What is the translation of the name Caroline from Japanese? What does the name Carolina mean - meaning of the name, interpretation, origin, compatibility, characteristics, translation

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Caroline's birthday

Caroline's name day (according to the Catholic calendar, in Orthodox calendar this name is not listed) November 18. The patron saint of women with this name is Caroline Kuzka, blessed, martyr.

Meaning of the name Carolina

Caroline means "queen" (this is a translation of the name Caroline from the ancient Germanic language).

Origin of the name Caroline

It makes sense to start analyzing the mystery of the name Carolina with its origin. The history of the name Caroline has ancient Germanic roots. It comes from the Latinized form of the Germanic male name Karl - Carolus.

What does the name Carolina mean according to D.Zima and N.Zima

In accordance with the interpretation of the name Carolina by D. Zima and N. Zima, in its energy it is similar to a foggy mirror into which you can look endlessly. True, this does not apply to others, on whom the bewitching energy of the name has little effect - after all, those around them have their own worries! - and to Caroline herself, who risks gradually dissolving and drowning in this pool of introspection and narcissism. Well, maybe things won’t go that far, nevertheless, a certain disconnect between Caroline’s fantasies and reality is observed in the vast majority of cases. She has enormous pride, devoid of any activity, and in real life this deprives Caroline of the self-confidence that she possesses in her dreams.

Only with very close people is Caroline able to open up completely, and even then only because she considers her loved ones an integral part of her life. Only with them she is cheerful and lively, but, perhaps, she is too carried away with herself and her own emotions. Alas, such infantilism does little to promote a successful fate - it will be very difficult for Caroline to succeed. Besides, where is the guarantee that family life Will her husband’s love, with which he is ready to be touched by the fragility of his betrothed, not eventually give way to the more pragmatic demands of a hungry stomach? But Caroline’s hands just aren’t in the mood for housekeeping.

However, it is possible to avoid disappointment: after all, all that is needed is to simply learn to accept the world just the way he is. Is he really that bad? At least, few people want to voluntarily part with it. And if Caroline manages to reconcile her dream with reality, then her fantasies may one day find a good reflection in some kind of creativity.

The character of the name Caroline is such that the indecision and some detachment of the bearer of this name often provides her with secondary roles in life. In most cases, she is in dire need of someone’s patronage and can, as they say, melt, sensing balanced, self-confident strength in someone. In general, conflicts with her rarely become too harsh, and you can calm her down with basic sympathy for her.

Characteristics of the name Carolina according to B. Higir

According to the description of the name Carolina according to B. Higir, the owners of this name have aristocratic manners, know how to dress well, and are tireless in choosing new hairstyles. They do not like to study, and do it only out of necessity. A happy marriage is a much more attractive goal for them.

In business, Caroline is a little slow, she makes decisions with difficulty, usually after long doubts and a long mental struggle. If only she had just a little more caution in her personal life! Here she first acts, and then thinks about her actions and, of course, often gets burned. Her first marriage is most often unsuccessful, her second is much happier.

Caroline has excellent intuition - almost foresight. In any case, she is able to anticipate many events in her life. She loves to dream (this is especially typical of “autumn” women), to imagine in her imagination some ideal life with a fairy-tale prince, and then has difficulty returning to everyday life - washing dishes or checking her son’s diary. In life she often lacks material well-being, everyday comfort and, in the end, just money. Carolyn can be called “social”, but they are like that only among close and very old friends. In principle, they do not accept any gossip and gossip; they consider it reprehensible to impose their point of view on someone. Carolinas are jealous and have a hard time dealing with male infidelities. These women really need understanding, and if they find such a partner, they blossom literally before our eyes.

Derivatives of the name Carolina

Variants of the name Caroline: Charlotte.

Diminutives for the name Caroline: Karolinka, Karolya, Kalya, Lina, Linochka, Linusya, Karolinushka.

