How to find volume in cubic meters. How to calculate volume in m3 How to correctly calculate volume

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Quite often during construction or repair work There is such an urgent need to count cubic meters. This is explained by the fact that

that you need to obtain the required consumption of materials, and based on it, the cash costs for future construction are already determined. This allows you to correctly plan your budget, and, based on it, you can draw up a schedule of this event. At first glance, this is a very complicated procedure. But if you look into this issue a little, it turns out that there is nothing complicated about it, and how to calculate cubic meters is done easily and simply.

A simple solution

The simplest solution in this situation is to take measurements and use a calculator and formulas to obtain the required result. For example, for

For a rectangular room, just measure the height, width and length. Then we simply multiply them - and we already know its volume. Using this method, you can either count cubic meters in an apartment or in any container. And it doesn’t matter what shape it is. Eat mathematical formulas for various objects. Using them, it is not at all difficult to obtain the required value. If the room complex shape, it makes sense to break it down into several simple parts and perform calculations for each of them separately. Then the results obtained are summed up to obtain the final volume value.


Another determination method is based on density. Also from the course that this physical parameter is equal to mass divided by volume. For example, we know the mass of wood and its density. It is enough to divide one
to the second, and the required value will be obtained.

Computer help

This issue can be most easily resolved using a personal computer. Many programs have now been developed to carry out such calculations. Some of them use measurement results as initial data. In others, it is possible to create a three-dimensional model and, for example, convert square meters into cubic meters and vice versa. Understanding the interface of such software products is not difficult; it takes very little time. If necessary, in such software you can set different pitch coordinate grid. If you change its dimension, you can translate cubic centimeters in meters

with one click. As a result, it can be noted that such complexes significantly simplify the process of forming a budget for future repair work.


This material is devoted to how to calculate cubic meters in various cases. The easiest way is to do this necessary measurements first, assemble the model in a special program and calculate the required values ​​using the given parameters. If it is not possible to use specialized software, then you can resort to another method. The program can be replaced with formulas, a sheet of paper and a calculator. Such a calculation will take more time, and its accuracy will be lower. Also in this case, it is necessary to use reference literature, from where you must first select the appropriate formulas.

Measure all required distances in meters. The volume of many three-dimensional figures can be easily calculated using the appropriate formulas. However, all values ​​​​substituted into formulas must be measured in meters. Therefore, before plugging values ​​into the formula, make sure that they are all measured in meters, or that you have converted other units of measurement to meters.

  • 1 mm = 0.001 m
  • 1 cm = 0.01 m
  • 1 km = 1000 m
  • To calculate the volume of rectangular shapes ( cuboid, cube) use the formula: volume = L × W × H(length times width times height). This formula can be considered as the product of the surface area of ​​one of the faces of the figure and the edge perpendicular to this face.

    • For example, let’s calculate the volume of a room with a length of 4 m, a width of 3 m and a height of 2.5 m. To do this, simply multiply the length by the width and by the height:
      • 4 × 3 × 2.5
      • = 12 × 2.5
      • = 30. The volume of this room is 30 m 3.
    • A cube is a three-dimensional figure with all sides equal. Thus, the formula for calculating the volume of a cube can be written as: volume = L 3 (or W 3, or H 3).
  • To calculate the volume of figures in the form of a cylinder, use the formula: pi× R 2 × H. Calculating the volume of a cylinder comes down to multiplying the area of ​​the circular base by the height (or length) of the cylinder. Find the area of ​​the circular base by multiplying pi (3.14) by the square of the radius of the circle (R) (radius is the distance from the center of the circle to any point lying on this circle). Then multiply the result by the height of the cylinder (H) and you will find the volume of the cylinder. All values ​​are measured in meters.

    • For example, let's calculate the volume of a well with a diameter of 1.5 m and a depth of 10 m. Divide the diameter by 2 to get the radius: 1.5/2 = 0.75 m.
      • (3.14) × 0.75 2 × 10
      • = (3.14) × 0.5625 × 10
      • = 17.66. The volume of the well is 17.66 m 3.
  • To calculate the volume of a ball, use the formula: 4/3 x pi× R 3 . That is, you only need to know the radius (R) of the ball.

