How to open a candy store? My island of sweets. How not to do business

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Many of you probably know what a candy store is. Good store with a large assortment of sweets, cookies, marmalade, and other “goodies” - this is a real paradise for a gourmet with a sweet tooth. There are probably very few families in the whole world in which children and adults do not love sweets. There is a lot of money in this business, and it would be an unforgivable mistake to ignore the story about how to open a sweets store.

The process of organizing a trade in sweets from the technical side of the issue is practically no different from opening any other outlet, for example, from how to open a grocery store, a spice and seasoning store, or a coffee store. The main difference, perhaps, lies in the storage conditions of the goods, because many sweets require a limited shelf life. But first things first.

Brief business analysis:
Costs of setting up a business:1.3 - 1.6 million rubles
Relevant for cities with the population: from 40 thousand
Industry situation:developed trade sector
Difficulty of organizing a business: 2/5
Payback: from 6 to 12 months

Why do people buy sweets? For various reasons: someone has become accustomed since childhood to “eating” grievances, worries, etc. with sweets. Others use various “goodies” to achieve a good mood. Still others - to obtain energy (as you know, sweets are the main source of carbohydrates necessary to produce calories). In general, there are a huge number of reasons for eating sweets.

As with any other business, the location of the store will have a bearing on its successful work great importance. Almost all market experts advise not to locate your outlet next to super- or hypermarkets (or directly in them) and other stores selling similar products, if the range of your goods is not fundamentally different from those of competitors. There are several reasons for this, but the main one is cheaper sweets in large chain stores.

Successful characteristics for a store are the proximity of recreation parks, schools and other educational institutions, kindergartens, or a residential area. In any case, you should take into account that the traffic of your target audience in this place is high enough to ensure a decent level of sales. You can find out how to determine your target audience in this article. In our case, these will, of course, be children - the biggest lovers of sweets.

If you choose a residential area for your store, it would be better if it were new buildings; this is where, as a rule, young families with small children buy apartments. Square trading floor depends on the product range. If you sell exotic sweets, or products whose analogues are difficult to find, you can get by with 60-80 sq. m. at first. meters. Or even start trading with a sweets kiosk.

If your assortment does not contain anything “extraordinary,” then you can beat your competitors with a wider range of products offered. People, as a rule, tend to go to those retail outlets that offer big choice variety of products.

Trade assortment

It must be said right away that you should not try to “embrace the immensity” and try to trade everything that you can think of. Moreover, determining the product range of a candy store also depends on its location. For example, a location in a prestigious area implies expensive, exclusive confectionery products. In an ordinary residential area, it is better to sell inexpensive goods, but with a large selection. From time to time it is worth adding something new to the assortment, because everything eventually becomes boring.

So, what can a candy store offer its customers?

  • 50-70 types of different chocolates
  • 30-50 types of caramel
  • 20-30 types of sweets in boxes
  • 30-40 types of different chocolate
  • 15-25 types of marmalade and the same amount of marshmallows
  • 30-50 types of cookies (both loose and packaged)
  • 10-20 types of cakes and the same number of pastries
  • 20-30 types of ice cream
  • 20-30 types of soft drinks
  • 20-30 types of baked goods

Oriental sweets can be highlighted in a separate line, for example, Turkish delight, chak-chak, halva, sherbet, baklava, nougat, nogul, nishallo, etc.

If you want traffic to constantly increase, control the freshness of sweet products. This is especially true for cakes, pastries, marshmallows, and oriental sweets. Remember that it will take several months to gain a positive reputation, and one stale cake will be enough to destroy it.

At first, baked goods and confectionery products can be ordered from local producers. Over time, when your sweets store gets on its feet, you can think about it. To organize your own confectionery shop and a cafe attached to it (you will find a typical business plan for a confectionery cafe in this). In general, there are many areas for “growth” for your store. The main thing is to “start” successfully.

Shop equipment

In general, we can say that sweets are intended to create positive emotions. This means that the interior of your future store should correspond to the theme of joy and fun. For example, you can decorate the walls with original funny pictures. Jokes about overeating sweets are a good idea. By the way, the name of the store also plays an important role. You can find out how to come up with the “correct” name for your outlet.

