How to install a brick wall on a wooden floor. Correct installation of the stove in a bathhouse on a wooden floor

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Metal furnaces Quite often they are installed in small private houses or outbuildings, where there is not enough space for massive brick structures of this type. A similar oven has many positive qualities, but it is not able to retain the same heat long time like real brick. Therefore, the question very often arises of how to line an iron stove with bricks with your own hands and thereby achieve greater heat transfer, but at the same time not increase its size too much.

Building materials and tools for lining the stove with bricks

It’s not difficult to carry out this work yourself if you have basic bricklaying skills and prepare everything in advance necessary tools and building materials.


Tools and equipment for work you will need:

1. A trowel for applying mortar and collecting its excess after installing the brick in place.

2. A hammer with a pick will be needed to separate the required part from a solid brick.

3. Jointing is needed to refine the seams.

4. The mooring cord is used to control the evenness of the masonry of horizontal rows and corners.

5. Order, which includes:

  • a special strip that maintains the evenness of the masonry along the entire height of the building;
  • holder that secures the rail;
  • the wedge raises a certain masonry element to the desired level.

6. The plumb line provides control over the verticality of the structure.

7. Construction level The evenness of the horizontal rows is verified.

8. The rule in this case will serve as a stand for constructionlevelatchecking the evenness of the wallsmasonryByattitude to each other.

9. A shovel is needed to mix the solution.

10. Container for mixing the solution.

Construction materials

The choice of materials must be approached with the utmost responsibility if you want the stove to operate efficiently and without interruption for a sufficiently long period of time.

When is it necessary to install a stove in a bathhouse? wooden floor, you can do this while complying with all fire safety requirements.

According to these requirements, a wooden floor is allowed only if the floor is protected with non-combustible materials and is also insulated from the heat of the stove.

How can a similar scheme be implemented with at the lowest cost and not burn down your own bathhouse?

Use of thermal insulating materials

To reliably protect a wooden floor from fire, you can use special heat-insulating materials.

Firstly, you can use sheet mineralite - a material that can be used to isolate the stove from any wooden parts. It is not enough to simply place the stove on a mineralite sheet. For efficient work You will need to create a ventilated gap, which will help dissipate heat in the layer between the furnace metal and the mineralite.

Can be protected in exactly the same way wooden walls and the ceiling next to the stove - air gap, a leaf of mineralite and again an air gap. In this case, the mineralite sheet can be fixed to the wall using bushings made of heat-insulating material.

And to protect the floor, you can lay mineralite on a non-continuous brickwork of several bricks. The wider the gaps between the bricks, the more effectively the heat coming from the metal stove will be dissipated.

Steel sheet on brick base

Secondly, you can use ordinary thick steel sheet, which will separate the stove from the wooden floor. In this case, the sheet is mounted on a brick base with ventilation ducts. A thickness of less than 2 bricks at the base is not allowed.

It turns out that the sheet itself will be separated by an air gap from both the floor and the stove, and will itself act as a kind of radiator that dissipates heat into the air.

Combination of materials

Combining metal and mineralite, which will lie on a brick base, will give the best effect. There must be at least a small air gap between all the layers of this “pie”.

In this case, the floor under such protection will heat up no more than the air in a steam room.

It should be remembered that before the oven in mandatory A metal firebox sheet must be laid on the wooden floor. The firebox sheet protects the wooden floor from embers that could fall out of the firebox door sauna stove.

Other fire-fighting measures

To prevent a metal stove installed on a wooden floor in a bathhouse from causing you trouble, you should also take additional precautions:

  1. Do not leave the sauna stove unattended while it is burning.
  2. Always close the firebox door tightly and check this point if you are going to leave the sauna room.
  3. Use dry wood for the firebox; do not burn garbage, sawdust, or wood dust in the firebox of the sauna stove.
  4. Make it a rule to store small amounts of firewood in the bank.

