How to learn to read quickly: exercises and tips for speed reading. How to learn to read quickly

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What should you pay attention to?

You need to constantly work with your child. Please pay attention to the following directions:

Development of anticipation (or foresight). When an adult reads, he predicts the following words, phrases, meaning, sees the structure and has a general vision of the text. The child does not read to such an extent; he recognizes what is printed at the level of syllables and the next word. All his strength is directed towards this, so he does not understand what he is reading, but he also needs to see the subtext, the semantic meaning of each word individually and the entire phrase...

Development of memory, attention, perception, acceleration of mental operations. Half of the time spent learning to read quickly and efficiently should be spent on building an intellectual base, and then start working with the text. The point is not to teach a child speed reading, but to speed up mental operations, the very cognitive skills that are cognitive. It is thanks to them that the baby develops in reading, writing, counting, and so on. Please note that these skills do not develop on their own. You will find the corresponding exercises in the articles and.

Formation of interest in reading. To do this, you need to try to read on your child’s favorite topics. Lack of interest is the result of improper learning, which can kill the desire to go to school and learn something new.

Development fine motor skills and physical training. Every parent should know. This prepares your baby's hand for writing and creates beautiful handwriting. There are a huge number of exercises. These include all types of creativity, for example, origami, appliqué, quilling, sewing, modeling, puzzles, and so on - the main thing is to find what your baby likes and provide him with all the conditions and opportunities.

It may surprise you, but sports clubs, dancing, hiking, outdoor games, exercises, walks, and so on are also very important for the development of reading skills.

What can't you do?

How to teach a child to read quickly? Many parents think that this requires forcing them to read many pages at a time. But in the end, you risk running into resistance, which can lead to isolation and aggravated by a reluctance to learn further. There is no need to suppress the child’s will!

  • short words for those who have just learned (3 and 5 letters) and as many as they can;
  • short texts for those who read 30 words, gradually increasing the volume;
  • 1-2 pages for those who read 60-80 words, starting with one page and, if the child is not tired, you can give the second; allow these children to read to themselves;
  • 2-8 pages for those reading more than 120 words, starting with two pages and gradually adding more.

If the school assigned 10 pages, and this is too much for your child, you can change with him - he reads one page, you read the next, and so on. This way, you will give him the opportunity to rest, and the process will not cause hostility in him.

How to train a child?

We offer several effective exercises for children of all ages who read at different speeds:

1. Practicing passages

The point is this: we add 30 words to the actual reading speed. That is, if a child reads 30 words, we add another 30 to him, in the end he will work out 60. For those who can master 60 words in a minute, we give a text of 90 words, and so on. The passage must be read three times in a row. For the first time, the baby will most likely be hesitant and slow; in one minute he will not cope with the entire number of words: he will read either half or more, but not all the way through. The task is to learn to overcome this passage to the end in exactly 1 minute. That is, every day you need to read the selected text three times until you manage to hit one minute. Practicing the passage should be done out loud, because our goal is to reach 180 words per minute.

2. Reading "Wave"

This exercise is suitable for children who, without straining, read at least 50-60 words per minute or more. First, have your child read the text in a normal position, then turn the book 90 degrees - have him read the passage like this, then upside down, and finally 180 degrees in relation to it. You need to start with a few sentences and eventually work your way up to a whole page. There is such an interesting indicator - if you let a child read a text upside down, you can find out his real speed.

3. Reading tables of sounds, syllables, words

This is very effective exercise for those who read 30-60 words. It helps to move from syllable-by-syllable to word-by-word reading and speed up the recognition of letters and syllables. Tables need to be read correctly: only in columns, for a while (30 seconds - one table), the results must be written down (in order to track the dynamics), you need to start with one and strive to read three at a time. Make sure that the child pronounces half a column in one breath - this will help practice intonation in the future. You can write the tables yourself or find them in S. G. Zotov’s book “Increasing Reading Speed.”

