How to disable all updates on Windows 10. Increase computer performance by disabling unused services

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Everyone knows that whenever a new update is available, Windows 10 automatically downloads and installs it in the background. If a restart is required after an update, Windows 10 automatically schedules a restart outside of the active period.

With default settings, Windows 10 automatically checks for updates and downloads them when they are available. The problem is that you may notice that web pages open slowly while updates are downloading.

Users who have high-speed Internet access may not notice any discomfort, but users with slow Internet connections often complain about this problem. It would be convenient to be able to pause the current download of Windows 10 updates!

At the moment, Windows 10 doesn't offer an easy way to pause ongoing update downloads. If for some reason you want to pause downloading Windows 10 updates, either temporarily or permanently, you can use the tips below.

Important: We always recommend installing updates when they are available. Windows 10 receives fixes and new features through Windows Update, stopping Windows updates permanently is not recommended, we recommend pausing Windows updates for a short time.

Method 1 of 6

Pause downloading a Windows update using the command line.

With a few simple commands, you can disable Windows 10 update services. By running three simple commands, you can easily manage the Windows 10 update process.

Step 1: Open Command Prompt as Administrator. To do this, in the Start menu, start typing “Command Prompt” or “CMD”, right-click the top result and select “Run as Administrator”. If you see a User Account Control prompt, click Yes.

Step 2: Enter the following commands one after another, and don't forget to press the key Enter after each command entered.

net stop wuauserv

It may take some time to stop the Windows Update service.

net stop bits

Stop the background intelligent transfer service.

net stop dosvc

Stopping the Delivery Optimization service.

Step 3: Windows Update should now pause and stop installing updates, but you can turn it on at any time.

Enable downloading Windows 10 Updates.

Step 1: Open a command prompt with administrator rights.

Step 2: Run the following commands to start all stopped services and resume Windows update downloads.

  • net start wuauserv
  • net start bits
  • net start dosvc

Step 3: Go to the application " Windows Settings" → « Update and Security" → "Windows Update". You should see Windows updates resume downloading. If not, wait a while.

If Windows 10 does not automatically check for updates when they are released, you may need to clear Windows update cache. Using the built-in Windows 10 OS tool to troubleshoot Windows Update issues.

Method 2 of 6

Enable Metered Connection.

Because Windows 10 does not download updates when enabled Limit connection, you can set your current internet connection as metered to pause downloading Windows updates.

Go to " Options"→ « Network and Internet"→ « Wi-Fi" or "Ethernet", click on the current network, and then enable the option - “ Set as metered connection".

Method 3 of 6

Pause updates using the Settings app.

Windows 10 doesn't offer an easy way to pause ongoing update downloads. Starting with Windows 10 build 14997 October 2018 Update, the system allows you to pause updates. A special option has been added to the Update & Security page of the Settings app. Once enabled, updates will be paused for 35 days.

  1. Open the application "Options"
  2. Go to section “Update and Security” → “Windows Update” and click the link "Extra options"(see picture).

  1. On the page, go to the section "Pause updates" and move the switch slider to position "On."

When the option is enabled, updates will be paused for 35 days. If you are a Windows Insider and your PC is set to receive preview builds of the OS, updates will only be paused for 7 days. Additionally, some important updates, such as Windows Defender definitions, will still be downloaded and installed regardless of the status of the " Pausing updates».

Method 4 of 6

Disable automatic updates (do not check for updates) in Windows 10 using the registry.

Method 5 of 6

Using the Win Update Stop tool.

This tool can stop automatic updates with the click of a button. It offers an easy way to disable updates on any Windows. You don't have to manually make changes to settings or the registry. With just one click of a button, Windows 10 updates will be disabled on your computer. But you can turn them on whenever you want.

Not only Windows 10, Win Update Stop supports all versions of Windows including Windows 8 and Windows 7. So in any version, you can stop all kinds of updates using this tool.