The name Caroline in different languages

  • Name Caroline on English language: Caroline (Caroline), Carolyn, Karolyn (Carolyn), Carlyn (Carlyn), Carolina (Carolina).
  • Name Caroline on German: Karolina, Carolina (Carolina), Karoline, Caroline (Carolina).
  • Name Caroline on French: Caroline (Caroline, Carolina).
  • The name Carolina in Spanish is Carolina.
  • The name Carolina in Portuguese is Carolina.
  • Name Caroline on Italian: Carolina (Carolina).
  • The name Caroline in Corsican is Carulina.
  • The name Carolina in Catalan is Carolina.
  • The name Carolina in Romanian is Carolina.
  • The name Caroline in Hungarian is Karolina (Carolina).
  • The name Carolina in Ukrainian is Karolina.
  • The name Carolina in Belarusian language: Karalina.
  • Name Caroline on Greek: ???????? (Caroline).
  • Name Caroline on Polish language: Karolina (Carolina).
  • The name Caroline in Czech: Karolina, Karol?na (Carolina).
  • The name Caroline in Dutch: Carolina (Carolina), Caroline (Caroline), Carolijn (Caroline), Carolien (Caroline), Carlijn, Karlijn (Carlein).
  • The name Caroline in Danish: Karoline, Caroline (Caroline).
  • The name Caroline in Swedish: Karolina, Ca rolina (Carolina).
  • The name Caroline in Norwegian: Karoline, Caroline (Caroline).
  • The name Caroline in Finnish is Karoliina.

Famous Carolines:

  • Caroline Bonaparte is the youngest of Napoleon Bonaparte's sisters.
  • Caroline of Brandenburg-Ansbach - since 1727 Queen of Great Britain and Ireland, Elector of Hanover.
  • Caroline of Brunswick is the Queen of Great Britain, Ireland and Hanover.
  • Karolina Goceva is a Macedonian singer.
  • Karolina Karlovna Pavlova is a Russian poetess.
  • Carolina Casting is a Brazilian actress.
  • Carolina Kostner is an Italian figure skater who competes in women's singles skating.
  • Karolina Miroslavovna Kuek (Ani Lorak) is a Ukrainian pop singer.
  • Caroline Kuzka - blessed of the Roman Catholic Church, martyr.
  • Karolina Kurkova is a Czech supermodel, best known as one of the Victoria's Secret Angels.
  • Carolina Otero is a French singer and dancer of Spanish (Galician) origin, star and symbol of the Belle Epoque.
  • Karolina Pliskova is a Czech tennis player.
  • Caroline Remy is a French writer.
  • Carolina Rosati is a famous Italian ballerina.
  • Carolina Ruiz Castillo is a Spanish alpine skier and member of the Spanish Olympic team. alpine skiing in winter Olympic Games ah 2006 and the 2010 Winter Olympics.
  • Caroline von Wolzogen is a German writer.
  • Caroline von Günderode was a German romantic poet.
  • Caroline Chanpetier is a French cinematographer.
  • Caroline Elkins is an associate professor of history at Harvard University.
  • Caroline Jagemann von Geigendorff was a German tragic actress and singer at the turn of the 18th-19th centuries.

The name Caroline is translated from ancient German as “queen”. It is derived from the male name Karl. The name was originally translated as "man", but with the advent of Charlemagne the meaning of the name changed. The name Carolina is unusual, but very beautiful, it is popular in many countries of the world, but in Russia it is not very common.

Girl Since childhood, with the name Caroline, she has shown such character qualities as determination, activity, courage and perseverance. This is a very bright child who loves to draw, sing and dance.

The girl is very cheerful and cheerful, she practically never has a bad mood. She gets along well with both adults and her peers.

In general, the meaning of the name Carolina is positive; if a girl grew up in a large family, then she, as a rule, grows up to be the most successful. But if she is an only child in the family, then she may have high self-esteem, which will interfere with her life. She is very talented, she has creative abilities, as well as a passion for learning languages.

But in order to succeed, Caroline must be taught order and discipline from childhood; these qualities are not her strong point.

IN adolescence a lot depends on the company Caroline communicates with. Although such a girl cannot be called weak-willed, she is still subject to the influence of others. As a rule, girls named like this are distinguished by their bright appearance. With age, a girl named Caroline begins to understand this, and this makes her self-esteem even higher.

With age, character Carolina is made more tender and softer. Thanks to her strong-willed qualities, such a girl achieves a lot in life. But she often tends to overestimate herself somewhat, which hinders her development. A girl named Caroline does not have compassion, she will not sacrifice large sums money for charity. She helps only her family and friends.

