How are vacations calculated for employees of medical institutions? Additional paid leave for health workers Additional leave for health workers per year.

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Additional leaves for medical workers in 2018 - 2019. How much vacation do doctors have?

The duration of the main vacation for doctors is 28 days. When it comes to additional leave for medical workers in 2018 - 2019, it is worth noting several differences from the legislation of previous years, which was in force before the enactment of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the duration of annual additional paid leave for work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions, provided to certain categories workers" dated 06.06.2013 No. 482.

Based on current legislation, additional paid leave is provided in accordance with the above-mentioned List after a special assessment of existing working conditions in agreement with the trade union body (if there is one at the enterprise).

If the profession of an individual health worker is not on the List, that is, the minimum duration of his additional paid leave has not been officially established, leave will be granted according to the general rule.

Speaking about the minimum additional paid leave for workers who are engaged in harmful and dangerous work, it should be noted that it is 7 days. This period may be extended on the basis of a collective agreement or other local acts of the organization.

Therefore, it turns out that all health workers whose work involves harmful and dangerous working conditions, but for whom a special duration of additional paid leave has not been established, have the right to count on another 7 days of rest.

Don't know your rights?

If the profession of a health worker is one of those listed in Resolution No. 482, the duration of his rest should not be less than that established by this legislative act.

Amount of additional leave for health workers

So, according to Resolution No. 482, additional leave is granted to:

  1. For healthcare workers providing mental health care to patients:
  • executives, doctors with irregular working hours, medical psychologists, housewives and medical staff whose work is related to the direct provision of care to patients - for 35 calendar days;
  • for laboratory personnel - for 21 days;
  • for dieticians, nurses and receptionists - for 14 days.
  • chief nurse - 28 days;
  • To specialists providing anti-tuberculosis care:
    • all medical personnel, without exception, including medical psychologists - for 14 calendar days;
    • TB doctors performing x-ray diagnostic studies - for 21 days.
  • For specialists who work directly with HIV-infected people and come into contact with materials containing the virus - for 14 calendar days.
  • If an employee is provided with additional leave for several reasons, it will be granted for one of them.

    It is important to say that even if the organization has not carried out a special assessment of working conditions (which, of course, is a violation on the part of the employer), the provision of these leaves is mandatory. If such leaves are not provided, sanctions provided for by the Code of Administrative Offenses may be applied to the employer and its officials responsible for these violations.

    Leave for nurses - how many days

    Like doctors, nurses' basic annual paid leave is 28 days. The duration of additional leave, as well as for doctors, depends on the conditions in which the nurse works and what specific assistance he provides. In addition, nurses are subject to all the rules established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. For example, for irregular work they have the right to receive additional leave of 3 days, and for harmful and dangerous working conditions - 7 days.

    The duration of additional leave and the categories of nurses who have the right to count on them are listed in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 482. For example, a housewife who constantly cares for psychiatric patients is entitled to additional leave of 35 days. A dietary nurse who works in a mental hospital is entitled to an additional 14 days of leave. Nurses who work with HIV-infected people are entitled to an additional 14 days of leave.

    Cancellation of additional leave for doctors

    In connection with changes in legislation, the abolition of certification of workplaces based on working conditions (instead, a special assessment of working conditions is now carried out), rumors have appeared about the cancellation of additional leave for medical workers. This information is nothing more than a myth. Doctors are workers who are employed in jobs with harmful and dangerous working conditions; for this reason, no one has the right to deprive them of additional days of rest. The list is still valid and reflects the professions of employees entitled to additional leave. Moreover, for certain categories of health workers (mentioned above) other types of leave are provided, in accordance with Resolution No. 482.

    All issues related to working and rest conditions are clearly regulated by the main legal act in this area, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, as well as a number of federal laws. They, in particular, indicate the period that must be provided for proper rest and recovery of workers after the latter has performed their direct duties. A special clause in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation specifies the rules, procedure for providing and duration of rest for medical workers, since both the health of citizens and their lives are their responsibility. What conditions did the legislator provide? Are medical workers entitled to additional rest? What duration is provided by the legislator in their case? Will it be canceled in 2018? This will be discussed further.

