What is the best way to send a newsletter. Examples of mailing letters: how to write to the mailing list so that they trust and buy - template

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Any newsletter costs money, so only companies do it, and for the sole purpose of selling. Only now they achieve this goal different ways. I single out three types of mailings for myself: playful, useful and selling.

First, gaming. In this case, companies create an interesting literary character who tells different stories in letters and shares his opinion with readers about everything in the world. This type of mailing, for example, was used by Aimobilco and Budist. Game mailing lists entertain readers and sell a product at the same time. The game and sales are necessarily separated, as an interesting film is separated from advertising. Only great masters know how to mix product offers well into an interesting article.

The second type is educational magazine, for example, about the business that we do in Megaplan. We find, reprint or write ourselves useful, interesting stuff and bring it to the audience. The ultimate goal of such a mailing list is to form a loyal audience that is more likely to use the services of a company familiar from a good mailing list than to choose a completely unfamiliar one. Its main task is to keep readers interested.

The third type - the most ineffective - is mailing lists with direct sales. They make a specific product offer to the reader. Those who do not like it simply click the "Spam" button and permanently remove themselves from the mailing list. Recently, copywriter Dmitry Kot published a book about mailings, in which he says that a good letter from a company should contain 80% of useful information and 20% of product advertising. A situation in which both the wolves are fed and the sheep are safe: some react to the offer, and those who are not interested in the product simply read the informative part of the mailing list.

How not to get into spam

Spam is advertising that has proven to be useless. If a person responded to the “cheap viagra” spam, this is not spam for him. Mailing is a very risky thing, because it involves an invasion of a person's personal space. And if it turns out that what you tremulously and lovingly wrote is irrelevant to the reader, then it turns out that you have generated spam. To reduce the number of complaints, you need to strive to ensure that the newsletter is of interest to the widest possible range of your readers.

For example, I understand that most of our audience is not interested in reading about the specifics of Megaplan's work, so I write articles on broader topics related to business issues. Goods and services of the company, special offers and promotions, as a rule, are of no interest to anyone. Another thing is when you write in general about life and the world around. It is much more relevant, and people read about it with great pleasure.

Base formation

Mailing efficiency indicators largely depend on the quality of the database. You need to be prepared for the fact that only 20% of the base are "live" people, and the remaining 80% of users instead of workers left their "dump" addresses or simply never open the mailing list. I once heard this phrase: "A magazine should be such that people want to pay to read it." This key principle. The highest quality base consists of people who subscribe to the newsletter themselves. They clearly understand why they need it, and read it of their own free will.

You MUST enter your personal email address. People love to chat
with real people, and not just leave comments on the company's Facebook page

Building such a database is extremely difficult. This can be done only if you treat the newsletter as a separate product that needs to be sold - to prove to buyers how much they will benefit from it. More often it happens otherwise: the base is collected from the addresses left during registration or written on business cards collected at conferences. As a result, 2/3 of the bases receive mailings that they didn't really want.

Good posting rules

Newsletter is not a magical thing that immediately attracts buyers to your site. It's basically just a letter in a box. However, there are a few rules that help increase its effectiveness. First, everything related to sales of new services and promotions should always go under the trailer after useful content. I never suggest that people buy something from Megaplan before I give them something useful from me. This is how the principle of reciprocity works.

Secondly, I never mix advertising or a commercial offer into a useful article. It's illegal, you can't do that. The reader sees
that you are trying to secretly sell something to him, loses confidence in you and sends the mailing list to spam.

3.6 billion accounts

on the ground

64% of recipients

open the letter because of its title


most effective day for mailing

In addition, mailing is a conversation between a person and a person. There is a simple rule: never send anything that you have not shown to your mother or wife. I always remember that they will read it, and I will never publish something for which I would be ashamed in front of them. That's why I don't try to sell the product, I try not to be fake, not to use clericalism, not to be familiar. In the design of the newsletter, I do my best to make it easier to read: I break up large pieces of text into paragraphs, add subheadings, sidebars, quotes, and sometimes I dilute the text with pictures. All this together adds up to a good, honest and nicely designed newsletter.