The main assortment of the sweets store is weighted goods. Therefore the majority necessary equipment There will be shelves for candies, cookies, and other products. To demonstrate confectionery products you will need refrigerated display cases. Their quantity depends on the number of units of certain confectionery products.

Refrigerated cabinets will be needed to store sweets. Almost any sweet at above-zero temperatures will either melt or lose its appearance. Or should saving on refrigeration equipment mean dooming yourself to more heavy expenses in future. To store ice cream, you need to install freezers.

So, the format of a sweets store with weighted goods may only involve weighing purchases at the checkout; you will need a counter for the seller, and several electronic scales.

Supplier search

After opening the store, the first small quantities of goods can be purchased at the nearest wholesale stores or, if possible, directly from manufacturers of sweet products. In small batches in order to look at customer preferences and determine the optimal assortment. After the assortment is finally formed, the store is “promoted”, and the influx of visitors increases every day, the purchase of products must be made only from manufacturers. It will be much cheaper this way. Why can’t this be done immediately after starting trading? Because if direct suppliers are not in " walking distance“You will lose more on transporting sweets. And only after purchasing quantities become large, purchasing directly from manufacturers will become profitable. By the way, in this case it will be possible to even reduce the price a little, so one intermediate link will “fall out” of the chain - the reseller.

To purchase cakes, pastries, pastries, and other similar products, you need to visit all the bakeries and confectionery shops in your city to find the most acceptable offer. It is best to conclude an agreement with delivery. There is a little trick in this.

Most often, confectionery products such as cakes and pastries lose their appearance during transportation (they fall, wrinkle, break, etc.). If you transport the products yourself from the place of shipment, then no one will reimburse you if the products are damaged. But if you receive products of an improper type, the supplier will be obliged to replace it.

Business registration

The most acceptable form of management entrepreneurial activity for a novice businessman it is an individual entrepreneur. You can find out how to open an individual entrepreneur at this link -. The articles “What taxes does an individual entrepreneur pay” and “How to choose a taxation system” will also be useful to you.

If you don’t want to delve into all the intricacies of accounting science, you can entrust the registration of an individual entrepreneur to a company that specializes in such things. There are also companies engaged in accounting for entrepreneurs.

Sweets have long been identified as a separate niche in the food market segment. This happened primarily due to the number of manufacturers, the products themselves in the assortment and the ability to supply such products from Europe, America or eastern countries. You've probably noticed that now sweet products are presented in a separate segment of the store, and often a seller is assigned to this area.

In this article, we will look at how to open a candy store in your city and what basic steps you will need to go through to do this.

Pros and cons of business

Let's highlight both the positive and negative sides this business.

The advantages include:

  • high demand for products.
  • a wide selection of products from different manufacturers.
  • the ability to start in almost any locality.
  • relatively small initial investment.
  • high competition, not only among private stores, but also large grocery chains.
  • low markup on goods.
  • shelf life of products. If we talk about baked goods or cakes, then you need to sell these products in just a few days.

These are the main points and if they suit you, then you can try to start working in this direction.


In order to conduct a legal business selling sweets, you need to obtain all documents and permits from inspection services.

Here's what you'll need:

  • open IP.
  • indicate OKVED for the activity. For Russia this is code 52.11, 52.2. For Ukraine – 47.
  • recruit staff.
  • Employees must have medical records.
  • obtain quality certificates for products from suppliers.
  • enter into a lease agreement for the premises.
  • obtain permission from the SES and fire service.
  • decorate the buyer's corner.

This is the main package of documents. To approach this issue competently, we recommend seeking help from an experienced lawyer; he will help draw up all the documents and advise where any questions arise.

Location and premises

Firstly, the main and probably the most important fact When starting a business on sweets, it is a trading place. Great option there will be a bunch grocery store with a “delicious products” department. This is the mode in which many entrepreneurs operate.

Among the options for finding places to rent, you can consider: shopping malls with grocery departments, children's entertainment centers, amusement parks, grocery stores.

You should look for a room with an area of ​​about 10 – 25 sq.m. This is quite enough to place small showcases and display products. Plus, preferably, the presence of a small warehouse. The rent will be $300 - $1000, it all depends on the region in which you plan to work.