Very often such a girl seems proud and arrogant to others, so it is not easy to find her mutual language. But if she notices her shortcomings, she can correct them and become better.

A girl named Caroline has been dreaming of independence since childhood and wants to become an adult as quickly as possible in order to realize all her plans.

Partially or completely, she still manages to realize all her dreams, because she has a strong-willed character. She has well-developed intuition, so she will not miss any opportunity to express herself.


Due to her bright and impressive appearance, Carolina is usually not deprived of male attention. She is very amorous, loves to flirt and flirt. But often to serious relationship is ready after 25 years.

Such a girl knows her worth, so she chooses her husband long and meticulously. She can arrange all sorts of tests for her lover in order to accurately understand whether he is suitable for her or not.

Usually tests him for generosity, courage and masculinity. Her lover should not only be handsome, but also have character traits such as generosity, courage and determination.

A girl named Caroline is waiting for her chosen one to conquer her and constantly prove his love. He should arrange romantic evenings, give her gifts and be ready to always come to the rescue at her first call. In relationships, she behaves like a queen who allows her chosen one to love her.

The characteristic of the name Carolina is such that such a girl often has unhappy love. If she truly falls in love with a man, then an internal struggle begins between the desire to submit and pride. But more often than not, pride takes over, and the girl breaks off the relationship, and then worries about it for a long time.


If a woman named Caroline does marry for love, then the marriage usually turns out well. She is a wonderful wife who becomes a true friend and advisor to her husband. Very often, marriage lasts until old age; spouses manage to maintain love and tenderness for each other for a long time.

Such a woman is very faithful, and she will demand the same from her other half. She will not forgive betrayal, and also does not like any misunderstandings; her family must have sincere and trusting relationships.

She loves children, she knows how to raise them. She can become a mother of many children.

She maintains warm relations with her husband’s family and often hosts them in her home. Caroline is very attached to her parents; she maintains a close connection with them even after marriage.

Career and business

A girl named Caroline has business acumen. She can be called a careerist, she is interested in career growth, is constantly engaged in self-education and wants to become a real specialist in his chosen profession. With age, she learns to be responsible and executive.

Completes his work accurately and on time. She is an excellent and conscientious performer; her superiors value her for these qualities.

Carolina Herrera (Venezuelan-American designer, fashion designer and entrepreneur)

  • Such a woman can organize her own business. Business acumen, good intuition, activity and determination - all these qualities will help her achieve success.
  • Caroline always finishes what she starts.
  • She gets along well with business partners and with her employees. Her friendly nature helps her in this. Very often, colleagues become her close friends, whom she can count on in any situation.
  • Carolina can realize herself in a creative profession; she can become a wonderful actress, singer or TV presenter.
  • She doesn’t like to sit in one place, she wants to constantly grow and move forward, gains new knowledge, improves in her craft and ultimately becomes a first-class specialist.

The name influences the fate and character of a person. Many people have noticed that when they change the name given at birth, their destiny changes. That is why parents must take a responsible approach to their choice. It is imperative to find out the meaning of the chosen name and its characteristics before naming the child. It is desirable that it matches the baby’s middle and last names.

Every person is interested in knowing what the name his parents gave him means, because it is no secret that it influences the fate of its owner. Caroline, the meaning of whose name will be discussed below, seems to us to be a majestic person with royal aspirations. But is this really so?

Name Carolina: origin and meaning

According to linguists, given name comes from the ancient Germanic male name Karl, which translated into Russian means “man” or “man”. However, after the reign of Charlemagne, this name began to be interpreted as “king”. As a result, the meaning of the name Caroline sounds beautiful and majestic - “queen”. But does the character of its owner correspond to this sound?

