How to stop drinking at home. Getting out of a long binge: quickly and painlessly

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Doctors know best how to get out of binge drinking. However, there are also folk remedies that help cope with the disease without turning to a narcologist or toxicologist. You need to understand that quitting binge drinking is accompanied by unpleasant sensations, and you won’t be able to get rid of them instantly. But, we will look at how you can make getting out of binge drinking as painless as possible.

The difference between binge drinking and hangover

Before you can solve a problem, you need to acknowledge its existence. Many people justify their condition by blaming it all on a hangover. But a hangover binge differs in that a person is unable to deny himself the pleasure of drinking a glass, two, or sometimes a whole bottle. At the same time, the patient, and such a condition is rightly called a disease, does not understand how much he drank, does not control his condition, and sometimes does not even know where he is.

It is often impossible for a person to independently admit that a person has a problem, but others should come to the rescue. Relatives must do this. During the entire period of recovery from binge drinking, someone should be with the person. Otherwise, the success of this event is in question. He will direct all the strength that an alcoholic has left to searching for alcohol, and not to solving the problem. This is a feature of withdrawal syndrome. Relatives should prevent the consumption of alcoholic beverages while recovering from a drunken state.

The difference between a hangover and binge drinking is that with a hangover a person understands what is happening around him and is ready to consciously give up drinking alcohol. When binge drinking, a person’s perception of reality is distorted. The consequences of a hangover for the body are insignificant, it can even go away without a trace. Binge drinking causes damage to health, sometimes irreparable.

Favorable conditions for quitting binge drinking

Breaking out of binge drinking at home on your own is only possible if certain conditions are created for the person. First of all, we remove alcoholic beverages from the house. It would also be a good idea to remove medications containing alcohol (hawthorn tincture, for example). It will take at least 2 days for a person to break out of binge drinking. During this period, someone should always be with the patient.

Another necessary condition for breaking out of binge drinking at home is the desire of the patient himself to do so. If there is no desire, you can use forceful methods. But in this case it will take much more time. In addition, using forceful methods, there is a risk of harming the patient’s health. Therefore, you must first make sure that the person understands the problem and wants to solve it. If the decision to quit the binge was unconscious, then you should not expect that an alcoholic who has quit the binge will last long without alcohol.

After a person has decided to quit binge drinking, he needs to be given a diet. The food consumed should neutralize the effects of alcohol and help restore the body. In addition to special nutrition, it is necessary to help the patient overcome the depression that is present when leaving the binge.

Breaking out of a binge, if the patient has a desire to stop drinking, is more effective than breaking out of a binge in a hospital.

Factors influencing the ability to break free from binge drinking

The success of this event depends on many factors, the main one of which is the duration of the binge. If an alcoholic, and the state of binge drinking is typical only for alcoholics, drinks for several weeks, then it is extremely difficult to get out of the binge on your own.

The amount of alcohol consumed is also important. If an alcoholic drinks alcohol in large doses every day, then you should not expect him to consciously make any decision, including the decision to quit the binge. When drinking alcohol excessively, a person ceases to understand what is happening around him.

Previous head injuries also affect the success of self-exit from a drunken state. If a person has previously had concussions accompanied by loss of consciousness, then alcohol very quickly clouds the mind. Such a person rarely manages to get out of binge drinking without the help of specialists.

The last factor that influences the successful outcome of this event is the quality of alcohol. Poor quality drinks damage health faster and often cause death for alcoholics.

How to get out of binge drinking on your own

In order for a person to quit binge drinking without the help of specialists, you need to think through all the actions. Most of the attention should be paid to preparation.

Preparatory stage

At this stage, you need to decide how the alcoholic will come out of the binge. Some argue that an alcoholic should be taken out of binge drinking gradually, gradually reducing the dose of alcohol consumed, while others insist that one should stop drinking abruptly. Both the first and second points of view have the right to exist.

In defense of abruptly giving up alcohol, we can say that this method helps to get out of binge drinking quite quickly. As for reducing the dose of alcohol, this method has two positive aspects. Firstly, for an alcoholic, the process of breaking out of binge drinking is more pleasant than when abruptly giving up alcohol. Secondly, the hangover syndrome is not so pronounced, which minimizes the likelihood of delirium tremens.

Reasonable reduction in alcohol intake

To achieve a positive result, you need to properly reduce the dose of alcohol. Experts say that this method helps you get out of binge drinking in 3 days. Therefore, you should evaluate the amount of alcohol an alcoholic drinks during a binge. Then calculate how much you need to reduce the daily dose of alcohol so that after 3 days it equals zero. All alcoholic drinks except beer can be diluted with water.

You should not change alcoholic drinks while recovering from a drunken state. If an alcoholic drank vodka, then you should not switch to beer. As a result of such actions, you can expect a beer binge.

Drinking regime

A person who has come out of binge drinking, having properly organized the drinking regime, can independently detoxify the body. The basis of the drinking regime is water without gas. In addition to water, an alcoholic can drink fruit drinks and juices. We drink tea only with lemon and honey. The patient should also have brine on hand, preferably cucumber or cabbage. To put the nervous system in order, an alcoholic can drink herbal infusions. The best option is decoctions of valerian or motherwort.