The second point is the selection of equipment for a business selling sweets. Here it is important to combine counters and glass containers to give a presentable look for display cases.

The main equipment includes:

  • stands for product display;
  • counter with compartments for products;
  • stands and equipment for selling milk and oxygen cocktails;
  • juicer;
  • refrigerator for ice cream and yoghurt;
  • electronic balance;
  • cash machine.

The total cost of equipment for a retail outlet with an area of ​​15 - 25 sq.m. will be about $4600 - $7500.

Pay special attention to the lighting of display cases and shelves with sweets. Proper lighting can significantly improve the appearance of your store and increase sales.


When compiling an assortment, you will need to conduct a whole research in order not only to carry the most popular goods, but also to present something unique in order to distinguish yourself from competitors. For example, when opening a store, many allocate shelf segments for products from Europe, America or oriental sweets. People often come to you for such products and, in addition, they always take related products. In addition, using this method on you, word of mouth will work well, since you will be recommended to acquaintances and friends. Another example is the department of healthy sweets made from natural products no chemicals. This range can be offered in big city, since the price tag for the products is quite high. But the topic is relevant due to the growing popularity healthy image life.

From the classic assortment we can highlight:

  • candies (chocolate, caramel, jelly, etc.);
  • chocolates and chocolate bars;
  • candies in boxes (various price segments);
  • products by weight (wafers, cookies, cakes, dragees, etc.);
  • gelatin products;
  • ice cream and yoghurts;
  • from drinks: juices, fresh drinks, oxygen cocktails, sweet water.

Today, there are a huge number of different manufacturers of sweet products, so finding suitable ones is not difficult. Pay special attention to the quality of the product; it should always be at its best.

Also, monitor the freshness of all products daily - this is the key to the success of this business idea. Your target customers will often be children, so by selling stale goods, parents will provide you with bad publicity and it will be very difficult to restore your reputation.

Product suppliers

If you have your own vehicle, then you can easily go to wholesale markets and purchase products yourself. Otherwise, if there is no such opportunity, or you are far from regional centers where are the wholesalers located? food markets, you need to think about working with sales representatives.

In the future, if sales volumes of sweet products grow, you can go directly to manufacturers and buy products at even lower prices. favorable price, increasing your earnings from the business. The same pastries or cakes can be purchased from local entrepreneurs who are engaged in this line of business.


For the normal functioning of your store, you will need sellers. You need at least two of them, with shift schedule work. The salary should be set in the form of a small salary and interest rate from the profit received.

Sellers will need to register and pay a monthly tax for them.

Since most products in this segment are sold by weight, in this case, look at the speed of customer service, as we know, no one likes to wait. A slow seller can bring you losses, so constantly monitor the process itself and, if necessary, look for new personnel.


Marketing promotions can be divided into two main types: classic and original. The first type includes: a bright sign, leaflets with discounts, an advertising stand near the store, etc. TO original approaches may include: tasting of sweets, free juice with a purchase of a certain amount, etc. This works well and will help attract more customers to your store.

How much is this business worth?

Already at the stage of drawing up a business plan for a candy store, you will be able to calculate investments in the business and predict profits. We will try to help you with this.

Starting investments:

  • purchase of equipment - $4600
  • documentation – $300
  • corporate identity – $250
  • initial purchase of products – $6000

Monthly expenses:

  • room rental – $400
  • utilities – $40
  • taxes – $120
  • salary – from $200 per employee.
  • Product replenishment – ​​$3500 – $3900
  • advertising – $20
  • transportation costs – $60

To save on start-up capital, you can buy used equipment, or at the beginning of the business, work as a salesperson yourself, and when the store is up and running, hire staff.

How much can you earn?

From one small candy store you can have a net income of about $1000 - $1200. Of course, these numbers are not as impressive as we would like, but still this is a stable business in long years, since the popularity of sweets is unlikely to ever fall.

Business payback is 9 – 12 months.

Conclusions. We showed you an approximate path to opening your own sweets store, and provided some calculations to decide whether it is profitable to start or not, based on the level of competition and availability suitable premises for this business. The demand for these products is high and if you do everything correctly, you can make good money.

Do you have experience in this niche? We look forward to your feedback and recommendations below.

