How to write a practice report yourself. Can an individual entrepreneur accept trainees from an educational institution for an unpaid internship in a restaurant? And how to formalize this correctly?

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The report is signed by the person who performed the role of supervisor of the production practice. The volume of the report usually ranges from 15 to 40 pages, depending on the basis of the internship.

A practice diary is a document that contains information about receiving and completing current practical assignments. The diary is kept in a relatively free form and contains the following columns: date, signature of the manager. Each task must be signed by the supervisor. The end is also certified by the signature of the manager, and, like the report, the seal of the organization is affixed to it.

Characteristics - a document that is drawn up by the head of the organization-base of production practice. It notes the positive and negative aspects noted for the student during the internship. The characterization, as a rule, takes from one to two pages of text. At the end of the characteristics, the manager writes what kind of production rating this person deserves. The reference is certified by the signature of the manager and the seal of the organization.

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Registration of trainees into an organization always causes many difficulties, because this issue is not directly regulated in labor legislation, there is no specific algorithm of actions, and there is no concept of an internship agreement between the trainee and the employer. Next instructions will help employers answer the main questions that arise when registering trainees.


Enter into an agreement with the educational institution that provides the intern. In connection with the terms of the agreement concluded by the organization and the educational institution, the employer must create the necessary conditions for the student to undergo practical training and provide the trainee with a workplace.

The educational institution, in turn, guarantees the student’s compliance with the organization’s established labor discipline and rules internal regulations.

Complete employment contract with a student passing practice. The education standard provides for two types of practice: educational and industrial. During an internship, a student usually does not take work position, so it is not necessary to conclude a contract.

If there are no vacancies in the organization, apply for a job without joining the staff. In this case, no employment contract is concluded between the trainee and the organization.

The organization signs a decree or order to enroll students in production practice, which indicates the time of the internship, deadlines, and appoints the internship supervisor. In this case, on student He is not assigned a specific job function; he performs simple tasks to familiarize himself with production.

Please note that students may take practice at the place of his main work. In this case, you should take into account the specialty in which the student studied and the position he occupied. In such a situation, the student must provide his educational institution with a document confirming that he is undergoing practice at your place of work.

At the end of the internship, the student must be given a reference, which indicates the name of the organization - the place of internship, the start and end date of the internship, the type of work performed by the intern, information about production standards, recommendations for awarding a qualification, etc.

Tip 3: How to prepare a report on industrial practice

Report according to production practice is issued by students based on the results of its completion. It reflects: the completed internship program, knowledge gained in the areas studied, information about the work performed, and characteristics of the enterprise. It is useful to include in the report your proposals for improving the operation of the enterprise, methods for increasing efficiency indicators.


When preparing a report on production practice stick to the following structure. Initially complete title page. On it, indicate the name of the enterprise where your internship took place; Name educational institution; your full name; data of the supervisor at the enterprise and the teacher of the educational institution. This is followed by a table of contents, introduction, and timetable. Make a schedule in weeks, indicating dates and work performed at the enterprise. For example, 01.11 - acquaintance with the structure of the organization, introduction to the position.

In the main part of the report, describe the activities of the organization, the main issues raised during the internship according to the plan issued by the educational institution. Finish the main part with analysis individual tasks that you have completed. In conclusion, draw conclusions on economic activity organization, voice your proposals for improving the work of the structural department in which you passed. The report ends with a list of references used and an appendix of documents, data from which were used in the report.

Report according to production practice should serve in the future as the main tool for writing thesis. When drawing up a report and choosing an enterprise, take into account the specifics of the organization’s activities and the availability of basic documents that will be needed for calculations. As a rule, during an internship, a fixed-term employment contract is concluded with a student, and it may contain a clause on non-disclosure of trade secrets.

In many organizations, such as banks, large industrial enterprises, you will not be provided with the documents required for writing the report, since they constitute a trade secret. In this case, reconsider the topic of your thesis or choose a simpler organization.