Necessary medications when recovering from a drunken state

An alcoholic should have pills at hand that normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The most affordable option is activated carbon. You need to purchase at least 2 plates. In addition to activated carbon or any of its analogues, pancreatin will be useful when coming out of a drunken state.

The liver takes the biggest hit during heavy drinking. Therefore, hepatoprotectors should be on hand when recovering from a drunken state. The most popular today is Essentiale Forte. Gepabene and Heptral are also popular.

The cardiovascular system also suffers during binge drinking. To restore it, an alcoholic needs to be given validol or valocordin.

If necessary, you can give medications that help get rid of insomnia. This is diphenhydramine or donormil. But sleeping pills belong to the group of dangerous medications. Therefore, it is advisable to take them under the supervision of a doctor. At home, it is advisable to drink herbal decoctions before bed that calm the nervous system. If this does not help, opt for those sleeping pills that are made from herbal ingredients.

When taking any medications, the dosage should be strictly observed. It is advisable to first consult with a doctor, who will write a medication regimen when the alcoholic comes out of binge drinking.

Breaking out of binge drinking

So, what needs to be done in order to painlessly get out of binge drinking? Simple rules should be followed for 2-3 days. Throughout the entire period, someone should monitor the condition of an alcoholic recovering from binge drinking and, if necessary, consult a doctor. We bring to your attention a scheme for getting out of a drunken state, which involves a complete cessation of alcoholic beverages.

  • First of all, stop drinking alcohol. This should be done not on the first day, but in the evening of the previous day. Sleep will ease suffering. Therefore, it is advisable to go to bed as early as possible, after drinking water with mint. Dissolve 25 drops of mint in a glass of water. An alternative is mint tea.
  • In the morning, the patient’s first desire will be to have a hangover. You can't do this. Instead of alcohol, we drink large quantities of any drinks (water, kvass, brine, fruit juice, etc.). Carbonated water should not be consumed.
  • During the first day, we drink medications that help normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and cardiovascular system. If necessary, we take anti-vomiting medications. The approximate daily regimen for taking medications is as follows: activated carbon – 10 tablets, Essentiale Forte – 2 capsules, validol – 1-2 tablets, glycine – 10 tablets. But before taking medications, consult a doctor who will make adjustments based on the patient’s general condition, his weight and body characteristics. Women generally need less medication.
  • Vomiting is a normal occurrence when an alcoholic comes out of a drinking binge. This way the body cleanses itself. Therefore, on the first day there is no need to take medications for vomiting, unless this process is continuous and is not accompanied by pain.
  • The first day's diet includes broth. On this day you need to eat no more than 2-3 times. You can eat some bread with the broth, but not fresh and without crust. After meals, we take pills that normalize the functioning of the pancreas (pancreatin, for example). Even if an alcoholic has no appetite, he must eat.
  • On the first day, any exercise is contraindicated, even walking. An alcoholic must lie down. In addition to medications, we replenish the body with vitamin C and B6.
  • The second day is not much different from the first, but the patient should feel better. Under no circumstances should you have a hangover. You can take a short walk in the fresh air.
  • On the third day there should be no desire to drink. But the body is exhausted, because it spent all its energy recovering from the binge. Therefore, you should not expect that the alcoholic will feel better. On the contrary, depression appears. On this day you need to drink herbal infusions that restore the nervous system.

If this scheme does not work, consult a doctor.

How to deal with the consequences of binge drinking

Coming out of binge drinking is accompanied by headaches, aches, insomnia and nervous system disorders. You can only get rid of these symptoms by taking medications.


No-spa combined with analgin helps relieve headaches and aches. It is enough to drink 2 tablets of each drug 2 times a day. It is recommended not to swallow the tablets, but to chew them. But, if analgin has a tolerable taste when chewed, then no-shpa has a strong bitterness.

Aspirin also alleviates the condition. But this is not the best option, since it irritates the gastric mucosa, which is not in the best condition after a heavy binge. Therefore, experts recommend stopping taking aspirin.

If we talk about non-drug methods of getting rid of headaches and aches, then these are warm herbal baths, to which you can add sea salt.


Insomnia is the main problem when getting out of a drunken state. It entails mental disorders. Currently, pharmacies sell a lot of drugs that promote sleep. But they don't work instantly. Many, having not received the desired effect, begin to increase the dose, which ultimately leads to the opposite effect. The drugs begin to excite the nervous system. Therefore, sleeping pills must be prescribed by a doctor.

At home, it is better to use herbal decoctions to solve the problem of insomnia. It is strictly forbidden to drink Corvalol, Valoserdin and Valocordin when recovering from a drunken state. These drugs can significantly worsen the patient's condition. And taking phenazepam can lead to death.

Restoration of the nervous system

Multivitamins can help restore the nervous system. The vitamin complex must contain vitamins C, B1, B6. Experts say that after a long binge, sports vitamins can help quickly restore the nervous system. In addition to vitamins, which are contained in large quantities, they contain microelements and adaptogens.

