How to Remake Exploded Pickles. Why do jars of cucumbers explode, what to do, how to save and re-roll, is it possible to eat?

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Of all the canned vegetable crops, cucumbers are one of the most capricious. All you have to do is make a small mistake when preserving it, and the jar shoots. Sometimes cucumbers become cloudy and their taste deteriorates. There can be many reasons why some jars of cucumbers explode. Incorrect preparation of the main product or failure to comply with the proportions often leads to such an incident. Proper preparation of the container also plays an important role.

Jars of cucumbers explode very often. Sometimes the whole batch of twists explodes, and sometimes one or two of them explode. Possible reasons:

  1. Air entering when rolling up the lid.
  2. Improper preparation of marinade.
  3. Poor preparation of jars.
  4. Incorrect preparation of vegetables.

All these points must be taken into account and the necessary requirements must be met. Otherwise, you may be left without cucumbers for the winter.

Air entry

If air gets into the jar during preservation, it becomes favorable for the growth of bacteria. To prevent this from happening, you need to pour the brine into the jar with cucumbers to the very top.

If preservation was carried out by sterilization, after the jar has been removed from the sterilizer, the lid cannot be removed. It needs to be screwed on right away. Therefore, jars with those lids that will be rolled up are sterilized.

If for any reason the lid needs to be replaced, it must be sterilized. To do this, put it in boiling water for a couple of minutes, then take it out and immediately change it to the one that was on the can. The lids are opened and replaced with others very quickly so that air does not get into the jar. And this needs to be done while the jar is still in the sterilizer or has just been removed.

If you do this later, there is a risk of air getting in and causing bacteria to grow.

Air can also get into the jar if the sealer does not seal the lids properly. In this case, the banks will definitely explode. We need to change the machine and reroll all the cans. But such a measure can lead to the fact that the jars will not explode, but the brine in the cucumbers will become cloudy.

To prevent this from happening, you need to change the lids, sterilize the preservation again and roll it up with a reliable machine.

Improper preparation of marinade

Marinade for cucumbers is prepared with vinegar. If you don’t put it in enough, or in the wrong way, preservation won’t work.

When pickling, you need to take into account that vinegar evaporates when boiling. Therefore, when preparing the marinade, it must be added at the very end so that it is minimally subjected to heat treatment. The best option is when vinegar is added directly to the jar.

It’s bad when the proportions are not respected and little vinegar is added. In this case, the marinade becomes poorly concentrated and does not perform its functions well.

The same goes for other components. Salt and sugar must be added according to the recipe. If there are not enough of them, the cucumbers will ferment and become cloudy.

Poor preparation of jars

To prepare salted or pickled cucumbers, you need to properly prepare the container for them. They are usually pickled in glass jars. They must be sterilized before use. There are several ways to do this:

  1. Jars are well sterilized in the oven. Before sterilization, they are washed well with detergent, rinsed and turned over to drain the water. Then put the jars in the oven on a baking sheet and warm them well. If you need a few jars and they are placed in the oven at a time, they are left in the oven until used. If more cans are needed, they are removed and placed on a clean, ironed towel.
  2. Sterilizing jars with hot steam is quite effective, but it takes time because you have to deal with each one separately. Select a dish on which you can place an inverted jar with its neck down. A teapot or enamel mug is best suited for this. If the container does not fit well, you can insert something into the kettle, for example, a spoon. Pour some water into the bottom and bring to a boil. Make sure that steam enters the jar and steams it well. If the jar is not installed correctly or is steamed for a short time, there will be no positive result.
  3. You can boil the jars in water in a large bowl. But such sterilization is less effective, because it is impossible to achieve temperatures above 100 degrees.

If the jars are poorly sterilized or sit for a long time after sterilization, at best the quality of the canned food will deteriorate. But more often they explode and become unusable.

Improper preparation of cucumbers

To ensure that the pickled cucumbers turn out tasty and the jars do not explode, you should not make mistakes when preparing vegetables:

  1. If you pick cucumbers in rainy weather, they quickly deteriorate and do not stand well. It is better to use such cucumbers for pickling or leave them to sit for a couple of days. But at the same time, make sure that they do not spoil.
  2. To make the cucumbers crispy, you need to soak them in water for 3 hours. If this is not done, they become soft and this can lead to the development of bacteria.
  3. Poorly washed cucumbers are a source of bacteriological contamination. Together with dirt, E. coli, botulism pathogens and other microorganisms can settle on them.
  4. You cannot pickle cucumbers that show signs of rotting; they guarantee an explosion of preservation. It is better to peel them and use them for salads.

