How to properly distribute sockets in an apartment. Installation height for sockets and switches: how to choose? Examples in pictures

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All modern houses and apartments are designed in such a way that any room is as functional as possible. Therefore, today you will not surprise anyone with the fact that in each of the rooms of the house a large number of various electrical appliances. It is for this reason that when drawing up a diagram of sockets in an apartment, many different details must be taken into account.

What is the ideal height for sockets?

If you look at photos of sockets in an apartment, you will see that in most cases they use either the option of placing them directly above the baseboard, or approximately at hip level. Of course, there are other options when viewing design projects, but they are not used so often by electricians for many reasons.

When placed at hip level, the advantage is convenient access directly to electricity for all appliances that will be placed on various surfaces. In the first case, the convenience will be noticeable when using household appliances such as a vacuum cleaner.

Where should sockets be placed in the bedroom and reception room?

In the living room, as well as in a room reserved for sleeping, at what height to install the socket in general is completely unimportant, due to the fact that it will mainly be used for floor lamps that stand on the floor or small lamps desktop type. The only nuance will be the obligatory placement of sockets on each side of the bed, and at all chairs.

Even if at this stage of the renovation you are sure that the floor lamp will not stand next to the chair, it is not a fact that you will not change your mind, for example, six months later.

The socket used for the charger is best placed next to the bedside table or near the sofa.

Make sure that the living room has a couple of slots for a home theater and music system. If you are a fish lover, then do not forget to take into account the necessary sockets for lighting and a water filter for the aquarium. These outlets must be as easy to access as possible in the future.

Important point. Think in advance about the route your vacuum cleaner will take during cleaning. If the area of ​​the room is large enough, then in this case the most convenient option The location of the sockets in the apartment is in the far part of the room and right at the entrance. This way, you will save yourself from having to constantly stretch the cord of an electrical appliance in constant attempts to reach distant parts of the room.

Office at home

For a home office, it is imperative to have a couple of “exits” right next to the desk. Low level Do-it-yourself installation of socket wiring in an apartment is ideal for cases where the computer is of a stationary type. Don't forget that it is very common for an external camera, as well as for computer speakers You definitely need your own power outlet.

If you have to charge your smartphone, player or tablet quite often, then the main thing here is that all sockets must be located literally at hand.

New generation sockets: with a lot designed for a telephone, a USB input and a TV antenna.

When thinking about the question of how to make a socket with your own hands, you must understand that today more and more different household appliances can be charged without problems using the simplest USB cord. It is for this reason that the usual socket and plug are not always needed.

Reduce the number of outlets in your home during renovation by installing a special device for future charging using USB. It makes it possible to charge several devices simultaneously, while reducing the charging time. Sockets of this type can be easily installed next to classic ones in a single frame. It is best if they are installed next to work surface to avoid the risk of stepping on the charging device.

Another similar device makes it possible to combine a socket in the usual sense with a universal built-in battery. The main convenience lies in the possibility of installation in absolutely any single slot, which not only saves space in the room, but also significantly increases your “tactical” capabilities during repairs.

Sockets in the kitchen

Under no circumstances should you connect the refrigerator using an extension cord. That is why the outlet in the kitchen must be installed not only in the required place, but also taking into account this limitation.

In practice connection oven, like any modern cooking surface, is carried out through one or even two sockets. The important point is that these are predominantly simple three-phase sockets, powered by their own RCD.

If we talk about kitchen or household appliances in general, then when analyzing how to replace an old outlet with a new one, it is best to simply put it on the apron. In the future, you will be able to connect a blender and a kettle there throughout the day.

Important point. To operate the microwave and TV in the kitchen, it is best to make a special camouflaged exit in advance. If the sockets are in necessary places there will be little kitchen, then you can even take them out to lateral surface the bottom of the kitchen cabinets. To disguise the nest, you can use the folding section modern type on hinges.

Bathroom sockets

IN open access There should always be literally a couple of slots at home used for an electric razor and hair dryer. You can also place one or two additional sockets on the floor if there is a washing machine right in the room.