Health. Medicines for alcoholism.(05.31.2015)

As for physical activity, it is also not clear what reaction to expect from a weakened body. On the one hand, this method is completely justified. During physical activity, blood flow improves, which speeds up metabolism and, accordingly, removes waste and toxins and decay products. But, as mentioned above, the body is weakened. Therefore, there is a risk of the same heart attack or stroke.

Another point worth paying attention to is blood viscosity. Binge drinking is characterized by the fact that some of the fluid from the vessels goes into the tissues. Accordingly, after a binge, the blood becomes thicker and it is much more difficult to push it through the vessels. Such a load on the heart will not go unnoticed.


It is possible to get out of a binge, especially a long and deep one, on your own. But it’s worth mentioning right away that it won’t be easy. The main thing is that there is someone nearby who can help a person cope with all the consequences of binge drinking. As for medications, you should not take into account the advice of people not related to medicine, even if they are given by a person who has independently stopped drinking. It is advisable to consult with doctors who will prescribe a medication regimen.

The first step on the path to getting out of a drunken state must certainly be a desire on the part of the alcoholic himself. Until he consciously says “I want”, he will not be able to stop drinking. If the binge lasted for weeks, then the person will need the help of specialists. During this time, changes occur in the body, and quitting the binge on your own becomes dangerous to your health.

Binge drinking (dipsomania) is a human condition that is characterized by prolonged use of alcohol and is accompanied by severe symptoms of intoxication. It occurs already in the second stage of alcoholism, when a period of heavy and prolonged drinking of alcohol alternates with breaks in its use.

Binge drinking is a dangerous process. How to get out of it?

A drunken state occurs due to the fact that a person who abuses alcohol is unable to overcome the symptoms of a hangover: nausea, vomiting, severe headache, body aches, seizures, etc. and removes them with the help of another portion of alcohol. Over time, the body's reserves are depleted, liver function is disrupted, and much smaller doses are required to achieve the same effect. The process is repeated many times.

The main thing is the patient’s motivation

It is extremely important for the treatment of binge drinking - this is the desire of the patient himself, supported by serious motivation. A person must be aware of the problem and strive in every possible way to get rid of it, follow all recommendations. During this period, the patient should be surrounded by the care and attention of family and friends.

It is worth limiting contact with strangers as much as possible, avoiding sharp sounds, screams, and bright lighting. Occupational therapy is used as a distraction factor. The patient is loaded with feasible physical activity so that less time is left to think about drinking.

Should I quit immediately or gradually reduce the dose?

How to get out of binge drinking on your own? There are several opinions among the people on this matter. Some people think that you need to tell yourself once and for all: “That’s enough! From today – not a drop in your mouth!” and keep the promise you made to yourself. Others argue that it is impossible to suddenly stop drinking. Therefore, you need to gradually stop drinking alcohol. Still others are confident that binge drinking should only be stopped in a specialized institution.

Each version has the right to exist. After all, everyone has their own willpower, motivation, their own financial capabilities... But for some people, after a heavy binge, a sharp refusal of alcohol without the use of drug therapy is fraught with the development of serious complications (delirium tremens, acute stroke, acute cardiac pathology, coma) and even death.

How to reduce the dose correctly?

The easiest way to break out of binge drinking is at moments of “sobering up.” When a patient feels bad, he usually agrees to any treatment. And you can’t do it without outside help.

Interestingly, withdrawal from binge drinking can actually be achieved by gradually reducing the dose of alcohol entering the body. At the time of a hangover, the patient is given a small amount of alcohol to drink, preferably beer (100-150 ml after each meal for 2 days).

There is an interesting detail: it is better to have a hangover with the drink that was taken during the binge. You can simply reduce the amount of alcohol, the percentage or frequency of intake for 2 or 3 days. This will be enough for a soft exit from the binge. But the psychological moment is very important here - not to break down and not to overdose. It is better if someone close to you takes control of the issuance of the “therapeutic dose”.

Coming out of a binge at home takes much longer than in a drug treatment hospital, and requires patience on the part of family and friends. But placement in a specialized clinic is carried out only with the consent of the patient himself. Or if he poses a threat to the lives of others.

Ways to detoxify the body during heavy drinking

Detoxification of the body(removal of toxic breakdown products of alcohol) is carried out in several stages:

Stage 1: Nutrition

If the patient's condition allows, he needs to be fed. Light chicken broth and fermented milk products (kefir, low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt, fermented baked milk) are suitable for this. It often happens that a person is not even able to fully open his mouth for chewing or he has no appetite.

In this case, give baby formula with a small spoon. If swallowing is also difficult, then feeding is done through a nasogastric tube with the same nutritional mixture (Baby, Hipp, Nan, Milupa, Nestogen, etc.).

It is important to adhere to a diet: exclude from the diet everything fatty, fried, spicy, smoked, containing various flavor enhancers, flavorings, and all sorts of chemical additives. Split meals are best: often (up to 5-6 times a day) and in small portions. This is necessary to minimize the load on the liver.

Stage 2: Drinking

It is important to drink enough fluid. For this purpose, take mineral water, juices, fruit drinks, kvass, tea with sugar or honey, milk, brine. A decoction of chamomile, mint and rose hips is suitable.