Meaning of a girl's name

The meaning of the name Carolina significantly influenced the character of the girl. She is cheerful, active, sociable, but her own interests are always a priority for her. If she doesn’t like something, she immediately withdraws into herself or, on the contrary, enters into a “battle.” Little Carolina is sweet and inquisitive, from an early age she loves and knows how to flirt, which wins the hearts of everyone around her. The baby is a true representative of the fair sex, everything masculine is alien to her. Caroline, whose name means “queen,” loves beautiful outfits and all kinds of jewelry. From an early age, a girl imitates her mother - she paints her nails or tries to apply makeup with cosmetics taken without asking. What else is remarkable about the girl who was given the name Caroline? The meaning of the name and fate are known to be interconnected. This was reflected in our heroine. The little girl has many talents. She sings, dances and draws beautifully. In large families, it becomes the most successful of all, if, of course, the parents are able to develop the natural gift of the child. In general, it is not advisable for little Caroline to grow up as the only child in the family, since being spoiled may cause her to grow up to be overly selfish.

School years

The meaning of the name Carolina is fully reflected in educational process young lady. The girl believes that it is not at all necessary to make every effort to master various types of knowledge, since the main thing for a woman is to get married successfully. As a result, Caroline’s studies are not good, although her natural gifts allow her to be an excellent student and receive a decent education.

The meaning of the name Carolina reveals its owner as a wayward, slightly selfish person. A girl begins to realize her attractiveness from an early age and takes full advantage of it. She takes the courtship of guys for granted, and does not pay any attention to the envious glances of her friends, since all her thoughts are absorbed only in herself. As you grow older, the arrogance inherent in adolescence fades, but the awareness of your own attractiveness remains for life.

The influence of a name on health

The owner of the name Carolina is quite different good health. The girl has good immunity, she rarely gets sick, but even if she catches a cold, she quickly regains her strength, which, of course, cannot but please her parents. In adolescence, she is susceptible to diseases of the upper respiratory tract, because in pursuit of beauty she can walk around lightly dressed even in the most severe frost.

Carolina: name meaning, character

When assessing Caroline, one should note her dreaminess. The girl seems to be flying in the clouds, not noticing reality. With her manners, she really looks like a person of royal blood, she performs even the simplest actions with such refinement and sophistication. What else distinguishes the girl to whom her parents gave the name Caroline? The meaning of the name and fate are closely intertwined, and in this name this is especially noticeable. Caroline's character cannot be called ideal; she has both positive and negative sides. The desire for excellence can be called her advantage, because thanks to this she often becomes a highly qualified specialist in her chosen field. Determination and perseverance make her almost unbending, however, only if she believes that she really needs it. More often, she tries to shift all her problems onto the shoulders of other people, and perceives this as generosity on her part. Negative traits include an almost complete lack of compassion. Caroline is not one of those people who will waste herself on helping others; the most she can do is donate a small amount to charity. Excessive pride and arrogance are also negative qualities Carolina. Sometimes she herself cannot cope with her proud disposition, although she understands that she is not behaving entirely correctly.

Love, marriage

Since childhood, Carolina has not been deprived of male attention. She flirts with pleasure, instantly falls in love and just as quickly cools off. Real love comes to her after 25 years, when Caroline fully realizes her importance and thinks about starting a family. The girl will check the candidate for husband for some time. She gives preference to men who are not only attractive in appearance, but also have such qualities as masculinity, decency, sensuality, and generosity. Her chosen one must constantly prove his love by arranging romantic evenings and showering his beloved with gifts. This is for Caroline special meaning. In a couple, she is the person who allows herself to be loved. Carolina loves her children very much. She will surround them with care and attention. As a rule, the owner of the name Carolina has at least 2 children.

Linguists claim that the name Caroline comes from the male name Karl. The name Karl is an ancient Germanic name and translated means “man” or “man”. However, the meaning of the name Charles underwent a change after the reign of Charlemagne. Now accepted value named after Charles - "king". It turns out that according to this version The meaning of the name Caroline is "queen". This is how one person can leave a mark on history for centuries.

The name Caroline has many related names. So the name Charlotte, for example, comes from the French male name Charles, which is the French form of the name Karl. Another related name according to a similar principle is the name Charles and its feminine forms.

Meaning of the name Carolina for a girl

Girls with this name grow up joyful and inquisitive. Caroline is very sweet as a child and loves to flirt from an early age. At the same time, the girl is unusually serious, which many adults notice. The girl is drawn to everything feminine, but masculine things are of no interest to her. She clearly divides games into “male” and “female”. The girl tries in every possible way to be like her mother. She paints her nails with felt-tip pens and paints, and can take cosmetics without asking. In a word, Caroline strives in every possible way to become an adult.