4. Reading with retelling - 1-2 pages, 4-8 pages

This exercise must be performed every day. If the child reads very poorly, then you can do it yourself, and let the child retell it. First, try to learn to retell paragraph by paragraph and find its essence. Then go to full text. At the same time, there is no need to force the child to say everything in detail from third parties - let him tell in general what the events were, who participated and how it ended.

5. Text-reasoning - 12 sentences on a given topic

This exercise is usually carried out with children in grades 3-4. They are given a certain thought, a problem, a statement or a question, and the child must think in detail about a given topic. Make sure that his proposals are logical, follow each other in a single connection and there are at least 12 of them. Therefore, be sure to give time to think about it - about 5-10 minutes. In fact it's psychological preparation for an oral exam in the future.

Daily workouts

Let’s decide what exercises can be included in daily training with a child in order to teach him to read quickly and efficiently:

  1. Tasks for the development of memory, attention, logic, anticipation (required).
  2. Work with a passage of 60-80, 120-180 words (required, can be combined with school homework).
  3. Reading upside down, sideways (optional).
  4. Reading three tables 1-2 times a day (optional).
  5. Retelling short texts (required, can be combined with school homework).
  6. Development of fine motor skills (required).

Keep in mind that you should not force your child to exercise if he is tired or sick. You will not get the result, since all the forces of his body will be spent on recovery.

If your schedule allows, you can do two workouts a day: morning and evening. And remember: one lesson is training, the second is consolidation. Even if you work with your child once a day, the next day there should be a consolidation of the material covered “yesterday”. Do not do morning training for more than 30 minutes, and evening training for 10-15 minutes. During your first lesson, try to do everything listed above. Secondly, let the child read the passage only once and only one table, and if there is time left, then you can do a retelling or complete a couple of tasks to develop memory, attention or motor skills.

Be sure to try this technique with your child and share the results in the comments to the article.

Reading is the most important process of processing and perceiving graphic information, learning which begins from an early age.

The quality of mastery of this skill largely determines a person’s future success in studies, creativity, and even in everyday matters. We will look at not only how to learn to read quickly, but also how to capture the most important information in the text. The quality and speed of future intellectual work directly depends on the latter.

Why is it so important to be able to read quickly?

Before mastering the art of quick and thoughtful reading, it makes sense to think about whether you need it?

If not, check out the article for general development and... read anyway! Just choose those authors who really interest you and lift your spirits. Enriching the brain with new information is also an important task that keeps the intellect in good shape.

Maybe after a couple of years you will want to achieve something. Then you will have all the original data at your disposal. Namely, a more or less trained brain. It has been proven that even reading fiction makes him tense.

If you are a goal-oriented person and want to become the best in a field that requires serious intellectual work, this article is for you (it will tell you in detail how to read quickly and remember).

A reading person - what is he like?

We live in the information age, in which the speed of acquiring new knowledge plays a decisive role. A person who can quickly perceive a large amount of information:

  • Self-assured.
  • Has adequate self-esteem.
  • Achieves a lot in life.

How to learn to read quickly?

Let's immediately move on to the rules that are applicable in practice. Learning to read specific text quickly? Then let's go:

  • Read only useful books. For example, if you want to become a successful businessman, study the autobiographies of talented entrepreneurs. You will find the story of Steve Jobs useful, which tells about the difficult fate of a man who made a breakthrough in the field information technologies(by the way, he was not distinguished by discipline and was a rebel in his youth. However, this did not prevent the implementation of his ideas). It also makes sense to read Adam Smith, namely his work “An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations.” It talks in detail about how the capitalist system functions, what its main problem is, and crises of overproduction have already been predicted.
  • Choose books written in interesting and lively language.
  • Before reading the paper volume, flip through it and read the table of contents. This way you will be guided through the main sections of the book.
  • Read the work quickly twice. Even if you do not understand some detail, do not focus on it: your task is to grasp the main idea.
  • Study the book in a comfortable environment for you. This means a quiet place where no one can distract you.
  • Do not read unnecessary books: they fill your memory with unnecessary information.

