How to build a wooden toilet for a summer house. Do-it-yourself toilet: step-by-step instructions, photos, videos, drawings

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One of the main buildings on a summer cottage is a toilet. Without a structure it is impossible to imagine a full, comfortable existence. A structure intended for the discharge of natural needs is most often a booth installed above a cesspool.

Owners of dachas and country plots begin landscaping their territory with the construction of a closet. If you can initially do without a house or a garage, then you can’t do without this object. Building a latrine is not difficult even for a beginner in the construction business. At the same time, a properly constructed outdoor toilet will not contain foreign odors, there is no draft, and it is not inferior to similar rooms located inside buildings connected to a public sewer system.

Choosing a location: standards for placement on a summer cottage

The location of the outdoor toilet plays an important role. Its determination is based on many factors. If no more than two people live in a country house, you can get by with a dry closet or a backlash closet. For a full-fledged family visiting a summer cottage on weekends or living there seasonally, a cesspool is indispensable. When constructing such buildings, the following rules must be observed:

  1. SNiP 30-02-97. Clause 6.8: latrines must be located at a distance of at least 12 m from a residential building or cellar. The distance from the well must exceed 8 m. In this case, these standards are taken into account for objects located on the neighboring site.
  2. SanPiN 42-128-4690-88. The document contains the requirements for the construction and installation of a cesspool. Its bottom is located above the groundwater level, the depth should not exceed 3 m, the walls of the well are laid out from bricks, blocks, or equipped with concrete rings. The shaft is provided with a bottom and waterproofing, for example, in the form of a layer of plaster. The ground part of the structure is made of brick, wood, gas and foam blocks.
  3. SP 42.13330.2011. Clause 7.1 stipulates that in the absence of a centralized sewerage system, the distance from the latrine to the neighboring private house and the water supply source is at least 12 m and 25 m, respectively.

When choosing a location, it is necessary to take into account the wind rose in order to avoid the presence of unpleasant odors in the future. If the area is located on a slope, it is necessary to locate the building at the lowest point, while the well should be located on the slope above. Also, when building a toilet with a cesspool, you should consider the presence of an entrance for a sewer truck.

Types and features of toilets

The development of a summer cottage begins with the construction of a toilet. Depending on the use of the territory, in the case of using the dacha for weekends in the warm season, it is enough to erect a simple structure from scrap materials. For permanent residence or long-term stay, the presence of a permanent structure should be provided.

There are different types of closets installed in suburban areas. The main difference lies in the way waste is disposed of. According to this criterion, all structures can be divided into three main groups:

  • Sewer. Sewage is discharged through a local or main sewer system. This type is characterized by the use of a conventional flush toilet;
  • Processing. They are divided into composting and burning. Waste disposal occurs naturally when biological processes produce natural chemical elements and compounds used to feed plants;
  • Cumulative. These include powder, backlash, chemical, packaging, freezing, and cesspool closets. After filling the space or container, it is cleaned, the sewage is moved to compost heaps, treatment facilities for processing feces into compost.

Also, according to the method of arrangement, all toilets can be divided into two main groups, namely: buildings with and without a cesspool. The ability to dig a sewage mine depends on the type of soil, the height of groundwater, and the presence of natural cracks. Let's take a closer look at the types of dacha outhouses.

With cesspool

When choosing a design, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors. The depth of the pit should not exceed 3 m, while the distance from the bottom to the highest point of groundwater outlet should be more than 1 m. The volume of the hole is calculated depending on the number of residents and the time of their stay in the suburban area. On average, 0.5 m³ is enough for one person.

The shape of the pit depends on the material used for the walls. If concrete rings are installed, it is round. Square options are most often used. The walls are erected from bricks, blocks, rubble, and wood. To ensure waterproofing, before starting masonry, a special clay castle is made, up to 30 cm thick. A layer of clay is placed at the bottom and sides of the shaft. Also for these purposes, plaster or bitumen is used, applied to internal brick and wooden surfaces.

When the pit is filled to more than 70%, it is cleaned using a sewer truck. Therefore, when drawing up a plan for a structure in the yard, it is necessary to think about the access routes. To eliminate extraneous odors, the cesspool toilet is equipped with ventilation; usually, a pipe with a diameter of more than 10 cm is used for this. One end of it is inserted into a recess, and the other rises at least 50 cm above the roof of the above-ground building. Also, a special ventilation window is made in the house itself. Based on the location of the cesspool, two main types of structures can be distinguished:

  • The standard option is that the shaft is located directly under the house;
  • Backlash closet - a recess is dug to the side. With this structure, the toilet can be located either in a separate heated building or directly in the house, and waste products are removed through pipes located at an angle. Before entering the backlash closet room, a vestibule is usually installed. This is a permanent structure and is not suitable as a temporary structure. Such construction will require large investments; it is advisable if a residential building is constantly used.

Without cesspool

Such toilets are much easier and faster to build. Their design is a house in which a special sealed container, a bucket for collecting waste, is installed under the toilet seat. There are several types of such structures, which differ only in the way they process sewage and neutralize odors. Among them are:

  • Powder closet. Next to the toilet seat (push) inside the toilet, an additional container is installed, filled with peat, ash, dry soil, sawdust, leaves, and various mixtures of the listed components. After urinating, fecal waste is sprinkled with powdered substances.

Every visit always ends with powdering. A significant difference between dry bins is that after filling the container, its contents are taken to the compost heap, where they naturally turn into fertilizer.

  • Peat toilet. Essentially, this is a type of powder-closet. The only difference is that exclusively crushed peat is used as a dry hygroscopic material.
  • With a compost pit. Such structures are characterized by the fact that waste is processed into fertilizer not in a compost heap, but in part of the toilet structure. The waste collection capacity is significantly larger than previous options. Some models are equipped with special separate devices that separate feces from liquid.

The most expensive and labor-intensive type. In fact, this is a type of cesspool design, but more advanced. Due to its tightness, it can be installed anywhere in a country plot, regardless of the depth of groundwater. Using a septic tank makes it possible to place a regular toilet in your dacha and use it all year round. Popular options for placing toilets are:

  • Shambo. Made from concrete rings. It is distinguished by the simplicity of installation work, which many can do with their own hands. The disadvantages of this design include the appearance of unpleasant odors, rapid filling of the tank, which leads to frequent calls for a sewer truck;
  • Cumulative. The same drainage hole. It is an insulated plastic tank with low weight. Fills quickly and requires regular cleaning;
  • Non-volatile. They clean sewage in two stages. At the first stage, the wastewater is purified to 75%, after which it is discharged into the ground. They include filter systems. Fills slowly;
  • Autonomous. Powered by electricity. They purify wastewater as efficiently as possible, allowing the liquid to be reused for irrigation. The most expensive models. They are used mainly in suburban areas where people live all year round.

