How to paint an old refrigerator with your own hands. Refrigerator paint Painting an old refrigerator

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11/08/2017 2 3 342 views

How to paint a refrigerator at home? A similar question is asked by people who want to update the appearance of this equipment. Of course, it is unlikely that it will be possible to restore the original appearance, but it is possible to eliminate cracks and peeling paint.

Why paint a refrigerator?

Refrigerator owners always have their own reason for changing its appearance.

  1. A unit usually needs restoration when it performs its functions properly, but does not fit into the interior of the kitchen. For example, white refrigerators disrupt the color scheme of the room and since, unlike other household appliances, they are large in size, they are difficult to make invisible.
  2. Painting the device becomes necessary if the enamel is damaged. These may be scratches, spots of rust, or abrasions resulting from careful cleaning. Since a new refrigerator costs a lot of money, and the old one works without interruptions, all that remains is to restore the latter.
  3. Creative people use this device to realize their design ideas. The repainted unit makes the kitchen fashionable and original. A traditionally white refrigerator, after painting, no longer stands out from the overall interior.

Thus, painting an old appliance is a great solution that will save money and at the same time update your kitchen.

What might you need for painting?

To paint a refrigerator with your own hands, you will need tools, the choice of which depends on the paint. In any case, you will need equipment suitable for painting the outside and inside of the device.

  • masking film or newspapers. This item will be needed to protect the surrounding areas from paint splashes. Since the newspapers are dispersed during the work process, stains will remain here and there. Therefore, it is better to use a special film. It reliably protects surfaces and furniture from paint marks. In addition, the splash-proof film is equipped with an adhesive tape along the edge, which allows you to securely attach it in the right places;
  • gloves and respirator. To protect your hands from exposure to dyes and solvents, use gloves. A respirator will be needed when applying aerosols and sprays from a spray bottle, since splashes of the solution and toxic odor can harm the respiratory system. If you plan to paint the refrigerator with acrylic paint, then you do not need a device;
  • masking tape. The item is necessary to protect refrigerator elements that cannot be removed and should not be painted. This is an elastic band for sealing the door, a logo, a handle. Do not use regular adhesive tape. Traces of glue left by the tape will subsequently be difficult to remove;
  • fine-grained sandpaper. Use to remove the old layer of enamel from the surface of the device;
  • solvent. Apply the product to the surface of the unit to remove traces of paint and degrease the surface. You can use acetone, white spirit and other similar compounds;
  • detergents. Since painting at the first stage involves removing old grease stains and other contaminants from the outside and inside of the refrigerator, keep a container of hot water. You will also need rags, brushes, sponges and grease remover;
  • putty. The product is necessary for restoring old devices with deep scratches on the surface. Before starting painting, all uneven areas and cracks are primed with putty.

Depending on the type of paint, other tools may be needed. For example, when using acrylic paint, you will have to work extra with a narrow roller. Also, to paint hard-to-reach places, you will need a brush. For painting with nitro enamel, a standard set of tools will be sufficient. The same goes for polyurethane-based paint.

How to choose the right paint for your refrigerator?

How to competently change the appearance of a refrigerator? To do this, you need to make the right choice of coloring agent. At the same time, do not forget that the device has an unusual surface, so special paint is needed. The new coating should act not only as decoration, but also as reliable protection for the cladding from various damages.

Since the device will always be in a dry and warm room, you should not waste money on an anti-corrosion agent. Fire-resistant paint will not be needed either, since the refrigerator cannot be placed, for example, near the stove.

Thus, to answer the question “How to paint the device?”, you need to know the characteristics of the paint.

  1. Ability to maintain an even layer on a vertical surface.
  2. The ability not to lose its properties when adding new shades.
  3. The ability to maintain elasticity as the temperature in refrigerators rises significantly.
  4. Resistant to detergents.

To summarize, choose water-resistant metal paint for interior work. It is worth paying attention to the fact that paint for metal surfaces may contain different components. So, the composition could be:

  1. Oil.
  2. Alkyd.
  3. Epoxy.
  4. Zinc.
  5. Polyurethane.
  6. Organosilicon.
  7. Nitrocellulose.

Refrigerator painting can be done:

  • paint containing acrylic that can be applied to a metal surface;
  • nitro enamel. A substance that coats cars;
  • polyurethane or epoxy paint.

