How to fry chicken liver in a frying pan. Chicken liver fried with onions

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  • chicken liver – 400 g;
  • onions – 2 large heads;
  • salt - to taste;
  • flour – 4-5 tbsp;
  • vegetable oil – 70-80 g (about 2 tablespoons);
  • black pepper (ground) - to taste.

A lot depends on the quality of the offal. You only need to purchase chilled liver, dark cherry color with a natural smell without any sourness. Elastic and whole pieces are a sign of quality, and if they are frozen or fall apart in your hands, then such a product is not worth purchasing.


1. Rinse the chicken liver thoroughly in running water and remove excess moisture with a paper towel. Cut off the fat, veins (if any) and cut into small pieces, although you can leave the liver whole.

2. Place the prepared onion, peeled and thinly sliced ​​into rings (half rings), into a well-heated frying pan with half the sunflower oil.

3. Fry until golden brown. Then transfer to a separate bowl and add the remaining oil to the frying pan.

4. Pour flour into a plate, but do not add salt. Dip each piece of chicken liver in it before placing it in the pan. Often the liver is salted before frying or dipped in flour that is mixed with salt. This is mistake. The fact is that if you salt the liver too early, it will become tough and you will have to simmer it twice as long.

5. Over medium heat, fry the liver on both sides for several minutes.

Don't post a large amount at once. It’s better to fry several pieces at a time so that this process does not turn into boiling or stewing.

Take note!

If the liver “shoots” in a frying pan, then the reason is the high moisture content in it. That is, either a low-quality product was purchased, which was frozen several times, or after washing, the excess liquid did not have the opportunity to drain.

6. Place the fried liver on a plate and rinse the pan for the next stage of cooking. The fact is that the remaining breading during stewing will impart bitterness and a burning smell to the finished dish. Place the onion and liver in a clean frying pan and add about 100 ml of water. Now add salt and spices to taste, mix everything. Keep on low heat with the lid on for about 5 minutes.

7. Checking whether the liver is ready is very simple. There are two most popular ways. The first is when readiness is checked by pressing. But this option is only suitable for experienced cooks. For novice cooks, you can simply cut one of the pieces in half. If there is no blood inside, but only soft pink flesh, you can take a sample. The photo just shows you the complete readiness of the fried chicken liver.

Also, if you manage to buy fresh duck giblets, be sure to cook

We all know that chicken liver it is not only tasty, but also healthy. It contains a whole range of various microelements and a large amount of iron, so it is recommended for use by both adults and children.

quick recipe with onions

I always take the liver chilled; frozen chicken liver doesn’t seem so tasty to me. It should be shiny, smooth, red-brown in color, without any inclusions, in no case loose and have a fresh, sweetish smell.

Since childhood, I had a stereotype that liver is always bitter, and that where there is liver, there should always be sour cream. Until one day my husband prepared such a chic and at the same time simple dish.

So, to prepare fried chicken liver we will need the following products:


  • chicken liver (I always make it at once, I don’t like heated food) – 400 gr.,
  • 2 large onions,
  • 100 gr. butter,
  • vegetable oil,
  • salt,
  • pepper,
  • greens for garnishing the dish.

Cooking process:

Let's prepare the ingredients.

Peel the onions, wash them and chop them coarsely. Heat up the frying pan, put butter in it and pour in a little vegetable oil (this way the butter will not burn). Pour in the onion and fry it to the state you like, not forgetting to add salt and pepper. Personally, I like the onion to have a little crunch.

We wash the chicken livers and cut them into pieces (I get 4 pieces from one).

Then we carefully take out the onion, and in the same oil, in the same frying pan, fry the liver, having first rolled each piece in flour. The liver should lie in one row, we will salt it when it is fried on one side, and we will turn it over to the other.

Fry over high heat, cover with a lid for about 2 minutes, turn over, add salt and pepper. We wait another minute and, voila, our liver is ready!

We lay it beautifully on the onion, and sprinkle with herbs on top. Fried liver prepared according to this recipe turns out with a crispy crust and amazingly tender inside. You can serve crushed potatoes as a side dish, but we prefer it with butter and dill. By the way, this dish was liked not only by all my relatives, but also by my youngest gourmet - my three-year-old daughter, and this is another indicator of deliciousness, because usually small children do not like liver.

Bon appetit and good recipes!

After cutting a chicken carcass, by-products always remain. The most useful and most popular of them is liver. It is prepared in different ways, but most often, given the peculiarity of the product itself, frying is preferred. For this type of work, it is better to use a frying pan with a thick bottom and a non-stick coating. True, not everyone knows how to do this correctly. When starting work, you need to clearly know in advance how much to fry in a frying pan so that the end result meets all expectations.