DIY wooden toilet construction

Primitive, at first glance, the design of the toilet can be classified as a mandatory structure on a summer cottage. Without an integral comfort zone, it is very difficult to fully exploit the land territory. Create a personal toilet project first. It’s unlikely that you’ll be able to make a real home bathroom out of wood with your own hands, but it’s quite possible to provide minimal amenities for your work process and outdoor recreation.

Construction type

It will be possible to carry out the construction without any mistakes if you have a detailed drawing showing all dimensions. Following the plan will increase the likelihood of a positive outcome, even without carpentry skills. A correctly formed structure will fit perfectly into the overall design of the site and increase the level of comfort.

Despite the similar functionality, there are many types of wooden houses for outdoor toilets. The main difference is the method of construction. The choice of type of construction depends on the personal preferences of the dacha owners, the amount of material used depends on the dimensions of the toilet. Wooden toilets for summer cottages can be classified according to the shape of the structure into the following types:

  • Birdhouse. The simple rustic model has a pitched roof, which reduces its cost, but at the same time makes it shaky and windy. More suitable for summer. You can place a barrel of water on the roof;
  • Hut. One of the complex types of construction. Manufacturing will require a lot of wood and pruning. Thanks to the faceted shape, heat is retained in any weather, even in winter. A variety of design variations for the garden allows you to fit the model into any design of the site;
  • Hut. It has a gable roof and a simple architectural form. The robust design is highly resistant to adverse weather conditions. Construction will require a minimum of materials if you first make the correct installation diagram;
  • House. The most comfortable, warm option. The type of construction allows for the most unusual design solutions. A durable frame is erected on a small plot of land using a minimum of building materials. Can be single, double;
  • Toilet with shower. The combined country house is complemented by a summer shower. This type of construction is beneficial from a financial point of view and significantly saves space. The rooms have a common wall and roof.

Construction of a cesspool

The construction of a cesspool begins with the preparation of a pit. Its size should be 30 centimeters larger than the planned useful volume of the cesspool. To facilitate the finishing process, the pit must be given a square, rectangular shape.

The bottom of the cesspool is firmly compacted and filled with clay. Such a layer will prevent impurities from entering the soil. Then a sand cushion is made, pieces of brick are loosely pressed in and covered with a reinforced mesh of connected rods. The bottom of the pit is cemented with a mixture of crushed stone and concrete. For high-quality hardening, 2 weeks are enough.

The walls of the toilet pit can be lined with bricks, reinforced with rubble or boards impregnated with resin. The material should not allow moisture to pass through, so they resort to additional waterproofing methods - plastering, coating with waterproof impregnation that is resistant to aggressive environments. Labor-intensive technologies that require strengthening the pit can be replaced step by step with concrete rings and PVC tanks.

Base and frame assembly

After arranging the drive, they begin to install the base and assemble the frame. If you plan to use the toilet in winter, the foundation must be poured below the freezing level. To prevent the wood from coming into contact with concrete, it is separated by roofing felt flooring.

Holes are made on the pre-marked surface and support posts are inserted. For a wooden frame, it is better to use pre-sized timber and special pallets. From the inside it is strengthened with braces and scarves. Based on the type of toilet seat, longitudinal bars are nailed at a certain height, which will serve as its base.

It is better to assemble the frame and mount it to the base using dowels or self-tapping screws. For strength, you can use metal corners. The back and front walls at the top are temporarily connected with wooden planks to maintain the same distance.

For internal and external cladding, clapboard or any suitable wood is used. The floor is lined with edged hardwood boards, starting from the side wall. To prevent cracks from appearing at the joints during operation and during drying, use a ready-made tongue and groove or cut grooves in advance.

The side walls are sheathed according to a similar principle. First, carefully mark the boards using a corner and a tape measure, cut out the blanks and screw them to the frame. The back wall is covered with long panels, the side walls with short ones.

The door is installed last. To do this, you will need to re-measure the doorway to calculate the final parameters and ensure that the door is pressed tightly. Preliminary scheme figures may change. Wooden structures are often hung on hinges. Their number and location depend on the weight of the door and design. The fixing device can be a latch, a latch, a metal hook, or a pinwheel.


Installing a roof on a small country bathroom is not difficult at all. Based on personal preferences and the natural conditions of the region, you can use flat, single-pitched, or gable roofing. Since the area is small, the use of logs is not necessary. There are practically no restrictions when choosing materials, but it is better not to distance yourself from the single architectural ensemble of the site.

For the roofing of a wooden toilet, you can use both natural and artificial materials. Bitumen and wood complement the pleasant microclimate. This is the most economical option. Slate, polymer isoplast, decorative tiles are durable, resistant to precipitation, and can be used to decorate similar structures. They are produced in a variety of colors. A metal roof is easy to install. Light steel sheets, corrugated sheets, and metal tiles have the greatest durability.

Many people associate the outdoor toilet with a lack of hygiene and an unpleasant odor. You can improve the restroom on the site as much as possible by installing the necessary communications. To achieve the best result, a cabin and a cesspool are equipped with a hood. It can be natural, work from the draft of flows, changes in pressure, and forced - purify the air with the help of fans. You can make it with your own hands from plastic pipes of various diameters.

To illuminate a country toilet located far from the main building, it is not at all necessary to run meters of electrical wires, install switches, or hide the wiring. You can use solar battery-powered lamps. The device itself is hung on a hook, installed on the floor, and the module is taken outside and placed in a place with maximum natural light.

A spacious outdoor bathroom can be equipped with a flush cistern and a washbasin. In this case, the drain is also connected to the cesspool. You can organize a sewer system using PVC pipes.

Features of brick construction

A building made from such material is not afraid of any weather disasters. A brick toilet does not require additional external treatment and is rarely repaired. The base and roof of such a building must also be made of rigid materials. The foundation is poured with concrete; slate and metal sheets are used for covering.