Since acrylic dyes do not contain harmful substances, they can be used without danger. This type of painting will not only update the refrigerator, but also make it original, since the color range of acrylic is quite wide. Apply paint with a roller in two layers.

The substance for painting cars is a durable paint in beautiful shades. Apply from a can by spraying. However, it is not advisable to use the dye, since purchasing it will be expensive. In addition, the paint is toxic, so when applied it requires protection of exposed parts of the body and surrounding objects from splashes. If traces of paint do get onto the surface, they can only be eliminated with the help of a solvent.

The most durable and durable paints are polyurethane and epoxy. True, their preparation can take a lot of time, since mixing the two components requires proper preparation.

How to prepare the surface of the equipment?

Before painting, the refrigerator must be washed to remove accumulated dirt. This will be difficult to do with regular detergents, so follow these instructions:

  1. Place the necessary tools nearby.
  2. Disconnect the unit from electricity.
  3. Remove trays and shelves.
  4. Apply detergent to the sponge and vigorously wipe the entire surface of the refrigerator.
  5. Using sandpaper, remove the old coating. If necessary, sand down any scratches or other damage. This will allow the paint to adhere better to the surface.
  6. Take a lint-free cloth, dampen it with water and wipe the surface. Next, wipe with a dry cloth.
  7. Use the solution to remove stains of grease and other contaminants.
  8. Cover with masking tape those parts of the refrigerator that you do not plan to paint.
  9. Place paint protection paper on the floor and furniture surface.

Video: how to paint an old refrigerator at home?

In the current era, people are highly dependent on technical inventions, including those of a household nature. It is unlikely that today you can find the average family without such a necessary unit as a refrigerator. Sometimes, when it breaks, we begin to wonder: “How did our grandmothers manage without this miracle device?”

However, a refrigerator is not always purchased only because it is broken. More often than not, people go to the store for new equipment only because the appearance of the old one leaves much to be desired. Unfortunately, not everyone knows that the procedure for painting a refrigerator easily resolves such difficulties.

Even an old refrigerator can find new life thanks to painting

This method, as well as pasting the surface with oracal (self-adhesive decorative film) is perfect for updating the design of a refrigerator or hiding external defects. But, unlike the second method, which requires considerable skill and patience, otherwise the film will lie on the surface with air bubbles and wrinkles, you can paint the refrigerator quickly and without extra costs for materials and tools.

Of course, like any restoration work, the process of painting refrigeration equipment has its own characteristics and some nuances. Moreover, they need to be taken into account if the operation is carried out by hand.

Choosing paint and tools

So, to paint a refrigerator at home, you need to purchase paint and tools in advance.

First, you should choose a paint: since a refrigerator is not the most common surface to process, not every coloring agent is suitable as a coloring agent. So what should you paint with?

It is worth noting that the applied finishing paint layer should, firstly, protect the casing from mechanical damage and, secondly, decorate the device. In the case of a refrigerator that will always be in a dry and well-heated room, it is not in danger of rust, so there is no point in spending money on an expensive anti-corrosion agent. will also be superfluous, because the operation of the refrigerator itself near fire is prohibited.

Waterproof metal paint will cope well with such tasks as painting a refrigerator

On the other hand, the coloring material must be tintable and thixotropic (hold the layer on a vertical surface), be elastic (after all, the metal used in refrigerators has a high coefficient of thermal expansion) and not be afraid of detergents. As a result, we get the conclusion: it is needed for interior work.

The metal surface is covered with paints of various compositions:

  • organosilicon;
  • zinc
  • alkyd
  • nitrocellulose
  • acrylic
  • epoxy
  • polyurethane
  • oil

However, to simply paint a refrigerator, you don’t need to go into much detail about their contents. For this type of purpose, the following types of coloring solution are suitable:

  1. Automotive nitro enamel. Durable, durable and beautiful. Sold in cans and applied by spraying. It has several disadvantages: cost, toxicity, uncontrollable splashes during the process, as well as the need for subsequent cleaning of accidentally painted areas with a solvent.
  2. Acrylic paint on metal surfaces. Allows you to choose from a wide variety of colors and is safe due to the absence of toxic substances. Apply with a roller or brush.
  3. Polyurethane or epoxy paint. The most resistant to wear, difficult to prepare due to two components.