Sweets and candies are a popular product. Not only children, but also adults love them, especially for tea. This line of business is profitable if you approach its implementation wisely. As an entrepreneur, selling candy as a business requires knowing the needs of the buyer. The direction is scalable as a network.

Starting investments: 340,000 rub. The number of employees: 2 people
Planned income per month: 250,000 rub. Market competition: Average
Approximate monthly expenses: 190,000 rub. Payback: Six months

Primary activity

The essence of the candy business is to sell sweets. Suppliers at the market offer a large selection of sweets and cakes. In the store you can sell what people love. Don’t forget, business has some seasonality; in the summer there are much fewer sales. Therefore, it is better to start activity at the end of the year, under New Year and holidays.

What to sell:

  • candies;
  • cakes;
  • cakes;
  • cookie.

Instructions on how to open and what you need for this

Before you open, analyze the city's market. If there are competitors there, you need to study them and the traffic of the stores. Find acceptable purchase prices among suppliers. Find a room, purchase equipment and start working. For this activity in mandatory you need to obtain permission from inspection authorities.

  1. Market analysis.
  2. Drawing up a business plan.
  3. Registration of documents.
  4. Renting premises.
  5. Purchase of equipment.
  6. Hiring staff (video author - My Asia channel).

Stage 1 - registration and preparation of documents

To begin with, register as individual entrepreneur. If you are not going to open several outlets at once, you can choose a simplified form of taxation. Receive all sanitary documents from the SES. The rented premises must meet all cleanliness standards. It will be necessary to conclude agreements for the supply of products from wholesale suppliers.


  • certificate from the SES;
  • permission from the fire department;
  • lease contract;
  • Delivery contract.

Stage 2 - search for premises

You need to look for premises in a passable place, preferably on the main street of the city or near a shopping center. You can watch the traffic on the street or ask salespeople from other stores. You can also open in the current mall. The room needs to be clean and cool. It is advisable to make a beautiful, thematic decoration of the room.

Photo gallery “Room options”

1. Foreign store

2. Store in Russia

Stage 3 - purchase and installation of necessary equipment

Essentially, starting from scratch requires little equipment. The main thing is shelves, racks and a computer for tracking expenses and balances. If cakes or cakes are on sale, purchase refrigerators for storage. If you rent a room without air conditioning, you will have to spend money on it. Since maintaining desired temperature must be mandatory.

Stage 4 - selection of employees

On a small scale, you need several salespeople who will work in shifts. They will also serve as merchandisers. You can do your accounting yourself or outsource it, since if you have one store, it doesn’t make sense to hire an accountant on staff. Often, the supplier’s driver unloads the goods from the vehicle, so a loader is also not needed. The motivation of sellers should be based on the rate and percentage of sales.

Stage 5 - promotion and advertising

Since the product is quite popular all year round, except summer, you can use various sales channels. Supply of sweets to children's centers under contracts, educational establishments. You can organize matinees at a local recreation center and sell volumes of sweets. Leaflets distributed locally near the store will work. To attract people, you can decorate your store brightly and colorfully.

Financial plan

Main items of expenses that cost big money, is the purchase of wholesale quantities and rent. In the first case, the goods can be taken for sale, that is, on credit. In the second case, you will have to pay rent several months in advance. Otherwise, by business standards, the equipment is inexpensive. Don't forget to leave a budget for decoration and unexpected expenses.

Investments in rubles:

  • equipment (150,000);
  • staff (40,000 for two, monthly);
  • rent (100,000);
  • Consumables (50 000).

Total: 340,000 rubles.

Possible risks

Since these are food products, there is a risk of spoilage and expiration. If the store is located in bad place, then there will be no clients. In this sense, it is better not to save on rent. Carry out strict monitoring of the work of sellers for underweight.

How to open a candy store? What are the key nuances that a new entrepreneur needs to keep in mind? What determines the profitability of a retail outlet and business prospects?

Sweets shop: nuances

How to open a retail outlet selling sweet products? By and large, this procedure is no different from the process of launching any other type of business in the food retail sector. The only one important nuance– storage conditions of the goods.

Some types of sweets (chocolate or jam, for example) may require the purchase of special types of refrigerators. Therefore, in some cases, a business plan for a candy store should include an item of expenses for the purchase special types equipment for food storage.

