How can zoning of a territory be carried out briefly? Zoning of Russian territory

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One of the scientific methods states that in order to deeply study an object, it should be broken down, dismembered, and crushed into smaller components. It is this method that geographers and economists very often use in the comprehensive study of large territories. They simply divide them into separate parts - regions.

What is zoning? What types of it stand out? What is the modern zoning of Russia? All this will be discussed in our article.

What is zoning?

Zoning - this is how this term sounds in English literature. However, it is the Americans who are considered the “inventors” of this method. So what is zoning? In what areas and spheres of human activity is it used?

Zoning means the division of a territory into separate parts that differ from each other in certain characteristics. However, this can be not only a land area, but also a sea or ocean area. The components obtained in this process are called differently: districts (most often), regions, microdistricts, zones, regions.

It is important to note that zoning is not only a process, but also the result of dividing a territory into districts. At the same time, specific goals are set for him. They can be both practical and purely educational.

Today, territorial zoning is quite widely used in various sciences and areas of practical human activity: in geography, economics, landscape science, urban planning, architecture, urban planning, interior design, etc. This term is also used in selection. However, there it carries a completely different content.

The essence and meaning of the concept “district”

We come across this concept quite often in everyday life. Areas can be residential and work, formal and informal, residential, industrial, recreational and financial and business.

The term itself has French roots (rayon). In the broadest sense of the word, a district is an area that stands out among others by one or more characteristics. There are other definitions of this concept. For example, one of them states that a region is a section of space that is affected by some action or phenomenon (natural, economic, social).

The region is one of the main units of the administrative-territorial structure of a number of states in the world (most often of the second order). In particular, it is isolated in many countries (Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova and others).

Today, the term “region” is used in a variety of scientific disciplines and spheres of human activity, from botany to military affairs.

Types and directions of zoning

What types of zoning exist? First of all, it can be cognitive or constructive (transformative). And if in the first case the zoning method is used for the purpose of research and study of the area, then in the second - for the purpose of developing a concept for the rational use of the potential of a particular territory.

Zoning can also be homogeneous or nodal, single-character or multi-character. In turn, the characteristics by which areas are distinguished may differ in content, objectives, coverage area, etc.

Based on the characteristics of identifying districts, there are the following types of zoning:

  • natural;
  • geographical;
  • climatic;
  • demographic;
  • military;
  • economic;
  • recreational;
  • tourist, etc.

Main principles of territorial zoning

The scientific and practical method of territorial zoning occurs according to three main principles:

  • national;
  • administrative;
  • economic.

The national principle of zoning takes into account the ethnic composition of the population in a particular territory, their traditions and historically established characteristics of work and life.

The administrative principle implies a certain unity of the economic and political-administrative structure of a country or a specific region. With its help, favorable conditions are created for the independent development of individual regions of the state.

Finally, the economic principle of zoning considers any region as an integral part of a single economic complex of the country with a certain set of industrial enterprises and infrastructure facilities.

These three principles are fundamental and generally accepted. They are taken into account for all types of territorial zoning.

Essence and levels of economic zoning

Economic zoning is the process of identifying districts or zones of a country (region), which reflect the existing division of labor. The main goal of such a process is to create conditions for conducting a rational socio-economic policy. When economically zoning territories, it is important to take into account many factors. First of all, we are talking about deposits of mineral and fuel resources, climatic conditions, soil fertility levels, and demographic indicators.

Economic zoning is carried out at three levels. This:

  • macro level(allocation of large economic zones);
  • meso level(allocation of economic regions within one state or region);
  • micro level(identification of industrial centers, complexes and nodes of economic activity).

The essence and types of geographical zoning

Geographic zoning is the process of identifying individual systems and complexes on the ground, which are distinguished by their internal unity and a set of specific natural features.

It is customary to distinguish several types of physical-geographical zoning. Thus, it can be zonal (latitudinal) or azonal, complex or sectoral. In the case of sectoral (component-based) zoning, the area is divided according to relief, climate, vegetation, etc.

