How to clean up your home: a fundamentally new method of cleaning. Order in the house once and for all: how to get rid of chronic clutter, organize space and start a new life How to always achieve cleanliness in the house

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Perfect cleanliness in the apartment is the dream of any diligent housewife. Cleanliness is not just a pleasure to live in. It has been noticed that when the house is tidy, the whole life becomes more organized. And cleanliness is the key to health. And both physical and emotional. If you suffer from mood swings and depression, a deep cleaning may be what you need. So, let's get our house in order quickly and with pleasure!

Where to start: the basics of getting organized

The most difficult thing in any business is its beginning. To step over the inner “I can’t”, it is enough to take one step in the direction of purity. But where to start cleaning when there is an immense amount of work ahead?

The simplest advice is to declutter. Surely, unnecessary stickers, receipts, tea bags and other rubbish have accumulated on your desktop. Prepare a garbage bag and collect everything that is definitely no longer useful. Extra things, household items, including furniture, collect dust and take up space. Get rid of this junk immediately, and it will become easier to breathe in your apartment.

After the garbage has left the room, you can move on to cleaning surfaces and cabinets. Then everything you need (check again) is neatly put in place. The last thing you need to do is vacuum the carpets and wash the floors. This is a sample general cleaning plan that is easy to follow.

Quick cleaning

One of the popular reasons for putting off cleaning the house is the enormous amount of time it takes to put things in order. You don't have to spend the whole day with a mop. Putting things in order quickly is real.

Here are the best tips for speeding up cleaning:

  1. Follow the ancient folk wisdom: sweep every day, wash once a week. The less litter there is on the floor, the easier it is to clean.
  2. For all detergents, prepare one container - a large drawer or basin. This way you won’t have to walk from room to room looking for a rag and cleaning gel.
  3. To avoid scrubbing off stains, use microfiber and special surface cleaning products. In general, do not neglect industrial products: they make life easier by dealing with difficult stains within a few minutes.
  4. To easily reach hard-to-reach places, purchase a telescopic mop. You should also stock up on a stable stepladder.
  5. It is much easier to clean up with a vacuum cleaner with a wet cleaning function.
  6. To avoid blockages in the sink, before washing dishes, remove all food debris, and put an additional mesh on the drain grate, which are inexpensive, but perfectly trap debris.
  7. Do two or three things in parallel: while the dishes are soaking from burnt fat, wipe the windows and put the curtains in the wash. Or sweep the floor while the machine spins the laundry.
  8. It is necessary to organize storage of property. All seasonal items need to be packed and put away in long drawers. This way they won't get in the way.
  9. The most time-consuming part of cleaning is washing windows. Effective anti-stain products, mops with long handles, clean paper napkins, and a household steam cleaner will help save your nerves.

To ensure that not a speck remains on glass and mirror surfaces, avoid circular motions and rub in a straight line. Wash the frame first, then the glass.

Rules of comfort

There are some places in the house that you simply forget to clean. We remind you of what you need to pay attention to in order to maintain ideal cleanliness and comfort:

  1. Wipe the leaves of houseplants.
  2. Carefully make the beds and fold the pillows.
  3. Store out-of-season shoes in a special closet.
  4. Straighten the curtains.
  5. Wipe down the window sill, tables, chairs and TV - these are where guests' attention is most focused.
  6. Dust off the wallpaper.
  7. Place fresh towels in the bathroom.
  8. Don't forget about the ventilation holes.
  9. The top corners are where dust accumulates and cobwebs appear. There is no need to forget about them.

Cleanliness prevention: rules for maintaining order

It is easier to maintain order than to restore order - a well-known truth. But in the modern rhythm of life, it is difficult for a person to even track the amount of dust in the corners.