If you plan to install a hydromassage panel or a new generation bathtub with a built-in TV in the bathroom, then a hidden power supply must be separately provided for them.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that you should not forget about safety precautions. Since without proper care, sockets usually become clogged with dust quickly enough, it is necessary to clean them at least once a week.

Photo of sockets in the apartment

Understanding the electrical components of the home

And now you are already looking at laminate flooring, consulting with a designer about tiles for the bathroom and thinking about whether to change all the electrical components. Let's leave the tiles and laminate alone for now and go in order - let's start with the electrical component of the home.

15 years ago: What you need to know about electrical wiring

If you live in a relatively new house, you don’t have to worry too much: the wiring here is planned and laid out taking into account your needs modern man. In new buildings, even at the design stage, it is often taken into account that powerful household appliances will be installed in the kitchen, and one outlet is not enough.
The housing, which is more than 10-15 years old, was built according to old projects preserved from Soviet times. By these standards, each room had two electrical sockets. Well, really, what was so powerful electric in the apartments of our fathers and mothers? A washing machine, which was turned on on weekends, a TV and a refrigerator. Accordingly, all electrical wiring in those apartments was designed only for lighting and household appliances low power.
In the nineties and two thousand, the situation changed radically - technology became available to everyone. And it was at this time that the number of fires and fires sharply increased due to the fact that the wiring was burning and could not withstand the heavy load. Therefore, if you have already started a redevelopment or repair, do not be lazy and replace the old cables with new ones of a larger cross-section, or even copper ones - they are better and can withstand heavy loads, although they are more expensive.

Sockets: where to put and how much to take?

First, sit down and together with the designer think about how many sockets you need to be happy. As a rule, such questions somehow fall out, get lost in the general list of what needs to be done. And after renovation, the apartment suddenly becomes overgrown with electrical extension cords, and even extension cords plugged into extension cords with splitters. Draw a floor plan of the apartment along with the arranged furniture and household appliances. Think about where it would be convenient for you to connect this or that electrical appliance. Determine the height of the outlets and their distance from walls and windows. But first things first: let's go through the rooms, from the hallway to the toilet, and think together about how best to place the sockets.

Corridor and hallway

In the corridor or hallway, two or three pieces will be enough. Most often they are used to turn on a shoe dryer. Therefore, do not raise the connectors too high. Of course, there is no need to hide them behind a hanger or behind the door; it is best to place them in the corners. Wall lights It is better to turn it on directly, through a separate switch connected to the mains.

Living room

This is the room in which the family spends most of their time when they are at home. Here, as a rule, there is a TV, a cable or satellite TV set-top box, a media center or some other audio-video equipment, such as game consoles for children. Often in the living room there is a base for a landline telephone handset and a wi-fi router. There are already five or six points. Plus, you need to leave a couple of free connectors just in case: charge your mobile phone, turn on your laptop. You never know!

1. Sofa area

To correctly place sockets, along with planning the electrical network, you need to immediately think about the placement of furniture in the room. Otherwise, it will turn out that they are located behind the sofa or closet. Most of the electrical appliances in the living room are always on, for example, air conditioning, TV, set-top boxes, router, telephone. Sockets for them can be obscured by a chair or, for example, a decorative flowerpot. Free points must be easily accessible.

2. TV zone

If the sockets for all electronic gadgets in the living room can be left at a level of 30 cm from the floor, then the socket for a TV hanging on the wall or an air conditioner requires a separate approach. In this case, provide a place directly behind the TV screen or near the air conditioner so that hanging wires do not spoil the picture.


What to do in the bedroom? Sleep? Certainly. But there is technology here too, so it’s worth figuring out in advance where to place the sockets in the room.

1. Sleeping place

If your bedroom has a classic format with a double bed and bedside tables at the edges, it would be nice to have two points near each of them: connect a night light and charge your mobile phone or tablet. The same number of connectors is needed for two separate beds. If the bedroom also has dressing table, then there must certainly be sockets near it, preferably two or three. Turn on the hairdryer, for example.

2. TV zone

TV in the bedroom - common occurrence. Most often it is hung on the wall so that it is convenient to watch it while lying on the bed. Therefore, a point is needed for it too. The principle of its installation is the same as for hanging TV in the living room - behind the screen. The air conditioner in the bedroom requires another outlet, which must be installed at the top, next to where the air conditioner is installed. Remember those ugly hanging wires? Just the same case.