The most elementary part in the hierarchical system of physiographic zoning is facies. This is the simplest form of any landscape, which is located within the same biocenosis and is characterized by the homogeneity of its geological structure, water regime, microclimate and soil cover.

Modern zoning of Russia

The very first attempts to zone the country's territory were made in pre-revolutionary times. However, the most striking example of the use of this method in practice was the so-called GOELRO plan of 1921 (all-Union electrification plan). It was based on the principle of unity of the administrative and economic division of the state.

Modern geographic zoning provides for the identification of twelve physical-geographical countries within Russia. Each of them is distinguished by a homogeneous topography and similar climatic and biogeographical features. These are the countries:

  1. Russian plain.
  2. Caucasus.
  3. Ural.
  4. Fennoscandia.
  5. Island Arctic.
  6. Western Siberia.
  7. Central Siberia.
  8. North-Eastern Siberia.
  9. Koryak-Kamchatka-Kuril country.
  10. Baikal country.
  11. Altai-Sayan country.
  12. Amur-Sakhalin country.

Modern economic zoning of the country also provides for the division of Russian territory into 12 economic regions. They all differ in area and their specialization. Let's list all these areas:

  • Central.
  • Central Black Earth.
  • Northern.
  • Northwestern.
  • North Caucasian.
  • East Siberian.
  • West Siberian.
  • Far Eastern.
  • Povolzhsky.
  • Ural.
  • Volgo-Vyatsky.
  • Kaliningrad.


What is zoning? This is the process of dividing a locality into parts (regions) distinguished by certain characteristics. Based on goals and objectives, this process can be educational or constructive. Based on the internal content, it is customary to distinguish geographical, economic, demographic, climatic zoning and its other types.

- (zoning) The process of territorial distribution of various types of economic activities by government authorities within the limits of their powers to manage land use. As a rule, with the help of zoning, residential,... ... Political science. Dictionary.

zoning- I, Wed. rayon m. German rayonieren. new, official The administrative territorial division of the country into regions. R. regions. Ush. 1939. Action by value. Ch. regionalize. Economic zoning of the country. Agro-climatic zoning. BAS 1.… … Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

ZONING, zoning, many. no, cf. (neol. official). The administrative territorial division of the country into regions. Regional zoning. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Zoning Dictionary of Russian synonyms. zoning noun, number of synonyms: 4 zoning (1) ... Synonym dictionary

ZONIZE, ruyu, ruesh; anna; owls and nesov., that. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

Administratively territorial. By February 1917, the territory of Petrograd was administratively and policely divided into 12 police units (Admiralteyskaya, Alexandro Nevskaya, Vasilievskaya, Vyborgskaya, Kazanskaya, Kolomenskaya, Liteinaya... St. Petersburg (encyclopedia)

English division into districts; German Rayonierung; Gebietseinteilung. 1. Dividing the country's territory into regions according to certain characteristics (natural, economic, administrative, political, national, etc.). 2. Distribution by individual areas. Antinazi.… … Encyclopedia of Sociology

ZONING- a set of actions to identify territorial differentiation and integration of the geographical envelope or its section, as well as natural and socio-economic processes of interaction between society and nature. Ecological encyclopedic... ... Ecological dictionary

zoning- System of territorial division into districts. Note The characteristics by which regions are distinguished may vary in nature, in the breadth of coverage of the characteristics, and in the purpose of zoning. [RD 01.120.00 KTN 228 06] Topics: main oil pipeline... ... Technical Translator's Guide

zoning- Identification according to accepted criteria (both natural and anthropogenic) in the study area (water area) of areas in such a way that within their boundaries the phenomenon or process under consideration is sufficiently homogeneous, but noticeably different from... ... Dictionary of Geography


  • Climatic zoning of Russian territory. Poster, . Scale 1:6,000,000. Colored backgrounds on the map depict climate zones and climate types. For individual settlements - diagrams of the annual variation of temperatures and precipitation. Art...
  • Physico-geographical zoning of Russian territory. Poster, . Scale 1:6,000,000. The map shows plain and mountain landscapes with colored backgrounds, and numbers indicate physical-geographical countries and regions. A solid red line in Roman numerals...

