How to properly wash curtains in a washing machine. Proper manual and automatic washing of curtains

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Wash kitchen curtains as they become dirty; curtains from other rooms - no more than 2 times a year. Liquid and gel products are suitable for machine washing: Flat, Selena, Dr. Beckman, Unicum, Cashmere. Optimum temperature – up to 40˚С, mode – “Delicate wash”, “Gentle wash”, “Wool”, “Silk”, “Delicate fabrics”. Hang thin curtains without waiting to dry; dry thick curtains without first twisting them, away from sunlight and heaters. To remove stains, use salt, baking soda, and washing soap.

Washing curtains, drapes, curtains, especially bulky and wide ones, is a labor-intensive process. Of course, when visible dirt appears, housewives immediately begin washing it. But if the curtains, at first glance, are clean, is it worth putting them in the washing machine? We will figure out how often you need to clean curtains, how to wash curtains in a washing machine, and how to simplify this process.

How often should curtains be washed?

The frequency with which curtains should be washed depends on individual cases. Location plays an important role.

Curtains hanging in the kitchen should be wet cleaned most often. They get dirty very quickly; in addition to dust, fatty deposits accumulate in them. Therefore, kitchen curtains should be washed as they become dirty.

Curtains located in other rooms should not be machine cleaned too often. It is enough to carry out 2 washes per year. The rest of the time, it is better to resort to dry cleaning to avoid the appearance of harmful microorganisms (for example, dust mites like to settle in dusty places). To do this, dry out the curtains well, brush them, and ventilate them.

Note! Fabric roller blinds can be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner between washes.

But if there is a need to clean curtains or curtains, before putting the product in the washing machine, make sure whether machine washing is allowed in the machine, and study the recommendations that must be followed when cleaning.

Which curtains are contraindicated for machine washing?

Calico tulle will not withstand machine impact well. Hand washing is the best option. Water at room temperature for washing should be lightly salted, and table vinegar should be added when rinsing.

Modern household appliances make life easier. Surely you rarely wash by hand, preferring to delegate this task to the washing machine. But not everything is as simple as we would like: in order to wash the curtains efficiently and not spoil them, you need to correctly set the operating mode of the automatic machine, not overdo it with the temperature, and choose the right cleaning agent. And in some cases it is necessary to take into account special washing conditions.

If you don’t know how to properly wash curtains in a washing machine, we suggest you get acquainted with useful recommendations for different fabrics and styles.

Machine washable classic drapes and curtains

Almost all simple straight curtains that are not decorated with glass beads, sequins and other accessories can be safely put into the machine - with rare exceptions, which will be discussed later. It is enough to study the manufacturer’s recommendations: ready-made curtains have instructions regarding the washing mode and permissible temperature. If you sewed the curtains yourself or ordered them from a studio, you need to know exactly what the fabric is called - and then find out the washing rules. Here are the main recommendations, arranged in descending order of the permissible temperature:

  • Curtains made of linen and thick cotton fabrics do not require a special washing regime and can be washed at a temperature of 50 - 60 degrees. But not all cotton fabrics are dense. For example, cambric is very delicate, and such curtains can only be washed in a washing machine on a delicate cycle. It is recommended to wash chintz by hand. There are exceptions for linen: washed (that is, soaked in special solutions) linen fabric should be washed at 40 degrees.

  • Blackout fabric is unpretentious. The durability of this mother allows it to be washed in any mode.

  • Taffeta can be washed at 50 degrees, but you should still remember its rather sophisticated nature. First, use products designed for delicate fabrics instead of regular powder. Secondly, instead of the standard one, it is better to run the gentle wash mode. And most importantly, you will have to give up machine spinning.

  • Curtains made of acrylic materials and viscose are washed at 30 - 40 degrees. Set the mode to gentle, without spinning. Choose a non-aggressive detergent. When washing acrylic curtains, it is recommended to use conditioner, since they “tan” from the sun.

  • Polyester curtains are washed in a gentle cycle, at temperatures up to 40 degrees, otherwise folds and creases may appear. Do not use strong detergents.

    • Curtains made of silk, veil, organza and semi-organza require gentle treatment. They are always placed in the drum only in a special bag! Washing such curtains in a washing machine is only permissible at temperatures up to 30 degrees, using delicate cleaning products or without them at all. It is best to select the “hand wash” mode if your washing machine model has it. And, of course, no spin.