High-quality perception of information is the key to success

In this section we will tell you how to read quickly and memorize useful information. That is, how to understand the essence of the material studied. This is the purpose of reading - to learn to extract the most important information from the text. Well, then apply it in practice, if possible...

Scientists have proven that a read text is remembered well when a person follows five simple rules:

  1. Shares the material you read with friends. When a person retells the plot of a book in his own words, the probability of storing new information in memory is close to 100%.
  2. Makes notes as you read. They should reflect key points books.
  3. He knows for sure best time the functioning of your brain. It has been proven that most people perceive information well in the morning and afternoon. For other people (a minority), it’s the other way around: they learn information only in the evening or at night.
  4. Doesn't say what he reads out loud - this reduces concentration.
  5. He is focused only on reading a book: not a single external event can distract his attention from this most important matter.

By following these simple rules, an individual begins to read faster and learns to remember important information. It’s just great if these five points become the habit of a purposeful person.

In the next chapter we will tell you how to learn to read aloud quickly.

Is public speaking necessary today?

The ancient Greeks knew about the importance of beautiful and quick speech out loud. Philosophers and thinkers for whom she was famous Ancient Greece, had excellent oratory skills. That is why their valuable thoughts and ideas were easily perceived by ordinary people.

Is it important for a modern person to be able to read aloud quickly and without hesitation? The answer will definitely be yes.

And this applies not only to actors, philologists and scientific workers. Even an ordinary economist will find this skill useful in life. If only because upon graduation, each student defends his thesis in front of a large audience. And in further work the ability to speak quickly and beautifully can become a decisive skill: often an individual’s career advancement depends on a well-delivered speech.

Now you know why this skill is so important. Next, we will tell you how you can quickly read aloud.

It is best to learn this from a competent teacher. However, no one has canceled independent education either. If you choose the second path, your helpers will be:

  • audio courses;
  • spelling dictionary (in it you can find the correct stress for any dubious word);
  • interesting audiobooks and TV shows (it is advisable to choose those in which people with philological or acting education participate);
  • Dictaphone - it’s very fun to listen to your speech in a recording and find mistakes;
  • Constant practice is what determines further success in this direction.

Speed ​​reading - what is it?

So, what does this interesting two-root word mean? Speed ​​reading is a person’s ability to quickly read a text and navigate it 100%. It sounds, of course, strong... and not very believable for an ordinary person who remembers how much time it took at school to study a complex paragraph in history. Of course, if an individual turned out to be inquisitive, he certainly knew the material well. But quality study of 10-15 pages of text sometimes took more than one hour of time...

Historical figures showing phenomenal results in speed reading

We will try to convince the reader that it is quite possible to read a book thoughtfully in one day. In any case, history knows individuals capable of doing this. Who are these amazing people?

  • Lenin - read at a speed of 2500 words per minute! He was a unique person in every way; and such individuals are characterized by outstanding intellectual abilities.
  • Napoleon.
  • Pushkin.
  • Kennedy.

The list can be continued for quite a long time... What contributes to such phenomenal results in speed reading? Two aspects are a person’s devotion to an idea (this applies to politicians. Lenin is the most striking example) and the natural desire to create something new (this applies to creative people).

Specific speed reading techniques

Still, we are not writing an article about outstanding people, but about how to learn to read quickly to the common man. Next, scientific methods will be presented.

  • First, the book is read from beginning to end; then - from the end to the beginning. The essence of the method is to gradually increase reading speed.
  • Reading diagonally. This method consists of studying information diagonally, quickly flipping through pages. Effective when working with works of art. Lenin especially loved this method.
  • Driving your finger from the bottom of the line. This method, known to every person since childhood, is effective. Conducted research proves this.
  • Appropriation technique. Means identifying and remembering key words.
  • Empathy technique. It consists of visualizing the main character or the events occurring in the book from the reader’s perspective. This technique is effective when reading fiction.
  • "Assault Method" Used and is being used by intelligence officers various countries. It involves the rapid assimilation of a certain amount of information by a specially trained person.