To disable updates, simply click the Disable button. To check that all system updates are disabled, you can go to “Settings” → “Update and Security”. You will be informed that Windows was unable to download the updates, which indicates that the tool is working fine on your computer.

After switching to the latest version of the Microsoft operating system, many users encountered a problem associated with the constant downloading of system files. This process puts a lot of stress on weak laptops and computers, preventing normal operation. For this reason, questions on the Internet increasingly began to be asked: “How to disable automatic updates of Windows 10?”
The fact is that Windows Update is always enabled by default, and deactivating it will confuse an inexperienced user. The article provides detailed instructions for getting rid of annoying updates.

How to completely disable updates in Windows 10

Despite the efforts of OS developers who strive to automate all processes, make the system safe and easy to learn, arbitrary downloading of new drivers or improvement of installed programs causes dissatisfaction among the majority of users. For this reason, we were able to find “loopholes” that allow you to disable Windows 10 updates forever.
There are several working ways to fix this problem. Let's take a closer look at them.

Deactivating the standard Windows Update service

Using this method makes it possible to permanently disable the downloading and installation of new software. To use this method, you must go through the following procedure:

  • Open the window of all OS services. To do this, open the “Run” window using the Win+R key combination. In the field that appears, enter the command services.msc and press the “Enter” key.
  • In the large list that appears, you need to find the only service that is responsible for the update. It is recommended to sort the column alphabetically. The command you are looking for is at the very bottom - “Windows Update”.

  • By double-clicking on it with the left mouse button, “Properties” will open. In the “General” tab, the startup type is changed. To completely disable the Windows 10 update, select the “Disabled” line.
  • To save the changes, click the “Apply” button, then “OK”.

Now the system will not be able to check for updates, constantly giving an error.

Using the ability to edit group policies

This method is not suitable for all versions of Windows 10, namely Home. If another version of the operating system (Enterprise, Pro) is installed on a computer/laptop, it is recommended to use this shutdown method, since it is the most advanced.
To understand how to disable Windows 10 updating by using the Group Policy Editor, you need to go through a certain sequence of steps:

  • Open the Run window by pressing the Win+R key combination.
  • In the input field, write the line gpedit.msc. Press “Ok” or “Enter”.
  • A window appears with a tree on the left side. Select “Computer Configuration” from the list provided.

  • The “Administrative Templates” subsection opens in the central part.

  • Next, you need to find the “Windows Components” folder.

  • The desired directory is located at the bottom of the list that opens. To disable Windows 10 updates permanently, go to Windows Update.

  • From a large list, select the line “Setting automatic updates”. Right-click on it and select the “Edit” option.

  • Another window pops up. Now you need to set the radio button to the “Disabled” position.

  • Saving changes is carried out by clicking “Apply” and then “OK”.

After completing the entry of user settings into the operating system registry, all open windows are closed. Now you can manually check for new system files. If they are found, it's okay. New settings may take 10-20 minutes to apply. Despite this, the automatic search for updates was disabled immediately after clicking “Apply”.
Now each user has the opportunity to independently configure the Windows 10 update mode for themselves.

Cancel automatic Windows 10 updates: Video

They became mandatory, i.e. they are downloaded and installed automatically as soon as they become available. Although the new mechanism is convenient in terms of ensuring that Windows 10 devices are up to date and receive timely security patches, fixes and improvements, not all users like this feature.

If you are using a computer running Windows 10, then depending on the system edition, you have the ability to disable automatic updates using the Local Group Policy Editor or the system registry.

In this guide, we will show you how to block the installation of automatic updates in Windows 10.

How to disable automatic updates using local group policies

If you're using Windows 10 Pro, you can use the Group Policy Editor to prevent updates from automatically downloading and installing.

  • Enter gpedit.msc
  • » and double-click on it.
  • Select the "" option to disable this local policy.
  • Click the "Apply" button.
  • Click OK.