    • For example, let's calculate the volume hot air balloon with a diameter of 10 m. Divide the diameter by 2 to get the radius: 10/2=5 m.
      • 4/3 x pi × (5) 3
      • = 4/3 x (3.14) × 125
      • = 4.189 × 125
      • = 523.6. The volume of the balloon is 523.6 m 3.
  • To calculate the volume of cone-shaped figures, use the formula: 1/3 x pi× R 2 × H. The volume of a cone is equal to 1/3 of the volume of a cylinder, which has the same height and radius.

    • For example, let's calculate the volume of an ice cream cone with a radius of 3 cm and a height of 15 cm. Converting to meters, we get: 0.03 m and 0.15 m, respectively.
      • 1/3 x (3.14) × 0.03 2 × 0.15
      • = 1/3 x (3.14) × 0.0009 × 0.15
      • = 1/3 × 0.0004239
      • = 0.000141. The volume of an ice cream cone is 0.000141 m 3.
  • To calculate the volume of figures irregular shape use multiple formulas. To do this, try to break the figure into several figures of the correct shape. Then find the volume of each such figure and add up the results.

    • For example, let's calculate the volume of a small granary. The warehouse has a cylindrical body with a height of 12 m and a radius of 1.5 m. The warehouse also has a conical roof with a height of 1 m. By calculating the volume of the roof separately and the volume of the body separately, we can find the total volume of the granary:
      • pi × R 2 × H + 1/3 x pi × R 2 × H
      • (3.14) × 1.5 2 × 12 + 1/3 x (3.14) × 1.5 2 × 1
      • = (3.14) × 2.25 × 12 + 1/3 x (3.14) × 2.25 × 1
      • = (3.14) × 27 + 1/3 x (3.14) × 2.25
      • = 84,822 + 2,356
      • = 87.178. The volume of the granary is equal to 87.178 m 3.
  • Whether you are a carpenter or simply purchasing the required cubic volume of lumber based on calculations, the ability to correctly calculate the volume of lumber will help in correctly drawing up estimates and will save you from additional financial expenses.

    An additional need to learn how to count the volume of lumber also comes from the fact that this is practically the only type of building material that is sold not individually or by weight, but in cubic meters.

    The quality, weight and cost of lumber are influenced by many factors, the surface of the wood (presence of chips, grinding work, firing, cracks, etc.), humidity and cutting method, which can be tangential and radial.

    Types of lumber

    There are many types of lumber on the market today, which differ in their manufacturing method and performance characteristics:

    Of course, it’s easier when the lumber is packaged in packages with exact indications of price and volume, but this is quite rare and this is done by companies that produce large quantities of products high prices. The price tag for a board from private sellers is usually lower, but the boards are usually delivered en masse without clear packaging. It is important to always buy a batch of slightly larger cubic capacity than necessary, since in the process construction work, most likely, it will be discovered that there is not enough lumber, and some of the products in the batch are defective.

    Calculations for one cube of board will vary depending on the type of wood, as well as the level of processing of the lumber. Unedged and edged boards are calculated using different formulas. As for the species, the easiest way is to count one cube of wood from coniferous species: the width, length and thickness of one board are measured and multiplied, and then the resulting indicators are multiplied by the amount of identical lumber.

    An unedged board is obtained by longitudinal cut logs without additional processing boards on the sides. Such lumber is cheaper than edged boards, but their disadvantage lies in the complex calculation of the cube of products. Unlike edged boards, it is not possible to calculate the total volume of lumber based on the dimensions of one board, since its width varies depending on the board; only the length and width remain identical. Differences in width occur due to the fact that unedged boards are cut from different sections of the log.

    1 way

    In unedged boards, there is often a disproportion between the thickness and width of the board at its different ends, so for correct calculations it is necessary to determine the minimum and maximum values ​​for the width and thickness of the board. We divide the resulting results by 2. The formula itself will look like this: (a1+a2)/2*(b1+b2)/2*c. If necessary, correct calculations A calculator might come in handy. The only drawback of this method is the high time consumption, because Due to the fact that the boards are very different, you will have to measure each unit of lumber separately.