Tips to help control pollution at home:

  1. You need to force yourself to do a little cleaning of a certain area in your apartment every day, or at least every other day: your desk, your closet with clothes, your refrigerator. 15-20 minutes spent on putting things in order will significantly save time during general cleaning of your home.
  2. Organization of order: every thing should have its own place. Buy a convenient rack for clothes so that they don’t lie on the chair. A good purchase are trunks for storing various things, baskets for dirty laundry.
  3. Make a rule: wash the dishes after eating. This way you won’t have to waste time scrubbing away dried food particles, and the pile won’t accumulate. And do not build batteries from dirty cups and mugs - wash them immediately after use.
  4. Take out the trash as often as possible to avoid the spread of unpleasant odors. Leave one trash can: this way, garbage will not accumulate in several rooms at once.
  5. To avoid causing mold to develop in the bathroom, leave the door open after bathing. A very useful device is a fan on the ventilation grille. It expels steam and stale air.
  6. A minimum of things - a minimum of dirt. Leave only what you really need in the house, and give the rest away or throw it in the trash.
  7. If a child lives in the house, arrange an area for him to play and store toys, drawings, etc. And don’t forget to teach your baby how to put toys back in the box in the form of a game.

A few tricks to help tidy up your apartment and reduce the amount of dirt in the room:

  1. Avoid bulky carpets - these are real dust collectors.
  2. Hang short curtains in your kitchen that are easy to wash and hang. Equip this room with a good hood, this will significantly reduce the build-up of grease and soot around.
  3. Brush your pets as often as possible.
  4. Treat TVs and monitors with antistatic.

Achieving order in your apartment is not as difficult as it seems. Try to clean your house at least 2-3 times a week, then you won’t have to spend the whole weekend clearing out the “creative” mess.

The fast pace of modern life often leads to chaos not only in our daily routine, but also in our work, affairs and, of course, homes. Due to lack of time, energy, lack of concentration and disorganization, people are faced with systematic chaos in their lives. But, as the famous proverb says, clean is not where they clean, but where they don’t litter.

To get rid of chaos you need to start with your own home. If you accustom yourself to cleanliness gradually, the discipline of order will fit tightly into the rhythm of life, and over time everything will become immaculately tidy everywhere and in everything.

However, keeping an apartment or house clean every day is not as easy as it seems at first glance. The housewife must follow some rules and also know the secrets of successful, fast and high-quality cleaning.

How can you keep your home clean?

Cleanliness and order in the house is not only a sign of the neatness and pedantry of the owners, but also the basis of a healthy lifestyle. Each missed cleaning can lead to the proliferation of bacteria or fungi that are dangerous to humans. For example, a bathroom without proper care will become a habitat for mold; dust is a strong allergen and an excellent environment for the proliferation of harmful microorganisms. Unwashed dishes in the kitchen, crumbs on the table - a “feast” for cockroaches. Spiders with webs may not be as scary, but they are ugly to look at.

In order not to bring your home to such a state, it is recommended to “generalize” it from time to time. First of all, start removing garbage and putting things in their places. After this, you can begin wet cleaning and washing surfaces.

Advice: pay attention to the details of the interior. Lamps, chandeliers, figurines, flowers, blinds, curtains must be fresh and washed.

If you don’t have enough time and you are busy at work from morning to night, you can contact a special cleaning company. However, not everyone likes the presence of strangers in the house. Therefore, this method is suitable only if you know the workers or have been using the services of housekeepers for money for a long time.

Keeping your home clean requires desire, time and patience. You will also need a mop, vacuum cleaner, rags, sponges, detergents and cleaners to help. To fix minor “accidents” (such as a torn tablecloth or a fallen picture), stock up on thread, needles and tools. You should not ignore time-tested folk cleaning remedies. Therefore, along with purchased detergents, you should prepare soda, peroxide, alcohol and vinegar.

What cleaning tools should you have?

For daily or regular quality work, everything necessary for this process should be available. First of all, household chemicals. Such preparations do an excellent job of removing dirt, dust, grease, and stains. This is a lifesaver for any housewife.

Each type of cleaning requires its own products, gels or sprays.

To combat dust on wooden furniture, it is better to purchase a polish that can easily remove dirt and also leaves a protective anti-dust layer.

The window cleaner should be an alcohol solution, and for convenience it is better to use sprays. The choice in stores of this product is very wide, not only in terms of price criteria, but also in terms of brand.

The range of detergents and cleaning products for the kitchen is incredibly huge. Choose according to your preference: gels, sprays, liquids, powders. In addition to the excellent cleansing effect, the compositions have a “bonus” - aroma. The kitchen will not only be perfectly clean, but also smell nice.