Quick reading for children

Intelligence should be developed from a young age, that is, during active growth person. During this period, the child’s brain is 100% ready to assimilate new information. And in later life, all the skills acquired at school (including the ability to read quickly) will play into the hands of an already mature person.

In the previous sections, we looked at how to learn to read quickly for adults. Next, we will talk about speed reading techniques for children. Namely, how to read very quickly.

First, let's talk about a not very pleasant (but quite common aspect in our time) - about the reasons for slow reading in childhood. Then - about how to teach a schoolchild to read quickly.

Reasons for Slow Reading

  • Short lexicon. It is replenished by reading new books, learning new things and communicating with people.
  • Poor concentration on the text.
  • Weak articulatory apparatus. This problem can be eliminated with special exercises presented in children's manuals.
  • Untrained memory. Develops by constantly reading interesting texts and performing semantic exercises for them.
  • The content of the book is too complex. Not every student is able to comprehend a confusing plot literary work. Here important aspect is the parent’s knowledge of the characteristics of his child. Then there will be no problem choosing a book for your child.
  • Returning to the same word or phrase (usually complex). The child does not understand its meaning and therefore re-reads it again. Of course, this reduces reading speed. It’s great if the child doesn’t hesitate to ask the meaning of an unclear word. And the parent, in turn, is able to play a role explanatory dictionary- that is, explain on your fingers what this or that word or phraseological unit means.

How to increase a child’s reading speed (or how to teach them to read quickly) will be discussed below.

To do this, the parent will need:

  • Interesting and short text. It is advisable that it is suitable for the age of the child.
  • Timer.

Record the time before you start reading (for example, 1 minute). After the specified time, stop your enthusiastic child and count all the words you read.

Then repeat this operation for the second circle and so on. If everything goes correctly, then with each new time the passage of text read will become larger. This indicates that the child’s reading speed is increasing.

This section answers the question of how to learn to read very quickly.

How to teach a child to comprehend information?

As mentioned earlier, not only speed is important in reading, but also the quality of perception of new information. It’s great if a person acquires the habit of meaningful reading from childhood.

Meaningful reading techniques for children

  • Highlighting basic information. After reading a certain passage of text, ask your child to tell you in a nutshell what the meaning of what he read is. If difficulties arise, repeat the exercise again.
  • Role reading. Texts that contain dialogues between two characters are suitable. Invite your child to read the direct speech of the character he liked best. You voice his opponent's remarks.
  • Reading funny tongue twisters. You can remember the ones you read as a child. The most important thing is that they are interesting for the child. For example: “Sasha walked along the highway and sucked dryers.” This technique also answers the question of how to learn to read aloud quickly.
  • "Schulte Table". It is a lined square designed for 25-30 cells. A number from 1 to 30 is written in each cell. The child is asked to silently find the numbers as they increase. This exercise improves the volume of operational vision.
  • Regularity of classes. One of the most important points. No matter how simple or complex speed reading techniques a child learns, the only benefit will come from regular practice.
  • Don't forget to praise the child. At the end of the lesson, you need to tell the child that he is making progress, and all the acquired skills will greatly help him in later life.

One of the most important school skills is reading quickly. We discussed above how to quickly read and understand the essence of the material studied.

“I just sit in my office and read books,” is how one of the most successful and influential businessmen, Warren Buffett, describes his everyday day. He just sits and reads. And he advises everyone to adhere to this simple and straightforward routine.

Agree, this is quite good habit. But not everyone knows how to instill this habit in themselves and not just read books, but extract everything useful and valuable from them. If you manage to read several books a month and are content with short-term insights, but do not apply anything you read, consider that you are simply wasting your time.

How to read more and have time to comprehend everything you read, remember and apply it in life is a subject of debate among many researchers. Each of them considers it their duty to offer their own unique methodology that will help you become more perfect in this matter. However, they all agree on one thing - reading books opens up many opportunities for people to grow and achieve success.