By fulfilling such requirements, it is possible to achieve canning without loss.

Insufficient sterilization time

In recipes, the sterilization time is given conditionally. It happens that it was sterilized, as written in the recipe, but the cucumbers still exploded. To properly sterilize, you need to consider the following factors:

  1. Small cucumbers are sterilized less than large ones - just like jars.
  2. At the beginning of sterilization, it is better to set the fire to low so that it has time to warm up evenly.
  3. Ready cucumbers should change color.
  4. It is better to put greens and garlic in a marinade rather than in a jar if canning is done by steaming.

Compliance with these rules will allow you to obtain high-quality canned cucumbers for the winter.

Why do they turn over and wrap the jars?

Rolled cans must be turned upside down so that the lids warm up well. Then the jars must be wrapped in a blanket. This is done so that the jars cool slowly. At this time, the sterilization process continues in them.

If everything was done correctly, the next day you will be able to observe a beautiful transparent preservation. If mistakes were made, the marinade will become cloudy and the jar will swell.

Is it possible to remake cloudy cucumbers?

If the cucumbers have become cloudy, but the jar has not yet swelled, they can still be remade. To do this, remove the lid, drain the marinade, and wash the cucumbers with clean water.

Be sure to taste them. If vinegar was used, the taste may change and then nothing can be done. But if the cucumbers taste good, they are crispy and do not sizzle, they can be closed again.

To re-cover cloudy cucumbers, you need to prepare a new marinade and pour it into a jar. In this case, the proportions should be slightly reduced, taking into account the fact that the cucumbers have already absorbed some of the ingredients.

Is it possible to eat cucumbers in cloudy brine?

If canned cucumbers have become cloudy, but the taste has not deteriorated, they can be eaten if they were recently closed.

If the seams are stored for a long time and begin to become cloudy, it is dangerous to consume them. Botulism bacteria develop in canned food, and there is no guarantee that they are not present this time. Doctors cannot always save you from this dangerous disease, so it’s not worth the risk.

How to save exploding cucumbers

If a jar of cucumbers explodes, it cannot be resuscitated. Even if you rinse everything well and change the marinade, the fermentation process has already begun, and all efforts will be in vain.

So what to do if nothing can be fixed, but it’s a pity to throw away cucumbers? There is only one way out, send them to wander further. Check if the vegetables have an unpleasant odor, cover them with a nylon lid and take them to the basement. But such products should not be consumed raw. It is better to prepare pickles or solyankas from them.

How to avoid exploding cucumber jars

For the cans to stand well, it is not enough to roll them up correctly. Proper storage of canned food also plays an important role.

Sealings should be stored in a cool, dark place. Cellars, basements and cold storage rooms are suitable for this. In hot weather, the risk of canned food explosions increases, so you need to monitor the room temperature.

Now in any store you can buy canned cucumbers for every taste. But many housewives continue to produce their own products. Most often, canning is done by those who have their own garden or dacha, so they get cucumbers for practically nothing. Apart from physical labor.

It’s good if the rolled cucumbers survive safely until winter. But sometimes, for some inexplicable reason, jars of cucumbers explode. And then the housewife is faced with a question (almost like in Hamlet): to eat or not to eat?

The first desire that arises in the housewife at the sight of spoiled cucumbers is to take them out of the long-suffering jar and, after doing some manipulations with the vegetables, eat them.

Many people do this. For example, there is such a popular method: remove cucumbers from a damaged jar, wash them under running water, then put them in a new sterilized jar, add spices and herbs.

The contents of the jar are poured with boiling water and left for ten to fifteen minutes. Separately, prepare a new brine, pour it over the heated cucumbers, add vinegar according to the norm. That is, they repeat the standard procedure for canning cucumbers. It is believed that this method saves cucumbers from spoilage.