    Method 2

    It is much easier to make calculations when it is necessary to cover some part of the building with boards, be it a floor or a wall. To do this, take the area that needs to be finished with boards and multiply it by the thickness of the sheathing material - the resulting number will be the required volume of lumber. For a better understanding, let's give an example: to cover the wall of a building with parameters 8 * 4 with a height of 4 meters, we use a board 20 mm thick.

    We calculate the area of ​​the wall, namely: (8+8+4+4)*4=96 sq.m. Next, we multiply the resulting result with the thickness unedged boards and we get: 95*0.020=1.9 kb.m. The width of the board does not matter; it does not have any effect on the calculations. But at the same time, for construction work, it will not be superfluous to find out the average values ​​of the board depending on its length. You can see the average data in the table below.

    Edged board is the most popular type of lumber, which is slightly more expensive than edged board, because the wood is processed from all sides. To obtain it, the log is sawn lengthwise into boards, and then the side edges are processed, the resulting material has rectangular shape. The advantages of this sawmill material include greater durability, since it is removed along with the bark. harmful microorganisms, as well as improved jointing with other sawmill materials due to the cleared sides.

    Edged boards undergo additional drying and many processing operations, which increase not only their performance characteristics, but also their price. The price is also affected by the type of wood and type of lumber.

    Since the edged boards are identical in size, the cubic capacity will be calculated using a simple formula: V=l*h*a, where l,h,a is length, height and width respectively, and V is volume.

    In construction, timber with a square cross-section is most often used, that is, with an aspect ratio of 100 * 100 mm. To calculate the cubic capacity of one beam, you need to multiply the product of its width and height by the length of the beam. For example, consider the case when it is necessary to purchase 30 units of timber with a cross-section of 100*100 mm and a length of 9 meters. To do this, multiply the width by the height, and multiply the resulting value by the length of one beam. In general, the calculations will look like this: 0.10*0.10*9=0.09 m3 - this will be the cubic capacity of one beam. Now we multiply this value by the amount of timber required, it turns out: 0.09*30=2.7 m3.

    If there are grooves in the timber, this often does not in any way affect the cubic capacity, since the products in a batch of lumber are tightly connected to each other.

    General conclusions

    Calculate required amount cubic meters of lumber is not at all difficult if the formulas for calculations are known. After measurements, it will become much easier for you to calculate the required number of cubic meters and quickly find out its cost.

    The cubic capacity of a room usually means its volume, expressed in cubic meters. If we know the basic parameters of the room (length, width and height), then calculating its cubic capacity is very primitive. However, if the structure has a difficult shape, then calculating its volume can be quite difficult.

    You will need

    • calculator


    1. To calculate the cubic capacity of a room, multiply its length, width and height. That is, use the formula: K = L x W x H, where: K is the cubic capacity of the room (volume expressed in cubic meters), L, W and H are the length, width and height of the room, expressed in meters, respectively. Let's say if The length of the room is 11 meters, the width is 5 meters, and the height is 2 meters, then its cubic capacity will be 11 x 5 x 2 = 110 cubic meters.

    2. If one or more dimensions of the room are unfamiliar, then measure them using a construction tape or an electronic rangefinder. When using an electronic rangefinder, make sure that it is directed strictly perpendicular to the wall the distance to which is being measured. In order to increase the accuracy of calculations, measure the height and width twice - at opposite walls, and then find the arithmetic mean (add and divide by 2).

    3. Let, say, measurements of the length of the room show 10.01 m and 10.03 m, measurements of the width - 5.25 m and 5.26 m, and measurement of the height - 2.50 m. In this case, the cubic capacity of the room will be equal to:( 10.01+10.03)/2 x (5.25+5.26)/2 x 2.5 = 131.638 (in most cases, 3 decimal places is absolutely enough).

    4. If the area of ​​the room is lime, then to calculate the cubic capacity, easily multiply this area by the height. That is, use the formula: K = P x B, where P is the area of ​​the room, given in square meters (m?). So, say, if the area of ​​the room is 100 square meters, and its height is 3 meters, then its volume will be: 100x3=300 (cubic meters).