    Additional leaves for medical workers 2018 - changes

    The Labor Code of the Russian Federation in Article No. 115 establishes that the average rest standard for all categories of workers is 28 days. The same standards apply to medical workers. However, taking into account the specifics of the work of a certain category of health workers, namely the working conditions of certain professions, its duration can be increased, which is confirmed by the Government of the Russian Federation through resolutions No. 482 and 1588, which the employer must rely on when calculating the time and duration of leave. Most of these laws are reflected in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation itself:

    • Labor Code of the Russian Federation Art. 122 – describes the right to basic annual rest after six months of continuous work, but Art. 123 of the same bill corrects this provision; it states that leave should be granted on the basis of the working holiday schedule.
    • All medical personnel have the right to additional rest: how many days, for what profession and under what conditions is also established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation in its articles No. 117, 118, 119 and 350.

    Duration of leave for medical workers in 2018

    Basic provisions of the legislation on the provision of leave, incl. doctors and medical workers in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation remained unchanged: duration 28 days with the possibility of additional. days, the right to the latter is granted only under special working conditions, for example, harmful and/or life-threatening. However, some categories do not have the privilege of additional leave, especially if their work schedule in a medical institution is drawn up taking into account the correct length of daily work time. These are, for example, employees who dispense prescription and over-the-counter medications.

    In what cases is a medical worker entitled to additional leave?

    Article No. 350 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation indicates that the employer is obliged, by joint agreement, to provide additional days of vacation to certain categories of doctors and their personnel, while the number of days and its duration are regulated by the Government of Russia, which is reflected in regulations and orders. The professions and positions that qualify for it are described in more detail in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Article 116:

    • doctors and employees who, due to their duties, are engaged in work with conditions that are life-threatening and/or harmful to their health;
    • doctors and staff with specific conditions;
    • with irregular schedules and working hours;
    • doctors and employees who perform their duties in special conditions, for example, in the Far North, or in conditions that may be equivalent to it;
    • other personnel.

    Additional leave for medical workers for harmful working conditions

    Since any honey the direction is somehow equated to harmful conditions, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation in its Article No. 117 gives separate instructions about the minimum duration of additional leave for doctors is 7 days, which, moreover, the employer must pay. At the same time, the government bodies of the Russian Federation have established a list of doctors and their professions who have the right to a limited excess of additional duration. recreation. The list includes not only doctors, but also personnel involved in certain areas of work:

    • psychiatrists and their staff, as well as the hostess sister who is directly involved in caring for patients - 35 days;
    • The head nurse is entitled to 28 extra. days;
    • TB doctors, as well as laboratory assistants of all levels – 21 days;
    • other doctors - dentists, local doctors, as well as employees receive 14 days.

    Will additional leave for medical workers be canceled in 2018?

    The abolition of additional leave for medical workers from 2018, as well as a similar procedure planned earlier, will not be fully implemented by virtue of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Art. 117. This article obliges the provision and payment of additional rest in accordance with the regulations. The length of time is also regulated by Resolution No. 482.

    By Decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU, the Council of Ministers of the USSR, the All-Russian Central Council of Trade Unions dated 08/19/1982 N 773 (Order of the USSR Ministry of Health dated 09/24/1982 N 950): - nursing staff of visiting teams of stations and departments of emergency and emergency medical care, departments of planned and emergency advisory care (sanitary stations aviation). 3. From January 1, 1987, by the Decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU, the Council of Ministers of the USSR, the All-Russian Central Council of Trade Unions of October 16, 1986 N 1240 (Order of the USSR Ministry of Health of October 24, 1986 N 1420): – senior doctors of ambulance and emergency medical care stations (departments); – Head of therapeutic and pediatric departments of clinics, outpatient departments; – district nurses of therapeutic and pediatric territorial areas. 4. Since March 1, 1991

    Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

    ・ workers with a special nature of work (Art.

    Can health workers get additional leave in 2018?

    ・ for employees with irregular working hours - at least 3 calendar days (Article 119 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

    ・ workers working in the regions of the Far North - 24 calendar days and areas equated to the regions of the Far North - 16 calendar days (Article 321 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

    ・ exposed to radiation at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant - 14 calendar days (clause 5 of article 14 of the Law of the Russian Federation of May 15, 1991 No. 1244-1);

    ・ in other cases provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and federal laws.

    At maintaining personnel records It is necessary to take into account the following basic conditions for granting annual paid leave:

    ・ the duration of additional leave is calculated in calendar days.