Now think about the consequences. It's good if a jar of cucumbers exploded from ordinary lactic acid fermentation, that is, from a large amount of carbon dioxide that needed to find a way out. Then you can really just boil the marinade, add another portion of vinegar and roll up the jar again. But you need to be prepared for the fact that this bank will not last long. These cucumbers are usually eaten first.

But the second scenario is possible. Botulinum toxin spores got into the jar, which, in the absence of air, begin to multiply vigorously, releasing a toxic substance - in fact, a strong poison. Moreover, it should be noted that these microorganisms have no color, no taste, no smell, which means that cucumbers will be no different from the rest.

Even thoroughly washed cucumbers will still contain those microorganisms that caused fermentation, bombing and breaking off the lid.

Under no circumstances should you eat such cucumbers! Although there is a small encouraging factor: these spores are killed by boiling for at least half an hour. Therefore, knowing this feature, housewives are in no hurry to throw away cucumbers if they look good and do not have a suspicious smell. They make pickle or hodgepodge from these cucumbers. It is in these dishes that cucumbers undergo long-term heat treatment, and in the presence of vinegar.

Cucumbers from an exploded jar are less safe if very little time has passed since they were seamed, for example two or three days.

Such cucumbers can theoretically be washed, maybe even boiled in new brine, placed in sterile jars and re-rolled with the addition of vinegar essence. Moreover, in practice, some housewives add 1-2 aspirin tablets per three-liter jar instead of vinegar essence, believing that acetylsalicylic acid will kill all microbes. Although aspirin does not work on the spores that cause botulism. But this is true, by the way.

There is no need to roll cucumbers again, because harmful bacteria and microorganisms still remain in cucumbers. When seaming again, they may become active again and the cucumbers will definitely be spoiled! Therefore, the exploded jar must be closed with a regular plastic lid and put in the refrigerator.

Video recipe for the occasion:

These cucumbers are not suitable for adding to salads or eating straight away. In the near future, they need to be processed by making pickle or hodgepodge from them, or adding them to gravy, not forgetting to boil the dish with them for at least 30 minutes.

Note to the hostess

Of course, no one is immune from surprises in the form of an exploding jar of cucumbers. But it’s easier to prevent unpleasant consequences than to heroically overcome them at the risk of your life (literally).

Therefore, we need to take a more responsible approach to canning.

  • It is necessary to wash all vegetables thoroughly, not forgetting the spices. Some housewives put cucumbers in jars without cutting off their ends, the so-called “butts”. But it is there that dirt can go unnoticed, which will cause fermentation in the jar. Also in the stalk area the concentration of nitrates is much higher than in the rest of the cucumber.
  • Canning cucumbers and tomatoes together will help prevent fermentation of the brine. The acid that is in tomatoes will protect the marinade from spoilage, which means it will minimize the possibility of the jar exploding.
  • It is necessary to sterilize not only jars, but also lids.
  • The sterilization time of the finished product cannot be reduced. Moreover, the larger the volume of the jar, the longer it takes to sterilize it.
  • The finished product must be immediately sealed and wrapped in a blanket. Under such cover, pasteurization continues for about another day.
  • It is recommended to store canned cucumbers in a cool place away from light. Often those jars that explode are those that are stored near heat or in a room where the air temperature does not drop below 22°. You need to periodically review the banks in order to notice unexpected changes in them in time.

So what should you do if the banks exploded? Decide for yourself. But it’s better not to tempt fate and try to get rid of such products. It's not a hungry year outside. Because there is nothing more valuable than your own health and the health of loved ones. So is it worth the risk?

With the onset of autumn cold weather, the dacha season is considered over. The beds were dug up “for winter”, and the last jar of jam or vegetable salad was placed in the basement. Now we can sum up the results of the summer work on preparing vegetables, both fresh and canned. How nice it is to look at the even rows of jars with a wide variety of preparations! And, of course, any housewife, among the many different twists, must have them. But then it turns out that some of them have become cloudy, and even the lids have been torn off from heavily fermented jars. Why is this happening? Why do jars of cucumbers explode? There may be several reasons. Let's look at each of them in detail.

The first jar of cucumbers - insufficient heat treatment

Was sterilization carried out correctly? Some housewives reduce the time or replace this method of heat treatment with others. It is important to follow the recipe exactly without making significant changes, especially if after your own “improvisation” you have more than once noticed unpleasant surprises in the form of cloudy jars. It’s even better to play it safe by slightly increasing the time for hot processing of products.