  • cover page for industrial practice

Registration of students for internship in an organization can cause many difficulties, since labor legislation does not provide for a specific algorithm of actions for concluding an agreement between the employer and the intern.


Draw up an agreement with the educational institution representing the trainee. In accordance with it, it is necessary to create necessary conditions to undergo production and provide him with a workplace.

Conclude an employment contract with the intern. According to the education standard, there are two types of practice: educational and industrial. Study practice usually does not require a student to apply for a work position, and concluding an agreement is not necessary. But a job that corresponds to the characteristics of the specialty being acquired by the student requires that he be accepted into the workforce (if any) with the conclusion of a fixed-term employment contract. For a trainee who has not previously worked, you need to create work book and take the number of his pension insurance certificate.

Issue an order or instruction on the student’s enrollment in practical training, where it is necessary to indicate the time of the practical training, its terms, and supervisors. IN in this case The student is not officially assigned a labor function, and his task is to complete simple tasks to familiarize himself with the production process.

Please note that students have the right to undertake internships at their main place of work. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the specialty in which the student studied or is studying, and the position he occupies. The trainee himself is required to submit to his dean's office a document confirming that he completed an internship at his place of work.

Give the student a reference upon completion of the internship, indicating the name of the organization responsible for this, the start and end date of the internship, the types of work performed, information about production standards, and recommendations for assigning a special qualification category and etc.

Many students, in accordance with the training program, undergo industrial training. And to receive a credit or grade for this type educational activities the student must provide a review or testimonial from the test site. But how to draw up this important document?


Start your text with a title. It must indicate the title of the document - “Review of”, or something else if the student is not in his last year. It is also necessary to indicate the full name of the organization, its form of ownership, as well as legal address. Information can be obtained from any official legal document issued by the organization.

In the main text, describe what the student did during the internship - his position and the functions he performed during the internship. Next, you need to indicate the duration of the internship, accurate to the day, then - the opinion of the internship supervisor about the student’s theoretical knowledge acquired at the university. It is necessary to note not only the advantages, but also the disadvantages theoretical basis trainee, if any. Then it is necessary to cover the topic of the student’s practical skills, for example, the ability to work with documentation necessary computer programs and so on. Here we also need to talk about the strong and the weaknesses student.

Next, based on the results of the work, describe the qualities of the student that he showed. These can be both personal characteristics - communication skills, accuracy, and professional ones - the ability to work in a team, learning ability, and so on.

After this, the manager must give an adequate assessment

In the summer, many companies have student interns. Accordingly, the accounting and personnel departments have questions about how to correctly register such employees and what accruals to make in connection with their hiring. We will answer these questions in this article.

Introductory information

First of all, we need to define the basic concepts: what is practice and who are the trainees? Since we are talking about students, the answer to these questions must be sought in the legislation regulating the process of obtaining higher or secondary specialized education. Indeed, in the Law of the Russian Federation dated July 10, 1992 No. 3266-1 “On Education” and in the Federal Law dated August 22, 1996 No. 125-FZ “On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education” we will find references to the fact that in order to implement state standard educational programs of any educational institution include practical training (clause 6.1 of article 9 of Law No. 3266-1 and clause 5 of article 5 of Law No. 125-FZ).

A more detailed study of legislation in the field of education will lead us to two more documents - Regulations on the procedure for conducting student internships educational institutions higher vocational education(approved by order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated March 25, 2003 No. 1154) and the Regulations on the industrial (professional) practice of students, cadets of educational institutions of secondary vocational education (approved by order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated July 21, 1999 No. 1991).

These documents regulate the process of students undergoing practical training. The most important thing that an accountant needs to know is that completing an internship involves concluding an agreement between a university or vocational school and an organization. But in reality, such agreements are not always concluded. Very often, trainees work in organizations “through acquaintances”, without any agreements between this organization and the educational institution.

It turns out that there are two categories of trainees: the first consists of those students who undergo practical training on the basis of agreements between the educational institution and the organization (let’s call them “official”). The second group includes those who undergo internship without such contracts, on the basis of some personal agreements with the management of the company (let’s call them “unofficial”).

