How to optimize a page for a keyword. How to optimize category pages for online stores? Detailed Guide

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Product sections generate the lion's share of organic traffic. This is their main value from an SEO optimization point of view. Search engine conversions are equally important for any online store - they provide the most converting visits and serve as the basis for stability in eCommerce. At the same time, promoting category pages has many pitfalls. Here it is important to handle keys extremely carefully, carefully place text content, format headings correctly, and much more. Failure to comply with these rules will, at best, push the section to the back of the search results; at worst, it will put the page or the entire site under a filter. In this article, we will share our knowledge of how to properly optimize directory sections, avoiding critical errors.

Where does category optimization begin?

Catalog sections are pages that contain thematic groups of products. With the right approach, they are created based on data from the semantic core. A matrix of keywords helps to create the most thoughtful catalog structure: highlight the most popular categories, form a hierarchy of sections and subsections. In addition to organizing the site architecture, the semantic core allows you to identify the most promising categories and focus priority attention on them during promotion. And finally, semantics is the matrix that you will constantly refer to when optimizing pages for specific queries.

Texts for catalog sections. What dangers exist?

Texts in product headings - their quality, size and location - play a very important role in the SEO optimization of these pages. This applies to a greater extent to stores focused on traffic from Yandex. The era of aggressive promotion using key queries that were used to spam the long footcloth of text at the end of the page ended in 2017, after the launch of the Baden-Baden algorithm. Today, they work with the text content of sections as carefully as possible. Otherwise, there is a high probability of falling under a filter, which can be applied both to the entire site and to individual pages. Baden-Baden includes not only openly “black” manipulations, such as the use of hidden text on a page, but also less serious violations - over-optimization or simply long foot wraps at the bottom of the page. The algorithm focuses primarily on online stores.

Even if your text is well structured, marked with lists, etc., but remains long and over-optimized, this does not in any way reduce the likelihood of a filter. Adjusted for these realities, today optimizers either completely abandon texts in product sections, or use extremely brief descriptions - one or two paragraphs - into which 1-2 key queries are carefully entered. The rest of the semantics is divided into subsections, pseudo-categories (tag pages) and product cards. As for the text itself, we recommend placing it at the top of the document - between the H1 heading and the catalog. This is important not only for the convenience of users, but also for search robots indexing the page.

It is noteworthy that only Yandex has such a strict policy regarding text foot wraps. Google doesn’t have any special complaints about them, at least in RuNet. If traffic from two search engines is important to you, texts in directory sections can be hidden from Yandex using the tag . However, Google will continue to rank these pages along with the text. At the moment, this strategy is not a prohibited technique, and works great when promoting in RuNet.

Creating Titles for online store categories

Title is the most important tag. For large online stores containing a large number of categories, it is usually created automatically using generation templates. Optimization of the main header is subject to a number of rules; we will highlight the main ones.

It is highly undesirable to duplicate the title on different pages of the site. For partition optimization, this problem is not so relevant, because categories are usually not repeated. But, for example, in commodity cards such a miscalculation occurs quite often. It is always advisable to include tracking and correction of duplicate tags in your search audit program.

The Title always contains the most frequent request. It should be placed closer to the beginning of the title. Here it is allowed to sacrifice readability in favor of direct entry of the key. Looking ahead, we note that in H1 it is not recommended to do this; it uses word forms and the most natural constructions. Example:

Title: Plastic containers for dairy products buy Moscow

H1: Production of plastic containers for dairy products

The question of whether it is necessary to enter the same or different keys into the Title and H1 has become the talk of the town among SEOs. Over the years of our work, we have tested different options, and settled on a scheme where we use the same occurrences in Title and H1, but adjusted for word forms and readability, as in the example shown above.

The optimal Title length is 60-70 characters with spaces. Since the snippet title is formed from the title, it is important that it is not cut off and looks as attractive as possible in the search results. Google and Yandex load different numbers of characters into the browser. The size of the title, which will be fully displayed in both systems, is 60-70 characters.