The cost of building a warm house will be much higher than wooden models. Their main difference lies in the technology of brickwork. Ventilation is made from a simple plastic pipe. For internal insulation, mineral wool and plasterboard are used.

Advantages of installing dry toilets

The main advantage of such a toilet is the ability to use it without connecting to the sewer system and to install it anywhere on the site. The main advantages of the models include the following factors:

  • Affordable price;

  • Conclusion

    A country plot or a summer cottage cannot do without such an important building as a closet. Initially, you can build a temporary structure from scrap materials, and later make a permanent toilet. Depending on the frequency of use of the building, its design is selected. In this case, the building materials for the work can be raw materials, both leftover from the main construction and specially purchased.

Owners of undeveloped summer cottages or lands with dilapidated buildings are faced with the task of landscaping. First of all, you need to build a restroom on your territory. To make it comfortable and pleasing to the eye in appearance, you should carefully consider your own project or carefully try on a purchased design.

We build from wood according to traditions

Despite the abundance of materials on the construction market, including innovative ones, wood remains the most popular in the construction of toilets.

Advantages of wood:

  1. Environmental friendliness. When the boards have served their purpose, the latrine can be dismantled and burned in the oven.
  2. Decorative. Even the most simple wooden toilet easily fits into the design of any summer cottage, emphasizing its natural beauty.
  3. Hygiene. Wood absorbs unpleasant odors, masking them.
  4. Durability. If you use special impregnations against bacteria, fungi and insects or paint that protects against harmful ultraviolet radiation, you can significantly extend the service life of the material.
  5. Low cost.

The main disadvantage of wood is its increased flammability, which can be reduced by treating it with heat-resistant agents.

A simple latrine can be built in one day

A latrine made of boards at the dacha can be built with a cesspool (backlash-closet) or with a container for waste (powder-closet). The first option is necessary for summer residents with a large family who permanently live on the site, and the second is suitable for those who care for the garden several days a year. In this case, the container with biological waste can be emptied approximately once a month. In addition, the type of latrine is influenced by the location of groundwater: if it is close, then you should not dig a cesspool.

Having decided on the design of the toilet, you can begin drawing up a drawing that will simplify the assembly of the frame, or use ready-made plans.

The drawing shows detailed dimensions

In any case, it is recommended to manufacture structural parts strictly according to the drawing in order to avoid inaccuracies and distortions. The simplest model of a restroom, which does not require special skill, is considered to be the “Birdhouse”. Typically its height is two to three meters, width is one meter, and length is one or one and a half meters. If desired, all these dimensions can be increased or a double restroom can be made.

The Teremok toilet looks original, especially with its arrow-shaped shape, which does not retain snow. And also the “fairytale” design is well protected from the wind. Its main element, unlike the Birdhouse, is not the frame and walls, but the roof, fixed to a truncated base.

The structure, lined with a slab, is well protected from snow

Another common type of latrine is the “Shalash”, where the side walls simultaneously serve as roof slopes. This model can be built in just a few hours. Finishing materials in such a design are needed only at the back and front; roofing materials are laid on the sides.

Comfortable sitting is an important detail of any restroom.

We are building a drawing

The development of a drawing of a country toilet should begin with the frame, noting the dimensions of the structure (length, width, height) and indicating the cross-section of the timber or boards. The design of a wooden building should show a cutting diagram for the facing material, the amount of which is calculated for one side (due to symmetry), front and rear walls. When creating a drawing of a “Birdhouse”, the front wall must be built higher than the back wall for slope if the roof is pitched. In a toilet with a gable roof, the front and back walls are the same height. Those who are planning to make a ceiling in the restroom should also display it in the illustration.

We calculate the amount of materials

Standard set of products for a small country toilet two meters high:

  1. Two pieces of edged boards from four to six meters.
  2. Four floorboards of six meters.
  3. Three-meter lining - two or four packs (depending on the type of internal lining).
  4. Edged timber with a thickness of at least 50×50 mm or a board - from 20 mm for the frame.
  5. Glassine - four meters.
  6. Ruberoid - one and a half meters.
  7. Twenty special galvanized nails for eight-wave slate or corrugated sheeting.
  8. Galvanized steel for the ridge.
  9. Door with fittings.
  10. Two buckets of sand.
  11. Antifungal drug packaging.
  12. Roofing material (120×140 mm).

The list may vary and be supplemented depending on the selected toilet model. The final estimate is drawn up according to a pre-created drawing. To build a toilet roof 1.5 m long and 1.2 m wide, you will need 1.8 m2 of edged boards (calculated by multiplying the length by the width) plus three meters (0.75 boards) for the side rafters.

As a result, 1.75 boards 4 m long and 0.25 m wide are enough to cover the roof. The number of floorboards is determined according to the same scheme: 0.6 m 2 (1 m x 0.6 m) is needed for the floor covering and (0.6 m x 0.4 m x 2 + 1 m x 0.4 m + 1 m x 0.6 m = 1.48 m 2) - for a toilet seat, and the area of ​​four boards is six meters long and thick 100 mm is 2.4 m 2.

To cover the back and two side walls of the restroom you will need 7.28 m 2 of boards. The area is also calculated by multiplying the length by the width. As a result, 2 m2 of lining will go to the back wall and 2.64 m2 to one side wall (2.64 m2 x 2 + 2 m2 = 7.28 m2).

For a parallelepiped-shaped restroom model, the length of the lining must be at least 1.24 m (if the products are stuffed crosswise), and the width and thickness can be taken arbitrarily. Calculations are made in a similar way: the area of ​​the walls of the structure is determined and divided by the area of ​​one board of the lining, the number of necessary elements is obtained.

We are building a restroom according to the traditions of Russian architecture

We purchase quality material

If you decide to build a restroom from boards, then it is better to use widespread products made of larch, which does not darken, retains its original appearance for a long time and is durable. Edged boards can be planed or untreated. The first ones are more expensive, but they are already dried, polished and do not injure your hands during operation.

The toilet can also be covered with clapboard - thin boards that are fastened together with grooves. It is usually made from coniferous wood, resists moisture and temperature changes well, and does not deform when exposed to sunlight.

The lining withstands weather conditions well

A budget-friendly and convenient option for building a closet can be used pallets - packaging products that are convenient to fasten, break, process and combine with other materials. They can be easily obtained for free by contacting transport companies that do not need “garbage”, or purchased at a bargain price through thematic portals.