Epoxy paint can be used to paint both the external and internal parts of the refrigerator.

For the most part, any of these three finishing materials will do. You can paint the inside of the refrigerator with the same paint.

Any narrow paint roller made of threads or a brush will be suitable as a working device, and if used, tools will not be needed at all.

Surface preparation

For the vast majority of people, the kitchen is perhaps the most favorite room in the apartment. It is associated with the warmth of home and delicious food. But this coin also has a flip side, and it concerns household appliances.

During the cooking process, soot settles on the surface of kitchen electronics, which, when dried, forms a greasy layer of stains. Over time, stains attract dust, so the refrigerator becomes covered with a layer of dirt that is resistant to regular detergents. Therefore, before painting, the surface of the refrigerator must be thoroughly washed so that the paint applies easily and evenly.

For pre-treatment, as well as further painting work, you need to buy or remove from the pantry in advance:

  • detergent for removing greasy and stubborn stains;
  • sponge with abrasive coating;
  • wet and dry rags;
  • fine-grained sandpaper;
  • degreaser (acetone, gasoline, kerosene);
  • primer (optional);
  • tape, cling film or masking tape;
  • unnecessary sheets of newspapers and magazines as lining;
  • respirator;
  • gloves.

When painting, to protect your respiratory organs, you must purchase a respirator.

Now that all the accompanying materials are at hand, you can begin.

Preliminary preparation of the surface of a refrigeration unit for painting includes the following steps:

  1. Disconnecting equipment from the power supply and removing internal shelves and trays.
  2. Thoroughly wash the outside of the device using a special detergent and an abrasive sponge.
  3. Using sandpaper as a sanding material to remove old coating. This manipulation will allow you to sand out cracks and chips, and will also provide the paint with good adhesion to the surface.
  4. Wiping first with a wet, then dry cloth to remove sanded particles and dirt.
  5. Degreasing the surface with a special solution.
  6. Apply primer recommended by the paint manufacturer (optional).
  7. Sealing fittings (handles, decorative strips, technological holes, rubber seals) with masking tape or film. Using masking tape you can create some kind of ornament or design. In this case, during the procedure you need to monitor the tightness of the adhesive tape to the refrigerator.
  8. Protect floors and nearby furnishings with newspaper or magazines.
  9. A preliminary test of the paint on an inconspicuous area will allow you to once again verify the correct selection of the desired color and the reaction of the paint (does it lie smoothly, does it have wrinkles or smudges).

It’s also worth noting that the best way to paint a refrigerator or any other interior item with your own hands is outside on a fine day. A strong wind will create artificial “smudges” on the surface, so if it is windy outside, painting activities should be moved to a well-ventilated area.

If you know how to draw well, you can create a real work of art on your refrigerator.

The refrigerator has gone through all stages of pre-treatment. Now it is time to begin the surface painting operation. Here the recommendations will depend on the type of paint chosen and the tools used.

Important: wearing a respirator and rubber gloves is a prerequisite for the procedure.

Spray painting

If work is carried out using aerosols in cans, paint should be done at a distance of 30 cm from the surface of the unit using uniform movements from left to right, without staying long in the same place to avoid smudges or too thick a layer. In a situation where an incident does occur, you can use a solvent, for example, one of the most familiar ones - acetone.

Painting occurs in 2-3 layers, between which a break of half an hour should be taken to allow each previous layer of dye to dry properly.

Painting with roller or brush

Apply a little paint to a roller or brush. Then comes coloring in a vertical direction or movements from left to right. After half an hour, a second layer is applied. Hard-to-reach places can be painted using a small brush. If necessary, the third layer will hide all the flaws of the previous two.

To consolidate the result, give a glossy shine or matte effect and protect the fresh paint, you can cover the surface of the refrigerator with a layer of acrylic varnish in aerosol form.

Painting a refrigerator at home is an excellent opportunity to give an old electrical appliance a new life and update the interior in an original way. For these purposes, it is worth spending several hours of your time, especially since such a decorative solution will delight the eyes of household members and guests for a long time!