" and the subsection " ", where we will talk about this in an interesting way gender like brick floor. A few words about what it is, how to make it with your own hands, and also how to care for it.

Brick flooring is an alternative to conventional flooring. You might say, “Ugh, brick flooring…where will it be used in the house?” Or you can think a little and come to the conclusion that, at a minimum, a brick floor can be used wherever it is laid on the floor tile. Especially tiles that imitate a brick floor :)

So, wherever there are tiles on the floor in the house, a brick floor can equally be installed in any of these places. As in any place where the floor is concrete. Equal - but not equivalent. Because brick flooring has two big advantages over tiles, concrete, etc. So, brick floor:

  • a) more picturesque
  • b) much cheaper
  • c) strong and tough,
  • d) provides a non-slip and fire-resistant surface,
  • e) easy to maintain,
  • has a large thermal mass, which allows the use of “ useful heat"(more details about useful heat can be found in the article "House heating - for residents! ").

Accordingly, there really is something to talk about. And we'll start with what is a brick floor.

Brick flooring is bricks that are laid on the floor. And they are designed to be walked on. The familiar one can be laid as bricks paving slabs. Or the most ordinary ones can fit building bricks. Brick flooring is well suited for low-cost construction and for storing heavy items. Brick flooring is typically used in areas where well-fired brick is readily available.

So, we figured out what a brick floor is. Now you can move on to laying brick floor. In short, laying a brick floor with your own hands is as follows:

The bricks are sorted and moistened. On top of a moistened base of grade 80 concrete, a bed of lime-stone is made. cement mortar about 2 cm thick. Bricks are laid on the bed according to the instructions so that the width of the butt seams is 1 cm. Each brick is laid on the mortar, carefully pressing it with your hand and tapping it with a pick-hammer. Having laid a row of bricks, level it with a lath, while simultaneously controlling the horizontal position of the row with a spirit level. The seams are filled with lime-cement mortar of the same composition as the bed mortar. They are rubbed on top with cement mortar (400 kg of cement per 1 m 3 of sand).

The second option for laying a brick floor is without cement at all, on sand. This option is more suitable for the floor in a gazebo, outdoors - wherever the presence of sand is not critical.

The brick floor is laid without mortar on a sand base. The laid layer of bricks must be surrounded by a border to secure the masonry. The walls can act as a finished border. Where there are no walls, pressure-treated boards 50 mm thick and 20 cm wide can be used as a border. The lower part of the boards will be in the ground, and the upper part will be flush with the level of the brick floor. To prepare the base for such a floor, it is necessary to remove a 15-centimeter layer of soil and compact the base. Next, a layer of crushed stone and a two-centimeter layer of sand are added. Then the sand is leveled and the surface is compacted. The brick is laid according to the method you choose. To ensure that the bricks lie flat, stretched cords are used to align the direction of the laying and the level of the bricks. After this, fill the floor with sand and rub the sand into the cracks between the bricks.

The placement of the bricks plays a significant role when laying a brick floor. A brick placed edgewise is preferable to a brick placed horizontally, since in the first case the brick is less susceptible to cracks when significant pressure is applied to it than when the brick is placed horizontally. And also, when placing the brick on an edge, the depth to which the brick is laid increases, this allows it to resist the penetration of moisture.

Now, having finished speaking in general outline about laying a brick floor, let's move on to caring for it. So, in the interior of a house, a brick floor can be easily cleaned with a vacuum cleaner to remove dust. Light cleaning agents are used periodically to remove stains.

To seal a brick floor, place rolled towels against adjacent rugs and other floor coverings so that they absorb water. Use a brush or large sponge with detergent, and thoroughly wash the surface of the brick floor, then thoroughly rinse the floor clean water. Rest assured that any dirty water completely removed from crevices and sutures brickwork. Let the brick dry thoroughly.