Let's look at each of these categories in more detail.

"Official" trainees

As we have already found out, the legislation provides for the possibility of concluding an agreement between an educational institution and an organization. If such an agreement is concluded, then the organization is obliged to accept students for internship and organize its completion in accordance with the internship program. But it must be taken into account that the conclusion of the agreement itself is voluntary. That is, the organization is not obliged to conclude it, even if a representative of the university directly approached it with such a proposal.

If the company nevertheless decides to conclude an agreement, then it is necessary to ensure that it reflects all important points related to the internship, namely: during what periods the organization is obliged to accept students, how many of them can be at the same time and (or) during the year (calendar or academic). The contract must also stipulate what type of internship the students will undergo in the organization—introductory or work experience. This condition is doubly important, since it determines whether the company should enroll trainees and whether they are paid wages.

It should be noted that in most cases, contracts with universities do not provide for the enrollment of trainees on the staff of the organization. That is, to put it official language, we are talking about introductory practice, when trainees only get acquainted with the production process of the organization, the main functions of a particular position, perform simple operations, etc. Wage in this case, it is not awarded - the student continues to receive the scholarship.

But when it comes to so-called labor practices, a different approach is used. In this case, the student is assigned to a position whose responsibilities correspond to the internship program.
Accordingly, an employment contract is concluded between the employer and the trainee, the trainee is paid earnings, from which all taxes are withheld and contributions to extra-budgetary funds are calculated. Like ordinary employees, trainees in this case are subject to state social insurance, which means they have the right to temporary disability benefits. In addition, the trainee is entitled to annual paid leave (or compensation upon dismissal).

In addition to rights, the student also has responsibilities. Like all employees, he is obliged to follow the internal rules of the organization, observe safety precautions, and obey internal regulations organizations.

Employment contract with an intern

Let's take a closer look at the employment contract with the intern. Since the student is hired temporarily, for the period of internship, the contract with him is concluded for a fixed-term period. The contract directly states that it is concluded for the period of internship in accordance with the program approved by the university. If this period is known in advance, then it must be explicitly stated in the contract.

Don't forget that for underage workers Labor Code establishes a number of benefits and special rules. In particular, when concluding an employment contract, a medical examination is required.

"Unofficial" trainees

With such trainees, everything is much simpler - after all, the company does not have any official obligations to the university. Accordingly, all issues related to the conclusion/non-conclusion of an employment contract, payment/non-payment of earnings, etc., are resolved by oral agreement between the management of the organization and the student, based on his existing internship program.

In most cases, with “unofficial” trainees we are talking about introductory practice, therefore an employment contract is not concluded with the trainee, and the employee production process does not participate. He only gets acquainted with it and performs certain simple functions. Therefore, no payments are made to the trainee in this case.

Practice report

The main document about the internship is the report. The obligation to draw it up is provided for in paragraph 15 of the already familiar Regulations on the procedure for conducting practice. In the report, the organization’s specialists who supervise the students undergoing internships should make notes about successes, attendance, work performed, acquired skills and knowledge.

The form and content of the report are approved by the educational institution. Accordingly, for “official” trainees, the obligation to fill out and form the report is one of the terms of the agreement between the organization and the university. And for the “unofficial” ones, this issue is resolved through agreements. As a rule, the report is certified by the signatures of those specialists who directly carried out the practice, and the seal or stamp of the organization.

It should be noted that for “unofficial” trainees, the report is perhaps the most important document confirming the fact of completing the internship. Therefore, it is necessary to approach its preparation as carefully as possible - indicate all the details of the organization where the internship took place, make clear references to the internship program, noting exactly how the student fulfilled all its points provided there. Well, of course, you need to remember that the report is an official document giving the student the right to continue studying. So you shouldn’t consider it “just a piece of paper” and treat its preparation carelessly.