The second reason why jars of cucumbers explode is poor preparation of the containers.

Cleanliness of the dishes is of great importance. This is especially important when canning by repeatedly pouring boiling marinade. With this method, for reliability, you can increase the warm-up time. Also pay attention to the integrity of the necks of the jars. After all, when screwing the lids on, air can enter through the small punctured holes, causing fermentation.

The third reason why jars of cucumbers explode is insufficient purity of the ingredients.

Perhaps all the ingredients were not washed thoroughly enough. Or on some of the cucumbers there were By the way, you need to wash not only the fruits, but all the seasonings used: fresh horseradish leaves, dill umbrellas, garlic, hot pepper, etc.

The fourth reason why jars of cucumbers explode is failure to comply with proportions.

Did you follow the recipe correctly? For preservation, the quantity of the main components through which cucumbers are preserved is of particular importance - vinegar, essence, citric acid. Under no circumstances should you pick them by eye when marinating. By doing this, you run the risk of getting something different to your taste or promoting fermentation in jars.

What to do with the contents if a jar of cucumbers explodes?

Although the taste of this pickling is somewhat reminiscent of barrel pickling and even has an attractive crunch, it is still not worth eating. If you find even slightly cloudy jars or thick white sediment that has fallen to the bottom, open the glass containers and throw away their contents. You don’t want to get food poisoning, much less risk the health of your loved ones?

And with the onset of the new summer season and the collection of fresh vegetables, begin work on preparing canned food, while carefully studying the possible causes of the problem described above. Then you will no longer find unpleasant surprises in the form of exploded cans.

Quite often, a situation arises when, during conservation, the contents of the jars begin to become cloudy, a specific smell appears, and the containers themselves explode. The reasons for such a reaction are inattention or poor quality dishes. The process of water cloudiness occurs due to several factors:

  1. Dirt getting into the jar - often it is poor sterilization and poorly washed vegetables that cause the jars to become cloudy and explode. This is due to bacteria that begin to develop inside the contents and produce gas. Over time, it will accumulate until pressure pushes the lid out. To avoid this, you should soak ripe, small and unrotted cucumbers in cool water for about 4 hours, and then rinse with a brush.
  2. Accidental entry of air - this can happen if the screws are not properly sealed, that is, oxygen can get into the jar due to the fact that the lids were not rolled up tightly. Therefore, after conservation, you need to turn the jar over and put it on paper, so you can easily notice if something is leaking.
  3. Incorrect recipe - due to non-compliance with the numbers in the recipe, a specific taste and the formation of the fermentation process may appear, therefore, in order not to harm your preservation, you should put everything in the correct ratio to each other.
  4. Salad variety - cucumbers exist in various forms. Short, medium-sized, dark-colored cucumber fruits with black thorns are excellent for preservation. But the salad type should be avoided when rolling as they will be soft and have no taste. This variety is usually covered with white spines.
  5. Incorrect sterilization - for liter jars the time is about 15 minutes, for two-liter jars - 20, for three-liter jars - 25. You can not sterilize the jar at all, but simply pour brine into the container and leave for 20 minutes, then drain, boil, pour it back into the jar and twist. However, the lids must always be boiled. It is necessary to sterilize for at least the time specified in the recipe.

If it was not possible to protect the contents from clouding, then you should inspect the cucumbers. If they turn white, then you should absolutely not eat them. If they have a light coating, the cucumbers can be filled with new brine and re-rolled.


Preservation should be stored in a cool place, for example, in a cellar. At a temperature of +5 degrees, the lids will begin to swell, and at higher temperatures the containers will explode.

What to do if jars of cucumbers exploded the next day

If cans explode, you must act immediately, otherwise it will be difficult to save them. You can begin to correct the situation if a maximum of 3 days have passed since the day of twisting; if more, then it is better to throw it away. If there is a smell of fermentation or the cucumbers have become soft, it is advisable to throw them away. When everything is fine with the fruits, they can be sent for reharvesting. There are three ways to do this:

  1. First you need to rinse all the cucumbers under cool water. In addition, they can be soaked in saline solution. All other contents must be thrown away.
  2. Leave them in cold water for 20 minutes.
  3. The brine from the jar should be boiled. Wash and sterilize the jar. Then pour the marinade into it.
  4. After 20 minutes, drain and return to boil.
  1. Next, the cucumber fruits should be placed in jars and filled with brine. Pour in vinegar essence and roll up.
  2. To be sure that everything is done hermetically, you need to turn it over and place the container upside down. If everything is done correctly, you can wrap yourself in a warm blanket.

