How to calculate the volume in liters by size. Calculator for calculating the volume of liquid in a rectangular container Calculation of liters

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An aquarium is a glass vessel filled with water in which fish and plants live. When looking at the aquarium, a question arises for the owner of the apartment or office - how many liters are there in this aquarium?

The same question arises when you read the instructions for preventive and curative drugs. Therefore, a very interesting and controversial question - "How to calculate the volume of an aquarium?".

Of course, you can calculate it by pouring water out of it with a liter jar, but it is much easier to do this using a formula, and measuring by jars can be left for small round aquariums.

Step-by-step instructions for calculating the volume of your aquarium:

To begin with, we measure the dimensions of the aquarium being measured, for example: the width of the aquarium is 100 cm, the depth from the front to the back wall is 50 cm, and the height of the aquarium is 60 cm. That is, it turns out:

- 100 cm * 50 cm * 60 cm = 300,000 cubic centimeters;

Now, to get the number of liters, we multiply this value by 0.001:

- 300,000 cc * 0.001 = 300 liters;

As a rule, the height of the bulk part of the aquarium is less in order to avoid overflows of water and taking into account the aquarium ties, which are closed with a lid. With an aquarium height of 60 cm, as a rule, the ties are glued 3-5 cm lower and the height of the filling part is the same. 5 cm to screeds at a height of 60 cm is less than 10 percent: Total: It turns out that the estimated volume of the measured aquarium is 300 liters. But this volume is literally calculated - and we need a real volume.

- 300 liters - 10% = 270 liters approximately;

We subtract a couple more percent for the volume of glasses, since we measured the aquarium from the outside without taking into account the thickness of the glasses.

Total: water in the aquarium comes out about 260 liters.

In fact, after placing soil, decorations and fish in the aquarium, they will displace a little more water with their weight, but this is not taken into account much, because without decoration and fish, the aquarium will not be an aquarium.

And yet, in my opinion, the volume of the aquarium is not so significant if it gives you real pleasure. If you need our help in any matters related to the maintenance of the aquarium in Kyiv, or for other issues, please contact us. Contact details for contacting us, you will find. Waiting for you!

The number of boxes


The volume of one box (m 3):

Total volume (m 3):

Use received
result for
application form

d= m cm
h= m cm

Number of pipes


The volume of one pipe (m 3):

Total volume (m 3):

Use received
result for
application form

How to calculate the volume of a box?

Do you have a question about delivery?, and also there was a need to know how to calculate the volume of cargo, do you need our help? We know how to calculate the volume of cargo, on this page you see a calculator that will accurately perform the calculations.

In general, for what purpose is the volume calculated?

It is necessary to calculate the volume in order to avoid misunderstandings when loading loaded boxes into a vehicle. It is not difficult to calculate the volume using modern technologies today, your presence here is enough.

What criteria do we use to calculate the volume of cargo?

Firstly, everyone knows that every detail is important in the delivery process, and it is important to calculate the volume of cargo as a whole without errors. As already mentioned, our volume calculator will help you calculate the volume of cargo, it will do it quickly and reliably!

Second- volume calculator, start it on our website, already mentioned above, as you can see, we care about our customers. The volume calculator, that's what can make it as easy as possible to work with calculations, and completely kill your doubts.

What are we giving you?

What else is needed?

For example…

You are an entrepreneur who is engaged in transportation from China, and you constantly need a calculator for calculating the volume. You can quickly find the volume calculator on the pages of our website, and perform your calculations right now.

Nowadays, business is based on the Chinese production of goods, but where did the need to calculate the volume come from? It is necessary to calculate the volume in order to find out the total volume of cargo, and then select the type of transport.

What is the calculation of volumes in delivery? And what role does he play?

Volume calculation- this is how, you have already understood a very important stage in the delivery, and you need to trust it in the reliable hands of professionals. The calculation of the volume of cargo must be done carefully, taking into account all dimensions, and converting them into cubic meters.

But unfortunately, not everyone copes with these calculations.

Back in school days, we studied how to calculate the volume of cargo in m3, but unfortunately, you won’t remember all this. How to calculate the volume of cargo in m3 - there are times when this question comes to the fore, for example, during delivery.

That's what this page is for!

After all, that's what this page is for. to help you calculate shipping.

In order to calculate the volume of the box, you do not have to try to do it yourself, you just need to fill in the empty fields. The calculation of the volume of the box will be automatically performed by our calculator, if in doubt, check for yourself.

To do this, we reminded you of the volume formula.

Calculation of cargo volume in cubic meters you need in order to submit the correct application for its carriage. Calculating the volume of cargo in cubic meters, i.e. knowing the volume itself will help you decide which type of delivery is right for you.

And now let's move on to the main, let's talk about how to make calculations and why they are needed.

To begin with, let's take a look…

Calculating the volume of cargo is not always easy, as it seems, all this is due to the fact that boxes can be of various shapes. Calculating the volume of cargo of a rectangular box is a trifle, but the rest is hard, you need to know the formulas.

To begin with, let's define the form, for this we first find out what they exist.

What shape can the box have?

  • Rectangle;
  • cylinder;
  • Truncated pyramid (very rare).

