How to understand that the plug has come out. If the plug comes off, does it mean you're about to give birth? Functions of the mucus plug

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Hello, dear expectant mothers! Very soon you can be congratulated on the birth of your baby, but for now let's look at what might have alarmed and worried you so much. We will talk about such a feature as a traffic jam before childbirth.

Traffic jam before childbirth? Is this really her or not? Still can't understand? It doesn’t matter, first of all, calm down, make yourself, for example, a cup of green tea and just calmly read this material to the end.

There is no need to panic and grab the bags you have prepared for the maternity hospital, call an ambulance or rush to the maternity hospital yourself. Wait... well, of course, if your labor contractions have not yet started or your water has not broken.

Why do you need a mucus plug during pregnancy, and how to recognize it?

With the onset of pregnancy, the body begins to produce certain hormones that promote the formation of a mucus plug. In addition, together with them, the uterine glands form a certain mucus, which collects in a lump and closes the entrance to the uterine cavity.

This is how nature took care of maximum protection of the unborn baby from various infections throughout pregnancy. It’s amazing, really, how everything is thought out in advance in our body!

The removal of a plug before childbirth is considered one of the main precursors of childbirth, and well-read expectant mothers try to be as attentive as possible so as not to miss this moment.

What does a plug look like before childbirth, and how do you know that it has come out? Let’s say right away that the cork can come off in different ways. In some pregnant women, the plug comes off as one dense lump of mucus, in which you can see streaks of blood. For others, in parts, then the expectant mother can simply pay attention to the appearance of mucous discharge on her underwear.

The color of the cork is most often transparent with blood streaks. But due to the individual characteristics of each pregnant woman, the color can also be brown, white, yellowish - all this is within the normal range.

Blood in the plug appears due to the fact that the cervix begins to prepare for childbirth and gradually opens, the vessels on its surface burst a little and blood enters the vagina, mixing with the plug, which the cervix begins to push out.

Important! Please note that the mucus plug before childbirth should not have any odor and there should not be too much bleeding. Also, if suddenly the plug comes out and its color is green, you need to quickly go to the maternity hospital. The green color of the plug may be a signal of fetal hypoxia. Therefore, be careful.

What to do if the plug comes off, the main question is when to give birth?

Now that you understand what the plug looks like, and you can say that it has already come off, let’s get down to the main question - has the plug come off, when to give birth? In general, the duration of cervical dilation may vary.

In some pregnant women, the plug may even come off 1-2 weeks before giving birth, in others a few hours before the onset of labor, and in others the plug comes off when they are already starting to give birth. It often happens that it is in the latter case that the woman does not notice the moment the mucous plug comes out.

Of course, if you notice in the last month of pregnancy and do not experience any discomfort, you need to tell your doctor. If you are not sure about your assumptions about the removal of the plug, you should also go for an examination with your gynecologist.

What to do after the plug comes out during childbirth:

  • calm down, continue to lead a normal lifestyle;
  • be sure to pay more attention to your hygiene;
  • , now only shower;
  • with your husband you can, but only with a condom, even if you are sure that he is healthy;
  • do not worry about the fact that now your baby is not protected by the plug until his water breaks and the baby in the amniotic sac is not in danger.

And of course, get ready for the maternity hospital. Practice shows that if the plug comes off, it means you will give birth soon. Check again the things prepared for you and the baby at the maternity hospital, the documents and wait.

Every woman is familiar with mucous discharge during different phases of the menstrual cycle. The cervix produces thick mucus to protect the uterus and reproductive organs from invading pathogens. When sperm are ingested, mucus helps them survive and transports them through the reproductive system.

If the egg is fertilized and is already in the uterus, mucus accumulates in the cervix and thickens, forming a seal, which is called mucus plug.

Let's take a closer look at what the mucous plug may look like when it comes out, what it looks like, and also what the expectant mother should do if it has already come out.