    • Velvet curtains are washed at temperatures up to 30 degrees, in the most gentle mode (it is better to set it to “hand wash”). Set the operating time of the machine to the minimum so that the velvet does not shrink. Be sure to put it in the drum in a bag, folding it so that the wrong side is at the top. This is necessary to protect the delicate pile. It is better not to add cleansers at all.

    Which curtains should not be machine washed?

    There are some fabrics that cannot be machine washed at all. For example, wool is washed only by hand and using shampoo. It is also advisable to wash velvet curtains by hand (and if possible, take them to the dry cleaner).

    Another fabric that is best washed by hand is, oddly enough, cotton. This is chintz, which experienced housewives recommend washing in a bowl of salted water at a temperature of 30 - 35 degrees. After washing, it is useful to rinse chintz curtains with the addition of a tablespoon of vinegar.

    Is it possible to machine wash curtains with rich decor?

    If you decide to wash curtains with glass beads, beads and other decorative elements, then most likely you will have to do it manually. But if you still intend to use an automatic machine, be sure to use a bag to protect the fabric and accessories.

    Before washing, you need to remove all accessories that you can from the curtains. Sometimes - even flog.

    When choosing a detergent for washing curtains, you should prefer gels for delicate fabrics. And one more important point: do not load the washing machine drum more than halfway.

    How to wash curtains in a washing machine if they have slats? From Roman curtains, you must first remove the slats, from roller blinds, take out the weighting material, and only then put the curtain itself into the machine.

    Curtains with eyelets also require some preparation for washing. It is better to remove the plastic rings - this is not difficult, but there is no need to remove the metal ones. But when washing, it is necessary to protect both the coating of the rings and the drum. Again, bags for washing curtains in the washing machine will help.

    Wash curtains with eyelets using a gentle cycle and a temperature of up to 30 degrees, without spinning. To maintain the integrity of the ring coating, use only shampoo as a cleanser.

How to wash curtains at home, especially if we are talking about luxurious curtains made of noble velvet, or draped curtains with eyelets? Interior textiles today are so rich and varied that for many housewives it becomes a real problem to find the right answer to this question.

In addition, it is important not only to wash the curtains, but also to dry them properly and then iron them so that they look as beautiful and presentable as before washing. How to remove various stains on fabric, for example, from splashes of wine, coffee, or traces of greasy fingers?

To ensure that your curtain in the living room, bedroom or kitchen is always pleasing to the eye and maintains its impeccable appearance and functionality for many years, take advantage of useful recommendations from experts in this matter.

Before deciding how to wash the curtains, you need to find out whether they can be washed at all, or whether only dry cleaning is acceptable. If machine or hand washing is allowed, the following basic rules should be followed:

  1. Do not load the washing machine drum very tightly - the fabric simply will not wash, even if it is thin or light organza.
  2. Be sure to sort your curtains by fabric type and color. You cannot wash colorful chintz curtains from the kitchen together with light chiffon curtains from the living room.
  3. It is preferable to use liquid laundry concentrates. Loose powder can be difficult to rinse out of textile fibers and leave noticeable streaks. If there is no liquid detergent, you should turn on the additional rinse mode after finishing the main wash.
  4. Regardless of the type of fabric in an automatic machine, curtains can only be washed in the “hand wash” or “delicate wash” mode. Spinning at high speeds can lead to tearing of the fabric, so it is better to avoid it.
  5. If the curtains are very dirty, covered with various stains, then before washing the curtains, they need to be soaked in a basin with stain remover and washing powder or soap. Any detergent must first be completely dissolved in warm water, and only then soak the textiles.
  6. How to properly wash curtains if they are bulky and simply do not fit into the drum of the washing machine? Very simple - they are cleaned in the bathroom. To facilitate and speed up the process, heavy, dense curtains are previously knocked out or vacuumed using a special attachment.
  7. To make the curtains easier to iron, they do not need to be wrung out and dried in the machine. Ironing curtains is easier and faster if they are slightly damp.

How often should you wash curtains? There are no clear rules here; it all depends on how badly and quickly they become dirty. In summer, when windows and balconies are open, a lot of street dust accumulates on the fabric.

Grease, soot, and tobacco smoke settle on kitchen curtains if someone in the household smokes. Therefore, they need to be cleaned more often. In winter, you can do without washing at all, just vacuum the curtains periodically.

Features of washing thick curtains

Thick curtains include curtains made of satin, velvet, taffeta, and linen. These can be curtains of the following types:

  • roll;
  • Roman;
  • Japanese;
  • multi-tiered lambrequins;
  • regular ones on hooks.