Painting a refrigerator with your own hands is quite possible. Why not? After all, this will require very little of your labor and effort, but the piece of equipment that is so necessary in any home will look new. You will find information on how to do everything correctly and not damage the coating of your household appliance in the process in this article.

Reasons for painting a refrigerator at home

There can be many reasons to change the appearance of your refrigerator:

  • It often happens that the unit is still functioning flawlessly, but you have made repairs and this white color does not fit into the color scheme of the kitchen. If the rest of the household appliances (microwave, kettle, etc.) are small in size and not conspicuous, then the refrigerator cannot be hidden anywhere.
  • Sometimes well-functioning equipment takes on a non-marketable appearance, as scratches, abrasions from thorough cleaning, and areas of rust appear during use. But there is no money yet for a new refrigerator, and there is no need to throw perfectly serviceable equipment into the trash. The solution is to update the appearance of the refrigerator.
  • Or maybe you have an interesting design idea? The kitchen interior has become creative and fashionable, and the traditional white refrigerator, like an eyesore, is out of context. Then such an option as painting the device really seems like an excellent way out of the situation.

Important! It’s very possible to test your artistic talent using old working equipment. It’s not such a shame if it doesn’t work out right away - you can wipe it off and paint it again. So there are many reasons why we can paint a refrigerator.

Necessary equipment for successful painting

The choice of tools directly depends on what kind of exterior refrigerator paint you will use. First, let's list what you need in any case.

Paint protection film or a stack of newspapers

Such items are necessary in order to cover all surfaces that may get splashed with paint. Newspapers are, of course, a more budget-friendly option, but they can become dislodged as you work and stains will remain somewhere. But using a special protective film is a more reliable method that will completely protect walls, floors and furniture from dirt.

Important! Some manufacturers produce protective film with an adhesive strip along one edge, which makes it easier to attach it in the right places.

Respirator and gloves

Gloves are needed in any case to protect the skin of your hands from exposure to paint and solvents. But a respirator is not needed when painting a refrigerator with acrylic paints. But if you paint with a spray or enamel in the form of a spray, then you can’t do without it. Small splashes will definitely get into the respiratory system, and you need to protect yourself from the toxic smell.

Masking tape

This item is needed to cover those non-removable parts of the refrigerator that cannot be painted (logo, handles, rubber seal on the door).

Important! You should not use regular adhesive tape, as it will leave traces of glue that will be difficult to remove later.

Fine sandpaper

It is needed to sand the surface to remove the old layer of enamel.


This liquid is needed to degrease the surface and remove paint stains.

Important! Acetone, white spirit or other similar products will do.

Cleaning products

A basin of hot water, rags, sponges, brushes, anti-grease agent - all this is necessary to clean the external and internal surfaces of the refrigerator from old traces of grease, soot and other contaminants.


If your refrigerator is a “battery-worn” one and there are deep scratches on its surface, then you will also need quick-hardening putty. You will need to use it to fill all the holes and cracks before painting.

Other tools

  • If you decide to paint with automotive nitro enamel, then you won’t need anything else.
  • If you opted for acrylic paint, then you will need a narrow roller and a brush 3-5 cm wide to paint hard-to-reach places.
  • For epoxy (polyurethane) paint you will need the same tools.

What paint to paint a refrigerator at home?

There are a lot of types of paint in stores, but not all of them are suitable for painting a household appliance. So how to paint the outside of the refrigerator?

  • If you want to do everything perfectly, you can find special paint for household appliances, for example, from New Ton. This is an alkyd enamel for the restoration of household appliances, mostly white.
  • If you have artistic talents and know how to draw, then you should try to depict something on the refrigerator using graffiti paints, such as the Montana brand. These are bright nitro paints with high-quality pigments, having a wide palette of shades. They are suitable for any surface.
  • Ideally, the refrigerator will be repainted in any color by automotive nitro enamel. It is easy to work with: it is stable, durable, lays flat and dries quickly. The big disadvantage is its toxicity and the mass of splashes on neighboring surfaces.
  • Polyurethane epoxy paint is captivating because it is the most durable of all. But it is two-component, difficult to apply, and very expensive. So the choice is purely “for everyone”.
  • Acrylic paint is probably the best option. It is quite resistant to external influences, has a large selection of shades and is absolutely non-toxic and does not emit unpleasant odors. And there will be much less splashes when painting.