    5. If the room has a difficult shape, then to determine its area, use the appropriate geometric formulas or divide the room into more primitive sections. So, say, a circus arena invariably has the shape of a circle with a radius of 13 meters. Consequently, its area will be equal to? R? = 3.14 x 169 = 531 (square meter). If, say, the room consists of 3 rooms with an area of ​​30, 20 and 50 m?, then the total area of ​​​​the room will be 100 m? .

    Average arithmetic is the main representation used in many branches of mathematics and its applications: statistics, probability theory, economics, etc. Average arithmetic can be defined as a universal representation of an average value.


    1. Average The arithmetic of a set of numbers is defined as their sum divided by their number. That is, the sum of all numbers in a set is divided by the number of numbers in this set. A particularly primitive case is to find the arithmetic mean of 2 numbers x1 and x2. Then their arithmetic mean is X = (x1+x2)/2. Let's say X = (6+2)/2 = 4 – the arithmetic mean of the numbers 6 and 2.

    2. The general formula for finding the arithmetic mean of n numbers will look like this: X = (x1+x2+…+xn)/n. It can also be written in the form: X = (1/n)?xi, where the summation is carried out by index i from i = 1 to i = n. For example, the arithmetic mean of 3 numbers X = (x1+x2+x3)/3 , five numbers – (x1+x2+x3+x4+x5)/5.

    3. The situation of interest is when the set of numbers represents the terms arithmetic progression. As you know, the terms of an arithmetic progression are equal to a1+(n-1)d, where d is the step of the progression, and n is the number of the progression term. Let a1, a1+d, a1+2d,..., a1+(n-1)d be the terms arithmetic progression. Their arithmetic mean is equal to S = (a1+a1+d+a1+2d+…+a1+(n-1)d)/n = (na1+d+2d+…+(n-1)d)/n = a1+(d +2d+…+(n-2)d+(n-1)d)/n = a1+(d+2d+…+dn-d+dn-2d)/n = a1+(n*d*(n-1)/ 2)/n = a1+dn/2 = (2a1+d(n-1))/2 = (a1+an)/2. So the average arithmetic members of an arithmetic progression is equal to the arithmetic mean of its first and last terms.

    4. It is also an objective quality that the entire member of an arithmetic progression is equal to the arithmetic mean of the previous and subsequent members of the progression: an = (a(n-1)+a(n+1))/2, where a(n-1), an, a( n+1) – consecutive members of the sequence.

    Video on the topic

    To find the arithmetic mean of several numbers, add them together. After this, the resulting amount should be divided by the number of terms. To make it more clear, let's figure out together how to find the arithmetic mean of numbers, using the example: 78, 115, 121 and 224. The arithmetic mean of several numbers: detect with Excel support.

    Helpful advice
    The value we calculated is called the arithmetic mean or primitive mean. Definition. The arithmetic mean of several numbers is a number equal to the ratio of the sum of these numbers to their number. Not only the arithmetic mean shows where the numbers of a particular set are located on the number line. Another indicator is the median - a number that divides a given set into two parts that are identical in size. Let us explain with examples how to find the medians of different sets of numbers.

    If you are planning to sell an apartment, renovate a room, change the interior and furniture, you will often have to answer the question: “What is the area of ​​the room in the apartment?” And the approximate figure is inappropriate here. A sofa that does not fit into the corner, a lack of linoleum or carpet, can ruin your well-being for a long time. There are also errors in the documentation for the apartment. To make troubles pass by, start determining the area of ​​the room independently.

    You will need

    • – tape measure or measuring tape;
    • - pencil.


    1. If the room is a typical rectangle, it will take you every couple of minutes to calculate the area. Measure the length of the room and the width of the room. After this, multiply the two numbers. Let's say the length of the room is 5.2 m and the width is 3.5 m. Then the area of ​​the room is 18.2 m.

    2. If the room is not a square or rectangle, but has a more complex shape, the calculations are just as primitive. Divide the room into rectangular parts (for example, a niche and the room itself). Using a similar method, calculate the area of ​​the entire space and add the two numbers. If the area of ​​the room is 14 m2, and the niche is 4 m2, then the area of ​​each room is 18 m2.