Detailed solution section Regions of Russia by geography simulator for 9th grade students, authors V.V. Nikolina 2016

  • Gdz on Geography for grade 9 can be found

1. Remember what zoning is.

Zoning is the division of the country into regions that differ from each other in natural, economic, historical features, and living conditions of people.

2. Using the text from § 2 of the textbook, answer the questions and complete the assignments.

1) What is the contribution of P. P. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky to the zoning of Russia?

Semenov-Tyan-Shansky based it on the criterion of natural differences and, in essence, identified physical-geographical, rather than economic, regions. This is already evidenced by the list of 14 regions of Russia (the names were given by Semenov-Tyan-Shansky)

2) List the main functions of zoning.

Zoning should perform three main functions:

– organize information about the territory;

– synthesize (combine) information for a deeper understanding and develop a holistic view of the areas;

– create an “image of the region”, both for decision-makers and for the entire population of the country.

The last function is important for “self-knowledge of the country”: the people of any country must imagine what country they live in, and every resident must have at least a basic idea of ​​both their region and other parts of the country.

3) What constituent entities does the Russian Federation consist of?

Russia consists of republics, territories, autonomous okrugs, autonomous regions, regions, cities of federal significance.

4) List the names of the federal districts of Russia.

Central Federal District, Northwestern Federal District, Southern Federal District, North Caucasian Federal District, Volga Federal District, Ural Federal District, Siberian Federal District, Far Eastern Federal District.

5. Based on the material in § 4, maps on p. 235-237 textbook install:

1) features of the nature of the East European and West Siberian plains.

Features of the nature of the East European and West Siberian Plain:

The West Siberian lowland plain, and the East European plain is more elevated above sea level; Western Siberia is located in a more severe type of climate (continental), so it does not have a belt of broad-leaved and mixed forests, unlike the East European Plain, where the climate is milder (temperate continental) and these belts are present.

2) how does the climate of the East European and West Siberian Plains differ?

Western Siberia is a continental type of climate (temperature amplitude is greater, precipitation is less), the East European Plain is a temperate continental climate type (temperature amplitude is less, precipitation is more).

6. What, in your opinion, determines the more complex nature of the relief of the East European Plain compared to the relief of the West Siberian Plain?

The East European Plain is distinguished by its varied topography. There are large hills and vast lowlands; the more complex relief is associated with the history of the origin of this plain: the East European Plain arose in the Precambrian as a result of the destruction of ancient mountains, the remains of the foundation, which are formed by shields and protrusions of the sedimentary cover. The West Siberian Plain arose in the Mesozoic, as a result of the rise and fall of the sea; sedimentation occurred mainly during the period when the plain was under water. Therefore, it is characterized by an extremely uniform topography with slight fluctuations in height.

7. Using the text from § 5, fill in the gaps in the sentences.

The Ural Mountains are rich in mineral raw materials. Ore minerals are found in the Cis-Ural region, and fuel minerals are found in the Trans-Ural region. The Ural Mountains are elongated in the submeridional direction.

8. Using the text on p. 25-27 of the textbook, establish the difference between the natural conditions of the Urals and the mountains of Southern Siberia.

The Ural Mountains are elongated submeridionally, which creates great diversity in climate (from arctic to temperate) and natural zones (from tundra to steppes); and the belt of mountains in Southern Siberia, on the contrary, is elongated latitudinally, which reduces the latitudinal zonality, but thanks to the higher mountains, the altitudinal zonation there is better developed.

9. After studying the text on pages 28-29, answer the questions and continue the sentences:

1) The main feature of the relief of Eastern Siberia is its overall significant elevation above sea level and the predominance of spaces with mountainous terrain: mountain ranges and plateaus occupy 3/4 of the entire territory.