In the general mailing list, I always indicate personal mail: in any letter there should be the possibility of direct communication with the author. People love to connect with real people, not just leave comments on a company's Facebook page. Readers will not write just like that, they need motivation: a specific question, a topic and a reason to talk. If I ask readers about something in the mailing list, I get 40-50 letters in response. For all the time I worked at Megaplan, I received only five or seven aggressive letters from inadequate people. Usually people in letters praise, give advice, criticize, and all this is generally very useful.

Where to begin

The first thing to do is understand why you need it at all. Then it is worth answering the question: does your company have something unique that it could share. This may be the personal experience of employees and the manager, the presence of an expert, some resource that will make your mailing list stand out from the rest. That's the only way she can be effective tool promotion.

At the preparation stage, you should decide who will be responsible for the mailing and how often it should be done. There is no optimal indicator here, it all depends on your capabilities and the subject of the newsletter. You can experiment with frequency to see when people are unfollowing more. In general, it's easy to overdo it on the Internet, but it's hard to underdo it, so sending out once a month is fine too. The main rule is that it must be released according to a clear schedule. You can’t treat it like something secondary that can wait a day or a week. Irregular mailing simply will not work and will be a waste of money and effort.

A person who is engaged in mailing lists has two main tasks. First, stylistic. He must be able to create intelligible, clear and understandable texts. Second, content. He should have a clear understanding of what is worth writing about. In this sense, he simultaneously takes on the functions of an editor, journalist and analyst. His task is to find material that deserves attention in a huge information flow, transform it, add something from himself and, having written the text, understand whether it is interesting to his readers.

An ordinary PR manager will not cope with this task. Such a specialist should be sought among journalists and philologists, people who have a creative and literary taste and are used to working with text. To assess the adequacy of the candidate, ask him to write a test copy and ask clients if they liked it. A good specialist in response will definitely ask what kind of audience you have, what topics they are interested in, what sites and magazines they read.

It is not worth planning what your newsletter will be like in a year, spending three months on expensive design, selecting authors and topics for the future. I advise you to start small and test everything. Do not build a palace right away, start with a one-story house.

Work with hypotheses that are easy to implement and see what response they evoke in readers. The mailing should be carried out sparingly, otherwise it simply will not have enough time and effort. She doesn't have to be perfect and super cool. First of all, it should just come out and be of acceptable quality.

Increasing sales is the main task of marketing. Can email be a secret? successful sales in the Internet? Of course. The portal says statistical studies Statista: At the beginning of 2015, 20% of US consumers made their purchases online under the influence of an email campaign. Also, users made an order by phone or made a purchase in the store after they read the newsletter:

How to get into this percentage with your email campaign and set up a selling email marketing mechanism? Read our article.

be guided the following rules when creating a sales email newsletter:

  • The benefits are clear. Formulate your advantages in email. When making a purchase, the user compares your offer with the offers of other companies. Having a trump card in your hands, know how to use it. Tell us about the materials from which the goods are made, about the technologies, about the unique characteristics. The subscriber needs proof that you are better than others.
  • Benefits are obvious. For a second, imagine yourself in the place of the subscriber. He is interested in what exactly the product or service offered in email can help, how they can solve his problems. Tell us what is the usefulness and relevance of your proposal for him. Discounts and promotions are the first helpers in this.
  • The call to action is clear. The letter should have a clear call to action. Direct the attention of your subscriber, tell him what he needs to do after reading the letter: “Buy”, “Purchase”, “Get a discount”, and so on.

Let's see how these three rules apply at the stages of creating a sales letter.

For example, a marketer. This will attract the attention of subscribers and thereby increase the number of discoveries.

At the same time, indicate in the footer all your contacts: number mobile phone employee, Skype login, email, you can add links to social networks, etc.

In order for the content to be sent to be relevant, you need to divide subscribers into groups according to their gender, geographic location, interests, etc.
To send promotional offers, for example, you can offer the user to choose the promotions and discounts from which brands he wants to receive.