At your local hardware store or paint and varnish store, ask for masonry sealant, they usually come in five quart jars. This The best decision for flooring and brick coverings. With the application of a sealant, your floor will not change the color of the brick or mortar joints, but will receive a shiny surface. Apply the sealant to the dry brick, being sure to cover all bricks, seams and any cracks. Wait for the sealant to dry and apply a second coat. To maintain the sealant, a new coat must be applied every year. The sealant repels dust and other contaminants, making cleaning easy with only a damp cloth required.

So, we have looked at all three promised parts - what a brick floor is, how to make it yourself and how to care for a brick floor. By the way, interesting fact: Brick floors were widely used in Russian architecture. As examples, we can point to the floors of the Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir (samples are available in the Historical Museum in Moscow), St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow, and the floors in Yaroslavl churches XVII V. and etc.

Thus, brick flooring is a truly reliable and economical alternative.

Based on materials from

Modern construction involves the use of combined structures. Brick, wood floors, concrete walls in one combination they can combine materials that are similar in nature. When constructing buildings, various types of brickwork are used, which can have a ventilated air cavity, provide a layer of thermal insulation on the walls or on the floor. The use of heterogeneous materials in the construction of building walls or laying floors is due to the improvement of the quality characteristics of buildings.

Combining different building materials significantly improves the quality of construction.

Brickwork is a technology for constructing buildings and structures using bricks. During the masonry process, strict adherence to basic rules, which allows you to achieve maximum strength and solidity of structures. Since materials must withstand a certain level of load, compliance with brick laying technology is very important. Each brick wall must bear the load of its own weight, and also serve as a support for building structures, for example, the floor of the second floor. They transfer their weight to the brick walls, which, in turn, exert a load on the base.

Construction of combined structures

According to Russian and European construction traditions, the construction two-story houses involves the construction of the first floor from stone or brick, and the second from wood. The construction of combined houses made of timber and brick is a profitable option that allows you to:

  • reduce the cost of the building because brick houses are very expensive;
  • use the advantages of bricks and timber to reduce the load on the base;
  • reduce the weight of the building, since the second floor made of timber will weigh less than the first floor with brick walls;
  • wooden walls on the second floor will provide recreation areas, where bedrooms will be located, etc.

Brick is a non-combustible product, and its use is justified for the construction of the floor and walls of the first floor. This is where the kitchen, living room with fireplace and other types of rooms where there is an increased risk of fire are located. Floors and walls made of wood cool down rather slowly, but they heat up quickly. The use of wood for the construction of a building will not only save heat, but also facilitate the process of heating rooms. Combined houses often built on country houses and personal plots Therefore, space heating requires fuel storage in smaller volumes.

Combined houses made of timber and brick are a profitable option, since the construction will be more durable than a building constructed only from timber. Brick is not subject to the destructive effects of moisture, so it is perfect material for the construction of the walls of the first floor. Brick base must be as reliable as possible. The presence of a second floor in a house made of wood and brick should provide the owners with an atmosphere of coziness and comfort.

Characteristics of brick floors and walls

The cost of constructing internal and external walls is usually up to 30% of the cost of the entire building. Each brick wall represents important element building. If you compare the walls of the building and its elements, then their weight should be 50%. The type of building construction divides walls into load-bearing and self-supporting.

Solid load-bearing external walls are erected from building envelope material. Wall thickness, load bearing, is dictated by calculations that determine thermal conductivity and strength. The walls of the building are made thick depending on their design temperature in winter period. Taken into account average temperature 5 coldest days of the year.

The walls must have minimum thickness, which is accepted on the condition that the temperature in the building will not fall below 18°C ​​in winter if heating is available. Unheated premises, which are adjacent to heated ones, usually have a thickness parameter equal to 0.7 of this indicator for external walls.