Writing H1 tags

The H1 document title is a less demanding tag, but its design is subject to a number of rules, compliance with which is important for the proper promotion of sections, as well as other pages of the store. For search engines, this is the second most important tag after Title. It should also contain the main key of the page being promoted, but, as mentioned above, in the most logical and readable word form. You can refuse to use toponyms in H1 if they are indicated in the Title.

Unlike a title, where a combination of several occurrences is allowed, only one key (the highest priority) is entered into H1, and the rest are distributed across the text and/or subheadings - H2, H3, etc. In addition, it is highly undesirable to include spam words here: “cheap”, “best”, etc. Within reason, this is allowed in the Title, but search engines don’t like this in page titles.

The title is placed as close as possible to the beginning of the document - above the product catalog. This is not so much for the convenience of users, but for search crawlers that will scan the HTML document. There should only be one H1 on a category page. If a section contains text, the headings in it are placed without H1, and begin with H2 further down the nesting. As with the title, it is advisable to avoid duplicate H1s on different pages. This can create its own difficulties in ranking matters.

Description. As short as possible

Description is a meta tag used by search engines to form a snippet - a small information block that describes the site in the search results. The quality of its writing is a significant factor influencing click-through rates in Google and Yandex.

SEO requirements for creating a Description:

  • informative and good readability;
  • entry of key queries (without spam);
  • unique Description for each page;
  • length - on average 160 characters with spaces.

Snippet design

Writing the Description meta tag is just one of the stages of creating an informative and structured snippet. Its competent and attractive design directly affects the percentage of transitions from search engines.

Requirements for creating a clickable snippet:

  1. Informative and concise Description (160 characters).
  2. Correctly formatted Title.
  3. No spam in Title and Description.
  4. The presence of the organization in Yandex.Directory - this will allow you to display contact information in the snippet, which will make the preview more informative and clickable. Online stores that do not have a physical address are added to the Directory as online organizations.
  5. Connecting markup - thanks to it, you can pull up-to-date information about the number of products, maximum and minimum costs, currency, etc. into the catalog page snippet. Semantic markup also affects the processing of information by search robots, which affects the quality of ranking.

Using additional navigation. bread crumbs

The main means of navigation on category pages are menu sections and internal links, which are entered from the filter parameters or text on the page. It is better to supplement them with one more element - the so-called. bread crumbs. This is an auxiliary menu in the form of a navigation chain, thanks to which it is clearly visible in which section or subsection of the store the user is currently located. The clickability of each breadcrumb allows you to go back the required number of steps, which is very important when searching for products manually.

Obviously, this element is useful for both users and search engines. Breadcrumbs not only improve on-site behavioral factors, whose value is always a priority for search engines, but also provide a number of other SEO benefits. Firstly, breadcrumbs often end up in the snippet, replacing the page address. This makes the site description in the search results more accurate and attractive to the user. We should not forget that breadcrumbs are a full-fledged linking element, thanks to which static weight is redistributed between pages.

The navigation capabilities of breadcrumbs can be significantly expanded by providing each element with a drop-down menu.

The proposed optimization scheme for category pages is universal. It works for all online stores, regardless of their size, assortment, or average bill. Conducting a technical audit on the points described above will allow you to receive more traffic from Google and Yandex and effectively convert it into income.

Despite the relative simplicity of the task, it still baffles even experienced SEO specialists. We are talking about a way to optimize content for search engines: split the list of keywords into many separate pages, or group them, and then use them on a small number of pages. In the latter case, less work is required to build internal links and optimize the site (both for search engines and for the convenience of users) than in comparison with the placement of keywords on multiple pages.

Two questions, answering which will take you much closer to solving the problem

In order to give an informed answer and definitely decide on the type of content optimization strategy to use on your website, you should answer 2 questions for yourself:

  1. How many keywords have the same meaning to a visitor?
  2. How high is the competition for the selected keywords/phrases?