    Additional leave for doctors in rural areas

    Consequently, the procedure for granting three-day additional paid leave to such employees as local general practitioners, pediatricians, staff of mobile teams of emergency medical care stations (departments), etc., provided for both by the regulations of the Russian Federation and the regulations of the USSR, on today is maintained in accordance with current legislation.

    Namely, according to Article 423 of the Labor Code, regulatory legal acts of both the Russian Federation and legislative acts of the former USSR, in force in Russia before the introduction of the Labor Code (before 02/01/2002), are applied on the territory of the country if they do not contradict the Code.

    Additional leave for doctors in rural areas who are entitled to

      a letter requesting that the accrued amount be credited for days of additional leave;

      a copy of the order granting additional leave to the employee for the entire period of treatment and travel to the place of treatment;

      certificate of vacation calculation (original, signed by the chief accountant, seal of the organization).

    After submitting the listed documents, the issue of accepting the amount for additional leave to the insured for credit is considered.

    Additional information can be obtained from the professional risk insurance department by phone: 8-3467-(37-19-76).

    Additional paid leave has been established for certain categories of health workers

    Additional leave for doctors in rural areas in 2019

    Indeed, people of all specialties are needed for the development of society and the creation of the benefits of civilization.

    But, we understand that when there is no health, a person will not be able to work in any field, so without medicine there is nowhere.

    Although you can often hear reproaches against doctors and the medical care system, at the first opportunity we turn to them.

    They really saved and continue to save a huge number of people from death, help them get back on their feet after serious illnesses, not to mention the most complex operations performed for the sake of every human life.

    The work of doctors is quite specific and, due to their professional activities, they have to face the danger of contracting infectious diseases and withstand psychological and emotional stress when communicating with sick, sometimes not entirely adequate, people.

    In this case, the results of a special assessment of working conditions are taken into account.

    When calculating the duration of vacation, the employer can use some regulations that were adopted quite a long time ago, but continue to be in force to the extent that does not contradict the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. These include, for example:

    • Resolution of the State Labor Committee of the USSR, the Presidium of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of October 25, 1974
      No. 298/P-22 “On approval of the List of industries, workshops, professions and positions with hazardous working conditions, work in which gives the right to additional leave and a shortened working day”;
    • order of the Russian Ministry of Health, the Russian Ministry of Defense, the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Russian Ministry of Justice, the Russian Ministry of Education, the Russian Ministry of Agriculture and the Federal Border Guard Service of Russia dated May 30, 2003.

    And if an assessment of working conditions was not carried out, management faces administrative penalties in accordance with the current articles of the Code of Administrative Offenses.

    However, this rule does not apply to workers who are forced to put their lives in danger every day:

    • related to the HIV virus;
    • working with people who have been diagnosed with tuberculosis;
    • working with animals and animal products contaminated with tuberculosis bacillus;
    • employees of psychiatric institutions related to direct care for patients (managers, doctors, nurses, orderlies).

    The duration of the additional vacation period is directly related to the position held. The minimum values ​​are established for general practitioners or so-called family doctors - this is an additional 3 days of vacation.

    The minimum values ​​are established for general practitioners or so-called family doctors - this is an additional 3 days of vacation. The maximum number of days is provided to psychiatrists and psychologists - for them 35 days are added to the vacation period.

    How is it processed?

    At each enterprise, the manager approves a certain schedule of vacation periods for all working personnel.
    Such a document is drawn up taking into account the interests of the enterprise and all the features of work activity. The document is prepared by the personnel department, after which it is presented to the manager for signing.

    All employees must familiarize themselves with the signed and approved schedule, since vacation periods are established by agreement and agreement between the employee and the employer.

    The time of the break provided and its specific duration are established by internal labor regulations or by agreement between the employee and the employer.

    5. From November 1, 1986, by the Decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU, the Council of Ministers of the USSR, the All-Russian Central Council of Trade Unions of October 16, 1986 N 1240 (Order of the USSR Ministry of Health of October 24, 1986 N 1420): - nursing staff for receiving calls and transferring them to visiting teams who have transferred from their positions paramedical personnel of mobile teams of emergency medical care stations (departments); - senior paramedics of ambulance and emergency medical care substations.

    Let’s say a TB doctor has an irregular work schedule and applies for two types of leave.

    You can learn more about this from the video presented.