Important! To consolidate the result and add additional effect, you can purchase varnish (glossy, matte or even with shimmer).

How to paint a refrigerator with your own hands?

The process of painting the refrigerator itself will not take much time. You will spend longer fiddling around with preparation.


  1. Unplug the unit and remove all drawers, shelves, and, in general, all internal contents.
  2. If it is possible to take the refrigerator outside, do so. This way you will have less to clean and scrub later.
  1. The next stage of preparation for painting is washing. Arm yourself with sponges, a bowl of hot water, a brush and household chemicals that work well with old grease and soot.

Important! You must wash it thoroughly, otherwise the paint layer may lie unevenly.

  1. Unscrew the handle from the door if it is removable. If not, then cover it and other parts (inscriptions, sealing rubber) with masking tape so that you don’t have to wash the paint off of them later.
  2. Now arm yourself with fine-grained sandpaper (you can use a sander) and sand the surface. Pay special attention to those places where there is rust, clean them to bare metal.
  1. If there are deep scratches, repair them with quick-hardening putty and let it dry thoroughly.
  2. Clean the surface and degrease. If the paint manufacturer recommends priming first, do so, although this procedure is not necessary. There is also no great need to apply fire-prevention and anti-corrosion agents.
  3. Now start the painting itself. Test the color on an inconspicuous area first. Then paint the side that faces the wall to get the hang of it and “fill” your hand. And then start processing the front side.

Important! It is not recommended to paint the back wall of the refrigerator.

  1. If you paint in several layers, then give them the opportunity to dry thoroughly.
  2. Finally, if desired, secure the result with a layer of varnish. It will add shine and make the surface more resistant to external influences.

Paint application features:

  • Spray paints are easy and quick to apply. The container should be kept at a distance of 30 cm from the surface to be painted. Movements should be smooth. Move your hand from right to left without stopping in one place. Then you will get a uniform thin layer. If necessary, apply 1-2 more coats (one coat takes about 30 minutes to dry).

Important! Usually one bottle is enough for 2 layers for a refrigerator with a height of 170 cm.

  • Acrylic paint should be applied with a roller, also in a thin layer from left to right. Move from top to bottom, evenly, without jerking. Paint hard-to-reach places with a brush. After the first coat has been applied, allow the surface to dry thoroughly. To do this, leave the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. After this, you can apply a second layer.
  • Using stencils or masking tape, you can decorate the refrigerator with stripes, patterns, and geometric designs. That is, you can make a designer interior element out of ordinary household appliances. And if you have skills in working with an airbrush, then you can paint a landscape or a still life. It all depends on your skills, preferences and tastes.

Important! Similarly, you can paint the inside of the refrigerator. The tools and paint for the inside of the refrigerator are the same, but painting the inside is more inconvenient.

Video material

As you can see, to paint a refrigerator with your own hands There is no need to study a large amount of information, and the process itself will not take much time. Using the useful recommendations from this article, you can breathe new life into your refrigeration appliance and thus update your kitchen interior.

A high-quality refrigerator will last for decades without repair. It would be a pity to throw away a working refrigerator, but it is very dissonant with the modern kitchen environment. Restoration will save you, but first you need to choose paints, get acquainted with the technology of work, and ensure safety for children and animals.

The industry offers compositions based on various film-forming substances. Not all of them are suitable for covering the outside of a refrigerator. Our task is to find suitable enamels - the most durable films.

The composition needs high adhesion - the paint must firmly adhere to the base, otherwise peeling of the top layer will begin with the first scratch. The film needs to be elastic, because the body is subject to thermal expansion. The painted surface is wiped with detergents; the composition must be resistant to aggressive liquids.

Choosing waterproof paint for interior metal work. Such paint coatings include:

  • two-component primer-enamel for galvanized metal;
  • alkyd enamel;
  • heat-resistant silicone enamel;
  • nitrocellulose composition for metal and wood - automotive nitro enamel;
  • acrylic matte enamel for metal surfaces;
  • polyurethane or epoxy paint.