When answering the first question you will be able to determine for yourself a way to divide the entire list of keywords into groups “based on interests”. When searching the Internet, users are almost always interested in a specific answer to a specific question. It is optimal if this answer is given on a separate page and disclosed more or less fully. The more diverse information provided on one page, the lower the conversion of a visitor into your potential client. Remember that a 10% conversion rate for the 10th SERP result is better than a 0.5% conversion rate for the first position (according to AOL statistics).

On the other hand, sometimes site owners try to overly split the list of keywords into individual pages. At the same time, in such keywords (phrases) the basis remains the same. For example:

Here we see phrases on the same narrow topic, which are almost impossible to clarify. Of course, the number of requests is quite high, but if you look at the statistics of, you will notice that for each of these phrases there are at least 10 clarifying phrases, each of which is requested up to 100-300 times monthly. Therefore, some SEOs may shrug their shoulders and think to themselves: “Why not create a separate page for each of these phrases and steal all the traffic to yourself?” Of course, you can go this way, but what will be the quality of the site pages written for each of these keywords? This is pouring from empty to empty; the visitor simply will not be interested in reading such texts.

Moreover, judging by the experience of randfish (, such experiments often end in failure - search engines have a negative attitude towards such artificial build-up of pages, increasing in the search results articles optimized for several similar key phrases simultaneously due to their greater naturalness.

To answer the second question, you need to be aware of at least the approximate level of competition in the keyword field. If competition is high, then it makes sense to create a large number of pages optimized for narrowly specific queries that differ from each other (not, as in the example above, having the same basis). In the case when each keyword is assigned to a specific page, it is much easier to comply with the requirements for bringing the page to the top of search engines: include the keyword in the Title and Description meta tags of the page, use it well in the text a greater number of times, use it in the title (H2 tag) etc.

Also, do not forget about the competent linking of site pages, which in this case produces a noticeable effect, thanks to high-quality focusing and providing important pages with a large static weight that flows from the rest of the site pages. All these measures can significantly increase the efficiency of promotion, and thanks to only one high-quality written and optimized website content, together with competent linking, it is possible to reach the TOP of search engines for low-competitive queries, and sometimes for medium-competitive ones.

Pros and cons of two opposing methods for building SEO content

Concentration of keywords on one page (small number)


  • It is much easier to get links to one page than to many;
  • Less time and effort required to create content;
  • It’s easier to increase the static weight of the desired page;
  • One page optimized for very similar keywords ranks much better than many pages optimized for each of those keywords.


  • The strategy does not work well for highly competitive keywords;
  • If many keys are used on one page, the quality of the text will deteriorate.

Splitting a list of keywords into many separate pages.


  • An excellently proven approach when promoting for highly competitive and moderately competitive search queries;
  • With sufficient semantic uniqueness of the texts, this is a good way to increase the number of pages on the site;
  • Often, some groups of keywords simply cannot be used on one page.


  • Increased labor and time costs;
  • It is more difficult to internally link the site and provide all the necessary pages with external links;
  • Search engines don't take kindly to multiple pages on a site that are optimized for similar keywords.


What conclusion can be drawn from the above? To dot all the i's, it is convenient to draw up an action plan for choosing a content optimization strategy.

So, if a keyword is highly competitive, it is better to optimize a separate page for it. Moreover, not only because you can optimize the page for this keyword as much as possible, taking into account all the features of building SEO content, but also because internal and external links to the page can be placed more narrowly and precisely for specific keywords/phrases. With this approach, you will be competing with pages optimized for specific keywords, and will lose if you try to forgo precise focus.

As a novice SEO specialist, you have probably heard a lot of advice and judgments more than once on the topic that it is not recommended to optimize one page for more than three keywords. At the initial stage, all keywords should be equally important, because you still have to figure out all the nuances of SEO. If you are an experienced optimizer, I think you will undoubtedly want to learn how to use all SEO tools online. The article itself provides an opportunity to understand the optimization process using several keywords.