Subtleties of the process

In cooking, there are different methods of heat treatment of products. Of these, frying is considered the fastest, most convenient and practical.

Speaking about chicken liver, do not forget that this is a very delicate and capricious product. Any deviations in technology can completely ruin it. Therefore, before you figure out how long to fry chicken liver in a frying pan, you need to learn a few rules that should definitely be taken into account in your work:

  1. The starting product must be chilled. Using frozen liver is extremely undesirable, since under the influence of high temperature a huge amount of moisture will begin to be released from it. As a result, the process will become more like stewing than frying.
  2. Before use, thoroughly washed product must be dried. In addition, it cannot be salted in advance. Otherwise, the result will be the same as described above.
  3. You cannot dump the entire product into the pan at once. It is better to put one piece at a time, otherwise the bottom will quickly cool down. This may prevent the creation of the characteristic golden brown crust.
  4. The finished product should not be too hard. It is better if it remains elastic after pressing. Otherwise, it will not be possible to figure it out.
  5. It must be remembered that in a frying pan with a thick bottom, any product continues to cook even after the heat under it is turned off. As a result, after a few minutes, the finished tender liver can turn into a hard sole. To prevent this from happening, it is better to immediately transfer it to a dish or into portioned plates.

Liver with onions

It is better to learn to understand how long to fry chicken liver in a frying pan through practice. To do this, you can consider the most common option, which requires a minimum set of ingredients. All you need is:

  • chicken liver, salt, onions and wheat flour.

It is not difficult to prepare such a dish:

  1. First, the liver must be thoroughly washed, the film removed from its surface, and all existing veins and bile ducts cut out. After this, the product needs to be laid out on a cutting board and allowed to dry a little under natural conditions.
  2. At this time, you can peel the onion, cut it into half rings and lightly saute it in vegetable oil over low heat, remembering to constantly turn it over. It is better to set the finished product aside until the end of the process.
  3. Now the liver needs to be rolled in flour. This can be done very quickly if you use a plastic bag. In order not to bother with each piece separately, it is better to process the entire chopped product at once. To do this, you first need to pour flour into the bag, then put the liver and shake it several times.
  4. Heat the frying pan so that a drop of water on it sizzles strongly. After this, you need to gradually lay out the entire liver on it, adding salt to it only on one side, which should be at the bottom. The top layer is processed when the product is already in the pan.
  5. To begin, cook each side over high heat for 1 minute. This ensures the formation of a tender crust.
  6. Then the flame can be made a little smaller, and the product can be covered with a layer of onion. In this position, under the lid, the liver should be simmered for 5-7 minutes.

Now the tender, aromatic pieces can be transferred to a plate and served with or without a side dish.

Clear boundaries

Every housewife, while in the kitchen, should be able to correctly calculate time in order to plan her work. If she decides to pamper her family with offal, she must know how many minutes to fry the chicken liver in a frying pan. According to experienced cooks, this requires very little time. About 8-10 minutes will be enough for the original product to turn into a juicy, aromatic dish. It must be remembered that the liver has a porous structure. It contains a lot of moisture, which under the influence of high temperature tends to quickly come out. If this is allowed, the product will turn into a compacted piece of tissue that cannot be softened by any sauces or gravies. In principle, frying time depends on several factors:

  • size of a piece of a given meat product;
  • flame temperature;
  • selected cooking option.

Taken together, these factors have a significant impact on how long the chicken liver will actually cook in the pan.

Creamy tenderness

In order to decide how long to fry chicken liver in a frying pan, you must first determine what kind of product you want to get as a result. Experts say that the use of vegetable oil makes it possible to form a characteristic golden brown crust. This is what attracts many people to butter; in turn, it makes the product softer.

We are not talking about any kind of crust here. The meat is simply slowly soaked in the creamy flavor, making it very tender and tasty. For this option you will need:

  • 400 grams of chicken liver, 100 grams of flour, half a teaspoon of salt and 60 grams of butter.

The essence of the method is simple:

  1. First, the main product must be washed in several waters. Then all the veins that can be found should be removed from it. After this, the processed pieces should be placed in a deep bowl, salted and left for about 20 minutes. This somewhat contradicts the basic rule, but in this case such an action is quite acceptable.
  2. Pour flour into a separate plate, and then bread each piece in it, after removing as much moisture as possible from its surface. Place all the preparations in a heap on a clean, dry dish.
  3. Place the pan on the stove and set the flame to medium under it.
  4. Place the oil on a hot surface and wait until it boils.
  5. Place the breaded liver in the pan and fry for 4 minutes. After this, each piece must be turned over. The second side will take the same amount of time.

The finished product is best served immediately. In this case, the plate can be decorated with any greenery that is available in the house.

