How to distinguish a witch from an ordinary person. How to recognize a witch in our time

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This is actually quite difficult to do. It used to be that witches walked bent over and in black robes (or at least that’s how they were described in various literary works), now this happens extremely rarely. Witches, like everyone else, dress beautifully. Unless they choose slightly more muted colors. After all, if everything was different, they could easily be recognized. But this does not happen.

It is also optional today to have long braid. Remember various TV series and films. Almost all heroines have hair either shoulder-length or slightly lower, just like ordinary girls. As for the Devil's mark (or that big mole), it can not only be hidden, as mentioned above, but also well camouflaged. Good cosmetics there is plenty for that today.

But how to determine? Look out for the following: a hoarse male voice or high growth, a tenacious and rather heavy gaze, “diabolical” attractiveness (it definitely “catches” with something), the presence of any unusual accessories, eyes - dark or, sometimes different color. Looking at you, it seems to penetrate straight into your soul. Remember that all these signs must be combined. You cannot indiscriminately accuse someone of witchcraft. To test your guess that this woman is a witch, you can invite her to visit and quietly stick two needles crosswise into the threshold, as grandmothers used to do. Until they are removed, she will not be able to leave.

How to recognize a witch by behavior?

The witch always leads. She can talk to herself (so it seems from the outside, in fact she is talking with an invisible interlocutor). Strange events often occur around her: they appear as if out of nowhere. various items(“This wasn’t here 5 seconds ago!”), other people’s voices are heard, although if you look into her room it turns out that there is no one and nothing there except her - and the video equipment is not turned on. Also, if you are her (relative), she can talk about unusual things that would be unlikely to happen to anyone else. But this is only due to inexperience. More mature witches never tell anyone anything. And another sure sign is that witches always leave the church, if they go there, with their backs forward. They can't do it any other way. It’s just that your back begins to burn as if with a hot iron, and there is a wild pain.

Now you know the witch from an ordinary person. Protect yourself and your loved ones from the interference of otherworldly forces!

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Every nation, no matter what religion it professes, always has representatives endowed with extraordinary powers. Some people consider them shamans, others – mediums, and in our homeland they are usually called “witches”.

Despite the fact that they are capable of different things - kind and not so kind, they are very similar in appearance to ordinary people. However, in special places and in certain situations, they can exhibit different behavior, which, if observed correctly, can help you unmask the mysterious interlocutor.


If you go back to the origins of the ancient Slavic language, you can come across the word “after all,” which means skill, wisdom and knowledge. Based on this, many centuries ago, smart women who knew how to cure illness with the help of herbs and prayers were called witches.

However, in those days the church had quite a strong influence on social life, and at a certain point its representatives began to consider all girls endowed with unearthly abilities as witches. And if the matter had ended only with accusations: they were tried as accomplices of the devil and burned at the stake.

It was during this period of the era that the first signs appeared by which they began to identify witches.


If outwardly a witch may look like ordinary woman, her behavior in some places will be very ambiguous.

  1. Go to Maundy Thursday V Orthodox church. In this case, all your clothing must be worn inside out. When entering a church, try not to touch anything. The naked sorceress will be facing the exit.
  2. Bless a candle on the Sunday before Easter. On any other day, bring it to the temple and light it. This method is so powerful that it will force the witch to change her position upside down.
  3. Take a rowan twig to church. Hide it closer to your body under your robe and go into the temple. Woman with magical abilities will be turned to face the exit, although she will try to portray sincere prayers.
  4. It is quite possible to expose, not only in the church. If you have a friend in whom you see witchcraft qualities, see if she has done the following:

To drain the energy from her victim, the witch walks around her in a circle counterclockwise and then pushes her lightly. If you notice similar movements, do the same with her, and then push with your left hand. After that she won't bother you anymore.

  1. A woman associated with evil spirits, can be determined by secretly hiding in the barn where the animals are kept. If you see a black cat enter the room or a frog jump, injure it. After this, the sorceress will have a mark in that very place: a bruise, scratch or cut.