The highest point in Eastern Siberia is the city of Kamen. Its height is 1701 meters.

2) North-Eastern Siberia is a territory with varied and contrasting topography. Within its borders there are mountain ranges and plateaus, and in the north there are flat lowlands, stretching along the valleys of large rivers far to the south. This entire territory belongs to the Verkhoyansk-Chukotka region of the Mesozoic folding. The main processes of folding occurred here mainly in the second half of the Mesozoic, but the formation of the modern relief is mainly due to the latest tectonic movements.

The highest point of North-Eastern Siberia, the city of Pobeda in the Ulakhan-Chistai ridge. Its height is 3147 meters

3) Trapp - landforms created by a special type of magmatism, which is characterized by a huge volume of basalt outpouring in a geologically short time (the first millions of years) over large areas.

Where is the highest section with a trap rise? On the territory of the Putorana plateau

10. Using the text from §6, list:

1) The main mineral resources of Eastern Siberia: deposits of iron and copper-nickel ores, gold and platinum, reserves of complex copper-nickel and cobalt ores, Norilsk ores contain platinum, palladium, gold, iron, silver, tellurium, selenium, sulfur and other chemicals elements. North-Eastern Siberia: gold, tin, polymetals, tungsten, mercury, molybdenum, antimony, cobalt, arsenic, coal.

2) distinctive features of the nature of Eastern Siberia: elevated relief with traps, sharply continental climate, mountain and fast rivers, poor soils and taiga forests.

3) Distinctive features of the nature of North-Eastern Siberia: mountainous terrain, sharply continental terrain with temperature inversions, mountain rivers, permafrost and widespread outwash plains.

11. Using the text of § 7, Internet resources, additional literature, reveal in a few sentences the uniqueness of the North Caucasus, Crimea and the Far East. Why are these regions called exotic Russia?

Northern Caucasus: located in a temperate climate zone, with temperatures and precipitation close to subtropical, the mountains in the Caucasus are young and high - all this makes the region unique.

Crimea: a peninsula, surrounded on all sides by the warmest sea in Russia, on the peninsula there are both mountains and plains, since the mountains are closer to the coast, they are better moistened than the plains where the steppes are formed.

Far East: the latitude of the south of the Far East is close to subtropical, with a very strong influence from the monsoon type of climate, which brings large amounts of precipitation in summer, and in winter winds from the continent blow cold and dry air. As a result, subtropical forests and taiga merge in the Far East.

12. Where is it colder - in the Ciscaucasia or on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus - and why?

The climate of Ciscaucasia is temperate continental, it is colder than the temperate sea climate on the Black Sea coast.

13. Prove that the Caucasus Mountains are young. Give at least 4-5 arguments to support this.

1) are growing rapidly, 2) the processes of creation exceed the processes of destruction, 3) they are mobile (there are earthquakes), 4) their internal forces are very powerful (volcanic eruptions occur), 5) the age of the mountains has been proven by methods of determining the absolute age of rocks.

14. Do you agree with the statement that initially the ecological state of any region depends on its natural features, which are subsequently superimposed on the nature and culture of farming? Prove the correctness of this judgment or refute it. Fill the table.

15. To better know your country and its federal structure, you must constantly refer to the map “Federal structure of Russia” and be able to navigate it: find and show republics, territories, regions, autonomous okrugs. Organize a competition with your classmates to see who can quickly find this or that subject of the Russian Federation on the map.

16. What do the numbers (in meters) mean on the physical map of Russia: 5642, 4688, 4506, 3491, 3003, 1895, 1678? Elbrus, Klyuchevskaya Sopka, Belukha, Munku-Sardyk (Eastern Sayan Mountains), Pobeda (Chersky Ridge), Narodnaya?