Then comes the measurements

Before calculating the volume of the box, we will measure it, but remember, the more accurate the measurements are made, the easier it is for you. "How to calculate the volume of a box?" - what to do next: determine what shape it is (cube or rectangle), dimensions.

What does knowledge of volume give us?

Knowing the volume of the box will not allow misunderstandings when loading goods into any type of transport that may be. Almost nothing depends on the volume of the box, rather, on the contrary, everything depends on the size of the product itself.

And why? Everything is obvious here, before you buy a box, you need to find out the size of the cargo that you are going to transport across the border.

Well, now you know the dimensions of the cargo, now it remains to calculate its volume (in order to purchase a box).

So, in order to find out how to calculate the volume of cargo in m3, the formula will be required first. How to calculate the volume of cargo in m3, the formula will help without a doubt in this matter, this is how it looks like V = a * b * h, everything is very simple.

Especially since you already know it.

We would like to remind you that…

To make it easier for you to determine which type of transport to choose for delivery, you need to calculate the volume of cargo in m3. Calculating the volume of cargo in m3 is very simple, here you need to know the exact dimensions, which then need to be multiplied.

Units must be converted exactly to m3, otherwise it will not be possible to calculate the delivery.

But what if the shape of the box is not rectangular, but rounded? After all, this is a rarity, but it still happens.

You can calculate the volume of boxes or containers at the base of which lies a circle, and there is also a formula for this. The expression V * r2 * h allows you to calculate the volume of the box in the shape of a circle, the dimensions must first be accurately measured.

Volume calculator

We bring to your attention a calculator: the volume of goods in m3, with the help of which you can independently make calculations. The cargo volume calculator is located on the rental website especially for your convenience and for quick calculations.

Why do you need a cargo volume calculator?

We are business people and wasted time sometimes carries big disadvantages. Do you want to receive cargo quickly and reliably? And at the same time, find out the prices for their transportation and delivery as soon as possible?

This is where the cargo volume calculator will help!

Our volume calculator allows you to calculate the volume of cargo in m3, so the question of the volume of the box will no longer arise. The volume calculator is simple and easy to use, it will give the results of both the volume of the box and the load.

So, with the help of the volume calculator you solve several questions:

How to calculate the volume of cargo (or box)? Do not forget about the quantitative unit that you are taking into account.

Have you encountered one of them or have a similar one? Our company is pleased to offer for your convenience the volume in cubic meters of a box to calculate using a handy calculator.

And finally, let's remember the math!

What is the most common problem?

Many confuse then how to calculate the volume of flat figures and volumetric ones, because they are mistaken in concepts, or rather, they find it difficult to answer. You don’t need to know how to calculate the volume, it’s enough that you indicate the dimensions, the main thing is not to forget that there are 3 of them.

Having finished all the calculations, there is one more task left.

What kind of transport do you need?

Recall that in delivery, in addition to how to calculate the cubic capacity, there are no less important things, for example, the placement of goods. You know how to calculate the cubic capacity, so everything else is in your hands, now the choice of transport is up to you.

Often people buy aquarium fish without thinking about what kind of tank they need. With such a purchase, it is very important to calculate the volume of the aquarium in liters. Much depends on this characteristic: how many pets will live there, the volume of water, the amount of soil, etc. In fact, every adult knows how to calculate the volume of an aquarium, you just need to remember the knowledge gained at school.

Why are calculations necessary?

It would seem that there is nothing easier - to buy a fish house, all the necessary components and place underwater inhabitants there. In fact, if the owner of the fish did not correctly calculate the volume of the tank, her pets may not live in it for long.

  • to understand how many fish and plants will be optimal for a particular pet house;
  • determine the amount of soil and fertilizers;
  • even when calculating the dosage of medicines for pets, it is necessary to know the data of the aquarium.

The fish house should be comfortable for its inhabitants, then there will be no health problems for pets.

How is the calculation made?

To understand how to find out the volume of an aquarium, you need to resort to the queen of all sciences - mathematics. Calculations will help determine how many liters it will take to fill it, which heater and water filter to choose, which species of fish can exist in it. Correct calculations are the key to the longevity of underwater inhabitants.

To calculate the volume of the aquarium, it is worth preparing special measuring tools. The volume of the aquarium can be calculated using a calculator, a tape measure and a pencil with a piece of paper. When you have prepared everything you need, you need to follow the instructions and remember what you went through at school:

  • calculate the volume of the aquarium, which has the shape of a parallelogram (this is a standard type of product) by measuring its length from the outside, depth and width;
  • these three values ​​​​in the aquarium should be written down on a piece of paper, they will be useful for further calculations;
  • the volume of the tank using the measured numbers is calculated by the formula: internal length × internal width × internal height;
  • the question remains how to calculate the internal values, for this you need to measure the tank wall, its thickness;
  • the resulting figure must be multiplied by 2, then subtract it from the previously obtained external measurements, which will help to obtain internal numbers;
  • then we substitute the values ​​\u200b\u200bin the formula described above, and translate the resulting value into cubic liters (1 m 3 \u003d 1000 l) - this will be the volume of the aquarium or displacement.