Prolonged washing, the use of aggressive powders and gels, and contact with high temperature water are very undesirable. Therefore, first you should vacuum the curtains, no matter what type or type they are, or at least thoroughly shake off the accumulated dust. If individual stains are noticed, you can try to wipe them off from a dry cloth with a paper eraser.

Did not help? The stain is then treated with a suitable product depending on its origin and type of fabric. After this, the curtains can be washed completely in an automatic machine or bathtub. Roller, Roman or Japanese curtains simply cannot be rolled up and placed in the drum of a washing machine. How to wash such curtains in the bath?

  1. First, prepare a liquid washing solution - dissolve powder, gel or soap in warm water.
  2. Then, using a sponge or soft brush, apply it to the curtains and clean them.
  3. Finally, the textiles should be rinsed well. This is best done using a shower.
  4. Curtains of this design are dried in a horizontal position. For convenience, you can place stools in the bathtub and straighten the curtains over them. When all the water has drained, the wet curtains are moved to a clothes dryer or table and dried there.
  5. It is not recommended to immediately hang damp curtains on the curtain rod - the fabric may stretch under its own weight.

Silk curtains should be washed with special care, even the material is dense. Only liquid products are used, the maximum water temperature is 30 degrees.

If you are using an automatic machine, you will need a special bag or an old pillowcase for silk curtains. Silk with the addition of viscose can be washed at a temperature of 40-45 degrees; in hot water they can fade and become deformed.

If the curtains have metal eyelets - rings sewn into the fabric through which the cornice is threaded - then they cannot be completely washed even in the bathroom; rust may appear on the fabric around the rings. How to solve a problem? The top edge of the curtains hangs over the edge of the bathtub. And then the curtains are cleaned as recommended above.

How to tidy up thin curtains

The upcoming washing of thin and airy translucent curtains always frightens inexperienced housewives. And it’s completely in vain - there’s nothing complicated about it. Tulle fabrics are indeed very delicate and require a special approach. But they also wash off quickly and easily.

Tulle and organza can be machine washed, but you also need to use a special bag or mesh for this. The “push-up” mode does not turn on; the water temperature should be no higher than 40 degrees. If the curtains are very dusty and dirty, then first soak them for several hours in a basin with a solution of soap or washing powder, or overnight.

After this, just wring out the tulle a little, move it into the drum of the washing machine and turn on the rinse mode. They will be clean and snow-white again.

By the way, organza curtains do not need to be dried or ironed, but hung on the curtain rod immediately after washing. They will look great, the fibers of this fabric quickly straighten under their own weight, but the textile itself does not sag or lose its shape.

Very often, users ask how to wash exclusive curtains made of threads, beads and glass beads. Such products can only be washed by hand. You cannot rub them, you can only perform gentle squeezing movements. The curtains are rinsed from the shower, after which they are allowed to drain and moved to the curtain rod, where they dry completely.


Curtains and tulle give the apartment a cozy feel. Without them, the room looks uninhabited, and when looking at the bare windows it becomes uncomfortable. Therefore, the choice of drapes and curtains is approached carefully. Curtains are not bought for one day. Proper care of curtains will extend the life of fabric products and preserve the brightness of the material. Not all curtains can be washed in the washing machine. Therefore, you should know how to remove stains manually. How to wash curtains and curtains correctly so as not to spoil the fabric and remove dirt?

It is the curtains that hold back the dust and dirt that tends to get into the apartment. It is not surprising that the material quickly becomes contaminated. A gray coating appears on the curtains, colored fabrics lose their brightness. If these are kitchen curtains, then add grease stains to the listed stains. Natural fabrics and products without decorative details are cleaned automatically.

How to properly wash curtains in a washing machine?

Choose a detergent. If you use a regular one, then take care of an additional rinse. The liquid product is better washed out of the fabric, plus it is suitable for delicate washing. If you need to wash tulle or a curtain made of thin fabric, then first place the product in a special bag.
Set the correct mode. The program is suitable for delicate fabrics. Do not use active spin. While unscrewing, the fabric may tear and you will have to completely change the curtains. The water temperature should not be higher than 60 degrees.

If the curtains are covered with a thick layer of dust, then first soak the curtains in a soapy solution.

It is understandable that the owner wants to clean all the curtains in the apartment with one wash. But, before placing things in the drum of the machine, estimate the wet weight of the items. The less load on the drum, the better large curtains will be cleaned.