17. Select materials on the Central Federal District that will help you complete tasks and answer questions.

1) Establish which subjects of the Russian Federation are part of the Central Federal District. Belgorod region, Bryansk region, Vladimir region, Voronezh region, Ivanovo region, Kaluga region, Kostroma region, Kursk region, Lipetsk region, Moscow city, Moscow region, Oryol region, Ryazan region, Smolensk region, Tambov region, Tver region, Tula region , Yaroslavl region.

2) Determine the areas of specialization that are priority for Russia. Mechanical engineering, chemical industry, light industry

In which regions of the Central Federal District have they received the greatest development? Mechanical engineering: Moscow and Moscow region, Tula region; Chemical industry: Yaroslavl, Ryazan, Moscow region; Light industry: Ivanovo region, Tambov region, Vladimir region.

3) Imagine that you are an authorized representative of the Central Federal District. What problems - economic, environmental, social - and why will you solve them first? Social problems are the most pressing - there is too much difference in the income levels of the regions: high incomes in the Moscow region and low in all the rest. In this regard, there are huge migration flows to Moscow and a low level of natural growth.

4) Imagine that you are at a press conference of the plenipotentiary representative of the Central Federal District. What questions will you ask him? How will the regions of the Central Federal District develop? When will salaries in non-Moscow regions be increased? What industries will develop? How will environmental problems be solved?

18. Caucasian Mineral Waters is the most important resort region in Russia. What is the most convenient and cheaper way to get there from your area (republic, region, territory)?

1) Calculate on the map the distance in kilometers from your locality to Pyatigorsk, Essentuki, Zheleznovodsk, Kislovodsk. Which city is closest to your locality? Which city would you prefer?

From Chelyabinsk: to Pyatigorsk 2375 km; to Essentuki 2403 km; to Zheleznovodsk 2380 km; to Kislovodsk 2422 km. The closest is Pyatigorsk.

2) Decide what type of transport - plane, train, bus or car - you will get to the place. Check out the train and plane schedules on the website. View departure and arrival times and travel times. If you decide to travel by train, carefully study the names of the stations and the stop times at them. What cities will your route pass through? You can probably get to the place by bus. Where and how will you get the necessary information about bus schedules, ticket prices, and travel time? Think about it. If you go by car, then you need to take into account, in addition to food, the cost of gasoline, and possibly overnight accommodation.

By car, travel time will be 40 hours (RUB 7,000); by plane 5 hours (RUB 5,000); by train 57 hours (3000 rubles).

Railway route, stations: Chelyabinsk, Miass, Zlatoust, Ufa, Buguruslan, Novootradn, Samara, Syzran, Penza, Arkadak, Rossosh, Zverevo, Novocherkas, Rostov, Tikhoretskaya, Kavkazskaya, Mining Water, Pyatigorsk.

3) Another important detail is the cost of the ticket. Pay attention to the cost of a train ticket and a plane ticket. In this case, you must decide what is more important for you - getting to a place quickly, but expensive, or traveling longer, but cheaper. The choice is yours. Please note that tickets can be pre-booked.

4) Think about where you will live. Find out what hotels there are in the city and what the cost of services in them is. This task is best done in groups. One group calculates the cost of traveling by plane, another by train, the third by car, etc.

Hotels in Pyatigorsk (cost of accommodation per week): Apartment Universitetskaya 2B (RUB 6,825); Hostel Prival No. 17 (RUB 7,000); Guest House Jinal (RUB 10,500); Guest House Pragma (RUB 17,500)

19. Remember what specially protected areas are. If you don't remember, read the text on p. 45 textbook. Fill out the table, first of all including specially protected areas that are located in your area (republic, region, territory) or in a neighboring area. Is the environmental regime currently maintained in them?

20. Read the statement of Academician I.P. Borodin, placed on the flyleaf of the textbook (p. 3). What problem does it address? What do you think of it?

I.P. Borodin touches on the problems of environmental catastrophe, which, unlike an environmental crisis, does not have the possibility of a reverse course of events. It is impossible to restore lost nature, so you need to take care of the environment.