Pallets are connected to each other with bolts

You can also cover the restroom with moisture-resistant plywood, fiberboard, chipboard or sealed OSB boards. All of the materials listed are easy to install and resistant to adverse biological influences. However, it should be taken into account that fiberboard and chipboard made from glued sawdust can be damaged by impact loads, especially for thin materials. A toilet with a 0.5 mm fiberboard coating is unlikely to last long.

Modern OSB-3 boards, made from wood chips with synthetic resins in the form of three layers, can withstand significant mechanical stress and are easy to construct. Therefore, they are suitable for structures designed for long-term operation. A restroom made from logs or timber will be reliable, durable and pleasing to the eye with an antique style. This design has only one drawback - the high price.

Preparing the necessary tools

In the process of building a toilet you will need:

  • building level;
  • hacksaw or portable circular saw;
  • plane;
  • Screwdriver Set;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • hammer.

Step-by-step instructions for building a country toilet

The following methods are used to construct a latrine cesspool:

  • installation of reinforced concrete rings;
  • laying out brick walls;
  • installation of special polymer tanks;
  • concreting using lathing.

Phased construction of a toilet:

  1. Having prepared the project, you should decide on the location of the latrine, which should not disturb the neighbors, so it will have to be installed at a distance of one to one and a half meters from the fence. If you decide to make a cesspool, provide access for a sewer truck. You should not build a toilet in lowlands that may be flooded by spring floods.
  2. The construction of a backlash closet begins with digging a hole, which can be with drainage or sealed. The first option is less labor-intensive, and the second is indispensable when the groundwater level is high, spreading sewage throughout the area.

    The cesspool should be located no closer than 5 meters from wells, residential buildings and areas with fruit trees

  3. The pit is dug in accordance with the dimensions in the drawing, compacted, filled with sand and cemented. After this, the walls are covered with lathing and filled with mortar or lined with bricks (as an option: concrete rings). Next, the surface is plastered and treated together with the bottom with bitumen mastic. Do not forget that the walls must rise above the ground by no less than sixteen centimeters.
  4. A capital pit can be built with a filter bottom, filling it with broken bricks or crushed stone. This way, liquid waste will go into the ground, so you will need to clean the pit much less often. Installation of a plastic container can be done on any site, observing sanitary and hygienic standards, since in this case fecal matter does not fall into the ground.

    Broken bricks are placed at the bottom of the pit

  5. At the next stage, the foundation is installed. For a toilet, it is enough to dig concrete pillars or blocks around the perimeter. The frame, which includes four vertical bases, is constructed from wooden beams or profile metal pipes. The longitudinal rafters of the roof framing should protrude no less than thirty centimeters beyond the perimeter of the building.

    The base for the restroom can be made from treated slats

  6. The base is fastened with four slats at the level of the toilet seat, corresponding to the height for ease of use (usually forty centimeters from the finishing floor covering is enough). After this, the jibs of the side and rear walls are mounted diagonally and vertical supports for the door, fastened with a lintel at the top, no more than one hundred and ninety centimeters in height.

    The toilet seat is located at a distance of approximately 40 cm from the floor

  7. The finished frame is sheathed with clapboard, boards, OSB, etc.

    The toilet frame is covered with slats

  8. There is a door on the back wall for convenient waste removal. It is better to seal the lid with roofing felt or other moisture-proofing material. It is advisable to install a ventilation pipe in the slots of the toilet seat and roof.

    The rear door for waste collection is equipped with ventilation

  9. Next, a door with a window for lighting, equipped with a hook and latch, is hung.

    The roof covering is installed using a drill

It is better to make the frame for a parallelepiped structure from larch beams, and pine is more suitable for floors, walls, ceilings and doors. To make the toilet neat, you need to take careful measurements in accordance with the drawing.

The “Shalash” model is built very quickly. Work begins with installing the front and back walls from edged pine boards with a thickness of at least thirty millimeters. The material can be attached to both nails and self-tapping screws. Next, longitudinal and transverse beams are installed according to the drawing, and the base of the pedestal is mounted on the rear wall and spacer element.

After assembling the frame, the platform and floor are sheathed. For the latter, it is better to take a hardwood board measuring 20x100 millimeters. Ventilation in the “Shalash” is mounted on the back wall. The door, as always, is attached at the final stage.

Video: do-it-yourself country toilet combined with shower

Creating a durable finishing layer

An outdoor toilet is constantly exposed to the adverse effects of precipitation, wind and temperature changes. This causes the tree to darken and rot. A protective coating, which must be aesthetically pleasing, will help extend its service life.

The original design of the toilet can decorate the area

Main types of coatings:

  1. Oil paints. They impregnate wood well, form a strong layer, and last up to seven years. They have a high consumption and take a long time to dry.
  2. Antiseptics. They penetrate to a depth of approximately one centimeter and protect the material from blue staining, mold and rot. Preserve the natural color of the wood or slightly tint it.
  3. Glazing paints. Translucent, last up to five years, do not change the surface texture.
  4. Topcoat paints. They also preserve the relief of the material, do not lose their appearance for up to seven years, and form a very durable layer.
  5. Acrylic paints. They can last up to ten years, allow the wood to breathe, and retain color perfectly.

Fans of the natural shade of wood are better off using antiseptics and special impregnations. Those who want to give free rein to their imagination can use dark colors that will not become dirty. Designers do not recommend covering the toilet with flashy, bright colors that catch the eye. It is better if the restroom is hidden from prying eyes.

In most cases, buildings are painted after assembly. However, this has its downsides. After all, the edges of the boards and other hard-to-reach places will remain unprotected. It is more correct to process the material before constructing the restroom.

People who know how to draw well can decorate a toilet in an original way. Birds, insects, flowers on a dark background and other images will make your closet different from others.

“When painting toilet walls, you should not use varnish, which traps steam and is not suitable for outdoor work.”

It is recommended to apply the products to a clean, well-sanded surface. First, an antiseptic treatment is carried out, and then a finishing coat is applied in two or three layers with drying. You cannot paint boards under the scorching sun, otherwise cracks will appear after drying. The primer must match the tone of the base paint. During operation, the product must be constantly stirred to achieve an even layer.

Natural dark tones are optimal for the restroom

It’s not difficult to build a comfortable wooden toilet in your country house. Even a beginner can cope with this task. However, in order for the result not to disappoint, a number of simple conditions must be met. It is not forbidden to use ready-made drawings, but before you begin to implement the project, you need to thoroughly understand them. And even better - make the necessary modifications to the finished drawing (changing dimensions, adjusting the design, etc.). A creative approach allows you to get the best result.

