How to call a real fairy. Summon a wish fairy at home

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Fairies are kind, real-life characters. They patronize flora and fauna. With one slight movement of her magic wand, the fairy can make any wish come true, or at least show the way to its fulfillment. In order to summon the fairy of desires, you must strictly observe the sacrament, a special ritual - and this mystical creature will immediately appear. One condition that you absolutely must know is to firmly believe in fairies, otherwise the event risks a fiasco. So how can you summon the fairy of wishes and what is needed for this?

Anyone can summon a fairy at any time of the day on the street, at home or in any other place. Before the ritual, you should prepare some important things: a snow-white satin ribbon, a pencil (simple) and a piece of white paper. Next, you need to tie the tip of the ribbon to a pencil and write your deepest desire in expanded form on white paper. It is important not to use the wording “I want”. It can easily be replaced with the word “let it be fulfilled.”

While wrapping the tape around the pencil, you should say your wish out loud until the tape completely wraps around the pencil. After this, bury the pencil at the edge of the road at the intersection. There, in the hole with a pencil, you need to put gifts and treats for the fairy (3 candies, maybe lollipops or chocolate).

It is important to remember that any thought, and especially a wish made, must be pure and kind. If the desire is black and carries negative energy, you should not expect such a good creature as a fairy to fulfill it.

If at the end of the ritual nothing happened, do not think that the fairy did not hear the request. The fairy will definitely give a hint or send a sign that the wish will soon be fulfilled. After all, if everything was done correctly, the desire was sure to be heard.

You should not expect fairies to appear nearby, because they are invisible and transparent, but this does not prevent them from hearing everyone. If faith comes from a pure heart and the desire is necessary and sincere, it will certainly be fulfilled by the good fairy in the shortest possible time.

“Girls, you won’t believe it, yesterday at my niece’s request I had to dig through a mountain of literature to find out how to summon the wish fairy! – Svetlana Markovna, the head of the kindergarten, told her subordinates and also her friends. “And imagine, I finally found a suitable ritual, and more than one, so get ready to write it down, now I’ll reveal the secrets of magic!”

Who is she, the fairy of wishes

Jon Brouwer, a Swedish illustrator of fairy tales from the last century, has an interesting drawing of a boy and a fairy offering the youth the fulfillment of seven wishes. In the painting, the sorceress is depicted as a young long-haired girl wearing a crown and with a magic wand in a raised hand. Surely this is how ordinary people imagine the image of a performer of human “wants”. However, is this what a real fairy really looks like?

Jon Brouwer

The concept itself came to Europeans from ancient Celtic and Germanic folklore. It covered all mythological creatures of an amorphous, metaphysical nature, possessing supernatural abilities.

These small creatures, having a variety of appearances, could do good and harm people (witches, by the way, also belonged to the category of fairies). Then people did not think about how to summon the fairy of desires at home or outside the village, but only spread facts (or rumors) about encounters with similar phenomena.

From the second half of the 19th century centuries, fairies began to be perceived in two opposite forms:

  • angel-like, luminous creature with wings, with feminine features: high voice, thin facial features, long hair;
  • as a wrinkled, short, green-skinned humanoid ghost (appearance similar to ideas about trolls).

Naturally, the good, bright fairies looked according to the first description, and the malicious and evil fairies looked like the second. Although, if we assume that disembodied spirits can transform, it is reasonable to assume that for their own purposes a terrible troll can turn into a beautiful maiden, and vice versa.

However, those who create magic for good hardly need to pretend. Is it so as not to frighten children, to whom, according to legend, they most often appear.

Savvy Slavs suggested: since wonderful creatures appear to people and help them, it means there is. Having collected stories about encounters with entities, highlighting information with similar parameters, enthusiasts began to try: they went out into the field, to the river, and performed rituals at home.

Even if only for a few, the chosen method worked. But as experienced magicians and sorcerers say, the question is not the method, but the person’s faith in a miracle.

The ones offered below have lived for centuries. If you are sincerely sure that the wish fulfiller exists, choose the one you like and act. Suddenly you are the lucky one who gets to meet this lady.

Remember the fairy tale about little Thumbelina who married an elf? These are also fairies and you can call them while in the forest, in a clearing, in a meadow. There is a belief that cute creatures love to play with the hair of wanderers who have fallen asleep in their domain.

