How my husband rented me out. "I'll rent out my wife"

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the site tried to figure out what makes husbands send their lovers outside for adventure.

“I’ll give my wife away for the night. From you – a big dick and a sea of ​​fantasy.” Such messages can be found more and more often on the Internet lately. It turns out that letting your significant other have sex with others is becoming more and more popular every day.

Cheating saved the family

This movement became popular in the early 2000s. It was then that the sexwife movement (a wife cheating on her husband) began to gain momentum. And if earlier women went to the left in secret, now the husbands themselves began to choose their lovers. Today, finding someone else’s wife on the Internet is quite simple: you just need to type a suitable query into a search engine. Several dozen similar advertisements from different cities will immediately appear. But, of course, the leaders on the list are Moscow and St. Petersburg.

“For the first time, I caught myself thinking about renting out my wife after five years of marriage,” Vladislav admitted to us, who has been looking for overnight partners for his betrothed for three years now. – When I saw an amateur video of someone’s wife having fun with another man, I got really excited.

Vladislav assures that the most difficult thing was to persuade the woman he loved to side with him. She took his timid attempt with hostility. But after three months of regular conversations, I finally decided. Her husband himself found her first lover. He showed several men who were ready to have sex with her. Of them, she chose the one who seemed the most attractive to her.

“At first I was disgusted by the thought that I would have to sleep with another man,” says Alina. “But then my husband finally persuaded me.” And you know, this experiment only benefited our relationship. Before this, sex was boring and irregular. But after my betrayal, we had sex every day for a week! Therefore, now I am sure that my trips to the left fuel our family!

Alina says that there are more than enough people who want to spend the night with other people’s wives. These are mostly students, as well as married men over forty who are also looking for adventure on the side. There are quite a few of them among guest workers.

“There aren’t many men in our area who are about thirty or a little older,” Alina continues. – Some people think we are perverts, but that’s not true! We are simply saving our families. For example, I choose exclusively students as my partners. It's not boring with them and you can make all your sexual fantasies come true. But I don’t get involved with my peers. My second man and I met several times, and I realized that I was starting to fall in love with him. It took six months to forget him. Now I don't risk it.

I like that there is no need to care

However, as elsewhere, intimacy with “sex wife” has its drawbacks. Not all lovers are ready to put up with their husbands' pranks. Those, sending their wives on a trip to the side, ask in return for videos, or even arrange a live online broadcast via phone or computer.

. “And I also like that you don’t have to look after anyone here.” Life in a metropolis leaves its mark. At the end of the working day you are so tired that you have no time for flowers and gifts. But here everything is simple: everyone knows what they need.

Psychologists admit that recently there have been many more people wanting to send their wife away. According to them, this is due to lack of self-confidence.

“This phenomenon is called provoked betrayal syndrome,” says sexologist Irina Fomina. – People, listening to a report from the scene, experience sexual arousal. As a rule, middle-aged men are prone to this. Behind this are an inferiority complex and self-doubt. If in a family such sex on the side is considered the norm, then there is nothing shameful here. Another thing is that husbands sometimes go too far. One of my clients was forced by her husband to sleep with Tajiks and Uzbeks whom he found at the Kazansky railway station. Ultimately, she got tired of his wild fantasies and they divorced. So you need to look for a middle ground in everything.

By the way

In Japan, until the 20th century, there was an interesting custom. Japanese officials, when traveling around the country on inspection, did not stay in hotels, but in the homes of their colleagues. And the mistresses of the house became their wives for the night. If a woman for some reason refused intimate services, her husband could be fired.

My long-standing idea of ​​a Man for Rent has received a chic embodiment in America (in San Francisco), where the Man Slave service - - will soon be launched.

This service has finally figured out what exactly a woman wants (and she doesn’t want conversations about genitals and offers to quickly jump into bed). A woman wants to be a queen, so that men will obey her every order, fulfill her every desire, silently and servilely and sometimes to their own detriment (an unthinkable combination in real life):

Such a service will cost at least 80 dollars per hour and 300 dollars per day - this is how much men will earn from servicing women (and no sex!).

The service selects men to serve women according to the image and likeness of famous actors and ladies' men. Types of men: blondes, brunettes, awkward and pretty, men with Mediterranean appearance, vampires, etc.:

Each candidate for the role of ladies' man will undergo special training and training.

Our women would love this!

Today, many of them pay a price much higher than in this American service. Hundreds of women are deceived by modern Russian gigolos and womanizers who trick them (by forcing them to take out loans for them, buy cars, apartments - and then disappear without a trace).