About the most interesting techniques We will tell you about reading books in this article. But first we want to cover some basics.

How fast do you read?

One of the most obvious answers to the question “How to have time to read more?” - learn to read faster. The topic of speed reading is so popular that some companies (like Staples, for example) use it in their marketing campaign. By the way, the aforementioned Staples, to promote e-books, developed and implemented technology that allows you to determine your reading speed. Unfortunately, there are no texts for Russian-speaking audiences.

But Staples doesn't just provide such a widget to site visitors: the company collects and analyzes the data it receives. According to this data, 300 words per minute - average adult. You can see more results below:

Average reading speed by group: students primary school, 8-9 years old (Third-grade students) - 150 words per minute; students high school, 13-14 years old (Eight grade students) - 250 words; college and university students - 450 cl; top managers - 575 words; university professor - 675 words; master of speed reading - 1500 words.

However, will speed reading help you read more? Is this the right path and is it justified? Not always. In the process of reading books, the most important thing is to understand what you read. It's no secret that people who deftly manage one and a half thousand words per minute, in fact, remember little from the text, comprehending practically nothing. So if your reading speed is average, don't worry. Gradually increase speed, but without compromising understanding. Only in this case will you be able to find the right path to having time to read more.

How much do you read?

Some people read quickly, while others read a lot. You will be surprised, but not all people are trying to save time on their favorite activity. In this case, speed reading is not an option at all. In fact, in this situation the question “How to read a lot?” disappears by itself: if a person loves to read, he will devote a lot of time to it.

According to a study by the analytical company The Pew Research Center, adults in the United States read an average of 17 books per year. How many books do you usually read in a year?

The key word here is "average". There are people who read much more than 17 books a year. There are also those who do not read them at all (19% of them, and according to the latest data for 2013, 28% of Americans). What does it mean? This means that if you start reading more, you will be head and shoulders above one third of the US population.

5 techniques that will allow you to read more books, blogs, articles

1. Speed ​​Reading: The Amazing Technique of Tim Ferriss.

His method consists of 2 techniques:

  1. Draw a pen or pencil along each line you read, just as children do when they are learning to read.
  2. Start reading each new line from at least the third word, and try to catch the first two words with your peripheral vision. Move to the next line at least three words before the end of the line itself.

Ferriss calls this technique perceptual expansion:

“Untrained readers spend up to half of their peripheral vision reading... margins. If you read lines from beginning to end, you will waste about 25-50% of your time.”

How do our eyes see?

You may have already heard that to improve your reading speed you need to use your peripheral vision. Rapid eye movements, so-called saccades (fast, strictly coordinated eye movements that occur simultaneously and in the same direction), occur constantly while we read (from the margin to the beginning of a new line, for example). Minimizing these jumps is a sure way to increase your reading speed.

Conclusion: Using your peripheral vision will help you improve your reading speed. You won't achieve record-breaking changes in speed, but you will definitely start reading faster.

2. New Spritz and Blinkist techniques

Spritz and Blinkist are two completely new, unique techniques that will help you read not only faster, but also less.

As mentioned above, when reading, a lot of time is spent moving the eyes. Spritz technology eliminates this completely.

How it works? You simply look at a small rectangle on the screen of your laptop or smartphone, in which words from the text are displayed one after another. In each word, one letter is highlighted in red: this makes it easier for the eyes to concentrate on the center of the word.

There is a special bookmarklet called OpenSpritz, which allows you to read any text you find on the Internet in this way. Below is an example of one such text, which is read at a speed of 600 words per minute.

On the main page of the Spzirtz app you can try this technology at different speeds and different languages(including in Russian).

In addition to the revolutionary, in our opinion, Spritz technology, there is another one called Blankist. Instead of helping you read faster, Blankist only suggests reading the most important. The program splits texts into digestible parts. Each of them contains a key idea that you can read in just a couple of minutes.