After completing these steps, Windows 10 will no longer download updates automatically. This way you can also save bandwidth when using limited connections. To install future updates you need to go to the application Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update.

If disabling the policy doesn't work, you can use the Group Policy Editor to prevent updates from automatically installing on your computer.

  • Press the Windows key + R to open the Run command window.
  • Enter gpedit.msc and click OK to open the Local Group Policy Editor.
  • Go to the following path: Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Windows Update
  • On the right side of the window, select “” and double-click on it.
  • Select the option " Included" to enable this local policy.
  • In the options section, you will find several options available:

Choose the option that best suits your needs. It is recommended to use option 2 - Download notification and automatic installation to disable automatic updates on a permanent basis.

  • Click the "Apply" button.
  • Click OK.

Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update.

You can rollback the changes at any time using the same sequence of actions, but in step 5 you need to select the “Not Configured” option. Then reboot your device to apply the changes.

How to disable automatic updates using the registry

In Windows 10 Pro and Windows 10 Home, you can turn off automatic updates using the registry.

Note: Changing the registry incorrectly can cause serious problems. It is recommended that you back up your Windows registry before performing these steps. From the Registry Editor menu, select File > Export to save a backup.

  • Press the Windows key + R to open the Run command window.
  • Enter regedit
  • Go to the following path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows
  • New > Section.
  • Name the new section WindowsUpdate and press Enter.
  • New > Section.
  • Name the new section AU and press Enter.
  • New > DWORD Value (32 bits).
  • Name the new parameter and press Enter.
  • Double-click on the created parameter and change the value from 0 to 1.
  • Click OK.

After completing these steps, Windows 10 will not receive updates automatically. To force installation of future updates, you need to go to the application Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update.

Configuring Automatic Update Options

If disabling Service Policy doesn't work, you can use Registry Editor to prevent updates from automatically installing on your computer.

  • Press the Windows key + R to open the Run command window.
  • Enter regedit and click OK to open Registry Editor.
  • Navigate to the following path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows
  • Right-click on the Windows partition and select New > Section.
  • Name the new section WindowsUpdate and press Enter.
  • Right-click on the created WindowsUpdate section and select New > Section.
  • Name the new section AU and press Enter.
  • Right-click on the created AU partition and select New > DWORD Value (32 bits).
  • Name the new parameter AUOptions and press Enter.
  • Double-click on the created parameter and set one of the following values:
    • 2 - Notify before downloading and installing any updates.
    • 3 - Automatically download updates and notify when they are ready for installation.
    • 4 - Automatically download updates and install them according to the specified schedule.
    • 5 - Allow local administrators to select the notification and installation configuration mode for automatic updates.

Similar to using the Group Policy Editor, you can choose the option that best suits your needs. It is recommended to use option 2 - Download notification and automatic installation to disable automatic updates on a permanent basis.

  • Click OK.

After completing these steps, Windows 10 will stop downloading updates automatically. When new updates become available, you will be notified and will have to install them manually by going to the app Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update.

You can rollback the changes at any time using the same sequence of actions, but in step 4 you need to delete the WindowsUpdate section using the right-click menu. Then reboot your device to apply the changes.


While we've provided instructions for turning off Windows 10 automatic updates, it's important to emphasize that skipping updates is not recommended. The reason is that updates are critical to keeping Windows 10 running properly and keeping your data safe.

However, there are scenarios where you may want to be able to manually apply updates or schedule installations over a specific period of time. For example, you want to ensure that a particular cumulative update works correctly before installing it on a workstation.

These instructions only block monthly cumulative updates, which typically fix security vulnerabilities and improve Windows 10 performance.

If you want to stop automatic installation of feature updates such as the Windows 10 October 2018 Update for a period of time, you'll need to set up the option to delay installation of major updates. And starting with Windows 10 May 2019 Update, the system will no longer automatically install feature updates twice a year.