A toilet in a country house is an integral part of comfort and a full-fledged existence. When purchasing a completely clean plot of land, the first thing we install is this structure. This is not only natural, but even necessary. The construction of this building does not require any special projects. Anyone who is even a little familiar with carpentry tools can build a country toilet with their own hands. Let's look at this process in detail step by step. Now there are many modern alternatives to a stationary structure, we will also talk about some of them below.

At the dacha you can do without many convenient, important structures: a shed, a swimming pool, a cellar, a barbecue oven, but you can’t do without a toilet.

When starting work, you need to consider many factors. The most important thing is sanitary and hygienic standards. Your toilet should not create inconvenience for your neighbors, so the location of the building, proper arrangement of the cesspool, and ventilation should be worked out during the design process.

Country toilet, photo:

The equipment of the cesspool and the method of cleaning it are also important nuances that directly depend on the location of groundwater. If the groundwater is located high, then you will have to look for alternative options, since you cannot make a hole. If the groundwater flow is low, the pit must be extremely airtight.

Country toilet - design options

The simplest and most common option is a wooden restroom. Even a beginner can build it; it will be inexpensive in terms of the cost of building materials. If desired, this design can be easily moved. To cover the frame, boards, clapboards, and chipboard sheets are used; if you have some imagination, you can sometimes get quite nice options. The simplest, cheapest option is a closet made of planks.

Design, photo:

A more substantial structure made of metal sheets is erected in two ways.

The first option - the same wooden frame is sheathed with sheets, in the second - the base of the frame is made of metal pipes, to which sheets of iron or slate are subsequently attached. The shaded part of the area is the best place for such a toilet, since in the summer the sun will heat the metal, causing you discomfort when visiting it. The inside of such a building can be sheathed with polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam.

A stationary brick building will require more construction time, as well as construction skills from the developer. Here you need to think through in detail how to clean the cesspool and the possibility of convenient access (for example, a sewer truck) to the building.

The country toilet of the “Lyuft-closet” type has no significant differences from the stationary version; the only feature is the design of the cesspool. At the same time, its walls and bottom must be sealed, and it itself must have an elongated shape.

This feature will improve the optimization of the waste disposal process and make the installation of sewer hoses more convenient. A significant “minus” of “Lyuf-closet” type restrooms is the impossibility of using them during winter.

The country peat toilet is one of the alternative options for closets. In this case, the waste is immediately sprinkled with peat, and when the sewer tank is filled, it is removed and the processed contents are removed. More details about the operational functions of peat toilets will be written below.

Requirements for the construction of a country toilet

There are many nuances associated with the construction of a latrine; you need to take into account the direction of the winds, the possibility of unhindered access of a sewage truck to the building, and the distance from the cesspool to the point with water (no more than 25 meters). If there are other buildings nearby, the distance from them to the toilet should be at least 5 meters. Often closets are installed at a distance. But so that there is at least 1 meter to the border of the neighbor’s fence. Make sure that when you open the toilet door, your neighbors cannot see anything.

A country toilet with a cesspool is a solid structure that should be relatively spacious. The most common, convenient building options are the “birdhouse” and “hut”. If you want to have room to spread out, the birdhouse type is suitable for you.

If we consider the building from the point of view of the impact of precipitation, then the “hut” type wins here.

The entire “attack” of rain and snow will fall on the roof, which at the “hut” reaches almost to ground level, while the walls will remain dry.

Both types of buildings allow you to equip a country toilet without a cesspool by placing a removable tank at the base of the building or not far from it, where waste will be collected. This can be a welded metal container, a special bucket, a suitable plastic tank or a wooden tank with peat, tyrsa, sand. Having a foundation is preferable for any type of building.

A cesspool is the main element of a country toilet; in order to determine its volume, you should know that with constant use, approximately 50-60 liters should be allocated per person (calculated for 3 months). As mentioned above, it must be sealed so that sewage does not come into contact with the aquifers of the soil. A well-equipped clay castle (20-30 cm thick) around the pit is an essential requirement when constructing a country toilet.

We build a toilet in a summer cottage with our own hands

If this is your first time building a toilet, please note that a wooden structure is the easiest to build. Wood is a relatively inexpensive building material, it is easy to work with, it retains heat well, and is environmentally friendly. Let's look at this option in more detail. To arrange the frame, you will need wooden blocks; a section of 40×40 (or a little larger) is optimal. Choose the cladding material according to your taste: lining, standard board or even a block house will look quite appropriate. The roof can be covered with ondulin, slate, roofing felt.

Base, frame of the future toilet, photo:

To build a birdhouse type restroom, you can use a standard drawing, or you can use your imagination and develop your own individual version. Typical dimensions of a country toilet: rear wall - 2 meters, facade - 2.30 m, the width of the building must be at least 1 meter, the roof must be pitched, the presence of a cesspool, the base must be at least 1 × 1 m.

Construction materials you will need: solid sand-cement blocks, wooden beams, sand, boards, lining (cladding), roofing felt. You will also need crushed bricks, profiled steel sheets, paint or varnish, a door block, hinges, a handle, latches, and nails. To arrange the frame, it is preferable to choose an edged board made of hard wood (for example, larch, beech), stock up on metal corners and self-tapping screws.

Country toilet, stages of work:

  1. First of all, we proceed to the cesspool, its approximate parameters should be at least 1: 1: 2 m, the dimensions of the cesspool determine the dimensions of the structure itself. We cover the bottom of the pit with crushed bricks or coarse crushed stone.
  2. Sand-cement blocks (they can be replaced with a concrete curb) will be the foundation. We install them in the corners of the pit - this is the foundation of the future frame.
  3. Approximately 4 layers of roofing felt on the blocks - this is the necessary waterproofing.
  4. The wooden frame consists of 4 load-bearing supports (vertical). The bars that are laid lengthwise should extend beyond the boundaries of the closet body by about 35-40 cm. The protruding part in front is the future canopy, the part in the back is the removal of precipitation from the wall of the building. The piping is done at the level of the place where the toilet will be installed. The height of the toilet seat should be comfortable - 40-45 cm from the floor.
  5. For greater strength of the frame, we install diagonal stiffeners on the rear wall, as well as on the side walls of the closet.
  6. The frame of the door block consists of two vertically mounted supports with a horizontal lintel at the top.
  7. We cover the frame with the selected material, lay a board (at least 4 cm thick) on the floor.
  8. We cut a hole in the floor of the appropriate size, the shape can be any.
  9. We install the door block with the door, and cut out a window if desired.
  10. We cover the roof of the restroom with the selected covering (roofing felt, ondulin, slate, etc.).
  11. We cover the structure with paint or varnish.