    1. If the legend is true, the easiest way to summon the fairy of wishes without a satin ribbon, candles and other objects is to fall asleep in the lap of nature. Don't forget to call before going to bed good spirit and make a wish that requires fulfillment.
    2. I had a chance to get out to an open body of water - it would be a sin not to take advantage effective way meet the arbiter of destinies. The main thing is that no one interferes or that there is a piece of paper, a pen and a bell. Write a wish (two or three is possible), hold the piece of paper in your right fist, and hold the bell in your left hand. Walk around the pond three times in a circle (against the clock), all the time ringing the bell, saying: “Fairy of wishes, come!” Now stop, take out the note, and say:

Fairy of desires, queen of the forests, I worship you, I call on you, I trust in you, dear lady. Make my dream come true (read the written text)!

Ask three times for what you want, not forgetting the ringing of the bell. Then throw the attribute into the river. If you don’t doubt, then your plans will come true.

  1. The previous version of calling the winged sorceress can be carried out by brave souls in the forest, taking into account minor differences. When you walk in a circle, do not look around, do not react to voices, rustling and stomping. Besides good entities, the forest is teeming evil spirits who may try to scare you to death. After finishing the ritual, throw the bell to the ground.

Be sure to make a triple walk around the circle (clockwise only) - you will send away the otherworldly creatures who came to the call. You can look for a bell. If you don’t find it, the fairy accepted it as payment for her services.

What if a child wants to ask a fairy for a wish or a person is afraid to go into the forest alone? You can use home methods to address the mysterious:

    1. Required condition- night at full moon so that the fairy does not get lost looking for the way to you. Light the candles placed on the windowsill in a triangle (three pieces). Place a saucer (bowl) with water between them. At exactly midnight, open the window and call the sorceress, watching the surface of the water. As soon as the liquid stirs, say your wish. The whole process should take no more than a minute. Be sure to leave the invisible beauty a gift - a bead or hairpin. If she disappears in the morning, consider that you have acquired a new unusual girlfriend.
    2. Modern dreamers are especially fond of the ritual with a satin ribbon (1 meter), a pencil and whatman paper. It is easy to do even for children. Done before bedtime. The performer ties a ribbon to a pencil and writes on whatman paper the most cherished wish. Don't start with “I want...”. It’s better to write: “Let me have...” or “Please, fairy, fulfill my request in...”. Make sure that the wording is without ambiguous phrases, otherwise you will get the wrong result. Once the text is written, wrap the fabric around the pencil while reading what you have written out loud. The tape has ended - say:

Fairy of wishes, I'm waiting for you. Come, help me to make what I have planned come true!

There is a way to summon the fairy of wishes at home in the rain. It's also quite simple. The main thing is that the rain should be accompanied by a thunderstorm. You need to do it in ten minutes:

    • Dial in glass vessel(glass or jar) warm water.
    • On a small piece of paper, write your innermost desire, tear the letters into small pieces.
    • Place the scraps in a container of water and stir.
    • Keep an eye on the weather - if the rain intensifies, the procedure will have to be repeated another time. If it starts to calm down, the dream will come true in two, maximum three, weeks.

After the wish comes true, you should thank him by burying him in a flowerbed or under fruit tree beautiful trinket and candy.

The rules for calling any fairy are the same:

  • unshakable faith in miracles and one’s own strength;
  • absence prying eyes and ears (even pets should be removed);
  • conducting a ritual on the day of the full moon (not on great church holidays);
  • vest ( pectoral cross) it is recommended to remove it before calling;
  • winter is not suitable for dating - sorceresses sleep at this time of year;
  • don't forget about gratitude.

Regarding the flower fairy, remember: if on the day of the ritual you accidentally crush (pluck, break) a plant, she will get angry and will not come to the call.

Do you remember? Then the ritual itself. It’s clear where the flower beauty lives – among the flowers. They will be the guides to the little witch. Take some sweets and go to the garden, field, or forest clearing. Position yourself so that you are surrounded by flowers. Close your eyes and speak clearly and politely.

If you have a desire that you cannot fulfill on your own, no problem! Find out how to summon a fairy of wishes during the day at home without a full moon, and a magical creature may respond to your request for help! However, remember: fairies cannot be forced, only politely ask for help. Nobody came to you? Think about whether they were polite enough!

Calling the wish fairy during the day is for everyone!

It doesn’t take much to summon a magical creature during the day, at home or on the street. You can use special rituals, or simply sincerely ask for help. Be sincere and choose only important wishes! You can view the algorithm of actions on the video from YouTube:

Now you know how to summon a fairy on the street during the day!

How to call a fairy at home: a simple ritual

Before you start summoning the fairy, you can also try one more technique. This . But if it doesn’t help, you can continue to call on magic for help.