You can also use third-party utilities to disable Windows 10 updates

One of the undoubted disadvantages of the Windows 10 operating system is its obsessive desire to update without the user’s desire. And this often happens at the wrong time. Or updates installed by the system itself not only did not improve the performance, but also broke some functions. Therefore, it is logical that the user would want to interfere with the automatic update process and disable it or at least enable it on a schedule.

How to disable automatic updates in Windows 10

Let us immediately warn you that each method described below has limitations in operating system editions. Let's remember that Windows 10 has 11 of them:

  • Home;
  • Home for one language;
  • Home with Bing;
  • Professional;
  • S (Professional configuration);
  • Mobile;
  • Corporate;
  • Corporate with long-term service;
  • For educational institutions;
  • Mobile corporate;
  • Io T Home.

You can find out more about the editions and their functions.

Now let's look at the 3 main ways to disable the update.

Disabling the update center (service)

We act in stages:

Now about the versions. This method is suitable for Professional, Home and Corporate.

Disabling through the Local Group Policy Editor

The following method is only suitable for Windows 10 Professional and Enterprise.

  1. Search again, this time we start entering “Group..” and click on the control panel element already offered to us.
  2. In the editor, go to the “Computer Configuration” branch. Next is the “Administrative Templates” folder. Here we look for “Windows Components”. And finally - “Windows Update”. In the window on the right, select “Setting automatic updates”.
  3. Click on “Change policy setting”. In this window, activate the “Disabled” item. Apply the changes and close.

Through deletion from the registry

Well, the third method, which will not work only in the Home version, is through the Windows 10 Registry Editor.

Programs to disable Windows 10 update

Since many users are dissatisfied with the “independence” of Windows 10, programs to interfere with the operation of the system were not long in coming. Among others - Win Updates Disabler. One of the undoubted advantages of this utility is that it is free. However, before downloading and installing a version of this program, it is worth checking it for viruses so as not to harm the system. The program is intuitively simple and clear to use - put a checkmark next to the desired item (the program of the same name) and apply the changes.

The program itself will disable the firewall and system defender that are interfering with it, but to do this, when installing and using the program, you must act as an administrator.

Among similar programs, Windows Update Blocker is also in demand. However, you will have to pay for its use.

The official Windows update management utility

There are suggestions that the Windows developers themselves realized that the intrusiveness of the system is slightly annoying, and standard tools make it difficult for the average user to manage this process, or even block it altogether. Moreover, situations began to arise when the updates that arrived not only did not improve the system, but also broke some of its functions. Therefore, the developers themselves created a utility to block updates.

The program is called Show or hide updates.

There is one thing: only those updates that you have not installed yet are shown. This means that if an unwanted update is already installed on the system, then it must first be removed (by system means) and only then hidden using the utility.

Video: how to disable Windows 10 updates

How to enable automatic updates

We have already mentioned above how to resume the automatic update service.

When working with Windows policies, the sequence of actions is the same as when turning them off, only this time we need the “Enabled” item.

Now let's talk about managing updates and possible problems with it.

Setting up automatic updates

It's likely that you're happy with automatic system updates, but would just like to have control over their schedule. Then you should do the following:

  1. In Search, look for “Options”.
  2. Go to “Update and Security”.
  3. By clicking on “Advanced options” we will be able to choose the appropriate method for installing updates from two available ones: automatically or after a reboot notification.

    Also, as you can see, we can select “Delay updates” - in this case, downloading and installing updates will be disabled for some time.

  4. Well, to view the updates installed on your computer, you can go to “Programs and Features” and find the “Installed updates” item there. Here the user can delete the desired update.

Windows 10 Update won't open

This situation may arise due to a malfunction of the entire system. The problem that has arisen can be solved in a universal way - through the Windows Troubleshooting tool.