And here is an honest, obsequious male slave (this is fantastic!), a limited amount of time (you won’t get bored), without harassment or complaints.

Every Russian woman (even (especially) married ones) should undergo such a service at least once a year - purely for psychological balance. To feel like a queen at least once a year and recoup your accumulated fatigue or loneliness.

So here is another business idea for enterprising people who can find several nice, helpful, sober men on Russian territory. But it won’t be up to the clients. tried to figure out what makes husbands send their lovers outside for adventure.

“I’ll give my wife away for the night. From you - a big dick and a sea of ​​fantasy.” Such messages can be found more and more often on the Internet lately. It turns out that letting your significant other have sex with others is becoming more and more popular every day.

Cheating saved the family

This movement became popular in the early 2000s. It was then that the sexwife movement (a wife cheating on her husband) began to gain momentum. And if earlier women went to the left in secret, now the husbands themselves began to choose their lovers. Today, finding someone else’s wife on the Internet is quite simple: you just need to type a suitable query into a search engine. Several dozen similar advertisements from different cities will immediately appear. But, of course, the leaders on the list are Moscow and St. Petersburg.

For the first time, I caught myself thinking about renting out my wife after five years of marriage,” Vladislav admitted to us, who has been looking for overnight partners for his betrothed for three years now. - When I saw an amateur video of someone’s wife having fun with another man, I got really excited.

Vladislav assures that the most difficult thing was to persuade the woman he loved to side with him. She took his timid attempt with hostility. But after three months of regular conversations, I finally decided. Her husband himself found her first lover. He showed several men who were ready to have sex with her. Of them, she chose the one who seemed the most attractive to her.

At first I was disgusted by the thought that I would have to sleep with another man,” says Alina. - But then my husband finally persuaded me. And you know, this experiment only benefited our relationship. Before this, sex was boring and irregular. But after my betrayal, we had sex every day for a week! Therefore, now I am sure that my trips to the left fuel our family!

Alina says that there are more than enough people who want to spend the night with other people’s wives. These are mostly students, as well as married men over forty who are also looking for adventure on the side. There are quite a few of them among guest workers.

There are few men about thirty and a little older in our topic,” Alina continues. - Some people think we are perverts, but that’s not true! We are simply saving our families. For example, I choose exclusively students as my partners. It's not boring with them and you can make all your sexual fantasies come true. But I don’t get involved with my peers. My second man and I met several times, and I realized that I was starting to fall in love with him. It took six months to forget him. Now I don't risk it.

I like that there is no need to care

However, as elsewhere, intimacy with “sex wife” has its drawbacks. Not all lovers are ready to put up with their husbands' pranks. Those, sending their wives on a trip to the side, ask in return for videos, or even arrange a live online broadcast via phone or computer.

It turns me on just to think that our legal husband is watching us,” says Dmitry, who has been on the topic for two and a half years, says “And I also like that you don’t have to look after anyone here.” Life in a metropolis leaves its mark. At the end of the working day you are so tired that you have no time for flowers and gifts. But here everything is simple: everyone knows what they need.

Psychologists admit that recently there have been many more people wanting to send their wife away. According to them, this is due to lack of self-confidence.

This phenomenon is called provoked betrayal syndrome, says sexologist Irina Fomina. - People, listening to a report from the scene, experience sexual arousal. As a rule, middle-aged men are prone to this. Behind this are an inferiority complex and self-doubt. If in a family such sex on the side is considered the norm, then there is nothing shameful here. Another thing is that husbands sometimes go too far. One of my clients was forced by her husband to sleep with Tajiks and Uzbeks whom he found at the Kazansky railway station. Ultimately, she got tired of his wild fantasies and they divorced. So you need to look for a middle ground in everything.

In Japan, until the 20th century, there was an interesting custom. Japanese officials, when traveling around the country on inspection, did not stay in hotels, but in the homes of their colleagues. And the mistresses of the house became their wives for the night. If a woman for some reason refused intimate services, her husband could be fired.

Had a fight with your boyfriend? Do you want to annoy your ex-husband? Or show off to your friends at a social party? Or maybe you’re just lonely and this particular evening you really need a man’s shoulder?!

“An intelligent, pleasant-looking young man will be happy to accompany you to the theater, keep you company at a dinner party, or brighten up your leisure time with an exciting conversation”...