The installation of a country toilet with a cesspool implies a well-equipped ventilation system. It is important that unpleasant odors from the pit do not stagnate and come out freely. The outlet pipe can be made of any material, but its diameter must be at least 10 cm. Holes of the appropriate size should be cut in the toilet pedestal, like on the roof. The upper end of the pipe must rise above the roof of the building by at least 20 cm. The distances between the pipe and the cutout must be carefully sealed, and a ventilation deflector must be installed at the upper outlet of the pipe (it creates draft). The inside of the building can be lined with polystyrene foam or any other suitable facing material.

Branch pipes, photo:

Country toilet - cleaning the cesspool

There is no such person who would feel comfortable inhaling unpleasant odors. An outdoor (country) toilet, of course, cannot be a source of pleasant aromas, but advanced biotechnologies successfully cope with this problem. Today there are special chemicals that not only block unpleasant odors, but process waste into liquid, oxygen, and carbon dioxide.

Many summer residents do not have the correct information regarding these chemicals, believing that chemicals can harm the environment and plants. This is not so - high-quality biological products (such as Vodogray) are absolutely harmless to human health and the environment (confirmed by ISO-9002).

Separately, it is worth mentioning biogranules - a very convenient, necessary invention. Biogranules for pit toilets - reviews are extremely positive, since their microbiological composition includes enzymes and non-pathological bacteria. Biogranules are harmless to the environment, human and animal health, and were awarded the 2001 international medal “Environmentally Safe Products”.

This product destroys bad odors, decomposes feces, toilet paper, while waste products are quickly processed and become a cloudy, odorless liquid. This liquid can subsequently be safely poured, for example, under a tree or other convenient place. The use of biogranules solves the problem of cleaning and pumping out sewage: they not only process the contents of the cesspool, but also reduce its volume at the end of the process.

Before use, water should be poured into the cesspool, and then the drug should be added according to the attached instructions. Every 7 days you should add water and add one sachet of biogranules (25 g). If the cesspool contains a lot of liquid, then you can fill in several bags at once. In the second case, the drug is pre-mixed with water and then poured into the pit. It is worth considering that if you previously poured bleach into it, then ordinary biogranules will not work - such an environment will destroy them. For these cases, there is a special type of drug - “Septic-biogranules”.

Two or three days after applying the product, a kind of film forms on top of the waste, which seems to “preserve” the unpleasant odor inside. Next comes the decomposition process, which can slow down if your cesspool is simply dug, that is, not lined with bricks or protected in any way. However, there will be a positive result in any case. If you want to have an odorless country toilet, then choose biogranules - an environmentally friendly product.

Toilet for a country toilet - which one to choose

The toilet is comfort and convenience. Often in country restrooms you can see ordinary ceramic toilet seats, the same as those installed in city apartments. This is the wrong choice, since most toilet models have a curved flush direction. In this case, waste is washed away with a large amount of water, so this configuration is acceptable. A toilet for a country toilet, on the contrary, must have a direct “exit” so that the contents are freely sent into the cesspool. In addition, ceramic toilets are very heavy, which is also not very convenient for a country closet.

An excellent alternative for a country house option would be a special plastic toilet. It is light in weight, performs all the necessary functions, it does not have a curved “exit”, it is designed specifically for such outdoor buildings. A country toilet made of durable plastic is relatively inexpensive. The models are quite varied.

If we strive for comfort, then we need to take into account all the nuances, all the little things. Such a nice little thing, especially necessary in winter, will be a warm toilet seat. Visiting an outdoor toilet in winter is not very comfortable and is not good for health either. The seat is exactly the part that is in direct contact with our body. The plastic seat holds the cold well, this distinguishes it from a thermal seat made of foamed polypropylene.

The warm seat for a country toilet fits any outdoor closet or toilet. The product is made of hygienic material that retains heat even in severe frost. This invention comes from Finland, and Finns, as you know, know how to deal with the cold. It is very easy to install, does not absorb moisture, is easy to maintain, and is weather resistant. The product has a modern external design and a lid made of the same material. The thermal seat for country toilets is made of an analogue of foam plastic, therefore it is absolutely harmless to human health and the environment.

Peat toilet - an alternative to the usual

Anyone can install such an innovation in their dacha, since such latrines do not imply the presence of a cesspool. This option is excellent when it is not possible to install a permanent structure (high groundwater level). These buildings are characterized by a simplified design - you won’t need much time or effort to install everything. We are talking about peat toilets - an innovation that appeared relatively recently, but has already proven itself positively among summer residents.

Peat toilet, photo:

Models of peat closets have an aesthetically attractive design, but if desired, you can “simplify” this device. A removable container is installed under a regular country toilet with a toilet without a cesspool, and a bucket with peat filler is placed next to the toilet seat. He did his job, reached out to the bucket of peat, scooped up the peat mixture with a special scoop, poured it inside the toilet - that’s the whole process.

The operating principle of such a device is to convert sewage into compost (biological decomposition) due to the action of active ingredients. In peat dry closets, this role is played by peat or a peat mixture. Near the toilet there is a box with peat. After the sewage gets inside the corresponding tank, it is sprinkled with this filler on top.

Branded peat toilets are equipped with a special dispenser installed near the upper tank for peat mixture. This is a very convenient device: you pull the handle, a kind of “flushing” occurs - a dose of peat is directed downwards, covering the waste. From this moment, feces begin to break down and absorb liquid, thereby blocking the unpleasant odor. When the container is full, it can be easily emptied, since by this time all waste will have already been processed and become fertilizer.

These devices require simple maintenance: sewage is removed from the storage tank, the tank itself is washed, a new portion of peat substrate is added, and the toilet is ready for use again. You can buy a ready-made set of such a closet, or you can install a wooden structure (as described above) or simply install a ready-made plastic country toilet (you can purchase used dry closet cabins at a low price). All you have to do is put a toilet with a removable tank inside the “box” to collect sewage, and clean it periodically.