    3. In new buildings there are rooms of very difficult and completely non-standard shapes. In this case, it is better to use the services of BTI experts. If you are full of courage to cope with the work yourself, try to divide the room into familiar shapes: triangles, squares, trapezoids. Use an online service to calculate the area of ​​difficult figures. Enter the numbers, get the total.

    Helpful advice
    If you are about to renovate a room, accuracy in measuring the area of ​​the room will protect you from miscalculations and save a lot of money.

    A circle is a part of a plane bounded by a circle. Similar to a circle, circle has its own center, length, radius, diameter, as well as other collations. In order to calculate length circle, you will need to do several primitive actions.

    You will need

    • Depending on the situation, you may need to know either the radius or the diameter of a circle.


    1. Before everyone should understand what data they will need to operate in order to detect length circle. Possibly, given a circle whose radius is equal to R. The radius of the circle is ( circle) is a segment that unites the center of the circle ( circle) with each of the points of a given circle. If you are given a circle whose radius is unknown, then the problem statement will mention not the radius, but the diameter of the given circle, which is conventionally equal to D. In this case, it is worth remembering that the length of the radius is equal to half the length of the diameter. A diameter is a segment connecting any two opposite points of a circle that limits a plane, forming a given circle, while this segment passes through the center of a given circle .

    2. Having dealt with the initial data for the problem, you can use one of 2 formulas to find the circumference / circle:C = ?*D, where D is the diameter of this circle;C = 2*?*R, where R is its radius.

    3. You can see examples. Example 1: Given a circle whose diameter is 20 cm, you need to find it length. To solve this problem you will need to use one of the formulas indicated above: C = 3.14 * 20 = 62.8 cm Answer: the length of this circle is 62.8 cmExample 2: Given a circle whose radius is 10 cm, you need to calculate it length. Based on the fact that the radius circle famous, you can use the 2nd formula: C = 2*3.14*10 = 62.8 cm The answers are the same, and the radii of the circles given in the examples are equal.

    ? is a continuous value that is considered equal to 3.14. This constant is not rounded if high accuracy of calculations is required. This is important in architecture, mechanics, physical computing, and many other areas. Then? = 3.1415926535

    When designing any premises it is strictly calculated square. To find out square premises, you can look and find it in the relevant documentation. If such documentation is not available, it is possible to calculate independently with the support of measuring instruments.

    You will need

    • Tape measure or laser rangefinder, protractor


    1. If the room is a rectangle, use a tape measure (it is advisable to take a more accurate laser device), measure the length and width premises in meters, then multiply from the value. The result will be square given premises. Some rangefinder models calculate areas mechanically.

    2. Some premises have the shape of a circle. In order to discover them square, discover the largest chord of this circle, which is the diameter. After this, square the resulting value, multiply by 3.14 and divide by 4.

    3. If the room has a difficult shape, divide it into several sections with a simplified shape. These can be rectangles, parts of a circle, or triangles (usually rectangular). Discover square any of the elements premises separately, then fold them. The result will be square everyone premises .

    4. If there is a part in the room that is a right triangle, measure its legs, find their product and divide it by 2. The result will be square this geometric figure.

    5. When part premises is a segment of a circle, calculate it square. To do this, with the help of a rangefinder, find the radius of curvature of this sector. This can be done by selecting a point from which it is possible to describe the sector with a segment of the same length (radius). Measure this radius, as well as the angle at which the section is visible in radians. If the protractor measures angles in degrees, divide the number 3.14 by 180 and multiply the result by the degree measure of the angle to get the angle measured in radians. After this, subtract its sine from the resulting angle, multiply the resulting number by the square of the radius, and divide by 2 (S=(?-sin(?)) r?/2).

    6. When measuring linear quantities in meters, get the result in m?, knowing it, you can easily calculate the number building materials or floor coverings that are used in the renovation of premises.

    Today, depending on the soil on which the building is planned to be erected, three main types of primary elements are used.