Solutions are used for. They cope well with pollution, especially street pollution. The products provide not only cleanliness, but also additional disinfection. This is even more important if children live in the house.

For flooring, you can also pick up a good cleaning product in the store or make a solution at home. For example, wine stains can be quickly removed with vinegar or alcohol, and greasy stains can be dealt with with laundry soap or dishwashing gel.

Advice: do not forget about brushes, sponges, napkins and newspapers, which will be useful in the arsenal of devices for putting things in order.

What detergents should be

In order for the cleanliness of the house to please the owners for a long time, it is necessary to clean properly. And to properly restore order, you need to select suitable detergents and cleaning agents. Listed below are the most popular and necessary room cleaning products.

So, home remedies are available for the following purposes:

  1. Bathroom (for cleaning pipes, tiles, acrylic and ceramic surfaces), also sprays for mirrors and glass.
  2. Wet cleaning (floor detergents, for example, “Mr. Proper”, and cleaning powders for carpets. “Vanish” or “Kärcher” are suitable. For dust – “Pronto” polish).
  3. “Sif” cream works well for stains on the kitchen surface, and “Fairy” liquid cleaner works well for greasy dishes.
  4. Spray “Unicum”, or similar ones, will help in cleaning and cleaning upholstered furniture.
  5. Liquid “Rhythmix” will cope with stains and dust on a TV or computer. Aerosol cans with the product are popular among housewives.

If you are allergic or generally do not use store-bought chemicals, you can easily prepare them yourself at home.

A universal solution for many types of stains, dirt, as well as dust and germs, is made from ordinary laundry soap and soda. Dissolve 50 g of baking soda in 100 ml of hot water. Grate 25 g of soap and add to the mixture. Stir until a light foam forms and the components are completely dissolved. Use a sponge or microfiber cloth to remove dirt or dust.

How rarely to clean (what and how to do so that you have to tidy up less often)

To make the cleaning process move faster, you must follow the following rules:

  1. Divide the apartment into several conditional zones. It is better to clean from top to bottom. That is, initially the chandeliers and ceilings are washed, after. Dust and dirt are wiped off tables and other pieces of furniture. Next, they begin to clean the carpets.
  2. You can resort to one more trick. Create a cleaning calendar. Since areas in the apartment become dirty in different ways, it is worth cleaning them depending on the location in the room. For example, carpeted surfaces should be cleaned once every two months. Wash floors every week. Vacuum and 2-3 times in seven days.
  3. Keep detergents and cleaning products handy in your cabinet. How long the cleanliness will remain depends on the selection of the right cleaning products and devices.
  4. There is only one way to accustom yourself to order and cleanliness in the house. Things put in their places in a timely manner, washed dishes and washed clothes will make the process of regularly putting things in order easier. All you have to do is use a vacuum cleaner and brush off a layer of dust.
  5. Once a month, take the time to clean and wash cabinets, glass, tiles, and doors. On the day of the main cleaning, you will not be distracted by these small but very significant things.

Now you know how to keep your apartment clean and tidy so that it is always a pleasure to be in.

In conclusion, it must be said that cleaning can be not only quick and easy, but also enjoyable. To maintain a good mood while tidying up, open the windows for ventilation and turn on cheerful music. Singing along and dancing, you will see that the whole process will go positively and unnoticed, but the result (a clean house) will delight you for a long time.

Useful tips

To keep your home in order, you should know a few tricks that will make your everyday life much easier.

There are many ways to organize different things in your room, bathroom, kitchen and toilet.

3. If you have a lot of T-shirts, you can fold them neatly and store them in stacks in a vertical position in the closet - this way you use more space. In addition, you will be able to clearly see which T-shirt is located where.

4. If you have a lot of cords (from a computer, for example), you can label them so you know which cord goes where. To do this, you can buy special labels or use regular paper on which you write where the cord leads, and tape to stick the paper to the cord.

How to clean up your apartment

5. If after the repair you still have plastic tubes, you can attach them with bolts or strong double-sided tape to the cabinet door, and they will turn into holders for hair dryers, curling irons and other tools of a similar shape.