Stage 3: Medication-assisted recovery

At home and for mild disorders of a person recovering from heavy drinking, oral sorbents can be used. To accelerate the removal of toxins from the body, it is necessary to administer intravenously drugs that cleanse the blood and replenish the volume of circulating blood, improve liver function, and normalize cardiovascular activity.

Drug therapy for a binge drinker

For effective treatment, it is important to correctly assess the person’s condition, exacerbations of chronic or concomitant diseases. Age also plays an important role - the higher it is, the worse the body fights intoxication.

Pharmacies sell many drugs that cause an aversion to alcohol and improve well-being:

Proprothene 100;
Alkozeltzer and others.

Patients who come out of a binge behave differently: some wouldn’t hurt a fly (depressed, exhausted - but this rarely happens), while others are extremely aggressive, impulsive, ready to “explode” for no reason at any second (this happens very often) .

If a person is constantly in state of excitement and cannot sleep normally - the following medications can help him:

Sibazon (Relanium, Diazepam) - administered intramuscularly or intravenously, available in tablet form. But it is issued strictly according to special prescription forms as prescribed by a doctor;
Phenobarbital - 0.1 mg 1-2 times a day only as prescribed by a doctor according to the prescription he has written out;
Phenazepam, Gidazepam - 0.0005-0.001 mg 2-3 times a day and also only according to a doctor’s prescription;
Donormil - sometimes also used in a dosage of 15-30 mg 3-4 times a day.

You should take medications with caution: you should not overdose, be sure to monitor the person’s condition and, in case of a sharp deterioration, immediately contact a narcologist.

To stop the absorption of toxins in the body, the following sorbents are taken:

Activated carbon (1 tablet per 10 kg of weight *3 times a day, although some recommend only a one-time dose);
Polyphepan (1 tbsp * 3-5 times a day for 5-6 days);
Sorbex (2 capsules * 3 times a day);
Smecta (1 sachet * 3 rubles/d);
Enterosgel (2 tsp* 3 times a day).

It is worth remembering that at least 1.5-2 hours should pass between taking sorbents and other drugs, after which you need to go to the toilet and try to get rid of the excess.

It will help to improve the patient's condition by taking vitamin complexes, which must include vitamins: C, B1, B6, PP (Vitrum, Oligovit).

For persistent vomiting, use Cerucal or Metoclopramide (2 ml intramuscularly or 1 tablet of 10 mg * 1-2 times a day with an interval of 15 minutes between doses).

Application will be required hepatoprotectors to normalize liver function:


During treatment, do not forget about brain cells, which are very sensitive to the toxic effects of alcohol. To restore brain activity, medications with nootropic effects are prescribed:


A frequent manifestation of “withdrawal syndrome” (abrupt cessation of alcohol intake) are disorders of the cardiovascular system - sudden changes in blood pressure, heart rhythm disturbances. When blood pressure increases, antihypertensive drugs are used: Enalapril, Lisinopril, etc.

Folk ways to get out of binge drinking

There are many popular ways to get out of a binge without the help of a doctor. Here are the most common ones:

The patient is given a drink of cold water with 5-8 drops of ammonia dissolved in it;
in the morning after binge drinking, soluble effervescent Aspirin UPSA is recommended;
make a drink from 2 liters of fresh juice, fruit drink or just water, in which 1 tbsp is diluted. vinegar, add 1 liter of plain water and drink throughout the day;
In order to improve well-being, a contrast shower is used, but only if there are no deep disturbances (lack of consciousness, stroke, heart attack, coma, breathing or heart rhythm disturbances).

How to relieve body aches

During the “withdrawal syndrome,” a person is tormented by terrible intense pain and body aches, which force him to take another portion of “anesthesia.”

Medicines with an analgesic effect will help cope with this:


They speak well of taking 2 tablets of Analgin with 2 tablets of No-shpa 2-3 times a day.

What should you not do when you come out of a binge?

It is important not to “break down” again. Relatives and friends should hide well or completely get rid of any type of alcoholic beverages (moonshine, vodka, cognac, beer, tinctures, liqueurs, etc.). Under no circumstances should you drink in front of a person who is trying to cope with a pathological craving for alcohol, or even mention it.

Nothing in the house should remind you of the existing problem. You cannot shout at the patient, read morals or set them on the right path during a binge or on the first day of leaving it - this will worsen the situation. At such moments a person can behave aggressively.

When is it urgent to see a doctor?

The most dangerous condition when leaving a binge is delirium tremens or “squirrel” – it occurs in stages 2-3 of alcoholism due to the failure of the next dose of alcohol to enter the body on the 2-4th day of withdrawal. It manifests itself as severe chills, increased body temperature, convulsions, delirium, and persistent threatening hallucinations. A person hears voices giving strange commands, and sees unreal creatures: devils, little people, animals and insects.

At such moments, the patient may unknowingly injure himself or die due to negligence due to a distorted perception of reality. Sometimes the course of delirium is complicated by acute cerebrovascular accident (stroke), acute heart attack, coma, serious arrhythmia or generalized seizures.

It is dangerous to treat such conditions at home. It is necessary to urgently contact a narcologist for rational treatment in a hospital under round-the-clock monitoring. Even if a person does not have the above symptoms, but treatment at home for 4-5 days does not bring any results or the situation worsens, an urgent need to contact a specialist!