Carolina does not like to study, although she can get fairly good grades. For Carolina, studying is usually a burden. A girl often has the life position of “successfully getting married.” With this approach, Caroline has a rather slim chance of getting a decent education. She can grow up to look like the heroine of Krylov's fable - a dragonfly. The chance for a good education may be lost forever. At the same time, the girl has good creative abilities and they should be developed. She usually draws well and basically has good taste. Carolina usually enjoys going to a drawing club, and she might even go to art school.

The girl is in good health. Caroline has a high vitality and can quickly recuperate. Carolina rarely gets sick, which only makes her parents happy. She needs to be careful with her health, especially as a teenager. In pursuit of a beautiful hairstyle, you should not go without a hat in the cold.

Short name Caroline

Diminutive pet names

Karolinka, Karolinochka, Karolinushka, Linochka, Linusya, Linushka.

Name Caroline in English

In English, the name Caroline is written as Carolina.

Name Carolina for international passport- KAROLINA.

Translation of the name Caroline into other languages

in Armenian - Caroline
in Belarusian - Karalina
in Hungarian - Caroline
in Greek - Καρολίνα
in Spanish - Caroline
in Italian - Caroline
in Chinese - 卡羅琳
in Korean - 카롤리나
in Latin - Caroline
in German - Caroline
in Polish - Karolina
in Romanian - Caroline
in Serbian - Carolina
in Ukrainian - Karolina
in French - Caroline
in Czech - Caroline

Church name Caroline(V Orthodox faith) not specified, i.e. absent from the calendar. This means that at baptism Caroline will receive church name different from the mundane.

Characteristics of the name Carolina

If we characterize Caroline, it is worth noting her dreaminess and indecisiveness. She has her head in the clouds and is often completely divorced from reality. Caroline's manners are very refined. She kind of looks like royalty. Caroline is a defenseless person and she definitely needs the protection of someone stronger. Caroline often has an older friend who protects her from life’s adversities. Sometimes Caroline's mother can become such a friend. Her husband will subsequently take on this role.

Caroline's work is usually associated with her creative abilities. Carolina, like many other creative people, cannot work without inspiration. This imposes certain restrictions on the choice of profession. For Carolina, professions such as an artist, florist, or interior designer can be successful. She has excellent taste and knows how to approach clients.

Family is usually the ultimate dream for Caroline. For Caroline, a family idyll is something worth working for. Carolina's marriage fulfills her childhood dream. She believes that being a wife is the highest embodiment of femininity. Caroline is a wonderful housewife and a very caring wife. She knows how to create an indescribable atmosphere of comfort at home. Carolina is also a wonderful mother and devotes a lot of time to her children.

The mystery of the name Caroline

Caroline's secret can be called her skeptical attitude towards emancipation. She will never understand women who work and build their careers. Caroline's lack of desire to get married can be especially puzzling.

Planet- Mars.

Zodiac sign- Aries.

Totem animal- Eagle.

Name color- Crimson.

Tree- Oak.

Plant- Rose.

Stone- Diamond.

DOB: 1987-02-08

Italian figure skater, Olympic bronze medalist

Version 1. What does the name Carolina mean?

Personality. Those who make up the wine of life.

Character. 86%.


Vibration. 83,000 vibrations/s.


Main features.
Sociability - receptivity - intuition - health.

Totem plant.

Totem animal.

Sign. Scales.

Secretive, somewhat timid and indecisive. Like their totem - grape
vines require care in order to bloom in time. Happy marriage or interesting
work for them is the purpose of life.

Psyche. They avoid conflicts with other societies and are a little wild. U
They have somewhat aristocratic manners and do not like popular entertainment, for example

Will. They do everything not to show the strength of their character. But the will
there is, and in right time she makes herself known.

Very strong and goes well with quick response. It's amazing that
this excessive excitability is accompanied by an amazing external coldness.

Speed ​​reaction.
In order not to show that this situation is scary or exciting
them, Caroline restrains her emotions to such an extent that it seems absolutely

Field of work.
They don’t like to study, they do it only when necessary. Caroline either choose
home and then become unsurpassed housewives and ideal wives,
or combine household duties with the profession of a lawyer, psychiatrist, flight attendant
and so on.