21. No resource can be exploited without affecting some other resource. Often, the economically justified use of any resource leads to disruption of relationships in the natural-territorial complex, deterioration of the environmental situation in the region and to an environmental disaster. Using your existing knowledge of geography and other subjects, try to propose a solution to this problem so that the damage to the environment is minimal. When answering, it is advisable to use as an example any natural region of Russia, discussed in § 4-7.

Environmental protection will have the expected effect when it becomes an integral part of industrial relations. The main result of which should be the massive greening of production. The basic principles of greening production include the following:

Development and implementation of technological processes and schemes that eliminate or minimize waste and emissions of harmful substances into the environment, the creation of water circulation cycles and drainless systems to save and protect fresh water, one of the most scarce resources, from pollution by harmful substances.

Design and implementation of systems for processing industrial and consumer waste, returning secondary material resources to the main production cycle. In fulfilling these tasks, an important place is occupied by the building materials industry, which can largely be based on waste from the energy sector, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, the chemical and printing industries.

Development and implementation of fundamentally new processes for obtaining traditional types of products and eliminating waste.

Creation of regional industrial complexes, the enterprises of which are connected by waste processing. Such complexes exist in the resource extraction and processing industries (energy-metallurgy-chemical Pavlodar-Ekibastuz, Bratsk timber industry, petrochemical in Western Siberia, etc.).

22. Study the section “Freeze Frame” (pp. 19-21 of the textbook). Based on the text of this section and geographical knowledge, create an image of a plain. Write key words characterizing the plain.

Hilly plain, many villages and cultivated lands, open spaces and large, wide rivers with a slow flow, dense deciduous forests, some swamps.

23. Develop a project “The City of My Dreams”, the main feature of which should be the environmental safety of the lives of people in it.

1) Come up with a construction motto and the name of the city.

Innograd. Motto: “Innovation into everyday life!”

2) Outline the core values ​​that will guide your design.

The core values ​​include: affordable housing, without extra charges; a large number of parking spaces; care for children - in each microdistrict there are three kindergartens and one school; ecology - every house should have a palisade; security - the area is fenced.

3) Determine the place where, in your opinion, a new city should be built in Russia. Outline the functions it will perform.

The new city should be located in the Far East, because... this region has a low population density. The functions should be the following: a scientific and industrial center, a resort area, a suburb with environmentally friendly agriculture.

4) Make a list of natural features that you will take into account when building the city.

It is necessary to take into account the monsoon climate, so houses must be warm and resistant to moisture; Since the area is mountainous, the houses can be high-rise - the foundation must withstand multi-story construction, production must be environmentally friendly so as not to disturb unique ecosystems.

5) They say about many modern cities that they are all the same. There was even such a concept as “the sadness of new cities” - they are so dull and monotonous. Will your city be convenient, comfortable, and safe for residents? What latest environmental technologies will you use when constructing a city or buildings in it?

The main technology is an ecological framework, it assumes that houses will not be tightly built “window to window”, each house will have a green area, the city will be divided into industrial, residential and administrative parts.

6) Give a detailed description of the layout of the city and the types of transport that can be used to get there.

The city must implement an innovative project. It should consist of large residential areas consisting of five to six microdistricts, represented by modern high-rise buildings with beautiful facades and new convenient layouts. The city of Innograd is a successful combination of already existing developed infrastructure, transport accessibility and environmentally friendly living. The new city will be located along the Amur River. The favorable location, well-thought-out infrastructure and ease of living are designed to make Innograd a new center of Russia, competing with the historically established center. Spacious streets, beautiful facades of houses and cozy entrance halls are designed to create the appearance of a new modern city in Russia.

24. Which subjects of the Russian Federation are indicated by numbers:

1. – Yaroslavl region;

2. – Nizhny Novgorod region;

3. – Yoshkar-Ola;

4. – Ryazan region;

5. – Mordovia;

6. – Kostroma region.