– this is the practical part educational process in a higher or secondary specialized educational institution, occurring in organizations in real time work activity. The practice is designed to consolidate the acquired theoretical knowledge and skills necessary for the assignment of qualifications and final certification of the student as a specialist. The results of practical training are assessed in accordance with the standards adopted by the educational institution and fit into the educational process.


Industrial practice for a student often becomes the starting point of his professional career. The most common mistake students make is to formally treat the internship process as just another learning task. To get the most out of practice, you need to have the right mindset and understand what it is unique opportunity“test the waters” while still under the wing of your educational institution. Having significantly saved time and effort in this way, you will not make unnecessary moves after graduating from university and will know exactly where to go next.

What opportunities does internship give a student:

    consolidate theoretical knowledge;

    apply knowledge and skills in practice;

    navigate the real work process and see the pitfalls of the chosen specialty that are not visible in theory;

    directly contact the professional community;

    gain skills in job search and communication with employers;

    gain experience interacting with an experienced professional mentor;

    understand as early as possible that the specialty or even the field was chosen incorrectly and does not meet your requirements for the profession;

    navigate the profession and decide;

    “test” the market and understand what is in demand and what still needs to be learned;

    find yourself workplace, suitable for starting a career;

    gain initial experience, which young specialists so lack when applying for a job after training, and make their first entry in the work book;

    achieve your first successes and demonstrate your abilities in your chosen specialty to your future employer.

Students undergo practical training in their senior years at universities, when a specialty has already been chosen, and usually the topic of the practical training is correlated with the knowledge and skills acquired in the semester. The internship takes place on the premises of real enterprises with which the university has a preliminary agreement. The direction of the organization's activities must correspond to the student's specialization. The student has the right to choose a practice base that suits him, and the university must provide a list possible options. If a student is already working according to his profile, then he has the right to undergo an internship at his current place of work.

During the internship, the student must keep a diary, which is signed by the supervisor of his internship. At the end of the internship, its results are assessed along with exams and tests and are noted in the grade book. Also, the student’s work is assessed by the management of the practical base where he worked and issues a reference. The direction of production practice can be technological (directly practical work, acquisition of skills) and research or pre-graduation (conducting scientific research on practical material).

The legal side of the issue must be determined in regulatory documents University, and is also regulated by the relevant articles of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The working day of a student trainee from 16 to 18 years old should be no more than 36 hours per week (Article 92 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) and for those over 18 years of age no more than 40 hours per week (Article 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). During the internship period, students are subject to the internal regulations adopted by the organization, and general rules labor protection. If an intern is hired for the duration of the internship, he receives all the rights of an employee: the right to receive a salary, the right to paid leave, to disability benefits, etc. He is also assigned the duties corresponding to the employee.

To the employer

Despite the fact that student interns are quite a troublesome matter for an organization, industrial practice has undeniable advantages for the company. By becoming a base of practice and interacting with a specialized educational institution, the organization gets the opportunity to:

    “educate” young specialists to suit yourself, training them in accordance with the requirements and specifics necessary for your organization;

    adjust the educational programs of specialized universities, interacting with them.

The legal side of the process of registering a trainee has a number of difficulties, which, however, are quite surmountable. The main problem for personnel officers is the lack of an article clearly regulating the hiring of a trainee. The concept of an agreement between a student and an organization in the event of an internship is absent in principle. In this situation, there are two options.

1. Concluding an employment contract with a trainee. In the case of industrial practice and if there is a corresponding vacancy in the company, the student is hired on the basis of a fixed-term employment contract and enters into a contract with the organization labor Relations. The rationale for concluding an agreement can be formulated in accordance with Article 59 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation approximately as follows: “An employment contract is concluded for the duration of industrial practice.” If this is the first official employment for a student, then he needs to have a work record book and a certificate of pension insurance (Article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). From the moment the contract is concluded, the trainee is vested with all the corresponding rights and responsibilities of a full-fledged employee.