It is important to add half the amount of sugar, salt and vinegar. However, this method of re-rolling makes the cucumbers more pickled than pickled. If you don't like this taste, there is another option:

  1. In the second method, you should also throw away the filling of the jars, leaving only the cucumber fruits. They need to be washed and sterilized.
  2. Pour boiling water into the container for about 3-4 minutes. Add sugar and salt to a separate pan, but half as much as when first seaming, and drain the water there. Boil and pour back into the jar.
  3. You should put 1-2 aspirin tablets in vegetables. Roll up and place upside down, covering with a warm cloth.
  4. Pour hot water into the container for about 4 minutes. Next, pour into the pan and add salt and sugar, but half as much as when you first rolled it up. Boil and pour back into the jar.
  5. You should put 1-2 aspirin tablets in cucumbers. Roll up and turn the lids down, covering with a cloth.

When using this option, the taste will not be too different from other canned food, and the jars will definitely not explode. If you don’t want to preserve cucumbers again, you can use a simpler method.

  1. Remove all contents from the damaged jar.
  2. Slice the cucumbers and place in a bowl to simmer for 7-9 minutes.
  3. Place in containers, bags or small jars.

Using this method you can get an excellent preparation for pickle or hodgepodge for the winter. There is no need to add salt and spices. In all these methods, the main thing is that all utensils are sterile.

Prevention to prevent jars from exploding

Absolutely not every type of cucumber should be used for preservation. To preserve all the preservation, you must choose the right variety and follow all directions exactly. Special secrets and techniques can help.

  • It is advisable to choose fruits that are not bitter, medium in size, not limp and not bent in shape. The best option is only picked cucumbers with black thorns;
  • Thoroughly wash all vegetables and all greens to get rid of all dirt and chemicals.
  • To ensure that the cucumbers remain as elastic, dense and crispy, leave them in cold water for a couple of hours before preserving;
  • You need to take filtered water for brine; store-bought water will do;
  • sterilize absolutely all lids and jars;
  • If the lid is still swollen, you can pour salt on it to prevent an explosion. After some time it will become wet, and the lid itself will return to normal;
  • The necks of the containers must be without any defects. The lid must be tightly sealed, otherwise air will penetrate into the jar and bloating will occur. To check the tightness, turn the container over and leave for a while;
  • You shouldn’t immediately take everything into the pantry or cellar after preservation; you should wrap it in a warm blanket and leave it to pasteurize. This usually takes about one day. After this, you can take it to a permanent place;
  • to prevent the jars from exploding, you can add aspirin, citric acid, and spices.


If you put several tomatoes in a jar of cucumbers when canning, you don’t have to worry about it exploding.

Recipes to help save cucumbers

In order for preserved food not to explode, you need to know how it can be prepared efficiently and correctly. Experienced housewives use their own recipes, proven over the years. Each of them has its own techniques, subtleties and secrets of taste. The basic recipe uses horseradish, dill, peppercorns and currant leaves instead of spices. However, there are several other components that can help prevent cans from exploding.

A special recipe for canning cucumbers in a three-liter jar

Delicious spicy cucumbers are easy to prepare, and the taste is excellent.


  • cucumbers - 1.5-2 kg;
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • salt – 2.5-3 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar – 1-1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • citric acid – 0.5-1 tsp;
  • allspice peas;
  • spices.

Cooking time – 1 hour.


  1. First, thoroughly wash all the fruits and soak them for a while.
  2. Next, sterilize the jars and lids. Place carrots, herbs and spices cut into circles.
  3. Then remove the cucumbers from the cold water, put them in a jar and fill them with hot water. Leave for 30 minutes.
  4. When time has passed, drain the cooled water from the container into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Add salt and sugar during the process.
  5. Pour the resulting marinade into the cucumbers again, add citric acid on top and screw the lids on tightly. Next, turn it over, put it on the lid and cover it with a blanket.