Advice from narcologists on preventing binge drinking: how not to relapse again?

Quitting a binge on your own is already a heroic act for an alcoholic. But it is much more difficult not to succumb to temptation again, not to start using at the first stressful situation.

The following tips will help you do this: narcologists:

In everyday life, it is recommended to eat delicious food and favorite dishes - this will increase the level of production of the hormone of joy and happiness;
Regularly give moderate physical activity to the body: race walking, slow running, physical exercise, gymnastics. Thus, the mood is lifted without the participation of alcohol;
Reevaluate life values ​​and prioritize family, healthy lifestyle, personal development and self-improvement. You need to find yourself an exciting favorite activity, a hobby. You can start making your dreams come true;
Be able to resist offers from former drinking buddies and acquaintances to drink. Try in every possible way to avoid such temptations;
Enlist support and understanding from family and friends;
It’s a good idea to change your place of residence, your social circle, or at least your job, so that there are no associations with the past drunken period of your life;
You need to create a daily routine for yourself and strictly adhere to it always and in all situations. Get enough sleep. This way you will leave neither room nor reason for binge drinking;
Always keep track of your cash and plan your expenses to eliminate the possibility of purchasing alcohol;
Communicate with those who have successfully overcome alcohol addiction, share your experience with those who are just trying to get out of binge drinking! Become a role model for others!

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Binge drinking is not a banal hangover. When a person has a hangover, as a rule, there is a feeling of aversion to alcohol. A binge alcoholic needs more and more new doses of alcohol to improve his well-being “after yesterday.” Ubiquitous advertising imposes on people the idea that they can recover from binge drinking in 1 day. But that's not true. - a long and painful process for an alcoholic.

Is it possible to get out of binge drinking on your own or is it impossible to do this without the help of specialists? It all depends on many factors: the desires of the drinker, the duration of the binge, the quantity and quality of alcohol consumed, the presence of concomitant diseases, and previous head injuries. will be effective only when the alcoholic has support from relatives and close people.

Help from family and friends

The role of help from family and friends in getting a drunkard out of binge drinking can hardly be overestimated. It is almost impossible for a drinking person to get out of binge drinking if his close circle does not take part in this process.

A drunkard who decides to quit drinking should be treated like a sick person requiring care and attention. To facilitate the transition to a sober lifestyle, those closest to him must follow several rules:

  • create a calm psychological atmosphere in the house;
  • remove all alcohol from your home;
  • avoid drinking company;
  • refuse to attend entertainment events where alcohol is present;
  • adhere to the correct daily routine;
  • drink plenty of fluids (water, teas, herbal infusions);
  • eat light and healthy foods;
  • alleviate the patient’s condition with the help of medications and folk remedies;
  • fight depression, for example, by watching positive programs and films, communicating with animals.

Under no circumstances should you reprimand a drinking person or appeal to his conscience when he is intoxicated or feels unwell after yesterday’s libation. It is better to leave moralizing until sober times. Scandals in the house can cause protest and a response from an alcoholic: since he is considered a lost person, he will behave in a similar way.

Stop drinking immediately or gradually

Even practicing narcologists have different opinions regarding whether it is necessary to stop drinking immediately or to stop drinking gradually. Some of them defend the point of view that you need to stop drinking right away, as they say, to get out of the booze “dry.” They believe that an alcoholic's attempts to reduce the dose will lead to repeated binge drinking.

Proponents of gradually reducing alcohol intake insist that a sudden cessation of alcohol intake into the body causes physical and psychological torment in the patient, as a result of which he categorically refuses the idea of ​​quitting drinking. In addition, in conditions of abrupt withdrawal of alcohol, the frequency of development of "" and disturbances in the functioning of internal organs (liver, pancreas, kidneys, heart) increases.

Narcologists who welcome a gradual exit from binge drinking recommend steadily reducing the amount of ethyl alcohol entering the body over three days. This can be done in different ways: by diluting strong alcohol, increasing the intervals between consumption, or reducing the amount drunk per day. At the same time, it is not recommended to change the type of alcohol: if the patient drank vodka, then he should also finish the binge with vodka. Switching to another type of drink, for example, wine or beer, can result in a new binge.

Clinical picture

What doctors say about alcoholism

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Ryzhenkova S.A.:

I have been studying the problem of ALCOHOLISM for many years. It’s scary when the craving for alcohol destroys a person’s life, families are destroyed because of alcohol, children lose their fathers, and wives lose their husbands. Often it is young people who become drunkards, destroying their future and causing irreparable harm to their health.

It turns out that a drinking family member can be saved, and this can be done in secret from him. Today we will talk about a new natural remedy Alcolock, which turned out to be incredibly effective, and also participates in the federal Healthy Nation program, thanks to which until July 24.(inclusive) the product can be obtained FOR FREE!

Without the personal desire of the drunkard, withdrawal from binge drinking is impossible. The alcoholic himself must choose a way out, based on his personal experience. It is useless to impose your point of view on him: this will lead to the opposite reaction.