To protect the uterus from harmful bacteria and protect the fetus from infection during pregnancy, nature has provided an ideal barrier - a honeycomb of mucous clot so thick that a plug is formed containing various antibacterial substances.

Mucus plug is a thick jelly-like mass that is formed due to an increase in progesterone and fills the entire cervical canal. Around the seventh week of pregnancy, mucus thickens and fills the cervix to help prevent infection. Before birth, the plug is usually pushed out to allow the baby to pass through the cervix during contractions.

During pregnancy, the walls of the cervix tightly hold the mucus plug. Towards the end of the term, it begins to thin and expand. After the 25th week of pregnancy, the consistency of the mucus plug also changes; under the influence of estrogens, it begins to gradually thin out.

When will the plug come out?, no one can say for sure, this process is absolutely individual and depends on the body. In some women, the mucus plug comes out entirely at once, while in others it may come off unnoticed in small discharges over one to two weeks. Most often, the mucus plug comes off completely painlessly, the woman does not experience discomfort, so its release goes unnoticed, for example, during intimacy, when visiting the shower or in the toilet. Sometimes, before the mucous membrane comes out, a woman feels slight cramps in the lower abdomen.

In primiparous women, due to the fact that the cervix is ​​less elastic, has a small diameter and holds the plug tightly, its release can cause rupture of small vessels, and the mucus will contain small blood spots or will come out in parts.

In women who have given birth, as a rule, the plug comes out in one clot without blood, since their cervix dilates more easily, the walls are thinner and stretch more easily.

The plug exit is usually a harbinger of childbirth. The loss of the mucus plug is considered a sign that the cervix is ​​dilating and the body begins to prepare for labor.

A vaginal gynecological examination in the third trimester can also lead to loss of the mucus plug. In this case, this is not a sign that labor is approaching.

The plug comes out in the early stages

Is there a danger of the plug coming out in the early stages? Sometimes the mucus plug comes out in early pregnancy. Since hormones are still tuned to protect the uterus until the third trimester, there is a high probability that the plug will still be able to recover. If this does not happen, do not worry too much, the child also has a second circle of protection against infections - amniotic sac. As long as it does not burst and the waters do not break, the child is safe. The mucus plug simply adds another layer of protection and if it comes out there is no great danger to the mother or her baby.

When the mucus plug has separated, the woman should take more careful precautions against possible infection:

  • strictly monitor the cleanliness of underwear and bed linen, change panty liners more often or discard them altogether, as germs can accumulate in them;
  • during sexual intercourse, be sure to use a condom, and it is better to abstain from sexual intercourse, since without a plug the uterus is practically open to infections;
  • avoid swimming in pools and open natural bodies of water;
  • stop taking a bath and replace it with a shower;
  • observe more strict personal hygiene and wash your genitals.

What does a traffic jam look like before childbirth?

If we talk about what mucous membrane might look like, then most often it comes out in the form of viscous mucus or sticky discharge with a diameter of about 4-5 centimeters, a volume of about 1 tablespoon and weighing about a gram. If the mucus is thick, it usually slips out in one large lump, and is sticky and viscous for several days. In most cases, if the plug comes off gradually in small portions, a woman can find brownish traces of it on her underwear or sanitary pad.

The mucous membrane in a healthy state does not smell at all; a foul odor means the presence of an infection in the cervix, you should consult a doctor.

As for color, then A mucus plug can look different:

What to do if the plug comes off?

Does it the passage of the plug is a signal for contractions? The loss of the mucus plug does not mean that labor has already begun. If mucous leakage occurs before the 37th week of pregnancy, you should tell your doctor and be checked for signs of preterm labor, which could pose a risk to the baby. When the plug comes out from the 38th week of pregnancy, it is a sign that the cervix is ​​dilating and the body is preparing for birth.

Labor may begin within hours, days, or maybe even weeks, with the cervix dilating gradually. Some women lose all of their mucous membranes at once when the birth process begins. Under no circumstances should you try to remove the plug yourself; there is a huge risk of infection, and there is no need for this procedure: the mucous membrane has either already come out on its own unnoticed, or will come out when the time comes.