“Do you want to spend an evening with a real male model in a nightclub? Or maybe you prefer a stunning male striptease at home? Call us: we will make any of your fantasies come true!”…

Well, admit it: have you never had the desire to respond to such an ad? At least out of pure curiosity? So: there is no need to be ashamed of your desires! Practice shows that today renting a man is fashionable and... pleasant!

Just let’s make a reservation right away: “a man for rent” is not necessarily a boy for intimate services or a plumber who will fix the leak in your toilet.

Look at things from a broader perspective. Such a person may well brilliantly play the role of the man of your dreams and fulfill all your desires. Even the craziest ones.

Here are at least a few examples.

Shopping men
Recently, the “man for shopping” service has become widespread. It was started by an enterprising Scot, the owner of a large department store. As a professional, he figured out one thing long ago: women like to go shopping with men (but few men are delighted with hours of shopping!).

Therefore, he offered his customers an unusual experiment. Every lady who came to a department store could exchange her companion for a “specially trained person” who would accompany her, help carry her bags and give valuable advice.

The experiment was a great success: today, not only in Scotland, but also in many other countries (including Russia), specialized agencies are happy to offer “men for shopping.”

Selling my husband at auction
Here's another example. A resident of Belgium found an original way to earn extra money and at the same time take a break from her annoying husband. The lady decided to put her husband up for the popular on-line auction e-Bay, promising that he will do everything that his temporary owner asks for (with the exception of sexual services). In particular, according to the Belgian woman, her husband does an excellent job of cleaning, cooking, ironing, and taking care of the garden. Well, what’s not a great assistant for a woman who doesn’t like household chores?

March 8 - all the ladies get a guy!
It happens that the function of the lessor is performed by the state. So the municipality of one small Italian town decided to provide all single women with a gentleman for rent on March 8th. For this purpose, municipality employees called all their male acquaintances and gathered a group of people willing to “sacrifice themselves” - 25 ordinary citizens and 7 colleagues. There is no doubt: the demand for this “offer” was more than worthy.

What do we have?
Do you also want to rent a couple of men? To do this, it is not at all necessary to go to Belgium or Italy. Such services are no less in demand on the Russian market. You just have to dial a certain number, and slender young men (or, for example, tanned macho men) will fulfill all your imaginable and inconceivable whims.

Escort service is especially popular today. It is happily used by wealthy ladies who need a man to go out into the world. The regulations oblige them to attend official receptions and events where appearing unaccompanied by a man is considered bad manners. What to do if you don’t have your man? Or is there one, but someone you can’t bring into the world? Or does he himself flatly refuse to attend social parties? The ideal solution is to rent a man!

What about official events? After all, a woman may need an interesting, handsome man at very different moments in her life. For example, to demonstrate to an ex-boyfriend. Or to attract the attention of someone who you really like, but for some reason considers you a lonely and easily accessible lady... Or, finally, to just show off in front of your girlfriends.

The choice is huge. It all depends on your needs or personal preferences. You can “order” a boy with a model appearance, and a respectable elderly intellectual who will amaze honest company with quotes from Kant. The “ordered” man can be just a companion at a social event, or he can accompany you home and become a partner when playing tennis. And sometimes (but this is only by special agreement with the client) fulfill the most intimate requests.

Money is the main thing.
Prices on the Russian market of “call men” vary from 500 (this is, as a rule, shopping services) to 5,000 rubles per evening (if, for example, the man is especially handsome, smart and agrees to please the lady with some piquant pleasures, such as an erotic massage). But, of course, there is no limit to perfection. And if you want to throw yourself a stunning party, where you, like a queen, will sit on a throne while your legs are kissed by young men naked to the waist - rest assured: nothing is impossible. You just need to contact one of the specialized agencies. Such agencies are now apparently invisible. Most of them have their own website on the Internet, which often works like an online store. “Product” can be selected by photo or by indicating search criteria in a separate column - from hair color to zodiac sign. All you have to do is check the boxes and click on the “Order” button. Do you want a tall brunette? Or the blue-eyed blond? To go shopping with you and read poetry under the moon? No problem! Your imagination can only be limited by the size of your wallet. But... After all, you can sometimes give yourself an expensive gift? You don’t know these wedding subtleties yet! >>

As Vesti discovered, the entire Internet is teeming with advertisements of Ukrainian wives who rent out their husbands. This is a unique way to improve the family budget. For example, Kiev resident Anastasia advertises her husband for rent: “He doesn’t drink, and his hands grow from where they need to be!” I guarantee that you won’t have to see dirty, holey socks, listen to swear words and communicate with a drunk person.”