    Levels of activity

    The legislation identifies 4 levels that affect the provision of additional vacation days:


    Any medical personnel works in harmful and dangerous working conditions, therefore no one can deprive them of the right to at least 7 calendar days of additional leave. The List approved by Resolution No. 482 lists all professions of medical workers.

    In addition, some positions and specialties have been added that are not entitled to 7 calendar days, but to longer additional leave. These positions and specialties of medical workers are presented above.

    Vacation for medical workers in 2017

    The duration of additional leave for health workers involved in the provision of psychiatric care, anti-tuberculosis care, and also working with HIV-infected people has been approved

    Vacation for medical workers in 2016

    The employee and employer agreed to divide the vacation into parts.

    Good afternoon

    For medical workers, the Government of the Russian Federation Decree No. 482 dated 06.06.2013 applies, but it specifies the positions of medical personnel related to providing care to patients in the field of psychiatry, tuberculosis and HIV. Question: Who is entitled to 3 additional days for local duty?

    All medical workers, or only those who are hired under a contract by the local pediatrician, local therapist, and local nurses.

    It is compiled taking into account the specifics of the institution, which is actually the main factor.

    Thus, it is possible to replace part of the additional leave for harmful working conditions with monetary compensation only if the amount of this compensation must also be established in an industry (inter-industry) agreement and a collective agreement.

    Additional leave for health workers

    There is Government Decree No. 482 of 06/06/2013, which provides a detailed list of professions and positions that are entitled to additional paid leave. When providing an employee with additional leave, the employer must be guided by Art.
    116 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

    Based on the current Resolution No. 482, additional leave in 2017 is provided to some health workers who hold certain positions in healthcare.

    Additional leave is provided after a special assessment of the work of medical workers.

    Labor Code of the Russian Federation); ・ exposed to radiation at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant - 14 calendar days (clause

    Features of providing additional leave to health workers (2015-2016)

    This period may be extended on the basis of a collective agreement or other local acts of the organization. Therefore, it turns out that all health workers whose work involves harmful and dangerous working conditions, but for whom a special duration of additional paid leave has not been established, have the right to count on another 7 days of rest.

    If the profession of a health worker is one of those listed in Resolution No. 482, the duration of his rest should not be less than that established by this legislative act.

    By analogy with the situation described above, it is possible to identify doctors employed in other industries who, in accordance with Government Decree of the Russian Federation No. 877, are classified as workers with a special nature of work, as stated in Article 118 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Are minors entitled to leave at their own expense? See here.

    Is it possible to take it with subsequent reduction? The answer is here. Procedure for granting Like the main annual leave, additional medical leave is provided on the basis of a vacation priority schedule, which is formed before mid-December based on the specifics of the institution and the interests of each employee.

    Both main and additional leave in accordance with Article 125 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation can be divided into parts by agreement between the health worker and management, but subject to certain conditions.

    Additional holidays for healthcare workers

    Health workers and teachers will be deprived of preferential length of service

    The village is destroyed. Soviet-style agricultural enterprises ceased to exist. instead, farm foundations and overgrown arable land. They say as many as 40 million hectares. All young people go to the city after school.

    because there is no work in the villages.

    no perspective. empty streets of abandoned houses - you saw it. And if the authorities do not reform, they are against the people. Maybe agriculture has been preserved in the south of Russia. And in the Trans-Urals, temporary workers sow in the spring.

    Primary Menu

    The law does not stipulate what benefits companies can provide to employees.

    Russia. But they only said that this is not widespread in all regions, at the discretion of the Ministry of Health. The new law on additional leave dated June 06, 2013 No. 482 “On the duration of annual pay for work with harmful and dangerous working conditions provided to certain categories of health workers.. “At the moment, in other words, there is obvious discrimination against the right of a health worker to rest. The lack of full-fledged centralized legal regulation of additional leaves of health workers has led to the fact that in each subject of the Russian Federation, the provision of data depends mainly on the economic situation in a particular region. So everything depends on the regional Government .

    Are health workers entitled to additional leave in 2016?

    What kind of holidays are these? Additional leave for medical workers for the special nature of the work Leave for the special content of the work is regulated by Art.

    Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR dated 03/01/1991 N 166 (Order of the Ministry of Health of the RSFSR dated 03/15/1991 N 42): to paramedical personnel: - workshop medical districts; – district hospitals and outpatient clinics, including linear ones, located in rural areas (regardless of the title of the position); – paramedic and obstetric stations; doctors and paramedical personnel: – boarding houses located in rural areas (all types); – nursing homes (departments); – hospices; – drivers of mobile teams of ambulance stations (departments). 5. Since November 1, 1986

    • working in unhealthy or dangerous conditions;
    • having irregular work shifts;
    • workers in the Far North.