People buy sweets, cakes and cookies to treat themselves or to create a positive atmosphere at the table at home. Therefore, a store that sells sweets must correspond to the spirit of positive emotions.

The effect can be achieved, for example, through a bright, positive interior with original drawings. Buyers purchasing goodies at a retail outlet that knows how to inspire good mood, they remember such places well and return here with joy.

Location factor

It is very important to position the candy store correctly. The business plan for this establishment should include a short analytical report on the area where the outlet will be located. Some marketers believe that it is best to open a sweet shop near markets, recreation parks, shopping or entertainment centers. An alternative is accommodation in an area built up with high-rise residential buildings. In general, you need to open a store where there is a lot of customer traffic.

However, in addition to this rule, which is typical for most types of business, there is another factor that stands apart, and it is specific to the sale of sweets: the target audience of buyers must live in the area where the outlet is located. It is unlikely that high sales of cookies and sweets will be observed in the industrial areas of the city. In turn, areas where there are many schools, nightclubs, and kindergartens are optimal for such a business.

Scale factor

The business plan for a candy store will include such a parameter as the area of ​​the store. There are several marketing strategies regarding it. Firstly, you can open a retail outlet small area and incur minimal costs for its maintenance.

The profit will be relatively small due to low sales volumes. Secondly, you can open a store with large resources in terms of space, with a varied assortment, and generate large revenues, however, the costs of maintaining such a retail outlet will be high.

The entrepreneur, therefore, will have to look for the “golden mean”: either he has a large profit at considerable costs, or he has a modest profit at minimal costs. You need to look at what the net “profit” will be in both cases and, based on this, select the optimal strategy. Some marketers believe that when choosing a format for doing business on a large scale, that is, choosing option number two, there is a better chance of withstanding the competition.

According to recipes from the East

In some cases, a candy store may contain own production goods sold. In this case, one of the premises houses a full-fledged confectionery shop. IN last years Sweets of oriental origin are becoming popular in Russia. Take, for example, Turkish delight: this Turkic dish does not require scarce ingredients, and at the same time it is liked by many gourmets.

The production of most types of oriental sweets is a fairly simple process, since in the countries of origin of these dishes, recipes have existed for several centuries and have not changed with the advent of any technology.

Accordingly, you can prepare them almost at home (and this is especially good for those entrepreneurs who have chosen strategy number one - working at a modest scale of the outlet). To prepare the same Turkish delight, all you need is water, starch, sugar, as well as something for taste (jam, syrup or freshly squeezed juice), as an addition - nuts.

Starting a business

Having drawn up a business plan for a sweets store, the entrepreneur moves on to the stage of its practical implementation. There are several here key points. Firstly, these are relationships with product suppliers. It is necessary to analyze how rational the choice of a certain candy or confectionery factory will be for business.

Secondly, there is an inflationary component in relation to expenses. We need to make sure that, say, an increase in rental prices either does not happen at all or goes at a predictable pace. The same goes for staff salaries. In Russia, the level of remuneration for employees in the retail segment (just like in the bakery and confectionery industry) has not yet reached its ceiling, and it will inevitably increase over the course of several years.

Thirdly, it is necessary to optimize the reporting process to tax authorities and other government agencies so that paperwork does not interfere with the main business and does not take up time. A candy store business plan often does not include these three factors, and the entrepreneur has to learn the nuances of the work through practice.

Surely you, like many other future entrepreneurs who are planning to start some kind of business related to trade, love sweets. When the question arises - what to sell in a future store, sweets and confectionery are a fairly good and promising idea. Despite the difficulties associated with this type of product, it is quite possible to earn a high and stable income by engaging in such a very enjoyable sweet business. In this article we will talk about how to open Candy store sweets, about the key nuances that a novice entrepreneur needs to take into account, as well as what determines the profitability of a sweets store and the prospects for such a business.

What is a modern candy store?

So, let's start with the fact that a sweet shop is a retail outlet specializing in the sale of candies, cookies, cakes, marmalade, caramel, cocktails, ice cream and other sweet foods.