2. Registration of an intern without admission to the staff. If the agreement between the educational institution and the employer initially stipulates that students undergo internships without official employment, and if there are no vacancies, then the student does not receive a specific labor function, but is in practice more for informational purposes, and does not bear responsibility like an employee. However, the internal regulations in force at the enterprise and labor protection rules apply to it. To enroll students at the enterprise, an order is issued, which specifies all the necessary details (names of students, terms and purposes of internship, order of completion, responsible mentor, etc.).

If a student is already working, and the profile of his work corresponds to the specialty for which he is studying, then he can do an internship at his place of work, providing the appropriate certificate to the university.

Thus, internship is a mutually beneficial event for both students and employers, helping them get to know each other and begin professional interaction.

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One of our employees is a student, he has to do an internship for 14 days and he asks to do this internship in our organization. Please tell me how we should formalize this practice? The institute offers to sign an agreement on internship free of charge.


Answer to the question:

Student practice is component vocational education programs.

Internship can be educational, industrial and pre-graduation. Often students are sent to organizations where they gain the necessary skills and experience. The duration of the internship is determined by the educational organization. This follows from paragraphs 1, 5, 7, 12 and 16 of the Regulations, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated November 27, 2015 No. 1383

Students combining training with work activity have the right to undergo educational, industrial, including pre-diploma internships at the place of work in cases where the professional activities carried out by them meet the requirements for the content of the internship.

On the organization's letterhead

P RIKAZ No. 34-k
about internship

Moscow 11/18/2014

In accordance with the agreement with the educational institution _________________ dated __________ No. ___________________________, a referral for internship dated _________________ No. ______________


1. Allow HR specialist Ivanova I.I. passing the production

It is necessary to indicate the type of internship in accordance with the direction of the educational organization: introductory, pre-graduate, etc.

  • In the event that an employee is trained in the same profile as he performs labor activity, then it is enough to issue an order allowing the employee to undergo internship at the workplace.
  • on-the-job practices without interrupting your main job.

    2. Assign I.I. to Ivanova; for the period of practice, as a mentor, the chief specialist gave the personnel to T.I. Kostin.

    3. Install Kostina T.I. additional payment in the amount of 15% of her salary for performing additional duties as a mentor (increasing the amount of work)

    Grounds: Additional agreement dated ____________ No. ________to the employment contract of T.I. Kostina. from _________________ No. __________

    4. Head of HR Department E.E. Gromova to familiarize herself with this order
    Ivanov I.I. and Kostin T.I. for painting.

  • If an employee is receiving education for another position, then for the period of practice it is possible to issue him temporary transfer to the appropriate position, also appoint a mentor (practice manager from the organization)

About temporary transfer :

During the practice period, the student keeps a practice diary, which reflects the fact of completing the practice program. The mentor (practice manager from the organization) confirms with his signature that the tasks have been completed.

A student can be accepted for educational or practical training in two ways:

  • in the direction of an educational organization for practical training ();
  • at the initiative of an organization that independently recruits students for internships (without contracts with educational institutions).

An organization may enter into an agreement with educational organization higher or secondary vocational education about students undergoing practical training, including pre-graduation. Under such an agreement, organizations are obliged to accept trainees from educational institutions that have state accreditation. In this case, the presence of vacant positions does not matter. This procedure follows from the Regulations approved.

If there are vacant positions in the organization, employment contracts can be concluded with students. Then they are covered labor legislation. Students are subject to state social insurance. Such conclusions follow from the Regulations approved and the Regulations approved.

If there are no vacant positions, the organization may. Then wages and other working conditions for students are established by these contracts.

If an organization independently recruits students for internships, then it can general procedure, as with all other citizens, or (fixed-term or indefinite).

If the organization does not have an agreement with the educational institution and the student is not assigned a labor function, but is only introduced to the production and allowed to perform practical tasks of reduced complexity, then there is no need to conclude an employment contract (Article , Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The courts also point to this, see, for example,.

Attention: if at the end of the internship the organization conducts a final certification and issues documents on education or qualifications, it must have a license for educational activities. For violation of this requirement, the organization and its leader may be held accountable.