    Additional leave for doctors is provided for employees with irregular working hours and conditions harmful to health.

    The minimum duration of additional leave for medical workers is three days. All doctors have the right to this, including:

    • general practitioners, therapists;
    • family doctors;
    • nurses, general practitioners and family doctors.

    The main condition for granting additional vacation days is that the specialist has at least three years of experience.

    Medical workers of infectious and antifungal treatment institutions, personnel caring for patients, etc. have the right to additional rest for a period of 6 to 12 working days.

    There is Government Decree No. 482 of 06/06/2013, which provides a detailed list of professions and positions that are entitled to additional paid leave. When providing an employee with additional leave, the employer must be guided by Art. 116 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

    Based on the current Resolution No. 482, additional leave in 2018 is provided to some health workers who hold certain positions in healthcare.

    Additional leave is provided after a special assessment of the work of medical workers. The assessment results must be agreed upon with the institution's trade union.

    If the profession of some health workers is not on the specified list, then additional leave is provided on a general basis. According to Art. 117 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the minimum duration of additional leave for medical workers who work in harmful and dangerous working conditions is 7 calendar days. This period may be increased by a collective agreement or other local act of the medical institution.

    According to Resolution No. 482, additional leave is granted to:

    • for health workers who provide mental health care:
      • doctors in senior positions, housekeepers and other medical personnel who provide medical care to mental patients - 35 calendar days;
      • laboratory workers – 21 days;
      • receptionists, nurses and dieticians – 14 days.
    • doctors who provide care to tuberculosis patients:
      • all medical staff of tuberculosis dispensaries – 14 days;
      • TB doctors who perform X-ray examinations – 21 days;
    • doctors working with HIV-infected people and coming into contact with drugs that contain the virus – 14 days.

    Junior medical personnel, that is, nurses working in such institutions, also have the right to additional leave lasting from 7 to 12 days.

    If a medical worker is entitled to additional leave for several reasons, it is granted only for one of them.

    If the head of a medical institution does not bother to conduct a special assessment of working conditions that reveals the degree of harmfulness of the working conditions of his employees, he is violating labor legislation. But he is obliged to provide additional leave to medical workers.

    Due to the fact that changes have occurred and workplace certification has been cancelled, and instead a special labor assessment is now carried out, an opinion has emerged that additional leave for medical workers will be cancelled. This is wrong!
    During a special assessment, the degree of harmful working conditions and the degree of danger are revealed, on the basis of which additional leave is granted.

    In medical institutions, a special assessment of working conditions is carried out by the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia. But the FMBA of Russia cannot issue an order to cancel additional leave, since even if dangerous and harmful working conditions for certain medical workers were not identified, in accordance with Art. 117 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, they still have the number of days of additional permission specified in the article.

    Any medical personnel works in harmful and dangerous working conditions, therefore no one can deprive them of the right to at least 7 calendar days of additional leave.
    The List approved by Resolution No. 482 lists all professions of medical workers. In addition, some positions and specialties have been added that are not entitled to 7 calendar days, but to longer additional leave. These positions and specialties of medical workers are presented above.

    Every year, without exception, each officially employed person is granted the right by the employer to 28 days of vacation. However, there are a large number of citizens who receive additional vacation days. Most often, the provision of such a bonus is associated with harmful working conditions.

    Some of the most harmful types of work are those associated with providing medical care to seriously ill people. As a result, many health workers, according to the rules of the law, have a longer official rest period than other workers.

    Which healthcare workers are entitled to additional leave?

    Every year, the Russian government evaluates various positions and draws a conclusion about how harmful their working conditions are. The latest government decree on appropriate leave for health workers for hazardous working conditions has identified a number of positions that are entitled to additional leave.

    These include:

    • Providing anti-tuberculosis care;
    • Working in psychiatric medical institutions;
    • Those in contact with HIV-infected people.

    The government decree sets its own duration for each individual position of a health worker.