The release of the plug in the last stage of pregnancy means that baby will be born soon. At this time, the woman often feels like her stomach has dropped and the baby is pressing on the cervix. This can lead to a feeling of heaviness in the pelvis and reduced pressure on the chest, making it easier to breathe. At this time, it is worth canceling all trips and checking the things you have collected for the maternity hospital. There is no need to go to the hospital until real signs of labor appear: your water breaks and contractions appear.

After pregnancy occurs, a mucus plug forms in the cervix. With its help, the fetus is protected from bacteria, infections, and other negative influences. A loose plug is a warning about the onset of labor.

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Process Features

A large number of women wonder what a traffic jam looks like before childbirth. It is a clot of increased density that has a mucous consistency.

Location: cervix. Formation begins after conception.

The blood of a pregnant woman is saturated with the hormone progesterone. The plug in pregnant women is a hard and stable clot of mucus.

During its formation, the formation of a dense barrier in the cervix is ​​observed. If the plug comes off, then this is a completely natural process.

What color is the jelly-like clot? It resembles raw egg white.

Note! If the plug is yellow, then this does not apply to pathologies. It may also have a red tint.

Before the plug comes off, the amount of estrogen in the blood increases. This hormone softens the clot. It may come out immediately or gradually. The plug often comes off in women while taking a bath or visiting the toilet. This can also happen during an examination by a gynecologist.

How the cork comes out directly depends on the individual characteristics of the fairer sex.

There are several types of plugs that come out:

  • spotting that resembles the beginning or end of menstruation;
  • in the form of a solid clot.

The duration of the process directly depends on the course of pregnancy. The time for a clot to pass during pregnancy is approximately 38 weeks after fertilization.

Most people wonder what to do if there is a way out. In this case, there is no need to panic. This process indicates that labor will begin in 3-6 days. When a pregnant woman's plug comes out, the cervix and birth canal open. Next comes childbearing.

Definition of origin

How to understand that the plug has come off. This process is individual. Some show no signs of passage at all. This is explained by the fact that the mucous consistency comes out immediately before the amniotic fluid leaves.

Main stages:

  1. Normally, the plug during pregnancy comes off within two weeks before giving birth.
  2. After this, constantly intensifying and more frequent contractions are observed, and also recede.
  3. Before birth, the mucus plug comes out either within a few hours or within a few days. Many people note its appearance in the morning.

If a pregnant woman realizes that the plug has come off, then she needs to contact a gynecologist. A gynecologist knows in detail what a thick mucous mass is, and he must tell the woman about its functions and features of discharge.

Thanks to this information, the fairer sex will be able to fully prepare for childbirth.

Mucous thickenings are formed by the secretions of the cervical glands.

Thanks to the thick jelly-like mass that fills the entire cervical canal, the full production of hormones occurs, ensuring the full growth and development of the fetus. Mucus contains antibodies, which are immune cells, which guarantees high level of fetal protection.

What to do after

A pregnant woman should be guided only by her own feelings. If a woman feels tremors in the lower abdomen, as well as tension and nagging pain, this indicates the onset of the process of childbearing. Most women in labor describe the process of childbirth in this way.

After the thickness goes away, aching or nagging pain may appear, which is similar in nature to menstruation. Patients experience a smooth transition of pain into contractions. This shows about the beginning of labor.

Important! If you are pregnant and the expected date of birth is approaching, you need to be wary.

In this case, you should not rush to go to the maternity ward. The woman should make sure that contractions are regular. If the interval between them is 10 minutes, then the pregnant woman should go to the maternity hospital. In the absence of discomfort, the fairer sex can stay at home.

After the clot is released, the body cannot fully resist the infection. That is why taking a bath is strictly prohibited. But, after leaving, the child does not remain completely defenseless. In this case, they play a rather important role. But it is recommended to avoid visiting swimming pools, saunas and taking baths. A woman must strictly adhere to the rules of personal hygiene. It is recommended not only to wash frequently, but also to change underwear and bed linen.