As stated in the ad, the husband can hang a shelf, lay linoleum, repair furniture, and install a lock. Photos of his works are attached to the ad.

Anastasia says that last year she gave birth to a child, and her husband had to quit. The idea arose when several friends came to visit her, drank beer and jokingly offered to rent out her husband, because he is a good carpenter. This is how the idea arose to turn the joke into a real business. She negotiates with clients herself, and her husband only goes to the finished order. They already had more than fifty such orders. There were periods when there were queues of customers.

Now there are many regular customers. Oddly enough, more often than women, men order a husband for rent! As Anastasia explained, they work as managers and generally cannot do anything with their own hands. When asked if she was not afraid that her husband with such golden hands would be taken away, Anastasia replied that she was not afraid. After all, husbands leave not for someone, but for someone. There was one unusually difficult order. One family saw a beautiful table in Switzerland, took a photograph, and the husband made exactly the same table from the photograph. Anastasia strictly forbade her husband to eat and drink at the customers' houses - they could get him drunk and rob him. The prices in this family business are average for the market for similar repair work. Let's say, hanging a carpet - 30 UAH, covering a balcony with clapboard - 45 UAH.

Offer sex

per sq. m (in the market – 100 UAH), hourly work – 90 UAH. at one o'clock.

As it turned out, such advertisements sometimes refer not only to rentals for housework, but also to intimate services. Prices – from 3000 UAH. per night up to $100 per hour.
Here is one example of such an ad on the slando website:

“Help me curb my lawful husband. I can't cope. Everyday work and housework take all my energy. There is simply not enough time, energy, and sometimes even desire for an intimate life. And he wants passion, affection, communication, groans and sighs. He is a decent, clean, gentle and diligent man of 33 years old. I don't want him to use the services of prostitutes. I want to know where he is and with whom. I want to find an understanding, clean girl whom I can entrust with my beloved husband, who will help us in our intimate life. Thank you in advance".

Other enterprising wives rent out their husbands for $100 an hour, which is significantly higher than the prices for female intimate services. They motivate the high price by the fact that a normal man is nowhere to be found now.

For example, this passage:

“Where will you find normal men? Are you going to Okruzhnaya? But we just need money for a loan, he doesn’t allow me to engage in prostitution.”

Consent of the spouse for concluding transactions with real estate

The consent of the spouse, certified by a notary, is necessary for the disposal of joint real estate, transactions that are subject to state registration and/or mandatory certification by a notary.

These include:

  • sale of any types of real estate;
  • purchase of housing, including under mortgage agreements;
  • donation;
  • rent;
  • pledge;
  • long-term lease of commercial space (for a period of more than a year);
  • exchange.

It should be noted that mandatory notarization of a transaction may be a requirement of one of its parties and enshrined in the contract. In this case, notarization of the spouse’s consent is also necessary.

The purchase of non-residential real estate (land, country houses, garages, office and industrial premises) can be carried out without obtaining consent. When making these transactions, the state. It is the transfer of ownership that is subject to registration, not the contract itself.

Participants in transactions who are not confident in the stability of their family relationships are recommended to draw up this document in all cases. This will help avoid property disputes.

Rent a room

According to the Family Code, a transaction made without the certified consent of the second spouse can be challenged in court. To do this, it is necessary to prove that the participant knowingly knew or should have known that the husband/wife would be against her imprisonment. For example, this is quite easy to do if the second spouse had his own plans for property or money and was preparing to conclude another transaction (turned to specialists, signed preliminary agreements, etc.). The limitation period is 1 year from the day when the spouse whose rights were violated learned/should have known about the conclusion of an agreement with real estate.

Consent to the sale and other transactions with real estate is not required in the case when it is the personal property of a married citizen: it was acquired before entering into a marital relationship, it was acquired during the marriage under any of the gratuitous transactions (inheritance, donation, privatization) .

There is no need to formalize consent even when the spouses have entered into a marriage contract, according to which real estate purchased during marriage is the separate property of one of them. The sale of a personal share in a shared apartment also does not require consent, but it must be remembered that the second spouse has the right of first refusal.

Purchasing residential real estate without obtaining consent is possible in the case when the funds are the personal property of the spouse, and he can confirm this with the relevant documents (marriage contract, agreement for the sale of personal property, etc.).

The reason for writing the article was a question to the editor: “The spouses own an apartment, which is registered in the wife’s name. How can this apartment be rented out through the husband, who is a sole tax sole proprietor, group 3?”