3. Don't watch TV or get carried away with shopping

Shane says there are no secrets to this success. The average American spends the time he devotes to reading watching TV (35 hours a week), some kind of interactive entertainment, and shopping (at least an hour a week). Shane eliminated all these unnecessary activities from his life and used the saved time to read. In total, he reads 43 hours more per week than the average American.

4. Buy an e-reader

According to a study by The Pew Research Center, those people who use e-books, on average, they read about 24 books per year, while people without this device only manage 15. Question: do you want to read 9 more books a year than usual? If yes, then buy an e-reader. It is light and convenient, and you can devote any free minute to reading. Needless to say, in this situation you will read much more?

5. Read more, but don't read everything.

For some, this advice may seem completely illogical, but it is taken from an equally illogical book.

The book “How to Talk About Books You Haven’t Read?”

This book was written by Pierre Bayard, a professor at the University of Paris. In it, he says that people usually divide all books into those that they have read and those that they have not read:

  • books we have read;
  • books we reviewed;
  • books we've heard about;
  • books we forgot about;
  • books that have never been opened.

Who knows: maybe in order to be able to read more, you just need to look at the reading process a little differently. Obviously, the professor classifies those books that fall into the first 3 categories as read. Will this help you? Give it a try. But, to be honest, we doubt it a little.

3 effective ways remember what you read

To learn how to better absorb what you read and retain information on long years, we need to understand the specifics of how our memory works. To do this, remember 3 key words:

  • impression;
  • associations;
  • repetition.

Let's say you read Dale Carnegie's book “How to Win Friends and Influence People.” You really enjoyed the book and want to remember as much as possible.

What should be done? Work on three levels.

Impression. You will remember much more if you emotionally work through the book. For example, you can play out some chapters in your imagination, try to feel the emotions that the author is trying to convey or is talking about. Imagine yourself as the main character of the chapters you read. You must create and manage your experiences. Thanks to them, you will be able to retain most of the information in your memory. If visual images do not help, then try reading chapters you particularly like out loud. Make the book make you feel.

Associations. The association method is known to many, but it cannot be ignored on our list, since it is characterized by record-breaking efficiency. Its essence is simple: you connect the meaning of what you read with something that is already familiar to you, and relate it to each other. In addition to the fact that this method will allow you to remember the texts better and more clearly, you will also understand them better. The rule works: it’s easier to explain something new if you compare it with something familiar.

Repetition. Repetition is the mother of learning. And that's it. The more often you return to the books you liked the most, the better you will retain them in your memory.

4 reading levels

Mortimer Adler, philosopher and author of How to Read a Book, identifies 4 levels of reading:

  1. Elementary.
  2. Inspection.
  3. Analytical.
  4. Thematic.

Each level builds on the previous one. The elementary level is taught to you in school. The inspection level is, in fact, a superficial acquaintance with a book or article, the same as “skimming.”

The most painstaking work happens at the last two levels. The analytical level involves a more thorough familiarity with the material. You literally read the book from cover to cover. During analytical reading you will have to go through 4 stages:

  1. Classify the book by subject.
  2. Briefly state what the book is about.
  3. List the main chapters and make connections between them. Describe each of these parts. Expand her role throughout the book.
  4. Identify the problem or problems the author addresses in the book. Describe them.

Finally, thematic reading requires you to read several books on the same topic and analyze each of them in relation to the other: compare, contrast, evaluate.

As you master these 4 reading levels, you will also develop the 3 memorization techniques discussed above. By dissecting the book into parts (at the analytical and thematic levels), you will consolidate in your memory the impressions you received from it. A thoughtful analysis of works on similar topics will help you better understand the material and remember it for many years.

Take notes!

Here's a little tip: take notes.

Write in the margins. Leave bookmarks. After reading the book, write a short review. Then you can return to your notes and notes and refresh your memory of the most important points from what I read.

The importance of notes and bookmarks is emphasized by Shane Parrish, already mentioned:

“After I finish a book, I put it away for a few weeks. Then I go back to it, study all the bookmarks and notes I made, re-read the chapters that I marked as important. I do this with all books without exception.”