6. Several buttons can be connected using a large pin - this makes them more convenient to store.

7. An ordinary photo or painting frame can be turned into a magnetic organizing board.

You will need:

Metal plate of a suitable size (you can order a frame of the desired size for the plate)

Small magnets (sold in a package)

Superglue or double-sided tape (if magnets are not on stickers).

* Insert the plate into the frame.

* Glue magnets to various parts of cosmetics or to jars in which you can put cosmetics and other small items.

*Hang the frame with the plate on the wall.

* Feel free to attach the things you need to the magnetic board.

Cleaning up the house

8. Create a separate breakfast nook in your kitchen. In the morning, many people rush to work, which means it’s convenient to have everything you needat hand. Place everything you need to quickly prepare breakfast in one place.

* In the kitchen (if possible), you can create several zones for greater convenience.

9. In the kitchen or bathroom, you can make decorative hooks for jewelry, towels or scarves using double-sided tape and pebbles (or other suitable decorative items).

10. An old glasses case can be used to store all sorts of small items, such as a phone charger, headphones and cable.

11. The paper organizer can be used to store towels rolled up compactly into a tube.

12. Use double-sided tape to attach small containers to the cabinet door in which you can store cloths, cleaning products, and other items. It is convenient to have similar containers under the sink in the kitchen or bathroom.

13. If you have several chargers and cables, you can store them in ziplock bags, with a sign on each bag that reminds you which device the cable or charger comes from.

14. A convenient organizer for the kitchen or bathroom can be made from old tin cans and a basket (or box).

Cleaning up your home

15. Place rice in a deep, empty container to make a convenient knife holder.

16. An original key holder can be made from a simple wooden photo frame and several hooks and screws.

You will need:

Wooden frame

Paint and brush (if desired)


Paper towels.

* Spread paper towels on a flat surface and place the frame on them.

* (Optional). Paint the frame and wait for the paint to dry. Apply a second coat of paint.

* Turn the frame over and screw some hook-screws into it.

* Hang the frame on the wall or place it vertically on a shelf and you can hang your keys.

17. To prevent the trash bag from sliding off the bin, secure it with paper clips.

18. If you have a modem and/or router on your desk, you can hide them in a folder for papers. You can buy such a folder or make it from an ordinary cardboard box (for example, a cereal box).

19. A cereal box can be used to store plastic container lids and other small parts (not breakable).

20. These boxes can also be used to store water bottles and/or baking paper and foil.

It is important to understand that no area in the house is intended for storing junk and unnecessary things. It’s hard to believe: it seems that you can arrange a warehouse in a closet, on a balcony, in a bedside table or in a separate closet. But actually it is not. Each room or space, be it a garage, utility room, mezzanine or shed, has a direct purpose, which is not to store junk there. Our tips will help you put things in order not only at home, but also in other rooms, as well as in the corners where you are used to putting everything unnecessary.

Can you make sure that only the things you use remain in your apartment? The main problem associated with putting things in order in our homes is that we keep things that we don’t need: it’s a pity, it’s expensive, it’s new, there’s nowhere to put it, in case it comes in handy. All these “safe words” encourage you to live in a home that is littered with unnecessary items. Did you buy an expensive leather jacket but don't wear it because it doesn't suit you? Sell, donate, give away or throw away. According to space optimizers, people sell unnecessary things at flea markets or Avito so successfully that they earn decent amounts. Your task is to take every thing that is in the house and decide whether you will use it in the near future or not. If not, throw it away.

Imagine your house needs a spring cleaning. So you armed yourself with a damp cloth or cloth to get rid of dust and dirt that appears on bedside tables, tables, surfaces of refrigerators, microwaves and coffee tables. What will your gaze fall on? All these surfaces are littered with figurines, vases, magazines, small household items, magnets and other things. As a result, instead of promptly wiping everything around, you either start sorting out the trash or putting the cloth in the far corner. Your task is to optimize the space so that dust can be removed from all surfaces in a matter of minutes. This does not mean that you need to remove absolutely everything from open surfaces. It is important to exclude everything unnecessary.