The main criteria for ranking sites have been and remain search authority and relevance. Relevance is determined by the content's relevance to the search query, and authority is what keeps your site at the top of the SRRP. Relevance is the sorting of sites' results when composing a search query using keywords. All search engines operate according to an algorithm, providing options for a search query. In order for your page to be in a leading position when issuing search queries, you should optimize the page. One of the simple and effective ways to optimize is the ability to create your own optimization dictionary of terms, phrases from which will become more relevant in the search query. Rewrite the text using optimized phrases and achieve the desired effect.

How to correctly place keywords on a page.

Of course, the easiest way to achieve an increase in traffic to your site is through , but this is not always possible, so sometimes you have to optimize a page for several requests.

First, you need to decide on three priority keywords from which you will later create phrases. Remember that long phrases should be assigned to the low priority list. The shorter the phrase, the more relevant it is.
Determine whether it is possible to write a short, easy-to-read article according to the words you have chosen; if so, feel free to include your phrases in the list with medium priority. When dealing with the complexity of keywords and phrases, it is important to remember that working with a low and medium priority list much easier than with high-priority words and phrases.

In order to correctly place keywords on a page, it is important to know several nuances. Place your main keywords at the beginning of the title. However, don't try to cram all three keywords into your title tag, as that will be difficult and won't meet your expectations. No matter what the sentence in the title tag looks like, the search engine will only show an excerpt with the keyword in the SERP.

Remember that clear headings are perceived better than a bunch of incoherent words, so in the h1 tag, try to play with and complement the keywords, because this heading has a special meaning.

Try to write your own paragraph of text for each key phrase. Don't be afraid to use all available methods optimization copywriting. If possible, add low-priority words to the text, and rewrite sentences that, in your opinion, sound clumsy, thereby making your text more readable. The title enclosed in the h2 tag is also of no small importance, because this tag itself not only carries considerable search weight, but also gives you the opportunity to enclose your entire article in it using medium-priority keywords.

The highest skill of an optimization copywriter is the ability to write clear, readable text that will encourage the reader to take action and at the same time ensure that this text is optimized for a specific keyword. Learn to write not ordinary content, but interesting and informative articles filled with keywords.

But search engine promotion is not a panacea and not the only direction for promotion on the Internet. There are sites that are promoted by organizing various promotions and competitions. You can also post information about your site on special sites (like the Groupon site) where information about all the discounts and sales that exist in your country is collected.

Since now there is competition in almost all areas of the Internet, you need to use all available technologies for promotion.

So, you have determined the semantic core and suitable search queries for which you want to promote the page in search: you selected those of interest in Yandex.Wordstat, using the Key Collector service or by analyzing competitors' queries. We also covered this topic in more detail. And now it is important to optimize site pages in order to achieve high rankings for keywords of interest. To do this, we recommend taking at least 7 steps.

Step 1: register the CNC (human-readable URL)

This is a URL that both robots and users can understand. Instead of a chaotic set of numbers and symbols, the address bar contains understandable words. Use important keywords in the page address, but do not make the URL too long (2-3 words is enough). How long does it take to register a CNC page? It is necessary, because this way we emphasize the importance of the document for search algorithms, and representatives of search engines confirmed this.

Google's John Mueller argues that this factor is taken into account in rankings, but at the same time it is not the most significant (that is, it is taken into account with other factors in combination):

Yandex also noted the importance of CNC: thanks to the human-readable URL, the Yandex search robot understands what the document is about and what query it is relevant to.

For example, the URL allows him to understand that the file can be downloaded, that it is a PDF. The robot also understands that the document is relevant to the request “literacy correction.”

  • bad URL:
  • good URL:

Reflect the main thesis of the document in the URL so that not only search engines, but also the user immediately understands what material he will see via the link.