If a woman had sexual relations throughout pregnancy, then after the clot is released from them need to refuse. This is explained by the possibility of infection entering the uterine cavity. After leaving, it is necessary to review all the things that are intended for the maternity hospital.

If contractions become more frequent, a weak representative is advised to urgently call an ambulance.

Health care

If thick mucus does not come away before the process of childbirth, this does not indicate pathology. In women, the clot always passes, but they do not notice this process.

It is characterized by the presence of certain symptoms. Pregnant women notice excessive abdominal tension. The process is accompanied by contractions of the uterus.

In the initial stages, minor pain occurs. Patients complain of the appearance aching pain lower abdomen.

If no release is observed, then it should occur along with the amniotic fluid. Most people confuse this process with the moment the plug comes out during pregnancy. The waters are a liquid substance of a transparent color and are constantly draining. An increase in the amount of discharge is observed when the abdomen tenses during heavy lifting, sneezing or coughing.

Note! To avoid the development of undesirable effects, the patient should notify the doctor about her condition.

If a woman notices a leak earlier than two weeks before the expected birth, then this is a cause for concern. The date of labor is determined by the doctor after examining the patient and undergoing ultrasound diagnostics. The release of a clot during this period may indicate premature birth. Also this situation may indicate placental abruption.

If there is excessive secretion of mucus, which has a liquid consistency, you should also consult a doctor.

When red streaks appear in the liquid, various and serious pathological processes can be diagnosed.

During pregnancy, a woman should tell her doctor if there is any discharge. It is recommended to tell your doctor about the passage of the clot.

This will give him the opportunity to track the progress of the pregnancy and, if necessary, provide first aid.

If the mucus is thick goes away painlessly, then this does not indicate the onset of labor. It can take from several days to several weeks before birth. When this happens depends directly on the individual characteristics of the woman.

A cervical clot is an accumulation of mucus in the cervix that occurs during pregnancy. With its help, a high level of protection of the fetus from infection is ensured. Before labor, the release of a clot will be observed. This indicates the onset of labor. study at the link.

Useful video: how a mucus plug comes off

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No matter how thorough the preparation for the birth of a baby is, childbirth usually occurs at the most unexpected moment. The characteristic precursor of childbirth is vaginal plug coming out.

Let's consider what a plug is, when it comes out of the body, and whether certain deviations are worth the expectant mother's worries.

In gynecology, a plug is a clot that fills the cervix from the moment of conception until the last days of pregnancy. The exit occurs when it has fulfilled its protective functions.

In practice, it is believed that the release of mucus is a sure precursor to the speedy birth of the baby. But this is not a universal situation; the indicators are individual: some people experience mucus a couple of weeks before giving birth, and someone is faced with its exit only in the maternity ward.


The clot is represented by a dense secretion of jelly-like consistency. It consists of mucus produced by the cervix to protect the fetus from various infections entering the womb.

In terms of external qualities, it is similar to concentrated egg white, but sometimes it is liquid and comes out in parts. Sometimes the plug looks like “smear” - the discharge that often accompanies menstruation.


In order not to confuse this clot with other secretions, it is important to have information about the amount of mucus that should come out. Usually its volume ranges from 50 ml, and its size is in the range of 1.5-2 cm.

Remember: Each situation is individual. It is not a fact that the dimensions of your plug will be the same.

Color characteristics

There are two options here - normal and pathological. Normally there is one color, but if it changes, it signals a disease.


There is no specific answer here; the “color palette” of this mucus can range from beige to brown. There is a possibility of blood clots and pinkish particles interspersed; they should not cause anxiety.

They indicate the rupture of small capillaries when the cervix opens. And the differences in the color of the mucus of women in labor are explained by the differences in the health status of different women during pregnancy.


Based on the shade of prenatal discharge, a woman can understand that there is a danger to her and the unborn child.