Around 205 billion emails are sent every day. This means that 2,400,000 emails are sent every second. There are 74 trillion emails per year. What can you do to increase your email open rate? Pay attention to the subject of the letter. The Open Rate of the email newsletter depends on how bright and catchy it will be. Make sure that the title is not misleading, but accurately conveys the essence of your email offer and inspires a purchase. If you promise a discount, keep your word.

Here are some ideas for selling email subject lines:

  • Ask questions: "Do you like shopping?" “Color educational program: do you have vermilion or incarnate in your wardrobe?”
  • Intrigue: "Shh ... we have a gift for you!"
  • Surprise with the news: "Happened: a new collection ... is already waiting for you";
  • Tell about the benefits using numbers: “7 reasons why you should buy…”;
  • Specify month or year: "Bestsellers of 2016"
  • Guarantee: “We will refund your money if…”.

What is better NOT to do in order not to turn a sales letter into a complete failure:

  • A line of exclamation points is more like a tantrum and won't work in favor of a high email open rate. Use better symbols as attention grabbing. It can be a heart, an asterisk, a sun, and so on.

Again, you need to understand that your topic is at risk of being incorrectly displayed in some mail services. For example, in outlook, the heart symbol is not displayed at all. So the subject line of a Carter's sale email looks like this:

  • Recipients are put off by the following words in the subject line: "Confirm", "Report", "Join".
  • Abbreviations should not be used.
  • What certainly should not be done in a sales mailing list is to upset with the words: "Last chance ...", "Everything is lost ...".

4. We write a selling text

The fact that the main thing in sales is the relationship with the buyer, says Jack Mitchell, author of the book "Hug Your Customers". “Hugs” refers to a sincere desire to make your customer happy. This also applies to email sales. It is necessary to provide the subscriber with all the conditions so that he feels that he is the only one, it is important that his user experience is good. Content must convey this attitude. What will help with this?

1. Personalization

There is a prejudice that addressing by name puts subscribers on guard. But still, statistics confirm the opposite: 80% of subscribers want to make purchases from brands that send personalized emails.

2. The tone of the letter should be credible.

Everything you write should not cause rejection and laughter. "People don't buy from clowns!" - Leo Burnett once said about sales methods. It is important that the text is small but intriguing.

3. Use the well-known AIDA and QUEST sales text formulas:

AIDA: Attention, Interest, Desire, Action

According to this formula, the task of the test is primarily to attract attention, bright and large headlines and first sentences will help in this. Next, we kindle the desire of the subscriber to purchase a product or order a service. Slogans, your advantages, as well as interesting descriptions what you are selling. This chain is concluded by an action that follows the previous three components. Add a call to action button to make it clear to the subscriber what they need to do next.

QUEST: Understand (Understand), Educate (We train), Stimulate (We stimulate), Transition (We encourage action)

These components of the formula describe the tasks of the text in the email:

  • Qualify (We qualify). That is, conditions are created in which the text falls into the zone of interest of those subscribers who are your target audience. In fact, the first paragraph of this formula can be skipped, since this is the task performed in email marketing by segmentation of the mailing list.
  • Understand (We understand). The task of the text is to show the subscriber. How close are his problems to you? With this approach, it is important to show your care and empathy.
  • Educate (We train). At this stage, you show the way to solve the problem.
  • Stimulate (We stimulate). Stimulate the subscriber to action, prove that your offer is the best.
  • Transition (Action). In email, it is expressed in your calls to action.

In the letter in the example below, the principle of writing text according to the QUEST formula is followed.

Finally, share your thoughts! If you have something to say - say it! Don't be afraid to share your opinions, tips or examples from personal experience with subscribers. This will pleasantly surprise them and inspire a sense of confidence.

5. Pay attention to details (images)

What will help make your email offer unique? After all, it’s not enough just to make a bright call-to-action button or talk about your benefits. The answer is simple: images good quality. Create a sense of presence with bright, detailed photos your product. It is the details that will help to make a competitive and unique email offer. When you look at such photos, there is a desire to touch, see live, perhaps try on and, of course, buy.