The trouble is that a tablet, charger, laptop, lipstick, watch or book can end up in unexpected places every time. How so? It’s very simple: they don’t have just one place. It is precisely this cycle of things in apartments that requires putting things in order again and again. What do you end up doing? You just move things from place to place. And then back. This can be stopped once and for all. For every item in the house, find the only possible place. Then the house will be in perfect order, and the necessary things will no longer get lost.

Tip 4: organize storage according to the “arm's length” rule

When thinking about how to arrange things in a bedroom, private office, kitchen or living room, use the “arm's length” rule. All the things you use when washing at the sink should be so close that you can reach them. The same goes for working at a desk, preparing food, putting on makeup. This way you can not only save time, but also quickly return the item to its rightful place: immediately and effortlessly.

Tip 5: Keep items of the same category in a specific place

Avoid situations where cosmetics or apartment cleaning products are stored in different places. Why is this so important? First, by putting items with the same functionality in a specific place, you can assess what you are missing. Imagine that some girl has makeup products in her bedroom, in the bathroom, in her purse and in the hallway at the same time. She lives in the illusion that foundations or shadows have run out and, in general, “there is not enough of everything.” Buy a convenient box for storing cosmetics, put all the products there and immediately understand whether you need to buy something additional or whether you have a supply for the year ahead.

The same applies to all other items: wires and chargers/books/combs and other categories should have a single place. Special storage boxes will help solve the problem. You will find these in online stores for every taste and color. Moreover, they are designed specifically for storing things of specific categories.

Yes, this rule is difficult to follow when the supermarket has promotions for a year’s supply of shampoo and blocks of toilet paper. It's hard to avoid the temptation to save money, but it's why you don't have room to store everything. Instead of buying large blocks of something, buy one package and use the rest of the space for other items. The same goes for products: bags of potatoes, large supplies of sunflower oil, meat, fish. You don't need large amounts of food unless there is a designated area for it. Try to live by this rule, then your rooms will be perfectly clean.

Beautiful gift boxes, Zara bags, wrapping paper - unnecessary things. You should also immediately remove tights, cups, and household appliances from the boxes. If you need information on the packaging, take a photo of it and say goodbye to cardboard, which creates an unkempt apartment appearance and takes up unnecessary space. As for household appliances, remember: no packaging is needed. You can return the device or request warranty repair if you have a sales receipt, and nothing more. You don't even have to show the cash receipt.

Imagine that you decide to disassemble one of the rooms, for example the kitchen. So you find one after another objects that belong in other locations. Here you come across a screwdriver, and you take it to the toolbox, then you find a package of pills and immediately go to the first aid kit. Such trips from room to room will not allow you to restore order quickly. You will instantly get tired and give up on decluttering. To save time, get a “relocation box” in which you put everything that doesn't belong in the kitchen. This way you can quickly clear the room of displaced items by putting them in a box. And now all you have to do is take them to their places in one go.

Remember how many instructions, labels, and tools you have that you plan to use in “rainy days.” If your washing machine breaks down, what do you do without instructions? I'll need a drill, where can I get one? It's simple: you can find instructions on the Internet, and ask your neighbor for a drill. Things you don't need on a daily basis have no place in your home. If you collect everything “in case of war,” you will not see order.

Many people, in response to advice regarding putting things in order, will say that the children are to blame for everything. They don't put things back, bring dirt into rooms, throw toys around, or don't wash dishes after themselves. In fact, children only copy your behavior. If your home isn’t sparkling clean right now, it means you’ve neglected it a little: you don’t put things in their place, you don’t always make the bed, or maybe you don’t love it at all. Children absorb everything and will not litter in an apartment where no one else does.

People love order in their apartment, when they don’t have to spend hours looking for the right thing or blush in front of unexpected guests. In this situation, the question of how to quickly clean the room is especially acute.

With the modern rhythm of life, when there is always not enough time, housewives are increasingly thinking about how to properly clean their apartment. Moreover, do this in such a way as to spend less effort and quickly restore perfect order in the apartment.

As you know, it’s clean not where people constantly clean, but where they don’t litter. How to maintain order in the house and not spend a lot of time and effort on cleaning? This article provides useful tips for cleaning your apartment.