    1. Monolithic.
    2. Tape.
    3. Columnar.

    Each of the above types of foundation has its own advantages and disadvantages. This is due to the fact that each type of foundation behaves differently on different soils, depending on the number of storeys of the building being constructed.


    It is a lattice monolithic slab made of reinforced concrete. It is made by pouring the entire area of ​​the future building with concrete. This type of foundation is very popular when constructing buildings on floating or loose soils.


    • Ease of manufacture.
    • The ability to erect buildings on soils that have buoyancy or large subsidence.



    It is made of reinforced concrete and is laid only under load-bearing walls buildings and between room partitions. This type of primary element is preferably used for buildings with heavy walls or ceilings. Also for buildings in which basement equipment is required.


    • High strength.
    • Long service life.
    • Possibility of use for houses of different shapes.


    • Due to the need to carry out excavation work, the construction process is greatly delayed.
    • High economic costs for materials.
    • Labor-intensive process.


    It is one of the most common types of bases, as it has a low manufacturing cost. As a rule, it is used on floating soils for buildings with light walls. Manufactured by installation method reinforced concrete pillars, and the space between them is covered with earth.


    • Does not require labor-intensive construction costs.
    • Low manufacturing cost.


    • Difficult to install.
    • Cannot be used for buildings with heavy walls.
    • Low stability on floating soils.

    The main aspect of choosing a foundation is the type of soil on which the building is planned to be built. Also, the choice of the primary element depends on the type of building, its number of storeys, the weight of the walls and ceilings.

    Influence of soil on foundation depth

    Ignorance of the characteristics of the soil on which it is planned to erect any building can lead to the fact that it begins to sag and collapse.

    Usually, upper layer has land significant amount organic residues, which affects its uneven subsidence and shrinkage. Consequently, such a layer of soil cannot be used as a cushion for the base.

    Coarse, medium sandy and gravelly soils are best for foundations. The minimum depth for laying can be 0.5 meters. If the soil consists of fine sand or sandy loam it is worth considering the level groundwater. Since sand, when filled with water, loses its load-bearing properties. Also, when such soil freezes, it can swell and sag unevenly.

    As for clayey and sandy loam soils, they have good load-bearing properties, but when wet they begin to sag under their own weight.

    In order to determine at what depth it is necessary to lay the foundation, you need to be guided by the following features.

    • The number of floors of the building, the type of its construction, the weight of the walls and ceilings.
    • The magnitude of the loads on the future foundation.
    • The depth of the primary element in neighboring buildings (if they are present).
    • Geological and hydrogeological properties of the soil on which construction is planned.
    • The base of the soil under the foundation should not be heaving.
    • The maximum depth of soil freezing in places where construction is planned.

    Having all the information about the features described above, you can determine the most suitable depth for laying the foundation.

    Formula for calculating the cubic area of ​​the foundation

    To calculate the cubic area of ​​the primary element, use the volume calculation formula. For which I use the following data:

    • Width.
    • Height.
    • Length.

    These data are multiplied together to obtain the cubic area of ​​the base. Example WxHxD = cubic area. It is also worth remembering that concrete tends to shrink when it dries, this occurs due to the evaporation of water from it, so when calculating the cubic area it is worth taking this factor into account. The percentage by which concrete shrinks depends on the brand of concrete and you can find out this data from its specification.

    How to calculate

    Each type of primary element has its own way of calculating the required volume of concrete. Also, to calculate it, you need to know the type of soil and its load-bearing properties. Calculation of the volume of the underlying material for each type is carried out as follows:

    • Monolithic slab. To calculate the slab base, you need to know the area of ​​the building being erected and the thickness of the poured primary element. Having these values, it is enough to multiply them together to obtain the required number of cubes of concrete. Also, if the structure of the foundation contains stiffening ribs, it is necessary to calculate the volume of each rib and add them to the total number of cubic meters of the foundation.
    • Tape base. To calculate the volume of a strip primary element, it is enough to divide it into conditional walls. Then calculate their volume by multiplying their width by height and length. The results obtained must be summarized. In this way, it will be known how many cubic meters of concrete are needed to lay the strip foundation.
    • Columnar base. The volume of a pile element is calculated in the following way: the volume of one pile is multiplied by their number, resulting in the required amount of concrete. The only difficulty in calculating pile foundation This is a calculation of the volume of one column, since their shape can be either cylindrical or pentagonal. Simple volume calculations cylindrical shapes are made as follows: the area of ​​the circle (3.14*R^2, where R is the radius of the pile, half its diameter) of the base of the pillar is multiplied by its height.