Procedure for home detoxification

You need to start breaking out of binge drinking in the morning. Against the background of alcohol abuse, the acid-base balance of the biological fluids of the alcoholic’s body will mix in the acidic direction. Therefore, to restore pH, it is recommended that he drink alkalizing drinks: non-carbonated alkaline mineral water, sweet juice, black or green tea with honey. Drinking should be plentiful: it helps thin the blood and has a detoxifying effect. If a person feels sick in the morning, you can offer him an infusion of mint.

Vomiting in the first day after binge drinking should not be stopped: this is how the body is cleansed of toxic breakdown products of alcohol. Alkaline drinks should not be given after vomiting, because vomiting removes acid from the body and shifts the pH to the alkaline side. Therefore, after vomiting, you need an acidified drink (sour juices, water with lemon). If vomiting becomes uncontrollable (more than 10-12 times a day), the person requires emergency medical attention.

On the first day, the patient is prescribed bed rest. Depending on how he feels in the evening, you can take a short walk to the nearest park. At the same time, it is necessary to avoid public places with a lot of entertainment and catering establishments.

Food on the first day should be liquid, but nutritious. The best option would be chicken broth with toast. From the second day it is necessary to diversify the diet, but fatty foods are still not recommended. You should eat as usual after quitting binge drinking no earlier than the seventh to tenth day.

In the evening of the first day, it will be useful to take a warm (but not hot!) bath with sea salt, decoctions of medicinal herbs (chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort, sage) or essential oils (mint, rosemary, eucalyptus). Instead of a bath, you can take a warm shower before bed. Contrast showers in the first days after prolonged drinking are not recommended. The blood vessels have not yet begun to adequately respond to sudden changes in environmental conditions, so such a shower can cause a sharp jump in blood pressure.

After binge drinking, it is necessary to normalize a person’s sleep. You should strictly observe the sleep and wakefulness regime. You need to go to bed at 9-10 o'clock in the evening, and get up at 7-8 o'clock in the morning. Before going to bed, it is advisable to drink warm tea with lemon balm, mint or other sedative herbs. For dairy product lovers, tea can be replaced with warm milk and honey. Watching action-packed TV shows or movies before bed is not recommended. If you have a problem falling asleep, you can take herbal remedies (Persen, Novopassit, Nervotonic), which have mild sedative and hypnotic effects.

Medications to help you get out of binge drinking

Without medications, it is difficult to quit binge drinking at home. Medicines are used to make a person feel better, relieve symptoms, improve the functioning of internal organs, and eliminate vitamin and mineral deficiencies.

To enhance the detoxifying effect of drinking liquids, it is necessary to take activated carbon (1 tablet per 10 kg of weight) or other enterosorbents (Smecta, Enterosgel). For long-term use, the herbal drug Polyphepan is suitable (1 g per 1 kg of weight per day in 4-5 doses).

To alleviate the physical condition of the patient, you can take symptomatic medications: for headaches - Aspirin, Citramon, Paracetamol, for palpitations - Atenolol, Concor, for cramping abdominal pain - No-shpa, Papaverine.

To protect the liver from the toxic effects of alcohol metabolites, you need to take Essentiale or another hepatoprotective drug (Antral, Glutargin). To facilitate the work of the pancreas, you need to drink enzyme preparations (Pancreatin, Mezim, Festal).

To improve cerebral circulation, it is recommended to dissolve Glycine (up to 10 tablets per day). This drug improves mood, restores mental activity, and also protects brain cells from the toxic effects of alcohol metabolites.

Taking medications with macroelements - magnesium and potassium (Asparkam, Panangin) helps normalize the electrolyte balance in the body and eliminate tremors in the body of an alcoholic.

Under the influence of alcohol, B vitamins and ascorbic acid are actively destroyed. To restore their deficiency in the body of a drunkard, it is necessary to take medications containing these vitamins in shock doses. There is no need to be afraid of an overdose: these vitamins are water-soluble and their excess is quickly excreted in the urine.

Taking B vitamins, especially vitamins B1 (thiamine) and B6 (pyridoxine), improves brain function and also accelerates the utilization of ethyl alcohol metabolites. Ascorbic acid takes part in many metabolic processes in the body and has antioxidant properties, which quickly improves the patient’s well-being.

Folk remedies for binge drinking

has been around for as long as alcohol has been known. Over many centuries, traditional medicine has accumulated in its arsenal many different recipes that help a drinker get out of binge drinking. They are prepared using simple foods and medicinal herbs. Remedies based on them help relieve binge drinking, alleviate the condition, restore the body’s strength and reduce cravings for alcohol.

Recipe with kefir

In the morning after drinking, you need to mix 2 cups of kefir with half a teaspoon of salt and 2 teaspoons of sugar. Instead of kefir, you can use homemade yogurt. Mix all the ingredients and give it to the person to drink.

Recipe with honey

Add two tablespoons of honey to a glass of milk or green tea, stir thoroughly and drink one teaspoon at a time throughout the day.

Oats recipe

Boil 1.5 kg of oats, add three liters of water, over low heat for half an hour, pour the broth into a thermos, add 100 g of crushed calendula flowers. Leave in a thermos for 12 hours. Drink one glass warm before meals.