Can be used as an aerosol or applied with a roller. We choose what paint to paint the refrigerator with exception.

We don't need paint on galvanized metal, there's no need to overpay for heat resistance - the refrigerator is located away from hot surfaces.

What paint to paint a refrigerator at home

The master’s task is to obtain a smooth surface, similar to the factory one.

The layer should be opaque, lie flat, and not flow down. It doesn’t matter whether you use the material in an aerosol package or use a roller or brush. The main thing is that the applied composition must dry and have no smudges. Then the next layer is applied.

The choice of color for the outside of the refrigerator depends on the overall design of the room. You can create an accent spot or create a surface in harmony with the facade. The main thing is to use the right coating and do the job carefully. Car paint is the most durable of all. Acrylic is water-based, odorless, and the film is resistant to destruction. Epoxy is most durable when exposed to moisture. What paint to paint the outside of the refrigerator is up to you.

Application for painting refrigerator slate paint

Having researched the market for paint and varnish coatings, we found several compositions that experts advise using for work at home. Do you want to turn the walls of your refrigerator into a creative corner? Then you should use chalkboard paint for painting. The presence of composite particles in the composition will give the coating a slight roughness. The composition is created on a latex basis, the film is durable. On a dark, matte surface you can draw with chalk. The drawings are washed off with soap and water. As a stand-alone coating in a dark shade, it looks stylish.

The Finnish manufacturer Tikkurila is considered the best manufacturer of such compositions. Under this brand you can buy black paint Liitu. Sibiria is a domestic brand of slate, magnetic and marker compositions. Among them there are some with antiseptic properties.

Features of painting an old refrigerator

If you need a black refrigerator, buy a jar of Sibiria PRO or MagPaint from Holland.

Is it possible to paint a refrigerator with battery paint?

What is the difference between batteries and a refrigerator? Only because they experience seasonal heating. That is, the film must be elastic, withstand thermal expansion, adhere tightly to metal, be neutral to detergents and resistant to abrasion. The same requirements for the composition for refrigerators. Is it possible to paint a refrigerator and radiator with the same paint when creating a kitchen design? Which one to choose?

You need to find a product that does not change color under the influence of temperature, with good coverage and a decorative effect. It is better if the paint has no odor. We suggest you choose:

  • alkyd enamel based on organic solvents has a white base element, the coloring pigment is added additionally, the smell is strong before drying;
  • water-based acrylic enamel is odorless, only titanium dioxide-based paint is used for the refrigerator inside and out;
  • organosilicon alkyd enamel, which contains special pigments that hide defects in uneven painting.

It is very important that all these compositions do not lose color over time; they can be decorated with a pearlescent additive.

Is it possible to paint the refrigerator compartment?

If the refrigerator compartment was enameled, rust will inevitably appear at the joints of the panels and in the cracks, no amount of cleaning will save you from yellow stains. The inner surface is almost not ventilated, the air in the chamber is humid, making it difficult to choose a coloring composition. The smell of paint from the refrigerator takes a long time to be removed. Special absorbers based on activated carbon and silica gel are used.

Only water-based acrylate can be used. But before that, you need to remove the rust, apply a special converter, degrease and prime the surface. It is almost impossible to remove odors and harm from other paints from the refrigerator.

It often happens that a completely serviceable refrigerator has become worn out, the furnishings have been changed, and it still works great, but has an unsightly lining. How to paint a refrigerator using the latest coatings at home? We use experience, advice and videos from experts.

Painting a refrigerator at home

We will start with the refrigerator already empty of contents and everything that is not painted is unscrewed or covered with adhesive tape. The refrigerator body must be installed on a multi-layer newspaper flooring around the perimeter and under the bottom.

Before painting the refrigerator, the surface should be washed, free of rust and degreased. Rusty areas can be treated with a reducing agent. If there are chips, peeling, cracks, the areas are cleaned with a smooth transition to the enamel and treated with a primer. Each layer is dried according to the instructions, treated with fine sandpaper, and the surface of the refrigerator is brought to a perfectly smooth state before painting.

Let's determine the purpose of painting:

  • renew the surface, leaving the same color;
  • paint it in a different color that matches the wallpaper or radiator;
  • create a designer coating.