    Law on additional leave for medical workers - changes 2018

    The main law for calculating vacation days in addition to annual ones is government decree number 482. However, even in Article 116 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation there is information that the minimum duration of this period is one week. Also, in accordance with the law, we can conclude that if a doctor works in several positions and is entitled to compensation in the form of additional leave, then the rest is provided on only one of the grounds.

    How to calculate additional leave for health workers for harmful working conditions?

    The calculation procedure can be divided into 2 main stages:

    1. It is necessary to calculate the days worked per year in hazardous production.

    2. It is necessary to determine the exact number of months worked.

    The list of professions with a specific duration of this period is determined by a law such as Government Resolution No. 482. Therefore, to calculate how many days are added for harmful working conditions in your position, it is enough to familiarize yourself with the text of the law and its changes as of 2018 . The minimum possible added duration is one week.

    What determines the duration of additional leave for a health worker?

    The harmfulness of a particular job is the main factor that affects the duration. Moreover, both physiological and moral harm are taken into account. For example, doctors who fight infectious diseases are at high risk of infection. But those who work in psychiatric hospitals succumb more to moral pressure.

    The government also calculates the duration of official rest in accordance with the position itself.

    • 35 are added to the management, doctors and medical staff of psychiatric hospitals;
    • Personnel in the laboratories of these institutions - 21;
    • Registrars and nurses – 14 days.

    In anti-tuberculosis institutions, medical staff are given an additional 14 days. Phthisiatricians whose powers include working with special dangerous x-ray examinations can claim more - up to 21 days. As for those whose work is related to HIV-infected people, 14 days are added for their harmful working conditions.

    Order on additional leave for health workers for harmful working conditions - sample

    In the sample you only need to enter the name of the medical institution, the specific name of the position and structural unit. And in the spaces to indicate the type of leave, write “additional paid.” Also below is the exact duration. To issue an order, a special T-6 form is used, although its use is not an obligation for personnel officers of medical institutions.

    To correctly fill out the order, it is recommended to use the sample T-6 form. Do not forget that if the order is not executed in the proper form, management may declare it invalid.

    Cancellation of the order on additional leave for health workers

    Now the assessment of the harmfulness of conditions in medical institutions is carried out by a special agency - the FMBA of the Russian Federation. However, they do not have enough power to cancel the order. At a minimum, because Article 117 of the Labor Code specifies information about additional leave for employees in the medical industry.

    Therefore, we can safely say that the information that has been circulating for a long time and reported that the corresponding leave would be canceled turned out to be false.

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    Additional leave for health workers

    Additional leave for health workers since 2014

    Additional leave health workers provided for in Article 350 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In accordance with this rule, not every medical worker is entitled to additional leave, but only to employees working in certain conditions.

    Additional leave for medical workers is established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 482 dated 06/06/2013, in accordance with it, the duration of annual additional paid leave for work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions for medical workers is due to employees:

    Participating in the provision of mental health care (14, 21, 28 and 35 calendar days);
    - directly involved in the provision of anti-tuberculosis care (14 and 21 calendar days);
    - carrying out diagnosis and treatment of HIV-infected people (14 calendar days);
    - whose work is related to materials containing the human immunodeficiency virus (14 calendar days)/

    Annual additional paid leave is provided to medical workers whose working conditions in the workplace, based on the results of a special assessment, are classified as harmful (hazard class 3.2, 3.3, 3.4) or hazardous working conditions (hazard class 4) (Article 117 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

    The minimum duration of annual additional paid leave for medical workers is 7 calendar days. These rules came into force on January 1, 2014.

    If, based on the results of certification, a workplace was assigned a hazard class of 3.1, then the employer must provide leave after January 1, 2014 until a special assessment of working conditions is carried out.

    Compensation in the form of an additional launch can be canceled after a special assessment, if, according to its results, the harmfulness remains the same or is reduced.

    The employer can use local regulations and acts of a mixed or intersectoral nature, which establish longer vacation periods.

    For example, employees directly providing psychiatric, anti-tuberculosis care or working with HIV-infected people are entitled to additional leave lasting from 14 to 35 calendar days.

    The number of days of additional start-up of a particular health worker is fixed in the employment contract. In this case, the results of a special assessment of working conditions are taken into account.