Herbal Recipe

For this remedy, you need to take 2 parts each of mint, St. John's wort, yarrow, wormwood and one part each of calamus root, angelica, juniper fruit, wormwood herb, chop and mix. 10 tablespoons of the mixture should be poured into 2 liters of boiling water, covered, wrapped and left to cool. During the day you need to drink the entire infusion.

When to ask for help

It is not possible to get out of binge drinking on your own in all cases. A guaranteed withdrawal from a protracted drinking session can only be carried out by experienced narcologists, including home visits. In some cases, the patient requires emergency treatment. You cannot do without qualified inpatient medical care if:

  • the binge lasted more than two weeks;
  • mental disorders are observed;
  • an epileptic seizure occurred;
  • pain in the heart area or arrhythmia;
  • there is a persistent increase in blood pressure;
  • the patient complains of blurred vision, throbbing or pressing headache;
  • There were problems with the digestive system (exacerbation of gastritis or peptic ulcer, pancreatitis, pain in the liver).

These conditions can be life-threatening, so if they occur, you should consult a doctor immediately.

Everything changed when my daughter gave me an article to read on the Internet. You can’t imagine how grateful I am to her for this. literally pulled my husband out of the other world. He stopped drinking alcohol forever and I am already sure that he will never start drinking again. For the last 2 years, he has been working tirelessly at the dacha, growing tomatoes, and I sell them at the market. My aunts are surprised how I managed to stop my husband from drinking. And he apparently feels guilty for ruining half of my life, so he works tirelessly, almost carries me in his arms, helps around the house, in general, not a husband, but a sweetheart.

Anyone who wants to stop their family from drinking or wants to give up alcohol themselves, take 5 minutes and read, I’m 100% sure it will help you!

A couple of weeks after drinking with an alcoholic, you can begin to have conversations about treatment for alcoholism. Currently, there are many different methods (psychotherapeutic and medicinal) that successfully relieve addicted people from addiction to alcohol.

Drawing conclusions

If you are reading these lines, we can conclude that you or your loved ones suffer from alcoholism in one way or another.

We conducted an investigation, studied a bunch of materials and, most importantly, tested most of the methods and remedies for alcoholism. The verdict is:

If all drugs were given, it was only a temporary result; as soon as the use was stopped, the craving for alcohol increased sharply.

The only drug that has given significant results is Alcolock.

The main advantage of this drug is that it once and for all eliminates the craving for alcohol without a hangover. Moreover he colorless and odorless, i.e. to cure a patient of alcoholism, it is enough to add a couple of drops of medicine to tea or any other drink or food.

In addition, there is a promotion going on now, every resident of the Russian Federation and the CIS can get Alcolock - FOR FREE!

Attention! Cases of sales of counterfeit drug Alcolock have become more frequent.
By placing an order using the links above, you are guaranteed to receive a quality product from the official manufacturer. In addition, when ordering on the official website, you receive a money-back guarantee (including transportation costs) if the drug does not have a therapeutic effect.

One of the frequently asked questions in the field of help for alcohol addiction is how to quickly get out of a long binge? The relevance of this issue is especially high for residents of Russian-speaking countries. Even a person who has not previously been addicted to alcohol and finds himself in a difficult life situation can reach the point of binge drinking.

Not everyone is able to get out of binge drinking on their own. For many people, this requires the support of loved ones. The most effective method of treatment is contacting an appropriate organization with qualified specialists.

The main signs of binge drinking

Binge drinking is the process of continuous drinking of alcohol for a fairly long period of time - from several days to a whole week. At the same time, the human body is subjected to enormous stress, and health suffers from severe intoxication with toxins. In such cases, calling a narcologist to your home helps. Recovery from binge drinking can only be provided by a qualified specialist.

The duration of the binge may depend on several main factors:

  • free finances to buy alcohol;
  • amount of free time;
  • state of health of a person;
  • ending up in a sobering center or other government agencies;
  • forced admission to a drug treatment center.

Professional doctors distinguish between two main types of such addiction: true binge drinking and pseudo-binge drinking.

The second option is the most common. The reason for it is usually either prolonged holidays, or sudden grief or a difficult life situation.

True binge drinking is a much more difficult and dangerous situation. It occurs in addicted people around the second or third stage of alcoholism. In such a situation, a person no longer drinks of his own free will or for any reason, but because the body constantly requires alcohol. This is ensured by the presence of a strong withdrawal syndrome, when only drinking can provide relief.

Methods for getting out of binge drinking

Quitting binge drinking on your own is quite difficult, but possible. Today, medicine offers a large number of tools and techniques for such treatment. These include droppers, special medications and proven folk remedies. You can treat yourself, but it is advisable to seek help from a center where the person will be helped by qualified specialists. One of the most popular methods is calling a doctor at home.

The selection of treatment method and means depends on several factors:

  • duration of alcohol consumption;
  • amount and type of alcohol;
  • the presence or absence of certain diseases in the patient.

You can quickly quit binge drinking at home in just a few ways. The most important thing is to detoxify and prevent dehydration yourself. To do this, you simply need to drink a large amount of clean water and various liquids: mineral water without gases, green and black tea with lemon, juices, fruit drinks, etc. On the first day of treatment, mineral water will be especially useful. You should quit your binge carefully and slowly, so as not to risk your own health.