    Also, when calculating the volume of the primary basis, more complex calculations may arise. For example, when several types of foundation are used at one facility. In such cases, it is necessary to make a separate calculation for each type, and then summarize the results obtained.

    Calculation example

    Let's say you need to bookmark strip base for a one-story residential building 10 meters long and 6 meters wide on a flat plot. The soil is gravel and minimum depth the primary element can be 0.5 meters. The width of the foundation is also planned to be 0.5 meters.

    Therefore, there is all the necessary data to carry out the calculation, which consists of the following steps:

    1. It is necessary to find out the total length of the foundation being laid. To do this, it is necessary to sum the length and width of the building together. Example L 10mx2 = 20m and W 6mx2 = 12 m, 20m+12 m = 32 m total base length.
    2. Having the total length of the primary element, you can calculate the cubic area by multiplying its height by its width and length. Example 0.5m x 0.5m x 32m = 8 cubic meters.

    Based on the results of the example, it follows that to lay the foundation for a house measuring approximately 10 by 6 meters (since the percentage of concrete shrinkage is unknown) 8 cubic meters of concrete are needed.

    If a tiled base is used for the same house, the calculation will be as follows:

    1. You need to find out the total area of ​​the foundation; to do this, multiply the length of the building by its width. Example L 10m x W 6m = 60 square meters.
    2. Result total area foundation must be multiplied by its thickness. Example 60 m2 x T 0.5 m = 30 cubic meters.

    As can be seen from the examples, the procedure for calculating the cubic area of ​​the base does not contain anything beyond the natural, so its calculation can be carried out by any person who does not have an architectural education.

    Estimated cost

    1. Excavation. Price earthworks on average is 150 rubles per cubic meter. That is, for a ditch 0.5 m deep and 0.5 m wide for a strip primary element for a house 10 by 6 meters you will have to pay 1200 rubles. Example L 10mx2 = 20m and W 6m x 2 = 12m, 20m + 12m = 32m, L 32m x W 0.5m x W 0.5 m = 8 cubic meters of land which we multiply by the cost of work 8x150 = 1200 rubles.
    2. Laying a sand cushion. After the pit is ready, it is necessary to make a sand cushion around the entire perimeter of the foundation 0.2 meters thick. Therefore, 32m x 0.5m x 0.2m = 3.2 cubic meters of sand. The approximate cost of sand is 600 rubles per cubic meter 600x3.2 = 1920 rubles. You also need to take into account the cost of the work, which is 100 rubles per cubic meter, which comes out to 1920+320 = 2240 rubles.
    3. Laying crushed stone base. Crushed stone for the foundation is also laid along its entire perimeter with a thickness of 0.2 meters. From previous calculations it is known that with such a thickness 3.2 cubic meters of crushed stone is needed. The cost of crushed stone with delivery is approximately 1,500 rubles, and the cost of laying it is 150 rubles per cubic meter. The result is 4980 rubles for work and crushed stone.
    4. Installation of formwork. For formwork, as a rule, they use edged board thickness of at least 0.2 millimeters and timber 50 x 50 mm for spacers. With a formwork height of 0.5 m and a board width of 30 cm and a length of 6 meters, 16 pieces will be needed. The cost of one board is approximately 200 rubles per piece, which turns out to be 3200 plus 700 rubles per beam, totaling 3900 for the formwork.
    5. Pouring concrete. As is known from previous calculations, 8 cubic meters are needed to fill the foundation. The cost of one cubic meter of concrete grade M 300 is 4,200 rubles. It turns out that the cost of concrete will be 33,600 rubles.

    Having calculated the approximate cost of work and materials, we can summarize that 1200 + 2240 + 4980 + 3900 + 33600 = 45,920 rubles will be the estimated cost of the strip base.


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