To pre-clean the curtains from dirt, take a vacuum cleaner, pick up the attachment and go over the fabric. So you . All that remains is to place the curtains in the washing machine and set the temperature to low.

How to properly wash curtains by hand?

If there are curtains made of delicate fabrics on the windows, then machine washing can damage the products. Also, metal inserts, rings, and decorative elements make automatic washing impossible. In this case, treatment is carried out using liquid or gel products.

How to properly wash curtains by hand? Sort the curtains. Separate white items from colored ones. Also sort natural curtains from synthetic ones. This is necessary because each type of fabric can withstand certain temperatures.

Natural curtains are best washed by hand. Often, machine processing leads to shrinkage of products. When hand washing, be sure to pay attention to the type of fabric and label instructions. This is how linen curtains are cleaned at a temperature of 40 degrees. If the material is painted, then you can increase the temperature to 60 degrees.

Thick and lightweight fabric is often used by designers to create attractive curtains. It holds its shape well and perfectly decorates the window opening. But organza is a rather capricious material. Improper care results in stains on the curtains and the formation of yellow spots.

How to properly wash organza curtains?

Choose a detergent. Do not use bleach to make curtains white. Such an impact will cause the fabric structure to become thinner and the curtain to tear. The best option for washing is liquid detergents.
If you do not want to paint the curtains gray or yellow, then after removing the curtains, rinse. This will remove accumulated dust.

Organza curtains should not be immersed in hot water. Otherwise, the curtains will become covered with a gray coating.

If the curtain is very dirty, you can soak it. Fill the bathtub with cool water, then dilute the detergent. Dip the curtains in the liquid. Do not leave the curtains on for more than 30 minutes, otherwise the curtain will become very wrinkled.
When washing by hand, change the water 3-4 times. Try not to squeeze the product. The more wrinkles that form, the more difficult it will be to iron the fabric. Since the fabric is dense, do not be afraid of stretching the product. After a light spin, immediately hang the curtains on the rope.

If using machine wash, place the curtain in a bag. Then select a delicate wash. After rinsing, wring out the curtains and immediately attach them to the curtain rod. To remove any wrinkles that have formed, run a steamer over the fabric. Can be ironed. Set the temperature to minimum and iron from the wrong side.

How to wash tulle correctly so that it is white?

Delicate and airy tulle decorates any room. This type of curtain is found in the kitchen, living room, and bedroom. Most often the tulle is white. In summer, the fabric quickly becomes dirty because the windows are open and the fabric retains dirt and small debris. During the hot season, you have to wash the curtains every month. Especially if the tulle is hanging in the kitchen. Improper cleaning of delicate fabrics results in yellow stains and gray deposits. How to wash tulle correctly so that it is white?

Remove the tulle from the curtain rod and place it in a soda solution. Baking soda removes dirt and restores whiteness. If you regularly resort to this rinsing, the yellow spots will go away. After three hours, drain the water and prepare a soap solution. Then rinse the items in vinegar water and hang them wet. Since tulle curtains are delicate, do not twist the product. Active actions will lead to deformation of the fabric and the formation of holes.
Machine washable. After removing the curtains, go outside and thoroughly shake off the dust. Then soak the tulle in water and salt. This way you will cleanse dirt, eliminate yellow spots,... Then rinse the curtains in warm water and place in a bag. Choose a gentle wash, add blue to the compartment. To thoroughly rinse the powder or gel, perform an additional rinse.

If the grease and yellow stains have not come off, and the tulle remains gray, then try rinsing in brilliant green. To do this, place the curtains in a special solution. Add no more than 15 drops of brilliant green to the water, then mix thoroughly so that there is no sediment.

The main problems that housewives face are the grayness of white tulle, complex stains (if there are metal parts on the curtains), and shrinkage of products. To avoid annoying mistakes, wash your curtains manually or using a delicate program. Use mild detergents, dry the item properly, and follow the advice given.

Thick curtains require regular care, not just washing. If you have roller or Japanese curtains, then during general cleaning, go over the fabric with the nozzle of a vacuum cleaner. This way you will get rid of contaminants. Light stains can be removed with an eraser. Traces of grease and soot can only be washed. To do this, prepare a soap solution. Using a sponge, apply the product and remove dirt. Japanese and roller blinds are dried horizontally.

If you are afraid that the curtains will stretch, then dry them correctly. If you used a machine wash, use a gentle spin. Then hang the items to dry. Since delicate curtains are washed by hand, spinning is not used. Things are slightly compressed so that the main moisture drains out. Then 2-3 chairs are placed in the bath. The curtains are laid out on them in a horizontal position. When the water has drained, ironing is done using a steamer.