Liver in sour cream

Anyone who loves various gravies can use fermented milk products to prepare them. This is where a timer will definitely come in handy to keep track of how long to fry the chicken liver in a frying pan in sour cream. In fact, this is not a difficult process at all. You just need to prepare the main ingredients in advance:

  • for 500 grams of chicken liver, a little salt, onion, butter, spices and 100 grams of sour cream.

Everything happens very quickly:

  1. First of all, the liver, as usual, needs to be washed, cleaned of unnecessary inclusions (veins) and let it lie for a while so that excess moisture can escape.
  2. At this time, you can chop the onion into half rings.
  3. Heat the oil thoroughly in a frying pan. Then you need to fry the onion a little in it. The pieces that have become slightly transparent should be carefully removed with a spoon and placed on a separate plate.
  4. Roll the liver in flour, and then put it in a frying pan and fry in the oil that is left from the onion. The product must be constantly turned so that it can warm up from all sides.
  5. After this, you can add salt and spices, and after 3 minutes pour sour cream over everything.
  6. As soon as the contents in the frying pan boil, the fire must be turned off. The sour cream should gradually dissolve and soak the liver, this will take another 3 minutes.
  7. After this, you need to add the onion, mix everything well and turn off the heat.

This dish is best eaten hot, of course. But it will also be very tasty when cold.

Breading issues

In some cases, the liver does not need to be breaded before frying. It all depends on which recipe is chosen for preparing this offal. Here you will need to consider how long to fry the chicken liver in a frying pan without flour, so that in the end it retains its juiciness and tenderness. All this can be verified using a specific example. First, you should collect the necessary products on your desktop:

  • 0.5 kilograms of chicken liver, 3 onions, 70-100 grams of honey, salt, 50 milliliters of dry red wine, pepper and vegetable oil.

The whole process can be followed step by step:

  1. First, pieces of cleaned and washed liver must be placed in a deep bowl, poured with wine and left to marinate there for about 1 hour.
  2. Heat the oil in a frying pan and then fry the onion, chopped into half rings, until a bright golden hue appears.
  3. Add honey and simmer for 5 minutes, stirring constantly.
  4. Sprinkle the liver with the selected spices and fry until it becomes one pleasant golden color. This may take 7 to 10 minutes. At this stage you need to add salt to taste.

Transfer the still hot product to a clean plate, and add aromatic onions and honey on top. This original addition allows you to eat the finished dish without any side dish, so as not to spoil its unusual taste and aroma.

Complex gravy

Experienced chefs advise preparing the liver with gravy. This way the fried product is better absorbed by the body. Moreover, the composition of the liquid fraction can be either simple or complex. For those who love a pronounced taste, we can recommend a mixture of tomato paste and mayonnaise. Due to these products, the main component becomes more juicy and aromatic. In this case, you need to know how long to fry chicken liver in a frying pan in mayonnaise, taking into account its individual characteristics. As a striking example, you can take a recipe for which you will need:

  • 1 kilogram of fresh chicken liver, 200 grams of flour, salt, 300 milliliters of skim milk, carrots, onions, vegetable oil, a couple of tablespoons of mayonnaise, ground black pepper, 3 cloves of garlic, spices, a tablespoon of tomato paste and herbs (parsley, cilantro, dill).

The cooking procedure can be divided into 4 stages:

  1. First, the washed liver must be cleaned of excess veins and films, and then, putting it in a deep bowl, pour milk over it and leave in that position for an hour. After this, each piece needs to be rolled in flour and fried in a hot frying pan for about 20 minutes.
  2. Peel and chop the vegetables. Add the carrots and onions to the frying pan, mix them with the liver and fry the products together for about 5 minutes.
  3. In a clean bowl, combine mayonnaise with paste, add a tablespoon of flour, a little water and whisk until smooth. Pour the contents of the pan with this mixture, adding the remaining ingredients, and simmer for another 5 minutes.
  4. Place the finished liver on plates and pour over the aromatic thick gravy.

For a side dish you can prepare buckwheat or mashed potatoes.

Previously, fried chicken liver with golden onions was last on the list of my culinary preferences after milk foam and salted watermelons. But in my third decade of life, I sharply changed my contemptuous “Fe!” to an enthusiastic "Wow!" in relation to a delicate product. I tried it! And I learned how to properly cook tender liver. And now I’m sharing a proven recipe and culinary secrets. Remember!

What products will you need:

How to fry liver with onions (detailed recipe with photos):

Wash the liver thoroughly. Inspect for films, veins and fat. Remove everything unnecessary. Place the “clean residue” in a colander to drain. And then, to be sure, pat dry with paper towels and transfer to a bowl. Add some ground pepper mixture to the chicken liver. Use other spices if desired. But DO NOT add salt! Set the main ingredient aside for now.