    When calculating the duration of vacation, the employer can use some regulations that were adopted quite a long time ago, but continue to be in force to the extent that does not contradict the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. These include, for example:

    • Resolution of the State Labor Committee of the USSR, the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Council of Trade Unions dated October 25, 1974 No. 298/P-22 “On approval of the List of industries, workshops, professions and positions with hazardous working conditions, work in which gives the right to additional leave and a shortened working day”;
    • Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia, the Ministry of Defense of Russia, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the Ministry of Justice of Russia, the Ministry of Education of Russia, the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia and the Federal Border Guard Service of Russia dated May 30, 2003 No. 225/194/363/126/2330/777/292 “On approval of the List of positions whose occupation is related with the danger of infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis, giving the right to additional paid leave, a 30-hour work week and additional pay due to hazardous working conditions.”

    Combination of professions (positions) can be used if both positions have the same class of labor conditions. Otherwise, it is better to register the employee in the second position as a part-time worker: then working time will be recorded separately for each position, which will save the employer from confusion with benefits. At the same time, it is very important that the names of positions and structural units clearly correspond to the names specified in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 29. 2002 No. 7812. Otherwise, your employees will lose the right to early retirement.

    Part of the additional allowance may be replaced by monetary compensation. Here are the conditions under which replacement is possible:

    • Only the part of the additional leave that exceeds 7 calendar days is compensated;
    • the industry (inter-industry) agreement and collective agreement provide for the possibility of such replacement and its procedure;
    • An additional agreement to the employment contract was concluded with the employee, which established separate monetary compensation on the terms of the industry agreement and collective agreement.

    It should be noted that the conditions for compensating part of the additional leave for health workers in cash must be specified both in the industry agreement and in the collective agreement.

    Additional leave can be used by the employee either separately or together with the main one. Its duration depends on how long the health worker worked in harmful conditions (Part 3 of Article 121 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

    For example, a nurse works in a psychiatric hospital. She has the right to additional leave of 28 calendar days. She worked 151 days during the pay period. To find out how many days of additional leave she is entitled to, she needs to divide the days worked by the average monthly number of days. The resulting decimal number must be rounded according to the rules of mathematics: decimal places less than 5 are discarded, decimal places greater than 5 or equal to 5 are rounded to a whole number: 151: 29.3 = 5.15. We round and get the result - 5 months.

    Now let’s calculate how many days of additional leave a nurse needs to be given for one month of work. 28:12 = 2.33. Thus, in 5 months the nurse will receive 5 x 2.33 = 11.65. We round up and get the total – 12 calendar days.


    The Labor Legislation of the Russian Federation establishes the right of every working citizen on an official basis to rest. This issue is also regulated by the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

    The standard length of rest time for employees is a period of 28 days. In some cases this figure may be changed.

    Is it allowed for healthcare workers?

    The labor activity of medical workers is under special control.

    When determining the duration of their vacations, accompanied by pay, in addition to the main legislative documents, the information specified in others is taken into account.

    The legislation defines the minimum duration of rest of this type.

    In accordance with Article 117 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, this period cannot be less than 7 calendar days.

    By decision of the administration of the medical institution, the duration of rest may be increased.

    How to apply?

    The technology for providing additional rest time for health workers is not established by regulations.

    Registration of an additional type of leave is carried out in the same way as regular paid leave of workers.

    The first step to obtaining additional days of rest is for the employee to complete a corresponding application. Next is the publication of an order from the chief executive of the enterprise.

    Before applying for leave, you also need to make sure that it is possible to receive it.

    How is it paid?

    As in the standard case, additional leave of health workers must be paid in accordance with established rules.

    In this case, funds must be credited to the employee’s account no later than 3 days before the start of the vacation.

    Employees of the accounting department are responsible for determining the amount to be paid.

    When calculating it, they are guided by the average monthly income of workers and the number of vacation days.

    Can it be replaced with compensation?

    If the health worker wishes, his additional leave can be replaced with monetary compensation. To receive it, a citizen must fill out an application with a corresponding request.

    Article 126 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that not all specialists can use this right.

    Replacing vacation with monetary compensation is prohibited for the following categories of workers in the healthcare sector:

    • pregnant girls;
    • health workers who have not reached the age of majority;
    • specialists whose work activity involves working in life-threatening conditions.


    Some medical workers have the right to ask their employer to provide additional paid leave.

    Obtaining such rest time is possible only under certain conditions, in particular, long periods of work in one medical organization.

    The duration of additional vacation days is determined depending on the specifics of work activity and the specialist’s profession.

    The law establishes a minimum rest period, which can be increased if desired by the institution’s management.


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