How can you paint a refrigerator at home? One obstacle is that you cannot use powder paint - it needs to be baked in a special cabinet, this is not possible.

Automotive enamel is used to create a smooth, uniform surface. It's easy to paint your refrigerator with an aerosol can. In addition to the high price, the paint is toxic and requires intensive ventilation. A fine spray impregnates the dust and settles on the floor. It is important to choose the right place to paint the surface of the refrigerator. But the coating will be durable and will not fade.

You can use epoxy paints, but they are more difficult to apply and require skill. The coating will be resistant to detergents and glossy.

Water-based acrylic paints have a bright range, form a durable film, and are non-toxic. You can use a roller or brush to apply paint. You can apply to one place no more than 2 times, otherwise the film will end up on the brush. After the layer has dried, apply a second one.

How to paint a refrigerator at home, watch the video.

DIY refrigerator painting

The refrigerator has already been prepared for painting at home, cleaned of old defects, primed and sanded. The colors to paint the outside of an old refrigerator have been selected. It would be a good idea to stock up on old rags for wiping droplets and hands.

How to paint a refrigerator at home with your own hands?

The work site has been prepared.

Before you start painting a refrigerator at home, you need to protect yourself, flowers, animals and loved ones from inhaling harmful aromas. Protective clothing, respirators and several pairs of gloves will save your skin and respiratory tract. Is it possible to take the device out onto the balcony? Necessary if an aerosol is used. Dust settles on all surfaces and is difficult to wash off.

Using a brush or roller paint, apply a thin layer. First, check how the composition is placed somewhere in an inconspicuous place. The paint should be opaque and not flow down a vertical surface. Each subsequent layer is applied after the previous one has dried.

How to paint the outside of a refrigerator

Manufacturers offer several types of metal paints that can be used to paint a refrigerator. But are they all right for you? You may not tolerate fast-drying solvents. Then you cannot use automotive paints and epoxy compounds. Rubber paints - this is what acrylic compounds are popularly called for their durable thin film and are odorless. Created on the basis of an aqueous solvent, they are initially produced only in white color - there will be something to paint over the old enamel inside the refrigerator. To obtain the desired color, the powder is dissolved in the primary composition and stirred until the color is uniform.

You already know how to paint a prepared surface with your own hands if you primed the surface yourself. Paint is applied in the same way. Sand after drying and apply again until a uniform glossy surface is obtained.

There is a lot of educational material at your disposal; look at the photos on the topic of how to paint a refrigerator at home. The white stripes are adhesive masking tape.

Is it possible to paint the refrigerator a different color?

Most often, refrigerators are covered with film to change the color. But it is absolutely impossible to cover old “pot-bellied” refrigerators with rounded shapes. Is it possible to paint it a different color yourself? As with restoring the original color, you must first strip and prime. Changing the color of your refrigerator is easy. It is necessary to apply the paint in a very thin layer with a roller, so that the old surface first shows through. Each time, the layer must dry. And so on at least 5 times. At the end you should polish it. In this case, using a spray will give a good result.

Is it possible to paint a refrigerator with slate paint?

The new range of paints are classified as slate and magnetic types. The magnetic base contains iron and has attractive properties. Magnets stick to the surface.

Chalkboard paint creates a surface on which you can write with chalk. Durable latex-based film, slightly roughened by used fillers. Therefore, the chalk pattern lies flat. You can wash it off with plain water and soap. For a refrigerator, a drawing can become part of the decor. But most importantly, the color of the coating depends on the filler. The matte paint applies beautifully and looks decent.

An old refrigerator will be transformed and given a second life if you paint it with chalkboard paint. This is not difficult to do; a spray or canned composition is applied to the primed surface, like ordinary paints. You can find gray, golden, copper shades, but more often they sell black and dark green. It would be nice to decorate the surface; there are many options.


We suggest watching a video on how to properly paint and restore an old refrigerator.

Surely many people have an old refrigerator in their garden or dacha, the appearance of which has not been pleasing to the eye for a long time. Sometimes people don’t realize that it can be updated and it will fit perfectly into the interior.

If your refrigerator is still in good working order, but its appearance is depressing, feel free to start restoration. You yourself will be surprised by the result, and all that is required is your desire, minimal experience and small financial investments. Why spend money on new equipment if you can make the old one into a designer one?