Take care of the onions. It will give the chicken liver a special spicy-sweet flavor. If possible, use purple lettuce. It does not have the bitterness and harshness inherent in ordinary yellow or white onions. But even with the latter it will turn out quite tasty. Cut the onion into rings or half rings of medium thickness (about 0.3-0.5 cm).

Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan. It can be of any origin, but it must be deodorized. That is, odorless. Place onion slices in it.

Stirring, sauté until soft. There is no need to fry the onions too much, because we haven’t added the liver to the pan yet. If desired, you can roll it in a small amount of flour.

And now is the right time to do it. Fry the liver and onions over moderately high heat until desired brownness is achieved. You need to salt the dish at the very end, otherwise the liver will become tough, like the sole of an old shoe. And it won't taste any better. You can also add a couple of tablespoons of cognac a few minutes before it’s ready. The alcohol will evaporate, and the pleasant taste and aroma will be transferred to the liver.

I like well-fried, browned pieces of liver, like in the photo. To avoid deforming neat liver slices, try to stir the dish as little as possible. Ideally - 1-2 times. Did you feel like the liver was not cooked well inside? Bring it to readiness in the oven. Temperature - 180 degrees. Time - about 5 minutes. The finished fried chicken liver, if you followed the recipe, will be firm, golden on top and juicy on the inside.

Garnish the fried liver with fresh herbs and serve hot or warm with pasta, rice or potatoes. And a vegetable salad or just chopped cucumbers and tomatoes will come in handy.

Secrets to making the perfect chicken liver

I have already outlined the main points of frying delicious liver above, but there are some subtleties that simply need to be emphasized. In general, remember and do not forget to put into practice:

  • Do not fry frozen chicken livers. It is better to stew such a product or use it as a filling for pies. You still won't get a tender dish by frying it. And it’s not even that the liver will lose the lion’s share of taste and aroma after sudden temperature changes. Freezing and thawing changes the structure of the liver, and it will not fry, but stew, releasing a lot of juice. For the same reason, salt is added at the very end.
  • The pan must be well heated before frying. How can I check this? When adding liver, does the frying pan “react” with a characteristic hiss? Gradually add the rest of the ingredients.
  • I used the word “gradually” above for a reason. There is no need to throw the entire chicken liver into the onion for frying. Post in small portions. Add all the cold liver at once - the temperature of the oil in the pan will drop. And your efforts from the previous point will go down the drain. And the consequences from the first rule will occur, that is, an excess amount of juice will be released.
  • To avoid drying out the liver, periodically test it for readiness. The easiest way is finger pressure. Ready liver is elastic, but denser to the touch than raw liver. And when pierced with a toothpick, clear juice should come out of it. Is there blood coming out? The liver is not ready yet.
  • Immediately transfer the fried liver to a serving dish. Just because you think the dish is ready doesn't mean the pan thinks the same. It retains heat even when the stove is turned off. These few minutes can be detrimental to the juiciness of the delicate product.
  • At the end of frying, you can add a little heavy cream or sour cream to the chicken liver. It will be tender and tasty.

Bon appetit!

Fried chicken liver is a great and tasty dish that is perfect for a hearty lunch or dinner. You can serve it with any side dish, and if you are not cooking for children, then be sure to fry more onions - this will not only brighten the taste of the dish, but also make it more aromatic. This chicken liver is incredibly easy and quick to prepare, which is the main advantage of this product. To prepare, you absolutely do not need any culinary skills and every novice housewife can handle it.

The liver in the frying pan turns out so tender, juicy and soft that it melts in your mouth. In fact, such a treat is very beneficial for our body and we should include it in our daily menu more often. After all, you will agree that such a chicken delicacy is not expensive and is quite affordable. Even when cold, the food does not lose its wonderful qualities and remains just as pleasant, appetizing and will perfectly serve as a cold appetizer.


  • 500 g chicken liver
  • 1 raw egg
  • 1 – 2 cloves of garlic
  • salt, spices, pepper
  • 2 onions
  • 2 tablespoons each of wheat and corn flour
  • 60 – 70 ml vegetable oil

Cooking method

We thoroughly wash the liver, remove everything unnecessary, if necessary, cut it into two parts and dry it lightly with a paper towel. Beat the egg a little with a fork, add salt, seasonings, chopped garlic and place the liver pieces into the egg marinade. Leave in a cool place for at least half an hour.

During this time, sauté the onion rings in a frying pan until soft and barely noticeable brown and transfer to a separate container.

For breading, mix both types of flour (corn flour gives a wonderful crispy crust when fried) and bread the liver in this mixture.


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