Intuition. These women have
the ability to foresee the most important stages own life.

Intelligence. They have a lively mind
prone to generalizations, excellent memory, but they are not overly inquisitive.

Susceptibility. If Caroline
and people like her become attached to someone, then it will last for a long time, and perhaps forever.
Very careful, often long years waiting for their fairy prince.

Moral. These women
self-esteem is inherent, they are true to their word and always fulfill their obligations
obligations. They are equally friendly with both men and women and have a hard time
betrayal or dishonesty.

Health. Impeccable. Never
They don’t complain, they are tireless and resilient. The only thing weakness in their body - organs
internal secretion.

Sexuality. They are reserved
which does not exclude impulses of sensuality, especially when they meet an ideal partner.

Activity. Need a lot
tact and at the same time persistence in order to develop activity in these girls. Imposition
someone considers their point of view reprehensible.

Sociability. overcome
your difficult life problems on your own. Loved ones should take care that
they did not lose contact with society.

Conclusion. They need it well
understand so as not to inadvertently offend.
Karina doesn't like to discuss
shortcomings of his character and dreams that the prince from the fairy tale understands them with
half words.

DOB: 1782-03-25

younger sister of Napoleon Bonaparte

Version 2. What does the name Carolina mean?

- otlat. queen.

Karolinka, Karolya, Kalya, Lina, Linusya.


In business
sphere it lacks decisiveness, firmness, and efficiency. Caroline
spends too much time and mental strength to stop there
or another project, whereas in my personal life I am ready to easily accept a mirage
for reality, to act headlong. Sometimes Caroline
returns to real world to real heroes. But not for long.

Famous people named Caroline

Numerology of the name Caroline

Name number: 5

The number 5 in numerology is a kind of field of action and the personification of human experience. It is always ready to take on a leadership role and assume responsibility. Number 5 is introverted. Her motto: “Progress in everything.”

The meaning of the letters in the name Caroline

TO- distinguished by insight, slight nervousness and strong endurance. Regardless of gender, people with the first letter of their name “K” have a strong, strong-willed character. They are distinguished by remarkable stubbornness, which is the reason for the vast majority conflict situations at home and at work.

A- the alphabet begins with it, and it symbolizes the beginning, the desire to achieve success. If a person has this letter in his name, then he will constantly strive for physical and spiritual balance. People whose name starts with A are quite hardworking. They like to take initiative in everything and do not like routine.

R- people with the letter “R” in their name have extraordinary thinking. They are very responsible and you can rely on them in any situation. They have well-developed intuition and have an extremely negative attitude towards lies. Constantly strive for leadership, but in family relationships they rely on their partner.

ABOUT- open, cheerful and cheerful natures. Those with the letter 'O' in their name are hardworking and creative. Professions related to strategic thinking and economics are ideal for them. They are friends only with reliable people whom they trust.

L- artistic and inventive individuals. They prefer to be guided in their actions logical thinking. They know how to win over. In rare cases, they are narcissistic and disdainful of other people. It is extremely difficult to endure separation from loved ones. They are overly capricious and require increased attention to their person.

AND- subtle mental organization, romance, kindness, honesty and peacefulness. Representatives of the fair sex pay a lot of attention to their appearance, while men focus on internal qualities. They manage to achieve great success in science and working with people. Very economical and prudent.

N- strong, strong-willed and decisive individuals. Quite hardworking, but cannot stand monotonous and boring work. Smart, attractive, critical thinking present. A person takes a long time to choose a chosen one with whom he can live until the end of his days.

Loves to take care of loved ones.

Name as a phrase

  • TO- Kako
  • A- Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
  • R- Rtsy (Rivers, Speak, Sayings)
  • ABOUT- He (Oh, About)
  • L- People
  • AND- And (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, “Together with”)
  • N- Our (Ours, Yours)

Name Caroline in English (Latin)


When filling out a document in English, you should first write your first name, then your patronymic in Latin letters, and then your last name. You may need to write the name Caroline in English when applying for a foreign passport, ordering a foreign hotel, when placing an order in an English online store, and so on.

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