When the storage tank is one third full, it is recommended to empty it. It is best to store processed waste inside the composter; after some time you use it as fertilizer for your garden.

Peat toilet for a summer house - which one is better?

When purchasing a product, pay attention to the following characteristics:

  1. Dimensions of the product - you should be comfortable using it (the height of the toilet seat is important), the entire device should fit proportionally into the booth.
  2. The volume of the storage container should not be too large or too small. Consider the number of people and the frequency of using the restroom.
  3. If the toilet will be used by two people, then the tank, which is too large, will have to be emptied half-empty (the waste should not remain inside the container for a long time).
  4. Consider the load on the toilet seat, its strength, the thickness of the material should depend on the weight of the heaviest user.

As for the manufacturers of peat toilets, the most positive reviews were given to products from Russian companies Kompakt-EKO, Piteco, Finnish country peat toilets Ekomatic L&T, Biolan Komplet, and Swedish composting bioclosets Mulltoa. Prices vary depending on the quality and the manufacturer. You shouldn’t skimp on something as necessary as a toilet - good equipment will serve your family for decades, and this is a good reason.

Whatever type of closet you choose, the main thing is that you feel comfortable using it so that your neighbors don’t complain. How to build a country toilet with your own hands step by step, how to equip a “dry” peat closet, what the sanitary requirements for the construction of this building should be - you now know, which means you can tell other summer residents about it.

Photos of toilets in the country:

The time spent at the dacha, as a rule, is seasonal and relatively short in duration: usually it is 1-2 days off and, if you’re lucky, part of the vacation during a certain period. In such conditions, the issue of a comfortable life, even if it does not fade into the background, still takes on a slightly different meaning. Today we will talk, as the name implies, about an outdoor toilet - more precisely, about its own construction.

A toilet in a summer cottage, even if the construction of a residential building is still in the future, must be built: the needs of the human body do not know everyday conventions and can make themselves known at any time, even if you only visit for a couple of hours to weed and water the beds . That is why a toilet is always installed first on a new site.

In the most general terms, an outdoor toilet is a compact booth where a person can not only retire, but also reliably hide from the weather, as well as a certain volume where waste products of the body are collected. As a rule, this is an ordinary cesspool, deep enough and spacious enough to require the services (paid, by the way) of a sewer as little as possible.

However, there are other, structurally more complex options. It is according to the method of waste disposal that the main classification occurs. Next we will come back and talk about other types of outdoor toilets.

First, let's look at the outside of the toilet, so to speak, the types of stalls and methods of making them that are most suitable for DIY construction.

Classification by cabin type

The booth or cabin of a country toilet in most cases belongs to one of four types:

  1. “Birdhouse”,
  2. Hut, or “teremok”,
  3. hut,
  4. House.

Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, as do the materials used for their construction - wood, metal profiles, slate, brick, as well as their combinations.

When planning the construction of a toilet, you do not need to come up with its design yourself: each type has long been developed by specialists and tested many times, and the drawings are available and contain optimal dimensions that allow you to maintain compactness and ensure ease of use.


Let’s start traditionally with perhaps the simplest, and therefore the most common, option, called a “birdhouse” due to a certain similarity with a bird’s house: the same parallelepiped extended upward with a pitched roof sloping back.

Typical birdhouse toilet

As can be judged from the presented drawings and photographs, the design of such a toilet is simple and consists of a frame covered with suitable material, with a single door in the front part. For the frame, a wooden beam is most often used; from the same beam or a smaller section, diagonal struts are made to give rigidity to the structure, and then everything is sheathed with boards. At the joints of the boards, narrow, 30-40 mm, “flashing” strips are traditionally stuffed to prevent air from blowing out of the cracks that are sure to form over time, no matter how tightly you fit the boards to each other.

Use of building materials

Wood is the most accessible material, which is easy to process and does not require special skills or special tools.

Metal is another matter: this material is perfect for our purposes, however, to install a frame from a profile pipe, you will need a welding machine and good electric welding skills. The cladding is made with sheets of corrugated sheets, which are fastened with self-tapping screws or rivets. You can’t do this without an electric drill, a screwdriver or a riveter.

Often they choose the “middle” option: a wooden frame is sheathed with metal sheets or a metal frame with chipboard or USB boards: often the determining factor is the availability of suitable materials, for example, remnants from a “large” construction project.

The usual slate is also sometimes used as the walls of a country toilet, at least as a temporary option until the main construction is completed. Slate is most often used as a pitched roof, although, of course, the “metal” version is no worse.

Sometimes the “birdhouse” is covered with boards, which are then lined with roofing felt or other similar material. This, of course, is not the best option, but can be implemented as a temporary one.

Building brick toilet walls is a good, solid and expensive option. Such a solution can often be seen already at the stage of improvement of the territory, when all residential and utility structures have already been built. A toilet made of the same brick as the rest of the buildings in the yard will look harmonious in the overall exterior.

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Today's topic of publication is a DIY country toilet. Photos and drawings will allow you to correctly understand the appearance and size of the structure. Many people think that installing an outdoor bathroom is quite simple. However, you must be guided by some principles and requirements, which the HomeMyHome editors will talk about today.

Anyone can create a small-sized but functional country toilet with a ladder

Without taking into account some nuances, it is difficult to imagine what kind of design the result will be. The owner must understand that it is necessary to comply with existing requirements. Firstly, it is characterized by safety, and secondly, you will not disrupt anything during construction.

  1. The first thing to do is to make sure that the building will not interfere with the neighbors. Agree, no one will be pleased if the toilet emits an unpleasant odor under the windows or covers the vegetation with shadow. Make an agreement with the people, otherwise there is a high risk that you will have to move the structure to another place.
  2. Study the regulations for the location of the toilet. It is important that the site respects the environment. It is prohibited to install such structures in areas of water bodies and fertile soil. It is also unacceptable to install the structure next to wells and other natural resources.
  3. Create a project that will provide the ability to remove waste using a sewer truck. Accordingly, the toilet should be located near the entrance to the yard. To prevent decomposed waste from leaving the cesspool, it is better to use septic tanks.
  4. Focus on the passage of groundwater. If such sources flow near the future toilet, the structure cannot be built. Over time, it will begin to crumble. For a country toilet, it is recommended to choose a sealed base.
  5. An outdoor toilet should be located at a distance of at least 12 m from residential buildings.