A simple and proven ritual for home use will also allow you to summon a fairy to make your wishes come true. For it you will need a white satin ribbon - an indispensable attribute in such actions, a pencil and a sheet of paper. Write down your wish using a pencil with a ribbon attached. Use clear wording and remember that many fairies fulfill only the purest dreams! Ordinary everyday desires are believed to bore magical creatures.
Saying it out loud, wrap the pencil with tape and place it along with the sheet on the windowsill. After this, the ritual is completed and you can go to bed! By the way, as Wikipedia says, fairies mean a huge number of different creatures. Therefore, if your request is fulfilled completely the other way around, don’t be surprised, you just ended up with a humorous representative of your species!

Have you ever called a fairy? Did your wish come true? Write to us in the comments and also leave your rating under the post! Share the material with your friends on social networks and don’t forget to read about

How to summon the fairy of wishes during the day at home or on the street? Did you know that such a magical creature as a fairy can make your deepest dreams come true? Call on your magical assistant and make your brightest and most cherished desire come true.

How to summon the fairy of wishes during the day at home?

Today we have reached a large number of various rituals that help young and experienced wizards contact various entities from other worlds. It's quite easy to summon , and so on.

The fairy of wishes is a truly amazing magical creature, since she can make almost any, most cherished and not particularly difficult dream come true. What's important is that this magical creature can even help you turn into a real fairy.

In order to summon this essence at home yourself, you need to prepare two small mirrors, a pink wax candle, and a small gift for the magical creature.

Important condition: There should be no one in the house except you during the ritual. Place the mirrors opposite each other, place a lit candle between them and say:

I call on you, fairy of desires, I pray, come to my call, fulfill my cherished dream.

After these words, close your eyes. If you feel the warmth spreading throughout your body, it means that the fairy has arrived. After this, open your eyes, look first in one mirror, then in the second.

One of them will have to reflect a little fairy, who will try to hide from you (appearing in one or the other mirror). After this, thank the fairy for coming and make a wish.

Remember, you need to formulate the phrase in such a way that it is impossible to interpret it in two ways. As soon as the desire is voiced, put out the candle, go out into nature, to the nearest park and say:

Because you fulfilled my dream, I will leave you a gift.

Next to any tree or bush, leave a prepared gift for a magical assistant. This completes the ritual.

There is a fairly simple ritual that will help even an inexperienced magician communicate with the fairy of wishes. It is carried out only on fresh air. You go to a park or to the shore of a natural reservoir, a place where you feel comfortable.

It is advisable that the day be warm, since in cold weather fairies are very reluctant to leave their secluded shelters. You must bring with you a note detailing your request and a gift to the fairy. Arriving at the ritual site, wrap the prepared gift in a note and dig a small hole. After this you need to say:

Fairy of wishes, I brought you a gift. Accept it, be merciful, and in return fulfill one of my cherished desires.

After this, bury the note along with the gift and leave the ceremony site. Within three days in a dream you will receive a hint; the wish fairy will come to you and announce that she has accepted the gift and is ready to fulfill your dream. If this does not happen, then this indicates that the entity is not ready to provide the service.

Important: This ritual is performed only once a month. If, in case of the first failure, you bother the fairy more often, then she may get angry and will never fulfill any of your requests again.

An important condition for carrying out this ritual: manipulations can only be performed on 15 or 16 lunar day. It is at this time that the Moon has special magical properties. Also prepare a piece of paper in advance on which your wish will be written.

Take a container of water, some sugar, one candle. As soon as all the attributes are ready, you can begin the ceremony. To do this, at exactly midnight, place a container of water on the windowsill, throw sugar into it and say:

Fairy of desires, they call you, come to me, make my life as sweet as sugar, fulfill all my desires. As she said, so it will be.

After this, light the leaf with the wish from the candle flame and place it so that all the ashes fall into a container with water and sugar. When the note burns completely, the entire contents of the bowl must be poured out the window with the words:

I wished, the fairy fulfilled.

You can be sure that within a few days your dream will come true.

Among the many different rituals that can be used to summon a fairy, this one can be called the simplest. You will need three different colored ribbons, a piece of white paper and a pencil or pen.

Before going to bed, write your most cherished wish on a piece of paper. Remember, you cannot ask for something supernatural: excessive wealth, the ability to fly, heal, the love of all women or men in the world, and so on.

The request should be very simple, the wish must be sincere. When everything is ready, roll up a sheet of paper and tie it with three ribbons, after which you can go to bed. The next morning you will find out the outcome of the ritual.

If a note with ribbons disappears, this indicates that the wish will come true within a week. If there is only one ribbon left on the table, this indicates that the request will be fulfilled, but you will have to wait.

If the fairy left you two ribbons, then the likelihood that your wish will come true is extremely low. If both the note and all three ribbons remain on the table, then the fairy is unable to fulfill her wish.