31 January 2014, 18:19

No interior, even the most sophisticated one, will look complete without windows decorated with curtains.

Today, the textile industry offers housewives a real abundance of various fabrics. However, as a rule, we very rarely think about how we will... wash them.

Be sure to ask the manufacturer what kind of curtain care is appropriate in your case, and follow his advice.

It’s hard to believe, but light and delicate curtains are one of the main obstacles blocking the path of dirt and germs into our home, taking on up to 80% of all exhaust gases and street dust. That is why the more often you wash curtains-dust collectors, the better. Even if the curtains look clean, rest assured, they are full of dirt and dust. Today I will share with you a few secrets that will not only protect your curtains from getting dirty, but also extend their service life.

Any thing needs care, and curtains are no exception. Caring for curtains not only allows you to get rid of unwanted dust and dirt, but also preserves the beauty of the product. First of all, caring for curtains depends on the type of fabric from which they are made. But there are also general recommendations that are suitable for all curtains without exception.

Basic rules for washing curtains

If your curtains can be washed at home and have symbols on them, then you can use the information below to decipher them.

General recommendations

To begin with, it’s worth noting a few rules that will help you quickly and efficiently wash any curtains in a washing machine:

To the typewriter load curtains only- there should be no items of clothing or linen in the drum.

Do not load tulle and curtains into the device at the same time: They are made from different fabrics and require different care.

If the curtains are of impressive size and when wet they absorb a large amount of water, more than one load may be needed, since in this case it is more advisable to wash each fabric separately.

✔ For curtains with decorative elements (embroidery, beads, fringe), use a special bag or net for washing clothes of the appropriate size. It will protect the decor from damage.

If possible use liquid detergent- it is easier to rinse and does not leave streaks on the material after washing. For thin, delicate fabrics, shampoo is quite suitable for washing hair.

Before soaking, curtains must be shake out the dust thoroughly(it's best to do this outside - but a balcony will do).

Be sure to wash them before washing them needs to be soaked either in plain water or in water with the addition of washing powder - sometimes this procedure should be repeated two or even three times, changing the water each time (it all depends on the degree of contamination).

✔ Use recommendations on the packaging of washing powder, stain remover or other detergents and cleaning products used.

Before washing curtains, you must sort laundry by color and temperature.

Stains should be treated before washing in accordance with the recommendations for the care of this type of product.
Before cleaning curtains for stains that cannot be machine washed, you should try vacuuming. Or use a brush or a sticky roller for clothes. Brush off dust from both sides, moving from top to bottom.
You can try to remove greasy marks and stains using detergent diluted in warm water. Take a foam sponge, dip it in the solution and gently apply it to the stain. Next, dip the sponge in clean water and rinse the solution from the curtains. Then dry the wet stain with a hairdryer. If after this procedure the fabric is slightly deformed, then it is necessary to steam this area with an iron.

The washing machine drum should be filled to 50%, which will ensure effective, gentle washing, easy rinsing and spinning.

Use Gentle mode of operation of the washing machine, do not turn on the spin cycle.

Curtains must be rinsed thoroughly so that no detergent remains on them, because solar radiation can cause a reaction between the residues of washing powder and bleach and fabric dyes - as a result, the curtains will be damaged.
Apply extra rinse mode, this will allow much better removal of detergent from the fabric.

✔ Avoid spinning- curtains will take a little longer to dry, but will be easier to iron.

Dry your curtains flat, avoid direct sunlight

Curtains should always be ironed while damp., since ironing and steaming maintain their shape. To iron over seams, you need to place a piece of fabric inside, between the seam and the main fabric, so that a scar does not form. Products with embroidery must be ironed from the reverse side.
Or hang curtains damp.

Hard lambrequin, made on a bando, dublerin or any other adhesive base washing - CANNOT!!!
One of the alternative options that you can use is to vacuum the lambrequin. But this method is a short-term solution to the problem. If this method did not help you, and your lambrequin still looks faded and dull, then take a hand steamer or an iron with a steam function and carry out the steaming procedure.
By the way, you can easily make it yourself

Also, with rare exceptions It is not recommended to wash brocade.

Dry care also recommended for roller blinds. Roman blinds and roller blinds are usually made of thick fabrics with a special dirt-repellent impregnation. Therefore, regular cleaning with a vacuum cleaner is suitable for them.
If desired, Roman blinds can also be washed in a machine by first removing the slats and selecting a washing mode suitable for the specific fabric. Roller blinds can be washed using a damp sponge soaked in a detergent solution.