In the process of determining the thickness size interior walls you will need to take into account their strength, sound insulation, etc. In terms of construction costs, floors and walls made of lightweight concrete will cost 1.5-2 times less than brick structures. Architectural design external walls houses can be characterized by varying degrees of complexity of brickwork:

  1. Simple walls.
  2. Medium difficulty.
  3. Complex walls.
  4. Particularly difficult.

During construction simple walls There are no complications in the masonry, with the exception of simple corbels and cornices, the height of which is no more than 4 brick rows. If the walls are of medium complexity, then they can occupy up to 20% of the external surface area of ​​the external walls. For complex and special complex structures characterized by the presence of complicated parts that occupy up to 40% front side walls outside.

In the process of reconstructing dilapidated housing and building new ones, they often build combined walls and floors with an outer layer of ceramic bricks, and the internal one is made of timber.

The main advantages of brick structures are fire resistance, impact resistance, and resistance to atmospheric factors. Among the positive properties of wood are low thermal conductivity, environmental friendliness, high heat capacity, and bending strength.

Arrangement of the foundation for combined structures

Wood is a relatively moisture-intensive and rotting material. If masonry is tightly adjacent to a wooden frame, this causes condensation to form.

For example, a brick wall becomes covered with moisture as a result of temperature changes during the day. The formation of fungus (mold) leads to the gradual destruction of not only the wood, but also the cement mortar that holds the masonry together. To prevent negative phenomena, ventilation will be required in the space between the log house and the brick surface of the floor or wall. To ensure convective air movement, it is necessary to provide small holes in the lower part of the brick wall near the floor.

Brick and wood are different in density, so the loads of the log house and brickwork on the foundation are different. For example, a brick wall of 1 m by 1 linear. m of foundation exerts a load of 200-400 kg, and a wooden frame - no more than 150 kg. These features must be taken into account during the construction process.

Heavy base concrete requires layer-by-layer compaction of the foundation and floor structure. If the foundation is old or partially restored, then reconstructing the brickwork is dangerous. IN in this case will require complete replacement foundations of a new house.

Seasonal temperature fluctuations, freezing and thawing of the soil cause increased loads on the foundation. If it is not arranged correctly, this can lead not only to its shift, but also to the appearance of tension in the entire structure. If the frame is wooden, then there may be no danger of the structure shifting. To reduce the risk of cracking of brickwork, installation is carried out necessary equipment, capable of giving the structure an additional level of rigidity. At the same time, they will not be an obstacle to free air ventilation.


Combined structures made of brick walls and floors, as well as wooden log house are more complex than ordinary walls or floors made of brick or wood. They are widely used at present, but their positive characteristics will allow these designs to be used in the future.

Stroy!ka (Construction). Issue 06: Little tricks of a big brick house

Additional insulation of areas with radiators under windows using gas silicate blocks. Why use factory ones? flights of stairs and floor slabs, when their stairs and floors can be manufactured on site. Why install a heating pipe in a groove in a brick wall. Several ways to protect the Mauerlat from moisture at the junction with the brick (protecting the wood from getting wet with the brick).

We see that in brick wall The vertical studs have already been walled up so that the mauerlat can be screwed to the edge of the wall so that the roof will not be removed by the wind. The thermal conductivity and other thermal properties of gas silicate are very similar to wood: vapor-transparent, ventilated. If you put wood on a material with similar properties, it will protect the wood from the cold brick on it. there will be no moisture or condensation, plus he will interrupt the bridge of cold, which inevitably appears as a wall with wood when going out onto the roof.

If it's simple cold wall bring it to the roof, then we will not eliminate the cold bridge, even despite the insulation of the attic between the rafters and under them, several upper rows of bricks will freeze. Therefore Kuryshev recommends finish the walls of houses under roof light And warm material . In this way, we will eliminate the cold bridge and save the wood from the so-called wetting with brick. This is a simple and effective technique.

It would seem that this is not decisive factor. But when we use some right decisions in every place of the house, the house as a whole acquires new qualities. It becomes durable, all sorts of minor imperfections like cold bridges disappear.


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