Classic recipe for cucumbers straight from a barrel

To get the real taste of barrel cucumbers, you need to spend a little more time on this than for a regular marinade, since first the vegetables are left to salt for a couple of days. The preservation that will be made in this way will not only be tasty, but will also last all winter.


  • cucumbers – 1.5-2 kg;
  • filtered water – 2-2.5 l.;
  • rock salt – 3-4 tbsp. l.;
  • spices;
  • hot pepper.


  1. First, wash all the ingredients and leave the cucumbers in cool water overnight.
  2. To prepare lightly salted cucumbers, take a large saucepan. First put herbs and spices into it, then the fruits themselves, and so on in a circle until the entire container is filled. Cover with leaves on top.
  3. The brine will require ice water. Pour salt into it and stir until dissolved. Pour the resulting liquid into a saucepan and place something heavy on top so that the cucumbers do not float. The time they need to sit depends on the temperature; the hotter it is, the faster they will salt. Usually about 2-4 days.
  4. When time has passed, pour the brine into a separate bowl and put it to boil, rinse the cucumbers and containers, and throw away everything else.
  5. Place the fruits in a jar and pour boiling water over them for about 7-9 minutes. Then repeat all processes and seal hermetically. Turn over and wrap with a blanket.

To make the cucumbers crispy, you can put oak or walnut leaves in the jar.

Pickled cucumbers without sterilization

If you don’t want to sterilize the jars, then there is another cooking method so that the cucumbers remain intact until the next season.


  • cucumbers – 1-2 kg;
  • sugar – 1.5-2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt – 1.5-2 tbsp. l.;
  • garlic – 2-3 cloves;
  • vinegar essence – 1 spoon;
  • dry dill in umbrellas.


  1. Wash fresh cucumbers with a sponge and soak for a couple of hours in ice water. Wash the jars thoroughly with a special detergent. Then put them on a towel and let them dry. During the preservation process they must be completely dry.
  2. You will need two pans - one for the marinade, and the second for boiling the lids.
  3. Rinse all remaining ingredients, peel the garlic and place in a separate bowl.
  4. Add sugar and salt to the brine. Place the garlic in dry jars, and steam the horseradish and dill over boiling water for about 1 minute. This can be done using a colander. Then immediately send to the garlic.
  5. Next, take a certain number of cucumbers per jar and throw them into boiling water for 1 minute. They become more elastic and can be easily compacted into jars.
  6. Boiling brine should be poured into the cucumbers and vinegar essence should be added. Next, you can roll up, turn over the jar and cover with a blanket.

From generation to generation, some techniques and subtleties are passed down to help housewives prepare delicious lightly salted cucumbers.

  1. The varieties Rodnichok, German, Zasolochny and Veselye guys are excellent for harvesting.
  2. Fermentation begins due to a lack of citric or acetic acid.
  3. When preserving, it is better to add table salt rather than iodized salt.
  4. If canning is repeated, then less salt, vinegar and sugar should be added. Otherwise, the cucumbers will be oversaturated.
  5. To prevent the proliferation of harmful substances, you can add hot pepper and horseradish leaves.
  6. Blistering of the lid may be due to the development of bacteria in the contents of the jars. If you eat such a fruit, you can easily get poisoned. Therefore, it would be better to throw away all the cucumbers.
  7. In order for the cucumber fruits to be better saturated with aromas, you can leave them in the herbs for about an hour.
  8. If you don't have vinegar, mustard or essence can work just fine.
  9. You should adhere to the correct placement of cucumbers - first place large ones, and then small ones.
  10. To prevent the container from cracking during the sterilization process, you can place a folded cloth or a wooden stand.

Every housewife has tried canning at least once in her life. Isn't it nice to enjoy juicy tomatoes or salty crispy cucumbers in winter? It also happens that out of a whole batch, several jars begin to deteriorate. In order not to get upset ahead of time, you need to know why the cucumbers in the jar turned cloudy and how to fix it.


Why, among a dozen cans that were prepared at the same time, according to the same recipe, some went bad, and some were worth it and didn’t know grief? You should find out why the water in a jar of cucumbers became cloudy and how to avoid such troubles in the future.