Take care of your eaves.

If you still doubt the safety of washing, It's better to take the curtains to the dry cleaner, use a vacuum cleaner or air the curtains for several hours with the window open.

Experts advise to carry out cleaning curtains at least 2 times in year. It is optimal to do this quarterly.
At first glance, it seems as if the curtains can go without cleaning for a long time - they do not get dirty and look quite presentable. In fact, curtains absorb a large amount of harmful substances over time: house and street dust; vehicle exhaust gases; impurities present in the air that are hazardous to human health.
Any of these factors causes allergic reactions and the development of asthma in residents of the house.

Cotton curtains:

  • For white cotton, use an all-purpose detergent; for colored fabrics, use a detergent for delicate fabrics or a detergent without optical brightener.
  • Drying cotton fabrics in a dryer can cause severe shrinkage, so this type of drying is only recommended for items that have the approval symbol on the label.
  • Cotton items are easy to iron, especially with a little dampness.

Velvet curtains:

  • Velvet curtains are cleaned of dust with a brush, then wiped with a soft woolen cloth dipped in gasoline and dried. Then they clean it again with a woolen cloth, but now moistened with wine alcohol.
  • To wash velvet curtains, turn them wrong side out.
  • Wash at water temperature 30 degrees.
  • Products should not be rubbed or twisted, or wrung out in a centrifuge, but should be wrapped in terry cloth and gently squeezed.
  • Pile and elastic velvet is dried flat out.
  • When ironing, fabrics with high pile are ironed with steam, fabrics with smooth pile are ironed without steam. The iron is moved over the fabric in the direction of the pile without pressure.
    It is best to iron on a terry sheet or plush blanket.

Linen curtains:

  • Depending on the type of finish, linen fabric is washed at a lower water temperature: dyed fabric - at 60°C, finished fabric - at 40°C and in the machine at a gentle operating mode.
  • White and bleached linen are washed using a universal detergent; for unbleached and colored linen, a detergent for fine fabrics without optical brighteners is used.
  • When drying, linen can shrink, so it is advisable to dry such fabrics in a straightened state.

Silk curtains:

  • Washing silk only manually at 30°C with a mild detergent.
  • Silk fabric should not be rubbed, twisted or spun in a centrifuge.
  • Silk should not be dried in the sun or near heating devices.

Viscose curtains (tulle):

Tulle curtains are the easiest to care for: these products are easy to wash, dry quickly and require almost no ironing. The main thing is DO NOT PUSH UP!

  • To remove yellowness from fabric, you need to salt cold water and soak the curtains in it before washing (to remove dust, you will have to change the water several times). Just don’t abuse your time: if synthetic curtains lie wet for a long time, wrinkles may form on them that cannot be smoothed out
  • Viscose can be machine washed using a gentle (delicate) wash cycle at 30-40°C with detergent for fine fabrics.
  • Because curtains and drapes tend to wrinkle a lot, place them in a pillowcase before loading them into the machine.
  • Viscose curtains cannot be rubbed, twisted or wrung out; they can be hung completely wet or, rolled up in a sheet, gently wrung out.
  • At the end of washing, you should not immediately remove the tulle from the machine, let it sit in it for 15 - 20 minutes, then hang it up without any spinning or ironing.
  • Iron viscose with an iron heated to 150° (silk setting), wet or through a damp cloth.

How to restore whiteness to tulle: “grandmother’s” remedies

  • Add 1 tbsp to hot water. l. ammonia, 2 tbsp. l. 3% hydrogen peroxide, and immerse carefully straightened tulle in it for 30 minutes, then rinse well.

Kitchen curtains:

With kitchen curtains the situation is much simpler than with others. They are usually made from inexpensive cotton or synthetic fabric that can withstand frequent washing. Here are some simple instructions:

  • To make kitchen curtains easier to wash, soak them overnight in salty cold water, and then add salt to the washing powder.
  • Calico curtains are washed in cold salted water and rinsed in water and vinegar.
  • Cotton always shrinks, and colored cotton also fades. Therefore, when washing, choose a temperature no higher than that indicated on the label.

PS. Whatever type of curtains you wash, don't forget to add Calgon water softener. Thanks to this little secret, your curtains will always be in impeccable condition, because... Calgon will protect the fabric from the harmful effects of hard water and thus extend its service life!
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