Step 2: Optimizing Page Tags and Titles

The main tag is Title. The page title is framed in it, it is displayed in search results as a snippet title, the contents of the tag let the robot know what the document is about. In addition, the Title is the calling card of the page for visitors, since they also evaluate this tag and decide whether to go to the page.

Use meaningful keyword phrases in the tag near the beginning of the sentence so they appear at the beginning of the title. This will have an impact on CTR. For example, in the phrase “buy a coffee machine” we see that in all headings the key is used closer to the beginning.

Note that there is no point in listing a large number of queries, because the user will not see them. It is advisable that the title contain no more than 10 words, or 60–70 characters. Then it will be able to be displayed entirely. But it is not necessary to follow this recommendation. A title of any length will be taken into account by the robot. Don’t be afraid of trimmed titles, the main thing is that there is a high-frequency query at the beginning of the title. Proper tag optimization will help increase the CTR of pages and bring the site to the TOP.

Let's give an example of an acceptable, but not very good title. Here at the beginning there is an HF request, but the phrase is cut off. A more laconic phrase “Dacquoise coconut sponge cake with berries recipe with photo” would have looked better. At the same time, the meaning of the title would still be clear.

An example of a good title. The RF request is contained here, and all important information is available to the user.

To popularize a brand, the title sometimes includes its name or a simplified URL. Users pay attention to this because they are looking for familiar names. In this example it is “Eating at Home...”

Description is a meta tag that does not contribute to ranking, but helps the search engine form a snippet in the results. Reflect the essence of the page in it and place your USP there. A good description will attract the user’s attention and encourage them to follow the link.

Headings h1, h2–h6

Mark the main title of the page text with the h1 tag. Search engines pay attention to it when ranking a site. In the first level heading, use the most significant keyword for which you are promoting the page. It must reflect its essence, be understandable and succinct. The h1 tag is used only once.

Subheadings h2–h6 are used to structure text and layout. These need to include secondary page requests. The hierarchy of headings should be observed and placed in order in the text. There is no need for meaningless words here either. By optimizing page titles and tags, along with other factors, your document's keyword rankings improve.

Step 3: Optimizing Page Text

  • The text must be unique. Don't copy someone else's text! A search algorithm (for example, Google Panda) will gladly demote/exclude a site with plagiarism from the results. Write a unique text and evaluate it using the services, eTXT.
  • Search engines strive to ensure that the user receives something that matches his query. Place useful and interesting text on the page that people will read. This will rank the page higher in search results.
  • Structure the text on the page to make it easier for the user to read. Use bulleted lists and highlight important information.
  • Search engines do not like over-optimization, and pages with such texts fall under filters. Therefore, avoid having too many keys.

The main thing to keep in mind is that the text on the page must satisfy the user’s request and give him an answer to the question. Search engines easily distinguish between useless articles for robots and content for people. Therefore, think about quality first.

Step 4: filling the page with catalogs, pictures, and other media content

Now that you have optimized the URL, written good copy and optimized tags, you need to fill the page with additional materials. Dry text is of no interest to either users or search engines.

Here are examples of the types of pages we are going to promote:

  • Online store page. This page needs a product catalog. The number of offers should not be inferior to the range of competitors who are in the TOP of search results. Therefore, it is important to place a competitive number of positions. Placing 3-5 products on a page with a long-term view of adding more is a bad option. A small number of products will not please either search algorithms that rank large catalogs, or users who will go to a competitor with a wider product offering.
  • Service page. Give visitors a comprehensive amount of information. On the promoted page, place information about prices, portfolio, terms of cooperation, videos, documents for downloading, and any other useful material. It is important that in the process of studying the information the user does not have any questions and leaves a request for the service.
  • Article. Design it with thematic images, tables, videos, infographics - anything that illustrates the content. This will make the text easier for the user to understand.

High-quality page content makes text easier to read, reduces failures, and improves behavioral factors. Return - high positions in search engine results.