1. Sleeping place

The children's room is the same bedroom, only for younger family members. While they are very small, they do not need many electrical appliances: a night light by the crib is quite enough.

2. Play area

But later your offspring will need extra seats for charging: for gaming gadgets, personal computers and computer peripherals, game consoles. Two laid on building regulations obviously not enough, especially if the child is not alone. Connectors in the nursery are often made “safe”, that is, with special covers and plugs that the baby cannot pull out on his own. If the child is small, it makes sense to install just these. And no dangling wires for a child to pull on!

3. Workplace

It is also necessary to consider the number of sockets in the space that you plan to allocate under your desk. All computer equipment and table lighting require one point for each piece of equipment. And, as always, one more in reserve.


In terms of the number of electrical appliances per unit area, the kitchen will give odds to any room. Let's just count: refrigerator, electric stove or gas stove, but with electric ignition, oven, hood over the stove, microwave, electric kettle. And these are only those devices that are constantly connected to the network. Plus, a washing machine and dishwasher can live in the kitchen.
In addition to them, there is also a mixer, blender, coffee grinder and coffee maker, electric meat grinder and juicer, pancake maker, sandwich maker and a bunch of all sorts of appliances that are taken out and turned on regularly. Let’s count again: for those who are always on, it’s eight, and at least five is needed “just in case.” Therefore, the question of how to properly place rosettes in the kitchen has its own technical nuances.

1. Household appliances

Connectors for the refrigerator and stove can be located directly behind them: how often do we rearrange our kitchen? Turned it on and forgot it. If your microwave is on the refrigerator, and this often happens, its point is there - behind the refrigerator. The same applies to the washing machine and dishwasher: the connectors for them, as a rule, are hidden behind the kitchen unit. Many people do not know where to place the outlet for the always-on hood. In our opinion, the most appropriate place- under the ceiling. If you are going to use electric stove and an electric oven, they require separate wiring of a thicker section.

2. Additional equipment

It is convenient to plug small and infrequently used equipment into the connectors located above the worktop. It is convenient to use two groups of three: many designers offer their clients exactly this arrangement. Another option is to build them into the countertop.

Bathroom and toilet

In houses that were built more than thirty years ago, such electrical communications in the bathroom and toilet were not provided at all. People had never even heard of such miracles as a Jacuzzi or a shower stall, so no one asked themselves the question of how to place sockets in the bathroom. Some craftsmen independently pulled wires into the bathroom, attached connectors into which they plugged in an electric razor "Kharkov" or hairdryer Today everyone knows about these miracles, they are all accessible and pleasant. Therefore, when designing a bathroom, you need to immediately look at places for sockets.


  • All switches and other electrical equipment must comply with the standard for electrical equipment for wet rooms (protection class not less than IP44) and be reliably grounded. The designer or planner should definitely tell you about this
  • The socket for the Jacuzzi and shower can be installed behind them decorative walls, you will not be constantly turning these units on and off. The socket for the exhaust fan can be installed at the top, next to it, although most often exhaust fan connect to the lighting system: turn on the light - the fan hums. Near the bathroom mirror, which usually hangs above the washbasin, you can mount one or two points. One can be used to power the lamps above the mirror, the second - for a hair dryer, razor and other small appliances. Naturally, we remember about the protection class and grounding
  • If the dimensions of the bathroom allow you to install also washing machine, remember that the connector for it is located at a distance of at least 50-60 cm from water pipes

And further...

All this, of course, at first glance is understandable and seems to be uncomplicated. It seems like you can handle it yourself. And it’s true: buy a screwdriver, pliers, a couple of rolls of cable, and your new homemade electrician is ready. You can google a couple more articles on the topic “how to plug in sockets correctly.” Draw a diagram and plug in all the sockets, saving some money on the designer, planner and professional team. But you probably already have an idea of ​​what will come of it. By the way, the fire service number is 101.