If you have a brown discharge with rich inclusions, you should immediately consult a doctor. Alarming symptoms include abundant scarlet, red and dark brown clots.

When mucus is discharged in the last month of pregnancy, the fair sex should be on alert and begin to prepare for childbirth.

To avoid stupid mistakes, you should understand the functions that this clot of mucus had throughout pregnancy, and why the body “rejected” it:

  • protection of the embryo from the infectious process and the entry of microbes from the external environment;
  • providing mechanical cover for the uterus;
  • creating an opportunity for a pregnant woman to lead an active lifestyle: visit the pool, be sexually active, take a bath;
  • formation of bactericidal properties.

This leads to a simple conclusion that this is a specific barrier that helps protect the unborn baby from all sorts of harmful factors from the outside.

Until this clot comes out, a pregnant woman can lead a normal life. Begin to be careful when the plug has left the body.

Reasons for mucus discharge before childbirth

Each process that is observed in the body of the expectant mother is associated with certain causal factors. And mucus release is no exception.

The hormonal background has to face serious changes, which provoke the release of mucus. Most often, this phenomenon is observed from the 38th week, and characteristic discharge should be expected that will notify the expectant mother that she will soon give birth.

It is better to immediately inquire about the reasons for the release of the clot before the birth process.

Common reasons for a plug to come out:

  • hormonal fluctuations: starting from fertilization, ending with the 38th week, the body actively produces progesterone, popularly called the “pregnancy hormone”, it ensures tight closure of the cervix, and after its production ceases, a softening of the cervical canal is observed, which entails the release of mucous secretions;
  • excessive tension in the vaginal muscles during sexual intercourse or loss of amniotic fluid;
  • frequent muscle relaxation– while taking a bath or being in the shower;
  • attempts: often the discharge comes out in the toilet when a woman overexerts her muscles for a long time;
  • examination by a gynecologist and more mechanical intrusion;
  • infectious disease, which can provoke premature discharge of mucus, you need to urgently contact a specialist.

To avoid mistakes, before giving birth, you should inquire about the signs of a plug leaving the body.

How and when does a clot come out?

Estrogens- hormones produced during pregnancy. Under their influence, the body undergoes certain changes, including the softening of the thick consistency and its release to the outside.

  • Loss may occur not due to the natural hormonal fluctuations observed before childbirth, but due to mechanical factors.
  • When a woman is in a gynecological chair, the muscle tone in her genitals increases, and during this, mucous elements may be pushed out of the canal.
  • A clot of mucus can come out as a viscous lump; its diameter can be any, but the average value is 1.5 cm. It is possible that in your case the plug will come out partially.

In this situation, it is represented by ordinary spotting discharge containing streaks of blood. This is a variant of the norm and is not a pathology.

Remember: all female bodies are different, so the removal of the plug occurs individually. Sometimes the process can be accompanied by pain, and sometimes it goes unnoticed by the woman in labor.

How long before birth does the plug come out?

This is a rather specific aspect. Some women do not even notice the moment the mucus leaves and are not aware of what type of plug it is, because it often comes out with a stream of amniotic fluid. For others, withdrawal begins much earlier.

Leading obstetricians and gynecologists believe that the release of protection before childbirth should occur no earlier than two weeks before the established “day X”.

The process of mucus discharge is the most important precursor to labor. It is considered no less relevant than contractions or breaking of water. But this is an inaccurate indicator, since, as already mentioned, it can come out either a few weeks before birth or a couple of hours.

Therefore, it is better to clarify the situation in advance and inform the doctor about the release of the plug. Most likely, the doctor will conduct a classic vaginal examination and recommend going to the prenatal ward.

Does the plug always come out?

From a physiological point of view - always, in practice - the answer is ambiguous. Some young ladies are 100% sure that they saw her, while others believe that this is not true. Every woman really has this mucus, because otherwise full gestation would be impossible due to the constant contact of the membranes with painful microflora.