The best options for painting the outside of a refrigerator

Don't know how you would like your refrigerator to look? Don't know how to draw and imagine? It doesn’t matter, because today it’s easy to find many simple and unusual solutions on the Internet. Everyone will choose among them what is suitable specifically for their case and interior.

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Basic rules for quality painting

In order for the paint to adhere well and serve for a long time, you need to choose it well and strictly follow the painting technology when working.

How to choose the right paint

Restoration requires paint and a minimum of tools. All you need is a narrow roller and a brush, and if you use aerosol cans, even they are not needed. Selecting a coloring composition is a responsible matter, because it must not only perform a decorative function, but also protect equipment from various mechanical damage. Therefore, paints and varnishes are required that meet certain requirements: they are easy to tint, hold the paint vertically, and are resistant to detergents.

Waterproof metal paint used for indoor work is suitable for this purpose. It can be polyurethane, acrylic, oil-based, automotive nitro-enamel, zinc, silicone, epoxy, nitrocellulose or other paint. They all differ in composition, but in this case it does not matter.

Coloring substances can be matte, glossy, luminescent, smooth or textured, differ in color, have different drying times, and costs. The most budget-friendly, harmless and simple option is acrylic paint for metal.

Coloring stages

Before you begin the process of painting equipment, it is necessary to carry out some preparatory work so that the paint goes on evenly and smoothly.

Preliminary work:

  1. Unplug the refrigerator.
  2. Remove the shelves and trays inside.
  3. Clean the outer surface of dirt and grease. This can be done easily with a stiff sponge and grease remover.
  4. To make the paint stick better, remove the old coating with sandpaper and sand down chips and scratches.
  5. Wipe off any accumulated dust with a wet cloth and then wipe dry.
  6. Degrease the surface using special chemicals.
  7. Apply primer if necessary.
  8. Protect the fittings with cling film, wide tape or masking tape.
  9. Cover the floor and other surfaces that may be dirty when painting with newspapers or oilcloth.
  10. Start by painting an inconspicuous area.


Attention! When working, it is necessary to use personal protective equipment for safety. In this case, their role is played by a respirator and rubber gloves.

It is best to paint outside in warm and calm weather. If this is not possible, a bright, well-ventilated room will do. But in this case, it is better not to use car paint in cans, since it is the most toxic.

Coloring rules:

  1. The coloring composition must be applied in 2–3 layers.
  2. After each layer you need to take a break for 30 minutes so that it dries thoroughly.
  3. When painting, it is more convenient to move the roller or brush from left to right or from top to bottom.
  4. Hard-to-reach areas can be easily painted with a small brush.
  5. As the last layer, to make the surface shiny or matte, you can use aerosol acrylic varnish.

Aerosol painting technology

When painting with aerosol cans, they must be kept at a distance of 30 cm from the surface to be painted. All movements must be carried out evenly and without stopping to avoid paint sagging. If it is necessary to remove minor paint defects, use solvents.

Creative dyeing technologies and decoupage

  • Want to turn your old refrigerator into a whiteboard? It can be used to record recipes, notes to loved ones and demonstrate an original solution to guests.
  • Kitchen appliances can be painted not in a single color, but by adding multi-colored stripes or geometric shapes. At the same time, it is convenient to use masking tape at color transitions for a more accurate result.
  • Painting or a ready-made stencil will also be a good solution. The stencil can be easily made by hand.
  • Decoupage. Sometimes people don't want to bother with painting, but prefer to update their refrigerator using film. But this method requires good skill and experience so that the film lies flat and without bubbles. But there is a simpler option - decoupage. Its technique is very simple and accessible even to a schoolchild. It requires almost no cash investment and takes minimal time. Decoupage is an appliqué made of paper, which is varnished for ease of use. Decoupage cards and multi-layer paper napkins are suitable for this. You can also cut out a picture from magazines, draw it yourself, or print it from the Internet using a color printer.

As you can see, the procedure for painting a refrigerator is simple and you can easily do it yourself at home. It only takes time and your imagination. Give your refrigerator a new life and you will noticeably transform the old interior of your kitchen.


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