  1. In Search, enter the name of the tool and click on the result of the same name.

    Select the highlighted item

  2. Here we select the “System and Security” item, and in it - the first sub-item.

    Select the first sub-item in the “System and Security” item

  3. We see the Windows Update window. Now we check that there is a checkmark under the “Advanced” link (as in the picture below), and click Next, then Next again.

    Check the box and select "Run as..."

  4. Now we wait. What is happening now: the error correction tool stops the update service; renames the folder in which the update cache is stored; restarts the service. Upon completion of these actions, the result will be displayed on the screen as in the picture below.

    We have a report in front of us: what the tool found and what it corrected.

  5. Close the patch tool and make a new attempt to install updates.

So, to manage automatic system updates, the average user has access to both standard Windows tools and third-party utilities that are simple and easy to use. It is impossible to say unequivocally whether a system update brings benefit or harm - for everyone it is subjective. But, nevertheless, it will never be superfluous to configure automatic updates to suit the characteristics of your computer. The main thing is to follow the instructions and do not forget that you always work with system files and services at your own peril and risk.

One aspect that Microsoft can't seem to get right is Windows Updates. The situation improved with subsequent updates, but not as much as we would have liked, and Windows 10 updates still remain a poorly customizable feature. A significant number of users are constantly trying to avoid spying activities carried out by Microsoft. Many also try to disable Windows 10 updates due to lack of Internet traffic, because these updates eat up the entire limited plan from SIM cards. Some people are annoyed by terrible slowdowns when updating the system. Let's look at three methods that are suitable for Windows 10 Home, Pro, Enterprise editions.

1. Use metered connections

If you use the Internet via WiFi, you can use the “metered connections” function. Windows 10 will automatically stop and disable downloading updates on your computer.

  1. Open " Options".
  2. Click " Network and Internet".
  3. In the left panel, select " WiFi".
  4. Click on the name of your Wi-Fi network.
  5. Scroll down to " Limited connections".
  6. Move the switch to " On".

2. Using the Group Policy Editor

Unfortunately, "metered connections" does not work if you use an Ethernet cable for the Internet. You should use the Group Policy Editor instead:

  1. Click Win+R.
  2. Enter gpedit.msc and press Enter.
  3. Click " Computer configuration".
  4. Select " Administrative Templates".
  5. Click " All parameters".
  6. Scroll down to " Setting up automatic updates" and double-click the entry.
  7. Select " Included" in the top left corner.
  8. Select " Notify about downloads and automatic installations".
  9. Click " Apply".

3. Disable via Registry Editor

In the Windows 10 Home edition, there are no group policies, so we will disable updates through the registry.

  1. Click Win+R.
  2. Enter regedit.
  3. Follow the path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows.
  4. In folder Windows, create a section WindowsUpdate.
  5. In folder WindowsUpdate, create a section AU.
  6. In the field on the right, create a parameter DWORD 32 bits With name NoAutoUpdate and meaning 1 .

4. Defer and disable windows 10 updates

Surely you are working on a computer or laptop and you receive patches from Microsoft that begin to heavily load the entire system and you don’t know what to do. Thanks to the new feature, you can pause Windows 10 updates for 35 days, which is a humane way to get rid of all the brakes and strange downloads.

  • Go to " Windows Update" and on the right select " Extra options".

Scrolling down, you will see the line " pause updates" and drag the slider to On.

5. Win Update Stop utility

Microsoft recently announced that system updates will continue to be available, and it will not be possible to disable them forever, just postpone them for a while. All methods to disable it with different versions of Windows work every once in a while. All that was left was to resort to third-party processes, and the Win Update Stop program came in handy. You don't need to go into the registry settings and do it manually. With just one click of a button, updates will be permanently stopped on your computer. And you can turn them on whenever you want. Supports all editions of Windows 10/8.1/7. NoVirusThanks is well known for providing useful utilities for Windows users, and Win Update Stop is no exception. Download the program from the official website NoVirusThanks.


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