Most likely, women claim that they did not see the traffic jam because they simply did not notice its exit. Indeed, this phenomenon can happen unnoticed - while taking a shower or in the bath.

Sometimes in practice there are cases when protection is “born” with the baby. There is nothing abnormal or strange about this. Just be prepared for the individual characteristics of your body and their manifestation before childbirth.

What to do when the plug comes out

Usually, contractions begin after separation. At first, their interval may be large, and the contractions themselves are irregular and weak. The task of the expectant mother is to relax as much as possible.

  • You can take a shower, call your family and friends and tell them that you will soon give birth. If contractions occur with an interval of 10 minutes or less, this indicates an urgent need to go to the maternity hospital.
  • Remember that from the moment the mucus plug comes off, the birth canal is seriously susceptible to infection and some mechanical stress, so it is important to follow the rules of hygiene and protect yourself from all sorts of external factors.
  • It is recommended, after the mucus has passed, to change the bath to a shower, change bed and underwear more often, and maintain sexual rest. These simple measures will prevent infection from entering the uterus.

If the expected time of delivery is approaching, but there is still no mucus plug, this is not a serious reason to contact a doctor. Not every woman knows exactly how this separation occurs and how long the whole process takes.

Some people experience obvious mucus at the 38th week of pregnancy, while others see it all come out in the toilet, bathroom, on the eve of giving birth. If the plug does not come out, it will come out later, before the birth. And all these are variants of the norm.

The situation is much more complicated in the case when the plug actually came out, but the woman considered it to be an outpouring of amniotic fluid or other discharge.

Typically, the structure and consistency of such mucus is thicker, and the amniotic fluid is transparent and less thick. If you suddenly have any doubts about this, you should definitely inform your doctor about them.

You should also be wary if the plug comes out earlier than 2 weeks before the expected date of birth. There is a high probability of having a baby prematurely. You may have experienced placental abruption. The solution is to call a doctor at home or go to a help center.

  • Another reason for the need for urgent consultation with a specialist is the formation of copious mucous discharge from the genital tract, accompanied by bright red blood. After all, normally the plug comes out without any bleeding.
  • If you have worries and concerns, go to a doctor: the doctor will be able to provide full monitoring of the progress of your pregnancy and determine the date of birth with maximum accuracy.
  • Will the plug necessarily come off before labor? No, not necessarily, but be prepared that this can happen a couple of hours before birth. The woman is asked to go to the antenatal ward and carefully observe the rules of intimate hygiene.
  • If you have relevant information about when and how long a plug can come off, and what type it has, you can detect this phenomenon in a timely manner and draw up a plan for further action.

The main thing is to remember that childbirth is a natural process in our physiology, so both you and your baby will certainly cope with it.


During pregnancy, changes occur in a woman's body. Among them is the appearance of a barrier plug. When the plug comes out, this indicates the imminent onset of frequent contractions and labor.

Due to the individuality of each woman’s body, the release of this coma can occur at any time: in advance, at the 38th week, before the birth of the fetus. Any situation is normal if pregnancy is not accompanied by other obvious anomalies.

If a pregnant woman is concerned about changes in her health, she should consult a doctor. He conducted special examinations and will tell you what to do next.

Good luck to you and health to your children!

Pregnancy is a wonderful and exciting moment in the life of every woman. And at this wonderful moment, the expectant mother has a great many questions, especially for first-time women. And one of these questions is: how does the plug come out before childbirth?

A plug is a clot of mucus, which is located in the cervix throughout pregnancy. This clot forms in the first days of pregnancy and passes before the baby is born. The cork performs a protective function; it prevents germs and infections from entering the womb.

It is believed that the removal of the plug indicates that the baby will be born soon. But this statement is not always true. The removal of the plug is different for everyone. For some, the plug may come off several weeks before the onset of labor, and for others, on the delivery table. In order not to worry and panic, a woman should know how this happens and how to behave at this moment.