  1. A piercing gaze. If you have to meet eyes with a witch, you will see piercing eyes that, like an x-ray, shine through. Eye color is most often green or gray-green.
  2. The general facial features of a woman with dark energy are very attractive. As a rule, she is beautiful, but it is impossible to determine exactly what attracts her to her. The beauty is devilish - it attracts and frightens at the same time.

Witches are endowed with unearthly magnetism. After the company of this person, you may feel empty and depressed. Thus, she steals life energy.

  1. A real witch always has masculine features - voice timbre, height, physique.
  2. They can boast long hair. Her strength lies in her thick hair: if it is shortened, the demon’s abilities are reduced.
  3. Witches prefer black outfits, often below the knees. They are especially passionate about accessories: there should be a lot of them.


It is believed that every fury has the “Mark of the Devil” from birth, as if in this way he marks his servants.

  • The so-called marks in women associated with evil spirits are located in places invisible to others: on inside lips, on intimate places, in hair, eyebrows, etc.
  • Particularly strong are those whose moles are large in size and have clear, bizarrely shaped contours.
  • Also, any unevenness of the skin with reverse side knees and armpits.

Exposing the modern witch

They are quite well-groomed and know how to camouflage perfectly.

  • If you look at photographs of a witch over the last ten years, you will probably notice that her appearance has not changed. And we're not talking about hair color or eyebrow shape. It seems as if her age is timeless, because she is equally beautiful and young at 20, 30 and 40 years old. The fact is that witches know the secrets of nature and are able to perform numerical rituals, thanks to which their appearance does not change for many years.
  • These are quite sexy ladies, they easily conquer men. However, despite all the attractiveness, they are most often alone, because not every representative of the stronger sex is ready to spend the lion's share of their life with a femme fatale.

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How to spot a witch? All internet savvy offers a lot of ways: one of the signs of witchcraft is considered to be an averted gaze - witches do not like to look into a person’s eyes. There shouldn't be any moles on the witch's body or, on the contrary, there should be huge birthmarks. Inappropriate behavior, eccentricities, a black cat living in the house - all these are also signs of a witch.

True, in this way more than half of the female population can be classified as witches. Here is another option: “A witch is a young, sexy attractive woman 20-24 years old, dressed flashily and impressively - in all black. Black color definitely dominates. The clothes are fashionable and obviously expensive. In 7 out of 10 cases, a modern witch is a brunette with short hair. As an option - brown-haired. Eye color is also an indicator. True sign- green eyes; further (descending): black, gray, brown. Blue ones are unlikely anymore. Clever look... yes, of course. Involvement in higher education as an element of appearance. You can easily find some bohemian notes and signs of wealthy origin. It usually quickly becomes clear that this is a capricious, capricious, self-involved creature... who is nevertheless very intriguing.”

Tatyana Shekhar claims that a witch can indeed be distinguished by appearance, but age, hair color and clothing have absolutely nothing to do with it.

Witches can carry both positive and negative charges. It turns out that “positive” witches also exist. For example, among the ancient Slavs, women who raised 16 children were considered such. People believed that such a mother knew a lot and could help with wise worldly advice. The prototype of such a woman can be considered, for example, the heroine of Russian fairy tales - Vasilisa the Wise. She knows how to see the truth in a person and can predict how events will develop in a person’s life. These are very clean, usually religious women who refuse to help anyone; talking with her has a psychotherapeutic - calming effect. They prefer healthy food.

An “evil” witch can be easily identified by a shifting gaze, an unbalanced psyche, unkempt clothing, and even unpleasant smell. She often avoids direct gaze, may hide her eyes behind glasses, and generally prefers food with an unpleasant, strong odor. Unlike the “positive” witch, she does not reassure, does not calm, but intimidates the “client”. The fact is that such a witch “feeds” negative emotions: fear, despair, grief. “They escalate the situation, use intimidation, demand that you ‘give up’ your emotions, and in return promise imaginary wealth and power,” says Shekhar.

The healer notes that there are a lot of “evil” people in government bodies - the State Duma, the government, among local officials, as well as in show business. There are very few “whites” in these areas - officials, deputies, showmen, as a rule, are busy solving personal problems and material enrichment, and they no longer have the energy and time for spiritual development.