In the screenshot below, in their email, Burberry pays attention to all the details of the trench coat: buttons on the two sides, stitching on the waistband, water-repellent fabric, shoulder straps.

6. Calls to action

Your letter has a specific purpose, which means there should be a clear call to action. For example, "Order", "Leave a review", "Use a discount", "Go to the site".

8. Adapt email for all devices

Users are increasingly shopping online. According to Data Insight, orders from mobile devices account for about 15% of all purchases by Russians. Therefore, it is very important to make all letters adaptive and use as little text as possible in emails, since not everyone is comfortable reading huge canvases with a large number of characters from a smartphone.

9. Create email series

Not all subscribers read every email. If a subscriber receives three, four or five emails, they will read one of them for sure and go to the site to make purchases.

Automation in this case is great helper, as you can set up a schedule for sending all emails in a series in advance.

The example below shows an online clothing store that sends a series of emails to its subscribers about spring sales:

The first letter is a bright start with the mention of the brands SK-house, Miss Sixty in the subject line, while the second is a reminder of the promotion. To interest, additional brand names are used in the email header.

Instead of a conclusion

There is a marketing concept of "4 P's" regarding successful sales. Sales efficiency will be high if the conditions for the four components are harmoniously observed: product (product), place (place), price (price), promotion (promotion).

Email marketing is an integral part of promotion. We hope that our tips will help you increase initial and repeat sales. But also do not forget to constantly develop and improve the conditions for the other components of the 4P concept.

It's no secret that successful online stores squeeze maximum sales from their audience. Initial conversion optimization is a good thing, and, of course, you need to constantly work in this direction. But 70% of the profits of large online stores come from repeat sales, often generated by email marketing.

Where to begin

Many site owners assume that it is imperative to notify the audience about new products daily. But with this approach, your entire mailing list will soon turn into spam, and you will definitely not increase sales, but, most likely, you will only receive negative feedback from customers and unsubscribes.

Determine the main triggers for which you will send emails. It can be:

1) Product triggers

  • Seasonal sale.
  • Holiday discounts.
  • Thematic mailing.
  • News and special offers for subscribers.

2) Behavioral triggers

User behavior (after a certain number of days after registration or the last order, it is necessary to stimulate the client for further purchases) for each site individually, you need to always track user transitions and understand where they are lost. Gather statistics on individual users to send information on the goods they are interested in.

3) System triggers

  • Transactional (order confirmation, dispatch, receipt at the warehouse or delivery services).
  • Track forgotten carts and unobtrusively remind you of abandoned items.
  • Notify about changes in the site, delivery, terms of service.
  • Be inspired by the experience of major ecommerce companies such as ozon.ru, enter.ru, kupivip.ru, asos.com, ebay.com, etc. Look for ideas for communication and organizing the structure of emails.

Segment your audience, divide it by gender, age, region, subscriber activity, try to ask about what types of goods are interesting to specific users, make a personalized newsletter. Often, segmentation is carried out when subscribing, when the user indicates their interests in the questionnaire, but later this division can be supplemented by purchases and visitor actions on your site.

Newsletter structure and template

After you have decided on the triggers, you need to choose the structure and template of the newsletter, as well as its general direction. It is better to dwell on the friendly tone of letters, use original signatures. The main thing is that your letters are interesting to customers and motivate them to buy.

I fully agree with the advice of Alena Mellon from the Academy of Sales Letters, UniSender: “There are only two really important questions: “How did you collect this database?” and “What will you write to her?”. The issue of choosing a platform, it seems to me, is secondary. ”

For beginners, it is better to use ready-made templates that services offer. Once you master the basics, you can switch to professional platforms and order individual design letters.

Also, when organizing a mailing list, pay attention to the continuity of the letter template and the user’s transition page (namely with a landing page), so that the person does not have the feeling that he was deceived and he was lost on the site.