For self-treatment, folk remedies will be useful. The main thing is to comply with all the conditions correctly. To get out of binge drinking, there are the following popular methods:

  • It is necessary to take cold showers throughout the day at intervals of one hour. When a drunk person is not able to do this on his own, he is seated in a bathtub and watered with moderately cool water.
  • Thick beef broth has good detoxifying properties. It needs to be eaten hot.
  • Honey, especially added to milk, is an effective remedy. You need to drink this drink or just eat one teaspoon of honey once every 20 minutes. A total of six servings is recommended.
  • A decoction of natural herbs, especially chamomile, gives a good effect. You can also make hot foot baths from the decoction.
  • Healthy and long sleep is very important, especially after all stages of treatment. To overcome insomnia, you can use light sleeping pills based on natural herbs.

What medications should I use?

High-quality medications are important for effective recovery from binge drinking. First of all, you should take sorbents, namely activated carbon. It is recommended to take it no more than three times, otherwise beneficial microorganisms can also be removed from the body along with toxins. Dosage: one tablet per ten kilograms of weight.

To prevent binge drinking, doctors recommend taking medications such as Enterosgel, Polyferan, Clonidine, Carbamazeline and Tiapride. Clonidine helps get rid of severe tremors, reduce blood pressure and restore psychological well-being. Carbamazeline is useful for detoxification - it removes all harmful substances. Tiapride helps fight depression due to alcoholism.

Calling a narcologist to your home

The most popular service of drug treatment centers is a home visit from a narcologist. This is one of the fastest ways to relieve the effects of prolonged alcoholism at home. But it is important to understand that it is not always possible to help an addict outside a clinic. If the binge is very long-term, and the alcoholic has been addicted for many years, then inpatient treatment will be a more suitable option.

The main job of the doctor is to assess the general condition of the addict and provide detoxification and sedation - calming.

The doctor performs the following procedures:

  • intravenous injection of Thiamine (vitamin B1);
  • drip based on glucose, saline or saline solution;
  • taking auxiliary medications: Diazepal or Phenazepam for sedation, Carbalex - to relieve seizures;

Stages of inpatient treatment and rehabilitation

To the question: “How to quickly get out of binge drinking?”, the best answer would be comprehensive treatment in a drug treatment center. This method is especially suitable for people suffering from prolonged drinking or for experienced alcoholics.

The first and most important step is detoxification and prevention of dehydration of the patient’s body. To do this, a drip based on a glucose solution is placed, and an intravenous injection of Diazepam and vitamin B1 is also given.

These are mandatory medications. The rest are selected individually, based on the patient’s condition:

  • sedatives - to calm and restore the nervous system;
  • nootropic - to improve human thought processes;
  • psychotropic - for the prevention of depression and sedation;
  • hepatoprotectors - liver restoration;
  • cardioprotectors - improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • diuretic tablets - to improve kidney condition;
  • vitamins - to improve the general condition of the body.

The binge can last from several days to a week. The duration of his treatment depends on this period. Withdrawal syndrome can last from one to six days. After too much alcoholism, delirium tremens may begin.

You need to know and follow the basic tips and principles of treatment regardless of the method, be it stationary or independent. This will help maintain your health and ensure the safety of the therapy process.

When you come out of a binge, you should not have a hangover. This will only worsen the situation and become an impetus for resuming alcohol consumption. The next day after the start of recovery, you should not overwork yourself and take a contrast shower. Such actions can easily provoke a heart attack, since the body is already at the limit of its capabilities.

It is prohibited to use Corvalol, Valocordin and other sedatives, as this can lead to unpredictable health consequences. You should not take any psychotropic medications without a prescription from a narcologist, otherwise there is a risk of unforeseen side effects.

Exit from binge drinking should be unhurried and careful, so as not to injure a person’s health.

Changes in the body after binge drinking

Alcoholics experience withdrawal symptoms significantly different from people who do not suffer from long-term addiction. The main impact falls on the functioning of the liver, heart, pancreas, blood vessels and the functioning of the brain.

Quitting binge drinking is usually accompanied by:

  • loss of appetite, poor health;
  • sudden surges in pressure;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • disruption of the vestibular apparatus;
  • formation or intensification of hemorrhoid symptoms;
  • headaches;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Most of the main symptoms of withdrawal syndrome are observed during the first three days of treatment. A person is accompanied by constant pain, nausea, vomiting, weakness and severe hand tremors.

You may also experience insomnia or persistent, intrusive nightmares caused by an alcohol overdose. You may experience restlessness, excitability, sadness, or uncontrollable anxiety. In especially severe cases, the onset of depression is observed, which is accompanied by feelings of guilt or self-pity.

Regular binges provoke the development of the so-called alcoholic degradation of a person’s personality. Symptoms of this are a noticeable deterioration in thought processes, memory, deterioration in speech formation, a sharp decrease in self-esteem and an incorrect perception of oneself. All this can cause the onset of depression, during which a feeling of personal inferiority may develop.

These factors can become a reason for starting a new binge, so psychological treatment is very important for addicted people. Full restoration of a person’s mental health requires long-term and comprehensive rehabilitation in a professional drug treatment center


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