Since we are all smart people, we understand perfectly well that electricity does not like jokes, so you need to “play” with it strictly. certain rules. In other words, according to certain standards that make it possible to make the coexistence of humans and electrical networks as comfortable and mutually beneficial as possible. Let's talk about at what height electrical sockets and switches should be mounted to make it safe and convenient.

Height of sockets and switches: standards or common sense?

Almost anyone, even small redecorating premises includes if and not complete replacement existing electrical wiring, then at least its partial modernization. Such modernization usually consists of restoring inoperative sections of wiring, as well as moving existing points and adding new ones. And if directly laying wires, “tying” branch boxes, assembling electrical panels, etc. are tasks for specialists, then choosing places to place sockets and switches is the prerogative of the owners of the premises.

When it comes to planning the layout of electrical installations, owners have a question: are there any mandatory standards for this case?

As such, there are no strict and mandatory standards for the height of sockets and switches - neither in Russia nor in Europe. Therefore, they can be installed at any distance from the floor. However, four conditions must be met:

  1. It must be physically possible not only to install the “point” in the chosen location, but also to connect wires to it.
  2. The safe operation of a socket or switch must be ensured - common sense dictates that near sources of water, strong heat and, even more so, open fire It is better not to install these products.
  3. The mounted socket (or switch) should be convenient to use - a switch under the sofa is as inappropriate as an socket on the ceiling.
  4. It is highly desirable to have the ability to quickly access the “point”. First of all, this concerns electrical outlets, which are often “hidden” behind furniture or household appliances.

If you do not take into account “specialized” rooms (such as a kitchen, bathroom or bathroom), then usually the condition that determines the choice of location and height of installation of the “point” is compliance with point No. 3. Simply put, wherever it’s convenient, we put it there. This is exactly how the notorious “ European standard”, which is not such at all - it is, in fact, simply the most frequently selected installation height:

  • For sockets - 20-40 cm from floor level;
  • For switches - optimally 80-100 cm from the floor level.

These figures are dictated by the following considerations: if the electrical point is located too low, there is a high chance of flooding it with water during wet cleaning floors And it’s often not very convenient to use - you have to bend down very low. If the socket is mounted much higher than 40 cm from the floor, the power cords of the electrical appliances included in it become too noticeable, which is quite unaesthetic, and from the point of view of most designers, even criminal.

For switches, the installation height is selected so that the power key falls “at hand” - for the average person this is just a little less than a meter from the floor.

An exception is children's rooms, where it is recommended that all electrical installations powered by a 220 V network should be placed at a height not less than 1.6 m from the floor level; however, this rule is not mandatory for the private residential sector.

A few words about “disposable” sockets

All of the above applies to electrical outlets, to which electrical equipment is systematically connected and disconnected. However, in every home there is a whole group of appliances that are used according to the “plug and forget” principle: these are refrigerators and freezers, air conditioners, electric ovens and water heaters, washing machines and even televisions.

Sockets for such household appliances are usually designed in inconspicuous places. The height of the installation is absolutely not critical and is chosen solely for reasons of common sense - so that, if necessary, you can quickly get to it, but it does not “loom” in plain sight.

For example, electrical outlets for kitchen hoods, air conditioners and some showers are installed at a height 1.8-2.5 m from the floor, for water heaters or wall-mounted TVs - 1.5-1.8 m, For microwave ovens and other kitchen appliances - 10-15 cm above the level of the working surface(countertops). Sockets for refrigerators and washing machines are usually installed below all - no higher than 60 cm from the floor.

Constantly unraveling the power cables of various household appliances is not a pleasant task. To avoid such a situation, it is necessary to carefully plan the installation and placement at various points in the room. required quantity electrical outlets. As statistics show, in the majority modern houses There are no less than six electrical appliances, in addition, electrical outlets are periodically used to charge various gadgets. In this article we will figure out what the location of sockets in an apartment should be so that the use of household equipment does not cause discomfort.

How to plan the installation?

It is best to plan where the sockets will be installed in your apartment at the same time as developing the design of the room. If a specialist can make an interior design on his own, then the layout of sockets, as well as switches, should be worked out together with him. The designer is not a magician, and he will not guess where the outlet should be so that you, for example, work on a laptop in the bedroom. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the placement of stationary power supply elements before the project is approved.