Experiment with the content in the body of the letter, add video, various graphics, interactive elements.

The page we land on when we go:

Take a look at this page (how exactly my segment is defined):

  • Offers female clothes.
  • Once again informs that everything is correct, this is the promotion page "- 25% off winter wardrobe”, and we see a banner with the same girl as in the letter.
  • opens Russian version site, and shows the conditions for the Russian-speaking segment of the audience (delivery, currency, content).

How to send and collect statistics

Let's get acquainted with the services that carry out the mailing. Of course, you can organize the mailing list yourself, but this way it will be harder for you to track statistics on opens and clicks of users. Each service has its own advantages and limitations, and test free modes help you choose your own. I will list the most famous and convenient:

1. mailchimp.com is a well-deserved leader in the organization of email newsletters, easy settings and fast moderation of letters, organization of split testing, big choice ready-made templates, there is a free plan for up to 12,000 letters per month based on 2,000 people. The entire interface is English language, but Russian is supported both in the body of letters and in the fields.

2.unisender.com offers free education in the "Sales Letter Academy", which will be very helpful for beginners. The functionality of the service is quite wide, it includes detailed email analytics and simple integration with Google Analytics. Just like mailchimp, it allows you to set up email chains and do segmentation. A free plan is available for a base of 100 people and includes sending 1500 letters.

3. sendsay.ru - the service has great functionality, it is also possible to send SMS messages. Sendsay statistics allows you to track literally everything: the number of clicks from mailing lists, the number of clicks on links in emails - there is also a built-in map that shows all the actions of subscribers. The free plan is available for a base of 200 addresses and includes sending 1000 letters per month.

  • pechkin-mail.ru;
  • epochta.ru;
  • smartresponder.ru;
  • Aweber;
  • constant contact;
  • Campaign Monitor;
  • Blue Sky Factory;
  • Emma.

Always track the statistics of your emails and work on improving them. Here is an example of the most important metrics to track:

  • Percentage of delivered emails.
  • Percentage of openings.
  • Percentage of transitions.
  • Number of spam complaints.
  • The number of clicks on links in the email.
  • Sales from sent emails.


P.S. If you want to learn more about email marketing, leave your comments on questions of interest.

The first erroneous thought that occurs in the head of an inexperienced entrepreneur who decides to develop a business on the Web. It seems like a working site with information posted on it is enough. It may seem to you that you will be able to communicate, get the opportunity through the site to tell the audience whatever you want, but this is not so. Let's figure it out.

Let's say 100 people visit your site. You greeted them with your face. They looked around, read something (if you have a blog, for example), made a purchase (if you have an online store) and left. Everything. If they want, they will “contact” you - they will visit the site again. If not, then you've lost your audience because your visitors are still strangers to you. You can't contact them, they can. The same pager. Now imagine that these 100 people left you their email addresses.

Email is a direct analogue of a telephone number, a contact through which YOU can contact your visitors. True two-way communication, like a phone. It remains only to get an email.

How to get email

A fundamental problem that marketing gurus struggled to solve. To answer the question, you need to take the place of the site visitor. They just don't give out email addresses. Compulsion? Will not work. Deception? Even worse.

The only one effective way get an email - make the person want to give it to you.

  • Stay up to date. In many cases, the user, if your site is relevant to his interests, will not mind subscribing to notifications about new events on the site, whether it is the release of new material, the appearance of a new product, and so on. The same function can be served under the “it’s more convenient” sauce.
  • All the best. It's a good suggestion to send in a selection of the best of what's happening on your site. Featured Articles, the best goods.
  • Exclusive. More aggressive but very effective method referring to features human psychology. Access to something is provided only to subscribers. It can be anything: unique "most useful" materials, contests, special conditions and functionality. Think of a list of your offers that could be classified as exclusive, and give only to the “chosen ones”.
  • Discounts and promotions. This information is objectively useful to your audience. Who wants to miss profitable proposition? In part, this item overlaps with a more abstract notification function, but here the motive for the visitor is financial, more specific and attractive.