There may be several reasons for this confusion with brine:

  1. Cucumbers that are not washed thoroughly enough - a piece of dirt remains on the peel of at least one cucumber, and that’s all, this is enough for all the vegetables in this jar to rot.
  2. Residues of soap and detergents inside are another reason why pickles become cloudy in jars.
  3. Improper sterilization of containers - a poorly washed and sterilized jar is the key to a damaged product.
  4. Using unwashed or poorly washed herbs and spices - dirt and bacteria from them get into the brine and start the process of rotting or fermentation.
  5. Using sea or iodized salt - experienced housewives claim that such salt contains elements that cause fermentation inside the jar.
  6. Preparing the marinade according to the wrong recipe - without using acid or vinegar, the brine will definitely spoil, and along with it the entire contents.
  7. Using non-sterilized lids - it happens that, after getting wrapped up, women completely forget that it is not only the jars and their contents that need to be processed, but also the lids.
  8. A poor-quality seaming key or cracked jars - both of these violate the seal, which ultimately leads to fermentation or rotting inside.
  9. Using cucumbers grown with the use of chemicals - it also happens that even after preliminary soaking, some of the harmful substances remain in the vegetables, and subsequently cause spoilage of the preserved food.
  10. Using salad varieties - if the cucumbers are cloudy, then the reason for this may be just one cucumber of the wrong variety, lost among the rest, since such types are considered perishable and are not suitable for winter preparations.

Most of the reasons for the occurrence of such a problem lie in the inattention or negligence of the person who was engaged in the preparation. So that your work does not go down the drain and preservation ends up in a landfill, you should carefully and impeccably follow all the recommendations during the canning process and not be lazy about once again rinsing the food, boiling the brine, or inspecting the jars for flaws.

Why the water in the jars of cucumbers became cloudy is clear, but what kind of processes are happening inside at this time and is it possible to eat cloudy cucumbers?

Most experienced women are afraid to use such vegetables and do not even try to save them. However, some argue that, provided that the can did not explode and the lid did not swell, the situation can still be corrected.

Important! Fermented cucumbers can become a breeding ground for botulism! Do not reuse cucumbers from exploded jars! At best, eating such preserved food will lead to stomach upset.

How to fix

Of course, you don’t want to throw away food that took so much time and effort to prepare, because canning is a labor-intensive process. Therefore, below we will consider simple recommendations for solving the problem of cloudy cucumbers.

Don’t immediately give up and get upset if the brine raises suspicions a few days after the jars have been rolled up. The most likely culprit is lactic acid, which started the fermentation process. Typically, this is due to the absence or lack of vinegar.

It’s easy to fix the situation, but only if the lid is not swollen! Open the jar, boil the brine in a saucepan, and leave the cucumbers untouched.

It is enough to pour boiling water over them without removing them from the jar. To enhance the effect, you can pour boiling water over them for a few minutes, no more than 5. After which the water is poured out, the marinade is removed from the heat and immediately poured into a jar with cucumbers, vinegar is added and rolled up as usual.

It is important to ensure that the lid is tightly rolled up and the container is free of defects. Preservation should only be cooled upside down, wrapped in a warm blanket or blanket.

Important! If the brine has acquired a sweetish smell, then it is better not to reuse such a marinade, but to replace it with fresh one.

The second way to resuscitate the cans is to put them in the refrigerator and watch what happens next. If the lid does not swell, but the sediment sank to the bottom, and the water regained its former transparency within a week, then such cucumbers will not cause harm. The only thing that may be a little disappointing is that you can’t count on crispy cucumbers, but this does not mean that their taste will deteriorate.

If the water remains cloudy, but the jar does not explode, then you should immediately open it and use the vegetables to prepare pickle soup, azu or other dishes that require long-term heat treatment.

The third method is suitable as a kind of prevention and is used at the canning stage. To ensure that the brine in the jars does not become cloudy and that the preparations last the allotted time, it is recommended to add other vegetables to the cucumbers. In the company of the same tomatoes, they will feel better, and the chances that the marinade will spoil or the jars will explode are reduced.

To do this, just add 2-3 tomatoes, horseradish root or one hot pepper to the jar. In this way, you can not only protect the preparations, but also add new notes to the taste of vegetables.


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