By the way, to see a witch or sorcerer, just look in the mirror: every person has unusual, mystical abilities, healers are sure. According to Shekhar, we are talking about the so-called “mystical perfections”: the ability to read thoughts, change sizes, move in space, materialize objects, etc. “A person once possessed these skills, but forgot. Modern life offers him “crutches” in the form of comfort, mobility: cars, cell phones, etc. As a result, these qualities atrophied. We do not develop them because it is not profitable, it costs nothing - you can use modern means progress. We have lost divine possibilities, but they were described in Russian fairy tales - this is where the storehouse of cosmogenesis lies,” says Shekhar. However, experts do not advise developing witchcraft abilities on your own: the energy can get out of control and cause trouble. Or maybe they are just afraid of competition?

How to protect yourself from an evil spirit? Wash the floor and take a bath

Evil spirits exist. Don't believe me? Then remember, did sudden fatigue come upon you? Did you experience any strange irritation? Psychics attribute this to the influence of evil spirits. A person with special abilities can recognize people who have been visited by evil spirits by gray haze and spots on their faces. After some time, the spots may disappear. Everyone else will have to be guided by personal feelings. “It’s enough to eat meat and, without rinsing your mouth after that, go outside. After some time, you will feel tired, drowsy, and irritable. The fact is that there are food residues left in the mouth. And any dirt or impurity attracts evil spirits. They “feed” on such pollution. Therefore, in order not to attract them, it is necessary to maintain cleanliness and personal hygiene. Take a shower twice a day, wash your hands with soap, wear clean clothes and underwear. The same goes for the apartment. You can, of course, as grandmothers advise, paint the door in Blue colour, put two needles crosswise under the doormat, hang a bag of salt or a bell on the door handle, put shells, pebbles and pieces of glass or a red tomato on the windowsill, but Tatyana Shekhar believes that it is enough to simply keep the home clean and tidy, so as not to attract evil forces.

By the way, demons also “feed” on negative emotions: when there is quarreling in the family, they go constant conflicts. Usually, evil spirits They constantly live in the homes of drug addicts and drunkards. Evil spirits can make a person sick. It all starts with a nervous disorder. Then a person quickly gets used to uncleanliness and disorder. “Notice that all crazy people look bad - dirty, smelly. And you can’t force them to wash, they are afraid of water,” says Tatyana Shekhar.

Ways to recognize and protect yourself from a witch or sorcerer.

Now many people are interested in magic and various rituals. Despite this, there are not many true sorcerers. These are people who do not stand out from the crowd. But knowing some tricks and behavioral characteristics, you can easily recognize a sorcerer.

In fact, these are very interesting and unusual people. In this case, there is no need to resort to torture, as during the Inquisition. It is not necessary to set fire to or drown women who seem to you to be witches.

Signs of a witch:

  • Pleasant appearance. The girls are very beautiful and look young, despite their age.
  • Stylish clothes. Such people love to be the center of attention, so they prefer to dress stylishly. The wardrobe is dominated by clothes in dark colors.
  • Intelligence. It is interesting to communicate with such people. They are educated and very smart even in everyday matters.
  • Presence of moles. Witches and wizards often have interesting places There are moles and birthmarks. They are usually found in the groin, armpits or chest.
  • There is something repulsive in the look. Such people are often repelled, despite their attractiveness. The look is very piercing, you feel strange.

It is not easy to recognize a possessed person. Everything is not at all like in the films. It is not necessary that a possessed person writhes in convulsions and talks to himself.

Signs of demon possession:

  • Gluttony
  • Constant swear words
  • Hallucinations
  • Constant fears
  • Fear of the Church
  • Fear of Christian relics

Such people are often afraid to be in church, do not drink holy water and avoid talking about God.

Despite the fact that many consider the church a holy place, many unusual and scary things can happen in it. This is a great place full of energy. It is believed that in the church a person considers himself sanctified and protected, but this is not so. Witches don't even sleep in church. This is an excellent place for witchcraft and rituals.