25. Choose the correct statements:

a) during the Soviet period, the zoning of the country was not of great importance;

b) one of the main functions of zoning is to create the image of the area;

c) the boundaries of federal districts coincide with the boundaries of geographical regions;

d) currently there are nine federal districts in Russia.

26. Choose the correct answer. The most complete range of natural zones of the temperate climate zone is presented:

a) on the East European Plain;

b) on the West Siberian Plain.

27. Choose the correct statements:

a) cyclones come from the Atlantic to the East European Plain and bring sea air from temperate latitudes;

b) winter on the West Siberian Plain is colder than winter on the East European Plain;

c) the extension of the Ural Mountains from north to south for more than 2000 km does not affect the diversity of climate and natural zones;

d) on the western slopes of the Ural Mountains there is less precipitation than on the eastern ones.

Answer: A, B.

28. Choose the correct statements:

a) the mountains of Southern Siberia were formed during the Baikal folding era;

b) winter in Eastern Siberia is the coldest in Russia and in the Northern Hemisphere;

c) the highest peak in Russia - Mount Elbrus - is a volcano;

d) most of the territory of the Far East is flat.

Answer: A, B.

29. Choose the correct answer. The only area of ​​subtropical agriculture is located:

a) in the Urals; b) in the North Caucasus; c) in the Far East.

30. Choose the correct answer. The youngest in tectonic terms are:

a) Kamchatka Peninsula; b) Kola Peninsula; c) Yamal Peninsula.

31. Choose the correct answer. The high seismicity of the Far East is due to:

a) position on the boundary of lithospheric plates;

b) the predominance of mountainous terrain;

c) the elongation of the territory from north to south.

32. Fill in the blanks in the sentence.

Environmental problems are divided into global, covering the whole world, regional, manifesting themselves in individual countries and regions, local, affecting small areas.

- (zoning) The process of territorial distribution of various types of economic activities by government authorities within the limits of their powers to manage land use. As a rule, with the help of zoning, residential,... ... Political science. Dictionary.

zoning- I, Wed. rayon m. German rayonieren. new, official The administrative territorial division of the country into regions. R. regions. Ush. 1939. Action by value. Ch. regionalize. Economic zoning of the country. Agro-climatic zoning. BAS 1.… … Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

ZONING- ZONING, zoning, many. no, cf. (neol. official). The administrative territorial division of the country into regions. Regional zoning. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

zoning- zoning Dictionary of Russian synonyms. zoning noun, number of synonyms: 4 zoning (1) ... Synonym dictionary

zoning- ZONIZE, ryu, ruesh; anna; owls and nesov., that. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

Zoning- administratively territorial. By February 1917, the territory of Petrograd was administratively and policely divided into 12 police units (Admiralteyskaya, Alexandro Nevskaya, Vasilievskaya, Vyborgskaya, Kazanskaya, Kolomenskaya, Liteinaya... St. Petersburg (encyclopedia)

ZONING- English division into districts; German Rayonierung; Gebietseinteilung. 1. Dividing the country's territory into regions according to certain characteristics (natural, economic, administrative, political, national, etc.). 2. Distribution by individual areas. Antinazi.… … Encyclopedia of Sociology

ZONING- a set of actions to identify territorial differentiation and integration of the geographical envelope or its section, as well as natural and socio-economic processes of interaction between society and nature. Ecological encyclopedic... ... Ecological dictionary

zoning- System of territorial division into districts. Note The characteristics by which regions are distinguished may vary in nature, in the breadth of coverage of the characteristics, and in the purpose of zoning. [RD 01.120.00 KTN 228 06] Topics: main oil pipeline... ... Technical Translator's Guide

zoning- Identification according to accepted criteria (both natural and anthropogenic) in the study area (water area) of areas in such a way that within their boundaries the phenomenon or process under consideration is sufficiently homogeneous, but noticeably different from... ... Dictionary of Geography


  • Climatic zoning of Russian territory. Poster, . Scale 1:6,000,000. Colored backgrounds on the map depict climate zones and climate types. For individual settlements - diagrams of the annual variation of temperatures and precipitation. Art... Buy for 492 RUR
  • Physico-geographical zoning of Russian territory. Poster, . Scale 1:6,000,000. The map shows plain and mountain landscapes with colored backgrounds, and numbers indicate physical-geographical countries and regions. A solid red line in Roman numerals...