When planning the interior yourself, you need to take into account where the furniture will be, otherwise it may turn out that the electrical outlet will be behind the wardrobe, where it will be useless. Having designed the interior and decided on the situation, you can move on to the issue of calculation and installation of electrical equipment.

To make planning your environment easier, it is best to decide in advance which models various furniture will be in the house.

Knowing their size and location, you can easily determine the location of sockets and switches.

It is also advisable to familiarize yourself in advance with the shortcomings in the location of sockets and switches, which are shown in the video:

Rules for installing batteries in different rooms

Sockets are installed in the premises of the apartment, primarily based on the purpose of the specific room, as well as the electrical appliances that will be installed in it. Let's figure out how many sockets there should be in the premises and where it is better to install them.


Almost any modern kitchen there are a large number of electrical appliances. Therefore, the first step in interior design is to determine the locations for each of them. Most devices are installed on a kitchen unit.

  • Electrical sockets intended for built-in appliances should be placed behind adjacent cabinets, since it is prohibited to connect such electrical appliances directly opposite their rear panel.
  • Power point for kitchen hood mounted at a distance of 0.6 m from the top of the wall cabinet.
  • To power small kitchen appliances, such as a blender or mixer, electrical sockets are mounted at a height of 0.2-0.3 m from the countertop surface.

You must also remember the need to install power points for the hob, oven and refrigerator. Hob should not be connected to double socket together with the oven - the battery will not withstand such a load. One or two more power points can be installed next to the dining table.

Video about sockets in the kitchen:

Living room

There are four options for placing electrical outlets in rooms such as the hall and living room. These include:

  • Doorway. Power supplies are usually mounted here to connect a vacuum cleaner and an electric heater. Installation should be carried out at a height of 0.3 m from the floor level, while the distance to the door should be at least 0.1 m.

  • Sofa area. In this place, power supply points should be placed in such a way that it is convenient to plug in the power cord of a laptop or Charger For tablet computer or mobile phone. We must not forget about such necessary devices, such as floor lamps and lamps, as well as air conditioning.
  • TV zone. The power point here should be located on the wall behind the device panel, if we are talking about a wall-mounted TV, or, if the device is installed on a stand, in such a way that no cables are visible when looking at the screen.
  • The space around the desktop. If the apartment has a small number of rooms, the living room often serves as an office. In this case, the number of power connectors should be increased. In this area you need to place sockets for connecting a PC or laptop, as well as a table lamp.


Any sleeping area can be divided into several zones in which power points need to be placed. Sockets in the bedroom must first be installed near bedside tables or bed for connecting a night lamp, which is especially necessary for those who like to read a magazine or book before bed.

If available in the lounge room desk near it you need to place two electrical outlets, one of which is connected to desk lamp, and in the other - a computer. Their height above the working surface should be approximately 0.2 m. When installing a TV in this room, at least two more power points are required, which are mounted at a height of approximately 1.3 m from the baseboard level. To prevent cables from spoiling the interior, it is advisable to hide them behind the TV.

It is also necessary to place power supplies near the doorway, into which you can connect a vacuum cleaner or an electric fireplace.

The video additionally shows the nuances of the location of sockets and switches in the apartment:

This should be the location of sockets in the bedroom. Now we move on to the next room, which we need to look at in more detail.


Placing sockets in this room has also become a necessity. They connect a washing machine, electric razor, hair dryer, and if there is no hot water supply in the house - electric water heater. Electrical installation rules state that power points should not be located close to the bathroom (shower stall), and the distance between them should be at least 0.6 m.

Since the humidity in this room is the highest, it is advisable to reduce the number of stationary batteries in it to a minimum.

Sockets that are installed in the bathroom must be protected from moisture on the contacts with a special cover. In addition, the PUE provides for the possibility of using in this room only those elements whose circuit provides for connection to a residual current device. In an emergency, it will stop the power supply and prevent a fire.


Any person entering the apartment passes through this room. One or two power connectors are usually installed here - to connect a vacuum cleaner or shoe dryer.


We figured out how many sockets need to be installed in each of the main rooms for comfortable use of electrical appliances. Finally, it must be said that, if possible, it is advisable to provide one additional outlet in each room. This will allow you to do without extension cords when connecting new equipment or some kind of apparatus for household work.