A woman should know what a plug is and what it represents in order not to miss the moment of passage, or not to panic when passing. Externally, the cork looks different for everyone, but there are certain common characteristics:

The only thing that should alert a pregnant woman is if the color of the mucus is deep brown. This color may indicate that that placental abruption has occurred. If your plug turns out to be a deep brown color, contact a specialist immediately.

You should also be wary when the mucus comes out too abundantly and has bright red clots in large quantities. This is also a reason to immediately go to the hospital.

The exit of the plug is not felt at all - it happens painlessly. Apart from the marks left on the laundry, you won't notice it at all.

What is it for?

After a pregnant woman has had a birth plug, she needs to be very careful about her condition in order to avoid mistakes. From the first days of pregnancy, protective mucus performs the following functions:

  • Protects the fetus from infections and microbes that can enter from the outside.
  • Performs the function of mechanically covering the uterus.
  • Shows bactericidal properties.
  • Allows a pregnant woman to have an active sex life.

It turns out that with the release of mucus from the cervix, the child is left without protection. While the cork was in place, the woman could lead her usual lifestyle. After the mucus comes out, a woman should be more attentive to her health.

Reason for exit

Why does such an important protective substance leave the body? Like all processes in our body, the discharge of mucus is also due to certain reasons. The reason for the discharge of mucus is a change in the hormonal levels of the pregnant woman. This usually occurs as early as 38 weeks of pregnancy. The main factors contributing to the removal of the plug are:

No one can say exactly when a pregnant woman’s plug will come out. This happens to everyone individually . In order for the exit of the protective plug It cannot be confused with anything else; a woman must imagine how this happens.


After the protective mucus has come out, the countdown begins on the most important day in life - the birth of the baby. Before the plug comes out, in most cases, signs appear:

  • Nagging pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Pressure is felt on the abdominal muscles.
  • There may be a feeling of discomfort.
  • A dense substance remains on the underwear (as described above, the substance can come out in parts or at one time, the color can also be different).

Women who are expecting a baby for the first time wonder: does the process of removing the plug hurt? Most often there is no pain when leaving Pregnant women do not experience mucus; the most they may experience is nagging pain in the lower abdomen. If the discharge of mucus is accompanied by severe pain, this may indicate the passage of the placenta. In this case, immediate medical attention is required.

Does the plug always come out?

Women who have never given birth ask another question: is it possible that the plug will not come off? No, this is impossible! There are women who insist that they did not have a separation process. But this simply cannot happen. The following may explain this:

  • The mucus discharge occurred while bathing in the bath or shower.
  • The discharge occurred in the toilet.
  • The discharge of mucus occurred along with the outpouring of amniotic fluid.

Based on the above, the moment the protective plug came off simply went unnoticed.

How does the plug come out in multiparous women?

The difference between multiparous women and those who give birth for the first time is that everything happens faster for them. Their water breaks faster, the labor process begins very quickly (contractions last less), and the birth itself goes faster.

The same applies to the discharge of protective mucus. In multiparous women, as a rule, after the protective mucus is removed, the process of labor begins very quickly. If for primiparous women, after the plug comes out, the wait for the start of labor can drag on for 2-3 weeks, then for multiparous women everything happens instantly. Therefore, if you are a multiparous woman, then after the mucus has cleared, it is recommended to go to the hospital. Most often, labor begins within a few hours after the birth begins.

What to do after the plug comes out?

If the protective plug comes out when the pregnancy has reached 38 weeks or more, then this is normal. Now the woman can only wait for the birth process to begin. Before labor begins, a woman needs to take the following measures:

Of course, a multiparous woman has a good idea of ​​what a plug is and how it comes out. But a first-time woman should also have an idea of ​​what it is. When the mucus is discharged, you should not start to panic, this is a normal phenomenon and there is nothing to worry about. Vice versa, a woman should be patient and expect a quick meeting with your baby, because there is very little time left until your first meeting! A multiparous woman should go to the hospital, because most often labor begins after the birth.


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