In this situation, there are several ways to transfer the apartment to the husband. So, in particular, real estate can be donated, leased, provided for free use or transferred for management. Let's look at each option and the tax implications of such transactions.

Option 1. The wife gives an apartment to her husband-individual entrepreneur

As a general rule, property received by a taxpayer as a gift is subject to personal income tax in accordance with the rules established for inheritance taxation. The tax base in this case is income in the form of the value of inherited (donated) property, and the tax rate depends on the recipient.

If the recipient of the gift is a family member of the first degree of kinship (children, spouses, parents), then the gift is taxed at a zero rate ( pp. "a" pp. 174.2.1 NKU).

Family members of an individual of the first degree of kinship for the purposes of his parents, his husband or wife, children of such an individual, including adopted ones, are considered.

Family members of an individual of the second degree of kinship for the purposes of Section IV of this Code his siblings, his maternal and paternal grandparents, and grandchildren are considered.

(pp. 14.1.263 NKU)

The gift agreement must be concluded in writing and must be notarized. The right of ownership of a gift arises from the moment of its acceptance, in particular, the delivery of documents certifying ownership of the property to the recipient.

Thus, if a wife gives her husband an apartment as a gift, then there are no tax consequences for the spouses of such an operation will not have*.

* Explanation from section 103.23 of the TAX KNOWLEDGE BASE module.

In the future, using the apartment for business activities, the husband as a sole proprietor must will pay a single tax.

pros: no taxes.

Minuses: It is necessary to clearly understand the consequences of donating real estate and trust the person to whom the apartment will be donated.

Option 2. The wife rents out the apartment to her husband as a sole proprietor.

Another option for registering legal relations, which is suitable for spouses, is to lease such real estate to the individual husband for further sublease.

A lease agreement is drawn up between the wife as an individual and the husband as an individual entrepreneur. How to conclude it - read in article "Features of drawing up a lease agreement".

What do we have in this situation? According to pp. 164.2.5 NKU The taxpayer’s total monthly (annual) taxable income includes income from the provision of property for leasing, rent or sublease.

The tax agent of the taxpayer-lessor when calculating income from the rental of real estate is the tenant. Rental income is taxed when it is accrued.

In this situation, the husband-individual entrepreneur (tenant) acts as a tax agent for his wife (landlord), therefore he will need to withhold and pay personal income tax at a rate of 18% and military duty - 1.5% from the income accrued to his wife in the form of rent.

If the wife receives rental income at the end of the year, she will be required to reflect such income in declaration of property and income.

In case of renting property from an individual, it is necessary to take into account the provision pp. 170.1.2 NKU, according to which the object of taxation is determined based on the amount of rent established in the lease agreement, but not less than the minimum amount of lease payment for a full or partial month of rent.

The minimum rental payment amount is determined based on the minimum monthly rental cost of one square meter of total real estate area, taking into account its location, other functional and quality indicators established by the local government body of the village, town, city, or united territorial community.

If the minimum value is not established or not made public before the beginning of the reporting (tax) year, the object of taxation is determined based on the amount of rent provided for in the lease agreement ( pp. 170.1.2 NKU).

Persons with the status of tax agents are required to submit within the deadlines established for the tax quarter, form No. 1DF to the regulatory authority at its location ( clause 176.2 NKU). Income from the provision of property for leasing, rent or sublease is reflected under sign "106".

The husband-individual entrepreneur will be subject to a single tax at the appropriate rate for subletting.

That is, for example, if a wife has an apartment in Kyiv with a total area of ​​40 m2 (in the capital the minimum rent is according to Decision No. 42/9630(other things being equal) is 8.91 UAH per 1 m2), then the total minimum rent for the entire area will be 356.4 UAH.

I rent a room, st. General Petrov

The wife leases the apartment to an individual entrepreneur for a rent of 500 UAH/month. So in this case:

Personal income tax: 500 x 18 / 100 = 90 UAH;

Sun: 500 x 1.5/ 100 = 7.5 UAH.

The single tax payer, when carrying out real estate management activities, must take into account the restrictions established pp. 291.5.3 NKU:

. the area of ​​land plots provided for lease cannot exceed 0.2 hectares,

. the area of ​​residential premises provided for rent cannot exceed 100 m2.

pros: small expenses for paying taxes.

Minuses: additional time spent on reporting related to the receipt of income by an individual ( calculation according to f. No. 1DF And property declaration)…


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