The number of sweet shops has been growing steadily in recent years. There are objective reasons for this. Firstly, this is facilitated by the growing demand for sweet goods against the background of the recent increase in the solvency of the population. Secondly, to open a sweets store you do not need any special knowledge or financial capabilities of an entrepreneur.

Profitability of a candy store

Study confectionery products- undoubtedly cost-effective. According to entrepreneurs who have been involved in such a sweet business for quite some time, if you invest about 7,000 euros in a sweet shop at the start, the payback period for this business will average from 7 to 12 months, depending on the flow of customers.

Particularly good profits can be made on holidays and pre-holidays. But, it should be remembered that there are days when there are practically no people. For example, this often happens in the summer. Then ice cream and soft drinks will bring you income.

Lviv Chocolate Workshop - an example of a sweets store

Estimated costs for opening a candy store

It is possible to open a sweets and confectionery store today, even with about 60 thousand UAH. If you rent space for a store, then most of the money will have to be spent on rent. Rent 1 sq.m. — from 100 UAH. up to 160 UAH This is the average price in Ukraine. So, 50 sq. m. will cost approximately 5000 - 6000 UAH. per month. Be prepared for the landlord to require 3-6 months advance payment. This is how you can agree.

Other estimated costs:

  • Electricity costs - approximately 1100 UAH;
  • Salary of the seller and accountant (if you cannot do the accounting yourself) - 4000 UAH;
  • Signboard - 1700 UAH;
  • Equipment - approximately 25 - 30 thousand UAH;
  • Taxes (on a simplified system) - from 700 UAH. per month;
  • Expenditures ( disposable tableware, napkins, detergents etc.) - 200 UAH;
  • Garbage cans - 400 UAH;
  • Cosmetic repairs - 7 - 9 thousand UAH.

A variety of original offers will attract potential visitors

Registration of the activities of a sweets store

In order to open a store, you need to register as individual entrepreneur or something entity. The registration process is quite simple and anyone can handle it. You just need to go to the city administration, find a branch of the state registration service there, or submit documents through a single window. There you will be given an invoice according to which you need to pay for registration (no more than 100 UAH), you go to the bank and pay. Bring the payment receipt and hand it over to the state registrar.

After submitting the documents, you will be told when you can receive an extract from the Unified State Register.

You can only apply for registration at your place of residence, even if the store is located in another location. Otherwise you will not be registered.

After you receive the extract, you will need to decide which taxation system you want to work on - general or single tax. On common system it is less profitable to work, since there is much more hassle with documentation and reporting and taxes are higher than with a simplified system.

You also need to obtain a work permit from the state sanitary and epidemiological service and firefighters. In theory it's easy and fast, but in practice it may be different. It's better to have some spare funds just in case. quick solution possible non-compliance with their requirements.

How to choose a location and premises for a candy store?

First of all, it is not advisable to open a candy store near large supermarkets, since the assortment will be almost the same, but their prices for a number of goods may be lower.

If you decide to sell goods to a middle-class buyer, it is better to locate the store near major bus stops and densely populated residential areas.

The main thing is that the flow of customers is large and the store is located on the way to a bus stop or somewhere else, for example to a school or kindergarten, then the person seems to come across it. And then, the smell of sweets subconsciously forces you to go into the pastry shop.

The store area must be sufficient to accommodate shelving, display cases, refrigerators, and a counter. Optimal area - 50 square meters. If it is less than 40, the equipment will take up a lot of space and customers will simply have nowhere to stand during peak hours.

There are shops that have tables for visitors, like mini-cafes. Many visitors like that they can take a cup of aromatic coffee, order a cake and eat it on the spot. Then it’s worth considering that you’ll have to add another 10-13 square meters to the tables and chairs.

The premises can be quite simple; an intricate interior will not increase sales. The main thing is cleanliness, good lighting, the smell of freshness and candy, which, by the way, can be obtained with the help of special room-flavoring sprays.

Shopping and entertainment complexes are a good option for locating a candy store. The ideal store format in such places is an “island” of 10-15 sq. m. A big advantage of indoor placement is that it works year-round and is not influenced by seasonality. IN winter period marmalade and caramel are selling well now, summer time- ice cream and cocktails. December and January are generally considered the most profitable months.

A good choice of location for a candy store is the key to success

What equipment do you need for a candy store?