The motives for sending an email address listed above should be shown to visitors in a simple and visual way. Put static and pop-up subscription blocks on the site. No tricky long texts. Clearly, clearly, clearly, understandably. The effect will not keep you waiting, and soon you will have an impressive database of contacts.

What to do with email addresses

Having email addresses allows you to speak to your audience through a mailing list. You need to use this opportunity correctly, because inept work with subscribers will not only not help, but also harm you.

Rules for good email marketing

So you're talking to an audience. Address is speech. Speech should be beautiful and elegant, which means that your letters must attract with every element.

If the subject of the letter did not interest the recipient, then he will not get to the content. The theme should not repeat the past, but should arouse curiosity with the originality of the message.

Address I trust

Say which sender's name causes less doubt: [email protected]? Your company name is your name and should be in the sender's address. He must be recognized. That is why marketers focus on brand awareness.

Life is too short to read long letters

And in the mobile era, when people view your content on smaller smartphone screens, size requirements have become even tighter. No more than 50 characters per title - strict rule. Ideally key phrases, appeals and abstracts should fit in 28–39 characters.


Too much uppercase won't help you engage the reader. Rather, on the contrary. It is necessary to take into account the specifics of perception. Caps can be perceived as a scream. Nobody likes to be yelled at.

I'm talking to you, friend!

Personalization in circulation is the strongest tool for increasing the loyalty and interest of the recipient of the letter. It seems as if the letter did not come from a soulless robot, but from a friend who knows your name. What attention! It's close, incredibly close. Offer personalization is an even more advanced tool that works based on the visitor's history of actions.

teaser letter

You can not consider email in isolation from the overall business process. The letter is the first stage in the chain, and therefore must fulfill a strictly defined goal. For example, a transition to your website, store, a specific page. The content of the letter must lead the recipient to this through a clearly formulated call-to-action (call to action). Typically, this is an element that stands out in the body of the email, like a button, and the text acts as a catalyst for attractiveness for clicking on it.

A/B testing

Have you decided to make several versions of the letter, because you are not sure which one will be the most effective? No need to doubt. Using right tool, you can send all versions of the letter, distributing them so that, for example, 33% of recipients see the first option, 33% - the second and 34% - the third, and then evaluate the effectiveness of each option.

The wizard always comes on time

And in the context of an email campaign, “on time” means best time in terms of response activity of recipients. There is no perfect moment when all the people in the world suddenly want to read emails and click on links. Everything is very individual, and to find better days and watch will help simple practice and follow-up activity monitoring.

Thanks to these not too cunning tricks you will turn the email newsletter into an effective communication channel through which a loyal audience interested in your offer will come to your site.

However, there is a problem, and you already understand it well. How, for example, to personalize hundreds and thousands of letters? How beautiful to write a letter? The same goes for A/B tests and analytics in general. In the end, not every entrepreneur ALREADY owns his own website, and therefore the first task for him is to find a simple and inexpensive way to get a high-quality beautiful “digital office” for his business.

With the advent of website builders, the life of small businesses and entrepreneurs has become much easier. No need to contact programmers and designers. You don't need a sysadmin to maintain the server. It is enough to choose one that does not require specific skills for customization, and independently modify it to fit your needs.

It remains only to add an email application to the site. A minute to install, a couple of clicks to create a beautiful letter, a convenient choice of recipients, and your newsletter is ready to be sent.

Newsletter via e-mail considered convenient and in an inexpensive way attracting customers. It is actively used by Internet entrepreneurs and not only. How to make a mailing list by Email, how to increase its effectiveness, what myths are associated with it - read the article.

Major misconceptions

It is generally accepted that mailing is easy and simple. It is enough to have a database of addresses and regularly send letters with offers to buy this or that. However, take a look in your box. How many emails do you go to spam? How much do you delete without even opening it? When you are in last time bought something, having received such a letter?

technical knowledge on how to make mass mailing Email is clearly not enough for a good result.