In order to eliminate the possibility of a negative result, think about whether this magical creature is capable of providing such a service. If you need money or power, then it is better to turn to demons for it.

And if you want to turn into a vampire or, then it is better to make such a request to a mermaid. Remember that the fairy of desires really has the right to refuse you.

The popularity of occult rituals among young people today has grown. This is due to Western influence and the availability of any information via the Internet.

In America, teenagers often create secret magical communities where they perform rituals. It's good if such pranks end at 14 years old.

They should be replaced by instinct: it’s time to throw away the black robe and go on a date.

Movies push the ideal image of Western culture, where teenagers become wizards.

The youth's passion for rituals is pranks, and our ancestors, then still far from Western culture, indulged in this.

Conspiracies, rituals, love spells. Today there are real horrors: sacrifices, beatings, cannibalism.

One of the most harmless rituals of “modern magicians”: an attempt to summon the good fairy. For children and teenagers, entertainment is not a sin, even from a psychological point of view.

Belief in magic gives room for imagination. Let's look at the topic to tell a beautiful fairy tale tell your child interesting story. Teach kids to believe in miracles.

According to legend, fairies are servants of the moon. They are active at night, but also appear in the light of the sun, since the moon is inseparable from the earth.

It is worth explaining to the child the role of the moon on earth. Tell us about the ebb and flow of the tides, show an interesting video.

This will be an educational and magical lecture that your child will definitely remember. Later, some of the knowledge will remain and will help in lessons, but the information about fairies will be eliminated.

Who are fairies?

Real ways to summon a real good fairy of wishes at home during the day

Day or night - it doesn’t matter for the servants of the moon and patroness of children. To call during the day, just stay in the room alone and close the curtains. It is important to kick everyone out: even the cat.

Remember important points:

  1. You cannot address them disrespectfully.
  2. You can't wish harm on others.
  3. You can't ask for something you can do yourself.
  4. Sorceresses hide from people: they cannot be seen.

Description of the daily ritual:

  1. We write a wish on a piece of paper, starting with the word “Let.”
  2. We say the wish out loud three times.
  3. We wrap a ribbon around a pencil with the words: “Fairy of wishes, I’m waiting for you. Come, help, fulfill your plans.”

The wish must come true. But how soon is unknown.

Call instructions in the evening and at night

At night, these creatures are more sensitive to requests. Try a nightly ritual.

It’s good if the moonlight gets into the room, but it’s not necessary:

  • Three candles are placed on the table; they are not lit, they are simply placed in the shape of a triangle.
  • A glass of water is placed in the center.
  • Think of a wish and say out loud three times: “Good fairy, come, help me with my dream. Fulfill your plans for the benefit of everyone.”
  • If there are ripples in the water, you have been heard. Wait for your wish to come true.

Important! Remember that you cannot wish for evil: desire should only bring joy to people. You cannot want another person to suffer or lose something.

The sorceress will punish you for such desires. A person's wish will not come true. You may have a bad dream.

She came: what to do

What to do if a fairy comes to you?

Let's consider possible scenarios:

Description of the situation Procedure
Teenagers were playing around and felt someone else's presence It was probably a fantasy. By believing, you can feel and hear something.

If you are scared, ask her to leave, apologize. Tell the adults

The children called, and she came, but she is not visible Great! It’s worth making a wish and gently asking the servant of the moon to make it come true
The children performed the ritual and heard extraneous noise in the house Go to your parents immediately! Robbers could have broken into the house; extraneous noise is a reason to quickly find adults and tell about what happened
They called on the street, in an abandoned building and heard a noise We quickly run away. The fairy will not be seen or heard. Remember: fairies are silent and will not allow themselves to be seen.

And wandering through abandoned buildings is extremely dangerous. Run out to a crowded place immediately!

Look for adults, call your parents and siblings so they know where you are

Little children see a sorceress Kids have a rich imagination. Most children make up invisible friends and say that they see them.

This is normal from a psychological point of view. Fantasy, nothing more. Make sure that she does not force the child to do bad things. You can contact a child psychologist

An adult called a fairy and she came If a sane adult called a fairy, and she came, there are three options for the development of events: the person is drunk, under the influence of drugs, or is hallucinating.

Alcohol intoxication will pass. If drugs cause hallucinations, it is worth calling ambulance. Fairies in white coats come if you dial 030 on your mobile phone.

If the fairy comes without the help of drugs, think about whether you could have been poisoned or slipped something into your food or drink. If this is definitely not poisoning, a consultation with a psychiatrist is necessary.

Not a psychotherapist - you missed this train, but a psychiatrist. Don't be alarmed, everything will be cured today


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