Remember the main rule: books cannot be read, books must be studied. You should see books as an investment in your own education, and therefore in your own success. The craze for techniques that allow us to increase reading speed, which we can see today, at first glance seems to be life-saving, but they will be of no use if what you read is not comprehended and used. Learn to read correctly and you will definitely achieve excellent results.

Good luck and high conversions!

Many people ask how read books correctly what you need to do, know and be able to do for this. After all, it’s not enough to just pick up and read all the books in a row; you need to select them correctly and read them in right time and regularly. Not all books are useful, some can make you successful, while others can make you a failure or just waste your time.

In this article you will learn how read books correctly , how to select them, is it possible to read books all in a row and is it worth reading often. Leaders are readers, but it all depends on how you read and what books. Eat well-read people, but in life they are unhappy and have not achieved anything in life, since all the books they read must be put into practice.

To learn how to read books correctly, you just need to read them regularly, every day. If you miss even one day and don't read anything, you'll have to catch up and start all over again. Make a habit of reading every day. Even if you don’t have time and you’re busy, tear out the pages from the book and take them with you in transport and at any time. free time read.

Read about the opportunity out loud

To learn how to read books correctly, you need to remember that when reading only with your eyes, only your visual memory works, and if you read out loud, then you remember with both visual and auditory memory, which will allow you to remember and store more in the subconscious.

Read the book several times

To read books correctly, if they do not contain knowledge for real actions, then try to read the book several times and re-read it once every 3 months. Our memory is short and we forget 70% of everything we read within a week. Develop yourself and don’t stop reading those books that contain real advice for actions that will make you better, more successful and happier.

To learn read books correctly, you need to choose only those books that are written by practitioners, people who have achieved something in life and share their knowledge and experience from life. Today, 80% of all books are written by theorists who have achieved nothing in life and, accordingly, will not be able to give you any knowledge useful for action. Successful man even if he doesn’t write beautifully, he can give more knowledge than someone who wrote a beautiful book, but personally achieved nothing in what he writes about.

Read in a quiet place

Also, to read books correctly, try to choose a quiet place for this. This is why it is useful to read books before bed, when there is generally less noise. But if you wake up early, you can also start your day by reading books while other people are still sleeping.

Cherish your time

To read books correctly, you need to not waste time and read books as quickly as possible. To do this, take a book, read it quickly to understand its essence, and the second time read it at an average pace and write down the basic knowledge that can be applied in practice. You shouldn’t memorize what you can find in a book and if you have bad memory just write out the main basics from the book that will help you and teach you how to act.

psycho- olog. ru

There is only one correct answer to this question: use the three-step reading method.

The point is not at all how to learn to read correctly and quickly. A quick superficial reading does not produce results. We need to master effective reading, learn to work with a book, extracting from it all the valuable information that interests us.

And if you are not a fan of reading the same text several times (exceptions are fiction and poetry, which are recognized classics), then you should learn to squeeze all the “juice” out of each book you read, so as not to return to its content in the future and use this time more rationally - on new books.

There is no need to rush - after all, our goal is not reading as a process, getting acquainted with information “for show,” but mastering new knowledge, expanding our horizons and increasing the level of skills. Reading a book correctly means working on its content. And if after a month you don’t remember 80% of the information that was presented in it, the work was not done and the time was wasted.

Books are ships of thought, traveling the waves of time and carefully carrying their precious cargo from generation to generation...

F. Bacon

In order not to waste time reading the same book twice, or even three times, you need to learn how to read books correctly - getting all the benefits the first time, which consists of three steps.

Step one – “rough” introductory reading

Imagine what you choose new car. Where do you start? Of course, from a common acquaintance: her appearance and the materials that were used in its manufacture. And only then, having received the first visual impression, do you begin to get acquainted with her technical characteristics and complete set.