The above requirements make it possible to avoid most problems that may arise during operation.

Kinds toilets in the country that you can install yourself: options with photo

There are many design options that differ in appearance, as well as in the material used in construction. Booths are also classified by type of construction. Several popular examples should be highlighted.

Standard sanitary room

An ordinary toilet with a waste hole. It does not provide for any complex systems. A cesspool is considered a mandatory attribute of such a house. They dig it with their own hands or install a complex.


Such toilets can have a water tank. This tank is designed to flush waste into the toilet.

Backlash toilet and powder toilet: features

The backlash toilet is considered a rather expensive design. Its mandatory components include a concrete cesspool. The main feature of such a restroom is the correct organization of ventilation. This option is being built as a free-standing or attached option to the house.



A powder toilet is a wooden toilet seat with a lid, designed in the form of a small structure. Thick sawdust acts as a flushing mechanism, which serves to powder biological waste. The container with the material is placed next to the toilet. In the absence of sawdust, dusting of waste is carried out with wood ash.

Chemical sanitary room

A country toilet can work with a chemical composition. Using a special formula, the chemicals begin to react with biological waste after each use of the toilet. Thus, the unpleasant odor quickly disappears. Bacteria actively process microbes, reducing the level of solid waste. As a result, only liquid remains, which is convenient to pump out.


When creating a chemical toilet, you may not need a large pit for a septic tank. Sometimes using a stationary tank is enough.

Peat dry toilet for a summer residence

When arranging a dry country toilet, many people prefer to use a peat waste disposal system. A few weeks after processing, all waste turns into excellent fertilizer for the garden.


Such toilets are “flushed” exclusively with dry peat. However, this pleasure does not come cheap.

Related article:

Toilet with shower for a summer residence: combined design

The most current option is a combined bathroom. It is convenient to perform all hygiene procedures at the same time. The entire building consists of two rooms of equal size. A water heater may be installed inside. More often, a water tank is installed on the roof of the cabin.


Related article:

How to choose a toilet for a country toilet: which is better

There are a large number of varieties of toilets for outdoor toilets. They have different weights, sizes and materials of manufacture. The most common options are:

  • porcelain and ceramic. There are stationary models, and there are those that are designed for squatting;
  • wooden toilet seats for a country house. Usually these are made in the form of a wooden step with a hole. You can also place a seat for a stationary toilet in it;
  • galvanized. Such instances are not always convenient. In winter they are very cold. Manufacturing requires a pipe of a suitable size and a homemade seat;
  • toilet from a chair. This design was invented quite a long time ago. To make it, you need to cut a hole in the chair cushion, or remove it completely, replacing it with a soft seat for an ordinary toilet.

Purchased options are more comfortable and convenient. However, if you don’t have to use the amenities of an outdoor toilet for your dacha too often, a budget method would be ideal.


Country toilet with odorless pit cesspool: construction features

It’s easy to create comfortable conditions in a street toilet on the territory of a private home. The main thing is to follow the step-by-step algorithm for each stage of construction.

Construction of a cesspool for DIY country toilet step by step

It is best to build a cesspool for a toilet in a country house with your own hands using a ready-made diagram. You can print it out or design it yourself. However, there are also simplified variations of the arrangement.


Pit preparation

The design of the cesspool must be of sufficient size: approximately 12-18 m³. After you have figured out the place, follow the instructions.

IllustrationDescription of action
We measure the required diameter and lightly dig around the outer circle. For this purpose, you can use a car tire to make the circle smoother.
We dig a pit of the appropriate diameter. Its depth should be about 1.8-2 m
Pour a large stone or waste from plaster or destroyed walls onto the bottom. Crushed concrete will also work. A thick layer of sand is poured on top. Everything is well compacted

All that remains is to add a little more gravel on top of the sand cushion, then fill it all with a 15 cm layer of concrete and leave it for 10 days to harden.

Arrangement cesspool in the country for a toilet

Previously, brickwork was used to construct the walls of the pit. Today, plastic septic tanks are the most relevant for different types of toilets in the country.


All that remains is to choose the appropriate size (if you did not rely on it when digging the pit) and build the drain.

How to remove odors from a pit toilet

To prevent your outdoor recreation from being spoiled by unpleasant odors emanating from the toilet, you will have to organize their elimination. This is done in the following ways:

  • by localization inside the volume of the waste tank;
  • organizing a toilet in a dry country house without a cesspool.

For the first method, special chemicals are most often used, such as Roetech K-47 , Doctor Robik 109 , BIOFORCE Septic 250 .


Rules for organizing ventilation

Venting air from the septic tank of a DIY garden toilet also helps eliminate persistent odors. If the system is performed correctly, gaseous compounds will evaporate immediately. We invite you to study the tips and recommendations presented in the video.

How to build a toilet in the country with your own hands: step by step photo instructions

After the place is organized and the cesspool is placed, you can begin to construct the cabin itself.

IllustrationDescription of action
We create a sole for the frame of the future toilet. To do this, take four blocks and dig them in around the perimeter around the cesspool. First fill the holes with gravel
We install a wooden base, which is pre-connected using metal corners
We install the rafters to the height of the future booth
We assemble a frame with a slope for a pitched roof.
Be sure to install reinforcing beams
We cover three sides of the frame with wooden boards
We assemble the door frame and attach it to the toilet awnings
Using special self-tapping screws we attach a sheet of rolled metal to the roof along the entire perimeter

How to build a country toilet from different types of building materials: general recommendations

In the construction of country toilets, you can use various raw materials, from wood to concrete blocks. We bring to your attention several types of buildings.

Do-it-yourself wooden toilet for a summer house with drawings

Many people do not realize how interesting the designs of wooden street toilets can be. With the help of drawings of toilets and the dimensions written on them, it is easy to implement any of the models in the country with your own hands.




For each version of a country toilet, the drawings and dimensions will be different.

How to make a toilet in the country with your own hands from brick: interesting options

The construction stages during the construction of a brick outhouse do not differ at all from each other. This option looks rich and is simple to implement. As a result, the walls do not require additional finishing. Let's look at several types of country toilets, made with your own hands, in the photo, which may be useful for arrangement.




DIY outdoor toilet made of concrete blocks: video

A latrine on a summer cottage can also be easily built from concrete or. It is most optimal to make combined structures from such material: a country toilet with a shower. In the video you can see how the partitions should be arranged for the proposed option.


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