Reasons why witches visit churches:

  • Burning candles for repose
  • Take salt and that's it necessary ingredients for witchcraft
  • Transferring negative energy to everyone around you

Witches in the church behave in an unusual way. To avoid falling into the clutches of a witch, pay attention to details. You can easily recognize both the evil and the good witch.

Features of the behavior of witches in the church:

  • They walk backwards. This can happen both during the service and while leaving the temple.
  • Crossing yourself incorrectly. Perhaps she does it from the bottom up. You should be suspicious of people who cross themselves with their left hand.
  • Please note that after you place the candles for health, no one touches them. If you notice that some woman took your candle, she is a witch. You will have to perform a ritual to prevent damage.
  • Stands under the temple before it opens and touches the doors. Witches strive to be the first to enter the temple, so they can push at the doors of the temple, touch the handles, doors and walls.

Signs of obsession:

  • A man runs and screams in a temple
  • A child or adult may experience convulsions or seizures
  • The man feels very bad and wants to leave the temple
  • Feels unwell, to the point of losing consciousness

Priests have a negative attitude towards sorcerers and healers visiting temples. Church ministers believe that you can get rid of illnesses through prayer. In addition, church paraphernalia cannot be used to cause harm. Of course, no one will drive a woman out of church who behaves strangely. But she may be reprimanded and asked to leave the temple.

There are many ways to protect yourself from a witch or magician. You don't have to go to a healer for this. There are a lot of interesting and effective rituals that will help protect yourself from the evil eye and various types of damage. Of course, there is no need to deny yourself visiting church, but you should be careful in the temple.

Options for protecting against a witch:

In the church. If you notice that one of the visitors is behaving strangely, walking backwards or touching other people’s candles, you can say to yourself: “Sorcerer, sorcerer, cut your body, drink your blood. But you don’t care about my blood, about my body. Amen".

Make a protective amulet. You can use a blue stone for this. Hold it in the sun and ask it to help you.

In churches, do not allow strangers to move candles from one place to another. It is also prohibited to let someone light a candle with your own candle. You can say: “A pound of millet, a pound of poppy, Christ is risen against the Sorcerers.”

If you are standing in a temple with a candle, and it begins to smoke and smoke, look at your feet. If you see a needle, move away from that area and continue praying.

Before leaving the house, you can say the words: “The cross is above me, the cross is below me, the cross is on the sides, the cross is in front and behind.” They will help you achieve success in business and protect you from evil spirits.

Place aspen branches under the insoles of your shoes. They will help you avoid clashes with witches and energy vampires.

To protect against possessed people and to cleanse them of spirits, a number of prayers are used. The most common are prayers to Seraphim, Pansophia of Athos and prayer to Jesus from the tricks of the Devil. Ask the priest to dedicate the apartment. Below are options for prayers for protection from demons.

Conspiracy for salvation from demoniacs and sorcerers:

I will go, blessed, from the hut through the doors into the entryway, from the entryway into the yard, from the yard into the gate, under the red sun, under an open field, into open field the holy church of God stands, the Royal doors themselves are dissolved, the servant of God (name) himself is being charmed by sorcerers, by witches, by sorceresses, by witches; Whoever thinks foolishly about me, count the woods in the forest, the sand in the sea, and the stars in the hut. Forever and ever. Amen! As you can see, it is very difficult to protect yourself from witches and sorcerers even in a temple. Therefore, do not be lazy to make an amulet and read prayers regularly.

Prayer to Seraphim

Prayer of Pansophius of Athos

As you can see, it is very difficult to protect yourself from witches and sorcerers even in a temple. Therefore, do not be lazy to make an amulet and read prayers regularly.

VIDEO: How to protect yourself from witches?

This is how, in the words of a peasant woman, a teacher at a primary school in the village describes the appearance of a witch. Kabanei P. M. Marusov: an elderly woman, usually an old woman, tall, thin, thin, bony, somewhat hunched over, disheveled hair or escaping from under a scarf, large eyes with an angry expression, yellow or gray, slanted under frowning eyebrows look, always sideways, and never directly into the eyes of another person; in the pupils “boys” with their heads down (village of Arapovka, 18th century); the mouth is wide, the lips are thin, the chin protrudes forward, the arms are long. This is the portrait old witch, drawn by a peasant woman. Then, a born, “born” witch always has a small movable tail and a black strip of hair along the back - a “black stitch” from the back of the head to the waist.