We do the same with the book. For a deep and effective understanding of the meaning of what is written, we start with a preliminary acquaintance:

  • carefully study the cover of the book, paying attention to small details;
  • If there is an author’s biography, then it is necessary to get acquainted with it in order to create general idea about the person who wrote this book and become closer to him: find out the history of life, the events that took place in a given time period, the conditions in which it was created - this is necessary condition how to read books correctly;
  • important sections are articles that can be placed at the beginning and end of the book: “Introduction”, “Prologue”, “Epilogue”, “Preface” - they often tell the story of the creation of the book, contain Interesting Facts, the names of the people thanks to whom this book was written and those to whom it is dedicated;
  • these sections may list the main topics, mention of other books by this author and authors who covered the same issues, as well as other information that will be interesting and useful to readers;
  • You need to pay special attention to the table of contents - see how the content is structured: sections, sequence;
  • further acquaintance with each of the chapters consists of reading its title and a brief acquaintance with the text and footnotes, if present - this will make it possible to read the book faster without being distracted by explanations;
  • As you begin to superficially familiarize yourself with the content, always make various notes, which will become a kind of “knots for memory” and will make it easier to memorize the text.

If you use the technique of “rough” reading, spending from 10 to 20 minutes on it, depending on the volume of the text, this will help you better understand the idea, the views of the author, and will allow you to better comprehend what you read.

Step two - active reading

Reading is a process in which visualization of images and concepts occurs.

What does it mean? When we read carefully, we concentrate and images of what we read appear before us. We not only imagine what a person or object looks like, feel the wind blowing or other natural phenomena, but we also feel even the described emotions and states: pain, shame, thirst, heat, cold.

This happens because we think, and the thinking process is characterized by visual images. Thus, in the second step, we read carefully, take notes, collect information, find answers to questions - this method increases the degree to which we remember what we read.

By receiving multiple answers to questions of interest, we increase our life experience, our horizons become richer, and the experience gained becomes invaluable.

A deep analysis of the text we read allows us to get to the true meaning of what is written, to become an active reader who understands himself and the world around him.

A good book is like a conversation with an intelligent person. The reader receives from her knowledge and a generalization of reality, the ability to understand life...

Tolstoy A.

Remember how you perceived this or that work from school curriculum in childhood and compare it with how you understand it now. Isn't it true that these are different impressions from what you read? This happens because in childhood we used the method of superficial reading, when our life experience did not allow us to see all the nuances of what we read. It was reading for fun or out of necessity - not meaningful reading.

An adult is characterized by a method of actively comprehending what he read. Experience comes, and with it comes understanding of things. The more we read, the deeper we become, our actions are more appropriate and we are more interesting to others. By making notes in the margins of the book, we highlight the main ideas, key phrases, favorite quotes that may be useful, we mark pages containing important concepts and topics covered - this way we create our own structure of the book, understandable only to us and contributing to better memorization of the content.

Let's draw conclusions from the second stage of reading:

  • be an active reader;
  • ask a lot of questions;
  • look in books for answers to all existing needs;
  • when reading, structure the material in various accessible ways;
  • make as many “knots for memory” as possible - various notes;
  • delve into the deep meaning of everything you read and then your reading will be meaningful and beneficial.

Step three - reading from notes

After the book has been completely read and disassembled, put it aside for a few days - let the information received be absorbed. After a while, pick it up again and take a few minutes of your life to read it again.

You will need much less time and reading will be faster. Why? Yes, because this time you will focus on the most important thing, what you have highlighted for yourself, considering it the main thing. Taking notes and delving into the essence, you thought about the questions, commented on the reading. And now you will look at the material with different eyes, it will shine with new, previously unnoticed colors, it will seem that only now the whole meaning of what the author has written has reached you.

I read strangely, and reading has a strange effect on me. I read something I re-read a long time ago and it’s as if I’m exerting myself with new strength, I delve into everything, I clearly understand and I myself gain the ability to create...

Dostoevsky F.

The final step of reading will show that what was emphasized and highlighted earlier is analyzed now and stored in memory for a long time. Even after long period time and having forgotten what this book was about, you, looking through your notes, will quickly remember the smallest details, not to mention the main thoughts and provisions.


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