How to clean up your home: where to start

How to clean a house where, due to your constant busyness, you don’t spend much time, but you want to keep it in order? When cleaning cannot be put off, it is necessary to rationally distribute the work so that in the struggle for cleanliness in the house you do not lose your last strength.

So where should you start? You need to do the following:

  • Make a home cleaning plan and stick to it strictly.
  • Clearly define the time you allocate to tidying up and plan your work accordingly.
  • Check the presence of detergents, rags and the working condition of the vacuum cleaner.
  • Stock up on trash bags.
  • Assign a “work front” to each family member. Feel free to involve everyone who lives in the apartment, including children, in the work. Of course, you can’t trust a child with something complicated, but he is capable of collecting toys and throwing away candy wrappers. And in the future, your child will definitely need knowledge of how to properly clean the apartment.

Cleaning the house should begin in the morning, when there is still a lot of time ahead. It’s better to set aside a whole day and slowly tidy up your home, following the plan.

Apartment cleaning plan

If you do spring cleaning correctly, you will not have to repeat this procedure often, and your main task will be to maintain order. But some housewives find it difficult to draw up a plan for how to clean the apartment; they simply cannot understand “what to grab onto.” In fact, there is nothing complicated about this, but if you are unable to plan the cleaning yourself, use this scheme:

  • A plan for how to clean your home should start with clearing the space of unnecessary things. Therefore, first of all, get rid of garbage, broken appliances and toys, as well as papers and old newspapers. Methodically walk around your apartment, collecting everything you don't need in bags.
  • Before cleaning your home, wash all your dirty laundry, as well as your curtains and drapes.
  • The most “cluttered” areas in the house are considered to be the pantry, mezzanine and balcony, and keeping order here is not easy. Organize your things compactly, simultaneously throwing out what you no longer need. Be sure to remove dust and dirt from all surfaces.
  • Then you have to deal with the kitchen. The family spends most of their time in the room where food is prepared, and accordingly, it is more difficult to maintain order here. Clean all surfaces, organize cabinets, and clean out the refrigerator.
  • After this, it’s the turn of the bathroom. How to clean this room quickly and efficiently? First, apply a cleaning agent to the plumbing fixtures and taps, and while the product is working, destroying dirt, wash the walls, doors, mirrors and clean up the cabinets.
  • So, the “difficult” areas of the apartment have been cleaned, now let’s start putting things in order in the rooms. Put all things in their places, disassemble bookcases and clothing cabinets, wash and clean all surfaces.
  • The final stage is cleaning the hallway. Place your shoes in their places, hide your purses and umbrellas, shake out the rug and clean the room, not forgetting the front door.

By cleaning in this way, you will do the job quickly and achieve perfect order. Afterwards, all that remains is to put into practice the tips on how to maintain order in your apartment.

Apartment cleaning is carried out on a top-down basis.

It is impossible to immediately clean everywhere and everywhere if maintenance cleaning of the apartment is not a weekly ritual. How to clean up your apartment or room so as not to get “stuck” in the process for a week? Take advantage of these little tricks:

  • Don’t take on all the work yourself, involve family members;
  • Before you start cleaning, check that you have everything you need so as not to be distracted during the process;
  • do several things at the same time: for example, while cleaning the pantry, turn off the refrigerator to defrost and start the washing machine;
  • try not to respond to phone calls and messages on social networks, communication “steals” too much useful time;
  • start cleaning the room from corners and hard-to-reach places, gradually approaching the middle of the room;
  • When tidying up a room, proceed according to the “top to bottom” principle, first washing the lamps and windows, and gradually “going down”.

These simple measures will help you get the job done quickly and not get exhausted in the process.

How to quickly clean your apartment

Probably, every family has such friends and relatives who notify about their desire to see each other shortly before they appear on the doorstep. In this situation, it is especially important to know how to quickly clean the room. You will have to perform the following actions at record speed:

  • remove scattered things (remember that this is not the case when every item absolutely needs to get into its place, remove them “out of sight” and then you’ll sort it out);
  • throw candy wrappers, fast food packaging and other trash into the trash;
  • hang clothes in the closet;
  • remove scattered shoes;
  • If time permits, you can walk over the furniture with a damp cloth and vacuum the floor.

The described actions will not take up much of your time, and will eliminate the need to blush in front of your friends or relatives.