The organization must obtain a license to operate educational activities, if it conducts final certifications and issues documents on education and (or) qualifications. This requirement is established by the Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ and the Regulations approved.

For violation of this rule, the organization and its leader may be held accountable. An organization can be fined from 40,000 to 50,000 rubles, its leader - from 4,000 to 5,000 rubles. Such liability is established in Article 14.1 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences.

In addition, if an organization has received income from conducting educational activities without a license in the amount of more than , its head may be brought to one of the following types criminal liability:

  • fine (up to 300,000 rubles or in the amount of salary (other income) for two years);
  • compulsory work(up to 480 hours);
  • arrest (up to six months).

If an organization receives income in excess of , its head will be held liable for one of the following types of liability:

  • fine (from 100,000 to 500,000 rubles or in the amount of salary (other income) for a period of one to three years);
  • imprisonment (for up to five years), possibly with a fine (up to 80,000 rubles or in the amount of salary (other income) for a period of up to 6 months);
  • (up to five years) - will be applied from January 1, 2014 ().

This criminal liability is provided for in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Every student must undergo industrial, educational and pre-graduation practice. This is a component educational process, one might say, is a testing stage of applying the acquired knowledge in practice in an educational institution. After the first internship, students gain a deeper understanding of the intricacies of their chosen profession, delving into the details of the production process itself.

The bases for student internships can be: different organizations that are related in any way to their future professional activity. If a student works and studies on the job, then he can undergo an internship at his place of work, but only if the organization has a department corresponding to the specialty in which the student is studying.

How is student internship organized?

Heads of departments are appointed from the teaching staff of the educational institution, who, in coordination with the enterprise, develop a plan for students to undergo internships. The travel time and number of hours are calculated, and all the features of the enterprise are taken into account.

The nature of the work to which the trainee will be involved must correspond to the chosen specialty, as well as his scientific work. A student can submit a personal application to the department from an organization that is ready to take him on for internship; such an application is reviewed by the department and approved if an appropriate decision is made at the meeting.

If a student will undergo an internship at his place of work, he must submit a certificate from his place of work to the department along with his application.

After compiling lists of students indicating recommendations on the place of internship, this document is approved by a meeting of the department and submitted to the dean’s office. According to the data in the dean's office, students are given directions for internship. The institution or organization serving as the base of practice is approved by order of the faculty for each student.

Documents for internship

Before starting practice, you need to know what documents a student needs for practice. You should prepare:

  1. internship program
  2. direction from the dean's office
  3. internship schedule.

Practice reporting

At the end of the internship, it is necessary to submit a report on the internship to the educational institution. The student must bring the following documents about internship:

  1. program execution report
  2. practice diary
  3. characteristics with feedback on the practice report, which is compiled by the head of the organization or enterprise.

Report is built in accordance with the student’s individual plan for practice and should be compiled during the internship. It analyzes and summarizes the results of the work, in which the student must demonstrate his knowledge and skills in conducting research.

The report must contain complete answers to the questions provided for in the internship program. It may be accompanied by copies of documents, reporting and accounting documentation, tables, illustrations, diagrams, photographs.

In the report, the student must describe how he studied the task assigned to him, what additional sources of information he used.

The practice diary can be provided to the student by the educational institution in the form of a ready-made form that needs to be filled out during the practice, but very often the student has to compile it independently.

Practice diary filled out every day, it includes a listing of the work performed by the student, which is entered as they are completed. There must be a work number, date, title, summary, a place for the manager’s comments on practice from the enterprise, his signature. The diary is certified by the seal of the organization or enterprise, and at the end of the diary the supervisor of the trainee from the educational institution puts his signature.

The title page of the diary must contain the following information: name of the educational institution, name of the faculty, course, specialty, full name of the student, type of internship and timing of its completion.

Characteristics of the trainee written by the head of the institution on a separate sheet and certified by his signature and seal. It should contain a reasonable recommended assessment of the work done.

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