed as described above.

How to remove vinyl wallpaper

Vinyl wallpaper is a combination of two layers: the top, covered with polyvinyl chloride, and the bottom woven or paper. PVC makes the surface water-repellent. More often these wallpapers are glued on PVA, which is very difficult to remove. Water and special liquids will not help here.

In this case, a mechanical cleaning method is used - a grinding machine. To begin with, the wallpaper is removed with a spatula, and then, strongly pressing the grinder against the wall surface, the remaining fragments are removed. Please note that this method generates a lot of dust, so you need to use a respirator and goggles. In the absence of a grinder, you can use a piece of coarse sandpaper.

The subtleties of removing washable wallpaper

Washable wallpapers do not let water through, so it is impossible to remove them in the traditional way (soaking). But there is another way - to use a steam generator. Under the influence of hot steam, cellulose and glue swell and simply move away from the wall. In the event that you do not have a steam generator or an iron with a steamer in your house, you can use a damp cloth. To do this, attach it to the wall and iron it with a hot iron. Thus, you process the entire wall. After that, pry off the edge of the wallpaper with a spatula and remove it. They should easily move away from the wall, entirely.

Liquid Wallpaper Removal Secrets

Liquid wallpaper is removed very simply - just wet the surface with water, let the material swell and you can remove the coating with a scraper or a wide spatula. If a thick layer of coating has been applied, then the surface must be wetted several times. Liquid wallpaper is convenient because it can be repeatedly applied to the wall. To do this, it is enough to dry the removed coating, and when reusing it, simply wet it with water and reapply to the surface.

If the liquid wallpaper contained a lot of gypsum and adhesive, then they can be removed with a building hair dryer. To do this, they heat the surface of the wall, and after the material begins to crack from exposure to hot air, they are removed with a spatula.

How to clean drywall from old wallpaper

If before pasting the old wallpaper, the drywall was initially puttied, then special chemicals can be used to remove the wallpaper, which dissolve the wallpaper paste well. But keep in mind that such a solution is diluted with water, so it should not be used in large quantities. The fact is that drywall itself easily absorbs moisture, while losing its strength and deforming.

Another way is to use the cheapest wallpaper paste. Dilute it and apply to the surface, in an even layer. It dries for a long time and at the same time pulls the material, because of which the wallpaper easily moves away from the wall.

If none of the methods fit, then you can remove the wallpaper with the top layer of drywall. Since it consists of sheets of paper glued together, it is enough just to pick up the top one and carefully separate it using a molar knife.

Cleaning a wall of old wallpaper is a painstaking process, but it won't take long. Be sure to remove any remaining glue and paper so that the new wallpaper will last long and look beautiful.

Started a renovation and don't know how to remove the old wallpaper? At first glance, there is nothing complicated about this, however, each type of wallpaper material requires its own, special approach.

In this article, we will look at several quick and effective ways to get rid of the old coating, depending on the type of wallpaper.

We remove wallpaper in the traditional way

The easiest and most proven way to get rid of old wallpaper is to use water. First of all, turn off the power in the apartment, and then cover the sockets and switches with masking tape. To make it easier to clean up after the renovation, cover the floor with plastic wrap and secure it with tape so that all dust and debris falls on it.

It is necessary to soak the wallpaper with hot water with the addition of dishwashing detergent. Wait 10-20 minutes and wet again. When the wallpaper swells, they are removed with a spatula, starting from the bottom, prying off the edge of the canvas and removing it. Please note that it is not worth treating the entire wall as a whole, it is better to wet only part of the wall, during which time the old coating will not have time to dry. The remains of the wallpaper can be rubbed with coarse sandpaper, but in such a way as not to damage the putty.

How to remove non-woven wallpaper

This type of wallpaper consists of two layers: the lower one is made of cellulose and the upper one is made of synthetic fibers. Usually the top layer is well separated from the paper base, it is enough to pick up a piece of interlining from below.

First, try to remove this material with moisture. If in this way it was not possible to remove the wall decoration, then try using the “wallpaper tiger”. This is a special device that can perforate wallpaper without damaging the putty layer. Even easier, you can use the sharp tip of a spatula or a spiked roller to make notches on the surface. This is done so that moisture penetrates inside and reaches the paper layer, since non-woven fabric repels water. The wallpaper is wetted with water or a solution of vinegar and can be easily removed as described above.

How to remove vinyl wallpaper

Vinyl wallpaper is a combination of two layers: the top, covered with polyvinyl chloride, and the bottom woven or paper. PVC makes the surface water-repellent. More often these wallpapers are glued on PVA, which is very difficult to remove. Water and special liquids will not help here.

In this case, a mechanical cleaning method is used - a grinding machine. To begin with, the wallpaper is removed with a spatula, and then, strongly pressing the grinder against the wall surface, the remaining fragments are removed. Please note that this method generates a lot of dust, so you need to use a respirator and goggles. In the absence of a grinder, you can use a piece of coarse sandpaper.

The subtleties of removing washable wallpaper

Washable wallpapers do not let water through, so it is impossible to remove them in the traditional way (soaking). But there is another way - to use a steam generator. Under the influence of hot steam, cellulose and glue swell and simply move away from the wall. In the event that you do not have a steam generator or an iron with a steamer in your house, you can use a damp cloth. To do this, attach it to the wall and iron it with a hot iron. Thus, you process the entire wall. After that, pry off the edge of the wallpaper with a spatula and remove it. They should easily move away from the wall, entirely.

Liquid Wallpaper Removal Secrets

Liquid wallpaper is removed very simply - just wet the surface with water, let the material swell and you can remove the coating with a scraper or a wide spatula. If a thick layer of coating has been applied, then the surface must be wetted several times. Liquid wallpaper is convenient because it can be repeatedly applied to the wall. To do this, it is enough to dry the removed coating, and when reusing it, simply wet it with water and reapply to the surface.

If the liquid wallpaper contained a lot of gypsum and adhesive, then they can be removed with a building hair dryer. To do this, they heat the surface of the wall, and after the material begins to crack from exposure to hot air, they are removed with a spatula.

How to clean drywall from old wallpaper

If before pasting the old wallpaper, the drywall was initially puttied, then special chemicals can be used to remove the wallpaper, which dissolve the wallpaper paste well. But keep in mind that such a solution is diluted with water, so it should not be used in large quantities. The fact is that drywall itself easily absorbs moisture, while losing its strength and deforming.

Another way is to use the cheapest wallpaper paste. Dilute it and apply to the surface, in an even layer. It dries for a long time and at the same time pulls the material, because of which the wallpaper easily moves away from the wall.

If none of the methods fit, then you can remove the wallpaper with the top layer of drywall. Since it consists of sheets of paper glued together, it is enough just to pick up the top one and carefully separate it using a molar knife.

Cleaning a wall of old wallpaper is a painstaking process, but it won't take long. Be sure to remove any remaining glue and paper so that the new wallpaper will last long and look beautiful.


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