Step 5: Image Optimization

We found that pictures make text easier to understand. In order for the image to be optimized, you need to specify the following attributes of the img tag and name the image:

  • alt. When the image does not load, the user sees text instead, which is enclosed in the alt attribute. It is taken into account by robots when assessing the relevance of the page. We recommend entering alt keys into the alt keys, because they are taken into account in the search results when searching by images;
  • title. When the user hovers over the image, text appears, which is enclosed in the title attribute. It must correspond to the key phrase for which the title is being promoted;
  • graphic file name. We recommend giving the image file itself a meaningful name, for example sposobi-zakladki-fundamenta.jpg. This will be taken into account when ranking the image in Yandex and Google image search.

Step 6: Speed ​​Up Page Loading

Google Page Speed ​​will help you estimate page loading speed. The service provides optimization data, but does not display speed in all cases. The faster the page and the site as a whole load, the better for promotion. It is worth paying attention to Google's statement that since July 2018, loading speed has become a ranking factor in mobile search.

To analyze the page, follow the link and paste the URL.

To improve your download speed, just follow the recommendations received, including:

  • use gzip compression. This will reduce the time it takes to transfer files to the browser;
  • optimize images. Use PNG format for icons, JPG for photos. The correct format and compression of images can reduce their size;
  • optimize CSS and HTML;
  • Enable data caching so that the browser does not waste time loading when visiting again.

Please note that the loading speed is affected by the number of scripts and flash animations, so do not overuse them.

As an example, we present the results of a check based on the analysis of on the Google service.

We recommend checking the download speed of the entire resource using other services (for example, Optimal speed for the entire site is achieved through reliable hosting and optimization of loading on the resource side (scripts, images).

Step 7: Optimizing your site for mobile devices

It is important to optimize your website for mobile devices so as not to lose users who access via smartphones.

Agree, viewing the desktop version of a website on a smartphone, constantly zooming in, is inconvenient and difficult. Good optimization should display the page correctly on mobile devices.

In the Mobile Friendly service, you can check the page for loading speed and other problems. Follow the link to Google's mobile accessibility checker and paste the URL. The results will show how the page is rendered and what problems the user may encounter. Usually this is small font, flash, closely spaced interactive elements.

Yandex promises that pages that are not adapted for mobile devices will not be removed from the search results. After all, the suitability of a resource for them is only one of 1,500 ranking factors, and there is also originality of content, ease of navigation, etc. But at the same time, Yandex gives priority in mobile search results to those pages that are convenient to use from a smartphone.

Optimization must be carried out comprehensively. Develop your resource comprehensively, and then it will work for you. The main thing is to remember that search engines love sites that are made for people.

Helpful 0

Over the past few years, the SEO industry has evolved from promises of “getting your site on the first page of Google” to integrated internet marketing, where the main goal is to grow your business and increase sales. Now at conferences or over a cup of coffee, SEOs talk not only about how to increase rankings and traffic, but also how to increase conversions and get visitors to place that magical “order.” Landing Page optimization plays one of the key roles in this process.

In the days of “ancient” SEO, Landing Page optimization came down to writing meta tags and placing keywords in the text (the word “saturation”, so familiar from SEO childhood). Google, taking these factors into account, determined the relevance of the page to the user's request. You may have noticed that the last sentence is written in the past tense. This approach to landing page optimization is already outdated and does not take into account new realities and ranking algorithms. Here are some answers to the question of what has changed since these very “ancient times”:

    Google uses more complex algorithms to determine the relevance of a page, such as Topic Modeling Algorithms, semantic analysis, which allow the robot to “understand” what the material is about. In addition, the main task of the new Hummingbird algorithm is to analyze texts and, accordingly, improve search results.

    Behavioral factors become more significant in the ranking algorithm, and the presence of texts mindlessly filled with keywords certainly affects the bounce rate, time spent on the site, etc.

Let's talk about the structure and optimization of the Landing page more comprehensively, taking into account the points stated above.