With the help of this video lesson, everyone will be able to get an idea of ​​the topic “Zoning the territory of Russia.” Students will be able to find out what regions and districts our country is divided into. Then the teacher will give a brief description of the territorial division of labor.

Rice. 3. Population density map

Area is a territory that differs from others in its origin, nature, population and economy.

Rice. 4. Map of physical and geographical zoning

The zoning of a territory according to one characteristic is called private For example, the result of private zoning will be the creation of a map of population density in Russia.

General zoning is based on a combination of several characteristics. For example, the physical-geographical zoning of Russia. Regions are distinguished by a sum of characteristics: features of geographical location, geological structure and relief, climate, inland waters, etc.

Rice. 5. Homogeneous zoning

Zoning covering the entire territory of the country, when there are no free spaces between the selected regions, is called homogeneous. For example, administrative-territorial division or physical-geographical zoning. As a rule, each large region (macroregion) can be divided into smaller ones, which, in turn, can be divided into even smaller ones.

Rice. 6. Zones of influence of waste incineration plants

Along with homogeneous zoning in geography, they use nodal zoning.

First, centers (nuclei of concentration) of natural, environmental, socio-economic and other processes are identified, and then the territories surrounding and gravitating towards these cores are determined.

Complex zoning of a territory is carried out based on a set of characteristics. Natural and economic regions are distinguished taking into account the physical and geographical features of the territory, the historical features of its settlement and economic development, industries of specialization, population settlement, location of cities and rural settlements, socio-economic and environmental living conditions of people, and population migrations.



  1. Customs E.A. Geography of Russia: economy and regions: 9th grade: Textbook for students of general education institutions. - M.: Ventana-Graf, 2011.
  2. Fromberg A.E. Economic and social geography. - 2011. - 416 p.
  3. Atlas of economic geography, grade 9. - Bustard, 2012.
  4. Geography. The entire school curriculum in diagrams and tables. - 2007. - 127 p.
  5. Geography. School Student's Handbook. Comp. Mayorova T.A. - 1996. - 576 p.
  6. Cheat sheet on economic geography. Schoolchildren, applicants. - 2003. - 96 p.


  1. Gladky Yu.N., Dobroskok V.A., Semenov S.P. Economic geography of Russia: Textbook - M.: Gardariki, 2000. - 752 pp.: ill.
  2. Rodionova I.A. Geography textbook. Economic geography of Russia. - M.: Moscow Lyceum, 2001. - 189 p.
  3. Smetanin S.I., Konotopov M.V. History of ferrous metallurgy in Russia. - M.: Paleotype, 2002.
  4. Economic and social geography of Russia: Textbook for universities / Ed. prof. A.T. Khrushchev. - M.: Bustard, 2001. - 672 p.: ill., map.: color. on

Electronic educational resources

  1. Educational multimedia manual 1 C Educational collection Geography of Russia. Economy and regions 9th grade
  2. Multimedia educational manual “Geography lessons from Cyril and Methodius. 9th grade"

Practical work: “Determination of the neighborhood rank of economic regions.”

First-order neighbors are areas with which the area has direct borders. Second-order neighbors are areas that are separated from a given area by one area. The third - two, the fourth - three, etc.


Determine the rank of neighborhood of the district with other regions of Russia and write the result in the table. Denote a first-order neighborhood by 1, a second-order neighborhood by 2, etc. For each area, add up the resulting neighborhood indicators. Enter the result in the “Degree of Neighborhood” column. The lower this indicator, the more advantageous the location of the area in the system of districts.


Europe North









East Siberia

Far East

Neighborhood degree






European South

Volga region









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