In order to identify a witch, it is necessary to make sure that the woman passing for a witch really is real witch, for this it is recommended the following techniques and funds.

1. When passing by a group of women, you just have to fold your “dula” and put that hand under your armpit, then if there is a witch among the gathered women, she will certainly begin to scold. This technique turns out to be especially effective if used on Holy holiday.

2. When walking along the street where the witch lives, it is enough to spit back so that she immediately jumps out of her yard and into the street.

3. Pour warm, fresh milk from the cow over the rubbish in the yard - the witch will immediately run to that place, because otherwise she will get sick.

4. Pour milk from the cow that the witch is milking or that has been spoiled into a frying pan, and put the frying pan on the fire - the witch will immediately appear, because as the milk warms up in the frying pan, the witch’s internal heat will gradually increase. .

Upon entering the house, the witch or witcher will strenuously ask to lend her something, but one should not pay the slightest attention to these requests; then she will convincingly ask you to take the frying pan out of the oven, not to torture it, - she will say that it is burning and boiling inside her, like milk boiling in a frying pan. Then do whatever you want with the witch: she will swear never to look into the countryside where the cows are again, and to cure the spoiled one. Others advise pouring milk boiled in a frying pan under the threshold, the witch will immediately appear on the threshold and say: “Why are you torturing the cattle?”

5. If you want a witch to come to you, take a raw dumpling in your mouth when you go to bed, keep it in your mouth all night without taking it out, and then the next morning the witch will come to you and sit with you until you give it to her piece of bread (Kupyansk, 1899).

6. For prayers before Lent, you need to hollow out cheese from a dumpling and put it on your cheek and spend the night with it, and in the morning take it out and tie it in your belt. Then, during Lent, go to church with that cheese 12 times and, finally, go with it in your belt at Easter for Matins. When walking around the church, the witch will come up and ask for cheese. Or at this time, when all the bells are ringing, enter the bell tower with that cheese in your mouth and look from there at the people, you can then see all the local witches: women with a milk milk on their heads, women with a milk milk in their hands, dogs with a milk milk in their teeth will will pass by along with a solemn procession around the church, and there, among the crowd of people, heaps of hay will move, cats, pigs will walk, wheels will roll, white balls - in short, the witches will appear in the forms that they assume during their nightly adventures.

7. Instead of cheese, you can put a knot of poppy seeds in your mouth when going to church for the Passion - the witch will come up and ask you to throw it out of your mouth.

8. Or you can recognize a witch at Easter: when the priest opens the church, the witch is the first to grab the door handle. The one that grabs it is the witch.

9. If a cow is spoiled in the spring before Easter, then the owner of the spoiled cow should only prepare sauerkraut and set it to boil on Easter, so that the witch who spoiled the cow will appear to her. The witch will enter the house and immediately ask: “What are you cooking, godfather?”

10. If you suspect any woman that she is a witch, then when you see her entering the house, sprinkle the first Jordanian water on the threshold in front of her or write a cross on the threshold, then if this woman is really a witch, she will never cross through the threshold and will not enter the house.

11. The woman who came to the fire under Ivan Kupala to ask for fire is a witch.

Witches do not participate in water processions, especially at Epiphany; do not like water at all; when it rains they get sick; swim in the river only when the sun is shining it's raining; refuse nepotism. And if the witch agrees to be a successor, then either she herself will fall ill during the child’s baptism, or the child, more often the latter, dies in the hands of the priest when he is immersed in water.

A distinction is made between natural-born and native witches and learned and timid witches. The first ones have a tail and a black stripe along the back from the back of the head to the waist; the robbed ones have neither a tail nor a stripe. Born witches are considered higher, more important than timid ones because they can not only cause harm, but also correct it, whether it is done by themselves or others, it makes no difference; Meanwhile, a learned witch can do a lot of dirty tricks, but is unable to correct the evil she has done.


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