There is an additional specific way to measure the volume of a tank. It is a little easier than the previous one. It is necessary to make calculations according to the formula: (H × D × D) × 0.001 (where H is the height in cm, D is the length in cm, D is the depth in cm). Thus, it will turn out to correctly subtract liters.

For a specific cargo, you must first calculate its volume. This value reflects the maximum capacity of corrugated packaging.

Calculation of the volume of boxes

Cardboard boxes are square or rectangular in shape. In this case, they are a parallelepiped. From the school course, we know that to calculate the volume of this figure required length, width and height. Dimensions can be measured using a regular ruler or tape measure.

The calculation of the volume, based on the size of the box, can be made using the formula:

Formula for counting:
V=a*b*h .
Where a is the length of the base (mm),
b - base width (mm),
h - box height (mm),
V - volume (l).

This formula is a calculation of the volume of a parallelepiped. Therefore, it can only be used for rectangular boxes.

For those cases where the container has a non-standard shape, its volume can be calculated using the formula:

Formula for counting:
V=S*h .
Where S is the area of ​​​​the base, which is calculated depending on its shape. In the case of triangular, hexagonal or octagonal bases, the calculation of the area is performed using different formulas.

Since the unit of volume in the international system of measurements (SI) is cubic meters (m 3), it is more correct to convert the size of length, width and height into meters. For those who are used to working with centimeters or millimeters, you can leave this dimension. But when calculating the volume of cargo, you will have to use only it.

Inner and outer volume of the box

Knowing the exact volume of the corrugated box, you can easily choose the right cargo. To do this, using the same method, you should calculate its volume. If the cargo has a complex configuration, then for the calculations you need to use the overall dimensions. It is clear that the volume of containers should be slightly larger.

When choosing a load, it is also necessary to take into account whether the volume of the boxes was calculated based on the internal or external dimensions. The results will be slightly different. In some cases, this may matter.

For this reason, it is desirable to use the internal dimensions of the container to accurately determine the allowable dimensions of the cargo. The dimensions of boxes and cargoes should differ from each other by 5-10 mm. The outer dimensions of the boxes are necessary when filling the vehicle body for their transportation. They may also be required when calculating the required warehouse space for storage.

Step-by-step instructions for calculating volume

We got acquainted with the necessary theoretical information on the calculation of the volume of the box. Consider the above steps step by step.

We measure the length of the box. Under it is meant the size of the longest side of the base. We use a tape measure or a ruler for this. We translate the resulting size into meters and write it down. For small containers, it is easier to measure in centimeters or millimeters. If you decide to use one of these dimensions, please note that other dimensions, including cargo dimensions, must be measured in the same dimension.

We measure the width of the box. This is the size of the shorter side of the base. We use the same units of measurement. We write down or remember the result. For fully square boxes, the length and width are the same.

At the next stage, in accordance with the formula for calculating the volume, we multiply all the obtained dimensions. If during the measurement process we found that the size of our box is 100x200x300 mm, then the volume in this case is the product of all three quantities. V \u003d 100x200x300 \u003d 6,000000 mm 3 or 0.006 m 3.

In some cases, there is a need to convert the resulting value into liters (l). Knowing the number of cubic units makes it possible to understand how many such cubes can fit inside a particular box. When packaging liquid, small or bulk goods that occupy the full volume of the container, this value must be expressed in liters. To do this, we use the ratio 1 m 3 \u003d 1000 liters. In our case, V \u003d 0.006x1000 \u003d 6 l.

We remind you that this technique can only be used for rectangular or square cardboard products. For other cases, you will have to remember the school geometry course more deeply. Use the formula to find the area of ​​a polygon. From it you can calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe base of your container. Multiplying it by the height, you can easily get the volume value.


How much will it cost to ship your shipment to its destination? To answer this question, you need to know its volume in cubic meters, since transport companies most often indicate the cost of services in the price list in precisely such units of measurement.

Cardboard boxes are the most profitable and convenient type of packaging for most goods. When choosing corrugated packaging for your products, you need, first of all, to calculate the volume of boxes and order the required number of boxes so as not to transport air and not overpay for transport services.

If as a result of the calculation it turned out that you need corrugated packaging of individual sizes, our company "MS-PAK" will produce the required circulation to order. Consider how to correctly calculate the volume of a cardboard box.

Step-by-step calculation of the volume of a cardboard box

To calculate you need:

  • Measure length a and width b, if the bottom of the box is square, then a=b;
  • measure height h as the distance from the bottom to the top flap of the box.

The formula for calculating the volume V in m 3 of a box with a rectangular or square base:

where a is the length of the base (m), b is the width of the base (m),
h is the height of the box (m).

If at the base of the box is not a rectangle, but a triangle, five- or hexagon, then the formula for calculating the volume will be:


where S is the area of ​​the base of the box and h is its height.

The volume occupied by the workpiece (box)(taking into account the wall thickness) is calculated for proper placement inside the vehicle or storage in a warehouse.
Formula for calculating the volume occupied:

Multiplying the obtained values, we get the volume of the box in cubic meters. To get the result in liters, you need to multiply the obtained value in m 3 by 1000.


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