After reading this article, you have an idea of ​​what the location of electrical outlets in an apartment should be. We hope that these recommendations will help you decide on the number of power points needed for your apartment and the places where they should be installed.

Understanding the electrical components of the home

And now you are already looking at laminate flooring, consulting with a designer about tiles for the bathroom and thinking about whether to change all the electrical components. Let's leave the tiles and laminate alone for now and go in order - let's start with the electrical component of the home.

15 years ago: What you need to know about electrical wiring

If you live in a relatively new house, you don’t have to worry too much: the wiring here is planned and laid out taking into account the needs of a modern person. In new buildings, even at the design stage, it is often taken into account that powerful household appliances will be installed in the kitchen, and one outlet is not enough.
The housing, which is more than 10-15 years old, was built according to old projects preserved from Soviet times. By these standards, there were two electrical outlets per room. Well, really, what was so powerful electric in the apartments of our fathers and mothers? A washing machine, which was turned on on weekends, a TV and a refrigerator. Accordingly, all electrical wiring in those apartments was designed only for lighting and low-power household appliances.
In the nineties and two thousand, the situation changed radically - technology became available to everyone. And it was at this time that the number of fires and fires sharply increased due to the fact that the wiring was burning and could not withstand the heavy load. Therefore, if you have already started a redevelopment or repair, do not be lazy and replace the old cables with new ones of a larger cross-section, or even copper ones - they are better and can withstand heavy loads, although they are more expensive.

Sockets: where to put and how much to take?

First, sit down and together with the designer think about how many sockets you need to be happy. As a rule, such questions somehow fall out, get lost in the general list of what needs to be done. And after renovation, the apartment suddenly becomes overgrown with electrical extension cords, and even extension cords plugged into extension cords with splitters. Draw a floor plan of the apartment along with the arranged furniture and household appliances. Think about where it would be convenient for you to connect this or that electrical appliance. Determine the height of the outlets and their distance from walls and windows. But first things first: let's go through the rooms, from the hallway to the toilet, and think together about how best to place the sockets.

Corridor and hallway

In the corridor or hallway, two or three pieces will be enough. Most often they are used to turn on a shoe dryer. Therefore, do not raise the connectors too high. Of course, there is no need to hide them behind a hanger or behind the door; it is best to place them in the corners. It is better to turn on wall lamps directly, through a separate switch connected to the mains.

Living room

This is the room in which the family spends most of their time when they are at home. Here, as a rule, there is a TV, a cable or satellite TV set-top box, a media center or some other audio-video equipment, such as game consoles for children. Often in the living room there is a base for a landline telephone handset and a wi-fi router. There are already five or six points. Plus, you need to leave a couple of free connectors just in case: charge your mobile phone, turn on your laptop. You never know!

1. Sofa area

To correctly place sockets, along with planning the electrical network, you need to immediately think about the placement of furniture in the room. Otherwise, it will turn out that they are located behind the sofa or closet. Most of the electrical appliances in the living room are always on, for example, air conditioning, TV, set-top boxes, router, telephone. Sockets for them can be obscured by a chair or, for example, a decorative flowerpot. Free points must be easily accessible.

2. TV zone

If the sockets for all electronic gadgets in the living room can be left at a level of 30 cm from the floor, then the socket for a TV hanging on the wall or an air conditioner requires a separate approach. In this case, provide a place directly behind the TV screen or near the air conditioner so that hanging wires do not spoil the picture.


What to do in the bedroom? Sleep? Certainly. But there is technology here too, so it’s worth figuring out in advance where to place the sockets in the room.

1. Sleeping place

If your bedroom has a classic format with a double bed and bedside tables at the edges, it would be nice to have two points near each of them: connect a night light and charge your mobile phone or tablet. The same number of connectors is needed for two separate beds. If the bedroom also has a dressing table, then there should certainly be sockets near it, preferably two or three. Turn on the hairdryer, for example.