How to keep your home tidy

In order not to spend a lot of time on general cleaning, you need to know how to keep your apartment clean and tidy and not have to constantly clean it. Follow simple rules:

  • do not accumulate unnecessary things in closets, waiting for the moment to throw them away, get rid of them immediately;
  • do not leave clothes hanging on chairs or doors, and shoes scattered on the floor in the hallway, immediately put things in the closet;
  • clean a little every day, one “pass” with a damp cloth will not take much time, but your home will already look tidier;
  • if it is difficult for you to remember what should be where, and this is the main reason why you cannot quickly restore order in the house, you can use the following advice: once bring the apartment into a “exemplary” form, and take appropriate pictures of the situation in order to use them in the future, and put everything in its place.

The smell in your home is also of great importance. Agree that the “aromas” of cooking food, the contents of the cat’s litter box or stale laundry do not add attractiveness to even a perfectly tidied apartment. Stores today offer a wide selection of scented candles and air fresheners; place them in your living areas and your home will immediately become cozier.

How to quickly clean a room

Cleaning a room is much easier than tidying up the apartment as a whole, but some principles can be gleaned from the previous recommendations. So, to tidy up the nursery, living room or bedroom, follow the following procedure:

  • collect trash;
  • put things that need washing into the machine (if time permits, wash the curtains too);
  • using a broom, remove cobwebs from the ceiling if they have formed;
  • clean the chandelier and windows;
  • shake out furniture covers;
  • remove dust from surfaces;
  • vacuum and wash the floor.

Cleaning a room is much easier than tidying up a bathroom or kitchen. If you follow the rules, you won’t spend a lot of time on this.

Kitchen cleaning: where to start

Many housewives are intimidated by cleaning the kitchen, since the family spends a lot of time in this room. But if you follow the rules, this process will not turn into a natural disaster.

It's probably not worth mentioning washing windows, work surfaces and sinks. The greatest difficulties are caused by putting things in order in the cabinets and refrigerator.

How to quickly organize your kitchen cabinets? When cleaning, proceed in the following order:

  • empty and wash cabinets inside and out;
  • put good, “ceremonial” dishes and what you rarely use on the top shelves;
  • place plates, mugs and cutlery that you need every day “at eye level”;
  • if space allows, place cans of cereals, packages of tea and coffee, and other “bulk” products on the same shelves;
  • Place pots and pans in the lower compartments.

Now the cabinets are in perfect order, and every item is in its place.

The next step is cleaning the refrigerator. After you have defrosted and washed the unit, we clean up its contents. You need to do it like this:

  • place food in sealed containers;
  • use plastic containers and jars to store prepared dishes; they will not take up much space and the smell of food will not spread throughout the refrigerator compartment;
  • place eggs, vegetables, herbs and fruits in special trays and cells;
  • Place bottles and boxes of drinks on the bottom shelf.

To keep your refrigerator in order, carry out a regular “audit”. Get rid of products of questionable freshness immediately, before the smell of rot and mold settles on the shelves.

Today, many works have been written on the topic of how to properly clean and maintain order in the house. Experts give advice and reveal cleaning secrets to make life easier for the modern woman.

Special products and wipes make the cleaning process much easier.

If you analyze this information, you can highlight the following principles on how to quickly clean up and restore perfect order for a long time:

  • Do not store unnecessary things. Nowadays a trend is gaining popularity when family members throw away 20 things each once a month, this allows them to avoid “cluttering” the apartment.
  • Determine a place for each thing, and always put it only there. This measure will help restore order in the room quickly and without unnecessary labor costs.
  • Make a clear action plan and know exactly where to start cleaning and how to finish it.
  • Distribute work according to the amount of free time, and do not plan many things, having 2-3 hours to spare.
  • Do not give up cleaning products and new cleaning equipment. It’s no secret that with the help of a washing vacuum cleaner or a special brush for washing windows, we tidy up the room much faster than using “grandmother’s” methods.
  • Take the time to clean your home regularly, doing a little every day.
  • Get such useful devices as containers for storing underwear, drawers for toys, shelves for shoes and much more, which allows you to compactly pack things, even if there are a lot of them.

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