And although the search robots that are used for indexing have become more sophisticated and have more capabilities for analyzing the structure of the site, the optimal solution remains to do everything to simplify this process. Here are some tips:

    do not allow the same page to exist, only under a different URL;

    use static URLs rather than URLs with get parameters (example:;

    make sure that all URLs are no more than 115 characters (not a rule, but rather a recommendation);

    when migrating a page, use a 301 redirect rather than other types of 30[x] redirects;

    implement competent linking between website pages.

Unique content value

In the world of SEO, you often hear the phrase “unique content,” but what does this phrase mean? Words arranged in an order that doesn't appear anywhere else on the internet? However, you need to approach filling the page from the user’s point of view, determining the value of the content for him.

For example, if you have a page dedicated to laser hair removal, then having on it not only a description of the procedure, but also photos and videos is even more than desirable. The search robot understands this very well. A good tip is to stop measuring the “number of characters” of “keyword occurrences” with templates, and strive to answer the user’s request with the most relevant and useful information.


5. Alt attribute of images. Having high-quality images on a page not only increases its value for the user, but also affects rankings. Photos can appear in image searches and, as a result, bring additional traffic. For a search engine, title images, file name, alt attribute and wrapping text play an important role. You should also remember that if a picture is used as a link, the alt attribute is perceived by the search engine as an anchor.

6. Level of nesting. An important page should be accessible in no more than three clicks from any other page on the site. Another interesting nuance is external links. Many SEOs previously believed that when using them, the weight of the page was “overflowed” and minimized the number of such links. I believe that links to trusted resources not only reduce page weight, but also serve as a positive factor in ranking. And this is absolutely logical: recommending interesting material to a visitor on another resource should be rewarded, and not vice versa (if you have 50 external links from a page, then the question arises how natural and useful this number is).

7. Description. If Description is not directly used in the ranking algorithm, this does not mean that this element is not important. The main purpose of the Description is to interest the user, to make sure that he chooses the “correct” one from all the search results.

The snippet shows that Google highlights the user’s request in Descriotion, which serves as another argument in favor of clicking. If there is no Description, the search engine selects the most relevant piece of text and displays it. Sometimes, even if there is a meta tag, Google gives preference to the text of the page. Some tips:

    Description volume: no more than 180 characters.

    The description should contain key information - a kind of small advertising text.

    Use keywords that are important to you in the Description.

Placing social networking buttons on the page

Sharing content on social networks, the number of likes, +1 are perceived by the search engine as a positive ranking factor. In addition, the social proof factor works here - social proof of the value of your content.

    Place on your website only those social buttons that your target audience uses. “More” is not always “better”, and a list of 15 buttons only raises questions for designers and site owners, as well as reluctance to click;

    do not use Cyrillic URLs, which encode unreadable characters when copied/pasted;

Adaptability for mobile devices

More and more users are searching for information on the Internet using mobile devices, even while at home with a laptop or computer at hand. Correct page display on all types of devices with different screen sizes has become not just an additional option, but a critical necessity. If your page is not adapted for mobile devices, you are voluntarily abandoning a huge audience of potential customers, and their number will only grow every day.

Implementation of authorship mechanism and structured data (Rich snippets)

The use of structured data does not directly affect the ranking of a site, but it does affect CTR, an increase in which is already regarded as one of the positive factors.

Here are the main forms of structured data that can be used:

  • Authorship mechanism rel=author and rel=publisher for displaying a photo or brand logo in the snippet.
  • Micro Data markup format for describing products, events, people, recipes, etc. Using this mechanism, Google determines what exactly is posted on the page and displays a snippet that is more useful to the user. To create structured markup, it is recommended to use the dictionary.

Taking into account modern Google ranking algorithms, Landing Page development is no longer limited to writing meta tags and saturating texts with keywords, but includes a number of actions related to marketing and usability. Modern SEO is not only about optimizing for search engine requirements, but also optimizing for user expectations.

In this article, I described the main points that you need to pay attention to first. If you have questions, feedback or suggestions, please leave them in the comments.


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