2. TV zone

A TV in the bedroom is a common sight. Most often it is hung on the wall so that it is convenient to watch it while lying on the bed. Therefore, a point is needed for it too. The principle of its installation is the same as for a hanging TV in the living room - behind the screen. The air conditioner in the bedroom requires another outlet, which must be installed at the top, next to where the air conditioner is installed. Remember those ugly hanging wires? Just the same case.


1. Sleeping place

The children's room is the same bedroom, only for younger family members. While they are very small, they do not need many electrical appliances: a night light by the crib is quite enough.

2. Play area

But later, your offspring will need additional places for charging: for gaming gadgets, a personal computer and computer peripherals, and a game console. The two required by building codes are clearly not enough, especially if there is more than one child. Connectors in the nursery are often made “safe,” that is, with special covers and plugs that the baby cannot pull out on his own. If the child is small, it makes sense to install just these. And no dangling wires for a child to pull on!

3. Workplace

It is also necessary to consider the number of sockets in the space that you plan to allocate under your desk. All computer equipment and table lighting require one point for each piece of equipment. And, as always, one more in reserve.


In terms of the number of electrical appliances per unit area, the kitchen will give odds to any room. Let's just count: refrigerator, electric stove or gas stove, but with electric ignition, oven, hood over the stove, microwave, electric kettle. And these are only those devices that are constantly connected to the network. Plus, a washing machine and dishwasher can live in the kitchen.
In addition to them, there is also a mixer, blender, coffee grinder and coffee maker, electric meat grinder and juicer, pancake maker, sandwich maker and a bunch of all sorts of appliances that are taken out and turned on regularly. Let’s count again: for those who are always on, it’s eight, and at least five is needed “just in case.” Therefore, the question of how to properly place rosettes in the kitchen has its own technical nuances.

1. Household appliances

Connectors for the refrigerator and stove can be located directly behind them: how often do we rearrange our kitchen? Turned it on and forgot it. If your microwave is on the refrigerator, and this often happens, its point is there - behind the refrigerator. The same applies to the washing machine and dishwasher: the connectors for them, as a rule, are hidden behind the kitchen unit. Many people do not know where to place the outlet for the always-on hood. In our opinion, the most suitable place is under the ceiling. If you are going to use an electric stove and an electric oven, they will need separate, thicker gauge wiring.

2. Additional equipment

It is convenient to plug small and infrequently used equipment into the connectors located above the worktop. It is convenient to use two groups of three: many designers offer their clients exactly this arrangement. Another option is to build them into the countertop.

Bathroom and toilet

In houses that were built more than thirty years ago, such electrical communications in the bathroom and toilet were not provided at all. People had never even heard of such miracles as a Jacuzzi or a shower stall, so no one asked themselves the question of how to place sockets in the bathroom. Some craftsmen independently pulled wires into the bathroom, attached connectors into which they plugged in an electric razor "Kharkov" or hairdryer Today everyone knows about these miracles, they are all accessible and pleasant. Therefore, when designing a bathroom, you need to immediately look at places for sockets.


  • All switches and other electrical equipment must comply with the standard for electrical equipment for wet rooms (protection class not less than IP44) and be reliably grounded. The designer or planner should definitely tell you about this
  • The socket for the jacuzzi and shower can be installed behind their decorative walls; you will not constantly turn these units on and off. The socket for the exhaust fan can be installed at the top, next to it, although most often the exhaust fan is connected to the lighting system: turn on the light - the fan hums Nearby The bathroom mirror, which usually hangs above the washbasin, can be mounted with one or two points. One can be used to power the lamps above the mirror, the second - for a hair dryer, razor and other small appliances. Naturally, we remember about the protection class and grounding
  • If the dimensions of the bathroom allow you to install a washing machine, remember that the connector for it is located at a distance of at least 50-60 cm from the water pipes

And further...

All this, of course, at first glance is understandable and seems to be uncomplicated. It seems like you can handle it yourself. And it’s true: buy a screwdriver, pliers, a couple of rolls of cable, and your new homemade electrician is ready. You can google a couple more articles on the topic “how to plug in sockets correctly.” Draw a diagram and plug in all the sockets, saving some money on the designer, planner and professional team. But you probably already have an idea of ​​what will come of it. By the way, the fire service number is 101.


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