Firstly, the address base must be legal, purchased subscribers or received from a partner will not meet your expectations. Ideally, the target audience should be collected.

Secondly, the letters should contain interesting and useful information. Equally important is the form of presentation of the material. You need to write in such a way that you want to read the letter. Headlines are extremely important, otherwise no one will open the mailing list.

Important plan. You should know in advance when and what you will tell your readers about.

A simple conclusion follows from this. You need to learn how to do email marketing the right way. Read books, take part in trainings and, of course, try in practice, look for your own approaches and methods.

How to do email marketing the right way

The purpose of emails from a company is to sell your product. But you can get there in different ways.

  1. The first way is gaming. A certain fictional character is created - the hero of letters. Stories are told on his behalf, he can also share his opinion or impressions about something. The purpose of such letters is, first of all, to entertain the reader, but also to offer a product too. Play and sale should be separated. As an analogy, we can recall an interesting program with advertising blocks.
  2. The next path is cognitive. It is this strategy that is followed in the Megaplan mailing list. Letters are a kind of business magazine filled with useful information. Articles are written by authors or reprinted from other sources. Thanks to this approach, audience loyalty and an expert image of the company are formed.
  3. The third option is direct sales. It is considered the most ineffective of all possible. These are the emails that most often end up in spam. Even with this approach, only 20% of the information should be selling, and 80% - useful. Otherwise, the method will not work.

How to form a database and not become a spammer?

When choosing a mailing list, you are on a slippery slope. Letters are a real invasion of personal space. People don't like it, so they press the "Spam" button and complain. It is important to ensure that the information is interesting and relevant to readers.

How to make email marketing useful? Don't write about your company or how good your product is. Take on broader topics that will hook your audience. About success, about life around, share working secrets and techniques. Let your emails help people solve problems, even if they haven't bought anything yet.

The effectiveness of the distribution is directly related to the quality of the database. Accept the fact that a maximum of 20% of the addresses will turn out to be working, and 80% are dump boxes that are not even checked. The database will be better if it includes people who signed up themselves, because they were interested in something. To collect just such addresses, you need to treat the mailing list as a serious project that requires an investment of time and effort.


Naturally, you need to contact the audience regularly. If you don't plan on doing this, then don't even start. Most often, letters come once a month or once a week. It's better to send quality material, but less often than low-quality, but often.

It is believed that the most effective regularity ranges from two emails per week to one email per two weeks. Frequent appeals are perceived as a manifestation of importunity, and if you remind yourself too rarely, they can completely forget.

Technical points

So, you have decided on the content of letters and regularity, have collected a database of addresses. What's next? How to send out an email newsletter?

If the database is small, then a very real task is to send letters without involving paid services. How to do your own email marketing? Very simple.

When you've finished your letter, complete the To, Cc, and Bcc fields. Addresses must be separated by commas. There is a limit on the number of recipients. For example, in Mail.ru there cannot be more than thirty of them.

In addition to the fact that this method is time consuming, it has another danger. Spam filters treat messages with a large number of recipients as unsolicited. To bypass this protection, you need to send messages not in bulk, but send each message separately. With a large database, this is simply impossible to do manually. How to make an email-mailing in such a situation? You will have to resort to the help of special mailing services.

How to send everyone by email: links to services

There are three most popular ones today: SmartResponder, Subscribe, UniSender. All three are domestic. Thanks to this, they have a Russian-language interface and Russian-speaking technical support, which is very convenient.

Also, all of them provide official documents for services, which is extremely important for legal entities.

UniSender and Smart Responder are democratic. If the database is small and there are few letters, then it is possible to use the services for free.

In addition to email, through these services, you can send SMS messages. It is also very important that there is access to statistics: how many letters are open, how many are sent to spam, how many people have made transitions to the site, etc.

Another advantage of the services is that they actively educate their users on how to make emailing to unfamiliar subscribers effective. You will receive articles, books the very next day after you go through the registration procedure.

Now you not only know how to create a mailing list based on Email, but also have information on how to make it interesting, effective and help promote your business.

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