To place candies, you need wall and corner racks (6-9 sections). There are special metal confectionery racks that are distinguished by their stable design, the presence of several sections for candies on each shelf, and the ability to install a mirror at the top of the rack.

The cost of one section (without mirror elements) is approximately 1400 UAH. These racks can be equipped with two inclined shelves with barriers to place chocolate and candy in boxes on them (add another 230 UAH to the cost of the rack).

Trade counters or display cases for cookies and chocolate, as well as a counter for the seller, are also needed. They are most often made from chipboard and cost on average from 500 to 1000 UAH. per piece

You will also need a refrigerated confectionery display case with temperature conditions from 0 to + 10 degrees (1-2 pcs.). According to the storage requirements for cakes and pastries, optimal temperature should be from +1 to +8 degrees Celsius. Such a showcase will be needed to display cakes and pastries. It costs on average from 10 thousand UAH. By the way, when choosing, pay attention to the width of the display to fit more goods, and to energy consumption to reduce costs. And take it with curved glass - this way the view will be better and the appearance of the display case will be neater.

Of course, you cannot do without a refrigerated display cabinet for storing cakes. It can be one or two doors, average cost such - from 5 to 10 thousand UAH.

Since the goods are mainly weighted, it is quite logical that an electronic weight will also come in handy. It comes with or without receipt printing. Cost 800 - 1100 UAH. regular, but the weight of electronic with check printing is already from 8 thousand UAH.

Tables and chairs - 500 - 800 UAH / piece. The main requirements: stability, practicality, must be easy to clean from dirt.

Sweets shop staff

At first, it will be quite enough to work on your own. This is desirable, not at all because you can save on staff, but because it is desirable to understand all the intricacies of this business yourself.

You will need to decide on the assortment, find out when peak hours will be, and so on.

In the future, it is not difficult to find a seller; nowadays it is enough to go online or buy a newspaper. It’s more difficult to teach him to work with customers so that they return to your store. You understand that to run a successful business, it is not enough to let go of what they tell you. You also need to be able to offer a product that will go bad in three or four days, otherwise you will end up in the red.

The person selling sweets should radiate joy and warmth, and not look at people entering as if they owe something. And also, he is very good at navigating the assortment, being decent, treating children well and loving cleanliness.

The variety of assortment in sweet shops is another key to a successful business.

Assortment of sweets at a confectionery store

The choice of assortment directly depends on the city or area in which your store is located, or more precisely, on the solvency of potential buyers. For example, if the area is prestigious, with many banks, offices, boutiques, then you should focus on exclusive products.

If this is a residential neighborhood, where besides you there are also confectionery shops, it is optimal to bet on the average price segment, show the breadth of assortment, periodically come up with promotions and discounts. This is the only way you can “entice” customers from neighboring stores.

It is advisable to form the assortment based on the wishes of customers. To do this, at first you need to actively monitor the preferences of customers and clearly understand that the assortment needs to be constantly monitored. It is not enough to determine the items that are purchased once, as this is done in the sales of other goods.

Confectionery products have one peculiarity - they become boring, and therefore you will have to control the assortment and constantly introduce new items. People love to try new and unusual things, and this must be taken into account.

The assortment of an average confectionery store might look like this:

  • Approximately 80 types of chocolates;
  • Caramels - about 30 types;
  • Chocolates in boxes - from 30 types;
  • All sorts of marshmallows and marmalades;
  • About 30-40 types of cookies and chocolate;
  • Showcase with oriental sweets, nuts and dried fruits.

Carbonated drinks, ice cream, sweet water, coffee and tea may also be on sale. You can also include bakery products in the assortment. Some will come in for bread and leave, while others will buy chocolate, cake or candy in addition to bread.

The markup on a product can be set based on the prices of competitors; approximately in this business it is 20-35% for almost everything. Perishable goods (cakes and pastries) can be discounted by 50%.

Cakes and pastries can be ordered from local confectionery manufacturers. This will make it possible to always have fresh goods, and will also simplify delivery issues.


Therefore, anyone who wants to open their own business, whether it’s confectionery or other goods, should always try to do something new, creative and unusual. In the case of a candy store, look for your “trick,” love what you do, and you will succeed. Good luck and may everything work out exactly as you planned!


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